View Full Version : Mythic Drinking Contest: Who Would you Play?

2013-09-14, 04:59 PM
So, my group has been talking about running a game based on a drinking contest that is sponsored by Zeus. This would be run using Pathfinder and the Mythic adventures book. We want to run in a theme based on the Odyssey. Epic adventures leading up to a contest of alcohol with the final boss. Starting small (minotaur) and working up to the gods. Anyway, we are still working on the specifics of the game.

What characters would the community like to play in an adventure such as this?

2013-09-14, 06:52 PM
I'm assuming the final boss will by Dionysus?

Dwarf or Drunken Master would seem like an easy out. Thinking about it... I'd probably go with an Incarnate Gnome. Just for the sheer ridiculousness of it when it out-drinks something twice its size and Strength.

Honest Tiefling
2013-09-14, 07:12 PM
Probably not my first choice, but I'd watch out for the guy playing either Odysseus or Heracles. The first because he is a crafty ol' fox, and the second because it would likely be the best choice for trolling. Hey, not HIS fault that town gave him a shifty look when he was drunk and he had no choice but to hurl boulders at it!

2013-09-14, 07:15 PM
A 9th-level Druid or 11th-level Monk could do very well in such a contest.

2013-09-14, 07:48 PM
Pixie Warblade.

Say it with me now: "Iron Heart SURGE!"

2013-09-14, 07:59 PM
Didn't Thor once drink from a horn that was connected to the ocean, and get most of it down?

2013-09-14, 08:10 PM
I'm going to revive my Half-Orc Scarred Witch Dr. He was able to put our Half-Giant Paladin to shame when it came to drinking.

However a gnome of any sort would be fantastic, it'd be great to watch a little guy out drink a Titan.

2013-09-14, 09:32 PM
Dwarven Alchemist. (The 'Brewmaster' feat seems to imply that brewing up a stiff drink and brewing up a potion aren't entirely dissimilar).

2013-09-14, 09:33 PM
Probably my "Alcoholic Princess" Barbarian Build.

The best part about her, is she doesn't instantly fall apart once someone declares "no supernatural effects or immunity effects".

Of course the drunken master or druid would win, they're immune to poison. I might as well submit a succubus.

And of course your warblade with iron heart surge would win, but how good is your pixie once someone goes "Okay now do it without your little cheating magic trick."

This barbarian had a +19 to drinking poison at level 3, and she didn't rely on outside helps or supernatural tricks. Once your guys are in an anti-magic field, or someone declares "oh you can't actually be immune, it would be like letting a devil in a trial by fire contest." you fall apart. She doesn't.