View Full Version : [PF] Cheshire (DC Comics)

2013-09-14, 08:43 AM
So my players blundered into the end-boss encounter a few levels too early and pretty much wiped the party. The dead summoner is a big fan of comics and decided that Cheshire, the ninja assassin from DC Comics, the perennial foe of Robin and the Teen Titans, seems like an excellent concept for a character and is looking for ways to build her. All Pathfinder material is available with some 3.5 stuff allowed, subject to DM approval. He seems to prefer the animated version, which can turn invisible, all of which screams PF Ninja version to me. However he feels that because the character concentrates more on tech than supernatural powers that a Rogue specializing in magic item use might be the way to go. What does the Playground think?
[Edit] Here's the wikipedia article on Cheshire, for clarity!

2013-09-14, 08:53 AM
Ninjas can have magic items as well. Prestige into Assassin when you can, maybe throw in a few levels of monk somewhere for her unarmed combat, and you're set.

2013-09-14, 09:48 AM
The tricky part is capturing her poison mastery, methinks. When you fight Cheshire, everything is poisoned. EVERYTHING. (Yes, even that). Does PF have any poison-focused PrCs?

2013-09-14, 09:52 AM
The tricky part is capturing her poison mastery, methinks. When you fight Cheshire, everything is poisoned. EVERYTHING. (Yes, even that).
You mean... you know? :smalleek:

Oh, and I don't think they have specific poison-focused PrCs, though any class with the "cannot poison self" could help qualify. Besides that, I think Craft [Alchemy] and maybe a dip into Alchemist? Not that you really even need the Alchemist dip if you don't want it - I assume you could get by with just the skill ranks in Craft.

2013-09-14, 09:56 AM
Fighting with poisoned fingernails ... This might be better represented by TWF with punch daggers or something than by unarmed combat. Definitely a ninja though.

If you want Use Magic Device, there's a trait for that.
Edit - never mind, for some reason I thought ninjas lost that class skill.

2013-09-14, 10:28 AM
Ninja is a good choice, but consider Alchemist. They get a fair number of poison-related class features, can get full sneak attack via Vivisectionist, and are Int-based with a nice selection of class skills. Plus if anyone is device-focused in PF it's an Alchemist.

2013-09-15, 10:09 AM
You mean... you know? :smalleek:

Yes. And it's canon.

Ninja is a good choice, but consider Alchemist. They get a fair number of poison-related class features, can get full sneak attack via Vivisectionist, and are Int-based with a nice selection of class skills. Plus if anyone is device-focused in PF it's an Alchemist.
A big plus one to Vivisectionist Alchemist. You can even get claws for the poisoned nails thing. If you really really want the stealth, you could dip some other class (Shadowdancer? *shrugs*)