View Full Version : Character Help

2013-09-13, 04:31 PM
I want to make one of my characters from my short stories in D&D. She is a human, wields two swords and focuses a great deal on defense and agility. She is always unarmored and comes from a low magic setting. Any suggestions on what class she should be? I was thinking ranger to start off at least, but I've never made a bladed TWF melee character before so I don't really know where to go from there.

32 pt buy, all official 3.x sources are fair game plus AEG on review.

2013-09-13, 04:40 PM
I'd think Scout, maybe combined with Ranger. While they're not technically "unarmored", wearing leather and such, they are about as close as you're going to get. The scout is all about mobility. And between the two you can combine your progressions for Skirmish and Favored enemy. This is important because to make Two-Weapon Fighting really "Work" you need some pool of additional damage per hit other than Power Attack. Favored enemy isn't the best pool for that. Neither is skirmish really. I'd say Sneak Attack is. But the scout's mobility probably fits your "Agile Defender" archetype much better.

Its a fairly simple build, and I"m sure someone has a whole guide written up how to do it. I think it's... 4 levels of ranger and 16 of Scout, feat in question you need to grab is "Swift Hunter" which makes both Ranger AND Scout levels count for Favored Enemy and Skirmish progression (So you'll have full progress with each).

2013-09-13, 04:49 PM
Its a fairly simple build, and I"m sure someone has a whole guide written up how to do it. I think it's... 4 levels of ranger and 16 of Scout, feat in question you need to grab is "Swift Hunter" which makes both Ranger AND Scout levels count for Favored Enemy and Skirmish progression (So you'll have full progress with each).

Swift Hunter Handbook (http://dictummortuum.blogspot.com/2011/09/swift-hunters-handbook.html?m=1)

2013-09-13, 05:02 PM
A swift hunter build looks about right for her, thank you. One level of barbarian of course for the pounce.