View Full Version : Closed are the Gates of Heaven 1a (AdEva, IC)

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2014-07-23, 06:35 AM
Ty blinked.

Well, that was unexpected. And why's he worrying about a secure line?
Sounds interesting. Provided I can leave.
The Vice Commander implied I could go whenever I felt up to it.
True. Okay, I'm in.

"Uh, sure. I'll be there."

2014-07-26, 12:31 AM
Layla shrugged, but she was smiling at Grace's offer. Having grown up with virtually nothing, her clothing standards more or less amounted to whatever was the most comfortable and reliable to wear, but if it got Grace interested and distracted from their issues even a little, she had no problem in letting her take the initiative on this.

"Sure, why not? There's gotta be something around here, who'd want to wear those silly uniforms all day every day?"

She eyed the remnants of her giant breakfast before deciding she was done and stood up, grabbing her tray to return it to the dishwashers.

"Come on, no time like the present. Guess we should start with the supply guys, they'd know if anyone here does where there's clothes to get. Um... crap. I just realized I have no idea where that'd be. You wouldn't know, would you? I kinda "skipped" the tour after we got here."

Not that she'd had much of a choice, of course, what with the guards that drugged her and the interrogation that followed.

"Ah, hell with it. We can always just wander about until we find them. It'd be good to explore a bit anyway."

2014-07-30, 09:06 PM
"They didn't actually give us a tour either." Grace said with a sigh. "And I haven't been keen on wandering around this place. We'll have to find it on our own."

Following Layla's lead, Grace threw away the remains of her breakfast (or rather the majority of it) and then headed off into the NERV compound basically at random. She kept her eyes out for signs or labels that might point them in the right direction, or just anything or anyone that might be able to point them in the right track, but ultimately her attention kept drifting back to Layla. No normal place would have anything that would come close to fitting her. There are some people that are really big, but I don't think they end up quite like Layla did... and I don't even know what they do for clothing anyway. NERV had something in her size though- maybe they have something else? Or maybe we can try and make something with raw materials...

Realizing she was staring, Grace quickly returned her gaze to the hall they were traveling down.

2014-12-26, 12:33 PM
((I just sort of wanted to bump this, so that the thread doesn't get deleted. I enjoyed the game and plan on archiving it, but haven't gotten around to it.))