View Full Version : Stand Still with Clarifications

2013-09-14, 06:41 PM
Pretty straightforward scenario this week, just trying to iron out details of possible situations just in the event they pop up. This one has to do with the Stand Still feat, which one of my players recently took as part of his lockdown build.

So, as I understand it, when the character gets an AoO from an enemy moving out of a threatened square, they activate their Stand Still ability. Let's assume that the AoO hits and the Reflex save is failed. The enemy immediately stops in the square they were moving out of. So, I need some quick clarifications on this:

1) The enemy did not actively start in the square threatened, but they are moving past the character (like on a charge against someone behind them). By passing through threatened spaces, the character can activate Stand Still and stop them in mid-movement, thus stopping the enemy in a nearby square.

2) Once the enemy is stopped, they halt as if they had used up their move actions for the round. What if the movement didn't begin with a move action, but maybe a swift action (like the Sudden Leap maneuver)?

3) Using the above scenario of the movement being based on a swift action, could the enemy theoretically make a full attack action from where they've been stopped (if within range to do so) or do they have access to only a standard action?

4) If they only have the standard action, can it be used to possibly move or is that option of a standard action negated as well because of Stand Still, thus leaving them with only options like attack, abilities, spells and what not that specifically say standard action?

5) Let's assume that the enemy started in a threatened square when they attempted to move, and they got hit by Stand Still. Since they did not technically move any distance, could they still take a 5-foot step?

6) Finally, what if the enemy has another way to move available to them? Maybe a means to teleport, or whatever. Assuming it doesn't take a move action, could they activate the ability/spell/item/whatever and move from their space?

2013-09-14, 06:52 PM
1 - Enemy is stopped in the square where the AoO was triggered. I believe the AoO is a response to them leaving said threatened square.

2 - Their current movement is halted, the action in which they moved is wasted, and they can take no further "moves" for the rest of their turn. This isn't 100% defined in RAW but I explain more below.

3 - If they have actions remaining for it, they can re-plan the rest of their turn.

4 - Stand Still prevents them from moving for the rest of their turn. The feat reads: "immediately halt as if he had used up his move actions for the round." This isn't technically defined in RAW and I would rule it one of two ways:

I would assume it means that he loses his current action and is unable to make an further movements. However, if they were moving through use of a swift action or 5-foot step, they are still legal to perform a move-equivalent action.

However, it could also mean that their move action is wasted, but this introduces a bunch of issues. For instance, if somebody were moving with a swift or 5foot and you hit them, they can only take a standard. For another example, you could tactically reposition your team through the following: A teammate exits his current combat through use of the withdraw action, provoking no attacks when he does so. When he gets into range of your melee, you stand still him, he voluntarily fails his save, and he still gets a standard action to hit the enemy. See the issue with this reading?

5 - Once again, depends on your reading.

6 - I guarantee that this feat does not prevent teleportation, regardless of interpretation.