View Full Version : Evil Priest with Antilife Shell

2013-09-13, 11:54 AM
Hello guys.I play the age of worms adventure and my players will fight Bozal Zahol and he is changed to half-fiend instead of tiefling.in tactics says that he casts antilife shell but he has some spells like harm,slay living, wand of inflict wounds,death touch etc that need to be closed but the shell prevents it to come closer than 10 feet.is there any way to transfer that somehow from range?keep in mind that he is 15 caster level and has blasphemy and my players are 9-10 level...

2013-09-13, 12:37 PM
Well there's a Reach Spell metamagic that can turn Touch Spells into Close Range spells. Also if you gave him a level of Hierophant he could get the same effect on some of his spells.

2013-09-13, 12:42 PM
I know for that feat and the Hierophant but i don't want to change anything on board.any other way? :p

2013-09-13, 12:50 PM
Not that I can really think of. Maybe give him a Metamagic Rod of Reach Spell.

Otherwise you're just stuck with those things being "dead" abilities until the players remove the anti-life shell one way or another, by just waiting it out, countering, dispelling, etc.

2013-09-13, 01:04 PM
There is a spell somewhere that's basically a up-leveled spectral hand and can deliver 6th-level touch spells. It conjured a skeletal arm that did the delivering. I think it might have been in a Dragon issue.

2013-09-13, 01:19 PM
As i can see i can't deliver touch spell if i don't change some things.As for him is difficult to come in close range to deliver the touches...6 players with high attacks rolls etc will crush him...