View Full Version : Creature Help

2013-09-13, 11:20 AM
Hey everyone.

If you seen my last post I was trying to learn how to DM. I have a basic story line down. my Current DM is loving the idea and is feeding off it.

so the idea is I have a 10 Floor Battle tower.

All level 7's
Drow Cleric
Human Fighter
Human Wizard
Dwarf Cleric
Human Ranger/Fighter
Dragon Shaman

Floors 9 and 10 are of my own design

Floor 9 is a mist that rolls out in to eh Battlefield and then shapes up like the players being a exact copy of them but with -1 stats on everything they are only as hard as their char.

So I think that one is not very hard.

My 10th floor is a Light creature (maybe you have a idea for what it could be)

There is 6 mirrors (the roof is open air)


O___ X___O


Set up like this. the mirrors have 50 HP with a AC of like 15 nothing extremely hard.

But they focus light in to the center crystal which the creature will be coming out of.

All 6 mirrors must be destroyed before the main crystals is taken out.

Main crystal has 100-300 HP depending.

The creature is untargetable and produces Stun spells but I would like them to be AOE's.

So Like a Sun burst out of the center anyone caught is blinded/stunned for a round or 2. possible Fireball or something along those lines.

Anyone help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone!

BlitzKrieg :D

2013-09-13, 11:24 AM
Do you have a theme you want for the other 8 floors? A theme would help pick some other creatures.
Idea for your light guy could be a psicrystal or something with psionics.

2013-09-13, 11:28 AM
Do you have a theme you want for the other 8 floors? A theme would help pick some other creatures.
Idea for your light guy could be a psicrystal or something with psionics.

No The other floors are

Dire Wolves
Rest Stop
The Mist
Light Guy

2013-09-13, 11:39 AM
When you say that the mist clones have -1 to the players' stats, do you mean to their ability scores and skills, or attack and damage rolls, AC and will saves?

Because if you're just dropping their ability scores by 1 point, it only effectively weakens them if the original character's ability score was an even number. Otherwise the ability modifier, which is actually used to determine attack bonusese, AC, etc, will be unaffected.

EDIT: Also, I count eleven floors on the battle tower.

2013-09-13, 11:41 AM
When you say that the mist clones have -1 to the players' stats, do you mean to their ability scores and skills, or attack and damage rolls, AC and will saves?

Because if you're just dropping their ability scores by 1 point, it only effectively weakens them if the original character's ability score was an even number. Otherwise the ability modifier, which is actually used to determine attack bonusese, AC, etc, will be unaffected.

EDIT: Also, I count eleven floors on the battle tower.

most likely their modifiers

I am going to consult my DM on what I should do. he has been a big help in peiceing it together.

For the Light guy. Is there a AOE Stun attack? I have been digging around on google and haven't seen one.

EDIT: Sandblast and Saltray are AOE's that stun for 1 Round.


2013-09-13, 12:13 PM
Is there any point to the stuns? I mean, it will just delay them, not actually hurt them.

2013-09-14, 12:31 PM
Is there any point to the stuns? I mean, it will just delay them, not actually hurt them.

It is. I am redone the the 10th level (now I need to find a 9th so any suggestions for a Arena Duel for 7th levels would be great.)

the 10th level has been redone to


X___O___ X


The Mirrors reflects a solid image of the looker.

SO the basic thing is the people looking in to the mirror will have to fight them self. The main creature in the center is intangible but has the ability to Stun AOE Allowing the reflection creature to get free shot at the looker.

The reflections will have the same stats as the looker same attacks and what not.

The mirrors have 50HP total. 6 Mirrors and 1 Main crystal in the center with 300.

2013-09-14, 12:52 PM
FYI, 15 AC is pretty darn high for an inanimate object. Around 5 would be closer to the mark (plus or minus size modifiers).