View Full Version : Hellcat [Hellspawned Grace]

Erik Vale
2013-09-14, 02:04 AM
Ok, a fey questions about the Hellspawned Grace Invocation and the Hellcat.

Whilst I don't have access to the book Hellcat is from which is probably why I have these questions, I have two questions about the hellcat's invisibility:
-Is it's invisibility negated by see invisibility/True Seeing [I think So]? And if so, does that only allow you to see it's outline or can you see the actual Hellcat.
-What happen's to it's invisibility when it attacks? This isn't specified in the SRD and based on Invisibility [the spell] it should becone visible after it's first attack, though perhaps return to invisibility sometime after.

And now as to the invocation, the Invocation states that you polymorph into a hellcat, leading to two further questions:
-Do you completely heal every time you use the invocation [I think so]? Nope.
-Whilst there is a standard Hellcat, it has progression by HD, can you turn into it's Higher HD forms based on you having high enough HD for it?

2013-09-14, 02:23 AM
-Is it's invisibility negated by see invisibility/True Seeing [I think So]? And if so, does that only allow you to see it's outline or can you see the actual Hellcat.It is invisible, so anything that pierces invisibilty does so with the hellcat. This is what you see:
It has the shape of an enormous lion, but its form consists of blinding light and fiery sparks, as though its body were made of energy and not flesh and bone.

-What happen's to it's invisibility when it attacks? This isn't specified in the SRD and based on Invisibility [the spell] it should becone visible after it's first attack, though perhaps return to invisibility sometime after.The MM does not specify either, so the hellcat stays invisible during and after the attack. Changing the light conditions to such a level that a human can no longer see properly, will make the Hellcat visible though.

-Do you completely heal every time you use the invocation [I think so]?No, it is not in the description of the Invocation, and healing is not a general rule for the [Polymorph] Subschool (CM p. 91). Even the spell Polymorph only heals as if you rested a night. (i.e. 1 HP/Level)

-Whilst there is a standard Hellcat, it has progression by HD, can you turn into it's Higher HD forms based on you having high enough HD for it?No, just the regular hellcat.

These would have been good questions for the FAQ thread.

Erik Vale
2013-09-14, 02:25 AM
Thanks for the quick response.

2013-09-14, 04:16 AM
You can find all of the relevant infotmation on the Hellcat: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/devil.htm#hellcatBezekira

2013-09-14, 12:55 PM
The hellcat's natural invisibility is not based on the Invisibility spell. That is why it does not appear when attacking. That is a trait of the spell, not of invisibility in general.