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2013-09-15, 10:35 AM
The mid-day sun beat down upon Karl Badheim square. The massive iron statue of Karl Badheim mounted atop a dragon glittered in the light, and gave off ripples of heat. Around the edge of the square, vendors offered food, drinks and other services, and beneath the statue a pair of children danced and tumbled for the amusement of the crowd. A wooden bowl sat in front of the children, with a few coins, but most of the crowd seemed content to simply watch the children.

2013-09-15, 12:11 PM
Efan walked past the tumblers, pausing for a moment to watch them. A smile cracked his aloof appearance, and he tossed a silver piece into the bowl before walking on. Finding a stall without prices too exorbitant, he bought a drink and sipped it, not paying too much attention to the beverage itself but instead keeping his eyes and ears peeled for any hint of something out of the ordinary. A job opportunity, perhaps, or signs of illegal activity... his stock of poison, small to begin with, was growing dangerously low, and his last supplier had vanished. Ah well, he wasn't likely to find anything in this place, anyway. He finished his drink and tossed it into a receptacle on the other side of the square before making his way back to the tumblers to watch them a time.

If there's actually any opportunity to learn anything:

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

I'm assuming there's not, though, it's just in-character for him to be always looking for something out of the ordinary.

2013-09-15, 02:19 PM
Lance Dunham strides through the city, his friend and companion behind him. They make for an interesting duo, the armored man being a foot and a half taller than the lute-toting man. The sight of the tumbling children brings a smile to his face, and he places a gold piece into the bowl.

As he turns from the children, he says, Let's go, Kevorak. We still haven't spoken with the mining company, and daylight's wasting.

The larger man nods and follows as Lance walks down the street. The bard hums softly as they walk, looking around idly.

Listen check, because why not?: [roll0]

2013-09-15, 03:14 PM
As Lance was leaving, he saw an imposing figure moving towards him and the tumbling children. The man wore black plate armor, ending in wicked looking spiked gauntlets, and carried a flail at his side. Even without the fist and arrows holy symbol hanging from his neck, these would be enough to mark him as a disciple of the temple of Hextor. He was looking at the children, but when he saw Lance's lute, the disciple fixed his gaze upon the bard. "Do you command these children?", he asked, in a harsh, aggressive voice. When the crowd saw the disciple, they began to edge away. One well dressed man made a great show of checking a brass pocket watch, before edging away.

Efan heard the clank of armor behind him, and then heard the man speak. He glanced a guard across the square moving away, pretending he hadn't seen anything.

2013-09-15, 03:58 PM
Efan turned as the guard tried to slip away, giving him a piercing look. He began to move towards the unfortunate man, asking him in a quiet but menacing tone, "Why do you not perform your duty? It is not illegal to tumble or play an instrument on the streets of this city, nor has it ever been. I have not been here long, some would say, but surely the men of this city are not so crippled by fear that they cannot execute their rightful duty? This man," he gestures to the armored figure, "cannot mean well for these children."

2013-09-15, 04:12 PM
The guard looked at Efan, with a distinctly uncomfortable expression on his face. "Erm. Well. You see. Ah. THAT man." The guard made a blatantly transparent attempt to act as if he had just noticed the disciple. "Yes. IF that man is, erm, unduly hassling the children no doubt he'll need a good telling off. But, the thing is, you see, er, THAT man is a disciple of Hextor and, well, if truth be told there's, um, well, it's, well. It's, you know, they sort of keep their own order."

2013-09-15, 04:18 PM
Efan looks at the man with contempt. "Whose city is this, remind me? Are you going to do your job or not?"

2013-09-15, 05:04 PM
Lance looks from the armored man, then to the children, and then back to the man. Thinking quickly, he gives a disarming smile. I have been keeping an eye over them, to be sure, he says. Have they done something wrong, milord? They just wish to make some extra coin to live a bit better.

He's not really technically lying, but Bluff check: [roll0]
Diplomacy check: [roll1]

2013-09-16, 12:22 AM
The guard continues to look uncomfortable, "Well, er, it's the guards who, er, keep the order, to be sure. I, er, I don't suppose there's any harm in them just talking. I suppose, I'll, well, I'll just see what he has to say to them".

The disciple seems to accept Lance's comment, "Then are you a member of their little organization?"

By this point, the crowd has mostly cleared away. The children have finished performing, and are now watching nervously.

2013-09-16, 06:23 AM
Efan sighs in disgust before turning on his heel and striding up to the Hextorite. "Pardon me, sir," he interrupts before Lance can answer the question, "but might I enquire who you are?"

2013-09-16, 12:15 PM
The Hextorite gives Efan a look with eyes like ice. "I am Kenneth. Preist of Hextor. And you'd do well to leave these vile blasphemers to me."

2013-09-16, 12:20 PM
Efan gives a short laugh. "I think not. What have they done, that you would speak of them so?"

2013-09-16, 12:34 PM
"These...performers belong to the glibly named Beasts of Lightened Burdens. Recently, a senior performer of their troupe spoke ill words of the High Priest of Hextor in Badheim. She called him a 'demon worshipper' and an 'addict'. Such slander cannot be permitted."

Edit: I'm going to give Thokk a chance to respond before I continue here, so Thokk, if you read this and don't have anything to add, just post something trivial (either here or OoC).

2013-09-16, 12:38 PM
"Ah. But can these mere children have done anything to offend you order?"

2013-09-16, 02:25 PM
Lance was momentarily distracted by the newcomer, and allowed him to banter with the priest of Hextor. When the newcomer appears to begin to favor his bow, the bard decides to speak up.

Sir Kenneth, what was said of your High Priest was out of line, but that was one person in a group. Surely the law differentiates between people within a group. All these children have done is bring joy to others through dance; is that a crime in Badhelm?

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-09-16, 02:50 PM
Kenneth nods as Lance speaks, and at the end he shakes his head. "Naturally, the children will not be unduly punished for the misdeeds of their superiors. Should they renounce the words of this performer, and abandon their foul troupe, they will have shown themselves to be of sufficiently good faith".

2013-09-16, 02:59 PM
"But why target them? Would it not be better to remove the blasphemer from the troupe to purify the rest rather than force children to give up something they love?" Efan's face twists as he speaks the words.

2013-09-16, 03:06 PM
Lance maintains his smile, although he does not like the thought of this man forcing children into doing something they wouldn't like. I beg your forgiveness, milord, but I must agree. These children are clean of blame; it is their superior that deserves your persecution. Surely the Temple of Hextor has more productive things to do than deprive children of coin. He says this calmly, without judgment or inflection.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-09-16, 03:35 PM
Kenneth grimaces. "I think it's better that the children find a better means of living. Hextor is always ready to accept new novices." He pauses. "The performer shall be dealt with in her turn. When that happens, we will root out any other blasphemers this group may harbor." He turns and begins to stride away from the children and their new-found defenders.

2013-09-16, 03:59 PM
Lance watches the Hextorite leave, and gives a small grin. He walks over to the children, Kevorak close behind. He motions for the pair to come close. Now, I'm new to the city, so you'd know better; but I'd try to pick a place away from that guy's stomping grounds.

He fishes around his pocket and takes out eight gold pieces. He holds four in each hand and holds one hand out for each child. A bit extra for the trouble. And try not to get caught next time.

2013-09-16, 04:26 PM
Efan watches the man leave and briefly considers shooting him, but shakes the thought off and turns back to the children. "Agreed. You might wnt to distance yourself from your troupe for a little while, though, because of this investigation. If you need a place to stay, I'm sure one of us can provide one- of course you don't have to, just stay out of trouble." Lecture finished, he adds a few gold pieces of his own to the bowl.

2013-09-17, 12:45 PM
The children's eyes grow wide at the gold, and the smaller of the two speaks "Th-Thank you so much, sirs. For the gold, and...and for everything!" The bigger one nods emphatically at the thanks, but afterwards, he replies, "There ain't so many places the spiked priests don't go. Really, the only place you can be sure of is outside Kord's temple, and no one there has anything to give. 'sides, we need to warn Gloria."

2013-09-17, 05:31 PM
Efan's eyes narrow. "Is this how you make a living?"

2013-09-18, 11:34 AM
The bigger child looks slightly confused, "By tumbling and dancing you mean? Aye, sir, though The Beasts keep us clothed and fed and give us a roof for when we can't make enough."

2013-09-18, 11:56 AM
Lance nods firmly. Well, you've made enough today, I daresay. Why don't you lead us to your troupe while we talk? There may be more Hextorites on the prowl, and you're done for the day. Kevorak here will give you a ride there; just tell him where to go. Kev?

The large man behind the bard nods silently and picks up the children by the collar. He seats the bigger child on his shoulders, and makes a crook in his arm for the smaller one to sit. The armored man stands at attention, awaiting further instruction.

You can get down if you'd like, but I figured you'd like a chance to rest your feet. So, where are we off to? Lance grins in a friendly manner.

2013-09-18, 01:12 PM
The little one laughs and points as Kevorak lifts him up, "That way". The bigger one nods, "To the east, in the library district, near the old gardens".

Side note: This isn't a lending library like we have now, but rather a go in and use the books there type. Literacy rates were historically fairly varied around this time; in this setting 60-80% is a reasonable estimate for large cities.

2013-09-18, 04:49 PM
"That's a nice place," Efan remarks, following along in a more relaxed manner. "What are your names? I'm called Efan."

2013-09-19, 01:12 PM
"I'm Addison," chirps the smaller child. "I'm Byron, it's nice to meet you." the larger child adds.

Though the group draws some strange looks, their walk through the city is uneventful. Byron and Addison wave at some of the passersby, especially those that are more conspicuously looking.

As the group moves past the old gardens, they here strange animal noises from within. The guards outside finger their bayonets nervously, but nothing more happens.

The Beasts' playhouse is immediately obvious; a variety of gaily painted unicorns, griffins, and other magical beasts decorate the walls. Above the door is a depiction of a copper-colored dragon smiling whimsically and pulling a train. The children slip off of Kevorak, and run up to the door. Byron bangs on it, and a middle-aged woman opens it up. She smiles warmly at the children, "Byron! Addison!" she then glances at Lance, Kevorak, and Efan, "...and who might you be?"

2013-09-19, 02:05 PM
Apologies for being sparse in my posting; school's a b*tch.

Lance bows deeply to the woman. Lance Dunham, at your service, madam, he says cheerfully. Wandering minstrel and knowledge-seeker, accompanied by my best friend Kevorak. He doesn't talk much. The larger man nods silently, proving Lance's words.

The other's name is Efan, and we came across these two tumbling in the street. They were quite skilled, but their performance was cut short by a disciple of Hextor--Kenneth, if you know the name. He's angry that one of your order--Gloria, I think Byron said--insulted their high priest, and sought to punish them.

We--Efan and I--managed to talk him out of harassing the children, and we left straightaway after that. Who might you be, my fair lady?

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-09-19, 03:27 PM
The woman smiles, "We'll have to give you a hero's welcome then. I'm Corinna." She speaks to someone unseen. "Fetch Morning Glory. We'd best have words with her." Turning back to Lance and Efan, she continues, "She'll be her soon. I don't know Kenneth, but the spiked priests aren't renowned for their tender hearts. I've grown fond of these children, and appreciate you helping them. Won't you come in? Perhaps you'd like to join us for dinner?"

2013-09-19, 03:58 PM
Efan steps forward. "I, at least, would greatly appreciate it," he says simply.

2013-09-19, 10:09 PM
Lance nods. We'd appreciate it as well; Kev here has a mighty appetite on the best of days. But who can blame him with all of him there is to feed?

Lance chuckles as he and Kevorak enter the building. He looks around, admiring the paintings and decorations.

2013-09-20, 12:00 PM
Corinna smiles, leading the group inside. They walk for a few minutes, through a hallway with a carpeted flagstone floor and painted wooden walls. Corinna stops the group when they reach a garishly dressed young duo. The two look much alike, with olive skin and almost black hair.

Corinna smiles as she introduces the two, "The young woman here is Gloria; Morning Glory when she's on stage. This man is her brother, Nathaniel. Gloria, I believe these nice men would like to speak to you".

2013-09-20, 01:20 PM
Lance takes off his hat and bows deeply. My dear lady, he says, voice intentionally breathless. Such an exotic beauty; I've never seen the like in all my years. You have stolen my heart; I beg of you, please--

Lance's heartfelt declaration is cut short as a booted foot kicks him in the back of the knee. Kevorak returns his foot to the ground as the bard staggers forward; Lance recovers quickly, and turns to face his friend, face the picture of exaggerated affront.

What was that for, Kev? he demands. I was merely professing my newly-found undying love for my Morning Glory.

That's what you do with all the girls, Lance, the other man finally speaks, his voice a deep baritone. It is rough but clear, a counterpoint to the bard's lighter timbre. It gets old after awhile.

I do not do that with all the girls, he huffs, arms crossed and closed eyes turned away from the goliath. He then turns his head to face the female of the brother-sister duo and winks with a grin. Just with the pretty ones.

Kevorak takes a nonchalant swing at the bard, and Lance laughs as he moves out of the way. Peace, friend! he cries, laughing. He turns back to the siblings and says, My name is Lance Dunham, and this is my best friend and companion Kevorak. A pleasure to make your acquaintance. If you're wondering why we're here, a bit of sour news: a Hextorite sought to punish poor Addison and Byron for being in the same troupe as the woman who insulted their high priest. Now, I'm new to town, but I think you've made a dangerous enemy, Lady Glory.

2013-09-21, 06:36 AM
Gloria and Nathaniel laugh openly at Lance and Kevorak's display. Gloria smiles in response to Kevorak's insinuation that Lance is being less than genuine."Just as well, really; if every man who claimed I had stolen his heart was sincere, I wouldn't be able to leave the playhouse for all my suitors. As for the Hextorites..." She frowns. "I don't really have much choice. Councilman Norry approached me last week, threatening to shut The Beasts down unless I denounced the Hextorites as demon worshippers. I am sorry the children got caught up in this. I'd have warned them if I realized they would."

2013-09-21, 09:46 AM
"I am afraid I do not know of the man of which you speak," Efan says, returning his gaze to their hosts. "However, it seems there may be more to this affair than either of us thought. Why would this Councilman Norry demand you denounce the high priest? And does he have the authority to shut you down when you've done nothing wrong?"

2013-09-21, 10:27 AM
Lance clicks his teeth in disdain. Politics, he mutters. I got enough of that back home, but it's everywhere. What is the Councilman's agenda, I wonder?. He had spoken with a few locals about the state of the city, and he sifts through his memory for any hint of a "Councilman Norry".

Knowledge (Local): [roll0]

2013-09-21, 11:25 AM
Lance knows there is a man named Emanuel Norry who sits on the city council, a group that theoretically offers advice to the Queen and in reality runs the city most of the time. The council is generally well known for its corruption, but Councilman Norry doesn't stand out in Lance's mind for any reason.

"Emanuel Norry." Gloria replies. "He sits on the city council. He may not legally have the authority to shut us down, but I doubt anyone would care if he did. Someone probably offered him a bribe. No idea why they would though."

2013-09-21, 11:55 AM
"So you were caught in between endangering the troupe or having it shut down. I see," Efan says, sighing. Humans... "Have you had any trouble before this?"

2013-09-21, 01:51 PM
Gloria shakes her head, "Not that I know about." She glances at her companions. Nathaniel shakes his head, and Corinna says, "Never with the council trying to shut us down before, if that's what you mean".

Edit: Changed Corinna's color of speech, since purple and indigo look very similar, at least to me/on my screen.

2013-09-22, 05:15 PM
Lance shakes his head, frowning. A reflection of the sorry affair of things in the city, I suppose, he says. The rich and powerful squabble and the poor and weak get trodden beneath their feet.

He sighs and claps his hands. But enough of that dour talk. You mentioned food, and I must say I am hungry. Right, Kev? he asks, and the goliath nods silently.

2013-09-23, 12:48 PM
"Certainly, right this way." Corinna leads them down the hall to a dining room, where a large group of people, including a couple children are preparing to eat. Nathaniel and Gloria move to help them, and Corinna gestures to her remaining companions, "Everyone, these are Efan, Lance, and Kevorak. They'll be joining us for tonight's meal."

After the food is brought out, Gloria seats herself next to Lance, and away from Corinna. As they are eating, she leans in close, "Maybe you haven't heard, but there have been a lot of rumors about demon cultists in Badheim even before now. I've been sneaking out at night a few times, and I've noticed some cloaked people moving through the old gardens. Not many people brave the dangers there; it might be nothing, or it be worth investigating" She shrugs apologetically, "I would've spoke of it earlier, but I didn't want to mention that I've been sneaking out in front of Corinna; she...wouldn't understand".

Plerumque, you can choose whether Efan is sitting close enough to hear this or not.

2013-09-24, 09:27 AM
Lance furrows his brows as Gloria speaks. He continues eating without fuss, but he says softly, That sounds like a job for the local priests. Even if the Hextorites are more concerned with roughing up dance troupes, aren't demon cults something the temple of Kord should be concerned with? Is the political scene here so bad as to allow demon cultists to roam freely? He shakes his head. I'll see what I can find out about it, but I need to get better acquainted with the city first. Kev and I don't even have a room at an inn yet.

He eats another biteful and asks, What's not to understand about sneaking out? Nighttime is the best for finding songs, adventures, and especially songs about adventures. Is there a curfew in the troupe?

2013-09-24, 02:08 PM
Byron and Addison led Efan over to another pair of children. "This is Efan. He saved us from the Hextorites. He's a hero. Efan, these are Bridgette and Lucas." Bridgette and Lucas look up, and Bridgette says, "You stood up to the spiky priests? You must be very brave."

Gloria smiles at Lance, and laughs softly, "If the demon cultists could roam freely, then they wouldn't have to meet in guards. This is very much the kind of thing the temple of Kord would love to deal with...this and every other problem that plagues our city. They aren't very organized. Still if you tell them, I'm sure they'll send in some priests. You probably won't get much information out of anything they bring back though." She shrugs. "It's not that I'm forbidden to leave at night. Corinna'd want to know why though, and I don't want to tell her".

2013-09-24, 02:45 PM
Efan shrugs uncomfortably. "I suppose so," he allows, then quickly changes the subject. "What do you do here? Do you put on public performances, plays or some such, often? What kind of tales do you tell?"

2013-09-24, 03:46 PM
Lance frowns slightly at her first words. Still, demon cultists in a city such as this unsettles me. This is a powder keg; one stray spark and it blows, and the collateral damage would be nauseating.

Her reason--or lack thereof--for not wanting Corinna to know of her nocturnal activities brings a teasing grin to his face. Lowering his voice slightly, he says, And why wouldn't you want the lady Corinna to know why you leave during the night, Gloria? A little moonlit escapade here and there, eh? He winks subtly, showing that he is only teasing.

2013-09-25, 01:32 PM
"Well," Bridgette replies to Efan, "Some of the older people put on all sorts of plays. We just stay here when we can't find another place to spend the night. There's probably a dozen or more of us that stay here some times. The older players teach us tumbling and all sorts of performance. They say we'll all be players here when we're older, but I don't think so."

Gloria nods emphatically at Lance's words about the cult. At his teasing, she takes mock affront "I'm sure I don't know what you mean. I only leave to go pray at the temple when it's less crowded."

2013-09-26, 04:25 PM
"Oh? Is there a performance soon?" As she finishes her statement, he reacts with curiosity and a bit of indignation. "Why not? Is it because of the 'spiky priests', or do you just want to do more?"

2013-09-26, 05:09 PM
Lance nods, small grin still on his face. Ah, I see, he says with mock gravity. And I suppose religion is very frowned upon in the troupe, to force you to sneak out to pay your respects to your god. Such a sad time, to be sure. He shakes his head but winks slightly to show his levity.

He finishes his food silently after that, smiling gently.

2013-09-27, 01:18 PM
Bridgette shrugs non-comitedly when Efan asks about current productions, "They're usually putting something on three or four nights each week." When he asks about the future, she perks up, "I don't think the spiky priests will shut us down, but I don't think there's room for us all to become full-time players. But I'm going to be an adventurer and slay evil beasts in the Veissenberg mountains and find ancient hoards of treasure." As she speaks, her face radiates enthusiasm, and she swipes her fork back and forth like a sword.

Gloria laughs at Lance's jests, "Exactly. I'm so glad you understand."

By then most of the players have finished eating and are starting to clean up. Corinna approaches Lance and Efan. "I hate to be an ungracious host, but we have to show to put on. What are your plans now? You can stay hear for the night if you wish."

In game it's about 5 p.m.; you probably have about 3 hours until sunset.

2013-09-27, 02:24 PM
"I'm staying at the Red God's Laughter," Efan replies. "I might drop back in in the morning, if you don't mind. This place has such a friendly atmosphere." He picks up his bow and satchel from under the table. "Thank you for a lovely meal. If I can help you in any way, I will."

2013-09-27, 02:34 PM
Sad to say, but Kev and I were only in town for a bit before our little encounter with the Hextorite. We lack a room at an inn; if you'd be willing to have us, we'd be happy to accept your invitation. I would especially love to see your show, he finishes with a smile. Behind him Kevorak nods silently.

2013-09-28, 05:55 AM
Corinna nods, "Certainly. We would be thrilled to have you as a guest. The show begins at 7, going by the clock on the library."

2013-09-29, 06:37 PM
Efan bows to the lady and silently makes his way out of the playhouse, resolving to discover more about this town that seems to have more layers than an onion, having only unpeeled the first in his stay. After exiting the library district, he stops a passerby and asks the way to the temple of Hextor.

2013-10-01, 01:48 PM
The stranger Efan approches scowls when Efan mentions the temple of Hextor, but points him in the right direction. "Just follow this street until you get to the white stone statue of a griffin. Take the rightmost street there, and you should be able to see the temple pretty soon". As Efan leaves, he hears the man mutter under his breath, "For whatever reason you wish to go there". The man's directions are easy to follow, and Efan finds the temple without difficulty. It towers over the rest of the buildings, a massive stone building with black iron spires and railings overlooking the surrounding businesses. A wrought iron gate protects the courtyard, and a bored looking man stands just inside, bayonet in hand, wearing a spiked metal cap and leather armor.

On the other side of town, The Beasts of Lightened Burdens begin their production. It is a lighthearted affair, featuring Morning Glory, who runs off to learn magic from a brass dragon that was turned blue by an evil wizard. Nathaniel comes to "rescue" her from the dragon who he believes has captured her, and hilarity ensues, with Nathaniel's character refusing to believe he isn't needed and ineffectually attempting to slay the dragon.

While most of the audience is seated on long benches in a common area, there are a small number of sectioned off seats on a balcony above them, which is where Corinna directs Lance before the show begins. There're only a few other people in this section, besides Lance and Kevorak. One of them , a man with short brown hair and big ears, keeps glancing at the two of them. At the intermission, he moves over to speak to them. "I don't believe I've seen you here before. Are you new in town?"

2013-10-01, 02:15 PM
Lance finds the play to be hilarious. Nathaniel's insistence on defeating the dragon and "rescuing" the captured Morning Glory simply grows more deluded as the play goes on, and the brother-sister pair play their roles excellently. During the intermission, Lance excitedly talks at Kevorak about the pair's acting skills, with the other man nodding almost patronizingly. Lance fails to notice his friend's inattention, and simply gushes over the play.

It is not so much that he ignores the stranger's question; it is simply that he did not notice the man talking. After the third time the man tries to draw Lance's attention, Kevorak takes the bard's face in one big hand and forcibly turns it to face the stranger.

Oh, Lance says, face still squished by Kevorak's strong fingers. The bard gives a small smile, Hello there. Yeah, you've got the right of it; my friend and I are new in town. The name's Lance, and my bulky friend here is Kevorak. He holds out a hand to shake, heedless of the mailed-hand still wrapped around his own face. As he does so, he looks at the man curiously, wondering if he looks familiar.

Knowledge (Local) on his face and name when he introduces himself: [roll0]

2013-10-01, 05:01 PM
"What ho, fair sir?" calls Efan mockingly, walking up to the gate. "Might I ask your noble self's permission to humbly prostrate myself before your god?"

2013-10-02, 12:28 PM
The man speaking to Lance laughs softly and shakes Lance's hand, then offers it to Kevorak in turn. "Well then, I'm glad I came tonight; not often these seats get a new patron, and I'm quite pleased to meet you. My name is Ellwood Norry. My brother, Emmanuel, sits on the city council. He's a huge fan of this playhouse, but he couldn't be here tonight. What brings you to our fair city?"

You don't know anything beyond what you've already learned.

Outside the temple of Hextor, the guard snickers at Efan. "Oh, most assuredly. Go straight in to the chapel. Do NOT enter any other rooms, and do NOT stay past 11." He gestures toward a bell tower with that last statement.

2013-10-02, 01:36 PM
Efan walks through into the bell tower, giving the guard a contemptuous snort as he passes. Softening his footsteps, he enters the tower and glances around at the worshipers before kneeling himself.

Taking 10 on my Spot check for a result of 41.

2013-10-03, 01:29 PM
The chapel of Hextor is austere, except for the alter at one end, where a spiked onyx fist resides atop a red velvet cushion on an ebony table, pointing up toward the high, arched ceiling. A stained glass window behind it depicts a mighty knight in spiked black armor towering over men and beasts. The faithful are on their knees, praying towards the fist. Two doors, one on either side of the chapel lead off into the rest of the temple.

While most of the worshipers seem intent upon their devotions, Efan spots two who, while pretending to pray with the rest, are actually looking about the chapel. One of them makes a slight gesture, disguised as shifting his weight, toward a door that leads off to the side, out of the chapel.

2013-10-03, 02:48 PM
Lifting his eyes upward while holding his tongue, Efan rises in a few moments, walking reverently towards the fist until he is directly behind the man who made the gesture. His keen eyes sweep across the worshiper's garments, calculating the wearer's likely employment.

Spot: [roll0]

2013-10-03, 11:53 PM
Lance's eyes widen and brows furrow at the man's surname, but a quick and firm squeeze of Kevorak's hand stops the veritable onslaught of words that had almost begun, mostly pertaining to the man's brother's integrity and choice of sexual partners.

Taking his large friend's unsubtle hint, Lance shakes the man's hand and gives a big smile. Pleased to meet you, Norry. I've heard of your brother, but only in passing; you must be the brother that works behind the scenes, huh? he asks with a little wink.

As for why I'm here, it's the political climate, mostly. It'll make for one hell of a story down the road, wouldn't you say? And to have firsthand experiences with the happenings would only make the story that much better. And since I'll be the one telling it, that'll make it the best tale ever told, he ends with a confident smirk, lounging back in his seat.

And what of you? Your brother sits on the city council; what is it that you do, Norry?

Bluff to cover up his slight emotional slip-up: he's got Wisdom 9, so sometimes he thinks before he speaks. Good thing Kevorak knows him so well: [roll0]

Diplomacy (not really trying to make him do anything; just stay on his good side): [roll1]

Gather information (perhaps modified by the Diplomacy check?): [roll2]

2013-10-04, 10:28 AM
While the two worshipers are dressed as common laborers from the coal mines, Efan notices that their clothes don't have any of the grime one would expect from such a profession. Their boots, however, are covered with thick black dirt.

Ellwood doesn't seem to notice Lance's momentary slip. "Not so much that I work behind the scenes, as I work a different scene from my brother. While the common folk have heard much about him, I deal more closely with the business people of Badheim, making sure businesses are run safely, and not engaged in anything illegal. And what have you heard of my brother? I hope the commoners haven't poisoned your opinion of him." He smiles softly as he speaks, as if he knows some private joke.

2013-10-07, 07:55 AM
Lance's eyes narrow at the man's last few sentences, but he keeps a friendly smile on his face. The image of Byron and Addison being accosted by the Hextorite springs to mind, but he easily sets it aside as he says, Oh, my opinion is clean as fresh-fallen snow, m'friend. He's a councilman, he sits on the town council; that's about the extent of my knowledge of your brother. Why would the commoners have reason to poison my mind?

Bluff: [roll0]

Diplomacy: [roll1]

2013-10-07, 02:37 PM
Efan leans the slightest bit forwards, keeping his eyes on the fist, and whispers directly into the man's ear, "Why, brother. I do believe you are not concentrating fully on our divine savior's glory." Straightening, he directs his amber eyes back towards the ceiling and mouths the words to a few snatches of prayers.

2013-10-07, 03:18 PM
Ellwood once again seems not to notice Lance's deception; he shrugs in response Lance's question, "Oh, you know. Some people are resentful of the council. They feel the council should be doing more to assist the citizens of Badheim. Never exactly clear how though. That's the problem. The council does it's best, of course, but there are plenty of other forces at work here. Of course, it helps to have powerful allies." He lowers his voice. "I do have one other task I sometimes do for the council: talent acquisition".

The first man says nothing, but when the current prayer ends, he nudges his companion, and the two get up to leave, moving towards the temple entrance, perhaps a touch too quickly, and they avoid coming too close to Efan. Although a few of the other devoted get up, most remain at their prayers.

2013-10-07, 03:38 PM
Efan trails behind, watching them and waiting, a hungry expression on his face.

Trying to creep them out and make them nervous. Intimidate I guess? [roll0]

2013-10-08, 09:26 AM
Lance raises an eyebrow. Talent to use for what purpose? he asks curiously.

No real slip-ups, so take 10 Bluff for 32.

2013-10-08, 12:43 PM
The two men from the temple glance back at Efan. Looking somewhat confused, they turn off the main street into an alleyway.

Ellwood smiles at Lance, but it never touches his eyes, "Well, all sorts of things really. There's so much that needs doing. Gathering information, spreading information, making sure the wrong information stays secret. All for the greater good, of course. Why? Are you worried about something?"

2013-10-08, 03:47 PM
Efan leaves off his pursuit with a knowing smile thrown the way of the men, returning to the temple. Stopping one of the stragglers, he asks politely about the layout of the building.

2013-10-09, 12:01 PM
The person Efan speaks to looks at him curiously, but she doesn't say anything to indicate that his request is out of the ordinary, "Most of the temple isn't open to the public, myself included. I think the doors off the chapel lead to living quarters, or maybe some sort of storage."

2013-10-09, 05:19 PM
Efan thanks the woman and walks away. It seemed the temple of Hextor was not very welcoming of guests, but then he'd already known that. Might still be worth taking a look around, though. What's the worst that could happen? Whistling innocently, he re-enters the chapel, taking a quick glance around as he pushes through the door.

How many people are left?

2013-10-09, 11:22 PM
Lance smiles easily, though it is not the type he would show to Gloria or Kev. No, this is the smile that he perfected growing up in his mansion at home: the smile of a politician. His smile does not reach his eyes either as he says, Worry? I feel no worry; do I have cause to be worried, Norry? He asks this with a small quirk of the lips, as if the thought of worry is nothing but a funny joke. I merely thought that, if one were searching for talent, then they must have a certain purpose to use that talent for. I was merely wondering what that purpose was, and what the asking price of that talent would be. He leans back, smile never wavering as he keeps his eyes firmly on the man next to him.

Bluff: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

2013-10-10, 01:58 PM
The temple is emptier than it was, though there's another of the black-armored priests. The temple is otherwise as Efan left it.

Ellwood keeps smiling, and speaks smoothly "There have been rumors of demon worship in Badheim recently. My brother and I have discovered that the roots of this foul practice lie within the temple of Hextor. I simply want to make sure the people of the city are well aware of this; the temple of Kord in particular needs to know, such that they can do that which they espouse."

2013-10-11, 03:39 PM
Efan approaches the priest, gesturing towards the doors. "Might sir satisfy my curiosity and let me know what's through there? I am new to this temple, and am trying to get acquainted with the layout.

Technically, not lying, but certainly leaving out some information, so if you'd like, Bluff: [roll0]

2013-10-11, 03:52 PM
Lance opens his eyes in wide shock. Demon worship? Here? It seems like such a nice town, he says, nothing but surprise in his voice. I agree that the general populace should be told at once, but from what I've gathered the temple of Hextor is rather powerful in this city. Between all of the problems that the city is already facing, simply shouting from every street corner that they are dealing with demons would be ill-advised; an enraged temple of clerics is the last thing anyone needs. Of course, I'm sure men with you and your brother's intelligence have come up with a plan to reveal those responsible for what they truly are, right? His smile remains, but it again does not reach his eyes.

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1]

2013-10-11, 05:51 PM
The priest looks at Efan with suspicion, "New in town? Those rooms are off limit to all but the servants of Hextor. That include you?" The question carries a hint of amusement, as if he thinks he already knows the answer.

For a moment, Ellwood looks genuinely surprised, but he regains his composure almost immediately. "The temple is large to be sure, but I doubt that all those who purport to serve Hextor are secretly demon-worshipers. Certainly the more faithful could be persuaded to defy their peers."

2013-10-11, 08:32 PM
"Oh, of course. Is there anything else I should know? Wouldn't want to be on you fellows' bad side, so early on." Efan smiles with amusement.

2013-10-11, 08:59 PM
Lance nods his head in agreement. Oh, of course, of course, he says mollifyingly. But do you not know who is behind it? I think I do.

He motions for the other man to come closer, and Lance leans in himself. Speaking softly, he says, In fact, I have it on good faith that the head priest of the temple of Hextor himself has been accused of being a demon worshipper. Quite openly, if my information is correct, and by one of the members of this very troupe. Do you know how that person came to know that information?

Bluff, to pretend I don't believe he and his brother are jerks who use others as proxies to do their dirty work: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

2013-10-12, 08:23 AM
The priest stares at Efan for a moment then nods, "Very well. I'll show you around. Most of the priests will be returning later tonight." He turns, unlocks the door and leads Efan into a gloomy corridor. A set of gas lamps provide some illumination, but it remains shadowy. He gestures about as he speaks, "The entrance to the tower is that way, and the armory and ritual chambers are down below. What would you like to see.

I rolled a bluff check for you offsite. In retrospect, I could have rolled it here, but didn't want to rework what happened if I got a different roll. You got 20 - 2 = 18.

Ellwood looks at Lance with some confusion."I had heard the same. But I thought you had not heard the rumors? Perhaps you can point me to this person after the show? I would very much like to acquaint myself with them."

2013-10-14, 04:02 PM
Lance shrugs. Is it a rumor if one hears it from the source itself? he asks rhetorically. And after digging around some, I'm surprised that you don't know who the person is. After all, your brother is the one who told them to accuse the head priest of demon worship, is he not? He keeps his voice carefully devoid of judgment and fills it with honest curiosity.

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1]

2013-10-14, 06:09 PM
Efan blinks, surprised at his luck. He must have encountered the priest on a good day. But did worshipers of Hextor even have good days?

Still pondering this, he replies, "The ritual chambers? Is that where you make offerings to the glory of Hextor? I would be fascinated to view those, if I might be so daring."

2013-10-15, 02:53 PM
Ellwood smiles, "Did he? I suppose then that he'd be the source one should seek out. He does sometimes need to seek out allies that are not known to be associated with him. Perhaps he needs more discrete ones. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention."

The priest looks at Efan askance for a moment, then turns toward another door. "Certainly. Right this way." He leads Efan down a staircase. The ritual chambers are sparsely furnished, with low black stone benches at the edges and torches burning in the walls. In the center, an immense black statue of a figure in black spiked armor, holding a flail in one hand and a scourge in the other. It has small red gemstones for eyes, but is otherwise entirely black. The priest gestures toward it, "Beautiful isn't it?" Suddenly Efan hears, a muffled crash from further in. The priest doesn't appear to notice. "The other priests aren't here right now, but if you'd like to stay for tonight's service, you could meet them."

A scourge being the weapon in Complete Warrior; it's a barbed whip with multiple tails.

2013-10-17, 06:57 AM
Magnificent." Efan jumps a little at the crash. "What was that?" he asks nervously. "Unfortunately I do not believe I can stay for the wvening service, but before I go if you could show me the rest of the temple I would be most grateful. You said the armory was down here as well?"

2013-10-17, 03:46 PM
The priest looks at Efan quizzically, "What was what?"

2013-10-17, 04:28 PM
"The... crash?" Efan shakes the thought off. "Nevermind."

2013-10-19, 12:08 AM
Lance nods knowingly. Well, being new in town, I certainly am not associated with your brother, he says. And those worshipping demons should be stopped immediately before something terrible happens. I was thinking of looking into it sometime tomorrow; would you happen to have any advice as to where to being my search?

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-10-19, 04:04 PM
Ellwood nods. "Of course. The temple of Hextor is where you should be looking. It's even possible some demons might get out in the night. You never know." He shrugs, as if to say there's no way of knowing. "Is there anything else you need?"

At the temple, the priest looks confused for a moment, but shakes it off, "As you say, brother; I'll show you the armory." He leads Efan down the hall, to a dimly lit room guarded by a pair of men in black leather, rather than the customary spiked armor of the priests. The priest nods to them, then unlocks the door, showing a vast array of weapons. Most of them are flails, whips, scourges, morning stars, and similar weapons, but there also swords, axes, and other traditional weaponry, polished to a gleam. As the priest gestures about, Efan catches a glimpse of movement, reflected in one of the blades.

2013-10-20, 03:47 PM
Efan expresses admiration at the weapons, but in a few minutes turns to the door he saw the figure go through. "If you don't mind me asking, sir, what's through there?"

2013-10-21, 04:02 PM
The priest glances back, "Oh that door? Mostly clerical vestments, holy symbols, the like. Standard issue for the novices. I'm sure you've seen their like thousands of times. There are a few more interesting items too; things we haven't had time to properly examine."

2013-10-22, 08:20 PM
"Oh? Strange. Do you have many such curious artifacts here?" Efan asks politely, concealing his renewed interest and resolving to keep an eye on the door as he continues to examine the intimidating selection of weapons. "Truely, you have some magnificent pieces here."

Bluff: [roll0] In the future, gonna get Lance to do this.

2013-10-22, 08:32 PM
Lance shrugs himself. Just how to contact your brother when I find something. I'm sure he would like to know immediately when I do, being such a conscientious representative of the people, he finishes with a smile. He keeps his true feelings out of his voice as he looks the other man in the eye.

Settling back into his chair, he asks, How long has your brother been representing the people? And how is the political climate in the city, coming from the sibling of a senator?

Bluff: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

2013-10-23, 03:10 PM
Ellwood nods, "Of course, of course." He pulls out a sheet of paper, pen, and ink and begins writing. "Come to this address. When they ask what you seek, say 'Wisdom and Freedom'". He hands the sheet to Lance, it reads: 2690 Greenwood Place. "As for my brother's service, he's sat on the council - we don't call them senators here, though the role is similar - for almost 14 years. The climates rough; it's hard to get the queen to do anything, and she's sometimes stubborn about the silliest things." He shrugs, as if it is of no consequence, "At times, it's necessary to work around her".

The priest raises his eyebrows at Efan, and his voice is dry, "Yes, you sound very impressed. Which congregation are you from? I'm sure they have many fine weapons." As he speaks he moves toward the door Efan had indicated. "Here I'll show you."

I'd like to give Efan the chance to react/prepare before he opens the door. If you don't want to do anything, just say so.

2013-10-24, 02:38 PM
Efan looks a bit shifty. "Oh, you know. I come from a small town a ways away from here. We didn't really have a temple or anything. It was just a small group gathering together each week to pray in the hope that our message would be stronger together. Why, this is the grandest temple I've seen! I guess, well..." he looks down, "Didn't want to appear ignorant. Guess I failed at that, huh?" He smiles self-deprecatingly.

Bluff: [roll0]. Really should've invested a bit in social skills, what with the urban campaign and all.

2013-10-24, 03:11 PM
Lance chuckles and shakes his head as he settles back into his seat. He tucks the paper into his pocket carefully, and says, Isn't that the truth. Some rulers need a delicate touch, right? He grins as if reacting to an inside joke.

2013-10-24, 03:14 PM
The priest adopts a more sagely tone, "The appearance of knowledge and power are all well and good, but better to attain the actuality of them". He pushes open the door Efan had indicated. Inside the room are lines of black hooded robes, wooden holy symbols with spiked fists, holy books of Hextor, and other religious paraphernalia.

Spot Check: [roll0]

Efan notices that one of the rows of holy symbols seems to have been disturbed, but most of them don't appear to have been recently touched. A few crates sit on the ground, and the priest gestures towards them, "Some of the artifacts we haven't gone through yet are in hear. Perhaps you'd like to look?" He doesn't move toward the crates, and something in his stance gives Efan pause.

Ellwood nods and smiles, "If you don't have anything else you wish to know, there's some brief business I must take care of before the second act begins".

2013-10-24, 03:31 PM
Lance pauses to consider. No, I don't believe I have more questions now, he says. Enjoy your business, but try not to miss the start of the second act.

2013-10-24, 04:41 PM
Efan nods, following the priest into the room beyond. Hearing his offer, he hesitates, but with the necessity of keeping up the sham he gives the priest a bright smile, saying "Fascinating. I'd love to." With resigned step, he walks over to one of the crates, tentatively lifting up the top.

2013-10-25, 12:16 PM
Ellwood leaves the box, leaving the door ajar and heads down the hall. He nods to several members of the troupe as he passes them, then heads out to the street. He approaches a man and buys a bottle of something from him, he takes a swig and smiles. He smiles at the man, "A drink for the fearless, eh?". He starts to walk back.

Since you already said you were going to follow him while invisible, I'm assuming you did.

The crate contains several pieces of jewelry, daggers, dishes and other oddments. As Efan looks at the contents, he hears the priest say something in a deep voice, "Incanessus Daesartius". Efan hears a slow grinding from the hallway, then the priest says, "Now, perhaps we can talk about why you're really here".

2013-10-25, 01:31 PM
Efan turns and his bow is already in his hand. "No, I don't think so,", he says evenly. A single arrow like a shaft of light is nocked, and his slender hand is steady on the smooth grain, the other pulling the bowstring tight.

2013-10-25, 02:05 PM
Invisible to the world, Lance gives Ellwood one last piercing glance. Apparently the man simply wanted a stiff drink. As quietly as he can, he walks back to the theater house. When he gets close enough, he closes his eyes and pictures the seat he had left mere minutes before. With a soft arcane word, his invisible body winks from the street and reappears sitting in the seat next to Kevorak.

He releases the invisibility and nods at his friend. Did I miss anything? he asks.

2013-10-25, 02:37 PM
Kevorak doesn't have anything to report to Lance, and a few minutes later, Ellwood returns, bottle in hand. He smiles at the pair, and sits down. The lights begin to dim as the second act starts.

I'll continue to update the play as we go; I'm trying to keep things slightly even with Plerumque though.

Efan hears the indistinct sound of a door closing out in the hall. Suddenly, he feels a light rush to the head.

Will Save: [roll0]

Efan feels a hostile force crawling over him, and he begins to feel out of sink with the natural world. He jerks about to see the priest raising his hands to cast his spell, and his arrow lets fly.

You've been hit with the -4 penalty option from bestow curse (the priest didn't cast it; it came from elsewhere).

2013-10-25, 02:45 PM
Forgot I can't edit in rolls...

Attack: [roll0] - 4 = 25
Damage: [roll1]
If needed:
Crit Confirm: [roll2] - 4 = 28
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Edit: Also forgot the -4 penalty for shooting in the throat.

Efan's arrow strikes true, and the priest starts gasping for breath, blood spurting from his throat. The spell he was trying to cast dies on his lips. He stumbles backwards, through the door, pulling out his flail as he moves.

2013-10-25, 02:58 PM
Efan pulls himself back into his body though his reflexes feel slowed, loosing another two arrows at the form of the priest.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll]1d20+22[roll]
Damage: [roll2]

2013-10-26, 07:36 AM
The priest crumples under Efan's first arrow, and the bleeding begins to slow as the priest's life slips away.

Outside the room Efan hears the sound of claws on flagstones. A horrible baying fills the air.

Will Save: [roll0] ... maybe I should stop rolling for you. Speeding up the game be damned.

The terrible sound fills Efan with terror. A pitch black hound moves into the doorway and Efan feels an overwhelming need to flee from the terrible beast.

You're now panicked.

At The Beasts of Lightened Burdens, the second act starts with Nathaniel, now realizing he can't defeat the dragon, now attempts to "free" Morning Glory through trickery. He employs various schemes, disguises, and charms, all to no effect. In the end, Morning Glory learns to break enchantments, freeing the dragon from the evil wizards spell and revealing it's metallic nature to Nathaniel. The transformation occurs on stage in a colorful burst of magic.

2013-10-26, 08:33 AM
Efan's bow clatters on the stone as he takes a step back, then another. then turns and flees into a corner, where he presses himself against the walls, shaking.

2013-10-26, 10:16 AM
The hound rushes toward Efan, hatred in its eyes. It tears into Efan with its fangs, attempting to pull him to the ground. Efan manages to break free of its grip and avoid its next two attacks, but its fourth attack strikes true, pulling Efan to the ground. Lying on the ground, Efan finally overcomes his terror, and can think clearly again.

It hits you twice, for 5 and 11 damage respectively. On the second successful attack it succeeds in tripping you. You are no longer panicked, but are prone.

2013-10-26, 10:34 AM
Efan leaps to his feet, attempting to dodge a swipe of the hound's claws, and presses his hand to an amulet at his throat. His form winks out, reappearing next to the crate he'd opened. He grabs his bow from the floor as the hound rushes at him again.

Stand up (move action, provokes AoO), activate Amulet of Translocation to teleport 10ft (swift action), which hopefully is eough to get me to my bow combined with a 5-foot step so I can pick it up (move action). If my bow's farther than 15 feet, I'll take a move to get to it instead.

2013-10-26, 10:53 AM
As Efan leaps up, the hound takes the opportunity to bite him again. Its teeth tear painfully into Efan's flesh, but he shakes it off, teleporting away and getting to his bow. Behind him, he hears more cranking sounds from the hallway.

The hound hits again for 8 damage. You need the full move action to get to your bow. Also, shouldn't that be an anklet, not an amulet?

EDIT: Forgot that now it's the hound's action again. Oops.

The hound rushes for the newly freed Efan. He barely moves out of the way of its gnashing teeth.

2013-10-26, 02:11 PM
Efan draws back the string of his bow and snaps off a golden arrow.

Grabbing the bow and shooting it in the eye (+2 on attack against it and it has 25% miss chance), using the Power Shot function of the Energy bow for -8 attack if possible.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-10-26, 02:39 PM
The arrow seems, for a moment, to push against some sort of invisible barrier, then breaks through, piercing the beasts eye. It falls to the ground, vanishing a moment after it hits the floor.

Efan hears more cranking from outside, and two more hounds appear in the doorway.

2013-10-27, 03:27 PM
Efan scowls, dripping blood onto the floor. "Damned dogs," he mutters, conjuring another two arrows as he draws the bowstring back and lets them fly.

Shooting one of them twice.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2013-10-27, 03:51 PM
Efan's first shot drops the first hound, and it vanishes, just like the other one did. His second arrow dispenses the second hound just as easily, and all of a sudden, he's alone with the dead priest.

Out in the hallway, the clanking continues.

2013-10-27, 04:38 PM
Efan takes a step out into the hallway and glances around, seeing if he can pin down the location of the cranking noise.

Spot: [roll0]

Listen: [roll1]

2013-10-28, 01:51 PM
When Efan steps out into the hall, he sees that a spiked black fist, about a foot long, is jutting down from the ceiling, about 30 feet away. Three fingers are out stretched, and as Efan watches, a fourth finger moves out and the hand turns, accompanied by a metallic clanking. When the finger reaches out, a cylinder of bright fire flashes downward, in a 10-foot radius surrounding the hand. The hand continues to turn.

At the end of their production, the players step out to applause, and Morning Glory bows side by side with the dragon, though lance is able to recognize it as an illusion. After the stage has cleared, Ellwood Norry tips his hat to Lance, and departs.

2013-10-28, 03:15 PM
Keeping an eye on the fist, Efan raises a hand to the pack slung over his back and pulls out a rolled-up circular rug. He unrolls it a few inches above the ground, revealing an intricate interlocking pattern woven into the surface. As it hovers slightly above the ground, he steps onto it, sits down, and folds his legs. As he swings his bow up again, the carpet rises into the air until it's ten feet up, and Efan begins firing a volley of sunlight arrows into the fist.

If attack and damage are neccessary, you can roll (I'm using Power Shot for +10). I'll keep firing until the fist is destroyed or I determine that I don't have the ability to destroy it.

2013-10-29, 12:28 PM
Lance nods back to Ellwood in a friendly manner. Once the other man leaves, he and Kevorak head for the actors' quarters to see Gloria. Once he arrives, he claps and says, Brilliant show, Gloria. Laughs every other sentence; can't wait to see another.

He keeps smiling, although it flattens into a line near the end. I met up with an interesting character in the balcony: Ellwood Norry. I wasn't aware that a representative of his demeanor had siblings that frequented this place. I mentioned that someone in this troupe called the Hextor head priest a demon worshiper, but he didn't seem to know who exactly it was. I don't trust him, and figured I'd warn you he was here. Lance shrugs. I'll be investigating the Hextor temple sometime tomorrow, if you're interested.

2013-10-29, 03:38 PM
As Efan prepares his carpet, the final finger stretches out, then snaps shut, back into a fist. As the carpet moves up, and he draws his bow, the first finger on the hand streches out. Efan feels a dark force clawing at his mind, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Just before Efan can shoot, the 2nd finger moves down, and another hound appears directly below the fist.

In this particular case, the rules as written don't really make much sense: since you already have your bow pointed at the hound, there's no real reason it should get to act before you. If you'd like, you can make a DC 15 wisdom check to shoot the hound instead of the fist (or not, if you prefer).

Gloria is all laughter and smiles, but when Lance speaks, she looks at him in disbelief, "You told him...ugh. He'll know it's me. If he doesn't already, his brother will. Yeah, you shouldn't trust him. You want me to come with you to the temple of Hextor? As everyone in the city probably knows by now, I'm not well thought of there."

2013-10-29, 04:19 PM
You accuse the high priest of worshipping demons in broad public, and you expect the entire city not to know? he asks with a raised brow. Frankly, I'm surprised he was surprised when I said it. For whatever it's worth, I didn't mention your name, though he said he was interested in meeting the person. Nonetheless, I still don't like the idea of leaving you alone tonight...

He thinks for a moment, before putting a hand on Kevorak's arm. Kev, wait here; don't let Gloria out of your sight, and don't let any shady characters get near her.

Gloria, you have your own personal bodyguard for the next hour or so. I'm going to head out quick to grab Kev a magic crystal that'll let him sleep in his heavy armor. My vague plan is to have Kev sleep against the inside of your door tonight to keep any intruders from getting in, and I'll sleep underneath the window in case anyone goes in that way. If you're okay with that, he finishes, putting his hands up to ward off any potential outburst from her.

2013-10-29, 05:01 PM
Efan's arrows smash into the metal fist, denting it. The hound leaps from the ground, taking flight, apparently under its own power, and soars toward Efan. It's teeth tear into him, and it tries to pull him from the carpet, but can't get good leverage. The fist moves again, the third finger extends, and the hound glows slightly for a moment.

You take 5 damage.

Gloria shakes her head slightly, "I'm sorry, I thought you meant that you'd told him that I'd told you that what I said was in response to his brother's threats. My mistake." Her smile returns, "Thank you for warning me, but if all he knows is that I denounced the high priest, I've got nothing to worry about. Not from him, anyways, and the Hextorites aren't really ones for sneaking about in the night."

Gloria misunderstanding because I misread? No, of course not, that was totally planned :smallredface:.

2013-10-29, 06:52 PM
Lance nods before the full content of the conversation returns to him. He freezes in place before groaning in frustration and clutching his head. Shaking his head and sighing, he says to her, Yeah...I'll get back to you on that in just a second.

Turning to Kevorak, he says, The Idiot Special Deluxe, please.

In response, Kevorak merely nods and, clutching both hands together, backhands Lance hard across the cheek, sending the smaller man's head whipping back.

Nonlethal unarmed damage: [roll0]+2 due to double handed, so 10 nonlethal damage.

Rubbing his jaw, he turns to Gloria with an apologetic face. You have my sincerest apologies, but let slip that his brother told you to denounce the high priest. Although I didn't say that it was you who told me; just that I dug around and found it out. Nevertheless, I apologize profusely for allowing such a slip to occur.

But I'm more than just a pretty face (and apparently loose mouth); I have some measure of arcane power. If you'll allow me, I can disguise your appearance and walk you out of here. We can stay in a hotel for the night, and I can get you back here first thing in the morning.

And her brother, Kevorak's rumble comes from over Lance's shoulder.

Lance nods, realizing he had been getting tunnel vision. And your brother, in case they go after him if they can't find you. I can understand why you'd want to do this on your own; but I ask only that you give me a chance to help you, just this once. If I screw up again, well, then, feel free to shake yourself free of me.

Diplomacy (I tried to make it as favorable a deal as possible given the circumstances; she has a right to be angry at Lance, but he is eager to make it up to her): [roll1]

Whatever you decide, let me know before you to to sleep. I'll be taking the next hour, he groans out the word hour, to draw up a scrying spell on Ellwood to see if I can learn anything useful.

He gives a bow and walks quickly from the room, motioning for Kevorak to remain behind as he goes to the room that had been laid out for them. He locks the door and any windows, and jams any chairs in the room against the door. Taking out an ornate mirror from his pack, he steadies his mind and begins the chant for his scrying spell.

Hour-long (stupid long) casting time for Scrying, DC 21 Will to resist. I've met him, so the DC isn't changed, but I don't have anything of his so I can't give him a penalty to it.

2013-10-29, 07:29 PM
Efan spares another two arrows for the dog, noting its ability to fly for later use, and turns back to the fist.

Taking a -5 with Power Shot this time.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

If the hound dies, I'll full attack the fist again, taking a 10-point Power Shot.

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

2013-10-30, 01:43 PM
Before Lance can begin casting his spell, Kevorak stops him, "You have the paper he gave you."

Rolled a wisdom check for both of you; Kevorak remembered, although Lance didn't. There don't seem to be clear guidelines for how long something remains a possession, but it seems reasonable to allow it.

Lance stares into his mirror and attempts to reach Ellwood, but unfortunately his attempt comes to naught. He is unable to scry on the man.

Efan's first arrow takes the hound out, and it vanishes. After his next shot at the fist, another pillar of flame shoots down around it. After two more shots, the fist glows slightly, and the hand seems to repair itself partially. After his next two shots, he feels a dark force on his mind again, though it doesn't seem to do anything more. His next two shots finally destroy the fist; it stops moving, and crashes to the ground.

2013-10-30, 04:52 PM
Efan hops off the carpet, landing easily on the stone. He inspects the fist, wrenching off a few pieces and stashing them in his bag, before striding back into the room, the rug floating behind him like a loyal dog. He examines a few of the crates, grabbing a dangling handful of the most intricate jewelry- might as well make a profit off of this little adventure- before kneeling by the priest and unbuckling his armor. He searches the still-warm corpse for any other clue to this mystery before snatching a holy symbol from the rack and exiting the room, head held high.

Getting a few pieces of the fist for examination later (if there are any pieces that look more important to its operation I'll grab those) plus a few valuable items that may or may not be cursed, given where they were. Finally, taking a holy symbol, you never know when you might need to pass yourself off as a priest of Hextor. Then leaving the temple. I think the other mysteries can wait until I've regained some HP and am properly equipped. Perhaps I can lead the others next time.

2013-10-31, 02:39 PM
Intelligence check: [roll0]

Despite his best efforts, Efan can't make heads or tails of the device, essentially grabbing pieces at random. On the priest he finds several scrolls in a script he doesn't recognize, and an unmarked bottle. Among the jewelry, he finds a fancy necklace that seems to be made out of a twisted black gem on a silver chain, a ring of bone and silver, and a few other pieces. Out in the hallway, the guards that had been in front of the armory have disappeared, and all the doors except the one he and the priest came down are shut tight.

You now have three scrolls that may or may not be magical, in addition to some random pieces of jewelry; I'll describe any that give some indication of being important if/when that happens.

Gloria enters the room Lance is standing in with Nathaniel and Kevorak, and speaks softly "I'm sorry I was angry at you earlier. I couldn't have expected you to know about Ellwood Norry, what with you being new here and all. Nathaniel and I have decided to go along with your plan. Were you able to find anything?" She pauses for a moment, then laughs, her smile and normal voice returning, "It looks like you'll end up in my bedroom after all. Don't let that loose tongue of yours let this one out, though, you don't want to make anyone jealous."

2013-10-31, 08:25 PM
Uneasy, keeping a hand on his bow, Efan makes for the stairwell, eyes darting back and forth.

2013-11-04, 03:53 PM
Efan makes it to the top of the stairs without incidence. On the other side of the door, back in the main chamber, he can hear the sounds of prayer, the same as before he went down with the priest.

2013-11-04, 04:27 PM
Efan takes a step back and swings his long legs onto the carpet, ordering it forward slowly at first, then, as he leans forward and pushes the door open, forward in such a burst of speed that it sends him nearly tumbling back.

2013-11-04, 08:22 PM
Gloria enters the room Lance is standing in with Nathaniel and Kevorak, and speaks softly "I'm sorry I was angry at you earlier. I couldn't have expected you to know about Ellwood Norry, what with you being new here and all. Nathaniel and I have decided to go along with your plan. Were you able to find anything?" She pauses for a moment, then laughs, her smile and normal voice returning, "It looks like you'll end up in my bedroom after all. Don't let that loose tongue of yours let this one out, though, you don't want to make anyone jealous."

Lance sighs in frustration at the lack of information that his spell provided. He turns to Gloria and sighs. Don't apologize, he groans as he rises to his feet. My biggest weakness is knowing when and when not to keep my mouth shut. I respond best to negative reinforcement, I've found; Olidammara knows Kev's gotten used to it.

If I didn't owe you my life, the goliath grumbles, though his voice is obviously warm and joking. Lance waves off the rejoinder and looks at Gloria.

I wasn't able to find anything, unfortunately. Perhaps he's in a place protected against scrying; if so, then there's a chance that someone knows that I scryed the place. Absolute worst case scenario, they know it was me who did it.

So here's the plan. I'm going to cast a spell over the two of you; it'll help me to disguise your features, nothing more. Being actors, I'm sure you can help me make yourselves look unrecognizable as yourselves. Then, I'll do a short-range teleportation spell to teleport us out of the building in an atypical place to keep any physical eyes off of our tail. Then we'll go to a nearby hotel and check in for the night, hopefully in a room with two beds. Gods know Kev and I have violated each others' personal space in the past decade, but I draw the line at him.

I wouldn't mind sleeping with someone else, Kev grumbles. You always hog the sheets.

Lance pulls an affronted face. As if you need them, he says indignantly. Make enough body heat for three men, I swear you do.

The friends would have continued their bickering if the siblings had not coughed loudly. Lance turns back to them with a smile, as if the slight argument had never happened. If you've any complaints or suggestions, then I'm all ears. If not, then let's get to making you look less like yourselves.

2013-11-05, 04:03 PM
Efan bursts out of the door. Around him, worshippers shout out, but none move to stop him.

Gloria shrugs at Lances comment about Ellwood, "Ellwood Norry didn't get where he is today by being weak willed, or particularly careless. By the way, I should tell you that they've one other sibling. Her name's Evelyn Norry. She doesn't get out in public much, as far as I know, but rumor is she's got the queen's ear, as much as anyone does. We'll get some of our things, then you can cast your spell."

Nathaniel and Gloria depart, only to return shortly, dressed as common laborers, and carrying various make-ups, brushes, and other aids. They begin applying their disguises, turning to Lance for magical assistance. "By the way," Gloria asks, "how long will this last?"

Since the siblings are actors, they're fairly good at making disguises. Thus, they'll make the rolls, modified by Lance's seeming.

Gloria: [roll0]
Nathaniel: [roll1]

The roll includes the bonus from seeming. If you want to apply some change that gives a penalty to the check, go ahead.

2013-11-05, 06:27 PM
Lance intones the arcane words, causing the siblings' appearance to change even further. It will only last about 12 hours. I can cancel it before then, of course, he reassures them. The news of the third sibling brings many ideas to mind, and he considers Ellwood's words. It seems their business is kept in the family, he mutters. Ellwood mentioned that it's hard to get the queen to do anything sometimes. Perhaps he has first--well, secondhand experience with that.

Lance sighs at where his thoughts are going. The situation in Badheim seems to be larger and run deeper than he had originally thought. The demon worship may just be the tip of the iceberg.

To the siblings, he says, If you have everything you need, we can head out.

2013-11-05, 07:03 PM
Efan soars high into the sky, thumbing his nose at the temple as it recedes into the distance, and returns quickly to the inn, landing a block away and stuffing the carpet back into his sack before entering the Red God's Laughter.

2013-11-06, 03:20 PM
Gloria laughs at Lance's reservations, "Only twelve hours. Would that all our spells could last so long. That's plenty of time. We're ready." Nathaniel speaks, "I know a place we can stay, unless you have something in mind."

Efan hears a few shouts as his carpet shoots out of the temple, but he reaches the inn without a problem. The man at the desk in front looks up as he enters. Off to the right is a common room with a bar and kitchens, and behind him is a stair up to the rooms.

2013-11-06, 03:35 PM
Lance shrugs, grinning. Lead the way, Nathaniel, he says, gathering his own cloak over his armor. He instructs Kevorak to do the same, for whatever good it would do. Rather, lead the way once I bring us to the street.

He takes them out of the room and walks towards the side of the building where he had seen an alleyway. He motions for everyone to take hold of his hand, and then he concentrates on the image of the alleyway he had seen coming in. With a word, the quartet pop into visibility in the darkness the alleyway. Just tell me where to go, my good sir, he says, avoiding names.

2013-11-06, 04:04 PM
Nathaniel leads the group to a small building about a 20 minute walk away. "Not that we don't appreciate the assistance, but it's probably better if you don't enter with us." Gloria smiles at Lance, "Sleep tight. We'll see you in the morning."

2013-11-06, 04:20 PM
Lance blinks in surprise, having assumed from their earlier talk that they would stick together for safety. He shrugs, smiling uneasily. Sleep well, he says, though he looks at them appraisingly as they go in.

Sense Motive, dunno if you've rolled for me but still: [roll0]

Walking around the block for about ten minutes, he and Kevorak walk into the hotel as well. One room for two, please, he says to the man in the front. He looks around the room, seeing what its occupants are like.

2013-11-07, 02:28 PM
If the siblings have any hidden motives, Lance can't deduce them. When he asks for a room, the host shakes his head, "Sorry, another pair just booked the last room. You could see if they're open to sharing though; I can bring you up a couple cots." He walks Lance to the common room door, and gestures toward Gloria and Nathaniel, "There's the two of them there, let me know what you work out."

2013-11-07, 03:10 PM
Lance looks at the two and shrugs. He walks over sedately, not allowing any inkling of recognition of the two to show on his features. Hello, there, he says with an innocuous smile. My friend and I seem to be at a loss for a room, and it's getting rather late. Would you mind terribly sharing a room with us? You two would get the beds, of course; we'd content ourselves with cots.

2013-11-07, 04:19 PM
The common room is sparsely populated, though still rather full for the time of night. Most of the people look fairly ordinary, and are mostly human adults, though a goliath couple sits at a table with a child at the far end of the room. The siblings give each other a long look in response to Lance's query, then turn to each other, speaking in a language Lance doesn't recognize. Finally, Gloria looks up, "Alright, but you're still paying a full share of the price. We'll head up in a few minutes, do try to get there before 11 though; we've got an early day tomorrow".

2013-11-07, 04:29 PM
Lance shrugs and gives a casual salute to the woman as they walk away. You got it, lady, he says.

Walking over to the front desk again, he says to the man, Those two were willing to share, thank the divines. My friend can bring up the cots if you just direct us to them.

2013-11-07, 07:55 PM
Efan nods to the man at the desk. "Evening," he says gruffly before heading up to his quarters, trying to decide whether to get some sleep, if it was safe to do so, or whether he should go out again. Opening the door, he sat on the mattress and pondered what portion of the wrath of the clergy he had incurred, sighing. He had never been that good with people skills.

Is there a lock on the door?

2013-11-08, 01:09 PM
Is there a lock on the door?

Yes, Intelligence check: [roll0] You can't tell how good it is, however.

The man at the desk rings a bell and a young woman appears, "These men need the cots Anna". She nods, leading Lance and Kevorak to a store room, pulling two cots out, handing one to Kevorak and hauling the other one herself. She then leads the duo up to their room, where Gloria and Nathaniel already sit. After the maid leaves, Gloria speaks, "Sorry about all that deception; I wanted to make sure we weren't seen entering with you, just in case the Norry's are looking for you. As you can see it worked out fine".

2013-11-08, 03:26 PM
Not a problem, Lance says easily. He shucks his backpack, and from within it reclaims a hefty, jingling pouch. Now if you'll excuse me for a few minutes, I have some late-night shopping to do. Kev, don't let anyone in.

With a musical chant, he becomes invisible to the naked eye. And with another chant, he teleports to ground level.

Swiftly and invisibly, he makes his way to the nearest magic items shop. In an alleyway, he cancels the spell of invisibility and enters the shop.

Hello, my good man, he says to the clerk. I would like to purchase one of those armor crystals that allow one to sleep in even full plate. Would you happen to have any in stock?

Once he purchases the crystal, he returns to the alley and casts the invisibility spell once more. He then makes his way quickly back to the hotel, and then teleports back into the room before canceling his invisibility spell.

Miss me? he asks with a grin as he affixes the crystal to Kevorak's armor. He explains the crystal's properties to the goliath as he does so.

Sorry to rush it a bit; if something actually happens during my trip, feel free to interject with what it was. Otherwise, this just saves posts.

2013-11-08, 08:11 PM
As he opens the shutters, Lance can feel that they're unusually heavy, but they open without an issue. The clerk in the store looks tired, but sells Lance the crystal without complaint. When he returns, Gloria smiles ruefully at his question, "Oh, ever so much so. Did you have any other plans for tonight, or shall we all go to bed?"

2013-11-11, 01:19 AM
Lance shakes his head. I believe I have nothing more to add. Kev, drag that cot and put it in front of the door. I'll just make sure this window is latched tight.

He goes over to the window and shutters it once more, latching it as tight as it can. Once that's done, he goes over to his cot and lays down. Get a good night's sleep, all. We'll see what tomorrow brings when it comes.

2013-11-11, 04:08 PM
The siblings nod goodnight to Lance and Kevorak, then undress and lie down to sleep. The night passes uneventfully, and the next morning Lance wakes to find Gloria and Nathaniel getting dressed. "Since we came in separately, we should leave separately too. We'll go first, to make sure we get back before the spell wears off. You can follow after that, and meet us back at the playhouse". They wait for Lance's agreement, before setting out.

Meaning, if you object, they'll wait around to listen, but otherwise you can assume they're gone.

2013-11-11, 07:00 PM
Efan has a sleepless night, tossing and turning, wondering what the next day will bring. He waits until day has just barely broken, then gathers all his posessions and returns to the front desk. "Excuse me sir, but I would like to vacate my quarters. What do I owe?" He fumbles in his coin pouch for the money asked of him.

2013-11-11, 08:50 PM
Lance nods in agreement. Be careful on your way back, he says mildly, lounging on his cot. Even for his type of spellcasting, he needs a clear mind to focus on his chants and lyrics to retain his spells for the day. We'll meet you back there within the hour.

When the siblings leave, Lance spends the next dozen minutes or so preparing his items in his backpack and chatting with Kev. After twenty or so minutes, they prepare to leave the hotel.

On the first floor, he nods to the host and exits the hotel. He keeps his eyes open as he walks to the playhouse to meet with his friends.

2013-11-12, 01:32 PM
The man at the desk looks up at Efan. "One gold piece", he replies, in a soft voice. "Have a nice day".

When Lance returns to the playhouse, Gloria greets him with a smile, which fades to concern, after they've moved out of the sight of the rest of the group, "Someone was in my room last night. They didn't take anything, and tried to hide their presence, but I can tell when things are out of place. I think someone might have been sent to look for me". Her face brightens, "On the plus side, our disguises worked."

2013-11-12, 02:50 PM
Lance nods, looking concerned as well. I've heard of a spell that would allow me to see into the past, but I lack the experience to cast it, he muses. Alas, the best we can do is flounder until we find a lead.

So I'll head out to the Hextor temple, try to find some evidence one way or another that I can take to the Norries. Then, maybe I can use that to get them off your back.

I'll get back here tonight, and we can talk then. Any other suggestions? he asks.

2013-11-12, 04:38 PM
Evan tosses the gold piece and a tip of a few silver pieces onto the table, nods to the man, and leaves the building. Cautiously, scanning the crowds and dark alleys for any danger, he makes his way back to the playhouse, hoping to tell them what he has discovered.

If it's necessary, Spot: [roll0]

2013-11-13, 12:58 PM
Efan returns to The Beasts without noticing anyone following him. Corinna greats him pleasantly, and leads him to where Lance and Gloria are speaking.

Gloria looks concerned. "Perhaps we could find a scroll...it could be expensive though. I don't have that much gold sitting around. Place little faith in Ellwood Norry's words, and even less in his kindness. I appreciate you doing this for me, but I am not certain he will be so grateful."

2013-11-13, 05:03 PM
Efan interrupts the conversation rudely. "Not sure what you all are talking about, but I've got something that seems like it might be important. I went to the temple of Hextor last night, and... erm... stuff happened."

2013-11-13, 05:25 PM
To Gloria, Lance replies, I don't trust him as far as I can throw him, and I wouldn't be able to throw him very far at all. But he'll be a good source of information into this city's problems, with any luck, and maybe I can fix this mess I started for you.

He is about to say more until Efan butts into the conversation. He allows the man to finish, and blinks in interest. What kind of stuff? he asks. Be specific, don't leave anything out.

2013-11-13, 05:30 PM
"Stuff that may have ended in me killing a priest of Hextor and being attacked by flying dogs," Efan says vaguely. "You know. Um. I don't think they liked me very much."

2013-11-13, 06:19 PM
"Stuff that may have ended in me killing a priest of Hextor and being attacked by flying dogs," Efan says vaguely. "You know. Um. I don't think they liked me very much."

Lance raises a curious brow. What were you fighting the priest for? he asks. And could you describe the dogs at all? Fiery eyes, rotting flesh, anything that could help me identify them? And why were you in the temple of Hextor in the first place? He peppers the man with questions, heedless of the fact that his rapidity leaves Efan little time to answer between questions.

2013-11-13, 06:58 PM
"He looked at me funny. And I didn't like the way he smelled," Efan mumbles. "Uh, the dogs were big and black and smelled of brimstone. No, I lie, but they still seemed demonic enough to me. They appeared in bright fire and vanished when I killed them. I think they were summoned. They flew and when the first howled it struck me deeply with irrational fear. Can you work with that? There was a mechanical fist that summoned them, I got a few pieces of it if you wanna take a look."

2013-11-14, 04:20 PM
Lance considers the information that Efan had given him. Yeth hounds, he mutters. Not demons nor devils, but they work with them. Hardly solid evidence, but also unflattering evidence for the temple.

I've got no idea what those pieces do. But if you said that it summoned the hounds, then perhaps it could have been able to summon other beings. I don't like this, but maybe I can find something without killing anyone. Did you manage to find anything else before getting out of dodge?

2013-11-14, 05:38 PM
"Just some jewelry that I happened to find lying about. I decided it needed a good home." Efan looks shifty and quickly changes the topic. "So, what've you all been up to?"

2013-11-15, 01:49 PM
Gloria looks skeptical when Efan claims to have killed a priest of Hextor, but when he pulls out the pieces of the trap, she looks a bit less so. "We've been dealing with all sorts of delightful, high class people. Best be careful if you've attacked the Hextorites. Their influence reaches far in the city. Norry may not get along with them, but some of the council members confide more closely in them."

2013-11-15, 02:05 PM
Lance nods. Which is why I'll be going to the temple to look for clues without you, Efan, he says with only a hint of apology. But before I do, may I have a look at those jewels? We've found ourselves desiring a rather expensive magic item, and would appreciate a bit of windfall.

Seeing our rather large discrepancy of Charisma and Diplomacy scores, by the rules I could probably just roll to convince Efan to give/show me the jewels. But Diplomacy's not really meant for PC interactions, so I'll refrain.

Potential Appraise check: [roll0]

2013-11-15, 07:03 PM
Efan nods and retrieves the jewels from his pack, handing them not without reluctance to Lance.

2013-11-19, 01:23 AM
Lance inspects the gemstones carefully. These seem like they would fetch a pretty copper, he muses. Not quite enough for that scroll, but definitely a good start if we decide we need it.

Now, is that all that you found in the temple? Anything else, either items, or useful bits of information that would be useful to know before going in? he asks. He holds out the gems in his hands for the other man to take back.

So sorry for the delay.

2013-11-19, 07:33 AM
Evan accepts the jewels and hands Lance the scrolls and bottle. "Found these on the body of the priest that attacked me. What else... Oh, you're a good liar? And you two must be fairly good at crafting disguises, being actors. I have this holy symbol of Hextor that I took from a rack below. You could disguise yourself as a priest if you wanted to. Information... If you gave me paper and pen I could probably scratch out a map for you."

2013-11-21, 02:58 PM
Spellcraft check to ID the scroll: [roll0]

Lance takes the scroll and peruses it for a good 12 seconds. He shakes his head. I've absolutely no idea what this spell could be. I'll see if I can find someone who can, though.

He considers the other man's suggestion. I wouldn't feel confident pretending to be a priest without knowing more about their internal hierarchy, so I would know for sure that I wouldn't say something that could get me killed by angry priests, he says. A good physical disguise is nice, but it's worse than useless if you don't know anything about the place you're infiltrating.

Thank you for the map, though. I'm sure it will come in handy. He raises his brows at the other man, silently asking for any other details. If Efan does not say anything, he continues, I would ask that you stay with Gloria and Nathaniel through the day, for safety's sake; at the least, try not to go near the Hextor temple for at least a few days.

2013-11-22, 04:57 PM
Efan scratches out a map on a piece of loose parchment, labeling the room where he killed the priest, the location of the fist that summoned the yeth hounds, and the ritual chambers. He gestures to the ritual chambers. "While I was here, I heard a crashing noise. I don't know what it was, and the priest seemed to ignore it. After I killed him, I wanted to get away quickly, so I didn't take a look. You may want to." He hands Lance the crude map. "While you're gone, I'd like to take the jewels and the pieces of the fist and see about purchasing a few fairly items I found myself missing, as well as perhaps some knowledge, if you're okay with that?" He doesn't wait for the other man's answer before continuing on. "One other thing, though. You may not need a disguise, but the priests of Hextor may be able to find out who I am or at least who I look like, whether from the corpse I left behind, the spatters of my blood on the floor, or the other worshipers that saw me. A simple disguise for my business would be appreciated if you can conjure one or you two could craft one. Thank you."

To clarify, I'm asking for about one to two thousand gp worth of the jewels for my own purchases (if I can find them, a lesser crystal of returning for my bow and a Healing belt, plus a few cheap items like a dagger, rope, a method of illumination, etc.) and possibly bribes.

2013-11-22, 05:27 PM
Lance shrugs. Do what you wish with your spoils of war, he says with a grin. As for disguises, Gloria and Nathaniel can take care of that better than I can. I have a spell to help, but I'd like to head out quickly, so let us get you looking different quickly.

He casts the Disguise Self when the acting siblings gussy up Efan, and then says, Best of luck, Efan. Gloria, Nathaniel, stay safe until I get back.

2013-11-22, 06:52 PM
"Thanks," Efan says, stroking his new mustache appreciatively. As Lance gets up to go, he turns to the siblings. "So do you know a place of scholarly intentions or another place where I could get these appraised?" he asks, dangling the pieces of the fist.

2013-11-23, 07:14 AM
Gloria thinks for a minute about Efan's question, "There are some trapmakers around town. The closest is probably by the shipyards, west of here. I don't know which ones might make magic traps. It could be the priests cast the spells themselves. The best trapmakers are near the temple of Hextor anyway."

As Lance approaches the temple district, he notices there are more guards about than usual, not to mention Hextorites glowering at nearly everyone. As he approaches the temple, he sees that there's a crowd gathered about, with several nervous looking guards standing about, bayonets at their shoulders. They seem to be keeping the crowd from getting to close to the temple, where multiple priests are fingering their flails and holy symbols. Other guards are moving throughout the crowd, looking uncomfortable.

2013-11-23, 09:45 AM
Efan sighs. "Damnit. Well, I'll see if I can find a spellcaster who might be able to identify the spells used in its make or how it works. I guess I'll sell these first, though. Do you know of a good jeweler's or similar that would give me a fair price?"

2013-11-23, 11:13 AM
Lance gives an internal sigh before bringing a friendly, innocuous smile to his face. Walking up to a nearby guard, he asks, What's the cause for commotion, sir? You seem tense. He fills his eyes with concern as he asks, feeling Kevorak place himself behind the bard.

2013-11-23, 11:51 AM
Gloria shrugs, "I'm known by some of the local jewelers. Come with me, I can spare an hour or two." She gestures toward Efan, and leads the way out of the playhouse.

The guard turns to Lance, "Oh, aye, you could say that. It's like this; late last night, round 12 or 1 in the morning, someone, a few someones, really, conjured up some sort of monsters. They were tearing about, attacking the few people out so late. Some eye witnesses say that the people controlling them were wearing holy symbols of Hextor. So simple enough then, right? There's been rumors of demon-worship for a while now, and recently people have started whispering the temple of Hextor is involved. Only, here's the thing: the temple says there was a break-in yesterday. Someone killed a priest and stole some things, including a few holy symbols. So now we've got a bunch of people blaming the temple for attacks, and the Hextorites are always ready to bust the skulls of anyone causing a ruckus, and were here trying to keep things under control, and don't even really know what's going on."

2013-11-23, 12:16 PM
Efan thanks Gloria cautiously and follows her silently out of the building, glancing around nervously even though he is nearly unrecognizable.

2013-11-23, 12:23 PM
Lance frowns. That's awful, he says in a commiserating manner. I was thinking of visiting the temple for a bit; speak with a few people about the goings-ons of the city. D'you figure I should come back later after this has blown over?

2013-11-23, 12:55 PM
Gloria leads Efan south a few blocks. On the way, they pass a pair of priests of Hextor, going in the opposite direction. His eyes pass over Efan and Gloria without any hint of recognition. After he departs, Gloria speaks, "Odd. They don't usually come to this part of the city too much. I think they prefer to look down on us revelrous, hedonistic, types from afar." Gloria leads them to a small brick shop, and pushes the door in, "Gloria!" exclaims the woman at the counter, "How nice to see you! What can I get for you today? I should warn you though, if you want diamonds, they're a going commodity. I hear tell they've been bought up all around the black temple district. I can still get them for you, of course, it just won't be such a steal as I normally offer you." She smiles broadly and winks. Gloria returns the smile, "Actually, my friend here has some things to sell". She turns to Efan.

The guard shrugs broadly in response to Lance's query, "Suit yourself. Quite frankly, Hextor's priests aren't the most open bunch any time of the day. It might take a while for things to blow over, if you do decide to wait. The crowd'll probably disperse by midday, but the priests can be prickly. Or spiky." He laughs at his own joke.

2013-11-23, 01:27 PM
Efan turns away and digs in his pouch for the jewelry he's taken from the chest, presenting them without a word to the woman behind the counter.

2013-11-24, 03:53 PM
The woman takes a minute to examine Efan's loot. "1400...no, 1500. Any friend of Gloria's will get only the best deals". Gloria seems disinclined to debate.

Am planning to wait for Lance before posting again.

2013-11-24, 04:13 PM
Lance considers his options, and decides to hold off on entering the temple quite yet. Bidding the (bad)joke cracking guard a smiling farewell, Lance heads to the nearest gathering place of locals and begins to schmooze around, talking and asking about what had happened last night and what was currently going on in the city.

Gather Information for [roll0] hours. (This is how long the SRD said it would take. If you feel that it'd take less time, I'd be for that, haha)

Actual roll: [roll1]

2013-11-24, 04:25 PM
Efan nods to the woman. "Appreciate it," he says, eyes darting back to the outside.

2013-11-25, 04:10 PM
As Lance moves throughout the crowd, he finds that the guard's summary of events was accurate and reasonably thorough. One woman gestured toward the alley where the monsters were first seen, and one man claimed to have seen them himself. He described the controllers as wearing hooded robes and symbols of Hextor and the monsters themselves as "ugly, hunched beasts with heavy claws and a pig like face". Lance thinks the creature he's describing might be a Dretch, a lesser demon from the Infinite Layers of the Abyss. Finally, Lance learns a man was seen fleeing the temple on a flying carpet earlier in the night.

Knowledge (the planes): [roll0] + 4 (-4 penalty this time, since the man's description isn't as good as Efan's for a variety of reasons)

The shopkeeper smiles at Efan, "Thank you for the custom, sir", she says politely, giving Gloria one last smile, which the younger woman returns.

2013-11-25, 04:35 PM
Efan accepts the cash, nods politely to the woman again, and pulls the door open. Once outside, he waits until Gloria rejoins him and asks, "I have a few items I've heard of that I'd like to purchase if I can find them- something that would allow me to summon my weapon from a short distance in case I get disarmed and a belt of healing. Do you know where I could find these?"

2013-11-25, 04:58 PM
Lance nods and smiles and thanks the people he talks to for their time. He makes his way back to the temple, considering the information. That was about as informative as I should've imagined, he thinks as he approaches the nearest priest.

Hello, my good man, he says. I realize that it is a murky time, but may I take a look around the temple? I'm new in town, and would like to sample the spiritual side of what this city has to offer. He gives a nonthreatening smile as he says this, not giving a hint of hostility (not that he has much hostility in him; but best to be sure.)

2013-11-26, 01:56 PM
Gloria nods and leads Efan down a few streets, toward a shop with a crossed pair of swords painted on the front. Gloria opens the door and leads them into a bright shop. A man in dark brown robes sits beside another man in a leather apron; the latter looks up at the duo, "Welcome to our fine weapons store. What can we do for you?".

Diplomacy: [roll0] (no bonus for Knowledge(Nobility) as stated earlier, since it doesn't apply to this situation).

The priest looks at Lance and Kevorak disapprovingly. "The temple is closed to all but parishioners at the moment. As you may have heard there was a murder here last night. We are busy with our preparations. I can see no reason why we should wish to have a stranger mucking about".

2013-11-26, 02:44 PM
"Ah, sir, I would like to purchase a crystal to attach to my weapon, to allow me to draw it with speed and summon it from a short range if I am disarmed. I would also like to purchase a dagger, though I am of limited budget and wold prefer a less expensive version." Efan takes out the bag of platinum.

2013-11-26, 02:51 PM
Lance manages to hide his cringe at his own moment of ineptitude. It's been awhile since he had been so untactful. Yes, I'd heard, he replies, voice empathetic and restrained. Such a tragedy, only compounded by the horrible rumors circulating about the city. This is a crucial time for the temple in the eyes of the people: battered but not beaten, bent but not broken; you can use this time to show the people that you are better than what they think you are.

I know the temple of Hextor tends not to care for the opinions of the people, but you would agree that it would be easier for your temple of the people saw you more as people and not as distant statues, no? Here, he continues, shucking off his belt-sheath and crossbow. Handing them to Kev, he says, I'll go in alone; my companion will stay out with my weapons. I will pose no threat to any of your compatriots; all I seek is knowledge, and possibly the chance to help soothe the tensions in this city. He keeps his voice steady and calm throughout, and does his best to appear earnest without being overbearing.

Let's see how that works out, Lance: [roll0]

2013-11-26, 03:42 PM
The priest must be at least a little receptive to Lance's manner, because he motions to two other priests, "Priscilla, Darin, show our guest about. Let him see what he will see. Show him the evidence of the invasion of our holy house. Let him see that we have been wronged." The two other priests, Priscilla and Darin, presumably, move to either side of Lance, and silently lead him through the courtyard, to the same door Efan had been through earlier.

Unless you want to do something beforehand, they're leading you downstairs.

The man in the apron nods as Efan speaks,"We have just what you need." He moves to a case that contains several daggers, and pulls it out, showing it to Efan, "Now, if you'll look here..." As he speaks, the man in the robes disappears into another room, then returns with a crystal, "As requested. I should warn you, though, if you want to use this with the dagger, you'll need one of higher quality work and enchantment than these ones."

2013-11-26, 04:45 PM
Efan nods, plucking a dagger from the display case and tucking it into his belt after asking for a sheath. "That will do nicely," he says, counting out he coins exactly and ducking his head as a sign of respect to the shopkeeper before leaving the store. "I think I can find everything else I need, if you'd like to return to the playhouse," he says to Gloria over his shoulder as he strides forward.

2013-11-27, 04:14 PM
Lance nods to his two new stoic guides. Many thanks, good sir, he says to the first priest with a smile. To the other two priests, he says, Lead the way, milord and lady. K, stick around the temple. This probably won't be too long.

He walks with the priests, looking around curiously as they lead him through the courtyard. Trying to strike up a conversation, he says, If I may be so bold, what was the name of the person who was murdered? And may I light a stick of incense for them?

Diplomacy to make sure he doesn't sound confrontational or offensive: [roll0]


2013-11-28, 03:28 PM
Gloria nods to Efan. "Very well, then. Should we expect you back tonight?" After Efan answers, she departs. As Efan goes about his business, he notices a man across the square in a great white cape with a great red sword embroidered on the back. The man bends down and hands a coin to a beggar, than makes some gestures that don't make sense to Efan, though the beggar seems to appreciate it.

The man, Darin, answers Lance's question, "He was a priest of Hextor. That is enough. When he dies the final death incense will burn, and he his name will be etched in stone. But it is not yet his time. Hextor grants us the power to defy even death itself if we are true to him". The two priests lead Lance down the stairs. First, in the hallway, they point to the ceiling, where repair work has begun on a protruding, mangled, fist, "As you can see, they struck even the temple itself," states Priscilla, coldly. They then show Lance into the room where Efan fought the hounds. "Here is where our brother was murdered, his throat torn apart". Devin gestures toward a rack of holy symbols and a crate with a mismatch of jewelry and oddities, "And here, you can see, is where we were robbed. Not content to murder our priests, the thief, or thieves, stole both holy symbols and jewels." Finally, the two priests lead Lance to the ritual chamber. Here, Lance can see the body of the priest laid out on a black sheet. Stripped of his armor and robes, the man is nondescript, except for the wound in his neck. A third priest stands by his side, with scales, a magnifying glass, and a pile of diamonds. Priscilla moves toward the wall, "I would not expect you to be able to tell, but this is where we found evidence of the villains entrance. They magicked an entrance through the stone, leading to this sanctum directly".

2013-11-28, 04:55 PM
Efan nods tersely to Gloria and continues on his way. Seeing the man speaking to the beggar, he becomes curious and approaches the pair. "You, there. I've not seen you before, and I'd remember if I had. Who are you?" he demands roughly.

2013-11-30, 01:56 PM
Lance walks as close to the deceased priest as the others will allow him. He stands ramrod straight and clenches his right fist in front of his face. Head bowed, he remains there for a good six seconds before

When he finishes, he turns from the body to face the other priests. These people who attacked the temple seem quite determined, if they magicked their way in. Everyone is saying that it is you who consorts with demons and devils, but they do not think; why would Hextorite priests assault their own temple? The ignorance of some astounds the mind, he says, shaking his head.

The perpetrators must be part of a larger group, he mutters, half to himself but loud enough for the priests to hear. One with a vested interest in discrediting the temple; perhaps even in capitalizing on the tension in the city...

Diplomacy check: [roll0]

2013-12-01, 03:34 AM
The man turns to Efan, "I am Ephimel. I am a champion of Kord. I come from Basia, many miles south of here, but not so far by these locomotives. Much faster than a horse, if noisier. I heard rumors of Demons in this city, and that the congregation of Kord here was hard pressed. I came to lend my assistance".

As Lance moves toward the body, Priscilla moves in front of him, blocking his path. When Lance makes the gesture of respect to the dead, Darin looks at him quizzically, but says nothing. After Lance speaks, however, Darin replies, "Service to Hextor need not come only from the clerics and crusaders. Find such a group, and your service shall be rewarded".

2013-12-01, 11:33 AM
"Aye? Then you have wok to do in this city. I myself was attacked by a summoned infernal creature while visiting the temple of Hextor. Killed 'em, and the damned priest too," he says with pride. "I'm good at killing things. If you ever need help doin' some killing, call me." He tips an imaginary hat to the man and walks off, looking for a reputable general store.

2013-12-03, 01:13 AM
Lance frowns. So there are more sects dedicated to Hextor in the city than just this temple and its allied temples? he asks, not really expecting an answer. I suppose every temple has its splinter groups; but why would they attack the temple? If you don't mind my asking, was anything taken other than the gems and holy symbols you mentioned? he asks politely.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-12-03, 01:01 PM
Efan has no trouble finding a general store. A short man sits behind the counter, polishing a magnifying glass. He looks up as Efan enters, "What can I do for you, sir?"

Darin frowns at Lance's comment, "Other groups? No. I meant the sort of group you spoke of. You suggested that these assailants were part of a larger group. Should you find such a group, Hextor will be pleased".

2013-12-03, 06:10 PM
"A coil of silk rope and a grappling hook, an expandable pole, a vial of antitoxin, and... do you have hearthfire? I'd like two pounds." Efan slams two platinum pieces onto the counter. "That should cover it." He waits impatiently, expecting the shopkeeper to fetch the items for him.

Hearthfire is glowing jello, from Races of Stone. Lightweight for the number of uses and cheap.

2013-12-04, 02:54 PM
Lance blinks and then claps the side of his head. Apologies for the misunderstanding, he says, chuckling softly. At times I think too much, and at others not enough.

I know that the temple probably does not have a deficit of detractors, but are you able to think of any person or group of persons that would have reason to strike against you? A person or people with influence, perhaps, to be able to magically tunnel into here?

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-12-04, 04:14 PM
"Hearthfire?" The clerk thinks for a moment, "Yes. Yes, I do." He sets about gathering the items. "It comes to 46 golden pieces, or equivalent metal." He looks down ruefully at the 2 platinum coins.

Assuming I did all the math right: 10 (silk rope) + 1 (grappling hook) + 5 (expandable pole, if my googling is accurate) + 25 (antitoxin) + 5 (hearthfire) = 46

Darin scowls, "Bah. The queen has been too tolerant of deviants and radicals in the name of knowledge. Most likely, some such filth has tapped into a power they do not understand and cannot control. Most likely, they think us a convenient scapegoat, to cover their activities. Find the true cultists, and you shall find our enemy".

2013-12-04, 04:55 PM
Raising his head and looking haughtily down his nose at the shopkeeper, Efan adds another three platinum coins to the counter, gathers the items, and sweeps out of the shop. Stopping outside, he stuffs the items into his rucksack and begins to make his way back to the playhouse.

2013-12-05, 07:01 PM
Lance nods slowly. Well, okay, from what I've heard of her that does seem to be like her. But, being new to the city, I'm not nearly as familiar with the deviants and radicals of the city as you probably are. If I were to begin to search for such, where would be the best place to do so?

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-12-06, 01:47 PM
Efan nearly makes it back to the playhouse without incident, but as he approaches he passes the old gardens, he overhears the guard arguing with a stranger, "...I don't care who you think is hiding in there, it isn't safe. There are monsters in there. Anyone trying to hide there won't last long. The next time the queen walks through, some of us will go with her and look for your stuff. That's all there is to it. We daren't go in without her retinue. It isn't safe."

Darin gestures broadly, "All over this city. You might try the old library, or the slums around the temple of Kord." He makes a face at the last statement, as if he finds the very word "Kord" distasteful.

Gah, that's the second time I've written "incidence" instead of "incident".

2013-12-09, 04:40 PM
Efan glances over, trying to memorize any notable parts of appearances in case it becomes important, before continuing on to the playhouse. "Is whatshisname, Lance, back yet? I want to see what he's found out," he says, entering without knocking.

2013-12-16, 11:54 AM
Lance considers the priest's words and then sighs. If that's all the information you can give me, then I suppose it'll have to do, he says. Thank you very much for your time and patience. If you don't have more for me to know, I'd like to spend a bit of time observing the temple before I return to my friend. If that's alright with you, of course, he finishes, deferentially gesturing to the pair of priests.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-12-16, 02:26 PM
It takes Efan a moment to locate someone who knows Lance, but when he finds Gloria, she shakes her head. "No. Do you think we should be worried? The priests of Hextor aren't terribly friendly."

Priscilla sighs in response to Lances request, but her voice remains cold and formal,"If you must, you shall. We are not needed in these ceremonies for the moment. We can grant you another half hour here, but that is all. The duties of the faithful are never-ending".

2013-12-16, 03:09 PM
Lance nods. Quite understandable, he says. And if nothing else, I know when I'm about to overstay my welcome. I'm sure you both won't mind if I simply leave now and allow you to attend to other, more pressing matters.

If they agree (and he doesn't see why they wouldn't, seeing as they would get rid of him faster), he allows them to escort him back to the front gate. He bows slightly to them, saying, Once again, thank you for your patience and forbearance. I shall do what I can to see that the Hextor temple's name is not sullied further.

He joins back up with Kevorak and gestures for the goliath to follow him. He begins to head back to the theatre, and mutters quietly to Kev, They seem to be victims of circumstance, but I couldn't find anything definitive. I'll wait until the guard shifts change, and try a more stealthy approach. For now, let's regroup with Gloria and Efan.

2013-12-16, 03:29 PM
The priests lead Lance out, where he can see the crowd has dispersed somewhat from when he went in, though guards are still present. He finds his way back to the playhouse without incident, though he sees several Hextorites, wearing their black armor despite the heat. When he returns to The Beasts, he finds Efan and Gloria together.

2013-12-16, 04:57 PM
Efan looks up disinterestedly, tossing the crystal he'd purchased up and down. "Well? Find out anything?" he demands abruptly. "Anything interesting, anyway? Did you have to kill any of them?"

2013-12-17, 12:17 PM
Lance shakes his head. No, Efan, he says. I actually had a semi-civil conversation with two priests. The whole temple was abuzz due to both your murder of the priest and the assault by cloaked figures disguised with the accoutrements of Hextor. In all, I've been led to believe that perhaps the temple is being framed, and there is another group working in the shadows and consorting with fiends.

But I didn't get definitive proof of their guilt or innocence, so I was thinking of sneaking in later tonight when the guards' shifts change. The priests I spoke with told me to investigate the "deviants" of the city, but weren't much help other than to point to the slums near the temple of Kord or the library.

Did you happen to hear anything useful in the city, Efan?

2013-12-19, 08:19 PM
Efan shrugs, stilling his hand and setting the gemstone back in his bow. "Don't care much for that kind of thing. I overheard something about the queen, and her retinue, and monsters? Someone had something stolen, maybe? Don't know." He levers himself upright and slings his bow back over his shoulder. "So what's next? I can take a look in the slums if you want, so you could look elsewhere in the same time. I've got a carpet and sharp eyes, I could be your eyes in the sky if needed. Or, you know, if there's anyone who it would be useful for you to gain a nonfatal but painful injury, I can help with that too."

2013-12-23, 01:45 AM
Lance contemplates for a moment. Wouldn't flying in the sky be too noticeable? he asks. He then shakes his head. Ah, nevermind. Tell me more about who spoke of the queen's retinue. What did they look like? It might be a good place to start asking questions, if things are being stolen. Perhaps something of true import was stolen, and we might stumble on a clue.

He turns to Gloria next. Also, Gloria, what should we do regarding sleeping conditions for tonight? I still feel leery of you spending the night here, in case the Norries send more men.
Sorry for the delay. Holiday season and all that. Also, happy holidays to both of you, of course!

2013-12-23, 05:35 PM
Gloria hesitates. "Well...actually, I wasn't planning on spending the night here tonight. I have...other arrangements. If you want to stay, I think you could, though it's really up to you."

2013-12-23, 11:34 PM
"I left my inn, fearing they might track me there somehow with their demonic magic. I'll stay somewhere else tonight so as to not be connected to this place if possible," Efan says. "And I didn't hear much else of that conversation, nor catch a good look at the participants. I'm sure you can find out something from what I've given you."

2013-12-24, 02:19 AM
Lance claps once at Gloria's words. Excellent! he says. Very good to hear. Me and Kev will make do on our own someplace not here; maybe another hotel, different from the one before. I'm sure I don't need to tell you this, but do be careful. And would you like another disguise spell before you leave for the night? Just to be on the cautious side.

Turning to Efan, he shrugs. Then can you at least tell me where you heard the conversation? he asks. I'll see what I can find out, then decide from there. I might check out the temple of Kord before going back to the Hextorite temple; so much to do, so little time. You can join me if you'd like, or check out the area around the library. But be careful not to go near the Hextor temple, of course; my spell will only last until a little after nightfall.

2013-12-24, 07:16 AM
Gloria shakes her head. "Actually, I'd prefer to look like myself tonight. I have some ability to disguise myself. It won't last as long as your magic, but it will get me to my destination undetected, and I should be safe once I'm there."

2013-12-24, 09:07 AM
"It was by the old garden," Efan says. "And I suppose I'll come with you. Did you find anything out about the crashing noise I heard?"

2013-12-26, 10:26 AM
Lance shakes his head. Didn't get the chance, sorry, he says, shrugging. Gloria, best of luck. Efan, Kev, let's head out, I suppose.

He leaves the theatre and walks toward the old garden, looking for anyone still remaining and looking to Efan for clues as to who to ask. Let me know if you recognize someone from the conversation, he says softly.

2013-12-26, 05:32 PM
As Lance and Efan approach the old garden, Efan can see the guard is still there, and the man who Efan saw arguing with him earlier is stewing silently, alternately smoothing his coat, checking a brass pocket watch, and glaring at the guard.

2013-12-26, 06:47 PM
Efan elbows Lance, hard, and nods towards the two. "Hallo, good folk!" he calls, voice unusually high. "Er... nice watch!"

2013-12-27, 12:15 AM
Lance doesn't give an outward sign of annoyance at Efan's rather forced introduction, though he will make a note to the man to let him start the talking next time.

Instead, he claps Efan on the shoulder in a companionable way, chuckling a bit. Calm down, friend, he says. To the watchman he gives a polite smile and says, My apologies for the sudden outburst; he just loves a good pocketwatch, always has since a child, bless his heart.

He walks a bit closer, putting on a thoughtful look. Why, you look a bit miffed, sir. Care to unload your troubles? I promise that I'm a good listener, and it might help more than glaring at that poor guard, he finishes with a friendly smile.

Bluff on the pocketwatch thing, though it's fairly innocuous: [roll0]

Diplomacy: [roll1], feel free to add 2 if he's of nobility.

2013-12-27, 10:23 AM
The man looks slightly puzzled, but appears to believe Lance. He stows his watch, then turns to the group. His annoyance from his tone, but he replies to Lance's request readily enough, "Well sirs, I work for a local business and we had plans for expanding locally. We had drawn up the plans for this expansion, quite naturally, and were preparing to begin excavation. Only, the plans were stolen. Right out of our office. We tracked them to these gardens, but the guard won't let us enter. Some nonsense about how it isn't safe."

2013-12-27, 10:35 AM
"Monsters?" Efan asks cheerily. "Troublesome things. But I'm sure the queen's retinue is quite capable of taking care of them. Any idea why they might have been stolen?" He tsks. "Seems you can't trust anyone these days. Everyone's out for something, aren't they?"

2013-12-27, 10:40 AM
The man furrows his brow, "The queen's retinue? No, I have no idea." It seems obvious to both Lance and Efan that this is untrue.

2013-12-27, 11:16 AM
Lance chuckles once more, giving Efan another pat on the shoulder. This one is a bit more forceful than before, and he grips his shoulder tightly for a split second as a warning before turning back to the man. That is a terrible occurrence, no doubt about it, he says.

Such a shame. But you may be in luck, my managerial man. My companions and I are rather experienced adventurers, he continues, gesturing to Efan and Kevorak. I'm sure we'd be able to get those plans back for you within the day, if not the hour. The quicker you get it back the better, no?

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-12-28, 01:38 AM
The man nods fervently. "Very much so. If you could get those plans back, you'd be doing a great good deed and I would be most grateful. I don't think it can be that dangerous in the gardens. There's only one guard, after all."

2013-12-28, 10:52 AM
Lance nods. It's a bit delayed, friend, but what is your name? In case we take so long you leave and we need to find you.

And just because we can accomplish it, doesn't mean it won't be dangerous. I hope you understand, but depending on the dangers we find, we reserve the right to ask a fee for our troubles. Tit for tat, no? he asks, reaching out a hand to seal the deal.

After the man shakes or doesn't, Lance turns to the guard and says, You can let us through, my good man. We're a sight more capable of handling ourselves than him, I can assure you.

Diplomacy (manager dude): [roll0]

Diplomacy (Guard): [roll1]

2013-12-31, 02:12 PM
"It's Edmund.", the man replies. He pulls out a small piece of paper and writes something on it with a silver fountain pen before handing it to Lance. "Here, this is where you can meet me. I'm sure we can work out a reasonable fee." He shakes Lance's hand, then offers a handshake to Efan and Kevorak as well.

The guard looks about quickly, "Look, I'm not supposed to let anyone in, but if you're strong enough I don't suppose it matters. Be careful not to leave any tracks near the gate though." The guard moves aside to let the group through.

Past the wrought iron gate, a flagstone path leads into the garden. Lance and Efan can clearly see various unusual trees, vines, and flowers, many of which they haven't seen in this region. There are no animals immediately obvious, but a chorus of chirps, growls, and other sounds can be heard.

2014-01-02, 05:12 PM
Lance gives a lazy salute before moving past the gate. Efan, he says. Let's get on your carpet for the first dozen yards or so. Might as well try to leave few tracks near the entrance.

He takes out his light crossbow as they get onto the carpet, and keeps his eye peeled for the "dangers" that had been spoken of.

2014-01-02, 05:31 PM
The carpet strains under the weight, but manages to get off the ground and drift slowly forward. As they inch over the garden, Efan checks to see if the crystal is working properly by tossing his bow gently down to the ground below and causing it to rematerialize in his hand. Satisfied, he returns it to his place over his shoulder and waits patiently for the carpet to pick up the pace.

2014-01-02, 11:02 PM
Spot Checks:
Efan - [roll0]
Lance - [roll1]
Kevorak - [roll2]

Efan - [roll3]
Lance - [roll4]
Kevorak - [roll5]

As Lance and Efan look about the gardens, they spot a great brown bear hidden in some bushy green shrubbery. It seems to see them at the same time they see it, sniffing the air and sticking it's noise up.

You all beat it on initiative, so Efan and Lance can both act during the surprise round (Kevorak isn't aware).

2014-01-03, 02:33 AM
If he has enough time in the split second, Lance whispers, Prepare, but do not attack yet; let's see if we can avoid fighting it.

He then readies an action to cast Glitterdust in case it attacks them.

2014-01-03, 08:46 AM
Efan grumbles, summoning his bow back to hand with a flash of light and preparing to fire off an arrow.

Summon bow, ready action to attack once.

2014-01-04, 09:57 AM
As they look at the bear, a large rock bangs into Lance from behind, clattering off his armor. The bear continues to stare at them, making no apparent reaction to Lance being hit.

Since the bear hasn't made any hostile moves (as far as you can tell), it's back to your turn, and you can do what you want.

2014-01-05, 11:56 AM
Lance turns around to see what threw the rock that just hit him. Efan, do you see anything behind us? he asks.

Spot: [roll0]

2014-01-05, 12:55 PM
"Watch the bear!" Efan hisses, glancing backwards quickly and back to the bear. "Do you have anything that might distract it? Illusions or some such? I thought bards were supposed to be good at those?"

Spot: [roll0]

2014-01-05, 10:31 PM
Lance turns back to face the bear, frowning slightly. Something hit me on the back, he replies. Seeing as that's more hostility than the bear has shown me so far, I was concerned. Now, as for the bear...

He takes out his lute and begins to sing a song to fascinate the bear into inaction. While he sings, he motions to Kevorak with his head. The goliath says to Efan, Lance is distracting it, so let's head out. Careful not to spook the bear.

Perform (Sing) check: [roll0] is the Will DC to resist the Fascination effect. Otherwise, the bear has to sit there and listen until something attacks it.

The lute's just for accompaniment.

2014-01-06, 05:50 AM
The bear sits back on its haunches, paying rapt attention to Lance's music. For a moment, its eyes flash slightly, then return to normal. As soon as they do, a scent of blood feels the air, and Lance, Efan, and Kevorak are filled with the unsettling sensation that they just awoke from a nightmare, a nightmare that wouldn't come to life if only they could remember it, though of course they can't.

Will Saves:
Lance - [roll0]
Efan - [roll1] (including -4 from the curse)
Kevorak - [roll2]

The group is able to push their fear aside. The bear, however, seems unsettled by the situation, whimpering slightly.

Yay! You all made it!

2014-01-06, 11:57 AM
Lance blinks in consternation. What the hell was that? he asks, attempting to discern the effect.

Spellcraft to identify: [roll0]

He then casts Detect Magic and concentrates on the bear first, then the surrounding areas.

2014-01-06, 12:15 PM
Lance fails to identify the source of the unpleasant feeling, but he detects an aura with his magic.

I'd like to know if Efan or Kevorak is doing anything before I resolve further rounds.

2014-01-06, 07:27 PM
Focusing on the aura, Lance determines from where it's coming and what type of magic it is.

I mean, I'm assuming it's the bear, but you didn't specify where it was.

Spellcraft check to ID spell school: [roll0]

Well f*** that. I can at least determine the strength without a Spellcraft check, right?

2014-01-07, 12:51 PM
Before Lance can register more than the mere presence of one or more auras another rock hits him in the back of the leg, drawing blood. Two more follow close after, one each at Efan and Kevorak. The one aimed at Kevorak bounces off his armor ineffectually, but the other draws blood from Efan's unprotected back.

So, yeah, that was actually the reason I couldn't give you the information from the later rounds of detect magic. Sorry for being so circumspect. Lance takes 4 damage and Efan takes 6. Technically, Lance needs a DC 14 concentration check if he wants to maintain the spell, but since you succeed on a 1, you don't need to roll it.

2014-01-07, 01:37 PM
Lance curses as the rock hits his leg, turning back to face the direction he thinks they came from. He scans the area quickly, making a motion to Kevorak before uttering a quick incantation that turns him invisible to the naked eye.

The goliath, for his part, utters a ferocious roar of challenge, brandishing his falchion menacingly.

Dropping Detect Magic, casting Invisibility as a standard action and then moving. Kevorak attempts to intimidate.

Spot: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Kev's Intimidate: [roll2]

2014-01-07, 02:46 PM
Strangely, although Lance can clearly see large depressions where the rocks were displaced from, he can't see anything that might have launched them, nor can he see anything that indicates a creature was nearby recently. Indeed, the nearest trees are a good 20 feet from the nearest stone, and aside from the displaced stones, the area is devoid of footprints or other marks of recent travel.

2014-01-07, 05:29 PM
Lance frowns with the realization of what they are facing. Son of a bitch, he mutters. Efan, we have an incorporeal demon on our hands. It was possessing the bear, but it's out now. First it'll try to put one of us to sleep, then possess us, so let's see if we can take it out before then. And I apologize in advance, I have no way of seeing incorporeal beings.

He then takes out his Wand of Magic Missile and readies an action to fire it if he feels the Guecubu touch him.

2014-01-07, 06:07 PM
Efan turns around, focusing his vision and slowly turning one way, then the other, looking for any telltale clues- a flicker in the air, a spark of magic. He takes a pair of slim lenses out from a pocket in his haversack and balances them on his nose, sharpening his vision to an incredible degree. "It'll probably be able to see if it starts moving," he whispers back. "Should I fire a few shots out, try and get it nervous? This bow and your wand are the only things here that can hurt it, and I bet it knows that."

2014-01-07, 07:50 PM
After Efan's scanning of the area reveals nothing, the archer sighs. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to use this," he says. Brushing back his hair, he pulls off a thin cord that had been resting on his forehead, an eye painted on a small glass pendant. He holds it in one hand, warming to his touch, and brandishes it forward. Light flashes in his eyes and reflects off his spectacles, which glow for a moment before dimming.

Spend 2 charges from my Scout's Headband for See Invisibility with a 10-minute duration, and when I see the guecubu I'll end the duration of the Omniscient Eye spell to activate a Faerie Fire on it.

2014-01-08, 02:19 PM
While Efan is scanning for the demon, the same rocks rise up again. The first sails harmlessly through the spot where Lance had turned invisible earlier and the second bounces off of Kevorak's armor, but the third hits Efan square in the chest.

Since it takes a standard action for activation of both the lenses and the headband, the Guecubu gets another action (I took Lance's action to be readying the wand, but if Kevorak wants to do something, or Lance has a move action, he can take it). Efan takes 8 damage from the rock. If you could both update your current HP (from this round and last), it would help me quite a bit.

With his headband in place, Efan easily spots a gray mass floating just on the near side of his carpet.


2014-01-08, 03:45 PM
Reaching his invisible hand out to Efan, Lance murmurs a few musical syllables. Seconds later, Efan vanishes from sight, and Lance says, You've got a minute of invisibility even if you attack; use it wisely.

Whispering in Giant, Lance says, Sorry Kev, old friend, but if we lost Efan then we'd really be lost. Give me but a moment.

The goliath nods and tightens his guard.

Greater Invisibility on Efan, and Kevorak takes the total defense action for +4 to his AC.

2014-01-09, 08:30 PM
Efan concentrates on the blobby mass and a brilliant tendril snakes out from the painted eye in his hand, entwining around the Guecubu and surrounding it in a halo of light. He moves behind Kevorak and watches the demon carefully.

Swift action: Activate Faerie Fire on Guecubu.

Move action: Move to V16.

Standard Action: Attack with Power Shot for the full -10: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-01-10, 03:01 PM
The Guecubu rushes forward toward the only opponent who remains visible, brushing against Kevorak.

Will Save: [roll0]

The giant man falls into a deep slumber.

2014-01-10, 04:29 PM
"Fear thee the goliath, demon? Tis but folly," Efan booms, holding back a laugh as he looses a pair of arrows.

Full attack! Using Power Shot for 10.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]