View Full Version : Power's out

2013-09-15, 12:55 AM
Been having crazy rain the past twenty minutes or so. Must have knocked out something important because the utility company said it's affecting 1400 people in my zip code. No power, everyone's asleep, and I'm wide awake and bored. What does everyone else do when the power is out?

2013-09-15, 12:56 AM
Hm. Board games?

2013-09-15, 12:58 AM
I don't like board games much as it is, but playing them by myself and in the dark just seems sad.

2013-09-15, 01:03 AM
I don't like board games much as it is, but playing them by myself and in the dark just seems sad.
Ah, I suppose. Go out for a walk, and try to see the stars, maybe. They're probably seem brighter than they usually are.

2013-09-15, 01:09 AM
Would you consider reading?

2013-09-15, 01:37 AM
Would you consider reading?
Reading requires light. Light requires power, or fire, and fire is not on good terms with paper.

2013-09-15, 02:09 AM
Reading requires light. Light requires power, or fire, and fire is not on good terms with paper.

But Internet also surely requires power, and he seems to be OK posting on this forum... :smallbiggrin:

2013-09-15, 02:15 AM
Reading requires light. Light requires power, or fire, and fire is not on good terms with paper.

I'm so used to having electric (chargeable) lanterns that I'd forgotten about candles ._.

But Internet also surely requires power, and he seems to be OK posting on this forum... :smallbiggrin:

Maybe his Phone provides it's own wi-fi/hot spot? *shrugs*

2013-09-15, 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by gurgleflep
Would you consider reading?

Really, this was ringing through my mind even before I finished reading the OP. Although at this point on the following day--roughly dawn in New Mexico--it looks like the rain is over until late afternoon or evening.

Here's hoping the OP made it through the mighty deluge.

Originally Posted by Flickerdart
Reading requires light. Light requires power, or fire, and fire is not on good terms with paper.

I've read entire books by candlelight, and mighty conflagrations were avoided. It's a great experience, and not quite the obstacle you suggest.

Also, one might say that fire is on excellent terms with paper--or wants to be--but paper doesn't appreciate its advances.


2013-09-15, 11:32 AM
Yeah, we didn't really have adequate candlelight to read by. The candles exist basically just to provide emergency light until we can get to flashlights and batteries, and I didn't want to suck the batteries just to do some light reading. So I basically just messed around on the internet until the battery was starting to run low, and by then I had downed a couple cocktails and was able to sleep. Sometime between 01:15 when I went to bed and 05:15 when my wife left for work the power was restored and the rain had stopped. I'm looking forward to seeing what all the rain messed up while I drive to work. Apparently it knocked a couple of cinder blocks out of our wall (which explains the loud boom I heard a few minutes before the power went out). In New Mexico when it rains, it pours. Unless it feels like sprinkling for just long enough to give us hope and then disappear.

2013-09-15, 12:02 PM
When the power goes out, I have a few things that I do to pass the time in the dark.

1) I've got an oil lantern for reading. Not a huge amount of light, but with the glass surrounding the flame, I can get close to it without worrying about catching fire.

2) I start a fire in the fireplace. It's fun to look at, and maintaining it keeps me busy for a few hours. Not to mention the light/heat that comes with it.

3) Battery-powered radio. It runs on those giant "C" cell batteries, so it lasts for days uninterrupted. I also keep a surplus of extra batteries just in case, and since the radio is the only thing I own that uses them, I'm good. For storms, especially, having a radio also lets you know about emergency alerts, like if a tornado warning is issued.

4) If all else fails, you can give meditation a try. Sitting in a dark room, no distractions, just the sound of the rain on the roof. There's really no better conditions to try it out.

2013-09-15, 11:35 PM
i read a lot anyway. so ya im with the whole "book" crowd.

2013-09-17, 04:49 PM
last time we had a power out (which actually was the first time ever) I started my notebook and watched a movie there ^^