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2013-09-14, 12:59 AM
@The Party: As the sun begins to set through the thick canopy above, you lay Meic and Violet's bodies on the ground.

If only you were sronger. Then perhaps...perhaps none should ever have to die.

As the cold autumn air washes through all of you, the growls of Kazym's undead resonate through the Fey Woods.

This has been a distraction, an obstacle. And now, with belladonna loose, who knows if you will end up fighting her again.

There is, however, one place that remains to be investigated...

The Old Guardian's hut.

2013-09-14, 01:21 AM
Once the others were healed Alex had gone over and untied Primrose from the statue. Healing her when she was safely in his hand. I hope she did not hurt you to badly Primrose, and I am sorry for the loss of Violet. but we are in a bit of trouble, and I think only you can help us. Alex says gently to her as he watches all the torment she had to suffer slowly vanish from her skin, though the emotional scar was another matter. You see Violet was our guide, and with her gone now we need someone else to guide us in the right direction. I promise if you help us we will make sure no harm comes to you in return for your efforts.

Diplomacy [roll0]

As the sun begins to set, the bodies of friend are buried. Those of their enemy's long ago dragged away to be fed to Enoka and her family. Looking at the sky and the house Alex asks the others u\if they should camp their tonight in the old Guardians house, or at least explore it.

2013-09-14, 01:23 AM
Archadious stares somewhat dejected at the mound of corpses, and the body of his two fallen comrades. His mind becomes clouded with guilt. Again, he neglected to prepare the spell that would've protected his allies against Belladonnas painful flames. And if that had happened, maybe they might have been able to defeat her rather than have her escape.

"Well, at least Enoka and her children will have quite the feast."
He notices Meic's spell book threatening to fall out of his robes. Archadious stoops down and retrieves it.

"I'm sure Meic would've wanted me to have this."
He thinks.
"And we will definitely need the rope trick."

He sighs again as he slowly relieves Meic and Violet's body of possessions, and prepares them for funeral. At least, Enoka would not get these two.
Trusting Luthon to look for magic, he asks:

"So, are any of these weapons and armor magical in nature?"

2013-09-14, 01:45 AM
@Alex: You untie little Primorose and tears fall down her battered cheeks as she buries her face on your chest.

"Violet...she...she's gone. No...music, yes. Music can bring her back, right?"

Drying her tears, Primorise plays her hard over Violet's body.

"Wake up, Violet! Wake up..wake up..."

The poor badly cut Petal kneels next to her sister and gives her a kiss in the forehead.

"You are now in her Garden, Violet. May you make everyone as happy as you made us here."

Primrose flies up and stands at attention.

"I am aware that Queen petunia and Uwellyn asked Violet to escort you through the Fey Woods to the Forbidden area. I have a rough idea of where it is and can be your scout for a few days. I must warn you- I0m not as skilled as Violet. I can sing, and make animals be tender, but against the those horrible salt things...my singing has no effect."

@Archaidous: You pocket Meic's book and dig up a hole for him and Violet. His knowledge shall not rot beneath the bowels of the earth.

Soon enough, eight legged scouts to the Sylvan spider spin webs around the fallen and drag them away into the darkness.

Her children are fed. You should be safe.

@Luthon: You scan the area. Everyone radiates magic, naturally, but the armor and weapons of Belladonna's squad are not exempt of it.

Faint transmutation, quite possibly to provide ample defense and solid offense.

@The Party: A rumble is heard above the canopy as rain begins to drizzle at first, then turning into a torrential shower.

The cries of the undead farther off are a pleasing thought. Hopefully Kazym is suffering as well, if not destroyed completely.

With the heavy rain around you, the old hut looks more than inviting.

Christine Daae
2013-09-14, 10:10 AM
As the bodies of their enemy's were taken by Enoka's brod, and those of her dead friends given a proper funeral Irraly listened to the sound of thunder as it began to rain. As if the Dark Maiden herself was showing how sad she was to lose those that had fallen in this battle. Always in the back of her mind however was the though she had to get stronger, that way she could make Belladonna pay for what she had done this day.

The screams of pain were the first good sign Irraly had heard in the past few days, as she knew the salt mummies that had plagued them for so long were finally feeling the wrath of this forest and those who livid within. Hearing Primrose telling Alex she did not know the way well Irraly nodded her head. What she says is true Dantie, the fey in these woods try to give Anzrail a wide distance as to not anger her, though she has always been kind to me. Irraly says remembering the few times she had visited the woman in the past, she was different and misunderstood was all in Irraly's eyes. We should talk about this tomorrow however when the rain subsides, until then I think we should seek shelter in the hut. she says slowly heading towards it to see if any agreed and followed.

2013-09-14, 11:04 AM
Archadious spends quite some time besides the graves of Violet and Meic quietly mourning his deceased comrades. Thoughts of anger at Belladonna, and guilt for not preparing enough fill his mind. After many minutes, he decides that it is finally time to move on. Slowly getting up, he says his final farewells, and walks over to the others. He sees Primrose and Alex talking, and joins in.

He digs through his possessions, and pulls out Violets possessions, like her dove's heart and her cloak, and presents them to Primrose.

"Thank you for agreeing to guide us through the forbidden area. I am sure you will do great. These were some of Violet's possessions, I believe she would have wanted you to have them, you might find them useful.
But perhaps we should discuss this later."

He continues, acknowledging Irraly's desire to head under shelter.

"We should get out of this rain. And I agree that we should look through Balion's shack, there might be useful information in there. But I don't think we should stay there long. I recall Belladonna mentioning that Balion often returns to his shack, and I don't fancy meeting him right at this moment.

Also, allow me to help with all these weapons and armor."

casting shrink item

He begins to wrap all the weapons and armor together in a large cloth. Then he pulls out one of his scrolls, and activates it. As the scroll fades away, the cloth bundle shrinks to the size of a dinner napkin. Archadious picks it up and hands it to Alex.

"Here, this should be a little easier to carry."

He then turns towards the cabin, ready to explore.

2013-09-14, 12:06 PM
@Archaidous: Shrinking all the weapons into a tiny bundle and wrapping them in a cloth, you hand them to Alex for bagging and safe keeping.

Primrose takes Violet's possessions with a heavy heart.

"She really earned her badge, you know. That's what Belladonna was so angry about. She claimed it should've been hers. And the sacred Dove's Heart. It always mended us when we got a bruise or pricked by a thorn.."

Primrose sobs as the rain drenches her and she flies, head down towards the hut.

@Luthon: Balion's shack is unimpressive and derelict.

The forest cabin is small, as is to be expected of a recluse like him. The few windows are covered in grime from the inside, making peeking in difficult.

The lone, poorly built chimney stack still puffs some smoke amidst the rain. The door to the hut is closed and you can see several bird and beast skulls used as grim decoration on top of the door.

Luthon and Luthon only: Roll a Search

2013-09-14, 01:39 PM
Lúthon looks around the interior of Balion's hut, muttering to himself in Elven all the while. "These petals have a mediocre understanding of property, if any...earning something is most definitely not stealing it from someone else... and to think, people died because Belladonna is a petulant imbecile...I should know what thievery and stealing actually consist in, probably better than anyone in these woods..."

Search: [roll0]

2013-09-14, 02:17 PM
As trhe small petal frantically tries to do things to bring Violet back to life he sits by close letting her grieve in her own way before helping her as best he could by simply holding her. When she seems to come out of her state Alex simply says in the kindest voice he can say in such a time, All we need is a guide Primrose. We do not need someone to help us in battles. I would not want to see you get hurt. If you choose to sing her items may help you however. That way in a sense Violet is always with you Primrose. Alex says trying to cheer her up as best he can.

After when Archaidous shrinks the bag full of items Alex looks to the wizard. I know it may seem bad now, and as if it is defiling his body, but I know Meic would want you to have some of his belongings to help you on your journeys. You were dear friends and I doubt he would wish to see you so soon in the other life. Alex says hoping Archaidous would understand and retrieve some of the belongings that he thought Meic would want them all to have.

2013-09-14, 04:23 PM
@Alex: Primrose dries her tears as she puts on Violet's badge of Valor and hold son to the sacred Dove's Heart.

"I..I promise! I will guide you as best as I can through the Fey Woods. It's what Violet was doing and it's only fair I continue on her mission!"

@Luthon: Still standing outside the house with everyone as the rain falls on your heads and the screams of agony can be heard around the forest as the salt mummies run for cover, you find nothing strange around the area and, following everyone's suggestion, you decide to walk inside.

Everyone walking in with Luthon to the door, roll a Reflex

2013-09-14, 04:39 PM
As she opens her eyes again, looking at the blue sky above her, laced with fluffy white clouds gently rolling by, Violet remembers... something. Something important. She sits up, and looks around.
All around her, are flowers, flowers of all sorts, primroses, nightshade, violets, roses, and many, many more, all gently blowing in the warm breeze, with the occasional tree providing some shade, and more trees around her.
After a few minutes of just looking around, she remembers again, something important... but what? Trying to figure it out, she flies up a bit, and looks around the clearing she is in, seeing butterflies, bees, and the occasional hummingbird flying merrily around, visiting the flowers. Still, no reminder came to her, nothing urgent seemed to be needed, but maybe she could find someone?
So, the intrepid little fey sets out, looking for someone, and she soon sees a rabbit, gently eating the grass, although he rudely runs away at the sight of her, as does the snake that was happily basking on a warm, sunny rock.
Somewhat disturbed by these events, but not worried, Violet flies into the woods, looking for someone to talk to, happily singing to herself as she snags a cherry as she goes.

And... that's Violet's goodbye. Whether she is in petal heaven, or has been reincarnated somewhere in the woods is entirely up to Alan. Good luck everyone.

2013-09-14, 07:05 PM
@The Party: With the rain pattering on your heads, you head inside.

It is the sudden shock that gets you more than anything, as the floor gives in and you find yourself tumbling down towards a garrison of carefully sharpened wooden pikes affixed to the floor.


Meanwhile, further in the Fey Woods...

Basil and Cecile growl in pain as their body steams with the gentle caress of the autumn rain.

Kazym watches the duo hide underneath a fallen log and huddle together as drops slide surreptitiously through the fallen bark and drop on Basil dried withered husk of a nose, causing him to cry out in pain .

The sinister Seneschal stands beneath the massive hands of one of his sand golems, whose enormous fists have been spread wide to form a shelter for him.

Balion walks around the wet ground with eyes shut and takes in the rain with arms stretched out.

"How ever could you abandon a feeling like this, is beyond my comprehension, sand caster. This is a feeling one can never forget. And one I will cherish."

Kazym looks at him with a raised crusty eyebrow.

"I was never one too fond of rain. I rarely had it back home, so I cannot really relate. But what do you mean about cherishing these moments? It seems you infer a farewell..."

Balion lies down on his back as the rain hits his grimy breast plate and the mud seeps in to his already dirty dreadlocks.

"The things you have missed, sand caster. I take it you and your mummies will be safe and that you do not sleep? Keep watch. I may be older than you, but I am still human and still subject to fatigue."

Balion turns his back to the dry lich and allows the rain to lull him to sleep.

Kazym watches him as the rain continues to wash over the Fey Woods and clenches his leather fist.

He begins to change. Not a good sign. Perhaps...perhaps it is time I ensured this mission's success...

2013-09-14, 07:25 PM
Archadious follows alongside his companions into the shack, curious as to what he may find within but as the floor suddenly drops beneath him, he panics momentarily before realizing that thanks to his gravity-defying spell he had cast earlier, he had not joined the others in their long plummet down.

He looks down at his falling allies.

"Well, that can't be good."

Thinking quickly, he whips out a scroll and activates it. As it fades away, the descent if his companions is suddenly slowed to a feather-like drift.

2013-09-14, 07:36 PM
@The Party: A devious trap, no doubt placed by Balion to kill trespassers.

The momentary vacuum of dropping as a stone is assuaged by the slow drifting of a feather, as the spikes meet you at the bottom.

Damage rolled in the OOC

2013-09-14, 08:58 PM
Archadious lands to the side of the pit and carefully peers down into the hole. He sees his companions down at the bottom. He is relieved that they seem to be alright save for a few scratches.
He then calls out to them.

"Hey! Are all of you down there alright? That was quite the fall. Do you need any help getting back up?"

2013-09-14, 09:01 PM
As the hole opened up in the ground Alex cursed as he tried to stop his descent down towards the spikes to no prevail as his large frame, only weighed down more by his armor came crashing down onto the spikes below. Piercing a leg here. and an arm there. It did not help as the others came falling down as well, pushing the spikes in deeper. Help would be nice. Alex calls out in pain under the mass of bodies.

Christine Daae
2013-09-14, 10:12 PM
As they go to enter the home of the shepherd Irraly is filled with an emotion she had not felt in a long time, fear. Ever since that first meeting with him all those years before she had done all she could to avoid him as she knew that she was no match for him. And as she took a step towards his house she remembered why as she began to plummet down into the abyss.

Though it seemed like ages, the fall had only lasted seconds. Though when it finally did end she wished it hadn't as her body meet sharpened stakes ready to impale all those foolish enough to try and enter his home. Seems they were the fools, she thought as she tried as best as she could to avoid the worst of the damage by using Alex's body as a shield of sorts.

2013-09-14, 10:25 PM
"I believe we can get up, though to conserve my more powerful magic I am going to try something that is not teleportation... Alex, Irraly, could you each carry one of us up the pit? I have a transmutation to make that task easier at my disposal."

Casting Spider Climb twice, once on Alex and once on Irraly.

2013-09-14, 10:33 PM
As everyone situates themselves Alex pulls out his wand and heals them all back to full before nodding he was ready and asking luthon to climb on, suggesting Irraly do the same. And one step at a time he climbed the pit. Until he was inside the cabin with Luthon.

16 charges gone.

2013-09-14, 10:39 PM
@The Party: With the two giant paladins impaled, Luthon reaches out to both and their fingres grow tiny briars, enough to latch on to the wet walls of the pit trap.

With shaman and beguiler holding to the back, each paladin climbs up the pit. A slow climb, a slippery climb, as the water from the rain hits your face and the sound of thunder booms in the distance.

At long last, covered in mud and blood, you meet Archaidous above and decide to finally go inside the Old Guardian's home.

The home is dark, except for a light source in the chimney. The patter of ran can be felt outside as you make your way through the old creaky cabin.

Skulls of many different animals adorn the walls- hunting trophies, no doubt.

A cot made of mangy fur lies on the far side of the cabin. Perhaps where Balion rests.

A small wooden table with a single chair takes up most of the cabin.

Then your attention goes to the crackling sound of the lit chimney as you walk around the table.

There, on the ground, about Violet's size. Is it a fey? Maybe one you have never met before.

The creature has the head shape of a possum, but made of walnut shells and mud. A pair of wings made of reeds and lose spider webs jut from its back. Its limbs are twigs, fastened together by vines. The creature sits on the ground and watches the fire kindle a pot as a plate stands by his side.

Know. Nature to ID it

Christine Daae
2013-09-14, 10:57 PM
After a long climb and covered in blood and mud Irraly looks inside the cabin, complaining about how dirty she was and how she now had to clean all her equipment, she stops however as she sees the thing near the fire.

Knowledge N. [roll0]

2013-09-14, 11:04 PM
@Irraly: You look at this creature, made of twigs and mud and leaves and shells.

This is a Bogun.

It is well known that powerful arcanists are able to imbue, with a drop of their blood, life to a construct. A creature known as a Homonculus. Said servant obeys the master without question.

Similarly, druids have their own version, albeit warped by the erratic forces of Nature. The Bogun, then, is nature's response to the wizard's Hommonculi. Wrought from whatever natural materials the druid may have at hand, it is, in a way, bonded to its creator. Whether it may have some powers or not, that you do not know. What you do know is that there can only be one Bogun created at any given time and who knows what may happen should this one be eliminated.

Christine Daae
2013-09-14, 11:10 PM
Irraly seems to stare at the creature long and hard as she makes out it features before looking to the others. Well it seems the Old Guardian had a bogun, at least at one time. hello little on, what is your name> Mine is Irraly, a friend of the fey and on my way to see another of my friends. Is your master expected home soon? I hope you are not mad at us for entering as we did, just a mean petal and her kind had been waiting for us and so we wanted to make sure none had come in here, and with luck speak to the guardian as well. Irraly says kindly to the creature wondering if it was as crazy as its master or not.

2013-09-14, 11:13 PM
As Alex sees Irraly speaking to the Bogun he makes himself busy keeping watch from the doorway, just incase they needed to leave quickly due to Balions return home. Leaving it to the others to speak to the creature Irraly had called a Bogun.

2013-09-14, 11:34 PM
@Irraly: The bogun looks at you for a few seconds through eyes made of dried berries as it flaps its makeshift wings and lands on the table.

"I...Irally." The bogun points at you with a twig finger. His voice sounds like an old croaky toad.

"My...name. My name is...my name is...Bogun?"

Clearly, the creature must not have been given a name by Balion.

The bogun flies to the window and looks out at the rain falling on the craters made by Belladonna.

"It wasn't master out there? Master burns things all the time. Bogun is used to that. Bogun isn't afraid anymore. Master wanders. He used to take Bogun with him, but then he got scary. Now I stay here. Bogun cooks for Master, but Master does not eat."

Indeed, the tiny construct points to a corner where a rotting heap of what could've been food once lies rotten and collecting flies.

The thankless job of a marionette towards his master.

Christine Daae
2013-09-15, 12:01 AM
Well meet Bogun. Irraly says as she curiously watches the creature go to the window. No it ws not your master, but another fey who seems to love your master who did such a thing to prove herself to him if you will. Irraly says looking to the others as if saying they could introduce themselves. Bogun, dose your master ever come back to his cabin anymore? It seems odd to have all that rotting food piled up in a corner. Perhaps he has left this place and found a new home. Irraly says hoping he said master had not come home for a long time.

2013-09-15, 12:15 AM
@Irraly: The bogun lands back on the table and turns his muddy elongated head sideways.

"Master does not love the fey, no. Master loves only one, the one who walks with the golden crown. Where is she now? She was very kind, very warm..."

At the question of whether Balion stays in the hut, the Bogun shakes his head.

"Not anymore. He was here a few days ago, but I hid. He had some company. Growling ones. And one dressed in white. They took off a few days ago. He didn't seem to be planning to return- at least not for a few days at least."

On the question of sleeping in the house, the Bogun motions at the mangy cot on the ground.

"Master rarely sleeps here. You are welcome to stay if you wish. It does get very lonely here, without anyone to talk to."

2013-09-15, 12:20 AM
As Irraly talks to the Bogun, Lúthon begins looking around Balion's hut to see what might be there.

Search: [roll0] *whoops, add another two from Heroism. Or just one if my new skill point doesn't come into existence until tomorrow.

Arcane Sight Spellcraft rolls, if it is still active. If not, I cast Detect Magic.

2013-09-15, 12:33 AM
@Luthon: As the drow warrior chats with the tiny construct, Primrose sits on the windowsill and watches the rain rivulet down the old, grimy window pane, getting stuck half way down its path to the ground.

Clearly, the tiny petal has seen much death and destruction for an entire lifetime as she looks out the window in absolute silence.

You then walk around casually, so as to not alert the bogun of anything suspicious.

That's when you notice something above the mantle, concealed with a variety of skulls and grim hunting trophies.

It looks heavy and about ten 6 ft tall.

It's a scythe. Made of stone. And it radiates moderate transmutation.

The scythe looks purely for decor, but it can be taken out. What its use is, one can only guess, since it looks too heavy and unwieldy for actual battle.

Then your attention goes to a seemingly blank wall.

Passing your hand over it, you see there's a lone rusty nail. An inscription reads below, in sylvan.

Fondest Memories

Christine Daae
2013-09-15, 12:37 AM
AS Bogun speaks about Balion loving one with a golden crown she thinks back to the day when he went into a rage trying to kill her thinking she was their to kill someone, a goddess. And that woman she saw with the stag had a glow about her head. Is it the goddess you are referring to or at least the woman he refers to as such? Irraly asks trying to keep the bogun talking named Bogun. As Irraly hears that Balion had been here a few days ago along with Kazyam and two salt mummies she curse l creatures and their speed, as well as themselves for not being quicker. Thank you Bogun for all your help, though I doubt any of us will use the bed. Perhaps you should.

2013-09-15, 12:42 AM
As Alex looks over at Primrose and how sad she is he gently makes his way over to her until he is looking out the same window as her. Whats on your mind little one? And don't be saying nothing, the look on your face says it all. alex says softly, but sternly. You can let me know, perhaps I can make them better, I am a healer after all. Alex says kindly to her.

2013-09-15, 12:45 AM
@Irraly: Bogun flies to the plate on the ground and starts pouring some food from the pot into it.

A mush of mud and berries and leaves. Nothing anyone sane would eat.

"The Sun Lady, yes. I saw her once. Master's beloved. I saw her once. It was her kiss on my forehead that gave me a tongue to speak. Beautiful lady. Glowing too."

Bogun flies up to the table and sets the plate of cooked forest mush in front of you.

"I don't sleep, but you are welcome to do so. Master would not mind...I think."

2013-09-15, 12:51 AM
@Alex: You walk up to primrose as Luthon takes a quick scan of the room and stops, eyebrow raised at the mantle piece above the chimney.

You also let Irraly converse with Balion's pet.

Little Primrose does her best to avert her eyes from you, but you catch a tiny sob. Understandable, she had seen one of her sisters go mad and kill so many and another sister die. All within the span of seconds.

This was too much to bear for the tiny fey.

"My music... it didn't work. I Recall in the spring, we used to play the harp amongst the sleeping flowers and they would bloom. Violet, myself, Hazel...even Belladonna. Now, it's all gone. The ballads are breaking. The forest is being poisoned. Queen Petunia will likely order a mass migration from here soon, reason I will guide you for a few days. After that, I must fly with my own. And thank you for the offer- but I'm afraid no healing can mend my heart now..."

2013-09-15, 12:58 AM
Archadious patiently waits for Alex and Irraly to bring the other out from the pit. He then follows them into the shack. He notes the strange bogun with curiosity, before quickly examining the rest of the rudimentary dwelling and the crude decorations of the animal pelts and skulls.
Deciding to leave the searching to one more skilled, Archadious listens in on the conversation between the strange 'Bogun and the drow paladin. As the Bogun mentions that Balion had not returned in some time and probably would not for some time more, Archadious becomes satisfied regarding the security of this dwelling.

"Well that is good news. Perhaps we can indeed rest here for the night without having to worry about Balion returning. And I doubt many other creatures would dare to trespass here."
He says to no one in particular.

Then, he listens as the Bogun begins to describe the goddess, whom he referred to as the Sun Lady. He continues to listen, wanting to learn more about this mysterious woman.

2013-09-15, 01:32 AM
"Fondest Memories...what could that mean, I wonder... Did a painting hang here?" Lúthon ponders aloud, before turning to the scythe. "Bogun," he asks, Do you know what this scythe is for?"

2013-09-15, 01:43 AM
@Luthon: Bogun looks up to th scuthe and shrugs.

"Master never spoke much of it. He said it was never meant to go back to Swan's Rest. For her safety. I never dared ask further."

At the question of a painting, Bogun nods.

"Many years ago, a friend to Master did a beautiful painting of him and his teacher. The painting was removed by Master himself some time back. Yeras later, he would carve that on the wall. Maybe a reminder of what was hanging there. I wonder why he never asked for the painting back."

Business Scrub
2013-09-15, 01:59 AM
Looking up at the rain, Aradia seems to ease slightly from her friends deaths. Only time can mend the wounds completely, but the rain helps to wash away the blood and grime from the fight. Perhaps metaphorically, as well. They sound of her enemies crying in pain was also a plus.
She spent her time in the rain, using it as a makeshift shower to wash her hair and skin, and clean the many cuts and bruises. Satisfied with being cleaned, she follows the others into Balion's hut, and promptly walks into the trap, Archadious' potentially life-saving magic catching him just in time.
A bit humbled at walking right into the pit, she holds on to Irraly as the drow climbs up to safety. "Umm... thanks."

She glances around as they enter the hut, immediately comforted by more closed surroundings. She regards the creature with a bit of disgust: Ugh, clearly a serving race. Why is Irraly associating with it so... personally? She of all people should know better...
She whispers to Irraly in draconic after her conversation with Bogun.
"Blech. Careful not to be too nice to that thing Irraly. Don't want it to forget it's place, you know?"

2013-09-15, 02:10 AM
@Aradia: The rain indeed washes away the bruises and cuts as you look at both mounds, now resting places for Meic and Violet.

Primrose looks devastated inside the house as she runs her tiny finger down the growth ridden window, staring outside in silence.

No joy comes from this petal- the trauma of so much death and suffering too grand for this creature to bear, even as Alex walks up to her and attempts to calm her.

Upon looking at Balion's servant, made of mud, twigs, shells, and cobweb wings, you can't help but feel disgusted at this creature.

Yet another surprise this forest had to provide.

In draconic, Irraly responds back.

"I am well aware he is a servant, Aradia. And so far, he has behaved as such. However, he does not seem like a threat and could give us insight into what his dear Master has plans for, not to mention Kazym."

2013-09-15, 09:46 AM
Healing can not mend the heart, in the typical sense you are thinking little one. But the love of your brothers and sisters can. And so to will the restoration of this forest once we are done here. Alex says to Primrose. Tell me, if your Queen leaves the place you and your family have called home. That Violet herself died trying to protect your home would be for nothing if you all did not do what you could and just left. There would be no more flowers in the woods. No more garlands made, or songs sung to the creatures and plants of these woods, letting them grow big and strong. Would you let Violets death mean nothing? Alex says trying to keep the fey inside their home. They just needed a little longer to get to the font to prove that all hope was not lost.

Christine Daae
2013-09-15, 10:04 AM
So this lady is Balion's lover and gave his creation, Bogun speech.... I wounder if she died. Irraly says to herself as she listens to the going ons between everyone and everything. Bogun, when was the last time you remember seeing this sun lady? Was it before the thorn gate was placed up he spoke of? she asks trying to see if it was because of her he went crazy, as she had already determined it was her he was the guardian of.

As the forest mush is placed infront of her she declines the food, not trusting something she did not know all the ingredients to. Yes we will sleep here tonight. And in the morning be out, on our way to the font of life to see Anzrail. Irraly says before looking over to Aradia. Aradia, sollten wir hier ruhen heute Abend, am Morgen ausziehen lassen Luthon nehmen Punkt, so dass wir Kenntnis von Gefahren, bevor die Hand gibt. Alex mit etwas Glück sollte stärker tomrrow ansonsten kommt es auf dich und mich mit allen zu schützen. she replies in draconic to her friend, and her only remaning lover on the surface world.

I am using German as Draconic, this is it translated in English "Aradia, we should rest here tonight, in the morning move out letting Luthon take point so we are aware of any dangers before hand. Alex with luck should be stronger tomrrow otherwise it comes down to you and me having to protect everyone."

2013-09-15, 10:31 AM
@Alex: Primrose draws a faint smile as the rain keeps falling outside.

"I...Queen Petunia.. Oh my! We have never been in a situation like this before! The Queen speaks of a time similar, a long time ago, but that was when she was young and none of us were even around. I will speak to my Queen in two days, but I promise I will guide you as far as I can take you."

Primrose stands up and looks at Violet's Badge and her Dove's Heart.

"For Violet."

Determination can be seen in her face and heard in her tiny voice.

@Irraly: Bogun sits on the table again as the fire crackles in the fireplace.

"The Sun Lady walked through the woods many times, but that was some time ago. When I was made, she was already here. What a sight she was. And always so soft spoken. So unlike Master with his fearsome tone. Last I saw her was, well...many years ago. I haven't been out of the cabin much or to the entire forest for that matter, but Master did mention the Sun Lady was sealed away a long tie ago. Seemed pretty mad about it. I guess that's when he began to change. I have not seen her since."

Upon mentioning resting at the cabin and visiting Anzaril, Bogun's eyes widen.

"Master has mentioned that name a few times, to himself, mostly- he does not talk to me anymore. She's someone important here? I've never seen her before."

2013-09-15, 11:27 AM
Archadious continues to listen to the Bogun talk, and he attempts to casually ignore Irraly's draconic speech to Aradia, as it seems to be a more of a private conversation. Focusing his attention back on the Bogun, he thinks to himself about what the Bogun just said.

"A portrait of Balion and his teacher, I wonder if he might be referring to that tapestry we found...?"

Deciding to voice his thoughts out loud, Archadious speaks.

"A tapestry of Balion and his teacher? Well, we did recover a tapestry of Balion and the Shepard together recently."
He then pulls the tapestry out from among the other items he had recovered from Violet and shows it to the Bogun.
"Would you possibly be referring to this tapestry?"

Business Scrub
2013-09-15, 11:49 AM
Aradia laughs a bit at her comment. "I think we both know we'll end up protecting everyone anyway. But I agree. Primrose can lead Luthon, who will keep his eyes peeled for danger. From here are we headed to the font of life?" She says, trying to be clear on their plan.

2013-09-15, 11:50 AM
@Archaidous: You take out the framed painting of a younger, happier Balion resting his hand against the Great Tree.

Bogun's eyes widen as he points his twig finger at the painting.

"Yes! That's the one! Master had it hanging on the wall for many years before giving it to his teacher as a sign of thanks. For what, I do not know."

2013-09-15, 01:51 PM
I ask for nothing more then that Primrose, nothing more. Alex says a finger stroking her check, getting rid of the tears that were left. Go get some rest now. We can not have you tired for tomorrow now can we? Alex says with genual concern on his face for the small creature before walking back over to join the others.

Christine Daae
2013-09-15, 01:56 PM
Yes she is very important here Bogun, what was it your master said about here? When the vistors were here did he say he was bringing them to see her? Irraly asked a bit worried they may be to late to save her friend Anzrail from that creature as he turned her into another abomination.

As Aradia laughs stating that it would fall on them to protect the others either way she nods her head in agreement. Yes our destination is the font of life. From there we should be able to slow the mummies in their tracks as well as give the fey strength back.This rain should be giving them a break for now, but for how long it will last we do not know.

2013-09-15, 02:52 PM
"So this is Balion's fondest memories. I wonder if Balion would feel any remorse regarding the death of his teacher. Or would he justify Shepard's death by "might makes right". Maybe this painting ought to be left in its rightful home. I wonder if Balion is beyond saving at this point."
Ponders Archadious, setting the painting on the table.

He then has a sudden thought, and pulls out the other two pieces of art. The tapestry of the fey twins with autumn hair, and the pendant with the golden-haired elf.
He then shows the two of these to the strange little construct.

Do you recognize either of these pieces of work or the figures within?"
He asks, wanting to learn more about them.

2013-09-15, 03:08 PM
Lúthon picks up the scythe, curious as to its power. While the others discuss plans for tomorrow and the mysteries of the forest with Bogun, Lúthon moves to an unoccupied place in the hut and begins reading from a scroll.

Using a scroll of Identify to figure out what the scythe is.

2013-09-15, 05:18 PM
@Alex: Primrose smiles as she flies towards the mantle and rests her tired body among the grim skull trophies as the heat from the chimney below lulls her to the tiniest of snores.

As you walk towards the group you check the paintings spread on the table and the space on the wall where Balion inscribed those words.

The space looks like a perfect match for the Shepherd portrait.

@Irraly: Bogun looks up at you and shrugs.

"Master ran off in a hurry after calling Aluserk and the one in white and the growling ones followed. I do not know where they were headed."

@Archaidous: You place the tapestry with the young fey twins and the pendant with the elf with the golden hair in profile.

Bogun walks towards both pieces and scratches his muddy chin.

"I have never seen those two, but this woman reminds me the Sun lady, yes. Not the best angle, but yes, very much so."

@Luthon: You take off the scythe from the wall as Bogun turns around.

"No! Master would be mad! He said it must never be taken off!"

Ignoring the tiny construct's warnings, you choose a somewhat clean corner of the old cabin and place the heavy stone scythe on the ground while you unfurl the scroll and trace your hands over the writing, deciphering its contents as the magic envelops your eyes and rapports with the item, allowing you to know its properties.

This scythe is not a weapon, but it is magical. It is one of three keys. Keys needed to open a vault. Where the vault is and the other two keys are, however, the spell cannot tell.

2013-09-15, 05:26 PM
"And who might Aluserk be?"

Asks Archadious, eyebrows raised in curiosity at mention of this new name.

2013-09-15, 05:33 PM
@Archaidous: Bogun shakes as the lightning causes the room to be filled with blue light, casting eerie shadows from everyone around the old hut, even waking up little Primrose who blinks twice before cuddling the Dove's Heart and going back to sleep.

"He is Master's companion. His mount. As big as this house. Aluserk howled at the moon at night, but sometime, years ago, Master killed him and he was brought back. Changed. Now Aluserk obeys Master to the very end. Never sleeping or eating. Its jaws capable of uprooting a whole tree if he wished it so."

2013-09-15, 06:16 PM
"Hmm, yet another foe to worry about."
Archadious mutters to himself.

"Well, thank you for the information Bogun. Its a shame what has happened to this house, and this forest. Do you think your master could ever be restored to his former self?"
He asks as he puts away the pendant and the tapestry.

He notices Alex looking at the space where the painting originally hung, and he asks.
"Alex, do you think we ought to leave this painting here where it originally hung? I doubt anyone comes in here these days so I think the painting might remain relatively safe here."

2013-09-15, 06:52 PM
@Archaidous: Bogun looks at the grim skull trophies on the walls.

"He wasn't always like this, Master, you know? maybe, maybe one day he will be back to his former self. Maybe if he were to see the Sun lady. But that was such a long time ago..."

The tiny construct sits on the table again and stirs the plate of inedible food with his spoon in silence.

Alex carries the painting of the Balion and the Shepherd and hangs it on the wall.

"Might as well. The man may not be the monster Violet and Irraly make him out to be. Still he hangs out with Ka.."

Alex has barely finished his sentence when a click sound is heard as the painting sets off a pressure plate on the opposite side of the cabin and a small nice is revealed as lightning one more illuminates the room through the mold crusted windows.

It would seem this is Balion's hidden cache. You can see a heavy wooden box, a statuette of an elf maiden in robes, carved out of wood, and an old brown ledger , wrapped in old leaf straps.

2013-09-15, 06:59 PM

Archadious is intrigued by the sudden discovery of Balion's secret cache. He reaches out to look through the findings when suddenly he thinks for a moment, then pulls his hand back and turns to Luthon.

"On second thought, perhaps you ought to search for traps first. Better to be safe than sorry."


search: [roll0]

2013-09-15, 08:25 PM
@Luthon: You leave the scythe on the floor and walk up to the newly opened compartment and inspect it.

A simple device, but no traps here. Perhaps it was triggered by a specific weight- in this case, the painting.

With your arcane sight still going on, you feel the urge to turn your eyes away for a moment. Something inside the wooden box. Something that emanates a tremendous amount of power. Something you have never felt before.

You place the objects on the table for better inspection as Bogun walks up to them.

"Master placed some valuables there, but I never saw what they were, or what for."

None of the items are trapped and the box is unlocked.

Inside the box, you find three emeralds. These give off no magic, but should fetch a decent amount in any market.

A round opal with a rune etched upon it gives off moderate transmutation.

The wooden figurine of the elven maiden in robes has been intricately carved, but featureless. It gives off no magic whatsoever.

Thene, you see it, curled beside the old brown ledger.

A lock of golden hair. Who knows how long it has been stored in there, but you feel the urge to turn your gaze away, lest you be blinded by the sheer amount of power that radiates from it.

And then, there's Balion's ledger. Written at different dates, given its long age, you can tell by the penmanship how the man gradually lost his mind.

- Jacob and I met a curious fellow in the woods. A poet, of sorts. He says he's attempting to chronicle the ways of the Fey. Jacob and I laughed at him. The fey will never allow an outsider in their grove.

- Sneaky Steiner. The bastard managed to gain favor with them. They actually like him! Perhaps I misjudged his character. We have lead him to our village in the woods. He says he wishes to stay. I see no problem with that. Myriam seems quite taken with him. I guess he and I could double date.

- Something wondrous has happened today. We saw a light fall from the north into the Shepherd's grove. There we saw her, Jacob and I. An elf maiden, resting at the roots of the Grand Tree. She is... unlike anything I have seen before. Animals were gathered around her, even the Myrdian Stag! Yet none even dared pounce on her. They were guarding her. Why is the air so serene?

- Arrallae... that´s what she calls herself. The woman has no recollection of anything else. We have brought her into the village. The sun seemed to follow her as we guided her through the woods. Why do I feel funny around her?

- My Lady is a boon for the land. She has healed the withered crops of the village and demonstrates powers beyond anything I have seen before. Some of the villagers call her a goddess. I am inclined to agree, despite her refusal to be acknowledged as that.

- I had a break out with Nerine today. It ended poorly. She does not understand! Arrallae is my goddess, not her! I never thought I'd raise my scythe against her, but I had to. How dare she attempt to strike her down? Uwellyn has decreed she is to be banned from the forest. I thought about saying good-bye, but it's best I do not. Traitor.

- We have learned Arrallae's power to see the future. She was hesitant at first, but I insisted. Maybe she would be able to regain her memories back.

It was a terrible mistake.

- Steiner says he has devised a spell to secure Arrallae in the village. Why the blood? He told me that it was for her safety, and that of everyone. Whatever, if it will protect her. So be it. Arrallae has conferred upon me a great gift to protect the forest. I vow to use it in her name. As a selfish act, I asked her a parting gift, while I'm away- a lock of her hair. It still shines bright despite all these years.

- The Shepherd has taught me the mysteries of the forest. Impressive. I made him all on my own. He will be valiant and glorious, like her Guardians, like me. None shall enter her domain while he´s here.

(this part is written hastily, the quill seems to have broken at different points, given how hard he must've pressed the quill)

- LIARS! COWARDS! I can't see her again! If I ever see that cheating bastard I'll snap his neck! Steiner. You better not come back to this forest. And Jacob, he's selfish and cruel! He wants her for his own! Fine, If I can't go in, nobody will! I think it's time to use Anzaril for my own purposes. They want the forest protected? It will, by my own hand, in the way I see fit!

-This caster, Kazym. He claims he can reunite me with Arrallae. I need to see her. I am losing my mind. The monster speaks of joining him in opening the Seal. Very well. I will oblige. However, if he thinks she will join his Lord of Fire, he has another thing coming.

2013-09-15, 09:32 PM
As Luthon searches the area for traps he shrugs, Well would explain why he gave that to the Shepherd then. Alex says as he looks at all the things inside the box, reaching out for the ledger curious to see what was written inside.

Even after the Isorel had stolen most of his joy from him, as well as his other emotions the pure look of shock and revelation becomes clear on his face as he reads on. So it was you who betrayed her all those years ago Balion and made her who she is now. Alex says to no one in a hushed voice handing the ledger back to the others incase they wished to read it. So this is why she is angry and hateful. It was because this woman stole her lover away and he choose the other instead of herself. I wounder how long they must have been together to get such a strong response from her as I have not yet seen a fey act to any extreme except the Irosel, and they are only doing whats in their nature. Alex says to himself as he sits down in a corner and contemplates what he has learned.

Christine Daae
2013-09-15, 10:03 PM
Thank you Bogun for all your help. you have served me well tonight. Irraly says as she turns to see what the commotion is all about. Now why would that thing cause harm to anyone? It is not even useable as a weapon how unruly it is. Irraly says looking at the scythe made of stone (http://static1.businessinsider.com/image/4e431cd9ecad04ef4d000000-480/stone-death-scythe.jpg).

As All this is going on her delicate drow ears pick up the sound of a faint click and quickly turns to see what has been set off. Thankfully it was not another trap as she watches the small niece on the opposite side of the cabin is revealed. Bogun is there anything else hidden here we should know of? Anything at all? Irraly asks the small creature as she lets the others look through the chest, knowing Aradia would try to take the best things for the two of them.

2013-09-15, 10:06 PM
@Irraly: Bogun shakes his head.

"Master did not covet much, except for that golden lock of hair, which he kept safe at all times. But he never did give any explanations, really. He has always been very quiet. At least for the last hundred seasons or so."

Business Scrub
2013-09-15, 10:21 PM
Aradia's eyes light up like the jewels they fall upon, as she watches Luthon investigate. Once she's sure they're not trapped, she picks up the most appealing of the lot, admiring it's weight and shine with what appears to be a practiced eye.
"Well well well. I'm sure Balion won't mind if we borrow these..."



2013-09-15, 10:29 PM
@Aradia: Not one to be left behind, you grab one of the emeralds and walk towards the crackling chimney to get a better view.

Shiny and expensive. These emeralds should fetch about 500 gold in the market, each.

2013-09-15, 10:34 PM
"Your definition of borrowing must be a lot different than mine."
Archadious says, hints of sarcasm in his voice.

As the conversations seem to wind down, he turns to the little Petal to ask about their journey, but sees that she is asleep. He then turns to Irraly, who also seems to have an idea of where they are heading.

"So you said that our next destination is the Font. How many more days travel is it until we get there? And can you tell me more about this Anzaril whom we might find there? And is it possible that Kazym may have gotten to her too?"

Christine Daae
2013-09-15, 11:13 PM
Not as quite as I would have wished at times Bogun. Not nearly as quite as I would have wished. she says to him before being brought back to the group by Archadious and his question. Well I know she is not like the others that call the fey woods home. I really do not know as much as the fey do about her, and what they know now is mostly myth no doubt. She is mostly friendly though as long as you are nice to her. Irraly says thinking back to that day she had helped Anzrail with a favor. But that was Anzrail's secret not hers to tell. The Font of life should be 4 more days of travel to the North east I think or was it west? Irraly thinks to herself looking around not really sure on directions above ground as she was below. As for Kazym have gotten to her, I had the same thoughts on my mind, I will not lie. I doubt however even Balion would allow him there...No one goes their for a reason, and with all that water...I highly doubt he would try until he had all the woods under his control and the covens destroyed with no one to come to her aid as a last ditch effort to save themselves. I do not know this Kazym as well as Alex does however, that would be a better question for him.

2013-09-15, 11:21 PM
Lúthon answers Irraly's questions about the scythe in Draconic. "This would be the key we are searching for, I believe."

He then picks up an emerald and goes over it, attempting to better garner its worth.

Appraise, trained. [roll0]

2013-09-15, 11:24 PM
Kazym was dangerous back when I was a boy, and if what the stories that are told are true it took 2 powerful mages, and my father just to sever a finger. He was the kings adviser, and now this Lord of Fires, as such he has advanced military strategy, and a brilliant mind. However he is quick to anger depending on the buttons you push, and now in his new form is very weak against water. Alex says his mind focused on this Sun Lady. To take on Kazym is no simple task, so I doubt he would be in any rush to go near any large body of water as he is not foolish enough to risk his own life. Though that was more then half my lifetime ago. He could have changed, though a few of the things I have said seem to have remained the same. Alex says as his mind searches threw the lores he had read in Pelors chapels about a Sun Lady.

Knowledge Religion [roll0]

2013-09-15, 11:36 PM
@Luthon: You take one of the emeralds and look at it by the crackling fire.

Maybe Aradia's off by a few numbers. This gem should not fetch that much. Then again, the shaman does seem a lot more experienced into jewels and shiny baubles.

@Alex: Balion's Bogun may have referred to her as a Sun Lady, but then your mind tries to fix in one what you have read in the holy scruptures during your training.

That book Rosalind was reading about so many days ago in her room back in Justcrown...

A far stretch, to be sure. The Morning Star. It is considered to be the Sun, widely accepted by sages and scholars. Even a farmer could point that out.

But this Arrallae be the Morning Star? Impossible. Such a figure is regarded as myth, even by pelorite standards. Nobody ever saw this Morning Star to attest if it was a woman, a man, or something else entirely.

2013-09-15, 11:44 PM
As another puzzle piece falls into Alex's hand he begins to wounder how many threads are in this silk dress that is being spun by fate. Myth's, Fey, Undead, Love, hatred...It was a lot to take in. And what about Myriam, she had a bit of explaining to do herself he thought, maybe I should call her hear and now. Alex says as he looks out the window. I will be right back guys, if I run into trouble I will call, bathroom break and all. alex says ducking out the door, past the trap and out of view before calling out softly Myriam we need to talk, now!

2013-09-15, 11:55 PM
@Alex: You walk out into the rain as it plinks off your armor and take a few steps out into the muddy forest floor away from the cabin and everyone.

Once the trees have covered you from sight of the rest, you call out to Myriam.

As the rain keeps falling down the skies light up as thunder roars above you.

Up on a branch, draped in rain and covered by a dark green cloak and her eternal mask, you see Myriam who looks down on you.

"Most of the mummies have hidden from the rain, the path should be safe until the sun rises again tomorrow. But why are you here, Alex?"

Myriam leaps off the high branch and lands a few feet away from you.

2013-09-15, 11:59 PM
As Myriam pulled one of her appearing acts he was not surprised. Wanted to see a band play, it was a real blow out. Alex says trying to make a joke of the boom boom band before going on. The real question is how do you know Nerine, and do not say you do not, I read his journal. What is going on Myriam? she told me a lover scored her once, and the journal says he no longer called her his goddess. I think I deserve to know what I got myself into. Plus seeing you is a plus as long as you are not trying to kill me as well... Alex says pausing as he lifts an eyebrow at her as if asking if she was.

2013-09-16, 12:08 AM
@Alex: Myriam shows you her hands, which hold no weapons.

"Alex, if I wanted you dead, would you be talking now? My intent is not to bring you harm. Sadly, this forest and its guardian do a very good job at that, as you may have noticed. Two have fallen already, have they not? My condolences."

Myriam walks up to you and places her hand on your shoulder.

"So he recorded a journal? Of course he would. Loneliness is a gateway to insanity. He may have recorded his most precious moments so as to not lose them."

Myriam walks away from you as the rain falls on her and she looks up at the sky as the rain rolls down her wooden mask.

"That is ancient history, Alex. Nerine was indeed Balion's lover, but that is no more. It cannot be. He chose a path and so did she. That cannot be undone. There are far more important matters at hand, Alexander: Kazym. If he reaches the Seal and takes Arrallae, then... then all is lost. Do you understand that? Everything you know. Everyone you have ever loved, hated, fought. Everything will cease to be. That is why I need you to continue on. What I ask is selfish, I know, but I myself cannot do it. Not now, maybe one day."

2013-09-16, 12:20 AM
As Myriam states that if she wanted him dead he would be so, he nods in agreement, both were trained to kill after all it seemed. Better safe then sorry Myriam, she tried to kill me after all when I thought she was a friend. Alex gives as an answer. As for those who have fallen yes, Meic, a follower of Wee Jas, as well as a petal from these woods named Violet. That is however not why I called you here Myriam, though I thank you for what you have said.

As Myriam walks over to Alex and places her hand on his shoulder he takes it as an sign that they were on good enough terms for him to do a similar action as he placed one of his large hands on her waist as if it was completing a circle. A hubby I may have to take up one day, always around people but forever alone. I bet you know how that feels though. Alex says bringing his other hand up to brush it against the wooden mask she wore, though not trying to take it off.

As Myriam tried to walk away with the rain rolling down her mask Alex followed after her, not letting her get out of arm reach encase she tried to teleport away again. I did not ask how old this history was Myriam, I am here for filling a promise I made to you. The least you can do is fill me in at least a little on this story. Alex says as his hand reaches out to hers, trying to turn her around to face him. I never said I would not face him Myriam, I asked you to tell me what happened. There are to many missing pieces in this puzzle still, and I think there is a way to save both. Alex says looking to Myriam hoping she would listen.

2013-09-16, 12:29 AM
@Alex: Myriam sighs beneath her wooden mask as the rain falls upon both.

"He, I suspect wishes to be saved, Alex. And there is only one way it can be done."

Myriam looks at your blade.

"But I suspect it will not be easy. As for her...she is a burden another carries, Alex. Let those dragged beneath deal with her. One day, I can only hope she sees the err of her ways. More I cannot divulge, my friend. I am sorry. And I am sorry I have placed you upon this path. It is not a joyous one. It is one fraught with loss. That, I know. All too well..."

You look into Myriam's eyes and can see tears flowing down her wooden sockets, intermingled with the cold rain.

"You should be safe in his house. He will not be returning. And remember, Alex: If you and the rest cannot stop Kazym, nobody can at this point. I know I have not answered your questions and raised many others, but in time, this knotted tapestry will unravel. I promise."

Business Scrub
2013-09-16, 12:31 AM
Aradia smiles, satisfied with the wealth of the gems. "Well now, these should fetch a fine price, or make a nice addition."
Certain that the whole party has seen the lot, she stores them away with the rest of the shared party goods.
This forest is proving to be far more lucrative then I imagined...
She rejoins the rest of the groups conversation, saying "I vote we head on to the font as soon as we can. Enoka gave us her word that the spiders won't attack us again, and the rain should keep the mummies at bay. We should use this advantage while we can."

2013-09-16, 12:34 AM
All can be saved Myriam. It is what I live by, it is not until you give up that you can no longer be saved. I have danced with her Myriam, she is waiting to be saved I know it deep down. Alex says before kissing her wooden mask. Be safe Myriam, and let her know the next time you see her I will try to make him see the light for her, and that she never gave me my dance. Alex says with a bit of a laugh because in truth no matter how much he knew she was wrong for him, he was attracted to her like a magnet.

2013-09-16, 12:42 AM
@Alex: Myriam looks at you as she caresses your face.

"You are a good man, Alex. Give the guardian final rest, before he is utterly consumed. To suffer what he has gone through is unfair and cruel. At this point, that is the only kind of salvation I can think of for him. As for Nerine... I will relay the message, if I see her. You have my word. Until next time, Alex. May the gods guide you safely."

Myriam walks a few paces away and disappears amidst the trees, true to her nature.

@The Party: You walk back to the old shack and find the group appraising the gems still. Aradia has taken quite a liking to the gems, it would seem.

Anyone other than Alex roll a Spot

2013-09-16, 12:53 AM
"Keep in mind, Aradia, that while the mummies are soaked, we do not have to fight them, and can recuperate better. Time is of the essence, yes, but we cannot afford to move too fast for our own good."

Spot: [roll0]

2013-09-16, 12:53 AM
If that is the only way then I will otherwise I will not kill him Myriam. Thank you though for delivering the message. Alex says before adding, You are one of few women I let leave with out a smile on her face Myriam, don't make me try to make you smile next time we meet, we both may enjoy it to much. Lucky for you those Isorel have stolen all but my calm emotions. Alex laughs with her hand on his face.

Saying their goodbyes Alex walks back to the cabin in the woods. Did I miss anything?

2013-09-16, 12:59 AM
@Luthon: As Alex turns around to close the door, you see something caught in the back of his armor.

A piece of waxed paper, to shed it from the rain.

Quick to take it off the knight, you realize it's a letter.

Mistress M,

You read the words of a desperate father. Desperate enough to consider hiring your services. Please, do not take this as offense. It just so happens that I have never resorted to bounty hunters. But there is a bounty here to be had, so, I believe you would be able to assist me. Your employer emphasized this many times, with much vehemence. I have lost my two rising suns- Charlotte and Loretta. They embarked on a military campaign towards the Giantshield Mountains. Finding them should be no difficult task- they took an army with them and headed for Hammerbruk. They should have returned a long time ago, but my daughters have not been with me for five years already. My brother, a follower of the Order of the Exorcists of Heironeous left a few years ago. He too, has not returned. My request is simple- please find my daughters and bring them back alive. You will be handsomely rewarded. I would not play with their lives, so expect a most satisfactory reward if you bring them back to my fiefdom in Furyondy. I hope to hear news of your progress very soon.

Faithful upon your success,

Lord Vasili Brunhausser

2013-09-16, 01:35 AM
"Not much, other than this note. Would you know anything about its contents?"

2013-09-16, 08:09 AM
Note? Alex says taking the note that was retrieved from a spike on his back. As he reads it Alexander, mighty follower of the brawler, healer of Pelors chosen, Adviser to the next line of the Jade empire, turns from a normal healthy color to a deathly white as he reads the letter over and over, and though he does not break down like he did at the chapel over Kara's, it is clear the contents of this note shake him to his very core.

Christine Daae
2013-09-16, 08:19 AM
As everyone is talking about what they should do Irraly speaks up, With all this rain I doubt their will be many salt mummies left as they are hurt by it. If it rains through the night even if some find cover, how many do you think will find enough cover for their healing ability to work as the rain will make them slower and heavy as they will be wet. Irraly says noticing Alex coming back in as well as the note Luthon pulls off the paladins back.

As Irraly watches him read the note and pale she slowly moves over to read the note, confused at what was making him act in such a way. He was not this mistress M. Nor was he any of these people, so why had he paled to that of a ghost? She wondered looking to Aradia as if she did not understand what was going on.

2013-09-16, 08:50 AM
"Well, there are still many other dangers in these woods besides the mummies. But I agree, we should keep pressing on. That fight was exhausting, but I still possess a sizable selection of spells."

They are interrupted by the return of Alex, and as Luthon mentions the letter and its contents, Archadious is surprised to see Alex's face turn pale.
What could have been in that letter that shocked him so much.

"What does the letter mean to you?"
Archadious asks, remembering the last time this man turned so pale.

2013-09-16, 09:23 AM
@The Party: This is assuming you decide to leave the hut and trek through the night and rain.

Bidding Bogun good bye, you shut the old creaky door behind you and take any items of interest you may have encountered.

The tiny construct did not object much, his attention too focused on making yet another meal to a Masterless cabin.

The rain falls down hard as a sleepy Primrose tucks under Irraly's hood for shelter.

"I think we should turn right... down this path, yes. We should go this way."

Primrose yawns. The falling rain isn't helping her stay awake much after the arduous day she's had.

After four hours of trekking, the rain finally subsides, as the last few sprinkles of rain fall on you and the forest seems somewhat renewed.

The growls of Kazym´s unliving are soon heard around the woods, free to walk again, but they are distant. A constant reminder that this rain may have washed away some, but not all evils from these woods.

The rest of the trek, while tiring, is not a dangerous affair.

Day 16, 7am.

Exhausted from trekking through the night, you find a grassy patch and lay down as the sun breaks in through the canopy above. It's a new day, but at least you've covered a substantial amount of ground through the night. Maybe even shortening your trip by a day or half.

Primrose lands on the soft grass and falls asleep immediately. Poor little fey is completely exhausted. As are you as each other sees the heavy bags under your eyes reflected on each others faces.

Business Scrub
2013-09-16, 09:30 AM
Aradia shrugs as Irraly gives her the look, as if to say, No idea...
She whispers to Irraly quietly in draconic. "Vielleicht kennt er wer Charlotte und Loretta sind ..?"

"Maybe he knows Charlotte and Loretta..?"

Also as a side note: Last level my aura bonus went up to +3, so during senses (which is usually up when not in combat) be sure to add 3 to your spot, listens and initiative (for Alan) instead of +2.

2013-09-16, 03:17 PM
As Archadious asks him what the letter means to him he looks up, It speaks of one of my teachers...The one who gave me this blade. Alex says not sure what else to say or reveal about his past, how could they all be missing? And with an army no less, it was no wounder his letters were never returned from their. Alex says to himself as he lets the others see the letter.

After all the talk was done they left the safety of the cabin and continued their trek, even though their guide was tired. Its ok Primrose, just stay over here with me. I'll support you just tell us which way to go. Alex kept saying throughout the night as she tried to fly off, he knew she was tired and would not let her over exert herself as he held her close to him, his hands forming a small little shelter for her to stay dry in.

Day 16

After an entire night of treking through the woods Alex finally calls for the others to stop. We need to stop and rest, unless we rather I waste many of my spells making sure we do not need rest. Alex says clearly exhausted as he looks up at the trees as if they were the perfect place to sleep once more.

2013-09-16, 07:57 PM
"I hope this doesn't mean we are going to start marching at night now."

Archadious grumbles, clearly exhausted. He remembers the horrific beast that had almost fallen upon them the night before. After letting loose a yawn, he begins to look for a suitable tree.

"I apologize everybody, but I have not yet had the opportunity to memorize a rope trick, so tonight we will have to make do with sleeping in the canopy.
It shouldn't be too dangerous, after all, we hopefully don't need to worry about Enoka's children anymore."

He tells everyone as he looks back and forth for a tree to rest in. After finding one, he begins to carefully make his way up it's branches, finds a comfortable spot and settles down.

Christine Daae
2013-09-16, 09:03 PM
As Aradia whispers into her ears she nods in agreement before responding Vielleicht ist er nicht, vielleicht war sein Lehrer Liebhaber. Oder vielleicht weiß er mehr als er gerade auf. Starke Gefühle für einen Lehrer verschwunden, wenn Sie mich fragen. Irraly says looking on from afar.

It was not long before they were out once more traveling through the forest in the middle of the night. Irraly had them all link hands as their guide told them where to go, the lighting in the sky illuminating the path every now and then enough for them to see each other holding hands in a long line.

Soon the morning sun began to rise once more and with all parties tired they agreed to sleep, each climbing up a tree to rest their eyes for a short time. It was not until four hours later that she awoke and began reading from her spell book as well as one of Meic's trying to decipher some of the things within.

Maybe he does, perhaps one was his teacher lover. Or perhaps he knows more then he is letting on. Strong emotions for a teacher gone missing if you ask me.

Spellcraft check to decipher the spell Rope trick DC21 [roll0]

If the above check passes this is to see if I can use it for the day DC16 [roll1]

2013-09-16, 09:39 PM
@The Party: Safe up on a tree, you close your eyes reluctantly, aware that death may come at any point, from anywhere.

Sleeping in and trancing, if appropriate for a total of eight hours, you settle amongst the branches, weapons in hand.


The ghastly growls of the salt mummies wake you up from your slumber.

You look down from your vantage point and see a solid group of fifteen of these creatures, spread out evenly.

The salt mummies look strong and very nimble, but have not been able to detect you yet. The creatures growl at the birds above as they carry on in their path, their destination unknown.

2013-09-16, 09:42 PM
As Alex sees the large group of mummies passing them Alex holds up his hand signaling for the others to not attack or else they be in more trouble then they can handle.

2013-09-16, 09:54 PM
Archadious finishes trancing after two hours, and for another four hours, he sits there quietly contemplating life and watching the forest floor below. As he feels his mind ready to study magic again, he opens Meic's spellbook and attempts to memorize Rope trick from it.
Thanks to his experience with arcane writings and his skill with such magic, he able to successfully record the knowledge of the spell in his memory.

As he finishes the process with his own spellbook, he hears growling from below and looks to see a large group of mummies running by. He stares wide-eyed at the band marching below. He finds it difficult to believe that there could be so many mummies at once in the same place.

"Thats... a lot of mummies..."
He thinks to himself.

2013-09-16, 09:59 PM
Lúthon stares at the mummies. He then looks at the party, his face unambiguously revealing his desire to stay up in the tree and away from the mummies.

2013-09-16, 10:00 PM
@The Party: Maybe you could've taken on these mummies. Maybe it would'e been a ballad for the Fey Woods.

But you have faced these before. They are dangerous in small groups. Never mind a group like this. This would confirm Enoka's warning a few days ago- that save for a few mad fey and rabid animals, these parts of the woods are crawling with Kazym's forces.

Once the undead mob has moved on, you quietly descend from the trees.

Now a lot more rested and with spells prepared, you look down the trail they came from.

"We aren't far. Just a few more hours until sundown." Primorse holds on to the Dove's Heart and the badge and flies ahead.

2013-09-16, 10:03 PM
@Luthon: As the mummies shuffle beneath you and growl at the verdant wildlife, you shudder a bit and take out the opal from Balion's shack, examining it closely.

Strong transmutation. This is a power cell, of sorts. Another key perhaps, but it specifically powers something.

2013-09-16, 10:13 PM
Then lead on Prim time is of the essence now. Alex says after seeing such a large force.

2013-09-16, 10:16 PM
"Didn't those mummies come from the direction we are headed in? So that might mean they came from the font. I don't think this bodes well for what we might find there."

Archadious says after descending from his lofty arboreal resting position.

As he begins to trek along the forest floor again, he casts a few long-lasting spells on himself.

Casting mage armor greater and heart of earth as usual.

spell list can be found on my character sheet

2013-09-16, 10:22 PM
@The Party: The road is long and uneven and twisted. To be expected. Nobody has ever charted these woods. Let alone built a road.

The sun sets above the thick canopy as the moon begins to shine through in silver rays.


Then, a roar. Unnatural. Not from the mummies, no. This sounds a lot more bestial.

The roar can be heard from miles around and who knows how close or far away its origin might be.

Primrose ducks under Alex's cape and begins to shake.

"The Meiner Freundin kind!"

2013-09-16, 10:27 PM
Archadious's hair stands on end as he hears the terrifying roar. He quickly looks back and forth to double check that the creature is not in the immediate vicinity before turning back to the others, his eyes clearly filled with apprehension.

"This thing again. Has it been following us? I recommend we either conceal ourselves through invisibility, or I can conjure up a rope trick and we can hide in there, then rest for the evening.
Primrose is clearly terrified of whatever it is, and I certainly don't fancy meeting it."

Christine Daae
2013-09-16, 10:28 PM
As Irraly sees the large group of mummies coming from the direction they are heading in and Archadious comment she shakes her head refusing to believe Anzrail could have fallen. You will see. Watch there was probably a much bigger force and she destroyed them all.

The rest of the day goes by uneventful thankfully, Irraly thinks to herself as she wonders why they were in such large numbers so close to Anzrails home. But she could not worry about that now they had to get their first. Or at least that is what she was thinking before she heard the roar. Looking in all directions IRraly gets really nerves as Primrose says the same thing Violet had and quickly urges Archadious to cast his spell and for them all to get in.

2013-09-16, 10:31 PM
As the others get the rope trick ready Alex looks to Primrose. I'll protect you little one, but I need to know what this thing is and what it can do incase it falls on us while they are casting the spell to hide from it. Alex says kindly to the fey though clearly worried.

2013-09-16, 10:40 PM
"It seems none of us desire to linger out here any longer, so without further ado, I shall begin."

Archadious immediately begins to cast the rope trick, hopefully to provide a safe place to conceal themselves from the terrifying thing out in the darkness.


he asks as he casts.

"Do you think you could conceal us in an invisibility sphere while we are climbing up into the Rope Trick? Better to reduce any risk that this thing might see us when half of us are safe inside and the other half are still outside."

2013-09-16, 10:44 PM
@Alex: Once inside the extra dimensional pocket. Primrose flies around and bumps herself against the confined space, yet is still marveled at this.

"What...what is this place? I can see the woods from here, but it's like we're not.."

Regaining focus, Primrose sits at the edge of the entrance to the rope trick and looks out at the silvery grass, cast by the moon light.

"The Meiner Freundin kind was one of many old spirits that came from the Winter Court. Queen Petunia once told me that, while the forces of the Summer Court fought against those of Winter, the Meiner Freundin kind crept behind enemy lines and snatched the young fey away, to be twisted and to serve the Unseelie. Hence its name in a more common tongue: The Child Stealer. When the forces of Winter were permanently banned, some of the strongest spirits remained in deep slumber, coming out only when the Winter Season approaches, and only for a brief periods of time. I have never seen it, but the tales say that it will approach in a guise so harmless, so as to trick you into carrying it and taking it home. Then, it reveals its true form, said to be terrifying, and eats you whole."

Business Scrub
2013-09-16, 10:48 PM
Aradia listens from the extradimensional space to hear the creature pass. "Well then it's a good thing we're not children. What, are we just going to sit here and hide while this thing runs around? Maybe it hasn't seen us. I say we jump it."

2013-09-16, 10:48 PM
Once everybody is safely inside the extra-dimensional space, Archadious relaxes a little.
He listens to Primrose's description of the Meiner Freundin and chuckles a little.

"I don't know... That roar we heard seemed anything but harmless."

2013-09-16, 10:48 PM
Well that's just a lovely bedtime story to be told. Makes me want to fall asleep right now. Alex says a bit uneasy as he looks at the outside world with Primrose thankful they can not be seen themselves. So if these things only come out during the winter, why have the summer court never hunted them down and killed them during the summer when they slept? Alex asks wondering why such a creature would be allowed to live if it was such a danger.

2013-09-16, 10:59 PM
@Alex: Primrose looks at you with a raised eyebrow.

"The Summer Court would not hunt it. During the year, The Child Stealer sleeps deep underground, or so the tales go. Others say it turns into a twisted old tree, or a pond, or even to stone. It only comes out during the odd winter night..."

Primrose goes deep in thought.

"...or when the balance in the Fey Woods is about to be broken."

2013-09-16, 11:01 PM
Why wouldn't the summer court hurt it if it steals their children? Wouldn't that be the exact reason to want it dead? Alex says as her story goes on. What do you mean when the balance is about to be broken. See this woods just seems to get from bad to worse, no offense Primrose.

2013-09-16, 11:06 PM
@Alex: Primrose looks at you and shakes her head.

"The Child Stealer was a threat during the old Fey Wars, before any of us were born. He is now a myth, a lingering memory of those days. He has become a warning for young Petals not to wander the forest after sundown. We haven't seen any attacks from the Child Stealer. Not during my life. But Queen Petunia did say that we should be extra careful during starless winter nights, when the ice blows and no animals can be heard, for it is then that the Child Stealer prowls, light of step, like the shadow of a tree. She also told me that if the balance were to be broken, his presence would become that much more notorious. I do not know what she meant by that, however."

Christine Daae
2013-09-16, 11:08 PM
Listening to Primroses story Irraly thinks back of her past years in the woods and all the stories she heard, trying to remember anything more from the stories of these creatures, these child stealers.

Dungeon [roll0]

2013-09-16, 11:09 PM
@Irraly: Sadly, in all the years. In all the winters you have spent in the Fey Woods with Violet, you have never come across such a creature. Perhaps it is a myth. Perhaps Primrose is just too shaken.

2013-09-16, 11:12 PM
Of course there always had to be something, every culture had its buggy man. Do they have a weakness of any kind incase we are caught one day and can not escape Primrose or is it all just myth and no one remembers that far back? Alex asks hoping to be able to make some kind of defense against such a creature.

2013-09-16, 11:15 PM
@Alex: Primrose goes deep in thought.

"Hmmm... I recall that the Child Stealer, in the tales, at least, was afraid of the rays of the moon, and that is how the Summer Court was able to drive it back."

Christine Daae
2013-09-16, 11:30 PM
Irraly has been quietly sitting in a corner with Aradia listening to all that Primrose has been saying as she sharpens her blade with the whetstone she always had on her. Never would her blade be dull in the service to the Dark maiden. So this creature fears the moon, and comes after children does it. Irraly says lifting her head up to look at the others. It seems my goddess favors all of you this year. For it is almost the day of the great hunt in her honor, and when that day comes, I plan to hunt this creature down. Irraly says looking at them all, her silver weapon in hand.

2013-09-16, 11:32 PM
@Irraly: Primrose turns to look at you, fear in her eyes.

"But...but.. The Child Stealer is an ancient Winter Fey. Nobody has seen it. None of us, at least. Who knows what it can do? Are you sure?"

2013-09-16, 11:48 PM
"It is afraid of moonlight, you say? Hmm... Then it would be more likely to come out on the night of the new moon, when there is no moonlight to be had?"

What phase is the moon in?

2013-09-16, 11:53 PM
@Luthon: Although you cannot see the moon from inside the Rope Trick, you do recall seeing a full moon not too long ago.

This should be a waning gibbous.

Primrose looks at you.

"Yes, or so the tales go. It was driven away into slumber and hiding by taking the moon's rays and flaying him with them."

Primrose looks out the window and only exit from the Rope Trick.

"I must wonder why it has come out of slumber so early. It isn't winter yet."

Christine Daae
2013-09-17, 12:35 AM
It is the Moon which drives the beast back, and come the day after the new moon will be the day the hunt begins. The Dark Madien would not put me on a task in life she knew I could not complete, and with her blessed blade in my hands this creature will fall. Irraly says her eyes looking straight at the little fey as if it were already set in stone.

2013-09-17, 12:45 AM
@Irraly: Primrose looks genuinely scared.

"The Child Stealer is said to be quick and deadly, like a living shadow. An ancient spirit of Winter. Queen Petunia told me the Summer Court could barely drive it back to sleep. How will you hunt him?"

Christine Daae
2013-09-17, 07:44 AM
Many creatures of this world claim such a title. Quick and deadly are one especially well known way of describing my people. But I already know its speed, I saw it the other night. A living shadow, that one is a bit more difficult, however if I were to have trained in such areas like others of my kind I to could boost such a title. Irraly says looking at the small terrified fey before going on. As for your court having a hard time driving it back, they were not given a blade made from the moons ray's and blessed by the Dark Maiden herself to stop almost any creature that would make me raise it against them. She would not have made me a hunter nor placed me in these woods. The beast will fall to blade and magic. Irraly ends looking to each of her companions to see if they agree before going back to sharpening her blade.

2013-09-17, 08:02 AM
Alex listens as the creatures strength's and weakness are thrown back and forth wondering if the drow was in fact telling the truth. One thing was for sure though they did need to stop it if they could, but on their own terms not on its. Perhaps on this day of the hunt as you call it Irraly we should spend the day setting traps all around the entire day and have a few campfires going to make sure we can not only all see, but it goes only where we want it to go with an even large pyre in the center of all the traps this way even if it manages to put out the other fires we may still have some light to see by. Alex says looking to the others to see if they agree. However I think it would be best if we all sleep now, perhaps set a small watch incase it does find out how to get in this thing. Alex says looking at the small opening and the darkness below.

Day 17?

2013-09-17, 09:24 PM
Day 17, 7am.

@The Party: Primrose is the first to leave the Rope Trick and stretches her wings as she looks up to the sunny skies coming from the thick canopy above.

"Hmmm... it seems the day is overcast, not much sun today."

Primrose stretches in mid air as she flies to a nearby flower bed and drinks some honey.

"Today will be the last day I can join you, sadly. Once we have reached the marker, I will have to leave and join Queen Petunia and the other Petals. Let us hope this day is as harmless as the one before."

Primrose holds on to the Dove's Heart and fixes the badge of valor on her chest.

"Whenever you're ready."

2013-09-17, 09:32 PM
As the morning sun shines down Alex gets his gear strapped on with some help before going outside to pray for the day for the gods to grant him and his friends protection throughout the day. When he is done he looks to Primrose with a smile and nods, Thank you Primrose for all your help. Please just tell us where we are going once we get to the marker as best you can and we will take it from there. You have been a great help as well as very brave.

2013-09-17, 09:35 PM
Archadious prepares his spells for the morning, then exits the rope trick, ready for yet another day of marching. He hears Primrose's mention of the fact that she would have to leave at the end of the day.

"But.. Once Primrose leaves, we will still be able to find our way through these woods will we?
Archadious asks, turning to Irraly. He looks a little concerned and hopes that Irraly can continue to guide them after the little Petal leaves.

2013-09-17, 09:39 PM
@Alex: Primrose blushes and then stands at attention mid air.

"Thank you. You saved me from Belladonna and her monsters. I'm sure Violet would've wanted me to continue her job. Follow me."

@The Party: The hours go by as the sounds of the undead grow ever louder around you, but not so close, fortunately.

Primrose shakes as she flutters ahead.

"Us Petals don't even come this far, unless it's with Queen Petunia. This place has really changed. Has the Old Guardian really lost his mind so much?"

Roll a Spot and Listen

2013-09-17, 09:41 PM
As Archadious marches along, he hears the sounds of mummies and shudders. Protecting himself, he casts a few long-lasting spells to protect himself.

Same as usual:

mage armor greater & heart of earth

Christine Daae
2013-09-17, 09:46 PM
As Irraly awakens once more from her slumber from the night before well rested, and though the sun has just begun its climb into the sky, she knows well that this is the last day they will have anything resembling a real guide. Primrose, as much as I know you have to leave is their no other way you can stay with us until we reach the font. I have been their before, but I had time on my side. she says looking at the woods around her as well as her friends. If we do not get to the Font in time we may be to late to save the others, your Queen would not want that now would she? To have the death of the remaining fey on her head? Irraly asks trying to use guilt to her advantage as she knew she was not a good guide herself.

2013-09-17, 09:55 PM
Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

As Primrose blushes it is not lost on Alex now that he is back to his old self it seems, watching the petal stand at attention. However as he is about to speak up, complimenting on how beautiful she looked this morning he heard Irraly speak up. Irraly I understand how you feel however she does have a commitment to her kin more then she does to us. If she got hurt with us that would be in the back of your mind all the time I am willing to bet. Alex says looking back to Primrose before adding, Do what you must Primrose, I know you will take the best course of action. Alex says kindly to her as he lets the petal lead on, not wanting to waste daylight.

2013-09-17, 10:07 PM
@Luthon: As you trek through the woods, it becomes clear you are being followed.

Two shadows. Left and right, moving rather fast through the undergrowth.

Then, at opposite sides, each forty feet from you, spring out two man sized creatures.

Both are green and wear light armor. One, to the left, has a long greasy pony tail, wrapped in dried human entrails. It is a female with a long green nose dangling below her spiky chin. The creature holds a wicked looking javelin and grins, showing shark like teeth.

The other one is a female as well, with light armor as well. Her claws are much bigger than the other one and she has black greasy hair tied in several small pig tails spread haphazardly around her green head.


Primrose ascends twenty feet.

Know. Nature to ID them.










Round 1

@Irraly: The creature with the pony tail rushes at you as her face contorts. Her jaw elongates and a set of bigger teeth break through the green gums, making her look extremely ferocious.

Everyone 9HD or less, Will DC 17 or be shaken

The creature rushes at you and lunges her javelin between your ribs.

11 damage

Christine Daae
2013-09-17, 10:18 PM
As the two green creatures jump out of hiding Irraly readies her silvered blade watching as Primrose flies into hiding. Scan each creature over she tries to determine if she has meet them before and if they were friendly towards fey.

Knowledge Nature [roll0]

However when it shows its shark like teeth at her she is well aware it is no friend as she raises her blade to defend herself, though not quickly enough as she feels the tip her Javlin in between her ribs. Why do they always want to fight me. Irraly growls as she stares the creature down unafraid of it.

Everyone gain a +4 bonus to your saves thanks to my Paladin aura.

2013-09-17, 10:20 PM
Archadious is surprised by the sudden appearance of these two strange creatures. But thinking quickly, he mutters a few words and conjures a cloud of nauseous and stinking fumes between the creature in the bushes and whoever is closest.

More specifically:

10 ft away from party member to wherever Seshi is

Fortitude save DC 20 or be nauseated

2013-09-17, 10:27 PM
Alex is a bit caught of guard when the two creatures reveal themselves, so used to seeing fey he was not surprised to see green skin, however the greasy pony tails wrapped in human entrails was a bit of a shock to him. but as they tried to intimidate them with their teeth and elongated mouths. Well if you want to play that way now ladies I can always knock a few teeth out before making you put that skill of yours to good use. Now hold still while I... Alex says as he draws his greatsword from his back.

2013-09-17, 10:33 PM
@Archaidous: You call forth a cloud of noxious fumes around the second female humanoid with haphazard pig tails.

The creatures gulps down and coughs in disgust, but does not seem affected.

@Aradia: The green female at the other side and ensorcelled by Archaidous' cloud, looks at you and grins with those wicked sharp teeth as she does a pair of somersaults towards you, in a very acrobatic and dramatic fashion. Almost like a dancer.

As she does the final somersault towards you, claws and fangs strike.

The first claw rips through your neck.

11 damage plus Fortitude DC 23 or 4 Con damage

As soon as Seshi lands, she swipes at you with her left claw.

12 damage plus Fort. DC 23 or 3 Con Damage

She finally attempts to bite, but your armor proves to be too hard for her teeth.

@Irraly: You try and determine what kind of creatures these are, but you have never met them through your travels in the Fey Woods. Perhaps new intruders as well?

2013-09-17, 10:48 PM
As Alex sees the display and skill at which the creature before them moves he knows these are no ordinary fey. Figured as much, Alex thought as it clawed at Aradia. Hey you, pick on someone else you dam lout. Alex says, his huge frame charging in trying to knock it away from Aradia with a swing of his sword.

Charge, Smite, Attack (10ft reach)
[roll0] Find the gap Damage [roll1]

2013-09-17, 10:51 PM
"Enough of this. My patience for ambushes ran thin weeks ago." Lúthon draws his rapier, then casts a simple spell designed to shut down one of the creatures entirely.

Casting Hold Monster, Will DC 21, on whichever one happens to be nearer to Lúthon.

Business Scrub
2013-09-17, 10:59 PM
Aradia turns to glare at these strange fey, trying to see if she remembers what they are. As one of them stabs, she feels frustration, and her face pales as the damage takes its toll: poison had never usually bothered her before, and she wouldn't show weakness now.
"Oh, not even a howdy-do?"
She steps where she can breath without hitting an ally, and unleashes a silvery white cone: stronger and colder than it had been in the past.
She closes her eyes for a moment, then opens them paler than they usually were, channeling a crackling coat of ice around her friends that would hopefully deter these fey.
"Keep it coming fey. I don't know what you have against us, but I hope you're ready to die like all the rest."

Damage: [roll0]
Cooldown: [roll1]
Save DC: 21

Drawing weapon and free 5-ft step if need be.
Energy Shield Aura up: 6 cold damage to each time they land a successful melee hit.

Know Nature [roll2]

Intimidate [roll3]

2013-09-17, 11:00 PM
@Luthon: You draw your rapier and direct your spell at the frenzied one who just got somewhat cut by Alex.

The female green humanoid's eyes roll behind her head and she stiffens for a few seconds, only to roll her eyes back to how they were and snarling at you as her claws itch to rip someone else.

"I haven't left you. We can do this!"

Primrose begins playing her harp and, like Violet before, her fey music fills everyone with hope.

+2 to saves, attacks, and damage.

2013-09-17, 11:05 PM
@Aradia: You breathe a gout of cold at Seshi, who cut in deep and poisoned your wounds.

The creature dances around your cold breath, and you can see some wound here and there, but not as much.

Then you take a close look at them.

No, not fey. These are strange creatures indeed, but not unusual in the woods.

These are Forest Trolls. A smaller variant of the well known monster. Intelligent and cunning, Forest trolls can heal their wounds just as fast and have a dangerous toxin coating their claws.

They usually work for their much larger and stronger cousins.

Christine Daae
2013-09-17, 11:09 PM
Irraly watches the scene unfold, looking at the creature before her with pity. You should have never come here. She says before vanishing in a puff of purple smoke, appearing behind the creature and charging her, Primroses music lending her strength as a familar felling of a cold touch washes over her. A smile spreads across her face as she knows her friends are their for her.

Swift action Anklet of translocation

Standard action Chagrining Smite

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2013-09-17, 11:18 PM
@Irraly: You navigate through the troll and reappear ten feet behind her, not giving the creature much time to react, you charge at her with Eilistraee's help.

The green killer blocks your blade in the nick of time.

Round 2

@Irraly: A blade thrust missed, Makas takes her chance and unleashes hell.

Tossing the javelin into the air, Makas proceeds to strike at you with her claws and bite.

The first one digs in deep.

19 damage plus poison DC 24 or 5 Con damage

The second claw misses its mark.

However, her bite goes straight for your abdomen.

8 damage

In those few seconds of pain, the javelin falls back on her hands as she attains a defensive stance.

2013-09-17, 11:30 PM
Archadious once again uses one of his most useful spells. As the sound of shuffling cards fills the air, everyone seems to disappear, then reappear in their newly designated spots.

casting dimension shuffle

Shuffling both trolls back into stinking cloud. Will save DC 22 to resist. Then Fortitude save 20 to avoid nausea if back in cloud.
Moving Alex and Irraly in between everybody else and the trolls. Irraly 15 feet away from Alex in a position where she can charge when troll charged.

Christine Daae
2013-09-17, 11:31 PM
As the green beast blocks her attack in the nick of time she looks up as the creature throws its weapon up into the air, taking that chance she lunges her blade into the creature side as it tears at her armor.

AoO [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Fortitude save [roll2]

Stepping back Irraly reals in Pain from the creature tearing at her stomach with its teeth not able to attack as it left itself open once more catching its spear.

2013-09-17, 11:43 PM
@Archaidous: You once again move the figures on the field.

Seshi resists the spell and heals some of her wounds, but Makas, who has just caught her javelin is moved into the cloud and hacks, but does not vomit.

@Alex: Cruel Seshi, unaffected by Archaidous' spell, begins another dance of whirling death as she somersaults towards you, evading the incoming blade, given your larger size.

She then gets up close and personal.

The first claw hits hard.

11 damage plus DC 23 or 5 Con damage

The second claw slashes you across the leg.

12 damage plus DC 23 or 2 Con damage

Her bite, however, misses.










2013-09-17, 11:53 PM
As the creature attacks him Alex sees first hand the power of this troll as she dances like his fathers uncle threw his blade that thought it saw an opening. Thankfully his arm was made of thicker stuff as it absorbed most of the damage.

Fortidue save 1 and 2



2013-09-17, 11:57 PM
Going to take a bit more then that she devil, I know those moves. Been on the end of them many times. Alex grits his teeth before trying to slash the creature before him in half, wishing he had his old sword meant for this kind of combat.

Full attack

[roll0] Damage [roll1]

[roll2] Damage [roll3]

2013-09-18, 12:01 AM
@Alex: Seshi dodges the blades as they come down.

For a troll, she's quite nimble...but not enough.

One of your slashes nearly cuts the troll through the elbow as ligaments immediately begin to repair the damage, however, it is clear this monster has been hurt. And badly.

2013-09-18, 12:34 AM
Lúthon casts a powerful enchantment to confound the trolls.

Confusion, centered on a point such that I can hit both of the trolls without hitting any of my teammates. Will DC 20.

2013-09-18, 12:37 AM
@Luthon: You crack some old nutshells in your hand and toss them at an area where none of your comrades will be affected.

Seshi, the one in melee with Alex, shakes her head, breaking the enchantment.

Makas, inside the noxious cloud, however, has been affected. How she will react, nobody knows.

Primrose looks at the Dove's Heart.

How was it that Violet used this? Hmmm. Ahhh yes, of course!

Along with her music, your wounds seem to heal, just as fast as those of the insidious trolls.

FH for the party only.

Business Scrub
2013-09-18, 12:48 AM
@Alan: Makas and Seshi should both have taken 12 cold from their melee attacks. Just wanted to make sure that was being factored in.

Aradia lets out a low growl, stepping around to be across from the troll, and swinging her mace down hard.

Moving to flank with Alex, unless that would provoke an AoO for some reason.

Attack 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

If for some reason I can't be flanking, subtract two from the attack rolls.

Christine Daae
2013-09-18, 12:50 AM
Seeing Alex and Aradia struggling to take the creature down in front of them, even with the mages help Irraly decides just like with the mummies taking them down together may be a better option and with that thought in mind charges the creature locked in combat with her friends.

charging smite

[roll0] Damage [roll1]

2013-09-18, 01:06 AM
Round 3

@Irraly: The blade cuts in deep into the troll's body, but does not finish her, despite being surrounded by Alex and Aradia.

@Luthon: From the fog, Makas' javelin flies towards you.

A direct and deadly hit.

24 damage

Archaidous has had enough and, blowing some cold air into his cupped hands, hurls a sphere of utter cold at the troll in melee with everyone.

Empowered lesser orb of cold

Seshi has barely a chance to retaliate when the orb hits her in the back and her body goes pale white as she exhales her last breath and drops.

2013-09-18, 01:34 AM
Alex nods his head as the magus strikes down the troll surrounded by himself and his allies before looking to the fog which held the last enemy. Last one in kisses an orge. Alex says charging in after the beast inside.

Attack roll [roll0] Damage [roll1] Find the gap

Fortitude save [roll2]

2013-09-18, 01:38 AM
@Alex: You charge into the noxious fog, smelling of rotten eggs and goat kidneys.

The stench is abominable, but you manage to hold on to your rations deep in your stomach as you cut the troll.

This one looks at you with pure rage, having become accostumed to the stench, apparently. But is otherwise, still standing.

Business Scrub
2013-09-18, 02:09 AM
Aradia brings her mace back up as she watches Alex go charging off into the smoke.
"Well, don't start the party without me now..." and goes charging in after him.

Power aura

Charging to a flanking position if possible.
Charge attack [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Fort: [roll2]

2013-09-18, 02:42 AM
@Aradia: You also follow Alex into Archaidous' foul smelling cloud.

Again, the urge to vomit can be felt at the back of your throat, but you manage to swallow hard and head straight for the she troll.

The creature slaps your mace away with her claws.

Apparently, it will take some team effort to subdue this one.

2013-09-18, 02:55 AM
"You can enjoy the cloud, and the nausea. I shall remain outside." Lúthon summons a legion of illusory soldiers in the fog cloud behind the troll, to further entrap the confused creature.

Legion of Sentinels. Unfortunately any nice targeted spells now have miss chance.

Christine Daae
2013-09-18, 07:56 AM
Irraly can not help but smile, one of the first real smiles she has shed since Violet's death as her friends charge into the cloud to strike down the troll inside. I am not kissing no Orge. She calls out charging in, cutting off all escape for the troll which is now surrounded on all sides.

Attack roll [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Fortitude save [roll2]

2013-09-18, 02:14 PM
@Irraly: You dance around the toxic cloud and finish your stance as the troll's kidney gets impaled through by your silver blade.

Yet, it still lives.

Round 4

@Irraly: The troll looks at you and her eyes go red as she enters some kind of berserk fury, lashing at everyone with a thousand swipes, staring with you.

The claw goes in deep and painful.

25 damage plus DC 24 or 2 Con Damage

@Alex: You do not fare much better as the troll's claw goes straight for you, breaking through your defenses.

24 damage plus DC 24 or 6 Con damage

@Aradia: The creature looks at you and takes a chunk off your arm with her vicious bite.

16 damage

@Luthon & Archaidous: Something is not right inside that cloud. Worse still, there seems to be magic at work, but from where and what?

Both can roll a Spellcraft

@Alex: The troll looks at you as yet another claw goes straight for your face.

21 damage plus DC 24 or 4 Con damage

However, due to the massive feedback of ice from Aradia's aura, it finally collapses, dead beyond measure of her own healing process.

2013-09-18, 03:26 PM
Getting his face slashed open as well as his arm was not amusing in any aspect of the word, especially not when the thing doing it was doing so in a cloud of rotten eggs. thankfully Alex watched the creature fall, surrounded in Ice as it did so. Well Aradia, it seems you and Irraly are tied today and I am a bit behind. Alex says amusingly starting to count the kills. We should just collect their belongings for now, and see what they do later that way we do not waste our time with Primrose. Alex says reseathing his blade and pulling out a wand to heal himself fully.

15hp/Charge, tell me how many charges everyone needs.

Business Scrub
2013-09-18, 03:40 PM
Aradia breaths a sigh of relief as the creature falls dead, starting to go paler.
"Well... they got what... was coming to them, I guess. Let's see if they have anything... good on them."
Unusually, the fight left her very out of breath, though she tries to play it off as she searches the goblins and responds to Alex.
"Haha, guess so Alex. Maybe you're... getting sloppy?"
She makes a humorous face at him, then immediately turns around, feeling sick.

2013-09-18, 05:14 PM
@The Party: These two trolls put up a good fight, but they were only two, thankfully.

You check the belongings of each of them. This is what you find.

On the one with a pony tail, you find her javelin, stuck to Luthon. A fine quality javelin, with many scratched and marks, perhaps the number of kills it had done when the monster was alive.

Her armor is a crude chain shirt, but it seems to have some value for those interested in extra protection.

The one who fell outside the cloud, who seemed to dance around Alex and Aradia, wore a fine leather armor, as well as a finely woven pair of boots with the stitching of a gazelle on them.

@Aradia: You begin to feel dizzy. That poison has seeped into your bloodstream rather well and stayed there, festering inside your body. Hopefully, it won't be fatal.

3 Con damage total

@Luthon: Strange. It was a quick surge of power, but it was definitely sent from far away. This troll was hasted, but in order for that to have happened, the caster would've had to be close by, yet you were not able to perceive any nearby.

2013-09-18, 07:07 PM
"Hmm, that poison they have on their claws doesn't look too pleasant."
Archadious says, examining the corpse of one of the trolls.

"I trust the rest of you are alright despite their attacks."
He inquires, feeling a little guilty over the fact that he was the only one who had not been hit.

"If so, then we best make haste and move on, as soon as we store some of this stuff away. And while we are at it, lets see if any of this stuff is magical or not."
As he speaks, he mumbles a quick divination and appraises the objects with his spell.

Spellcraft: [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]
Spellcraft: [roll2]
Spellcraft: [roll3]
Spellcraft: [roll4]
Spellcraft: [roll5]
Spellcraft: [roll6]
Spellcraft: [roll7]

2013-09-18, 07:14 PM
@Archaidous: You place the items down and check them with a simple divination.

Not bad, not bad. The chain shirt and the leather armor offer minor transmutation, as does the boots. The javelin sheds no magic.


Primrose keeps guiding you through the woods as she looks around.

"This is odd, no animal sounds. Just those ghastly growls. It would seem most of the animals have fled towards the forest's edge, by the covens... or so I hope."

Everyone make a Spot & Listen

2013-09-18, 08:33 PM
@Luthon: You walk through the twisted trees and lift your hand.

A single set of footsteps. And not too far away from you and the rest. Maybe forty feet, less even.

@Archaidous: You feel it. At your back.

Pain, tremendous pain. Razor sharp pain.

71 damage

You turn around, but there is no assailant. Although the wound is there. Whoever it was, it caught everyone by surprise, although you feel no poison coming through the grievous cut.

@The Party: Another one of those forest trolls comes out from the amongst the trees in front of you, thirty feet away.

This one is a male and wears light leather armor with a raggedy brown cloak. His hair is red and, like those faced hours earlier, it has that drooping green nose that falls down below its angular chin as it grins with razor sharp teeth and bears nasty claws.

"More of them?"

Primrose lifts up to the air, ascending twenty feet.










Round 1

Primrose begins playing her harp as the lone troll makes its way towards you.

"Let us leave, you meanie!"

+2 to attack, damage and saves, FH 3

The troll laughs as at the tiny Petal.

"Nobody leaves...master needs his dinner.."

@Alex: The troll thirty feet away from you rushes in as his claw drags caked blood in its trail.

15 damage plus skirmish 21 plus poison DC 28 or 1 Con damage

@Luthon: An invisible whirlwind of blades strikes at you.

One cuts you in the face.

16 damage

Another one goes for the abdomen.

11 damage

One of the invisible blades misses its mark.

Another one goes straight for the thigh.

21 damage

A foul breath indicates the a nasty bite just missed your neck.

2013-09-18, 08:56 PM

Archadious is momentarily stunned by the overpowering pain. As a massive gash suddenly appears along the length of his back, the elf cries out in pain. Instinctively, he jaunts 10 feet away, leaving Irraly between the source of the pain and himself.
Eyes hazy from the pain, he turns to see his attacker, but sees no one there. He almost collapses from the excruciating pain, but Primrose's restorative music is able to staunch the bleeding.

As the music begins to take effect, his mind clears a little, and he begins to look for his attacker. Seeing no one there, he realizes that some magic was used to conceal his attacker.
Raising his hands and muttering a short incantation, Archadious creates a cloud of golden dust particles, which explodes, covering everything in the area, and hopefully his invisible attacker, with golden glittery dust.

Casting glitterdust targeting the area where my attacker hopefully is.
Will save DC 19 or be blinded

Plus, outlines invisible creatures

He also activates one of the spells he cast earlier, and his skin becomes as hard as stone.

2013-09-18, 09:00 PM
@Archaidous: The attack was brutal, but you manage to escape within an inch of your life as you push time and space to get as far away as possible from the this unseen attacker.

As the area explodes in dust, you see it.

A tall forest troll, but not a giant. Heavily muscled and with a black mohawk and a filthy chain shirt- This one has ritual scarifcation on his green face and a wicked battle axe in one hand and a short sword in the other..

2013-09-18, 09:14 PM
Alex curses whichever foul gods these creatures worship s they seem to use similar tactics to the ones they themselves used against the giants the other day. Grunting from the attack from the creature before him he calls out to Aradia and Irraly. Protect the others, I will try to hold this one off. He says swinging his greatsword around trying to slash off a body part as the poison from the beast courses threw his veins.

Full attack
Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Attack 2 Find the gap [roll2] Damage [roll3]

2013-09-18, 09:18 PM
@Alex: You slash at the troll and this one ducks with much grace at your most lethal swing.

"This is too easy...too easy. Vekuzz! Kill the elves. I'm gonna have myself some fun with this one...heheheheh."

2013-09-18, 09:20 PM
"No. No, I will not abide this nonsense. I would ask you to reveal yourselves to me...but that is entirely unnecessary."

Casting Swift Etherealness.
Moving out of melee range, I don't think they can attack me when I'm ethereal so no AoOs.
Casting See Invisibility.

2013-09-18, 09:25 PM
@Luthon: Badly hurt by Vekuzz' blades, you enter the realm of ghosts in an instant and move as far away from this bladed monster as possible, as you adjust your eyes to see the unseen.

And something is indeed seen.

High up on the trees, moving without sound, is some form of black purple shadow, vaguely humanoid in shape, cloaked and trailing dark smoke. The creature's features are impossible to describe, but it seems to leap from shadow to shadow until it finally disappears.

2013-09-18, 09:37 PM
Irraly watches the battle unfolding around her looking at her friend hurt she quickly calls on her drow ancestry and summons a globe of utter darkness around them. Archaidous stay inside my spell, it should grant you some protection from these creatures and make it harder for them to hit you. Is their any way you can heal yourself? Irraly asks drawing her blade from its sheath and preparing to teleport infront of the mage if the sparkling outline stepped into the globe to attack her.

Business Scrub
2013-09-18, 10:00 PM
Aradia grumbles, looking at the trolls with disdain. "Ugh... I hate these things. Can you just die quickly?"
She moves up to the troll that is not fighting Alex and sends a gust of freezing air his way, avoiding hitting any allies.

Breath Weapon: [roll0]
Cooldown: [roll1]
DC: 19

Toughness Aura: DR 3/- for all.

2013-09-18, 10:06 PM
Round 2 (I think)

"Thanks Irraly."
He says, noticing the darkness that had suddenly appeared around him. Wanting to still participate, he steps out of the darkness.

Still grimacing from his massive injury, Archadious looks at the state of everyone around him. Both he and Luthon are severely injured and both trolls have barely been scratched. Deciding he needs to remove the glitterey troll from the battle for a few seconds, he pulls some crushed peas out from his pockets and mumbles a few words.

Suddenly, a thick, almost solid fog appears around the troll, stretching right to where the elf and his fellows are.

Casting solid fog. Now since I believe each of us are at least 10 feet away from that troll, I can place him 10 feet within a solid fog without hitting any allies.

As he finishes casting his spell, he decides to make use of the darkness, and uses his jaunting abilities to bend time and space and move back into the darkness.

2013-09-18, 10:17 PM
@Alex: Yavo, with the red fiery hair watches the globe of darkness envelop the elves and Vekuzz in a fog.

"Buying a few precious moments to live, are ya? Hehehehehhehe"

The troll claws at you twice, missing with one, hitting with the other.

13 damage, DR factored in plus poison DC 28 or 4 Con damage

A massive bite from Yavo on your shoulder, nearly rips the arm apart.

7 damage, after DR

The bladed Vekuzz, trapped 10 ft. inside the solid fog, snarls as he pushes his body forward 5ft.

2013-09-18, 10:40 PM
As the red headed troll claws once more at alex it is clear his armor has been compromised as he becomes very pale and begins to sweat like standing there was to much work. Friken Troll, friken poison. Die already. Alex says swinging his sword with the last bit of strength he has left.

Down to 17hp.....

Full attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll2] Find the gap Damage [roll3]

2013-09-18, 10:47 PM
@Alex: One for the books.

The blade cuts in deep through the trolls shoulder as this one howls in pain.

He barely has a chance to react when the second blade goes through.

However, it still stands.

"Hehehehehehhee... yeah! Fight, human. Master likes his meals tough! How's it going over there, Vekuzz?"

Almost out! Damn elf and his sprinkles and fog. I'll butcher'm up slowly...

Business Scrub
2013-09-18, 11:04 PM
Aradia steps defensively around the trolls to Alex, grabbing the knight and pulling him closer for a moment.
"Hang tight Alex, you can't die on us yet. Just a bit more and these trolls will be more mulch."
Her hands glow white as she closes the worst of the wounds in the middle of the chaos. While she works, she shouts out at the trolls.
"Who the hell even sent you imbeciles anyway?"

Touch of Vitality on Alex for 30 health. Hopefully I can move without provoking an AoO. If not though, Tumble check vs. DC 15 [roll0]

Christine Daae
2013-09-18, 11:16 PM
Irraly watches as she looks on at Aradia go and help out Alex, seeing a clear spot for her to take the lead in their game she charges at the creature, blade held high hoping to bring it down with one blow.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2013-09-18, 11:16 PM
Luthon watches the scout troll slash at Alex and the holiest of knights turn pale.

A hard feat, given all are within Irraly's darkness.

"Alex, get ready. This imbecile, as Aradia so aptly put it, is about to get the beating of a thousand life times."

Luthon points his palm at the troll and the cruel scout wretches in pain as a thousand bruises appear on his green face.

Whelm 22 non lethal

However, no matter how much steel and spell power has been directed at it...

It still stands.

"Nice little trick? Who did that? Felt like a morning breeze it did...hehehehehehe"

2013-09-18, 11:19 PM
@Irraly: You lunge at the beast with blade in hand, but he just manages to shrug off the sword slash with his razor sharp claws.

"Guess this one wants to play as well, eh? Good."

Round 3

Primrose, in the darkness of Irraly's globe, keeps playing her music.

"Are we winning? Did we get them? I can't see a thing!"

2013-09-18, 11:27 PM
Archadious steps out of the darkness again and sees the bleak state that Alex is currently in. Shaking his head, he decides to add his own spell power to the mix.
He pulls out his handy metamagic rod, and uses its metamagic power at the same time that he conjures a crackling blue orb. The end result is a small blue orb crackling with electric energy and laced with metamagic energy.

"Take him down already."

He shouts, then with a pointing gesture, launches his orb at the troll.

empowered lesser orb of electricity.

ranged touch attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] * 1.5 = 40.5 electricity damage

2013-09-18, 11:40 PM
@Archaidous: You call forth the ultimate sphere of crackling destruction.

Yavo's red hair frizzles as the electricity courses through him.

The smoking fried troll smiles as he looks at you.

"You gotta do better than that, elf!"

@Irraly: Yavo looks at you as he lips his lips.

"I like dark meat..."

The first claw rips through your armor.

14 damage, after DR plus DC 28 or 2 Con damage

The second slash nearly removes your obsidian head.

14 damage after DR plus DC 28 or 2 Con damage

Yavo lunges at you with his jaws, but misses its mark.

He then takes a 5ft. step back.

"Come out and play, little ones. Plenty of sunshine...hehehehhehehhe!!"

Snarls can be heard from the fog cloud behind you as Vekkuz takes another step forward and getting closer out of the enveloping mist.

Leave some for me!

2013-09-18, 11:48 PM
Thanks everyone. Alex says though clearly still having a hard time do to the poison in his bloodstream. Following the creatures move Alex to steps forward hopping to end the battle hear and now on this front so they could focus behind them.

5ft step out of darkness Followed by Smite from destruction domain

Attack roll [roll0] Find the gap Damage [roll1]

2013-09-19, 12:00 AM









Luthon watches the silhouette of the other troll making its way through the fog and Alex outside the globe cutting the troll, yet not besting him.

"I recall when a stroll through the woods was, at worst, getting a rash from poison ivy. Let's hurry this up, shall we?"

Luthon washes the globe and all its allies in a well known transmutation.


Irraly steps out of the globe and strikes at Yavo with her silvered blade.

"You will not lay a hand on anyone here anymore, troll! Let it be known that the Dark Maiden sends you to the abyss!"

The blades go around the troll as Yavo laughs.

"That's it, elf. Master likes to suck on tough chewy sinews."

Business Scrub
2013-09-19, 12:31 AM
Frustrated with the fight, Aradia takes a step towards the closest troll and swings with her new speed and might. If she can, she attempts to position herself behind one of the trolls, to flank it with either Alex or Irraly.

Power Aura

Full Attack on whichever one I can reach.

Attack 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Attack 3: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]

2013-09-19, 12:39 AM
Aradia moves out of the darkness as well and uses her comrades flanking scenario to bonk the troll in the head.

Javo blocks her mace with his claw.

"Two lovely ladies and a dying man... well ain't this a treat. hehehehehehehhe.."

Round 4

Primrose keeps playing as she thinks to herself.

Please be over soon. Please be over soon. Please...

Archaidous watches the second troll ready to step out of the fog and shakes his head.

We barely can handle one...this one needs to be stopped now.

Squeezing a piece of pork rind in your hands, you flick the grease at the troll's feet as a puddle oozes itself from the ground.

The bladed troll skids for a few seconds, but maintains its footing.

Javo heals some of his wounds as he looks at the three of you, centering his eyes on Aradia, sniffing the air around her.

"You're a pretty little one. I wonder what the Master would do with you..."

Then, punishment.

The first claw swipe nearly knocks Aradia out as her deep red blood stains the forest floor.

13 damage after DR plus DC 28 or 2 Con damage


The second claw rips through your chest.

13 damage after DR plus DC 28 or 1 Con damage

@Alex: In a sudden flash, Javo bites in deep into your arm.

19 damage after DR

"Haven't forgotten about you, human. I can taste the poison in you. Hehehehe. How long will you last?"

@Archaidous: Much to your horror, the Bladed Vekuzz walks out of the fog and almsot slides but walks into the globe, sniffing the air.

"I smell a little elf... and he's right over THERE!"

Vekuzz moves in and his axe hits the forest floor, inches away from you.

The second blade misses as well.

However, his third axe move come sin hard.

6 damage after DR

And finally, the short sword finds its target amidst the darkness.

9 damage after DR

2013-09-19, 12:49 AM
And Enoka will have two more fine meals to go along with your sisters. Alex grunts his blade barely able to be lifted making his attacks more predictable as fatigue starts to set in.

Full attack

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]

Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

2013-09-19, 01:00 AM
@Alex: You bring the blade down hard and Yavo howls in pain.

Although his natural defenses keep him alive, this is too much for him to bear.

Shaking off the pain, the troll grins.

"You can't possibly think I'm down yet, can you, human? Hehehehhee. Master would be most displeased if I were to return empty handed."

Business Scrub
2013-09-19, 01:05 AM
Feeling the poison course through her body, Aradia growls in frustration, just trying to end it as she brings her mace down again with speed.

Attack 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Attack 3: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]

Forgot last time to count in the +2 damage from bardic song.

Why dice? Why do you hate me so?

2013-09-19, 01:06 AM
As Alex is facing off Against the troll in a last ditch effort Irraly seems to sneak behind him and as the troll speaks she leaps off of his back. Slaves one and all. Its all this woods seems to be filled now adays Irralys says her blade coming down like the moonlight.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]

[roll2] Damage [roll3]

2013-09-19, 01:19 AM
@Irraly: Yavo looks up as the voice comes from behind Alex and a shadow with white hair and a silver beam slice through the murderous troll.

As you land beside him in a kneeling position, the cruel Yavo's head and torso slide in opposite directions as the head rolls down at your feet.

For the briefest of seconds, the head sticks its black tongue out and licks the blood on the ground as it looks at you.

"Well met, elf.... Well met. But this isn't over yet. Hehehehheheheheh... Hahahahahhahahahaha...AGHHHHH!!!"

The head falls on its side as the body collapses.

The pain and struggle have been terrible, but Yavo is now dead. Dead and gone.

But somewhere within that globe, Archaidous and Luthon are probably facing off against Vekuzz and his wicked blades.

Luthon hears the cries of death from the troll outside and decides to take action.

"Normally, this would warrant a more subtle approach, but you filth are anything but. Burn, would you kindly?"

As a quick movement, Luthon withdraws the old faithful scorching ray wand and directs it at the mighty Vekuzz.

Aware of the mishaps of casting and attacking in the dark, Luthon fires off a ray of fire at the brutal tempest Troll as this one shrugs off most of the damage.

16 fire damage, please subtract it from the wand's current charges.

Vekuzz laughs and snarls. Difficult to tell if the giantkin is happy or really annoyed.

"You have got to do better than that!"

Round 5

Primrose keeps playing and hums mentally to herself.

Lovely glades. Flowers in bloom. Sweet honey. Happy place. Happy place...

2013-09-19, 03:53 AM
Archadious cries out in pain again the cruel troll strikes him from the darkness, but thankfully the damage is negated by his stone-like skin. Thinking quickly, he jaunts out of the globe and begins to move away.
As he does so, he casts a powerful evocation, surrounding all his allies in shrouds of flame.

"This should make him think twice before hitting us."
He calls out.

casting mass fire shield

Using shield against cold so 1D6+10 fire damage every time it hits one of us

2013-09-19, 04:09 AM
@Archaidous: You once again bend time and space and move out of the way ten feet. Immediately afterwards, you shroud everyone in fire, that this monster may feel what it's like to mess with you and your friends.

"A little fire, eh? Is this supposed to scare me off? Now you get to listen to the other elf squeal as I butcher 'm."

@Luthon: sniffing the air around him, Vekuzz catches your scent. Although still within Irraly's darkness, there is a fair chance he might miss, but the troll is determined. He isn't leaving without his kills.

The first hatchet strikes in the knee cap.

12 damage after DR

The short sword goes for the stomach.

10 damage after DR

The third hatchet swing misses.

As does the fourth blade swing.

Vekuzz brushes the fire away.

"Hmmm... Master won't like 'em roasted. He prefers them raw..."

Christine Daae
2013-09-19, 09:17 AM
Irraly knowing her darkness spell was no longer helping them looks for the sparkle of the troll inside as a small globe of purple flames appears in her hands. (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081212182848/avatar/images/5/59/Azula%27s_blue_flames.png) I think its time to roast you alive little troll. she says as she cans the globe for the tell tale glow before launching the orb at the creature within, it dispelling her darkness as she does so.

Faerie Fire spell to outline the creature, and he may now think he is on fire. It can not be put out after all by patting it down.

2013-09-19, 12:52 PM
@Luthon: As the hatchet and sword come down, you call in several duplicates. Four in total, plus yourself, hopeful to avoid all damage.

4 images + original

Of the two strikes, one- the hatchet, hits you squarely in the chest.

12 damage after DR, as outlined in the post above.

The other one slices one of your images through the neck, causing no fire damage to him, being an illusion in the first place.

@Irraly: You lift the globe of darkness and everyone can see now.

The monstrous Vekuzz becomes engulfed in purple flames.

At first the Tempest troll looks at his weapons and body with concern, but then he laughs.

"I just got burnt, elf. That was a mild scorcher. This doesn't even hurt!"

Alex looks at the carnage caused by this new contender and looks up at the canopy, where the sun's rays break through.

Grant me this one chance. Please...

Although Yavo's poison still courses through his body, Alex's wounds close immediately, granting him as well a bulge of strength as evidenced from his arms, which nearly break off the armor.

Casting Righteous Fury- 50 temporary HP and a +4 sacred bonus to Str

Luthon, badly hurt, even with his illusions, decides it's time to put an end to this fool.

"I believe I said HOLD!"

Casting Hold Monster

And then he moves away from the troll, who takes his chance, shutting his eyes and striking at the one true Luthon.

AoO 13 damage after DR

The troll then opens his eyes.

Vekuzz roars as he shakes his head wildly.

"I grow tired of these petty tricks!"

The Tempest has clearly evaded the worst.

Aradia moves in and breathes on the beast.

"Why won't you just die already!"

18 cold damage, 4 rounds to recharge

Vekuzz shields himself from the gout of ice as best as he can, but this time, Aradia's draconic might broke through his defenses.

Round 6









Primrose, now out of the darkness, looks below as she keeps playing her music.

Oh no. They have beaten one, but the others look badly hurt...

2013-09-19, 01:02 PM
Refreshed by Primrose's inspirational melodies, Archadious appraises the situation with renewed vigor.

"Here! This should make him easier to hit!"
As he shouts, he fires a thin yellowish ray at the troll.

casting empowered ray of clumsiness

Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Dex penalty: [roll1] * 1.5 = 12

So -6 to armor class and reflex saves

He then attempts to taunt the troll and get it to charge him rather than continue to attack Luthon.

"Petty? I don't know, they seem quite effective to me. How does that fire feel? Not so harmless huh?"

2013-09-19, 01:26 PM
@Archaidous: The spell strikes Vekuzz right in the chest. It is clear he has suffered, and greatly, as his legs seem as heavy as stone, rigid.

The Forest Troll looks at you and snarls.

I'm coming for you, elf, but first, some lady needs to learn about not freezing me up!"

@Aradia: Vekkuz takes a 5ft. step and unleashes hell, which will be most painful for him as well.

The first hatchet strike nearly cuts your left arm.

13 damage after DR

The sword swipe goes through your right thigh.

9 damage after DR

The back swing hatchet goes for your neck. This one is the deadly one.

31 damage after DR

As Aradia falls, the troll, consumed by flames, looks at the rest, standing tall and proud, wreathed in purple and orange flames and holding his blades.

"Who's next..."

2013-09-19, 01:34 PM
Lúthon draws the wand entrusted to him and moves next to Aradia.

Drawing the wand of revivify (move-equivalent action) and moving next to Aradia (move action). Alex is going to have to grab the wand and use it on his turn.

2013-09-19, 02:27 PM
@Luthon: You move with your remaining duplicates close to Alex and a fallen Aradia.

@Alex: Relieved that Aradia is not done for, he takes a simple 5ft step and unleashes hell on the troll.

Two of the three strikes hit, brutally well. Yet the creature still stands.

@Irraly: Willing to send this troll to the abyss as well, you dance around the creature with silver blade in hand.

Archaidous' transmutation worked wonders. Where before it would've been extremely difficult to hit this troll, the silver blade goes through marvelously well, causing the Tempest troll to howl in pain.

Yet, it still stands.

By the Dark Maiden! These fiends are tough!

@Aradia: Prudence is the better part of Valor. As Primrose's magic washes upon you, you choose to stay put, in case the Troll got any ideas about butchering you again.

Round 7

Primrose looks down below as she keeps playing.

"Don't give up! He seems almost out!"

2013-09-19, 02:47 PM
With renewed determination, Archadious conjures yet another small sphere, laced with metamagic energy from his rod. He then sends it flying towards the troll.

casting empowered lesser orb of electricity.

Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] * 1.5 = 31 electricity damage

"come on! Die already!"
He shouts, frustrated by the trolls resiliency.

2013-09-19, 03:03 PM
@Archaidous: Rubbing your hands together and causing friction, you release an orb of pure electrical power at the Tempest.

The electricity courses through him as his blades melt into his hands, causing excruciating pain.

Smoking, cut, frozen, burnt and very much weakened, Vekuzz spits some black green blood on his chest as he looks at those around him.

With a primal roar, the Tempest lashes out with horrid fury.

@Alex: The hatchet comes down hard.

37 damage after DR

@Irraly: His sword cuts down through your right shoulder.

19 damage after DR

@Alex: The second hatchet swing fails to connect

@Irraly: The second sword slash misses its mark marginally.

@Alex: The final bite goes in deep into your shoulder.

11 damage after DR

@The Party: The Tempest, covered in flames, stands for a few seconds with both blades stuck in Irraly and Alex and his fangs entrenched deep into Alex's shoulder.

The creature is now dead and flaming, but inertia has kept it standing.

With a push, the troll falls on the ground, finally dead and hideously mangled.

A difficult fight, but no casualties. And no trolls nearby, which is always good.

"Is everyone alright?" Primrose descends and keeps playing her music.

"Can you continue?"

Business Scrub
2013-09-19, 03:13 PM
On the ground, Aradia quietly opens her eyes to make sure the thing is really dead. Ashamed at her weakness, she grabs archadious's leg and lets healing magic run through it, more for herself than anything though, as the deadly cuts on her body begin to fade.
She slowly makes her way to her feet, feeling sick to her stomach and ready for the poison to come back. Not wanting to appear weak twice in a few seconds, she grits her teeth and says, "I'm fine. We should keep going."

Healing Arch and myself for my remaining 30 for the day.

She begins walking along the path in a kind of resolute pain. However, after about ten steps, Aradia goes pale and clammy as a ghost and crumples to the ground, unconscious on the forest floor.

2013-09-19, 05:14 PM
Archadious begins to despair when he sees his orb fail to slay the mighty troll. Then, as the troll brutally lashes out at the two paladins, the elf begins to panic. It isn't until the ferocious monster finally collapses that he finally sighs with relief.
Hoping that the fight was over, Archadious briefly looks at the corpses of the two trolls for any valuables that might be worth something back in town.


He then looks up to make sure that his friends are alright. He sees Alex and Irraly still standing strong despite the poison coursing through their veins. And then he sees Aradia, also standing despite even more poison.
He hears Primrose's inquiry and is about to turn to answer, but as he begins to speak, he sees Aradia walk a few steps, then collapse.

He quickly rushes over to make sure she is still alive. Seeing that she is, he looks back up at Primrose.

"I don't know, Aradia seems pretty ill at this point. I don't know if we can keep going with her like this. Perhaps Alex can carry her...
How much further is it to the Font?"

2013-09-19, 05:59 PM
@Archaidous: Blood splattered everywhere. Foe and friend alike, you walk up to the murderous Yavo and check his belongings, stained in blood.

As a scout, Yavo wore leather armor, of very good design and made, by Forest Troll standards.

You also spot a necklace on the floor, once around his neck, now severed by Irraly's blade. This necklace looks primitive, with a hard bark rectangle etched in a claw.

You then go check on the fallen body of burnt Vekuzz and his wicked blades.

The battle axe that cut you down horribly looks sharp, very sharp. Then there's his short sword, of fine quality make, also as sharp, but not as wicked looking as the axe. His armor is a chain shirt of the finest quality.

Primrose looks at the place your're in.

"We are still two days away, I think. By day's end, we should reach some sort of marker, placed here before my time. It should signal the way to Forest's End. I'm sorry. These are very big woods."

2013-09-19, 06:05 PM
"Well, then perhaps we should continue to the marker before resting. But before we set off again, Luthon, would you mind telling me which of these items are magical?"

He asks, piling the items together and turning to the other elf.

Luthon then casts the simple divination, and begins to examine the objects.

Casting detect magic

spellcraft: [roll0]
spellcraft: [roll1]
spellcraft: [roll2]
spellcraft: [roll3]
spellcraft: [roll4]
spellcraft: [roll5]
spellcraft: [roll6]

2013-09-19, 06:31 PM
@Luthon: Archaidous places the items on the ground for you to examine.

A simple divination reveals that, apart from the shortsword, everything does radiate faint and moderate transmutation.

"Perhaps no more trolls will wander our way? Maybe you managed to scare them all away, yes?"

Primrose is clearly unnerved, but tries to remain positive through it all.

2013-09-19, 06:41 PM
"We can only hope that might be the case."
Archadious says, sighing wistfully. Indeed, he hopes that this will be the end of the troll threat for the day.
He stores the possessions from the troll corpses into the groups bag of holding, and then turns to the others.

"As soon as the rest of you heal up, I think we should get moving."
He says, hoping that it shouldn't be too much of a hassle for the two paladins to heal those among them who were still injured.

Any chance we can move on, and retroactively take care of the healing?

2013-09-19, 07:25 PM
@The Party: Alex carries a very weakened Aradia on his back and trudges along as the rest also make their way through the Fey Woods.

The poison is palpable on the paladins and the Shaman. These trolls were relentless in their assault and as a result, now with the main healer out of comission, you can only hope that there are no further trolls to attack.


The sun has already set and the silver rays of the moon break through the forest canopy.

Primrose tries to remain as close to the group as possible, lest someone or something decides to make a meal out of her. Anything could spring up in these hidden parts of the woods.

And to think the trek is yet two days away.

Roll a Spot and Listen

2013-09-19, 07:47 PM
@Luthon: You silently raise your arm to halt as Alex grunts under Aradia's weight on his back.

"Arms are getting tired Luthon, better be good."

You see them. Sixty feet away and coming in your direction, not bothering to conceal their steps.

Salt mummies. Three of them.

The undead growl as they make their way towards your direction, but it is unlikely they have seen you yet, as one tries to catch a lone firefly as they shuffle along.

2013-09-19, 08:01 PM
Lúthon moves to the center of the group, then casts a spell to ensure that they won't be heard. He then casts another to ensure that they won't be seen, either. "Salt mummies. Three. On any other occasion I would suggest we eradicate them, but in our current state we cannot afford to take that risk. At this juncture they can no longer see or hear us, so we should be safe enough."

Zone of Silence + Invisibility Sphere

2013-09-19, 08:16 PM
@Luthon: You spot the lumbering undead and know that, although there is a chance you could take on Kazym's forces, right now, isn't the best moment.

Shrouding you and your teammates in the veil of obscurity, you know that none of these creatures can see you, no matter what, but just to make sure, you also veil your footsteps and those of your comrades, that these monstrosities may not be able to hear you at all.

Eventually, the two groups cross paths as one of the mummies stops.

"What is it? We need to keep moving! Master will not be pleased..."

Its voice croaked and dry, addresses its undead companion.

The other mummy claps the air as it draws a withered, chapped smile.

"Caught it!"

The other mummies move towards their companion and this one opnes its palms, revealing the squished remains of a glow bug.

Primrose lands on Irraly's shoulder and shudders tremendously as she tries to contain the tears.

"Master has a bigger prey he wants us to get. Leave the gnats alone. They're worthless!"

The salt mummies look around and sniff the air.

"I think I catch a scent...let's go!"

The three mummies take off running, growling in the direction you came, their unnatural screams scaring the few night birds from their roosts.

Primrose sighs in relief.

"I thought for a moment they had us! I've never seen anything like this before. I can see you, but they can't see us? That's very handy!"

2013-09-19, 08:38 PM
As the mummies pass without seeming to notice them, Archadious's tense nervousness disappears. He sighs with relief and looks down ahead.

"Good thinking Luthon.
Come on, if the marker isn't too much farther then we should keep going. There's still another hour or two before it gets completely dark."

2013-09-19, 09:02 PM
@The Party: With the the hours passing by, the Zone of Silence continues, but not so the invisibility sphere.

The trees cast eerie shadows on the ground as the lone hoot of an owl echoed by a distant mummy growl break the silence.

Primrose hides under Luthon's hood and, shaking, points from beneath cover towards a clearing.


@The Party:Primrose guides you through more root-laden paths. The moon here barely slips through the canopy and the scent of decay is ever stronger. The area is devoid of life here as most of the foliage on the ground has been either burnt or salted. You see, covered in dried moss a large statue of a bearded man wearing hunter's attire and a holding a bow aimed towards the south, the way you are headed. The statue, like the one before, bears claw marks in various parts of its body, as well as fist indentations. An inscription lies below.

Jacob, The Valiant
Who forever stands by her Side
Blessed be Him

Primrose flies towards the ancient statue.

"This must be the marker Queen Petunia told me about..."

The tiny Petal turns to look at all of you and takes her badge off, handing it to a party member.

"It wouldn't be right. It does not belong to me. Neither does this."

She hands someone the Dove's Heart.

"I can go no further, my friends. From here on, you're on your own. I wish you the best of luck. After all, it would seem our fate now falls on your hands. Be safe."

Primrose looks around at the salted, blasted area and sighs before flying upwards and disappearing in the dark canopy above.

2013-09-19, 09:19 PM
Exhausted and tired from the long march, Archadious finally stops to catch his breath and relax when he sees the statue. He then approaches the derelict statue to take a closer look. He begins to wonder about the history of this ancient monument and who placed it in the first place. He also wonders if it was in such a shabby condition prior to Kazym's invasion or if it had only recently become like this.
After reminiscing about the ancient history of the woods and this statue, he turns back to the others.

"If you must go, then we shall not stop you. I am sorry that you had to suffer through Belladonna's cruel treatment and that Violet died trying to save you. I wish you and the other Petals luck on your upcoming journey, and tell Queen Petunia that I would ask that she wait just a little longer.
If the five of us can successfully restore the Font, then the fey in the coven will have a better chance of surviving.

Thank you for guiding us through these parts of the forest Primrose, and be careful on your way back."

Archadious says, his heart filled with sadness as the little Petal flies away. The friendly little Petal had reminded him slightly of Violet, and now that she too was leaving, it was as if Violet was truly gone.

he says, turning to the others.

"I think its time we rest. Its another day or so to the Font I believe."

He then conjures the rope trick and gestures for everyone to climb on in.

As they do so, he pulls out the pearl which formerly belonged to Meic. He then activates it, feeling the renewal of mental energy. Storying the pearl, he then pulls out his rod of extending, and casts the newly replenished spell using the metamagic power of the rod.

Using pearl of power 3 to regain mage armor greater, then using rod of lesser extend to cast extended mage armor greater
Which should last until 7pm of next evening.

2013-09-19, 09:53 PM
@Archaidous: You walk up to the statue and pass your hand around it, examining its broken dentures.

The claws may have come from any animal, but the fist indentations. Those seem precise hits made by a human hand. A very strong hand as well to leave such marks.

The traces of sand are clearly Kazym's work. Perhaps the group encountered hours earlier.

Something else catches your attention.

The arrow points south, which is the direction you ought to be going, however, there is another path that leads west, through a mass of tangled roots and trees.

Deep footsteps on the forest floor lead that way. Big ones too. Who they belong to, however, you have no idea.

Calling once more the pocket dimension, you ask everyone to go in, injured first.

Alex grunts again as he carries a nearly dead Aradia on his back and disappears past the portal.

Irraly curses in Undercommon as the strain of the poison courses still through her body and goes in.

Luthon nods at a job well done and quickly climbs in.

As soon as you have one foot inside the portal, your instincts tell you to turn around.

A hundred feet from where you are, you see it.

Huge, as tall as a house, covered in darkness. All you can distinguish are a pair of oversized arms that hang down like an ape and wicked claws.

Two red pinpoints of light give away its presence as it watches in absolute silence as both stare at each other for a few seconds before the enormous figure vanishes into the woods again.

Once inside and safe, you cast a few spells, just in case whatever was out there decides to somehow breach the portal.

An uneasy night, as you sleep with one eye open, always fixed on the one and only entrance to the Fey Woods....

Day 18, 8am.

The spell finally subsides and, although some are still weak, your journey is almost over. Kazym and Balion definitely have a head start, but you have two keys to recover and time is of the essence.

2013-09-19, 10:13 PM
Archadious exits the rope trick the next morning refreshed and ready for yet another day of traveling through these dangerous woods. He looks around to make sure there is nothing dangerous in the vicinity.
He can't help but realize that their little party seems to be getting smaller and smaller. He hopes that no one else will be leaving anytime soon.

As he waits for Alex to restore those of them affected by the trolls poison, Archadious pulls out his spellbook and that of Meic's, and begins to study both of them.

Borrowing spellbook checks:

Rope trick (DC 17): [roll0]
Overland flight (DC 20): [roll1]

spell list on mythweavers being updated

2013-09-19, 11:30 PM
Only change to my spell list is no forth level spells thus no Divine power.

As the morning sun rises Alex Prays to Pelor, asking him to grant Alex the ability to heal himself and his friends on this day of the poison that had been inflicted upon them, and once prayer is done he does exactly that.

Restoration to Aradia, Irraly and myself.

Christine Daae
2013-09-20, 12:12 AM
After a night of dealing with the poison in her blood stream, Irraly was more then pleased to have Alexs curative magic heal her body and eliminate the poison within her. Thank you Alex, but now we need to move onto buisness. We have an important day ahead of us, for one we should not be far from the font. However I do not remember this path along my travels ever there. Perhaps we should take a small detour and investigate it. After all the path is rough, but a clear path none the less means it is well traveled. Perhaps it is where the trolls had their camp and where their master is, or even a shortcut to the rose garden.

2013-09-20, 12:49 AM
@The Party: This is assuming you decide to take the alternate path.

The sun shines bright above. Or at least it would be, where it not for the thick canopy that blocks the light, casting shadows over the terrain as you follow the side path with the large footprints.


You stop the trail on a slope heading down. This one is an old hollowed out tree. The roots, massive, snake around the entrance, big enough for a grizzly bear standing on both legs.

Skulls of animals and humanoids alike hang on old spears. The flies and maggots eating what little flesh remains.

All it would take is to descend through the natural tunnel of roots.

2013-09-20, 01:02 AM
Alex looks to Luthon as he sees the area before them. Got any more of that magic to make us unseen and unheard Luthon, may help us. Though I take it we found their masters home. And it seems like its big enough for a giant. Good thing it should only be one right. Alex says a bit worried.

Business Scrub
2013-09-20, 08:51 AM
Aradia had been out for most of their long march, occasionally fading in and out of consciousness, muttering some nonsense in Draconic. It's a long, uneasy night for her, but under Luthon's care she gets the required sleep.
Alex's restoration wakes her up with a gasp, speaking again in Draconic.
"What the hell happened? Where are we?"
She looks around and calms down a bit, realizing she's not close to death again.
"Oh right... Ok, let's keep going."

2013-09-20, 09:13 AM
As the others begin to head down the western trail, Archadious thinks,

"But... what about the Font? Dont we need to get there to help the fey? Oh well, perhaps there may be something of interest down this trail."

He then sets off behind everyone else.

After a few hours of walking, they arrive at the entrance of the tunnel.
Archadious stares at the grizzly remains and the foreboding entrance with slight apprehension.

"I bet whoever it is, is probably home. So we ought to go in prepared. Also, Luthon, if we need to dimenison door out, we dimension door here."
He says, knowing that neither of them could take everyone with one spell.

Then, in preparation to descend into the smelly depths, Archadious casts a few protective spells upon himself.

Casting heart of earth, heart of water, and overland flight

Buffs: heart of earth, mage armor greater, heart of water, overland flight
Which means I have light fortification.

2013-09-20, 10:10 AM
"Understood." Lúthon casts the same two spells he did last night to ensure the group's continued security and mobility.

Zone of Silence + Invisibility Sphere

2013-09-20, 12:07 PM
Alex watches as the others cast their buffs, already having been prepared for the day.

Find the gap (persisted) Righteous fury (persisted) Crown of smiting 10 hours

Christine Daae
2013-09-20, 12:10 PM
As the others cast their spells Irraly curses for not being powerful enough yet to do such long lasting spells. But that would not help her, at this time she needed to worry about keeping the others alive as well as herself and so she draws her silver blade and stays close to the others.

Business Scrub
2013-09-20, 01:45 PM
Aradia senses Irraly's frustration as the both of them simply stand around as the others weave abjurations. She smirks and whispers to the drow in draconic. "Mach dir keine Sorgen. Mir wurde immer gesagt ein wahrer Krieger sollten wissen, wie sie sich am Leben zu halten, bevor die sich auf Zauber zu tun für sie. Spells sind flüchtig, aber unsere Stärke wird uns nicht verlassen."

"Do not worry. I was always told a true warrior should know how to keep themselves alive before they rely on magic to do so for them. Spells are volatile, but our strength will not forsake us."

2013-09-20, 02:21 PM
@The Party: With the mages and the paladin casting a multitude spells on themselves and everyone, such as mighty illusions to be unseen and unheard, you go down the twisted rabbit hole...

The roots here make for solid footing, but at times, you find yourself slipping through the moss ridden slope. Light seems to get dimmer and dimmer as you reach the bottom, about 200ft.

And then you find yourselves in a very large cave.

Trees have grown around this place, twisting their roots towards the surface. The place is 20ft. high and a few cracks here and there allow for dim light to come in from the surface.

The area is quite big, with ancient stone floors, covered in vines and roots. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=42331)

Then, you see them.

One is a giant, but not like the ones you have encountered the day prior. This one is ten feet tall and wears a grimy breast plate. His hair is long and greasy black. Its eyes a feverish yellow. Its claws exceptionally wicked and long. Caked blood can be observed on them. However, it is his jaw. Unhinged and filled with razor sharp teeth that strikes you the most.

This creature looks like no other troll you may have encountered before in your travels. Wilder in appearance than any of its species.

Then, there's that creature next to him. Like a wolf. The size of a man. It wears barding, spiked and snarls at the air around it.

The amount of shadows here is staggering and unnerving.

Know Arcana for the wolf. Know. Nature for the giant

Business Scrub
2013-09-20, 02:27 PM
Sensing a fight come on, Aradia closes her eyes as the water in the air condenses and freezes on her allies' skin. As quietly as she can, she whispers, "You think they've seen us yet?"

Switching to energy shield: 6 cold damage to melee attackers.

2013-09-20, 02:46 PM
@Aradia: You stand a few feet away from this giant and his wolf, but cannot determine what it is.

As far as whether they have seen you, they are sniffing the air and the giant is crunching on a thigh bone.

So far, no actions seem to have been taken. As long as you remain in Luthon's spell, perhaps you will be unnoticed.

Everyone roll a Listen

2013-09-20, 02:56 PM
@Archaidous: You look at the giant with the wicked claws and over sized bite.

This is a troll. Not like the smaller ones fought the day prior. Said to be immortal, trolls are usually found in deep forests., although sages claim there may be other kinds as well. More information would be required. Further research.

The wolf creature is a Worg. Evil sentient spirits that take on the semblance of wolves. Capable of speech, at least in the goblin tongue. Worgs are usually used by goblins as mounts, but given their ferocity, it takes strength and power to truly domesticate them.

2013-09-20, 03:09 PM
@Luthon: Already rolled his Listen

As you observe the giant and his pet wolf, in this shadowy cavern, you feel a deep wound at your side, seemingly from nowhere. A poisonous wound. A lethal wound. Whoever struck was able to do so with utmost precision, yet as you turn around, you see or hear nobody.

33 damage plus poison DC 22 or 6 Con damage

2013-09-20, 08:10 PM
@Luthon: You try and pinpoint the source of sound, if any.

However, you are unable to make out where the attacker came from and where he or she is going.

In so far, damaged and poisoned, you are still under the veil of illusion and silence, so the big troll and his pet worg should not be alerted of your presence, should you decide a hasty retreat.

2013-09-20, 09:47 PM
As the group descends into the roots he quickly begins scanning around him, using his god given powers to seek out evil in all its forms. And with that he took point, scanning all around them, never leaving an area unscanned. Only stopping when he detects a source of evil to focus on it.

As Luthon is attacked Alex points towards the direction the sense of evil is coming from so that it could be lit up with their magic. (IF it is evil) After the evil is detected Alex casts A spell to make himself grow, watching Irraly do the same.

Enlarge person on us both.

2013-09-20, 09:51 PM
@Alex: You look at Luthon's direction and sense nothing.

An odd situation, given the wound came from the right. Then you turn left.

A quick movement in space. Something is off to the left, in the shadows. There and gone.

2013-09-20, 09:55 PM
Lúthon casts a spell to allow him to perceive invisible creatures, then follows Alex in looking for his attacker.

See Invisibility, looking for attacker.
Spot, if needed: [roll0] assuming senses aura is up.

Business Scrub
2013-09-20, 10:01 PM
Sensing the danger, Aradia pulls out her weapon and places a chilled hand on Luthon's infested wound, healing what she can. She searches around for any sign of the attacker, unaware he's probably invisible.

Healing for 30 HP.

Aura is actually not up, since Energy Shield is currently up.

2013-09-20, 10:06 PM
@Luthon: You enable yourself to see invisibly, with the giant monstrous troll and dog a mere feet away, unaware of what is happening.

Alas, the culprit not only is invisible, but rather skilled at hiding.

Christine Daae
2013-09-20, 10:11 PM
Ah Aber Sie vergessen, habe ich auch auf Zauber je nach Situation Aradia zählen. Es ist Magie, die diese Welt, was es ist immerhin macht. Irraly says to Aradia as they both look amused at the others casting their spells though thankful for the support.

As the group descends down Irraly follows Alex's lead and scans out around them that way they could cover a wider area between the two of them so nothing could escape. And it was because of this that when Luthon was attacked Irraly began casting her spell to make her size grow, while she targeted the area opposite which Alex vision was covering to find this hidden assassin. Point out to those more capable then herself the area it was in if she found it.

2013-09-20, 10:41 PM
@Irraly: You scan around your own area while Aradia heals Luthon and this one tries to discern the presence of his attacker, but nothing within range.

@The Party: That's when a disembodied voice echoes through the cavern as Archaidous flies up and away from the sphere and bombards the troll and the worg with sparkling glitter. Both troll and worg shine, but do not seem affected by the blindness.

Oni su tamo, Rukkart! Skriven u nevidljivosti!

The troll bears its claws as it bears its gaze on the group, not sure whether he can see you or not.

"You came here for Rukkart? You came here to find DEATH!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvNOqiOIbmE)









Red Fang

Map with enlarged paladins (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=42370)

2013-09-20, 11:00 PM
Lúthon summons a thin cloud of orange fog around the troll and worg, then several illusory duplicates of himself.

Mind Fog. Will DC 22 since they're both flat-footed.

Greater Mirror Image, [roll0] images

2013-09-20, 11:13 PM
@Luthon: You call forth a very thin orange mist that eats at people's minds. A light morning dew that enfeebles the brain to mush.

The worg, with its heavy barding shakes its head. Apparently, it has been affected .

Mighty Rukkart, however... has not.

@Irraly: Rukkart roars as the entire cavern seems to collpase and the roots hide in the walls out of sheer fear.

Rukkart's body swells in size as his ropy muscles tense and his claws grow. His jaw distends as his eyes go white with rage.


A mighty claw swipe nearly slices your body in three.

35 damage

The ice from Aradia's aura freezes Rukkart's claw tips as he roars to nobody.

"Tedar! Uzmi Awway Frost vještica!"

Map now (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=42371)

2013-09-20, 11:27 PM
Alex curses as their element of surprise was blown due to Luthons rush to action. Praying to the gods that they survived whatever was to come Next he watched as Irraly just barely missed being cleaved in two. Leading with his greatsword a might battle cry could be heard bellowing through the cave complex as Alex called out to Kord. And what a sight it was to see as his muscles seemed to bulge to that to rival even the trolls, it was only a matter of if he could trade blow for blow with it and be on the winning side.

Full attack surge of strength, Find the gap on last attack

[roll0] Damage [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]

2013-09-20, 11:38 PM
Archadious fires a sluggish green ray laced with metamagic energy at the massive troll.

empowered ray of enfeeblement

Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Penalty: [roll1] * 1.5 = 16 dex penalty

Can this be before Alex acts? Since I'm before him in initiative.

2013-09-20, 11:42 PM
@Archaidous: You fire that single ray that will differentiate victory or loss against this monstrous raging troll.

Rukkart swats the ray away with his claw as this one fizzles away against the cavern wall.

"No magic kills Rukkart!"

Business Scrub
2013-09-21, 12:07 AM
It's clear that killing this troll would require a bit of help. Aradia suddenly finds herself very small between the two huge paladins. She steps forward defensively dodging his swinging claws. Now this: the battle for supremacy over a cave. This was something Aradia understood.
"Leave troll! This is our cave now, we're taking it as our right! Run, and you may escape with your life, if were feeling nice!"
On the last word, a jet of flash frozen air shoots out, icy shards cutting into his skin. After, she gives the troll a bit of an innocent smirk.
"Unless you think you can take me? It must be so shameful to admit you lost your cave to a tiny human woman. But then again, it is better than dying."

5 -foot - stepping to avoid the paladins.
Damage: [roll0]
Cooldown: [roll1]

Save DC 23

Intimidate [roll2]

EDIT: Woooooow, when's the last time I rolled well?

2013-09-21, 12:16 AM
@Aradia: You breathe a gout of cold air at Rukkart and the monstrous feral troll cannot evade the icy shrapnel.

With a mighty roar, Rukkart speaks out to you.

"Tedar, ODMAH!"

Then, you feel it, behind you. A cold claw, but not striking you.

It's placing a hold on you.

Briga za vožnju u tamnijoj strani, Issithholden? Heheheheh ...

Shadows begin to coalesce around you. Something is taking you away...but where?

Roll a Will save

2013-09-21, 01:19 AM
@Aradia: You steel your mind, calling on your draconic spirit to shrug off and fly away from these shadowy clutches.

The dissipating shadows behind you and a cry of frustration leaving with it indicate success.

Whatever tried to take you- wherever it was...

Went alone.

2013-09-21, 03:29 AM
@Luthon: You watch Aradia being surrounded by shadows and immediately recognize what is being done upon her.

Whoever did this was casting the Shadow Walk spell. This spell is usually employed by illusionists to travel the dreaded Plane of Shadow. Normally used for quick transit, it can also be used to take unwilling victims into such a dreary reality. The caster of such a spell must've intended to take Aradia away, but ended going alone.

Christine Daae
2013-09-21, 08:57 AM
Irraly looks all around the battlefield, her eyes able to see everything in this darkness with ease. Watching Alex struggle to hit the creature before her she decides it would be best to try and charge it. And with that thought in mind she seems to vanish, bending time and space leaving only a plume of purple where she was, that plum however only covers her reentry as she charges at the troll with her blade filled with dark electricity.

Charging Smite Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2013-09-21, 10:06 AM
@Irraly: You feel the beast's claw nearly slice you and disappear into nothing but purle aether.

Reappearing instantly ten feet away from the troll, you call on Eilistraee's might to bring this troll down.

Rukkart swats the silver blade away.

"Nobody comes into Rukkart's cave and lives!"

@Irraly: The worg with his heavy barding moves in to attack. It is impossible not to notice that the closer it gets to Rukkart, the wilder it seems to become.

Make an AoO.

And yet, it misses to bite your leg.

Updated map without shadows, since they are no longer necessary (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=42404)

Round 2

The mysterious shadow is gone, but the mighty Rukkart and his worg remain as the troll looks at all gathered.

"All die here!"








Red Fang

2013-09-21, 11:49 AM
"You really ought to be more careful when choosing your words. To say that "all" die here implies that you will as well. Now, allow me to expedite your demise." Lúthon attempts to stop the befuddled worg from moving.

Hold Monster on the worg. DC 21 Will.

2013-09-21, 12:14 PM
@Luthon: A low whimper can be heard from the worg as his body freezes in place. The creature has been clearly affected by the enchantment and who knows now if it will ever move again.

@Irraly: The troll lashes out with a claw strike of his own.

25 damage

"You dare cut Rukkart? Rukkart cuts YOU!"

@Alex: The troll lashes his claw at you and you can feel there is an extra gash in that wound. A precise, cut. A pain wracking cut.

Pain Touch Cruelest Cut 34 damage plus 4 Con damage, no save

The cut is brutal as the blood gushes from the wound in torrents. It would seem this troll has been trained by some order or cult in the business of dealing pain.

"Die, little man!"

Rukkart sinks his teeth into your shoulder, nearly ripping it apart.

10 damage

@The Party: Know Local to ID where he could've gained these abilities.

2013-09-21, 12:27 PM
@Luthon: During your travels you have heard about thugs and cutthroats of the worst kind. Trained under Erythnull's dogma of pain to inflict it upon others.

The Ravagers they are called. Masters at inflicting horrible pain upon their victims. Whatever subtlety they may lack, they make up for with techniques learned within dark alleys and forbidden places in Oerth, geared towards killing in the most gruesome way imaginable.

And now, this barbarian troll has apparently been indoctrinated into their murderous flock.