View Full Version : Help me make my paladin please

2013-09-15, 08:13 AM
Hi this is my first ever post and im kind of new to actually posting on forums and im pretty sure i got all the rules down, yes i have a lvl 3 paladin of tyranny in a low magic slow paced evil campaign since im actually new to D&D my building of characters are very terrible and i have only ever played 1 campaign before this.

I wanted to stop playing paladin at level 3 because leveling it anymore is just pointless in my view my char's stats are
Race: Human

STR: 15
DEX: 15
CON: 14
INT: 11
WIS: 13
CHA: 14

I was thinking of going into cleric since there is a lack of healing in my party and we nearly got insta gibbed because of it.

2013-09-15, 08:38 AM
Well first off: it's a bit late to go into Cleric now. Your spellcasting will be far behind for no real benefit from your Paladin levels. However, it may still be worth it.

Secondly, since your character is Evil, even as Cleric you couldn't spontaneously cast Cure spells. That's not a big deal, because you shouldn't waste slots on healing anyway. You can heal with a Wand of CLW - and you can do that as a Paladin, because CLW is on your spell list.
(Wand of Lesser Vigor would be better, but for that you would indeed need to have Cleric levels).

Which brings me to the question: What does "Low Magic" mean in your game? Is spellcasting nerfed, or does the DM simply think that ignoring WBL and withholding magic items from the PCs will make his game low-magic?

So... it may or may not be smart to switch to Cleric. Keep in mind that by RAW, once you take a level in anything else but Paladin, you can never go back.
If you want to become a Cleric, take another level of Paladin first, so you get Turn/Rebuke Undead. _Then_ go Cleric, take some Divine Metamagic feats and go to town with your double turning pool.

2013-09-15, 09:07 AM
Low magic in our campaign means there is barely any magic items and stuff like potions and scrolls cost X3 more than normal and the only one who could have got healing abilities was our favored soul and she took spells from BoVD rather than taking any healing stuff the thing is with the rebuke/turn undead is that our story mostly revolved around a city and i now know that we are dealing with a lycanthrope problem

2013-09-15, 09:07 AM
You need to be more specific. What are your other party members classes? Why do you think it'd be pointless to keep playing paladin?

2013-09-15, 09:45 AM
1 artificer
1 ninja
1 favored soul
1 wizard
1 monk
1 paladin of tyranny

I feel that paladin of tyranny after 3rd level doesnt really give anything to look forward to i dont need a mount because we are around a city were mounts are not really aloud in the city the things like smite good is also pretty useless to me because everyone or most are of evil alignments and cause disease doesnt really appeal to me.

2013-09-15, 10:02 AM
An... artificer in your party? In a low magic campaign?

2013-09-15, 10:26 AM
You could work on becoming a Sorcadin. Pick up 4 levels of sorcerer, then go into Abjurant Champion.

2013-09-15, 10:51 AM
1 artificer
1 ninja
1 favored soul
1 wizard
1 monk
1 paladin of tyranny

I feel that paladin of tyranny after 3rd level doesnt really give anything to look forward to i dont need a mount because we are around a city were mounts are not really aloud in the city the things like smite good is also pretty useless to me because everyone or most are of evil alignments and cause disease doesnt really appeal to me.

I always look forward to the mount because of the customization you can bring to the table. I usually hold off so I can get like a celestial ghost griffon at level 11. You could get like a ghost warhorse at level 7. If they tell you no mounts, just say "um... my mount is dead". :smallbiggrin:

2013-09-15, 10:59 AM
An... artificer in your party? In a low magic campaign?

The common workaround to any DM's poorly thought-out "low magic" antics. That's how you survive such an idiotic outset: play a full caster, and/or craft your own items.

Ideally, you'd swap out your entire character. Tag the Paladin out, bring a single-classed Cleric in.


Really, playing a "low magic" game in D&D is generally a bad idea, _particularly_ if this only means "hardly any gear". It only shafts mundanes to the third power, while full casters not only remain unaffected, but come out even _more_ powerful than in a regular game, simply for lack of competition.

Yes, you _can_ make low magic D&D work, but
1. this requires a lot of work; you have to nerf spellcasters and spells one by one, _and_ implement character-inherent progressions to things like Armour Class; and
2. there are so many systems out there that do the job better, out of the box, without extra work. D&D is made for high magic. Why try to drive a mud track race with a Ferrari? That's what Jeeps are for.