View Full Version : [PF]Variant Bard ideas

2013-09-16, 12:42 PM
So, I had a couple ideas for weird Bard builds, I wanna see if these are any good.

1st: Bard (Sound Striker) 10/Dragon Disciple 10.

I'm not sure what this would do exactly (or in which order to take the levels), but it sounds fun to fly around smacking people with words.

2nd: Bard (Detective/Sound Striker) 20, Lawful Neutral/Lawful Good.

Since Bards can be lawful FINALLY, this seems like it might be a fun way to play a law enforcement character. The build would be for a more police-procedural-esque kind of fame.

3rd: Bard (Dervish Dancer), with some setup for Combat Patrol-ish shenanigans.

Those were just some ideas. If anyone has thoughts/other fun bard variant builds, I'd like to hear about 'em.

Dr. Yes
2013-09-16, 01:10 PM
Thundercaller is always fun, and the flavor is pretty BA. Start performing, deal automatic damage with a stun rider every round, wade into combat and start hacking away while continuing to drop your sound bursts as a free action as needed. I always get the image of a barbarian shieldmaiden or shaman type chanting a paean to his or her ancestors in the heat of battle.