View Full Version : Many charecters,one charecter.

2013-09-15, 04:54 PM
I am,I will admit,somewhat addicted to the rogue class,and,with the exception of a paladin who wants to rule the world,but that I never make,and a necromancer who wants to become death,most charecters of mine are variations on a roguish trickster,ie,my insanely boastful gnome,my other gnome who went around convincing everyone he was a window washer and my halfling who infiltrated a illusionists mansion,robbed him blind,set fire to the mansion,and later got ahold of a deck of many things and drew every single card.

Anybody else have an infatuation with a charecter type?

2013-09-15, 05:03 PM
I like being the know-it-all loremonkey; it let's me apply my D&D knowledge in-character without metagaming. I also like being the controller/buffer and letting the rest of the party roll fistfuls of damage dice. Happily, those two roles often go together.