View Full Version : Fading Echo: A World Between Worlds

2013-09-16, 05:11 PM
The accounts of the World of Karoem as follows are taken from the tongue of the Keeper of the Chronicle, as spoken in the year 582, in the Age of the Fallen Moon.

"The Great Three look down upon you with favor, for one would need such guardianship in these dark times.

"And to my young apprentice, Shyldar: you had once asked of the history of this realm, and I had told you in turn that it would one day pass into your hands when I sung my Dying Litany, and the Chronicle became yours to possess. But, whether it is by the lingering of your impatience, or by the softness of my old age, I have decided to pass on some of my knowledge.

"But not all of it.

"Let us start with the beginning of the Realms - the beginning is always the best place to start, as I have often told you. In the beginning, there was Void. And from Void was born the first of the Great Three: Father Night.

"Now, like all things that came after the Void, Father Night became lonely. So, with a fraction of his creator's power, he made for himself a new home - and a bride. This world, Faerie, would soon become the worlds we know today, and his bride Mother Morning.

"After a time, the two made for themselves a child, whom we on Karoem name Lord Dusk. After the Third Great One was begotten, Mother Morning spent much of her time with this new god. Not wishing to share the love of his bride with his son, Father Night took his great scythe and slaughtered him in his own grove. This was the First Harvest, where the blood of Dusk fell from Faerie to create the world of Karoem - and the Firstborn of all peoples, the Shadar-kai, whose name means 'Half-Fallen'.

"After the Harvest, Mother Morning separated her grove from Father Night's. Hers would soon become the Great Seelie Court, where Angels dwell and Holy Sidhe sing, and Father Night's would become the Realm of Unseelie, where demons lurk in the shadows and spriggans drink the blood of children.

"Mother Morning could do but one thing with Lord Dusk's grove. Stealing it away from Father Night while he slept - for it is from him that all mortals get the need to sleep - she placed it away from all other realms, and raised Lord Dusk into a half-life, to watch over the dead and ferry them to the land he would guard forevermore.

"Furious at the theft of this grove, Father Night created a new people, warped and twisted creatures much like the hounds he himself had placed to serve his old mistress. Thus were born the enemy of all, the Gnolls - Secondborn of all peoples, whose name means 'Mockery'.

"Seeing the devastation of the Shadar-Kai, Lord Dusk gave his people a new power - magic. With such power, his people bound spirits, raised the dead, and changed the fabric of reality with but a whim. But such power came with great cost. Over time, these mages became more and more like the dead they consorted with, for harnessing the spirits of the dead takes more than any mortal man can hold for too long - and most would go mad in their Apprentice Years.

"Seeing that, even with these mages, Father Night's Gnolls were still free to ravage the land of Karoem, Mother Morning wept. From her tears were born the race of Man, the Youngest, and it is they who govern Karoem today.

"For the sake of these peoples, granted they had not mustered their Power for the same intentions, the Three created the Moon. In the time before the Fall, it hung above Karoem, changing its face with the seasons.

"In the Green Season, it would be a pleasant, pale green colour. This was called the Life Moon. Beneath its warm glow, everything living grew faster and healthier. Children born under the Green Moon were always blessed, being better-developed and healthier than those born in other seasons. The Green Moon represented fertility, joy, and nature.

"As the Green Season waned and the Fire Season waxed, the moon darkened until it became a beautiful deep green. The Summer Moon was a time of bounty. Those who saw it felt uplifted, overjoyed. Also called the Mother's Moon, it nurtured and cared for those it watched over, making them calmer and wiser. Those born in the Fire Season would be wiser than others and natural diplomats and healers. The Moon brought peace to the Fire Season, leaving even the Gnolls in a far calmer and less frenzied state.

"As the leaves changed colour and the air grew crisp, the Moon would darken to a deep orange. The Harvest Moon was a time of bounty. It was also called the Father's Moon for it gifted those beneath it with strength, allowing them to hunt better, faster, and bring in larger bounties, also allowing for easier harvesting of the fields. Children born in the Harvest Season are stronger and hardier, being able to work longer and carry more. However, it also made those beneath it more aggressive, paranoid, angry, and jealous, those qualities embodied by Father Night.

"And as the year died, the moon turned black. Son's Moon, it was called, or Dreamer's Moon. During the cold months of the Dying Season, it was hard to nurture the body. Those who were born during the Dying Season were often weaker of body, but strong of mind, nurturing their magical talent as a strength to hold above all others. Spending such time studying the Arts has sharpened their senses and intellects. Beneath the Dream Moon, all creatures are craftier, smarter, and better able to think. They are also sometimes blessed with dreams of prophecy and other bursts of magic.

"The Tale of the Moon told of this, once long ago, but now the Tale is long forgotten, bound within the pages of the Chronicle. This is the origin of the four great seasons: the Green Season, the Fire Season, the Harvest Season, and the Dying Season.

"And the Moon guided the people on their courses for many generations.

"After a thousand years, the Gnolls had finally been repressed. But, with casualties high, Man began to despise the Shadar-kai. In an act of madness, the Forgotten King turned to Father Night for an answer to his prayers, for a means of vengeance for the deaths, for the sorrow - for the curse this foul magic had brought upon his land, and upon his people. He wished to slaughter the King of Crows and his people.

"The Father Night was delighted with such blind treachery. He gave the Forgotten King the designs he had held for eons and eons, a design for warriors that could be silent as the grave, that could be still as the stones, and yet never, never age. The Forgotten King fashioned the first of these from the briars of the forest, and from the wicker of the basketweavers - and he called it the Scarecrow.

"After years of needless war, the Empire split under the weight of famine, drought, and rebellion. The king's four children - Boric the Strongheaded, Mystyra the Beautiful, Pukkid the Weak (who we today call the Scarecrow King), and Shalan the Deceiver, took their own thrones in what remained of the Empire - and thus were the Four Kingdoms first created.

"Five hundred and eighty-two years ago today, this was. It was the day when the moon fell to the world of Karoem. An odd people was seen about on the day of the Great Falling, a people Void itself created to oversee the balance of his squabbling children. With the moonfolk came a new magic, the magic of the Moon-Crystals. Thus was born the Order of Dark Magi, and Black Magic was born on the world. Father Night had made his mark.

"This was not the only effect of the Great Falling. With it, the world was plunged into an age of cold days and colder nights. The Harvest-Time came earlier each year, and in the pitch-black nights the screams of children could be heard, and many claimed to have seen the red caps of spriggans, and the golden-brown eyes of trolls.

"And that brings us to somewhere around today. Not much has happened in the way of the gods - wars have raged between the Four Kingdoms, lands have changed hands, and Gnolls and Shadar-Kai have battled under their Imperial Flags for hundreds of years. But the kingdoms and empires have not broken over the ages.

"Nor will they ever in the days to come.

"May the Mother Morning bring to you peace, the Lord Dusk preserve you, and Father Night wait until the Last Harvest to reap your soul from Karoem."

Recorded by Shyldar Whiteraven, the Writer of the Tome, in the year 582, five bells before the death of Glaron Nightbane, Keeper of the Chronicle.

http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae33/thunderfist12/karoem_zps8362750d.png (http://s955.photobucket.com/user/thunderfist12/media/karoem_zps8362750d.png.html)

An Introduction from the Great Atlas of the Chronicle, in the year 588.

"Our world is a vast, wild place. Foul creatures from the Unseelie slink in its darker reaches, and its native creatures grow to monstrous proportions in places unseen by the eyes of its more understanding folk.

"And yet, in the midst of such peril, an abundance of peoples thrive. From the Four Great Kingdoms to the Kingdom of Blackraven, their cities rest upon the stones of the World Between, shining stars of knowledge in the savage lands of Faerie.

"Within this Atlas are details pertaining to the civil lands between Faerie, for the Realms themselves are nigh upon uncharted."

The Four Kingdoms

From The Tale of Four Crowns, a common saga told around fires in the Harvest season. The following text is taken, word for word, from the mouth of Alderius Shadowtongue, the Storyteller and Dreamweaver. As a precaution to the reader, he tends to stray from the topic whilst drunk (as he was the night of this uttering).

"Gather, for the night creeps in as swift as the Father's Great Blade. Keep close to the fire - we wouldn't want his Folk to catch us unawares, would we? Ah, but I stray from our focus. Tonight, you shall be enlightened in the History of the Four Kingdoms. The Four Great Thrones, now held by Quarog Shadowmire, by Skythre Highmantle, by Malthos Bonecharmer, and by the Lord of Nightmares himself, the Scarecrow King.

"Alas, I stray once again, for it is only one of those of which you will hear tonight. I grieve to tell you that it will not be Skythre, or Quarog, or even or beloved Lord Malthos, but, indeed, the Immortal One himself.

"I apologize if the mention of the Wicker Warlord strikes fear into your soul. He does so to most of us. And he has earned the right of terror, too, damning the souls of innocent men for his own dark rituals.

"But that is not how he always was. Once, long ago, he and his siblings fought against Father Night himself to stay his hand from our realm. Once, his realm was free and just, before he was corrupted by the King of Shadow. Before he declared his Second War on the King of Crows. Now his kingdom dwells in shadow and fear, unwilling to revolt or ignorant to any hopes of freedom, I don't know.

"The three other kingdoms are much the same as they were in days of old. Quarog rules our lovely swamp-country, our kingdom riddled with advisors and magistrates. He's a puppet-king if you ask me, dancing on the strings of some unseen puppetteer. Our people live in fair condition, though - for the time being.

"Skythre rules the northern realm, and he does so justly and honorably. His people have enjoyed an immense gathering of liberties under his rule - but that is not to say that he tolerates crime. I've known many a thief to enter his kingdom, never to return. It's a sad state of affairs.

"And, finally, I tell you of the realm of Malthos, the Dark Kingdom. Malthos is not the descendant of Shalan, like the kings before him. He is a tyrant, a despot, a black mage who has taken our throne for himself. Their kingdom will suffer, I can tell you that. On the brighter side, he has kept the kingdom safe...

"But the night grows short, and I can no longer stray from my storytelling. So, gather and listen close as I tell you of the Four Children, and their great journey, of the King and his first Scarecrow, and of Father Night and his great devices.

"It began on a dark night, much like this, in the Inn of the Sleeping Dragon..."

The Inn of the Sleeping Dragon, located in the realm of Quarog Shadowmire, is a much-visited inn, and is the starting point of many great tales. It has stood as long as time can remember, granted not always in the same place, serving as a warm beacon for those who travel through the deadly marshes in which it rests. The innkeeper is none other than the Storyteller himself, and he delights in his Harvest-time performances. Surprisingly, he has not been arrested for his speaking out against the king - possibly because the king is ignorant, or mayhaps because the king enjoys his stories.

The Kingdom of Blackraven

The dissertation of Khoron the Aged, Scarecrow Black Mage and veteran of the First War, given to all newly made Scarecrows

"Listen well, for I shall only describe this kingdom once. Do not enter it. If you do, you will be burned on sight. Yes, it may not be fair, but that is how it is. I know this by listening to tales from humans and from a kind Shadar-Kai outcast blademaster. Those heroes taught us much about the society of Blackraven.

"So, you newly made Scarecrows, you think that you can turn things on their head and make peace between here and Blackraven? You think that you will be the one to sneak in and set fire to the cities, to gain revenge for what they did to us? I tell you otherwise.

"The first thing that you must contend with upon trying to enter Blackraven are the guard towers. Practically ringing the realm they are within seeing distance of one another. Patrols of warriors and mages march between the constantly, policing the border. To even cross the border you need to have a letter bearing the seal of one of the nobles or 'travel nobles'.

"If you do not have one and are shadar-kai, you will be punished, maybe even hung. If you are a human, or moonfolk they will take you to the nearest border tower and grant you a temporary travel pass issued by a 'travel lord'. These travel lords may issue a pass for travel that expires in one month, if that long. Before that time ends you must procure a new, permanent travel pass from an actual noble, or leave the country. If you are a scarecrow or a gnoll, well, you will not live to regret trying to enter Blackraven.

"If you managed to get past their guards you must travel across a, supposedly beautiful yet haunting landscape, full of twisted warped trees and surrealistic images. Dotting this landscape are the occasional farmhouse. Tending these farms are both undead skeletons and harvest constructs, tall mockeries of Scarecrows with scythes for arms and baskets on their back. Mockeries because they look like us, are made like us, but do not think, do not move on their own, do not live.

"Being a farmer there is an honour, you know. They who need food get their food from the ones who can provide it with magic and mysticism. Bah. Food eaters. Witches. Bah.

"But where was I? I was saying something or other about the landscape.
Ah, yes, the landscape. If you can manage to pass through the farmland where the harvest constructs and undead have orders to kill any scarecrow that passes you finally, finally may reach a city. Maybe even the city of Blackraven.

"A great city, walled with wood and stone. Towering above the rest of the city is the mighty Blackraven Keep, home of the Blackraven, the King of Crows himself. Attached to this mighty keep are several temples to the Son and one to the Mother.

"They take their religion, their worship of the Son, pretty seriously over there. You don't worship? You can get exiled for that, become an outcast.

"As you get further from the Keep the houses are tall, crowding the sky, cutting off the sky when you walk the streets. Each of these houses, most at least three stories, reaches up to house more families, yet most of them are empty, or only half filled. The streets are filled with people moving, but not all that filled. The city can hold far more than it does now, far more people. The merchant squares are near empty of merchants. Guards stalk the streets, the only ones allowed to carry weapons, and even then only staves, saps, and catchpoles. The mages must wear a green belt inside the city if they can cast harmful spells. Outlander mages are almost always caught, imprisoned, and tried. If they are lucky they only get banished, or else they are strung up.

"Which leads naturally to their forms of execution. Do you know that they execute others like they execute us? It is barbaric I say, simply barbaric.
What they do is take a person and tie their arms and legs to a wooden cross. Then, they bind rags around them with wicker and stuff those rags with briars. Finally, they tie a one-eyed mask over the head of the criminal, meant to mock our own faces. They wheel this contraption out to one of the nearby execution pits, and set fire to this monstrosity. They say that in death each enemy becomes one enemy, each dead kills one of us.

"The barbarians. We did not even fight them of our own free will.

"That is all that I know of the cursed kingdom of Blackraven. Now, if you wish to go out there and get your newly made bodies all torn and burnt, slashed and ruined, then be my guest. You foolish newmade are always rushing off to do such a thing.

"But I, I will stay here where it is nice and cold and damp with an abundance of twigs and hay and sticks. I will be safe and fire-free whilst you burn in the kingdom of Blackraven.

"Now, I tire of this conversation. I have Magic to practice"

Khoron is renowned for his miraculous survival in the First War - he was slashed in two with a scythe, burned with mage-fire and bound with Unseelie Nettlebriars, left to die on the battlefield. He was very fortunate that a kindly old human mage saved him from certain death, whisking him away and repairing his broken body. He has never forgotten his debt to that mage's family - or his hatred of shadar-kai.

The Moonrange

A recounting of the Beginning of the Voyage of Daltar Freemage, by his son, twenty years after the event.

Daltar threw back his head in a long, heartfelt laugh. "No, my son. You cannot go with me to the Moonrange."

"But why not?" asked his son.

The Shadar-Kai chain dancer turned and squatted down to look him in the eye. "Because my son, it is dangerous there. Do you know what the Moonrange is like? No? Then I shall describe it for you, and you can come with me," he tapped his son on the forehead, " in your mind."

"When you walk towards it all you can see are mountains. As you climb higher, and higher, and higher on these mountains, up one of the paths the air gets thin and hard to breathe. These mountains were thrown up when the Moon fell."

"Finally you will reach the top. There the air is so thin that for us living being it is nigh impossible to breathe."

"But, there where the air is so thin you have a breathtaking view. On top of the world, you can see for miles and miles. Below you spreads out the Moonrange as the sky turns a blood red above you, the scar, the mark of Death, the mark of the Void."

"When you look out at the Moonrange you can see the endless nothing. Just a barren, rocky landscape with pinkish greeny ground. Those are moonrocks. I shall bring one back for you."

"The only things to be seen on this plain are the few small cities and settlements where the Monnfolk live, and the great Crystal forests. These Crystal forests are filled with trees. But, these are not normal trees. Gnarled, twisted rocky stalagmites grow up from the ground. And, for leaves they sprout fabulous arrays of spun Crystal. Sometimes, if you are lucky you may be there in time to see a metamorphosis. When that happens the beautiful crystalline web curls back in on itself, and begins to glow."

"When it is done, it has fused into a single Casting Crystal. Each tree produces one Casting Crystal a year. These are what Moon Mages use to cast their spells, which are far stronger in the Moonrange, while our magic is much weaker."

"Once you get down into the Crater of the Moon the air gets easier to breathe again. But, you are now in danger of Dark Fey and Aberrations. The Dark Fey often linger in the Crystal Forests, or elsewhere, but the Aberrations live only in the centers of the Crystal Forests, or in the great Core Chasms."

"Let me tell you of the Core Chasms my son."

"When the Moon fell, it cracked the earth. It cracked and injured it.
Do you know what happened? It almost split before the Mother sewed it back together while the Son held it."

"That is why you get the great Crystal Bridges. These are like the Crystal Trees and span the Core Chasms."

"But I digress. The Core Chasms. This is where the Aberrations live. Horrible beasts with tentacles for eyes and cilia for skin. That is what we go to hunt my son, to make the world safer for you and the other children."

"When you get to the edge of the Core Chasm the wind howls and screams as it is sucked down into the depths. Passages and stairways are cut into the sides, and you can climb down. These are the only ways by which you can get to the Undervault. Down there there is a labyrinth of tunnels and caverns. These are where the Aberrations live, along with in the Chasms themselves."

"Now, let me tell you about the Undervault..."

"Daltar Freemage!" He had not even noticed his wife storming into the room. "Don't you dare tell our son tales of that horrid place. Do you want to give him nightmares?" Haia bustled up (very few Shadar-Kai bustle, but she managed to) and shook Daltar "Bad enough that you are leaving to that horrible place. I don't want you bringing tales of it home with you!"

"But mom..." the son whined.

"No buts"

"Ok...What about the cities da?"

"I would tell you of the fantastic cities of the Moonfolk if I could son, but I have never visited them" Daltar ruffled his sons hair, and kissed is wife on the cheek.

"Now, you be good while I am gone, and maybe I'll bring you back a piece of Moonrock, or a piece of a Crystal Bridge"

These were the last words spoken to his son by Daltar Freemage, the Shadar-Kai Chaindancer and Aberration Hunter. What follows is a recounting of the Inheritance, by the same teller.

Haia stood, stoic and unmoving at the funeral ceremony for Daltar. Her son stood by her side, and kept a brave face although tears glistened in his eyes.
The shroud bearers danced down the aisle, a solemn sad dance, evoking feelings of loss and pain. Long of limb and pale of skin they danced. Their black eyes glistened in the center of the web of eye tattoos, and their faces were painted with the traditional funeral markings, replacing the every day paints.

When they reached Daltar's corpse they danced around him as magic raised him into the air. As they danced they wove the shroud around him tighter and tighter until he was just a bundle, then danced away.

The gravekeeper began intoning "And so as another brave firstborn dies so his soul may pass on to be by the Son's side. There he shall feast and dance the days and by night watch down on our world as a glowing star"

As he continued his ritual Haia stepped forwards and accepted the torch from one the dancers. With measured steps she walked forwards and lit the bundle on fire.

As the flaming bundle began to soar up through the hole in the roof, the entire assembly began singing, a wailing keening howling song. Haia held Dalta's hand tightly, and wept silently as her son did.

Later that night she took him by the hand and led him into a room that he had never seen before.

"My son. Dalta. From this day forth you are no longer little Daltar. You are Daltar the Inheritor. I give to you, as is tradition, your fathers chain and sword. When you are ready, we may start your training in the art of chain dancing"

Daltar sniffed and nodded.

After he had been put to bed Haia went outside and looked up at the sky above them. She was looking for one particular star in a sky of thousands. But, she finally found it. In the constellation of the Chain a new star had appeared at the tip of one of the blades.

"Goodbye my love. May you find solace and happiness in the grove of the Son and may you look down on your son and wife with pride. I hope that I can do well by him"

With that she turned and walked back inside.


"Hush my child. Do you hear? That sound is the sound of the Gnolls, the laughing ones. Hear now, how they cackle? It is not with joy, as you and I think of it. Gnolls take pleasure only in the sound of tears, the smell of fear, the crack of bone, and the rending of flesh. I pity the poor soul in their clutches now. Pray, my love, that you never look apon them, their faces the faces of great dogs, but the flesh rotted, the bone showing through in places. The great teeth gleam as cruel as the light of their eyes. If you ever are, The Mother forbid, bitten, my love, you must straightway run to a healer, for if you do not, the Laughing Plague, which all of the Secondborn carry within them, would take hold, and you would laugh till your lungs bled, and then more. But do not worry, Love, the Gnolls are far away, and the thick castle wall, with it's many guards, will shield us."

May Oldsfallow, telling her daughter, Alice, about Gnolls.

"Silence. You asked to hear me, and now I speak. You fools, in your castles, tell tales of us, of the way we kill, raid, and destroy without hesitation or mercy. And yes, we are a warlike people, and I do not ask you to condone our crimes.

"However, we are not without honor. We are not without courage. My father, a chief, as the Death-wolf was circling in the corners of his soul, sought out the demon, six arms and five faces, and faced it without fear, without hesitation, where ten of your knights would have fled. Could you have done the same?

"That is all. I will go now,back to my clan of 'cowardly assasains.'"

-J'akfor curvefang,lecturing a council of knights.




"Do you know what it is to face fear?

"Do you know what it is to look the Father in the face and spit in his eye?

"Do you know what it is to have nobody to rely on but yourself?

"The Son did. And he imparted that in us. You weaklings made by the Mother, blessed though she may be, you weaklings corrupted by the Father, cursed he be in his realm of shadow, you weaklings, who sought to create only to destroy, you do not deserve to face us. We are Shadar'Kai! We are the Us'breven, the Nightsiblings, the Wa'machi, the Firstborn. We are the Half-Fallen!

"You pitiful humans. You face us now on the field of battle with your knights and your battlelines and your orders. Do you not see the beauty of war? The beauty of battle, of the dance? Do you not see the chaos that will be unleashed?

"There is no room here for your marching orders, for your barely restrained chaos. Here you must give in to chaos and dance the dance of shadows.
And, if you dance very very well you may live to fight another day.

-Magelord Donev to Highknight Samuel Harken on the eve of the Battle of Sorrowdale in The Last War

The Shadar Kai are a highly spiritual people. As the Firstborn, they had time to develop higher factulties before any others, time to develop philosophy and music, art and literature.

When the Gnolls arrived the Shadar Kai tried to befriend them. They fell in droves before they began to organize to fight back. Being philosophers did not lead well to beings warriors, but they eventually adapted. They used their natural grace well in battle, performing what many know as 'The Dance of Nine Chains', which is known as such because of the Shadar Kai's penchant for spiked chains and cat o' nine tails'.

As time passed and the wars continued, the fighting became such an element of their culture as to be irremovable. They began to train new fighters from a very young age. However, they did not train them as warriors, but rather as dancers. This dancing allowed them to hone their grace and poise that would later be used on the battlefield.

After a time the dancing became an art form as well, with different dances meaning different things. There are now dancers at weddings, dancers a funerals, and at every occasion in between.

Another ever-present element of their culture is the painting of faces.

These face paints are used as the dances; with different types for different occasions. For example, war paint is black with coloured streaks that transform the face into a nightmare mask, all jagged edges and sudden cuts.

Mages wear a different kind of warpaint. Two stripes perch atop their head (if they have hair, it recedes into it, and if they do not, it continues on their pate), and stripes come from under the eyes to below the jawline.

They have other paints for other occasions, and only when they march to war do the paints cover their entire faces. Once a Shadar Kai reaches a certain age they begin to wear face paint at all times. This paint is their 'Age Paint'. It shows that they have come of age, and are not yet married. They must wear this paint whenever they are in public. If it is somehow removed, they must reapply it.

This is not to shame those who are young, but to advertise that they are available for marriage. It is a practical matter, allowing for easier matchmaking and partnering. When they find someone who has engaged their interest they may add more colours to the paint to signify that they are not yet committed, but that they may be soon. When they find a suitable partner, they may remove their age paint and apply betrothing paint, to show that they have been betrothed. Finally, when they get married they may wash the paint from their faces and go without paint in public again. However, most Shadar Kai choose a unique paint style for day to day use and wear it, keeping their paint-free face for their family and lover, as a sign of respect and devotion.

Shadar Kai are tall and lithe. Universally skinny to the point of being gaunt, it is near impossible for Shadar Kai to gain weight, although most try to as they see it as a sign of influence, well being, and wealth. After all, if one can afford enough food to become fat when no Shadar Kai is fat, how rich must he be? This is also why it is impolite to eat large amounts when you are a guest, as to become fat from another's charity shows that you are nothing but a thief and a layabout.

Shadar Kai have long thin limbs that serve only to accentuate their gauntness. They are wiry and fast, and extremely agile which comes from centuries as dancers.

They have dark eyes, always black, grey, or brown, and have light grey hair that is almost silver in the light. They wear this long if they are a warrior and often adorn their long braids with blades that they whip around in combat, and wear their hair short if they are a mage. The only ones allowed to shave their heads are archmages and the King (who is by tradition a mage).
A Shadar Kai's hair will never stop growing, and none go bald naturally. Their hair continues to grow until they die.

Their skin when not adorned by paint is a slate grey, like the Son himself.
The Shadar Kai worship the Son as the one who gave them life, and the epitome of their way of life. He is often portrayed as a stern looking Shadar-Kai with a mage's warpaint, often in red or violet. He is bald, not merely shaved, which signifies that he is the ultimate leader of them all, and the ultimate mage. He wears warpaint because he "Marches against his Father, marches even against death itself, in our name".

He is often also portrayed with red or black-and-silver mourning paint on. Why he is depicted as being in mourning none can say; he has been depicted this way since the beginning.


"Listen boy, and listen well. I won't repeat myself, and you've wasted enough of my time already. You want to know of the Kiiroks, or moonfolk? Well, they aren't like us,in their shape or ways. Not like the Firstborn, the Gnolls, or even the Wicker Men, the Scarecrows, and not at all like us, the youngest, for the moonfolk, my boy, are made of crystal.

"Don't leave your mouth open like that boy, you'll attract flies. What was I saying? Ah, yes,the Crystal. Their bodies orbit a central sphere, like a small version of their fallen home. It's light permeates their bodies, and fills space near them with a glow. Nearest to the central sphere, in their chest,their bodies are in constant motion. Further away from the Crystal, motion occurs rarely, only when agitated.

"The Moonfolks faces are smooth broken only by spires of crystal, resembling the surface of their long gone home. Indeed, their faces change monthly, becoming larger and smaller, as the books tell us the moon did many ages ago.When the Moonfolk are giddyy or excited, the crystal composing their body, usually clear, becomes spring green. When content or relaxed, the green darkens to the color of summer leaves. When whistful or frightened, the moonfolk a orange/yellow, and when deep in thought, their color darkens to black.

"So you see boy, the moon is a fascinating topic of study, and well worth your time. Are you listening boy? Boy?"

William Shadowmind,trying to persuade a pupil to pay attention.

Populating World...

Spawning Monsters...

Character Races


No Change


Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma

Size: Medium

Speed: Normal 30ft.

Monstrosity: Gnolls are Monstrous humanoids of the Shapechanger subtype.

Blood Fury (Ex): Whenever a gnoll is lowered to half his total hit points, he enters a blood fury. He gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC and CMD, as well as a +1 morale bonus to all saving throws. He may not withdraw from combat while in this state, unless he makes a DC 20 Will save.

Scent (Ex): A gnoll has the Scent special ability.

Mockery (Su): A gnoll can use this ability for one minute per Hit Die per day. He calls forth the inner beast, changing his shape into that of a hyena. In this form, he may not use abilities that require hands or speech, and gains a base land speed of 50ft. Any class ability that enhances his speed still applies.


Ability Scores: +2 Intelligence

Size: Medium

Speed: Normal 30ft.

Living Construct: Moonfolk are Constructs of the Living Construct subtype.

Natural Armor: Moonfolk have a +2 natural armor bonus.

Spellweaver (Sp): Moonfolk can cast one spell, at will, from the Black Mage's Least Incantation list. The caster level for this spell is equal to half his Hit Dice. At sixth, he may add another one to his repertoire. The moonfolk uses his Intelligence score for these spells.

Crystalbound (Su): Moonfolk may not use Dusk Magic, but they need not carry a casting crystal for Black Magic. They are also immune to one type of energy, which cannot be sonic damage.

Crystalline Form (Ex): Moonfolk are vulnerable to sonic damage.

Unbound (Su): Becoming Unbound is a full-round action. When a moonfolk becomes unbound, he deals damage to any one creature equal to his total hit points. The unfortunate side effect is that he shatters and dies, leaving only a casting crystal.


Ability Scores: +2 Strength

Size: Medium

Speed: Normal 30ft.

Living Construct: Scarecrows are Constructs of the Living Construct subtype.

Natural Armor (Ex): Scarecrows have a +1 natural armor bonus.

Silent as the Grave (Su): Once per day, as a swift action, a scarecrow can us this ability. He makes no noise, and leaves no tracks or scent, for 5 rounds/level.

Undying (Su): Scarecrows gain a +2 bonus to saves against all spells of the necromancy school, and is not affected by aging effects.

Frightening (Su): Scarecrows gain a +1 bonus to the DC of any fear effects they cause, as well as a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks.


Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution.

Size: Medium.

Speed: Fast 40ft.

Sons of Dusk: Shadar-Kai are Fey of the Dusk subtype.

Bound in Chains (Sp): Shadar-Kai are automatically proficient with the spiked chain.

Dance of Dusk (Ex): Shadar-Kai gain a +2 bonus to Perform (dance) checks. Perform (dance) is always a class skill for the Shadar-Kai.

Emulated Counterspell (Ex): Shadar-Kai gain a +2 bonus to saves against spells, incantations, and spell-like abilities.

Dark Disciple (Su): A shadar-kai gains a +1 bonus to the DC of all Dusk Magic spells he casts.

2013-09-16, 05:52 PM
So... this is the basic history, and feel of the setting. You may respond, suggest ideas, etc.

Edit: See Spoiler 1 for the history.

2013-09-16, 11:02 PM
That is...wow, that is awesome. I pretty much have nothing to contribute, unfortunately, other than to eagerly ask for more.

Specifically, I find myself curious about the Scarecrows. What exactly are they, and what did the Forgotten King use them for? You mentioned that his empire fell due to famine and chaos after years of war--I assume that war involved the Scarecrows somehow? Also, more info about the people from the Void who came with the falling of the moon would be really cool. If you could provide anything more about those, that would be fantastic (as would any other information you can come up with).

2013-09-17, 07:47 AM
The account of the peoples of Karoem, as taken from the Chronicle, year 588.

Moving the area to Post One.

2013-09-17, 02:12 PM
Interesting, although it feels like a second draft rather than a final version.

I'm curious about the moonfolk, myself. Very curious.

*wiggles USB cable*

Are we downloading yet?


2013-09-18, 07:41 AM
Yeah, that was actually the first draft.:smallbiggrin:

The reason why this is posted up here is because it needs work - and I need help writing it.

I'll finish the races thing when I get more ideas for it, but until then, details are open to the community!

You may post suggestions...

Edit: Yeah, that's the second moonfolk comment so far. I really have no ide what they are yet, but think something like the crystal people from 4e's Player's Handbook 3.

2013-09-18, 11:06 AM
Edit: Yeah, that's the second moonfolk comment so far. I really have no ide what they are yet, but think something like the crystal people from 4e's Player's Handbook 3.

Something like that flavor-wise could be cool, although you'd have to be careful to avoid making them as massively overpowered as the Shardminds. Shouldn't be too difficult.

2013-09-18, 04:07 PM
Something like that flavor-wise could be cool, although you'd have to be careful to avoid making them as massively overpowered as the Shardminds. Shouldn't be too difficult.

That was the point of not using shardminds. Also because I needed a name that people would actually call them.:smallbiggrin:

I'd say some DR, NAC, "cantrips" (or whatever I'll call 0-level Moon Magic), and vulnerability to sonic/electric damage. Plus other stuff I haven't decided on yet.

I don't know how to do the mechanics, though, because I may be doing this for D&D Next, which seems pretty fun (and easy) from the playtest.

2013-09-25, 02:14 PM
Yeah, I'm using Pathfinder and D&D Next for this.

Okay, compiling a list of races/classes and their respective details (but not too detailed, eh?). This is just a list - it has little to no detail, and is only here for the purpose of... being here.

*Gnolls: Created by Father Night, Second-Born, live in the southern wilds of Karoem, tend toward violence and destructive habits.
*Humans: Created by Mother Morning, Youngest, live in the Four Kingdoms, societies range from highly-sophisticated to brutal and uncivilized.
*Moonfolk: Birthed by Void, Unmade, live in the Moonrange and the Four Kingdoms.
*Scarecrows: Crafted by humans in a paranoid backlash against the shadar-kai, scarecrows have no rights in society, and are often burned in public in the realms of the shadar-kai.
*Shadar-kai: Created by Lord Dusk's blood, First-Born, live north of the Moonrange, practice the art of magic. In the Realm of the Wicker Throne, shadar-kai are shunned, imprisoned, and even killed.

*Barbarian: Warriors of the Reaches.
*Black Mage (Homebrew): Wielders of Moon Magic.
*Dusk Mage (Homebrew): Wielders of Dusk Magic.
*Fighter: Moderately-Trained Warriors.
*Knight (Homebrew): Highly-Trained Warriors.
*Monk: Priests and Holy Warriors.
*Rogue: Thieves, Assassins, and Scoundrels.

2013-09-25, 03:40 PM
So, a few suggestions. Make regular Magic (or is it Shadar-Kai Magic?) Aracne magic.

Make Moon-Magic Divine magic.

Do you have anything about the moon yet? If not, then I would ask you to consider this:

In the time before the Moon fell to the world it hung in the sky, turning through its four phases.
In the spring of the new year it would be a pleasant light green colour. During the Life Moon things grew faster and healthier. Babies born in spring were always blessed, being faster, and healthier than those born in other seasons.
The moon also made all those beneath it more fertile, happier, and more in touch with nature.
As the spring turned to summer the moon darkened until it became a beautiful deep green. The Summer Moon was a time of bounty. Everyone who saw it felt uplifted, overjoyed. Also called the Mother's Moon it nurtures and cares for those it watches over, making them calmer and wiser. Those babies born in the summer would be wiser than others and natural diplomats and healers. The moon brought peace to the summer months, leaving even the gnolls in a far calmer and less frenzied state.
As the leaves changed colour and the air grew crisp the moon would darken to a deep orange. The Harvest Moon was a time of bounty. It was also called the Father's Moon for it gifted those beneath it with strength, allowing them to hunt better, faster, and bring in larger bounties. It also allowed for easier harvesting of the fields. Babies born in autumn are stronger and hardier, being able to work longer and carry more. However, it also made those beneath it more aggressive, paranoid, angry, and jealous, those qualities embodied by the Father.
Finally, as the year dies the moon turns black. Son's Moon, it is called, or Dreamer's Moon. During the cold winter months it is hard to nurture the body. Those babies who are born during the winter are often weaker of body, but strong of mind, as what else do they have to nurture? Spending so long indoors has sharpened their senses and intellects. Beneath the Dream Moon everyone is craftier, smarter, and better able to think. They are also sometimes blessed with magical prophetic dreams and other bursts of magic.

However, all this is from a long time ago. Now, with the moon fallen to Karoem babies no longer benefit from this, the moods are no longer changed, and the people are less for it. Those who hear tales wish for the moon to rise int he sky once more, and fill the sky with its light, or at least block the stars as in the winter.

Story passed from generation to generation around campfires during the dead of winter. Often told to weaker children to comfort them and show that they are favoured by Lord Dusk.

2013-09-25, 04:19 PM
I was thinking of having Moon Magic (Black Magic) as something entirely different - something similar to incantations, but with each spell requiring a Witchcraft Check (1d20 + 1/2 CL + School Ability). Each "school" has a different ability (like psionics), and the division is purely specialist-based.

And, yeah, Dusk Magic is arcane, I guess. It's going to have a few small changes, though, such as sacrificial components, vitalizing, and HP cost for each spell cast.

I mean, divine magic doesn't work too well because only Void and Lord Dusk grant spells, and each grants a different type of magic.

By the way, can I add the Moon History into my first post?:smallbiggrin:

2013-09-25, 05:23 PM
Feel free :smallbiggrin: Glad you like it

Yah, I typed that out before I saw your last post; then I realized that that is really not what you were going for with moon magic.

Is there divine magic in this world at all? Maybe the Mother grants the divine spells?

Also, is this at all based on the Star Wars Clone Wars Mortis episodes? It seems similar is all.

2013-09-25, 05:34 PM
This had nothing to do with Mortis, but I can see why you asked that. Also, I have to say, it's cool to have my setting compared to that.:smallbiggrin:

Anyways, there is no divine magic on this world. None. At all. You either channel the energies that resurrected Lord Dusk or you channel the powers of the Void.

I decided that because I didn't want cure/inflict spells, resurrections, or the like, with summoning and undead working as desparate replacements.

Also, undead-creating is no longer evil, and unintelligent undead are true Neutral. (Insert the sound of 200 gamers dying of shock, accompanied by 20,000 cheering over them.:smallbiggrin:)

2013-09-25, 06:07 PM
Assuming that kreenlover's story is true, I suppose the Children of the Forgotten King were born under these various phases? Handy way of color-coding the kingdoms.

Alternately, perhaps the story arises from legends of the Children, from their births to their exploits. Either way, I can imagine especially militant communities holding to a yearly routine to avoid birthing children in dishonorable (if no longer magical) seasons.

2013-10-02, 10:00 AM
Edited the Tale of the Moon into the History of Karoem. It flows pretty well with the history's format after the very minor changes I made.

Still working on the races. I'll upload the text here when I can.

2013-10-02, 03:43 PM
Assuming that kreenlover's story is true, I suppose the Children of the Forgotten King were born under these various phases? Handy way of color-coding the kingdoms.

Alternately, perhaps the story arises from legends of the Children, from their births to their exploits. Either way, I can imagine especially militant communities holding to a yearly routine to avoid birthing children in dishonorable (if no longer magical) seasons.

I just now realized your post was there.:smallbiggrin:

Anyways, yeah, I was thinking exactly that. Good thinking.

2013-10-03, 05:05 PM
any other ways that we can contribute?

Also, I love the 'loading terrain...' :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-04, 07:41 AM
I'll need some help with detailing the kingdoms. I have some vague ideas for them, but I have writer's block or something.

2013-10-04, 09:21 AM
Want me to just start detailing one of them? Any specifics could help before I start to churn out details.

2013-10-04, 04:00 PM
What I really need help with is the Kingdom of Blackraven (shadar-kai).

What I know so far:

The town guards burn scarecrows on sight, applying a vast array of flaming weapons and minor fire spells.
They will accept a human into their society (an honor thing, because of the old alliances), but only after a long time of suspicion and shunning.
Mages have a high place in society, but Black Mages are outcasts.
The people have a strict caste system, with the king at the top, necromancers placed after, other mages below them, then the rest in an order that leaves warriors, hunters, and peasants as the only caste left above the outcasts.
The king is paranoid around non-shadar-kai magi, but he must give them a trial by code of honor (though the trials aren't necessarily fair).
Outcasts cannot have land of their own, so they are either nomadic or slaves.
Most shadar-kai adventurers will be outcasts or travelling mages, and will not be accepted into society (a travelling mage is considered a conspirator in the eyes of the king).
Shadar-kai have strict travelling laws, including noble seals on any valid travel paper, a long gate check to enter or exit a town, and travelling fines. No weapons are allowed in towns (which is why warriors and hunters are low-ranking citizens).
Shadar-kai do not use steel, iron, adamantine, mithral, etc. The more magical ones do not exist, and the others are considered taboo, tools used only by the followers and/or conspirators of Father Night (since it was gnollkind that discovered them). They instead use bronze, their traditional metal, and wood.
Mages are very, very common (compared to other places). Their about as common as a wealthy merchant in a human town.

That good enough?

2013-10-04, 04:31 PM
What I really need help with is the Kingdom of Blackraven (shadar-kai).

What I know so far:
*very thorough list*

That good enough?

Yes, it is.

"Listen well, for I shall only describe this kingdom once. Do not enter it. If you do, you will be burned on sight.
Yes, it may not be fair, but that is how it is.
I know this by listening to tales from humans and from a kind Shadar-Kai outcast blademaster. Those heroes taught us much about the society of Blackraven.
So, you newly made Scarecrows, you think that you can turn things on their head and make peace between here and Blackraven? You think that you will be the one to sneak in and set fire to the cities, to gain revenge for what they did to us? I tell you otherwise.
The first thing that you must contend with upon trying to enter Blackraven are the guard towers. Practically ringing the realm they are within seeing distance of one another. Patrols of warriors and mages march between the constantly, policing the border.
To even cross the border you need to have a letter bearing the seal of one of the nobles or 'travel nobles'.
If you do not have one and are shadar-kai, you will be punished, maybe even hung. If you are a human, or moonfolk they will take you to the nearest border tower and grant you a temporary travel pass issued by a 'travel lord'. These travel lords may issue a pass for travel that expires in one month, if that long. Before that time ends you must procure a new, permanent travel pass from an actual noble, or leave the country.
If you are a scarecrow or a gnoll, well, you will not live to regret trying to enter Blackraven.
If you managed to get past their guards you must travel across a, supposedly beautiful yet haunting landscape, full of twisted warped trees and surrealistic images.
Dotting this landscape are the occasional farmhouse. Tending these farms are both undead skeletons and harvest constructs, tall mockeries of Scarecrows with scythes for arms and baskets on their back. Mockeries because they look like us, are made like us, but do not think, do not move on their own, do not live.
Being a farmer there is an honour you know. They who need food get their food from the ones who can provide it with magic and mysticism. Bah. Food eaters. Magicians. Bah.
But where was I? I was saying something or other about the landscape.
Yes, the landscape. If you can manage to pass through the farmland where the harvest constructs and undead have orders to kill any scarecrow that passes you finally, finally may reach a city.
Maybe even the city of Blackraven. A great city, walled with wood and stone.
Towering above the rest of the city is the mighty Blackraven Keep, home of the Blackraven, the King of Crows himself.
Attached to this mighty keep are several temples to the Son and one to the Mother. They take their religion, their worship of the Son, pretty seriously over there. You don't worship? You can get exiled for that, become an outcast.
As you get further from the Keep the houses are tall, crowding the sky, cutting off the sky when you walk the streets. Each of these houses, most at least three stories, reaches up to house more families, yet most of them are empty, or only half filled.
The streets are filled with people moving, but not all that filled. The city can hold far more than it does now, far more people.
The merchant squares are near empty of merchants. Guards stalk the streets, the only ones allowed to carry weapons, and even then only staves, saps, and catchpoles. The mages must wear a green belt inside the city if they can cast harmful spells. Outlander mages are almost always caught, imprisoned, and tried. If they are lucky they only get banished, or else they are strung up.
Which leads naturally to their forms of execution. Do you know that they execute others like they execute us? It is barbaric I say, simply barbaric.
What they do is take a person and tie their arms and legs to a wooden cross. Then, they tie rags around them and stuff those rags with hay.
Finally, they tie a cloth sack over the head of the criminal. They wheel this contraption out to one of the nearby execution pits, and set fire to this monstrosity. They say that in death each enemy becomes one enemy, each dead kills one of us.
The barbarians. We did not even fight them of our own free will.
That is all that I know of the cursed kingdom of Blackraven. Now, if you wish to go out there and get your newly made bodies all torn and burnt, slashed and ruined, then be my guest. You foolish newmade are always rushing off to do such a thing.
But I, I will stay here where it is nice and cold and damp with an abundance of twigs and hay and sticks.
I will be safe and fire-free whilst you burn in the kingdom of Blackraven.
Now, I tire of this conversation. I have Dusk Magic to practice"
The dissertation of Kron the Aged, Scarecrow Dusk Mage and veteran of the first war given to all newly made Scarecrows

2013-10-04, 04:40 PM
... it's so beautiful...

I'm crying over here. Seriously, not joking. That is exactly how I imagined the kingdom of Blackraven.

I'll get straight on relocating that little piece of awesomeness, right there. Thank ye much!

2013-10-04, 04:55 PM
And... done. Edited to flow with the style I've had the sources in, and I added a little bit of history for Khoron the Aged (yes, I changed his name a bit).

This is awesome.:smallbiggrin:

2013-10-04, 05:51 PM
Added minimal info on the Four Kingdoms.

I'll add more in a bit.

2013-10-04, 06:22 PM
Kreenlover,that is awesome! Sorry for lurking,but I was not sure what to post. Thunderfist,may I have the honor of designing one of the kingdoms? The swampland of Quarog intrigue me. I want to expand on the puppet king idea.

Also,thanks for your truespeech homebrew. It fits my idea for the Bards of Træom very well.

2013-10-04, 07:10 PM
Thanks guys! I'm glad that you like it.
Very flattered that you are adapting my single mention NPC into an actual campaign world person!
(and always feel free to change my names, I'm horrible at naming things)

2013-10-07, 07:42 AM
D20ragon: Feel free to design that kingdom of Karoem. That would be a lot less work for me.:smallbiggrin:

Also, anyone interested in designing the Moonrange?

2013-10-07, 03:29 PM
I shall set to,as soon as I have mental space,and post as soon as I'm done.

2013-10-07, 03:53 PM
can you give anymore details on the moonrange? If so, then I would love to (unless D20ragon's got it covered)
my post from earlier(asking the same question) didn't seem to make it up there :smallfrown:

2013-10-07, 04:08 PM
Either - or both - of you can detail the Moonrange. The more, the merrier! Here are the details.

It's a desolate wasteland where crystals and large moonrocks lay scattered on the surface.
Only a few settled regions are existent, all of them being moonfolk citadels.
Black magic is enhanced here.
Most Black Mages get their Casting Crystals here.
This is the home of most of Karoem's abberations, including aboleths and other highly magical ones.
Dusk Magic is treated as Wild Magic here.
There are no plants in this region, the sky is the color of blood by night and day, and the ground is all stone and crystal. In other words, no dirt, no trees.
Occasionally, splinterwaifs, ragewalkers, spriggans, and other dark fey can be found lurking here, since this is where some of the First War's battles were fought.

Not much else to be said.

2013-10-07, 04:56 PM
As soon as I read this,I got the idea for Crystal trees,on which casting crystals grow.:smallcool:

Also,more details on karoem,if possible.

2013-10-07, 05:23 PM
I'll take a whack at it.

But why not? The small child asked.
Daltar the Shadar-Kai chain dancer turned and squatted down to look him in the eye. Because my son, it is dangerous there. Do you know what the Moonrange is like? No? Then I shall describe it for you, and you can come with me in your mind.
When you walk towards it all you can see are mountains. As you climb higher and higher and higher on these mountains, up one of the paths the air gets thin and hard to breathe. These mountains were thrown up when the Moon fell.
Finally you will reach the top. There the air is so thin that for us living being it is nigh impossible to breathe.
But, there where the air is so thin you have a breathtaking view. On top of the world, you can see for miles and miles. Below you spreads out the Moonrange as the sky turns a blood red above you, the scar, the mark of Death, the mark of the Void.
When you look out at the Moonrange you can see the endless nothing. Just a barren, rocky landscape with pinkish greeny ground. Those are moonrocks. I shall bring one back for you.
The only things to be seen on this plain are the few small cities and settlements where the Monnfolk live, and the great Crystal forests. These Crystal forests are filled with trees. But, these are not normal trees. Gnarled, twisted rocky stalagmites grow up from the ground. And, for leaves they sprout fabulous arrays of spun Crystal. Sometimes, if you are lucky you may be there in time to see a metamorphosis. When that happens the beautiful crystalline web curls back in on itself, and begins to glow.
When it is done, it has fused into a single Casting Crystal. Each tree produces one Casting Crystal a year. These are what Moon Mages use to cast their spells, which are far stronger in the Moonrange, while our magic is much weaker.
Once you get down into the Crater of the Moon the air gets easier to breathe again. But, you are now in danger of Dark Fey and Aberrations. The Dark Fey often linger in the Crystal Forests, or elsewhere, but the Aberrations live only in the centers of the Crystal Forests, or in the great Core Chasms.
Let me tell you of the Core Chasms my son.
When the Moon fell, it cracked the earth. It cracked and injured it.
Do you know what happened? It almost split before the Mother sewed it back together while the Son held it.
That is why you get the great Crystal Bridges. These are like the Crystal Trees and span the Core Chasms.
But I digress. The Core Chasms. This is where the Aberrations live. Horrible beasts with tentacles for eyes and cilia for skin. That is what we go to hunt my son, to make the world safer for you and the other children.
When you get to the edge of the Core Chasm the wind howls and screams as it is sucked down into the depths. Passages and stairways are cut into the sides, and you can climb down. These are the only ways by which you can get to the Undervault. Down there there is a labyrinth of tunnels and caverns. These are where the Aberrations live, along with in the Chasms themselves.
Let me tell you about the Undervault..."
"Daltar Freemage! Don't you dare tell our son tales of that horrid place. Do you want to give him nightmares?" Haia bustled up (very few Shadar-Kai bustle, but she managed to) and shook Daltar "Bad enough that you are leaving to that horrible place. I don't want you bringing tales of it home with you!"
"But mom..."
"No buts"
"Ok...What about the cities da?"
"I would tell you of the fantastic cities of the Moonfolk if I could son, but I have never visited them" Daktar ruffled his sons hair, and kissed is wife on the cheek.
"Now, you be good while I am gone, and maybe I'll bring you back a piece of Moonrock, or a piece of a Crystal Bridge"
-The last words spoken to his son by Daltar Freemage the Shadar-Kai Chaindancer and Aberration Hunter.

2013-10-07, 06:19 PM
Haha! That's cool. Thanks for incorporating the Crystal trees.
Listen boy,and listen well. I won't repeat myself,and you've wasted enough of my time already. You want to know of the Kiilion*or moonfolk? Well,they aren't like us,in their shape or ways. Not like the Firstborn,the Gnolls,or even the Wicker Men,the Scarecrows,and not at all like us,the youngest. For the moonfolk,my boy,are made of crystal. Don't leave your mouth open like that boy,you'll attract flies. What was I saying? A yes,the Crystal. Their bodies orbit a central sphere,like a small version of their fallen home. It's light permeates their bodies,and fills space near them with a glow. Nearest to the central sphere,in their chest,their bodies are in constant motion. Further away from the Crystal,motion occurs rarely,only when agitated. The Moonfolks faces are smooth broken only by spires of crystal,resembling the surface of their long ago home. Indeed,their faces change monthly,becoming larger and smaller,as,the books tell us,the moon did,many ages ago.When the Moonfolk are happy or exited,the crystal composing their body,usually clear,becomes spring green. When happy,the green darkens to the color of summer leaves. When wistful,the moonfolk a orange/yellow,and when deep in thought,their color darkens to black. So you see boy,the moon is a fascinating topic of study,and well worth your time. Are you listening boy? Boy?

William Storvy,trying to persuade a pupil to pay attention. *I am in of a want a better name.

2013-10-07, 07:07 PM
don't mention it!

And I like that bit about the moon seasons and their emotions! Thats really nifty. (I say this both as a fan of the idea and a fan of the incorporation of my moon idea :smalltongue:)

2013-10-08, 06:52 AM
Thank you for the awesome descriptions. These are going in the World section.

I'll upload these when my brother stops annoying me to death, alright?

2013-10-08, 07:25 AM

D20ragon: Your post described the moonfolk themselves, so they're under "Moonfolk" in "Peoples". Congratulations, you are the first one to post for that section.

Kreen: Your post is under "The Moonrange", in "World". Just finished moving it.

2013-10-08, 09:31 AM
Haia stood, stoic and unmoving at the funeral ceremony for Daltar. Her son stood by her side, and kept a brave face although tears glistened in his eyes.
The shroud bearers danced down the aisle, a solemn sad dance, evoking feelings of loss and pain. Long of limb and pale of skin they danced. Their black eyes glistened in the center of the web of eye tattoos, and their faces were painted with the traditional funeral markings, replacing the every day paints.
When they reached Daltar's corpse they danced around him as magic raised him into the air.
As they danced they wove the shroud around him tighter and tighter until he was just a bundle, then danced away.
The gravekeeper began intoning "And so as another brave firstborn dies so his soul may pass on to be by the Son's side. There he shall feast and dance the days and by night watch down on our world as a glowing star"
As he continued his ritual Haia stepped forwards and accepted the torch from one the dancers. With measured steps she walked forwards and lit the bundle on fire.
As the flaming bundle began to soar up through the hole in the roof the entire assembly began singing, a wailing keening howling song.
Haia held Dalta's hand tightly, and wept silently as her son did.
Later that night she took him by the hand and led him into a room that he had never seen before.
"My son. Dalta. From this day forth you are no longer little Daltar. You are Daltar the Elder. I give to you, as is tradition, your fathers chain and sword.
"When you are ready, we may start your training in the art of chain dancing"
Daltar sniffed and nodded.
After he had been put to bed Haia went outside and looked up at the sky above them. She was looking for one particular star in a sky of thousands.
But, she finally found it. In the constellation of the Chain a new star had appeared at the tip of one of the blades.
"Goodbye my love. May you find solace and happiness in the grove of the Son and may you look down on your son and wife with pride. I hope that I can do well by him"
With that she turned and walked back inside.

2013-10-08, 04:26 PM
Daltar's funeral has been relocated under the original Daltar story.

By the way, I can see an average five-person party playing these characters.

Shadar-kai mage
Human rogue
Gnoll barbarian
Moonfolk black mage
Scarecrow fighter

2013-10-08, 05:05 PM
Added an (unmarked) map of Karoem to the compilation page.

Got it off the donjon fantasy map generator (with a bit of customization).

2013-10-09, 03:42 PM
"Hush my child. Do you hear? That sound is the sound of the Gnolls,the laughing ones. Hear now,how they cackle? It is not with joy,as you and I think of it. They Gnolls take pleasure only in the sound of tears,the smell of fear,the crack of bone,the rending of flesh. I pity the poor soul in their clutches now. Pray,my love,that you never look apon them,their faces the faces of great dogs,but the flesh rotted,the bone showing through in places. The great teeth,gleaming cruely. If you ever are,The mother forbid,bitten,my love,you must straightway run to a healer,for if you do not,the Laughing Plague,which all of the Secondborn carry within them,would take hold,and you would laugh till your lungs bled,and then more. But do not worry,love,the Gnolls are far away,and the thick castle wall,with it's many guards,will shield us.

May oldsfallow,telling her younger sister,alice,about Gnolls.

Silence. You asked to hear me,and now I speak. You folk,in your castles,you tell stories of us,of the way we kill,raid,destroy,without hesitation or mercy. And yes,we are a warlike people,and I do not ask you to condone our crimes.
However. We are not without honor. We are not without courage.My father,a chief,as the Death-wolf was circling in the corners of his soul,sought out the demon Six arms five faces,and faced it without fear,without hesitation,were ten of your knights would have fled. Could you have done the same?

That is all. I will go now,back to my clan of "cowardly assasains."

J'akfor curvefang,lecturing a council of knights.

2013-10-09, 04:22 PM
Do you know what it is to face fear?
Do you know what it is to look the Father in the face and spit in his eye?
Do you know what it is to have nobody to rely on but yourself?
The Son did. And he imparted that in us.
You weaklings made by the Mother, blessed though she may be, you weaklings corrupted by the Father, cursed is he in his realm of shadow, you weaklings, who sought to create but only to better be able to destroy, you do not deserve to face us.
We are Shadar'Kai! We are the Us'breven, the Nightsiblings, the Wa'machi, the Firstborn. We are the Half-Fallen!
You pitiful humans. You face us now on the field of battle with your knights and your battlelines and your orders. Do you not see the beauty of war? The beauty of battle, of the dance? Do you not see the chaos that will be unleashed?
There is no room here for your marching orders, for your barely restrained chaos. Here you must give in to chaos and dance the dance of shadows.
And, if you dance very very well you may live to fight another day
-Magelord Donev to Highknight Samuel Harken on the eve of the Battle of Sorrowdale in The Last War

The Shadar Kai are a highly spiritual people. As the Firstborn they had time to develop higher factulties before any others, time to develop philosophy and music, art, and literature.
When the Gnolls arrived the Shadar Kai tried to befriend them. They fell in droves before they began to organize to fight back. Being philosophers did not lead well to beings warriors, but they eventually adapted.
They used their natural grace well in battle, performing what many know as 'The Dance of Nine Chains'. It is known as such because of the Shadar Kai's penchant for spiked chains and cat'o'nine'tails whips.
As time passed and the wars continued the fighting became such a big part of their culture as to be irremovable. When this happened they began to train new warriors from a very young age.
However, they did not train them as warriors, but rather as dancers. This dancing allowed them to hone their grace and poise that would later be used on the battlefield.
After a time the dancing became an art form as well, with different dances meaning different things. There are now dancers at weddings, dancers a funerals, and at every occasion in between.
There is another ever present aspect of the Shadar Kai culture. They paint their faces.
These face paints are used as the dances; with different types for different occasions. For example, the war paint. Black with coloured streaks that transform the face into a nightmare mask, all jagged edges and sudden cuts. This (http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/2/27/DarthMaul-SWI122.jpg)is a Shadar Kai with red warpaint on.
Mages wear a different kind of warpaint, two stripes atop their head (if they have hair, receding into it, if they do not, continuing on their pate) and stripes coming from under the eyes to below the jawline.
They have other paints for other occasions, and only when they march to war do the paints cover their entire faces.
Once a Shadar Kai reaches a certain age they begin to wear face paint at all times. This paint is their 'Age paint'. It shows that they have come of age, and are not yet married. They must wear this paint whenever they are in public. If it is somehow removed, they must reapply it.
This is not to shame those who are young, but to advertise that they are available for marriage. It is a practical matter, allowing for easier matchmaking and partnering. When they find someone who has engaged their interest they may add more colours to the paint to signify that they are not yet committed b that they may be soon.
When they find a suitable partner they may remove their age paint and apply betrothing paint, to show that they have been betrothed.
Finally, when they get married they may wash the paint from their faces and go without paint in public again. However, most Shadar Kai choose a unique paint style for day to day use and wear that, keeping their paint free face for their family and lover, as a sign of respect and devotion.
Shadar Kai are tall and lithe. Universally skinny to the point of being gaunt, it is near impossible for Shadar Kai to gain weight, although most try to as they see it as a sign of influence, well being, and wealth. After all, if you can afford enough food to become fat when no Shadar Kai is fat, how rich must you be?
This is also why it is impolite to eat large amounts when you are a guest, as to become fat from another's charity shows that you are nothing but a thief and a layabout.
Shadar Kai have long thin limbs that serve only to accentuate their gauntness. They are wiry and fast, and extremely agile which comes from centuries as dancers.
They have dark eyes, always black, grey, or brown, and have light grey hair that is almost silver in the light. They wear this long if they are a warrior and often adorn their long braids with blades that they whip around in combat, and wear their hair short if they are a mage. The only ones allowed to shave their heads are archmages and the King (who is by tradition a mage).
A Shadar Kai's hair will never stop growing, and none go bald naturally. Their hair continues to grow until they die.
Their skin when not adorned by paint is a slate grey, like the Son himself.
The Shadar Kai worship the Son as the one who gave them life, and the epitome of their way of life. He is often portrayed (http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/1/1f/SonHS-SWE.jpg)as a stern looking Shadar Kai with red mage warpaint. He is bald, not merely shaved, which signifies that he is the ultimate leader of them all, and the ultimate mage. he is wearing warpaint because he 'marches against his Father, marches against death itself in our name'.
He is often also portrayed with red mourning paint on. Why he is depicted as being in mourning none can say; he has always been depicted this way since the beginning.

And yes, I did just copy pictures of Star Wars characters from the internet for this. I'd draw my own, but my art skills are not at all good.
Hope thats enough info about the Shadar Kai; lemme know if I missed anything

2013-10-09, 05:03 PM
Great work, both of you!:smallbiggrin:

I'll get to relocating these in a bit.

2013-10-09, 08:06 PM
Anything else need to be made?

Also, if anyone wants to help with my homebrew world... Dawn Lands (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16188091#post16188091)

2013-10-16, 04:19 PM
Yay, just got raised up to OrcITP!

And... I'l be moving the text now.

2013-10-16, 04:19 PM
Where are you moving it to?

2013-10-16, 04:23 PM
The first post, where everything else is.:smallbiggrin:

I always modify that post.

2013-10-16, 04:27 PM
Right, thought you meant into a different document...

2013-10-16, 04:39 PM
No, I'm not making a PDF of this. Yet.

2013-10-17, 06:34 AM
And... done.

More detail of Karoem on the way!

2013-10-17, 01:50 PM
computer is screwed for the time being. will post more later

2013-10-21, 04:56 PM
Small info list of the Realms of Faerie:

Each Realm of Faerie is treated as a plane separate from Karoem for purposes of summoning, traits, and whether or not a creature is treated as being on its native plane.
Faerie is divided into three Realms: the Unseelie Reaches, the Seelie Groves, and the Dusklands.

Seelie: The realm of Mother Morning, consisting of sunlit groves and clearings. Creatures that live here are of the Fey, Outsider, or Humanoid type (usually), and are within one step of Neutral Good (including True Neutral).
Unseelie: The realm of Father Night, consisting of dark, twisted trees that never let in the light of day, and dense netteles and brambles that blanket the forest floor. Creatures that live here are of the Fey, Abberration, Outsider, or Monstrous Humanoid type (usually), and are within one step of Neutral Evil (including True Neutral).
Dusklands: The realm of Lord Dusk, consisting of ashen forest and desolation, reminiscent of winter, but with ash rather than snow. Creatures that live here are of the Outsider, Undead, Construct, or Humanoid type (usually), and are any Neutral alignment. Dusk Magic is enhanced here.
The Great Three live in their realms, respectively. These are a part of Karoem, and planar travel simply teleports the user there. Teleport and similar spells cannot bring someone to Faerie, but simply walking into the Outwoods can.
The Outwoods are the woodlands that border the Faerie, surrounding the settled lands. This can be reached via planar travel or Teleport, and anyone here counts as being outside their native plane for all purposes (including ressurection).
Black Magic is impeded in the Realms.
A Dusk Mage who is in Faerie cannot bind, dispel, or summon creatures native to the Realm he is in.
Dire animals, a legend in civilized lands, roam freely in the Faerie. They cannot be summoned like other creatures from Faerie, however.

2013-10-21, 07:10 PM
Yay,no more computer troubles. Aside from that,I love the imagery of the ash snow. Also,are faerys a monster themselves?

2013-10-22, 07:38 AM
Technically, they are. But not spelled the same way as the Realms themselves.

2013-10-22, 02:35 PM
Actually,I just like to spell fairy that way.

2013-10-22, 02:39 PM
Don't we all?:smallbiggrin:

Edit: By the way, this happened while I was posting this.


2013-10-22, 03:16 PM
I feel confused...What does it all mean!?:smalleek:

2013-10-22, 03:50 PM
What does what all mean?

2013-10-22, 04:24 PM
Eh,forget it. What kind of fairy are you looking for,monster wise? Also,is their anything else which requires fluffing? I'm good at that:smallcool:

2013-10-22, 04:30 PM
The Faerie Realms. They really need fluffing, considering they are everything beyond the reach of the five tiny countries we know of already.

Also, the Four Kingdoms need fluffing. I have no information for those outside of the small fluff text in the first post, so good luck if you want to fluff those.:smallbiggrin:

2013-10-22, 08:45 PM
I'll take on the four nations tomorrow or friday. work and homework schedules are horrid

2013-10-23, 05:56 AM
I'll start on Faerie ASAP.

2013-10-23, 04:18 PM
Yay, more world information!:smallbiggrin:

2013-10-23, 05:45 PM
The Four Kingdoms
"As I was saying it began on a night like this, long long ago in this very inn, the inn of the Sleeping Dragon..."

Borgan Methro was always a curious lad. But, he was not suited to war. The path of the knight was not for him. And so it was that he one day set out to learn Shadar-Kai magic. He is the only human ever to do so.
He journeyed days and nights until he finally reached the court of the King of Ravens himself.
What transpired there has been lost to time, but when he emerged the boy was...changed. His skin had a pallor to it, and he was colder in his heart. The magic of the Shadar-Kai was not meant for humans.
However, mastered it he had. He returned to the Kingdoms, and claimed his birthright during the next succession. He ascended to the throne of the Kingdom of Grayhaven. And it was a prosperous time.
Meanwhile his siblings had ascended to the thrones of the other kingdoms. Before you ask me about the convoluted and complicated succession rights of the Four Kingdoms let me tell you not to ask.
It was during this bright age that Father Night decided to touch the earth. The dead walked and walls moved, the weather fluctuated, and the earth itself gave revolt.
There were plagues of pestilence, weevils and flies, rot and corruption. And, despite this, the four siblings rallied the world to fight Father Night and his gnolls.
And none fought harder than Borgan Methro. It was in his drive to win the war that he sought a better way to fight. His soldiers were human, and so fallible, as humans are. He wanted something better, something that would not lose people from his realm with every battle.
For weeks he toiled, endlessly. And, at the end, there was his glorious machine. The Scarecrow Engine we call it now. Feed in wood, straw, and debris to the one end, and out the other pops a Scarecrow, the perfect soldier.
The Shadar-Kai when they heard of this were horrified, and refused to fight alongside them, yet they would not explain why. The Scarecrows were the perfect soldiers, loyal, deadly, and best of all they were not human. They didn't die, as they never lived.
But Borgan wanted them to be better. He wanted them to be able to think. And so he tinkered, despite warnings from everyone and everything. Finally, the Scarecrows that he created were 'perfected'. They could think on their feet, could outfight and out think any gnoll, and were tactical geniuses.
But at what price? slowly the citizens of the realm grew sicker, yet Borgan did not notice. He had become consumed by war.
Many others did not notice either.
However, eventually the war was won. And then people began to take notice of the sorry state of affairs in Grayhaven. They began to worry.
But Borgan would hear no argument. He was too busy tinkering again. And, despite the end of the war he was still producing Scarecrows. But, most people thought nothing of it, more concerned with his populace.
Finally, a Shadar-Kai mage inspected a citizen. And he found that the woman was losing her soul. Every citizen was, the old and the young, rich and poor, male and female, all were having their souls consumed by the Scarecrow engine.
And still Borgan refused to turn it off. Still it produced Scarecrows. For by now Borgan did not care. He would march on the enemies, the Shadar-Kai, and add them to his kingdom.
For in the final battle (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PImVeQG195pzNJ7HIAOoFwgjJPsc6mFCjJOvofVneYE/edit?usp=sharing) he had been touched by Father Night.
The Scarecrows, and Borgan marched against the King of Crows. The war is detailed elsewhere, and I will not bore you with tales of the battles, the heroes and villains of this war.
But, I must speak of the final battle. Here Borgan faced his former mentor, the King of Crows himself. In this battle the King dueled Borgan with flashes of magic, explosions of power, and raw energies that laid waste to the fields for miles. Nobody could stand to be close to then, to even look at them they burned so bright.
Then, it was done, and the top of Borgan's head, his arms, and legs lay on the ground before the King of Crows. The armies broke off the battle, assuming that it was over. The 'death' of Borgan freed the Scarecrows who fled to their own kingdom.
But Borgan had not died. When he should have died a long ago crafted contingency spell activated, and whisked him away to deep inside the Scarecrow Engine.
There, he was fitted with a new body, one made of Wicker. And so Father Nights prophecy came true. Borgan Methro died that day, and the Wicker Warlord was born.
As the people celebrated the death of the tyrant king he rose above his palace in a storm of death. He flew the streets, smiting people as he went, punishing them for celebrating. During his flight the Scarecrow engine was stolen by agents of the new and as yet unnamed Kingdom of Scarecrows for their own uses.
When the Wicker Warlord was done punishing his servants he returned to his castle and began to weave a spell. He sealed off his realm behind a black dome. Now none can enter or leave without his permission.

"...There is more, but suffice to say he punished his people for their disloyalty, and went back to his mad experiments. He still rules there today, a Wicker Warlord with a heart of ice, a villain in name and in deed. What little we know of his land is, well, little, and inaccurate as well as dark.
Before I can continue with that story though, I need a drink. Who will buy a cold man a drink to help warm his bones on a night like this?"

2013-10-23, 05:49 PM
...Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for Kreen.

*standing ovation*

2013-10-23, 06:19 PM
I applaud you most heartily,and bless you with the sign of the d20. I may not post for a bit,trying to pull a PbP together. Join,if you want. It's here. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16277873#post16277873

2013-10-23, 06:22 PM
Awesome, I'm blessed. I get a +3 to all die rolls.:smallbiggrin:

And thanks for the link.

2013-10-23, 07:02 PM
So you do!:smallbiggrin: and as for the link,one can always use more evil characters.

2013-10-23, 07:07 PM
Yes, yes one could...


2013-10-23, 07:08 PM
Thanks for the praise. I'll try and get another kingdom or two up by monday.

I will also try and finish my story about the final battle. If I do and like it, may I have your permission Thunderfist to use it is my university applications portfolio?

2013-10-23, 07:08 PM
To use it as say what now?

2013-10-23, 07:10 PM
To get into the creative writing program at Uni I need to submit a portfolio of my work. If I like how the story turns out then I may want to use it in my portfolio. I would then need your permission to use your intellectual property (the world of Karoem)

2013-10-23, 07:12 PM
As long as you give me credit for it.

Also, intellectual property. Is it that good of an idea?

2013-10-27, 01:49 PM
I like it. And whether or not you do publish it I can get in trouble for claiming it as mine, and you could sue me, so best to get that out of the way. Guess my post from school didn't get up.

So, seeing as it is close to Halloween here is another chapter. Definitely thematic.

*slurp smack sluuuurp* Ahh. I thank ye for that tankard. It does wonders for a man's thirst. Now, since you did the buying you get to choose the story. Do you wish to hear more about the Four Kingdoms? No? Whats that? You want to hear of All Hallows Eve?
Cross me twice and blessed be the Mother and Son. May they watch over me *ptew*
Now why would you want to hear about a cursed day like that? Oh, true, it is in three morns now isn't it? Well I guess shall grant you your tale then. It all began long ago, on a cold and dreary night...

The Traveler walked along the road. It was cold, and the fog was wet. His cloak clung to him, soaked through.
He shivered, but pressed on. He had to get home that night. The morrow was his beloved nameday, and he would not, nay could not miss that. So he shivered again and pulled his cloak tighter about him.
After another hour or so he saw a light in the darkness. He knew that he could not stay long, but maybe they would have fire to go with the light and he could warm himself for a few moments before going on.
So, he left the path, and walked over to the light. As he got closer he could see that it was a fire in a small grove.
When he entered it, the fog thinned out very quickly. It must have been burned off by the fire.
Sitting around the fire were three people; an older man, a middle aged, yet still beautiful woman, and a handsome young man. They were sitting without talking, staring at each other.
"Hello?" the Traveler called out as he came closer "Do you mind if I sit and warm myself by your fire for a few minutes? The cold is bone deep tonight"
Almost as one the three turned to look at him. He was struck by how similar they looked, as if they were family, but he was too tired to give it much thought.
"Oh, come sit you poor dear" the woman said, and led him to a log that was pulled up as a bench "You look frozen half to death. Here, have something to eat" and she pulled a leg of lamb off a spit that he had not noticed before.
"Where are you headed my fine fellow?" the young man asked "What makes you undertake such a long journey on so dismal a night?" he leaned forwards and stared intently at the Traveler.
"How will you thank us for sharing our fire and food?" the old man asked, his voice dry and crackling "The food that we feed you now may be food that we need later" he leaned forwards and extended a gnarled hand.
"Father! This poor man is half starved, and frozen! Do not ask him for payment!" the young man cried. But then he turned to the Traveler and fixed him with piercing eyes "But you must tell us your story. You simply must tell us before you leave"
"Son. Come now, leave the poor man alone. Let him eat, let him rest. He must be tired" the woman chimed in "Here poor man, eat. Please, have no worries on our part. You must eat to make it to where you are going" and she offered him the leg again.
The Traveler was a kind man, and he took the old mans words to heart. He would not take food from this kind threesome. As for his tale if he stopped to tell it he would not make it to his beloved before dawn, and he had no coins to pay the family with. All his money he sent to his beloved.
"Really my friends I thank you for your kindness, and I wish that I could repay you, but I have nothing but my voice. As for my story it is a long one of love, betrayal, and heart-break. I hope that it will yet have a happy ending, but I hate to tell it before it is finished, and I am too tired to talk. I must be going or else there may not be an ending, and it is too long to tell in the time I have. As for the food I thank you again, but I could not take food that you may yet need. Please, I will be but a moment before journeying on"
The three of them looked at him, then sat back sullenly "If you will not eat then I do not know what to do with you. You will starve before you reach your destination I am sure"
"If you will not tell us your tale then how can it ever have a happy ending? If you do not share things, then you are a miser"
"And if you have nothing but your voice then maybe that is what we shall take as payment"
The three turned to argue with each other over whether the Traveler would live to have a sad ending, whether or not to take his voice, and whether he should be left his voice only to starve.
By now the Traveler was getting scared. He had just wanted to come here to warm himself for a moment.
"I, I think maybe I should be leaving" he stammered out as he tried to rise.
But the three fixed him with their glares, and they all rose to their feet with him.
"We have not decided yet. You will stay here until we do. In the meantime, have something to eat" the woman offered him the leg again.
"You must stay. Your story is not yet decided. It may end happily or sadly, but if you leave now it will never end. Why don't you tell us while you wait" the young man gestured to the place by the fire.
"You have not yet paid the price. If you try and leave the price may increase" the old man wagged a finger at him, his other hand still outstretched.
"I just want to see my beloved!" the Traveler cried and ran from the grove. He could hear their calls behind him, but he paid them no attention.
He ran and ran all the way to his beloved's house, the pains in his stomach growing and growing.
There he was greeted by a horrid sight. His beloved lay on the front steps, her eyes closed, her chest unmoving. Everyone was gathered around her.
He tried to ask what was wrong, but when he opened his mouth nothing came out.
He tried to speak, again and again, but nothing came out! He had paid the price of his voice.
Instead he ran forwards, and grabbed the shoulder of his beloved father.
When the man turned he stared at the Traveler in horror, then screamed. The others turned and screamed as well.
Stunned, the Traveler could only look at them. But, he followed their gaze to his stomach. There the shirt had fallen open, and the skin was drawn to the point where you could see the organs and bones exactly defined. The poor Traveler had starved to death.
He stared at his beloved lying dead on the ground, stared at his stomach so rotted away, and tried to speak with his beautiful singing voice.
As he looked up again he saw The Mother The Father and The Son standing behind he beloved's family.
"I told you would starve to death if you didn't eat something" The Mother scolded.
"And I warned you that your tale would have no ending if you did not share it" The Son admonished.
"And I reminded you there was a price to pay for sharing our fire" The Father cackled.
The poor Traveler looked back at his beloved, and with no other recourse plunged his dagger into his chest.
Then again, and again, and again.
"Did I not say that if you left then your tale would never end?" The Son added sadly as the three of them faded away.
And the Traveler wept silent tears as he picked up the body of his beloved and ran off into the night.

And that is truly a tale to make one weep. But why is it cursed? Well, every year on the anniversary of his journey the Traveler walks the roads, looking for the grove so that he may pay The Father eat the food offered by The Mother, and tell his tale to The Son. Each All Hallows Eve he walks, carrying his beloved's body. And any who come across him, so they say, lose their voices, starve to death before they get home, and never find an end to their own story. So beware All Hallows Eve when the Traveler walks the road, The Mother, The Son and The Father wait in their grove, and the fog rolls thick. Beware lest you join the Traveler on his endless trip.

I'll get back to the Four Kingdoms eventually

2013-10-27, 02:24 PM
Amazing,astounding,astonishing,and other words that begin with A as well. Dear sir,as a fellow writer,I congratulate you.

Alright,alright. But still,great work.

2013-10-27, 02:32 PM
Thanks, and nice alliterations.

2013-10-27, 03:24 PM
"Father Night,with heart of stone,sits sleeping on his midnight throne
While round him fey and demons spin,past nightmare trees,now out,now in.
On nettle ground,they dance and sing,to hail The Father Dark,their king."

Here follows an excerpt from"Roiblins guide to the lands of Karoem and Beyond."Father nights realm is,to say the least,inhospitable. Nettles grow were once was grass,and the Nightmare Forest rings with the unholy revels of the Dark Fey and Demons that serve the Sleeping one. A source of light is critical here,as the moon,though bright,only succeeds in in afflicting mortals bathed in its light with the "Dancing Sleep",a curious affliction,which causes the victim to collapse into a seeming coma,and proceed to dance as though the victim were one of the Fey themselves,all the while still slumbering. However,I digress.
The Land of Night is generally seperated into sections,which are listed here. The Nightmare Forest is home to an astonishing variety of natural specimens,most of which are,sadly,deadly or in other ways imperiling to the average mortal. For a complete list,see Roiblins flora and fauna,also by me. Other dangers of the Forest which should be noted,are,perhaps,also one of the most facinating. The Nightmare trees,which make up the majority of the Forest,are capable of,when touched,absorbing the unaware into a nightmarish reality within the tree itself. I,though not much of a botinist,have entertained a theory that the trees are,in fact,openings into another plane of existence! If so,then only imagine what would be possible if one was to harvest the timber!
Forgive an old man,again I ramble on. I now touch upon the more noteworthy denizens of the Forest. Goblins. As many colors as you can imagine,with alignments to match,Goblins are the greatiest buyers and sellers of goods anyware,selling items such as courage,wits,song,and stars,for tears,blood,breath or secrets. One must always be cautious at a Goblin market,for it is easy to leave behind something you need,in return for something you don't. Pale serpents. Craving warmth,but never finding it,Pale serpents are at once pityable and pityless. Their body's emmit a chill,which douses all flame,and smothers light,and so they always seek what they cannot have. The importence of bringing a source of heat into these woods to distract them cannot be stressed enough. Lost Lanterns. If,in the perpetual dark of Night,you happen to glimpse a light,do not follow it! Legend tells that these wondering ghosts are souls,who,cursed on All Hallows Eve to follow the Traveler,and were claimed by Father Night. Now,undying,they take their lanterns to lure others to follow them. There are many other dangers in the Nightmare Forest,but those are the most prominent.
Most of the Night realms revels are held in this wood. Lit from above by globes of Nightfire,and heady with the scent of Bloodwine,these are certainly one of the more memorable events one could see in a lifetime. Of course,great care must be taken to avoid becoming the next entertainment. okay. I don't have time right now,but if this is good,I'll follow up with more info on different parts of the land of Night.

2013-10-27, 03:42 PM
Thats excellent. I would love to see a description for a Goblin market. That sounds very cool.

Are goblins here the same goblins from D&D? or are they more of classical fantasy goblins? More wondering what they look like.

EDIT: writing a story about a character set in the realms. Any suggestions are fine. Hope you guys don't mind My Story (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vlLfDqZY2BZQrvQjUOH2bOtUkanRLiVR33N63YMvjgE/edit?usp=sharing)

2013-10-27, 04:34 PM
I like the story so far. Is there more forthcoming?

2013-10-27, 04:53 PM
There will be. For now I'm not quite sure where to take it, but there definitely will be

2013-10-27, 06:11 PM
"Come buy, come buy"
The words echoed in his ears,filling the Nightmare Forest.
"Come buy, come buy, oh heed and hark, a faerys tear, the song of lark, come rest, come talk,mcome slow your walk, come, child of Sun and Light! Come now, come see ,sweet things for thee, my fruit and wares shine bright!"
"How did you know I wasn't from the land of Night?"
The Goblin laughed,a sound like silver coins clanking together.
"It's on your skin ,your hair, your clothes, the Suns warm light, it's shine, it's glow.
Now come boy, sit, and rest a bit. Then speak and I will heed,as you my lad, my glowing boy,shall tell me what you need."
The boy sat,resting on the velvet seat that whisked under him.
"Maybe I don't need anything. Maybe I'm fine."
"Oh no my boy,your need is clear. The sound rings out to goblin ear"
The goblin laughed again,then leaned in closer.
"So, my boy,what is your wish? A fathers pride? A silver fish? A magic sword? A suit of gold? I have these thing and more to hold. Or, perhaps,a Maidins love? Sweet and gentle as a dove? All I need to make these things true is a token, blood, time, tears from you. A firstborn son, a secret old, worth it's weight in gems or gold. That's all a need, dear boy,and then your wish is true, the sword, the love, belongs to you."
As the goblin spoke,her long ears drooping down with the weight of the gold ornaments on them,her silver eyes,shrewd in her maroon and green skin took the boy in. No more than 14, he sat, spellbound. The goblin grinned crookedly. As good as sold, they always were...

2013-10-27, 06:43 PM
Excellent! I will need to include one of these in the story if it gets that far!
Thats really excellent

2013-10-27, 06:46 PM
Thank you. I will write more about Night soon

2013-10-28, 07:44 AM
Just got back to the forum. Excellent stories, people! Excellent!

I'm uploading stats for the character builds in a few minutes.

2013-10-28, 04:19 PM
addendum to the Moonfolk story

When they are angry their bodies turn blood red.
When they die they leave behind a Lifeshard. This Lifeshard acts as a casting crystal to almost anyone. However, to a 'sibling' of the one who died it sevres a special purpose.
Any 'sibling' can 'read' the Lifeshard by merging it with their body. In this way they can get all the memories of the dead Killion, adding the store of knowledge together. Although this can be used to gain access to the other's knowledge, spells, and skills, it is mostly used to remember the ones who are lost. They are often enshrined in the families slot in a temple.
The most miraculous part of a Lifeshard is that it contains a piece of the deceased Killion's mind. They can talk to those who read it, relive old memories together, and have conversations, although they forget almost anything that was not a part of their old life. They know that they are dead, and it is said that if a Killion had a heart that talking to a Lifeshard would make it break.
Killion's don't have families, or at least not in the traditional sense. Instead, they have siblings.
A Killion birth is a miraculous thing. Sometimes a Casting Crystal is not harvested from a Crystal Tree. This used to happen more often than it does now.
When it is not the tree will continue to grow more crystals around it, until it eventually blossoms into a full Killion. This process takes years, and if the crystal is disturbed in any way then the unborn Killion will die. The aberrations and fey who live in the forests are loathe to touch one of these crystals, as those who do are cursed with bad luck.
However, humans and shadar-kai will pluck them anyways, as doing so grants greater spellcasting prowess, and more spells that they may call on. Because of this Killion births are slowing more and more.
If a tree can produce multiple Killion these Killion are called siblings. They can read each others Lifeshards, and know each other on sight.
In modern times there are few Killion births beyond those in the birthing forests, one occurring in the wild only one in every twenty years or so. In modern times Killion siblings born from a tree in the wild are unheard of
The birthing forests were created when the trees began to produce fewer and fewer Killion as their crystals were harvested. Several Killion leaders uprooted Crystal Trees and replanted them in the hearts of their great cities where Killion could grow and be born without fear of being harvested. Many Killion form strong loyalties to their cities in this way, saying that they are 'Born of Mendrar' or 'Born of Halligart'. Those few who can proudly add 'Born of the Wild' to their names instead.

A example Killion name is Jax Born of the Wild

2013-10-28, 04:35 PM
Nice! I like the naming system.

2013-10-28, 05:43 PM
thank you. I'm glad that you don't mind my adding to your race info

2013-10-28, 06:06 PM
Not at all! I like the whole crystal tree/birth system. Makes casting crystals seem EVIL. Like using babys to do magic. Cool roleplay opportunities abound.

2013-10-28, 07:18 PM
Makes casting crystals seem EVIL. Like using babys to do magic

My thoughts exactly :smallamused:

2013-10-30, 04:36 PM
Yo. Check out my new world-building thread.

It's right here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=311833).

2013-11-01, 09:37 PM
Addung a new location to my story so adding it over here too.

This is a land at the far edge of the Moonscape.
Here the land grows tall, taller than in any other place in Karoem. Some say that the tallest mountains here reach beyond the sky itself.
Nobody can deny or confirm that rumour, for nobody has ever traveled to the highest of the peaks. The highest reaches are the dens of the Killion scholars. Here Killion mages perform feats of magic to stun and amaze everyone. They research dark secrets and forbidden lores, they commune with the Son the Mother and the Father, and they melt reality to their will.
Or so the rumour goes.
No none Killion has ever made it into the peaks. The passes are deadly, and the lack of oxygen makes it hard to breathe. And you must be at your best when fighting the monsters that lurk there.
Worse than the creatures from the depths of the Chasms, they writhe through the mountains in their sick societies, reaping the travelers where they stand.
There is no future for them. None at all.
However, they cannot breathe the air lower than the peaks or else they would die.
Even most Killions do not dare the passes. Instead, the mightiest of the mages teleport past the foothills to their mountainside fortresses. There, they raise towers and castles, keeps for them to live in, and fill them with animated crystal creatures.
This is again rumour, as no mage will rightly tell of their stronghold, and no none mage has ever seen the inside of one.
This is the Crags of Dawn, so called because from there you can see Dawn sooner than anywhere else in all of Karoem. This is where the sun rises, it is said, despite being in the west.
What lies beyond these peaks nobody knows.

2013-11-03, 05:20 PM
First on page 4! Okay,more lands of Night.

On The farthest shadow,the highest peak of Night,The great Stellar engine works ceaselessly,manned by thirteen ancient men. They have been running the Engine since the beginning of time,and they will run it till the dome of the sky crumbles to dust. The Engine is forged of Nightsteel and shade,goblin wits and demon dance. A host of Night-ghosts and shadow-sprites aid the Thirteen men,dancing their flickering forms up and down the Ladder to the Sky,hanging stars in the heavens. Nobody but the old men know what the stars are made of,and they tell no one but each other,muttering the recipe to themselves,as they feed the Engine Nightmare wood and goblin coal.

No one knows who built the closet Labyrinth,it's corridors running under the length of Night. No one knows why the endless passages of doors exist,yet exist they do,filled with the mad,the ingenious,the hiding,and above all,the mice. Even so,most of the Labyrinth remains empty,inhabited only by monsters. Some say every monster,bogeyman,and Thing under the bed imagined by a child resides here,and the sheer number of threats here deny anyone who tries to disprove this theory.

"Lengths of closets,rows of doors,creeping terrors,hidden horrors.
Lit by lamp,the maze,some say,devours those who run away."

2013-11-03, 05:39 PM
Ooh, I like that. I really like your writing style by the way

2013-11-03, 05:50 PM
And I yours.:smallbiggrin:

Yeah,I'm writing a book for my 8th grade project,so doing stuff like this is excellent practice.

2013-11-03, 07:46 PM
Wait... How old are you? Because if you are only in grade 8 then that is really impressive. Really really impressive. My narrative voice was nowhere near developed by that time and I was still toying around with different font styles to try and make my stories 'unique'

2013-11-03, 08:32 PM
Age? I know that!:smallbiggrin:
I'm thirteen.

2013-11-03, 08:57 PM
Well thats better than me then. I rarely know my age :smalltongue:

Thats really impressive. congrats man. I wish I'd been as good a writer when I was 13. Also wish I'd been into D&D when I was 13, but thats another story...

Guess I'll have to make up for it now :smallbiggrin:

2013-11-03, 09:02 PM
Yeah,I've been into D&D since I was 6 or so.

2013-11-03, 09:07 PM
Lucky man. I got into it in grade nine. Only person I knew who liked it was my uncle, but he never really tried to get us interested.
All those years that I missed out on...
All those 3.5 books I can never get because I didn't know what it was...

We should probably not take this too much further off topic.
Sorry thunderfist!

2013-11-04, 08:44 AM
's alright

Been playing D&D since 5th grade. I'm only a sophomore, as for age.

2013-11-04, 04:55 PM
I'm the oldest one here :smalleek:

And also the last to join D&D, even with my older age. Thats unexpected.

2013-11-04, 08:00 PM
Ok, sorry for the double post but I just remembered that I had done some work on the Shadar-Kai language.

“Namma; Doi shalan ni tome. Mi dholus sar ni kepper. Mi cander doi gharna”
“Son; never let them see you cry. Never forget we love you. We hope you can forgive us”

namma means son, manna means daughter, mamma means father and nanna means mother. Keep the words for family simple and similar.

Shalan is see, or to see.
Tome is cry, or tears.
Doi shalan ni tome is an idiomatic expression; it translates loosely as 'never see you cry' but means 'never let them see you cry'
Ni is a negative, loosely translated as never.
Mi is us or we.
Cander means forgiveness.
Gharna means hope, one of the most powerful words in the Shadar kai language
Doi and Sar are both akin to you. You use different ones depending on what you want to convey.
Kepper is forget or remember depending on the context. You can also add an 'e' making it keppere to make it obvious that you are saying remember
Dholus is love

I'll add more as I come up with it.

2013-11-04, 08:27 PM
"cross choppy sea we sail,
On waves as black as night,
Past islands of dark ebony,and sea-flames hellish light.
We spend our days on sea of tar,
Wondering,following moon or star,
Shunning land and port the same,
Searching for glory,fortune,fame.
And though we might,forgotten,sink,
We sail upon waves as black as ink."

The sea of Pitch surrounds the entirety of the land of night,it's tarry waves lapping up on beaches of red sand. Few sail it,and those that do come our of it changed,speaking of geysers of fire,great abysses,the ocean spilling to fill them like wine in a glass,lurking terrors,and vast treasures hidden in the secret places of the world.

2013-11-14, 07:47 PM
Thunderfist,kreenlover,come back!

2013-11-14, 09:53 PM
I will be back, but not much time these weeks. my PBP games are all on hold too.

Post tomorrow, I promise

2013-11-15, 08:39 AM
I've barely been able to keep up with Conquest lately, but I'llbe back to this thread whenever I can.

2013-11-15, 08:28 PM
I've been mostly focusing on my NaNoWriMo novel, so everything else has been also going slowly.

But here are the Jaznedlen!

Scholars speak of the Jaznedlin in hushed tones, those reserved for monsters so foul that their very existence is a blight on the world.
The Jaznedlin are remnants of an earlier time. They came into being at the beginning. Or so the legends go. The Jaznedlin were the first creatures born on Karoem, deep in its depths, deep at the bottoms of the Core Chasms. They lurked there in the core for millennia, until the moon split the earth forming the Core Chasms.
Then they began to emege. In the wake of the brutal impact of the moon and the wars the people were devastated. The attack by the Jaznedlin devastated them further. But, the Jaznedlin were driven back as they underestimated those on the surface.
The Jaznedlin are supposedly beings of immense intelligence. It is said that they are the ones who spin the aberrations into beings, that they are the ones who corrupt the dreams of the weak and turn them to madness. It is said that they would rival the Mother the Father and the Son in power but for one fact.
During their first invasion they fought. And the threat of these monsters drove The Three to something the none had thought possible; an alliance.
They wove their powers together and cursed the mightiest of the Jaznedlin. Sunlight would burn them, cause them to weaken, and eventually die.
So the Jaznedlin were able to be beaten back, their armies now leaderless, defeated.
But those who think that the Jaznedlin are content to sit in the Core forever, never again challenging the surface are wrong. They merely wait for their plans to bear fruit. And they have plans.
Only the strongest of the Jaznedlin were cursed with this affliction. The weaker ones may still walk the earth, but there are few of these, and they are too valuable to waste. Instead they send their servants, the lesser aberrations to do their work.
The Jaznedlin work with one overwhelming goal; to extinguish the sun and even the stars making a perfect night. When this happens they shall boil from within the Core once more and lay waste to the land.

Honestly I figured that every world needs their own world shattering villains, their own elder gods who seek only to destroy everything should they get their way. The ones to be fought at the end of an epic level campaign when the heroes journey into the depths of the planet itself to do battle with the most horrible creatures known to ever exist. And maybe face some shattering revelations once they get to the depths of the world.

Also, Thunderfist, are you ever planning on running a game in this world? Becuase I would love if you ran a PbP game for us. I think it would be realy fun, and it would also be a good way to flesh out the world as our characters offhandedly mention things or need to find things that have not previously existed

2013-11-18, 04:14 PM
That would be awesome. If you have time,please,PbP!

If not,I might be tempted to start one...with permission,of course.

2013-11-19, 08:41 AM
Since I'm not a very good GM, and I wouldn't have time to make the plots and sub-plots between school, home GM-ing, running Conquest, etc. etc., I guess I'll just PC.

If no one else wants to GM, D20ragon will. (Right?)

2013-11-19, 03:30 PM
Yeah! Unless Kreen wants to.

2013-11-19, 04:32 PM
I can. But if so then I'd like to start it in a bit; maybe early December for a start date?

2013-11-29, 04:52 PM
So you guys still interested in doing a PbP of this?

And anything else that you feel we need to contribute before we start?

"What do you mean you want to hear about the Shadow man? Are you mad? Just saying his name will get you killed, let alone telling his story! No, I shall have no more of it. But, if you really wanted to find out I heard that there is a man who has been looking for a band of adventurers to do some odd jobs for him. From what I've heard he may know something about the Shadow Man. You can likely find him around here sometime in the near future"

2013-11-29, 05:50 PM
Hey kreen! I haven't seen you on GITP for a while.

I should probably fluff out the other lands of Faery, and the rest of Night.

Will you need these for a PbP? If so, I'll get right on it, but otherwise I'll give myself some breathing space.

2013-11-29, 08:21 PM
Hey kreen! I haven't seen you on GITP for a while.

Its only been three days...
And if you wanted to flesh those out, sure. I'll do some more work on the kingdoms this weekend, and then I'll post the recruitment thread. I figure we don't need to flesh this out entirely as thats sorta what the PbP is going to do, right?

2013-11-29, 09:01 PM
Really? Man,my sense of time is messed up. To the internal clock repairsman!

Just wondering. Are homebrewed classes alright with you if they're run by Thunderfist?

2013-11-29, 10:37 PM
Sure. This is built for Pathfinder right? Or 3.5? Which system would you guys want me to run it in?

Also, your church of the d20 sig link doesn't work :smallconfused:

2013-11-30, 07:57 AM
Thanks for telling me. Think I fixed it...

2013-11-30, 01:01 PM
Pathfinder, this is for Pathfinder.

E6 is what I was thinking of doing for power levels in this, and it would definitely end up using Homebrew classes (like Mage and Black Mage).

2013-11-30, 05:12 PM
What is E6?

2013-11-30, 09:23 PM
You play with the capstone being 6th level, instead of 20th. After 6th level, you gain bonus feats ad infinium. It provides a lower power level, though still heroic, fantasy.
It's quite a movement, actually, with many homebrewed classes devoted to it.

2013-11-30, 10:42 PM
Cool. And now I know

2013-12-01, 02:18 PM
Yep, that's E6. When I play it, though, we use a house rule where characters also gain either a bonus skill point or hit point as well as a feat (not just a feat).

Edit: Woohoo! First on page 5!

2015-02-25, 06:33 PM
Wow. I'm looking back on this setting for the first time in... a while. I really want to get back to writing this.

Like before, I'm probably going to need some help. There is still much to be done before Karoem is completely fleshed out.

Hmmm........ just give me time to plot...

2015-02-28, 01:25 PM
Hey, man! I'm still here, lurking under piles of schoolwork.

2015-03-05, 02:26 PM
This thread just dragged me back to active posting after about six months absence.
Screw being busy, I'll find time. Count me in if this is happening.

2015-03-05, 11:03 PM
The three unite again! Fading Echo 2: Electric Boogaloo is in the air.