View Full Version : modification to power attack feat

2013-09-13, 09:56 PM
I could swear I remember a feat which allowed you to take a hit to your AC instead of attack to add to your damage in Power Attack.

Am I crazy? Or does this feat exist and I just can't find it?

Qc Storm
2013-09-13, 09:58 PM
Shock Trooper, only while charging.

Welcome to the world of Ubercharging.

2013-09-13, 11:18 PM
Shock Trooper actually has two other functions, but no one ever seems to care about them. Honestly, Heedless Charge could have been published as two feats, instead of a third of a feat, and it'd still be almost a must-have.

2013-09-14, 05:01 AM
Shock Trooper actually has two other functions, but no one ever seems to care about them. Honestly, Heedless Charge could have been published as two feats, instead of a third of a feat, and it'd still be almost a must-have.

Directed Bull-Rush is pretty nice with Dungeoncrasher. Domino rush is certainly cool, but is situational enough that I would probably not get enough use out of it to warrant a feat.

2013-09-14, 05:29 AM
There was one in a third party book I once read.

2013-09-14, 06:02 AM
I always had a thought between Directed Bull-rush and Dungeoncrasher. Would the move sideways trigger dungeoncrasher damage if it hit a wall? Because then if you bullrush them down along a wall, you could trigger the damage every step of the way.
As a rule, I wouldn't expect DMs to allow it even if it works by RAW, but the image of just scraping your enemy out over the wall is amazing.

2013-09-14, 06:04 AM
Thanks. That's perfect. AC is absolutely useless my character, so it will be nice to have +14 to my damage roll, even if it's only after charging.

2013-09-14, 06:14 AM
Speaking of third-party, in a Mongoose book you will find Reckless Attack, which basically lets you deduct the PA penalty from your AC under any circumstances, not only while charging.

It was written for the Conan D20 version of the OGL, though. Particularly devastating there because of the modified Massive Damage rules there (lower threshold, higher Save DC).

2013-09-14, 10:45 AM
Thanks. It's in "quintessential fighter". The feat is "reckless attack"

We're doing a power campaign, and the DM is very restrictive about the classes he's allowing, so everyone is having fun with it and picking classes they've always wanted to pick but couldn't justify.

I'm playing a berserker. Yes, it's cliched, and yes, I've overpowered him to the point that there is a good chace this campaign will end with my character foaming at the mouth over the dead remains of my party, but they don't mind me taking it, so we'll see how it goes.

Anyway, since my character can't be killed while frenzying, I figured AC is pretty useless. I figured there's not much difference in ending my frenzy at -50HP or -100HP, right?