View Full Version : Pathfinder Druid (Ooze Whisperer) Idea/Help

2013-09-14, 11:03 PM
Hello hello! My first time on a forum like this, and I would like to have some help.

So I've always had a love for the ooze and plant creature types because in my gaming circles they don't get any love. No one like to use them and I like them quite a bit.

So my character idea is to build a character using the Feats from Dungeon Denizens Revisited called Ooze Whisperer and then Ooze Companion.

The Character is level 9, and will be a Halfling Druid. My stats after leveling up and racial bonuses are:
STR 12 DEX 18 CON 16 INT 14 WIS 18 CHA 18

As far as traits I went with Outrider(+2 Handle Animal and Ride) over Sure-Footed to help with animal tricks.

My feats are:
Ooze Whisperer
Ooze Companion
Point Blank Shot
Arc Slinger
Natural Spell

I am aware that this character may not be the most powerful thing ever, but it will be fun which is what matters to me. I want the ooze companion to provide the either defense or physical offense while I provide magical and ranged damage and support.

My problems comes in the form of the Oozes limited Trick selection caused by being mindless and very slow movement speed. As a halfling, my end goal of a black pudding companion, will be able to keep up with me at the 20ft move speed. but with magic items and spells it is easy to up my move speed but not the oozes. it can't get the horseshoes that give +30ft. I need suggestions on what i can do to make this character more effective in general. also, if i could eventually ride the ooze that would be a great goal.

I could always awaken the ooze, but then it is subject to having terrible WIS and CHA and it will lose it's Mindless trait which is actually pretty effective to have on an animal companion.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

2013-09-15, 02:19 AM
That is a beautiful idea and I love it/will replicate it.

Tsar Mi-Flan, The ooze whisperer.

But I can't seem to find those feats you grabbed, mind telling me where you found Ooze Whisperer and Ooze Companion?

Anyway, as an animal companion- you can take the bodyguard archetype( http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/druid/animal-companions/animal-companion-archetypes/bodyguard-companion-archetype )

You could tear up the playing field by using the druids phenomenal array of terrain manipulation spells and funneling, tripping, or slowing down the competition so that jiggly can get to gobbling.

Mindless is pretty nice if you can work it. If you can somehow get immune to acid damage, you could stay 'INSIDE' the ooze(depending on the flavor of ooze and your DM's sanity of course.) But there's the problem of breathing(breathing water is not breathing ooze, but you could do the fishbowl dealy.
Awakening your ooze would make it easier to ride inside.

2013-09-15, 06:05 AM
Thanks! I am glad someone else thinks its a neat idea!

The feats are from the small expansion Dungeon Denizens Revisited(called DDR someplaces). The book contains new ideas and variants for classic monsters like gelatinous cubes, land sharks, owlbears, etc. If you can't find it I can either get a link or, probably easier, post what each feat does.

Ooze Whisperer
You have a special bond with slimes and oozes.
Prerequisites: Wild empathy class feature.
Benefit: You may target oozes with spells and special abilities that normally only affect animals as if the oozes were magical
beasts with Intelligence 1, though they gain a +4 bonus to their saving throws. You may use wild empathy to influence oozes as easily as you influence magical beasts with Intelligence 1.

Ooze Companion
Your understanding of oozes has grown to the point where
you can bond with one as a companion.
Prerequisites: Ooze Whisperer, animal companion,
wild empathy.
Benefit: Add the following oozes to your list of possible animal companions. 7th—gelatinous cube, gray ooze; 10th—ochre jelly; 13th—black pudding. Because of its non-intelligence, an ooze companion starts with 0 tricks (only your bonus tricks from druid levels apply) and can only learn the following bonus tricks: attack, come, defend, and stay.

2013-09-16, 12:40 PM
But just in case someone else needs it, here is the link from earlier.

2014-05-20, 03:10 AM
Trying to revive this character idea. I was gonna see if anyone else had any suggestions since I may have the chance to play it sometime soon.