View Full Version : Protection from Summoned creatures

2013-09-15, 02:42 PM
Hi guys...

Im lookin for ways of bloking summons. Is there area spells, that block the use of such spells?

Any idears?

PS. I have been looking into casting both Protection from Evil and Protection from Good, thus warding my character from all alignments of summoned creatures. But I'm not sure that a good aligned wizard can cast Protection from Good? And what about Magic Circle agains good/evil. Can both of these spells be placed over the same area?

2013-09-15, 02:44 PM
BoVD and BoED both have spells that turn opponents summons against them. Especially great against a Malconvoker.

Piggy Knowles
2013-09-15, 02:46 PM
Wizards can cast spells of opposing alignments; only clerics have that restriction. As long as you cast both (Evil) and (Good) in roughly equal measure, you shouldn't even have to worry about a potential alignment shift.

If you want a more serious way to block summoning spells, Forbiddance is permanent and blocks them quite nicely.

2013-09-15, 02:50 PM
Planar Handbook has a substitution for 13th level Druids called Counter Summonming that allows them to ready a standard action to counter summoning spells/spell like abilities.

And it doesn't use any of the Druid's spells. Only works on extraplanar summons I believe

2013-09-15, 02:58 PM
BoVD and BoED both have spells that turn opponents summons against them. Especially great against a Malconvoker.

A Malconvoker is indeed my foe!

2013-09-15, 03:04 PM
Do you have an opportunity to prep the battlefield? I don't have a book handy but offhand I believe there's a few spells that would bar summoning.

2013-09-15, 03:34 PM
Wizards can cast spells of opposing alignments; only clerics have that restriction. As long as you cast both (Evil) and (Good) in roughly equal measure, you shouldn't even have to worry about a potential alignment shift.

If you want a more serious way to block summoning spells, Forbiddance is permanent and blocks them quite nicely.

So it IS possible as a chaotic good wizard to have the benefif of both protection from good and protection from evil. Sure about that?

I need ways for a dual, therefor Forbiddance is out of the question.

Do you have an opportunity to prep the battlefield? I don't have a book handy but offhand I believe there's a few spells that would bar summoning.

Only one full round!

A coupple of questions pop to mind.

The spell Eladrin Form, from BoED says that you can use psyonics but not cast spells. What about still, silent and without materials?

2013-09-15, 03:41 PM
Depends on what the summons are doing. Magic Circle Against Evil prevents beatsticks from attacking you. And yes, wizards of any alignment can cast any Circle/Protection spell. Only clerics care about that. Otherwise, Planar Binding wouldn't work.

Of course, you could just let him make all his summons, find a way to protect yourself while he summons and otherwise be productive, then get rid of them all with an area casting of Dispel Magic

2013-09-15, 04:13 PM
If you could get a racial retcon or are making a new character there is the Unseelie Fey Template which potentially gives you:
Summer Caress (Su): Surrounded as if by the warm, verdant air of summer, an unseelie fey with summer's caress is protected by a magic circle of nature. This ability functions much like a magic circle against evil, except that it protects against attacks from all creatures of any alignment except for those of the animal, beast, fey, or magical beast creature types. Caster level equal to HD.
Should deal with quite a bit of summons.

2013-09-15, 05:00 PM
About incorporeality:

Even when struck by magic or magic weapons, an incorporeal creature has a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source—except for a force effect or damage dealt by a ghost touch weapon.

Does this mean, that spells like Hold Person, Slow, Feeblemind, Avasculate all hit a affect 100% of the time. Since these spells are not dealing damage, they are not under the "50% chance to awoid damage" rule... Right?

Basically all spell hit incorporeal! Right?

Max Caysey
2013-09-15, 05:19 PM
About incorporeality:

Does this mean, that spells like Hold Person, Slow, Feeblemind, Avasculate all hit a affect 100% of the time. Since these spells are not dealing damage, they are not under the "50% chance to awoid damage" rule... Right?

Basically all spell hit incorporeal! Right?

Yes, but they have 50% miss chance vs corporeal damage.

2013-09-16, 03:59 PM
Perhaps I'm missing the point but if you cast Pro Evil (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/protectionFromEvil.htm) on yourself, the malconvoker' summons will be unable to attack you with natural weapons. I believe most summons use natural weapons.

2013-09-16, 04:23 PM
Yes, but they have 50% miss chance vs corporeal damage.

Agreed "Nondamaging spell effects affect incorporeal creatures normally unless they require corporeal targets to function (such as implosion) or they create a corporeal effect that incorporeal creatures would normally be unaffected by (such as a web or wall of stone spell)." From the Wizard's glossary. So I wouldn't think a spell like Avasculate would work 100%, something to discuss with your DM.

2013-09-16, 05:14 PM
Perhaps I'm missing the point but if you cast Pro Evil (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/protectionFromEvil.htm) on yourself, the malconvoker' summons will be unable to attack you with natural weapons. I believe most summons use natural weapons.

The question at hand was whether or not its possible for a good wizard to cast both Protection from Evil and Protection from Good, thus being warded agains attacks from both fiendish and celestial summoned creatures...

2013-09-16, 05:22 PM
A given wizard can actually cast both corrupt and sanctified spells, unless the caster is evil. Casting regular good and evil spells is a pittance by comparison.

2013-09-16, 05:33 PM
The question at hand was whether or not its possible for a good wizard to cast both Protection from Evil and Protection from Good, thus being warded agains attacks from both fiendish and celestial summoned creatures...

Very much so. In fact, even better would be Magic Circle Against Good/Evil will prevent ANY summoned critter from getting closer than 10 feet. So any beatstick summons without 15 ft. reach can't touch you. Spells, SLA's and your Malconvoker opponent are not hindered, but its a good first line of defence. Do note that any Summoned Critter with SR can get through the Magic Circles if you fail to beat its SR.

And yes, Wizards can cast [Good], [Evil], [Chaotic], and [Lawful] spells regardless of their alignment. Just don't make a habit of casting spells opposing your alignment, unless you want it to shift.

2013-09-16, 06:06 PM
The question at hand was whether or not its possible for a good wizard to cast both Protection from Evil and Protection from Good, thus being warded agains attacks from both fiendish and celestial summoned creatures...

I believe the answer is YES. Unlike a Cleric, a wizard's is not limited to their alignment when casting spells. So a wizard of any alignment should be able to cast pro evil and pro good.

The DM may choose to place a restriction on this. For example I've seen DM's forbid the use of fire + cold enhancements on the same weapon. Same for fire shield + cold shield. Pretty much any direct oposites. However by RAW I don't believe any such restriction exists (with the obvious Cleric expection of alignment).