View Full Version : Community world building where you are the gods 3: the third age

2013-09-17, 04:17 PM
out of the fires of the age of shattered blades, which was named after the war between gods, something that nearly happened in the first age but the pact prevented it.
observations of the war:
Zxy sends armies marching south
Omnissah amasses armies aggressively
other gods join the Omnissah.

the war is long over now, the third age is beginning, and it has a new development, a new age, another world; Project Aetherial. with the Omnissah's destruction, much of his divine magic is gone, what remains un unpredictable at best. this also exposed an unfinished third world. a massive archipelago in an open ocean.

IC: the Omnissah's 5 Greatest Masters of War, each open a seal they where given, the result fused them into one being, the result is a being of near god like power. their first objective is to try and repair the empires of the fought lands.

OOC: The Omnissah is gone, though return is definite, it'll take time

for those who are new to this series, all posts are treated as chronological order, that is the order in which the events happen.

also if you want to introduce your new god, careful you might annoy the ancient gods.

Admiral Squish
2013-09-17, 04:58 PM
OOC: Man, this is still goin'? I don't suppose I could make a return at this point?

2013-09-17, 07:53 PM
OOC: Man, this is still goin'? I don't suppose I could make a return at this point?
Sure, why not? New thread means new (and old) gods.

I plan to show back up as Meadus. Though it depends on what others are doing - got dibs on god of death failing a specific person having it instead.

Admiral Squish
2013-09-17, 08:46 PM
As the new archipelago rises from the sea, the earth rumbles. The sudden change of the landscape awakens Rono from a long sleep in the planet's molten core, and he rises to the surface, changed by the elemental fire of his resting place. The earth bubbled up, the water rolling away as the bubble burst, rivers of molten stone forming a massive volcano.

From the caldera rose Rono, once more as an enormous man of stone, but this time, beneath a thin skin of cooled, black-charred stone, rivers of glowing magma flow, their heat and brightness pulsing like a living heartbeat. As he moves and changes his expression, new cracks and crags form and seal over, his skin constantly changing. The only continual feature is a pair of enormous, glowing emerald orbs for eyes.

The Stone Father looks at the new landscape, his emerald gaze looking out over the endless seas on all sides, only interrupted by a few islands of earth. At first, he is saddened at the lack of materials to work with, but then he looks deeper. There is earth all around, it's just beneath the surface of the water. And there's great potential for life here, as well. With a wave of his hand, the sea floor around his island rises into a broad shelf. Soon an enormous reef springs to life surrounding his volcanic isle, life and stone in harmony.

2013-09-17, 11:49 PM
Amal begins the task of policing the world. His priesthood is now indoctrinated as a police force of sorts. While not actively enemies with None, Amal keeps tabs on as many of the Shadow Diety's affairs. Aurixveargith, on the other hand, is actively looking to battle the Shadow Dragon Vyxauntralus. The two great beast's forces amass in different parts of the world. Out of their conflicts rise more dragons, some of fire, some of ice. These new beasts view all other dragonkind (even each other) as inferior. While still relativley rare compared to the other races of the world, their numbers do grow.
OOC: These new dragons are not specifically red and white, they just represent the elements of fire and ice. Feel free to add more. Im just getting started myself:)

2013-09-18, 08:50 AM
OOC: ok, I am a bit confused... where did this third world come from? A third planet, a different plane or has Ghysa been flooded? allso, that nebula thingie... is the sun a violet cloud or not?

stuff that happens: When people offer to None with a question (he is the god of knowledge after all), he always answers. People wanting to know their future, or what is happening to a loved one right know, or who they should choose to marry, whatever the question None somehow answers it. However, the more important the question, the vaguer an answer you get. None seems to favour cryptic riddles, although he never lies, and the small questions he answers refreshingly blunt.
This sudden divine candour causes a great increase in the number of followers None has, and shrines and temples are finally built to him. (on Ghysa, and in the new world) When that happens, he get's less talkative, because he now simply hasn't got the time two answer all the questions. small questions to None now have 25% chance of being answered, raising to 75% with the right offerings. For the big questions (what's the meaning of live, should I invade that other country, were do the gods get their power from) you have to go to the temple to ask an Oracle.

IC: All the gods suddenly hear None's voice talking right behind them, and after a bit of twisting and turning, they find that it's their own shadow moving on it's own, talking to them. "My beloved fellow gods, I have a matter I would like to discuss. A propossision for change. shall we gather at The Common Grounds, wich Meadus so thoughtfully supplied."

2013-09-18, 10:23 AM
IC: Scileanna

Scileanna is telling a tale here about how he came to find this world.
"Scileanna starts to see this new world in visions. He doesn't know where or how, but he knows he must find it. After many decades of searching, he found someone who knew something about this world, and after many more decades, he find it."

What really happened was a lot less epic, he heard a rumor about it, askes Yahvo, who tells him it's right over here, and teleports him over. They start adding to it as needed.

Anyway, both gods see that there's not much life here, and decide that they want something different. Scileanna heard of some fish people out somewhere, and wants some. Yahvo after awhile goes and gets some, putting them in the water. Scileanna pouts after they died from the water being wrong for them, and Yahvo says no a few more times. After a few thousand years of this, Yahvo finally goes and gets the fish people, and changes them to be able to live in this water.

2013-09-18, 12:02 PM
OOC: third planet if you observe it's origins are located earlier, Project Aetherial of the omnissah.

IC: the 5 dispatch colonists to the archipelago in ships of iron powered by great paddles. though many of the attempts are unsuccessful a few are, setting up ports, where they spread the 5's power who begin to implement some trees and tobacco plants.

2013-09-18, 12:45 PM
Stuff that happens: Since the coming on None, people have been experimenting with travelling to the Plane of Shadows. However the dangers of that grim place made many attemps unsuccelfull. But now the Sfirvneblin have created a seamingly safe method. On a big underground lake, where the veil between the two planes are thinnest, they sail into the Plane of Shadows. They use wood from the Sidhe Grove and their sails are spellwoven from clouds and colours. On the bow a lantern hangs, created from The Gemtree, pieces the Rainbow Prince(ss) willingly gave up. they are lid when they have entered the plane, and their technicoloured light keeps the dangers at bay.
These boots have also found the way through the plane of shadows to The Third World, and the Gnomes and Svirfneblin start to colonize the planet.

A large group of the Elvenkind bought a ticket to the new world, to start a colony for themself. Elfs have always been the underdog on Ghysa, since they were the only race wtihout a patron god. Their aptitude with magic was made rather useless by the grander gift of the Night Goblin. So they decided to leaf Ghysa and make a home for themself on the newly created world. On the long and dark Journey to The New World, they witnessed the vast emptyness and grim power of the Plane of Shadows. They decided, since none of the other gods cared particularly for them, they would devote themself to the master of those shady lands. And to their surprise, None was waiting for them on the shores of the New World. He tells them he heard their sorrows and was moved by them. He is willing to grant them a magic, none of the other races or gods possesed. He thought them the way of the Manyfold Path, the way of the Swordsages, Warblades and Crusaders. they elfs thanked him and vowed to place him at the head of their Pantheon.

Many mortals seek great power, and some of them found their way to None, who had allready brought three new sources of power to Ghysa, Binding, Shadowcasting and Truenaming. And he did give power to some of them, always after consulting his book. To the mortals on the Second World, who complained their world had become to dangerous due to the many abbirations who lived their, he gifted Xenoalchemy. He thaught them how they could use the strengths of his enemies against them.

To a druidic sect on the Second World, who wanted to bring balance back, he gifted the gift of Cycle Warden, so they could bring the natural cycle of the world back to rest.

To the Dwarves of Ghysa, who liked nice things but weren't very good with magic, he gifted the magic of the Artificer, and gave them a letter directing them to Lady Gelrain :smallwink:


I think we should come up with real names for the Second and Third World

1) Ghysa, The Old World, The First World

2) the Mad Lands, The Second World

3) the New World, the Archipelago

P.S. this is the only D&D world that I know of that has more then one habitable planet... I think it's awesome! It also makes the spacetravel of Astrernomists more viable.

2013-09-18, 03:18 PM

To the Dwarves of Ghysa, who liked nice things but weren't very good with magic, he gifted the magic of the Artificer, and gave them a letter directing them to Lady Gelrain :smallwink:
When did we last see Gelrain? My memory is bad but I thought she was a demigod only back on world 1.
Also, Meadus created Artificers but that really doesn't matter too greatly.

I think we should come up with real names for the Second and Third World
I agree. But I think that should be Alexkubel's choice - we didn't name the first or create each of these threads.

If you want Meadus at the meeting, you had better ring the bell - he doesn't have a shadow or physical form most of the time.

I'm currently playing with several ideas for my new portfolio but I need Death by DM to respond before I do.

2013-09-18, 03:20 PM
New world:since Amal has control of Truenaming, he guards the magic with great care, only naming those devout to his faith as truenamers. He makes them the lieutenants of his divine police force of the new world.
The Mad Lands: The God of Light and Protection keeps close vigil on this land of nightmares. His worship is one of the few comforts to the sentient creatures of this twisted land
Ghysa: The worship of Lukelyot is still prevalent, even in death. Amal is looked upon as a prophet of the Undying Protector's word. People begin to make pilgrimages to the Archipelago to hear the words of Amal.

2013-09-18, 05:27 PM
IC: the 5, realising the power of true naming begin counter method, the art of false naming is created, false naming obscures the truename of the target or changes the truename slightly meaning the target's truename is not as it is known. this is most effective with newer beings, an old ruin is far harder to falsename then an baby.

2013-09-18, 06:15 PM
Amal's clerics take this as an affront to the power of their god. The priesthood begins to start a war against the priesthood of the five. Amal in the meantime, will summon the 5 for a meeting.

Admiral Squish
2013-09-18, 08:13 PM
As the great reef grows and life springs up around it, Rono decided to create something more... interesting. And so he creates the Taklobo (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=289947), living beings surrounded by a skin of organic stone, with a massive pearl for a mind. They soon inhabit the various bays and lagoons of the main volcanic island, though some of their eggs float out to sea, washing ashore to inhabit islands all through the archipelago.

2013-09-19, 12:23 PM

There's now a third world...

So, I guess the starship-thingy is...

From that one! I did say Vyx made another world, so, just to make sense of it, this could be that world!

Higher tech would be necessary for this era, then.

2013-09-19, 01:29 PM
but I thought on that world, Vyx was plotting his revenge? And didn't the Omnissah make this world?
BTW: are the Five still gods of scientific progress like the Omnissah? because I have a plan for the higher tech setting that involved the Omnissah, but would work with any god of science and progress (though the Omnissah was perfect :D)

EDIT: okee, I will no longer try to shroud my plans in mystery, because they would change the way this setting works. I wanted to introduce Gramarie to this setting. (for those who've never heard of it, it's an awesome homebrew created by Kellus, on these very forums. It's Magitek developed in unbelieveble detail and complexity... needless to say I'm a fan :smallbiggrin:) I think it would be fun and it would really make this Era different from the last too. What do you people think?
here a link: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=291019

2013-09-19, 02:05 PM
OOC: Introduce what you like. I think magic systems is about the only area that we haven't just created whole cloth and even then we've come mighty close several times.

But we have several races that don't look familiar, as well as classes and monsters and yeah, knock yourself out.

And, I likewise thought it was the "letter J" 's world that we were using now.

Meadus travels to the plane of the past (OOC: yeah I'm bringing it back!) and gathers supplies. He takes great swaths of the planes made by [whatever that sleeping god of the planes is called] and attaches great chains of his own design. Slowly, for days and centuries, as time doesn't flow correctly in the plane of the past, he pulls gathering the various planes together. Eventually, he pulls so mightily that the planes coalesce in the present. He pulls further, into the future - beyond and after the mortal world in every respect. It is a process that requires great effort from Meadus, but one that eventually results in new planes being formed.

He molds these planes into what he needs; taking the tortoise and Citadel and placing it at the heart of a pleasant and goodly realm. Then taking the remaining bits and pieces for his prison and forming another. He takes golems and exemplars (OOC: those green skinned things) and sets them on watch with instructions to elevate and police the inhabitants of both planes, two sides of the same coin.

On the third world, a new cult appears, the cult of life and death, proclaiming that through worship of the Old god Meadus that any mortal can attain immortal life in the hereafter. The first cult leader is given a lantern with a long chain, which becomes the symbol of the cult.

2013-09-19, 03:16 PM
OOC: Tovec! None just wanted to introduce the idea of an afterlive, but Meadus beat him to it. (BTW he even asked all the gods for a converence, but it seems everyone ignored him :C)
Also, I now envision the Plane of Plane's Past as a few confusing planes placed overlaying eachtoher, with an harmonic centre. (I mean, Meadus didn't recrete the Entire plane right?)

iC: None laughes when he hears about Meadus afterlive. He watches the pages of his Tome as the futures realign themselves. "Finally, this world was encredibly late with getting afterlives. Well, I beter get to bussy creating my own personal Valhalla."

2013-09-19, 03:51 PM

OOC: Tovec! None just wanted to introduce the idea of an afterlive, but Meadus beat him to it. (BTW he even asked all the gods for a converence, but it seems everyone ignored him :C)
Yeah, they tend to do that. I told you, Meadus doesn't have a shadow - so you needed to ring the bell or otherwise talk to him but I would have shown up.

Also, I now envision the Plane of Plane's Past as a few confusing planes placed overlaying eachtoher, with an harmonic centre. (I mean, Meadus didn't recrete the Entire plane right?)
Unless someone destroyed it, the plane of the past was always there. Meadus just used pieces of it, mostly geography, and fashioned a new afterlife plane - a single plane with two parts - kind of like Bytopia or something. I haven't worked out exactly how it'll work but I decided to be the god of death and this is how I do it without going all 'all things die/negative energy' that was done before.

The plane of the past just is. With things that are past going there automatically, exactly how I perceive afterlife to work.

iC: None laughes when he hears about Meadus afterlive. He watches the pages of his Tome as the futures realign themselves. "Finally, this world was encredibly late with getting afterlives. Well, I beter get to bussy creating my own personal Valhalla."

And, I quite expected that other gods would make their realms. I expected that back in the first one but it never came up other than Omin? (God of Runes whatever his name is)'s Library. I'm forgetting all these names again, I have a terrible memory for names but I remember minor details like the plane of the past and how I decided Meadus spent an eternity there - but showed back up after not too long on the prime plane so thus non-linear time.

So, the idea being that the dead basically go straight to afterlife - as it is the world after and not happening at the same time as now. Kind of like the plane of the past, except of the future, kind of. Afterlife, Plane of the Future maybe?

And the lantern given to the cult is the same as what I gave to Lukylot. Or rather another one but of the same basic design - meant to help (in this case) ghosts or restless spirits.

The one thing we don't have is a proper outer planes cosmology which is kind of funky. Even I haven't really decided where Meadus' home was, if it really exists or where he goes when he isn't around - 'cus again, Meadus has no real body - just the conduit when he needs a physical form.

2013-09-19, 04:34 PM

Sorry if I'm misreading this, but you're saying that we can each make our own plane? Cool! If so

Yahvo sees these new planes appear, and decides he wants one. he goes and gets/makes one and names it "The plane of there" in which all of space in condensed to "right over there" and so you can get "there" with ease.

IC: Scileanna
Scileanna also wants one. He makes/chooses one, and names it the "plane of sound" in which you can play any song you can think. This often makes them go mad trying to make the song in the real world sound like the song in the "plane of sound" so he adds some of the worms from the old world to help keep them sane. About 10,000 are lost in this plane, but they are most definitely sane!

2013-09-19, 08:02 PM
Amal will appear in front of None. "You rang, trickster? I apologise for my late reply. I had ... business to attend to. Important policing matters. What is it you require?"

Admiral Squish
2013-09-19, 08:23 PM
Rather than creating an alternate plane for his afterlife, Rono grants his followers the 'embrace of earth' upon their demise. The truly faithful who die find their bodies are engulfed by the earth drawn down through the stone, fossilized over a long period before emerging into an enormous subterranean cavern of immense natural beauty. Massive spires of crystal emerge all about, glowing gemstones are set into the walls. Here the faithful live forever as living fossils, animate stone likenesses of themselves. Some clerics are even returned to the surface to further spread the word of his faith.

2013-09-19, 08:41 PM
Amal will not create an afterlife per se, but will have his faithful begin service as his soldiers in his ministry of defense. They don't have to serve eternally, but they can re-up if they can if they so choose. He will create a plane and turn that into his police HQ. It will be called the Palace of Light.

2013-09-20, 12:54 PM
IC: "Never Mind, Amal. My question has been rendered obsolete. " None places a mask of a woman smiling sadly on his face."It is clear that others don't hold laws of our world, what's dead must pass on and don't create your own planes in as high a regard as I do. Although to be fair this last rule was enforced by the God of Worlds beyond Worlds, who has been slumbering for millenia. By the way, you were talking about your policing. What diabolic scheme will you wage war on next, free will?"

Stuff that happens: the Gnomes have now started a profittable buisiness of ferrying people across the planes

2013-09-20, 02:49 PM
IC: the 5 are wary, knowing that amal does not approve of them for their militaristic over alarm. begin to just moniter life and balance out conflicts so that they never raise to a great war. False naming as an practice slowly declines but is still used by spies.

interestingly cults of the Omnissah begin to worship Lukelyot.

2013-09-20, 09:42 PM
By the way, you were talking about your policing. What diabolic scheme will you wage war on next, free will?[/COLOR]"

Amal draws his sword, and has it to None's throat before None has a chance to react." Pick your next words carefully. I will not be insulted. Ever. I am the source of good, light, and protection in this world and other worlds. You are a source of darkness and hidden things, you couldn't possibly understand why I do what I do. I am the guardian of all things, and I will protect them at all cost!" Amal spits the following words thrugh gritted teeth." Never... question... my methods." With that ominous threat, None will notice the light that surrounds Amal flicker for just a second. After sheathing his sword, Amal leaves without any other words.

2013-09-20, 09:46 PM
interestingly cults of the Omnissah begin to worship Lukelyot.

Amal has a strange reaction to a resurgence in the worship of Lukelyot. It confuses him. Why would people worship a dead god of protection. Amal is the source of all light now. Lukelyot was a great power to be sure, but he was dead nonetheless. Amal has a flash of anger' but it subsides as quickly as it flashed. He goes back to his normal routine. He does not notice (either purposely or not, no one can tell for sure) that his momentary flash of anger destroys a small, unpopulated portion of a forest.

2013-09-22, 10:37 AM
The cults of the omnissah will begin to be monitered by amals (living)police forces, while his dead police will begin to police the different astral planes for errant spirits, therefore beginning to reduce wayward spirits in the different afterlifes.

2013-09-22, 02:28 PM
None feels the cut at his throat, a thin line above his Adam's apple. He could easily heal it, but he decides not to. He even goes so far as to make it permanent. (It must be said, that the scar is only visible in None's human form, and in his form of Darkness. In the latter it is shows as a line of light). Whenever someone asks him about the cut, he simply says Amal did it, but refuses to say anything else about it.

The rumours run wild. Some say None confronted Amal with a lie, and demanded Truenaming back, which Amal had refused. Others say Amal wanted to destroy None, because he was the god of darkness, but failed. A few even say Amal wanted more power, and when None refused him, he attacked. A few stray bards even say None won, and that Amal was harmed more in the fight than The Master of Shadows.

In a few places, people start to rebel against the controlling church of Amal, especially on the New World, where a lot of people came for a freedom they could not have in own country. There are three powerful groups among these adversaries:

1) 'The Light Blinds' is a group of philosophers and upper class liberals. They want freedom of speech, freedom of press (on a totally unrelated note, the press has been invented) and open economics. They mostly just sit in their salons and talk, but being a follower of Amal becomes out of style for the upper classes, especially among the youngsters. The Shining Church can no longer count on the steep discounts they used to, and lose their natural superiority when decisions in larger towns have to be made.
2) 'The Masked' is a collective name for several groups who all have similar methods, though their ideas vary. The thing they all have in common is that they want to take the power away from the Shining Church of Amal. Some are purely anarchistic, but many have democratic goals. They are the most aggressive of the oppositions, not shy to destroy churches, or steal from their supplies. Some of them even use a lot of lethal force. All of them are masked in some way, hence the name. But the kinds of masks differ. one group uses the same masks None has, and call themselves his hand. (None has denied all involvement, and since he can't lie, most people believe him) Another group wears masks made to liken people killed by The Shining church, which they deemed innocent. In some metropolitan environment, all masks are the same, to show that race and culture did not matter, and they were united against Amal.
3) 'The Truth Revealed' is a populist movement, with followers among the common people of all the three planets. On Ghysa, they try to convince people to stop worshipping Amal, and go back to worshiping Noctus. They speak of the Light of the Moon who guides everyone, without bringing so many obligations and rules. They form great peasant armies, trying to bring down the local theocracies and monarchies to bring the power to the people. On Second World, their tactics are much the same, though 'the Truth Revealed' focusses more on the fact that the Madlanders have always taken care of themselves, and they don't need a god to protect them and tell them what to do.
On the New World, the 'Revealers' help the colonies revolt against their fatherlands. Many of them also stop worshipping the 'Gods of Ghysa' and adopt a more naturalistic fate of worshipping sea and sky. Druids and Spirit Shamans are more common on The Archipelago.

None, meanwhile, isn't busy with politics at all. He has been creating his own afterlife.
A gnome captain traded the Prismatic Lantern of his boat with None for the ability to cross the plane of Shadows Completely save. None turned him, his ship and his (willing) crew into materials native to the plane of shadows, so that none of the creatures living their attacked them anymore. This ship is called the Grey Wind, and is the fasted way to travel between the planets besides teleporting.
None used the magic, the colour and the live inside the prismatic lantern to create his divine realm in the dimmest place of the Plane of Shadows, The Deep Shade. He uses a piece of the body of the Godd(es) of Beauty to create a perfect place. It is built for pleasure and rest, in whatever way you may prefer. I could try to describe what's in there, but words would fail. He calls this place the Reward, or the Promised Lands

Now, None is busy gathering people for in Promised Lands. He seeks out the persons who are really good at what they do. He tells them that in his afterlife, they can forever do what they love. They will never run out of material, have no deadlines and can perfect everything they do. The only catch is that he retains the right to give them orders to work for him, once every decennium. He seeks out the tired: The slaves, labourers, the servants. He offers them an eternity of resting in his plane of pleasure, with one day a year in which he can ask them to work for him.
He seeks out the dying, and offers them a hundred year delay of the unknown afterlife which awaits most people. (those who do not believe particularly strong in any god). In those hundred years they have to work for him, with one day free on the material plane every year.

To his Elves he offers a different afterlife. These elves have become fearsome Pirates on the New World. they found a material, a growing mineral they call Nullcristal in underwater caves. It's very light and has the special ability to absorb spells, powers and meldshapes who enter its range. The Elves detest Magic, Psionics and Incarnum, since those things belonged to other gods who did not help the elves. They plate their ships with the Nullcristal, and using The Sublime Way, they become very apt in entering ships and capturing their passengers. None offers them a chance to forever sail the darkness of the Plane of Shadows, protect his divine realm and terrorize the travellers on the plane of shadows who have not made an offering to him.

One of the Elven Cities now also starts to worship Amal, and create a Church that combines the faith in Amal and None. In the centre of town, they build a giant pillar of marble and obsidian. On the top of the pillar, there is an obsidian statue of Amal and a Marble statue of None in his masked form. The inscription on the pillar reads: (The Brighter the Light, the Darker the Shadow. The Harsher the Truth, the Subtler it's Worded. The Greater the Fight, The Better the Planning. Light and Shadow, Morality and Logic, Guide us)

EDIT: whoops. sorry for casting Wall of Text on you guys :P)

2013-09-22, 03:34 PM
IC: an unexpected event occurs 1 of the five seizes up, their body turns into rock.

it has been known to only a select few what the Omnissah's Followers after life was for almost all of time, but by chance it becomes revealed. Obliviatus a realm that the soul remains completely unaware of the passage of time, more akin to blacking out to those who are revived. the actual discovery of what the pane is like being exposed to the masses, is caused by an accidental resurrection when an alchemist doing experiments of a corpse resurrects them, the resurrection repairs skin tissue and brings them back to health.

2013-09-22, 03:41 PM
Alexhubel, do the five have the same portfolio as the Omnissah? Are the five the gods of scientific progress?

2013-09-22, 04:04 PM
Amal's frustration turns toward anger. Why would any one question their protector? How could the people think they didn't need the protection of the Shining Church? The light begins to flicker around him again. His anger doesnt go away as easily this time. He calls up the lowest of his guards, and relieves them of duty. These guards were handpicked as devout followers of Amal, so they were devastated when they were released from service. They asked why they were released, and Amal responded " The people do not trust you, you have failed." These spirits became twisted by anger and grief. They went to the New world and became warped by envy and hate. They became specters. Undead have found their way to the new world. Amal alerts his forces to let the undead pass as they wish. If the people do not appreciate the protection of The Light, they will not recieve it. Only those that atone for their sins will recieve aid.
On a side note, Amal will tell the truth of the encounter with None, going so far as to make it a holy scripture. HE says None insulted him, and None was told never to insult Amal or his methods again.

2013-09-22, 04:12 PM
Amal's clerics notice that not many people are approving of their actions. After several decades of decline in worship, They notice more people turning to worship of the dead Lukelyot (or more accurately, his principles) or Noctus. The clerics are confused. Amal is furious. He orders members of the Truth Revelaed Destroed on sight. After a while, clerics of the shining one are ordered to attack and detain ( and if necessary, destroy) anyone who is speaking out against the shining church. Many of his clerics leave his priesthood when this happens, citing disgust at this proclimation. They are captured and tried as traitors.He teleports to None's front door. "NOOOOOOONEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! YOU AND I WILL HVE WORDS!!!!!"
Meanwhile, Aurixveargith has distanced herself from Amal, focusing more on the affairs of the dragons in the north.

2013-09-22, 04:55 PM
None casually walks out of his front door, and meets with Amal. they are now far in the Deep Shade, and None has to come very close to Amal in order to see him. "You called, my dear?" this place is not completely dark, because they are so near to the Promised Lands, and their is enough light for Amal to see None's youthful human face, and the cut he made in his throat

2013-09-23, 07:17 AM
Amal does not look like what None remembers. His plate mail is black with red trim, instead of silver with gold. His hair is wild looking and unkempt. His eyes glow red and his sword is jagged and rusty. "You have turneed them against me. You must di-" with that Amal stops, his eyes go blank. None will stare a minute or two, and Amal will turn back to his normal self. "What have you done trickster? Why am I here? Why do I sense much suffering of the peoples of the world? Have you finally declared your war on the world, like I knew you would? WHY AM I HERE, TRICKSTER! TELL ME!"

2013-09-23, 10:46 AM
None turned up his nose at an the display of uncontrolled emotion.
"Well you are not here by any plot of me, that for sure. And I have not turned against the world, Amal, you have." None's form changed and he was a swirl of rags, with two sleeves raised. At the end of the sleeves were two masks, an snarling demon and a defient looking angel. "You áre the monster you were hunting. But I'm sure Noctus will let you atone, if you ask nicely" when Amal still looks confused, even angry, he sighs and the masks and cloak vanishesm until only normal None is left. "Well, I will not give away everything, but let's say you have to look at your complete parentage, and stop denying"

2013-09-23, 10:55 AM
Rage once again consumes Amal. His visage changes to the dark again."YOU INSULT? YOU DIE!!!!". He grabs None by the throat. He draws the rusty blade and jams it through None's gut. Amal then reverts to his knightly visage and stares in horror at what he sees. None run thruogh on the blade of the Shining Knight.

2013-09-23, 11:28 AM
None looks at the sword run trough him, and then back at Amal. He leans forward and kisses him on the cheek. Then Amal hears a voice behind him. "So you did stab me. Funny, their were multiple outcomes for conversation, and I was hoping you would have just left." When Amal turns around, he sees None standing a few feet away from him. "This is my realm, Amal, I am the Plane of shadows. You won't slay me here." None vanishes, and a path of light, similar to the ones running across Nones black form, appears at you feet. "Leave. It's not a far game if the pawns of one of the players have deserted him"

2013-09-23, 12:35 PM
Amal leaves. Horrified not only that he saw his own blade thrust throgh None"s belly, but also because he didn't remember doing it.
Rumors of another confrontation between Amal and None spread throughout the worlds. Amal refuses to speak of the confrontation. When pressed, he becomes angry, and leaves. His anger is now becoming legendary, his original followers have all but abandoned him. Even worse, beings who seek to become tyrants and despots begin to venerate his methods of order as a model for conquest and control. He is distraught. He is saddened at what he has become. Then , at his lowest point, he looks inward for what to do, all he can hear is a voice calling for destruction and death. He finally snaps, he transforms again, but now in addition to his armor and weapon changing, his face also changes. A form of a hideously deformed man, teeth like knives, eyes of burning fire. Hair of the color of blood. He cries out in frustration MAL WILL DESTROY ALL! his dogma changes to the word of destruction and death. People who study history will see this dogma as familiar. They read of an old, dead god who preached the same dogma. His name, however is lost to time.

2013-09-23, 01:54 PM
Amal feels a tap upon his shoulder, one of the five asks the question. "Rage is what kills you, why do you fall to it?

2013-09-23, 02:40 PM
That member of the five will see the being turn around to face him. This is no longer amal. The being screams"MAL WILL DESTROY ALL!" before that member can react, Mal cleaves him in twain.

2013-09-24, 01:08 PM
Now known simply as Mal, the diety begins to spread a message of destruction. He fathers more evil, destructive dragons that spreas his unholy word. Aurixveargith gathers the silver and gold dragons to help protect the people.

2013-09-25, 07:17 AM
the old dragons of the world, the fire dragons and the Ice dragons, now also take a side in the baatle. The fire Dragons created by Solzn choose the side of Mal. Solzn was the god of Tyranny, fire and power, and they see mutch of their god in Mal. The Ice dragons life to protect and guide the lesser races, so the feel obliged to help out their golden and silver kindred.

2013-09-26, 01:04 AM
Mal accepts the worship of the ancient fire dragons. Those, along with the black dragons he created, form the backbone of his army of destruction. He begins to have moments where his closest followers see him almost lament his change, but he shrugs it off immeiately. His worshippers grow stronger on the material plane.

2013-09-26, 12:45 PM
with one of their number gone, the 4 remaining members of the five begin to organise peacekeeping forces, their priests preaching the horrors of war.

the energy infusing the dead member of the 5 pretty much disappears untraceable. an faintly glowing light is seen floating around near a newly founded city, Carmar'as the city of Carmar'as regularly hosts competitions of skill of many forms, from duelling to ancient art of alchemy, creating potions of Madrid effects.

with the god of Alchemies decline, so has it's power.

Admiral Squish
2013-09-26, 06:24 PM
The earth father sighs as one of his brothers fades into madness, and an earth elemental is formed in Mal's presence. Speaking through the earthen doll, Rono speaks, his voice rumbling the stone beneath their feet. "I warn you, furious one. End your rampage now, or the very earth will become your foe."

2013-09-26, 11:43 PM
The elemental is reduced to rubble in seconds. Mal turns to his followers."MY FOLOWERS! WE MARCH ON THE ONE WHO WOULD THREATEN MY POWER! FOR THE GLORY OF MY WRATH!". His army of destruction marches and lays waste to everythhing in their path. His dragons take to the skies and rain down destruction to all living creatures. The gold, silver, and ice dragons attempt to stop, but must make a tactical retreat due to the sheer numbers of the Lord of Wrath's army.

Admiral Squish
2013-09-27, 09:04 AM
The earth trembles in fear as Rono's fury is awakened.

There are no armies to be raised, no grand march upon Mal's forces. In each city, the ground shakes. Suddenly, at the very same instant, every temple devoted to Mal's worship is consumed, enormous sinkholes opening suddenly beneath them, drawing the temples below the earth and then closing on them. Anyone unlucky enough to be within them is crushed under tons of earth. The resealed sinkholes are covered in black, volcanic stone.

Then the earth god turns his attention to the followers. As Mal's great army marches, the ground below them turns from packed earth to uncooperative sand, every step of the march suddenly laborious and slow. Then the soldiers begin to sink, the sand drawing them down, pulling at their feet. As the soldiers panic and struggle to escape, they only sink faster, their weapons and armor only hastening their descent into Rono's embrace, where they swiftly suffocate. Even those that aren't with the main force find the ground below them turning to quicksand, swiftly sucking them down. Not even the dragons can escape the embrace of Rono. They can fly for ages, true, but they must land eventually. And the earth is patient. When the gruesome task is complete, the earth hardens once more into black, volcanic stone, the blighted land remaining forevermore as a warning of what happens when you anger the earth. The main, largest field is henceforth known as Mal's Folly.

2013-09-27, 09:36 AM
As Yahvo awakes from a long nap, he sees that stuff happened. He looks around, and asks a few questions, but sees that it was nothing much, and goes back to sleep.

2013-09-27, 11:18 AM
Mal will teleport in front of Rono in his palace of stone." Earth Father, you have taken the coward's route. First, you and the other gods took from me the people I swore to protect. Then you take the people who saw my way as the correct way. You, None, The Five, all of you have some vendetta against me. I now know what I must do. DIE!". With that statement, he lunges at Rono. The two mighty dieties fight for what to them seems like minutes, but is years for the world. While the two gods fight and grapple tooth and claw, the planet has multiple volcanoes erupt, earthquakes that destroy entire cities, and other inclement hazards of nature. Mal strikes Rono with a mighty blow that sends the Earth Father to his knees. As strong as he is, his power is no match for Mal's unbrideled fury. As Mal draws his sword to strike the final blow, he stops. Rono looks up, confused. He sees a light in Mal's eyes, somewhat familiar. Not the light of Amal, but of a more familiar diety. He then hears a familar voice come from Mal, but the voice is not Mal's or Amal's. It speaks "heeeelllp meeeee.... beee freeeeee" before Mal is once again in control. This momentary lapse allows enough time for Rono to summon the power of the Earth to Strike at Mal. Mal is sent reeling. Mal in his fury teleports away. He then sets sights on the only other diety who could have (in Mal's mind, at least) caused that and all these other moments of weakness where someone else's voice came from his mouth: None. I WILL KILL YOU, TRICKSTER! ANSWER MY CHALLENGE FOR COMBAT!" Mal waits patiently for None to arrive at Mal's Folly.

2013-09-27, 02:21 PM
With male army blunted the remaining four begin to organise rebuilding (again).

Alchemical golems begin to start acting strangely occasionally. Reason unknown.

One of the remaining four heads to none

Admiral Squish
2013-09-27, 10:36 PM
OOC: I'm not fond of being puppeteered like that for the fight. Rono is a primal being, the first god to arrive upon the first world, with immense power.

IC: Rono, saddened by the actions he had to take, reaches into the molten fire of the earth and thrusts it up, bringing fresh molten stone into the caldera of his volcanic isle. And then he put out the call to all races and all peoples. Those that seek to preserve the balance, to fight against those who would destroy the world, are to come to the volcano and request Rono's blessing.

The first to arrive is a human, a female soldier who stood against Mal's forces until Rono's Embrace claimed them. Rono takes the human in one great, stony hand, raises her up, then lowers her into the molten stone. The human's body is consumed int he fire, but her soul remains, now inhabiting the molten stone that consumed her flesh. She emerges from the molten stone as a pelemana (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=236527), one of Rono's enforcers. She becomes the first of many, and remains upon the isle, training and guiding those who seek to become one of Rono's chosen. Those who pass the training are sent out into the world as agents of Rono, preserving balance between nature and civilization, between the minions of the gods, and between the races of the world.

2013-09-28, 09:36 AM
The gates of the Promised lands open for Mal, a long hallway stretches infront of him. All the walls are made by some kind of dark glass, but the reflections are very clear. But the reflections aren't all Mals. Some are the reflection of Amal in shining armour, and others show Lukelyot. at the centre of the doorway, a note lies on a pedistal. "Dear Mal, I am at the end of this hallway, come and get me. Dear Lukelyot. though we never met in person, we are very much alike. we are both three aspect gods. Unite your aspects under one will, as I did, or let them fall apart into different beings. This schizoid coalition will eventually ruin you. Dear Amal, The only way to stop this madness is to kill yourself. Mal will parish with you."

When the gates of the promised lands open for the one of the four, they lead to None immidiatly. He is quietly drinking tea, and watching a door opposit to the gate through which the one of the four came.

2013-09-28, 01:25 PM
Dear Mal, I am at the end of this hallway, come and get me.

Mal charges in toward None. " YOU DIE LORD OF SHADOWS! FACE ME AT LAST!!!!!

2013-09-28, 02:07 PM
As Ma; charges through the hallway, he keeps seeing Amal and Lukelyot in the mirrors, which sparks something in his brain.but he shrugs it of and bursts through the door at the end of the hallway. He reenters the Plane of Shadows. at first, the sudden dimness makes him think their is no-one around, but then he sees None. and None. and None."Good Evening, and hello to you" the three forms of None speak in Unison. They form a triangle around Mal. None black form is infront of Mal, his human form is at mal left flank, his form of rags and masks at his right flank. "I'm here, Mal, you wanted to kill me over some sleight, right?." "Amal, I know you are in there. Stab Mal. Stab yourself in the heart""Lukelyot, make use of this commotion, take control over your body oncemore!"

2013-09-28, 02:53 PM
Mal raises his blade to strike all the forms of None down, but stops. None is awaiting the blow with his eyes closed. He opens them to see a light coming from Mal's eyes. Mal is frozen. He speaks " heeeellpppp....mmmmeeeee..." the voice of Amal is what None hears. Then another voice Comes from Mal's mouth "Help us defeat the beast. He has grown strong and smart. Without my power, I can do nothing. Find the negasp-" Mal takes control once again. "YOU KEEP MAKING ME LOSE CONTROL. YOU MUST DIE!. The enraged diety swings and misses, this momentary distraction long enough for None to parry the blow. Mal bellows in rage, and charges again.

2013-09-28, 02:57 PM
the member of the four remaining arrives using some of the power they have access to, to teleport to the plane of shadow, they are dressed not for a fight but to try and calm Mal down, they stand aside for the confrontation to happen, hoping they aren't needed.

2013-09-29, 10:59 AM
the three forms of None keep circeling around Mal, dodging his blows and trying to awaken Amal and Lukelyot.
__________________________________________________ _________
None sighs, and watches the visage of himself fighting with the former god of light. "This isn't working... I can only keep him busy untill someone brings the Negaspark so we can empower Lukelyot to break free." He turns to the Four, who are casualy drinking tea alongside None. in the center of the table, a dark orb hangs, in wich Mal and the three forms of None can be seen fighting. None turns inky black and raises his hand. "But I have to adapt the Illusion constantly, otherwise Mal will find out." He touches the orb, and the scene changes. None's forms flee in three different directions into a labyrinth. Mal runs after None's human form, and the Four can suddenly see the every wall of the maze is covered with mirrors. Some show Mal, but others show Amal, The Wanderer, Kythr and Lukelyot. None turns his featureless face towards the Four again. "I have taken quite a liking in Amal, so please, spread the word among the mortals that the gods need their help." he raises a finger in a very depantic maner, as a mask of a sad young man covers his face. "But don't try and touch it yourself. As Gods created from positive divine energy, the negaspark and your own divine spark will both wink out of existence." None turns to dark orb again. "Humans don't have that problem, since they have no divinity"

OOC: to all the other gods. you do not have to fix this. Blelliot and I have an idea to base a module around this.

2013-09-30, 03:24 AM
OOC: when dmwithoutpcs and I hash out some details about this module, we will need some players for the game. Never done a play by post, so this will be interesting.
IC: Mal chases the forms of None throughout the maze. Just when he thinks he has him, None slips away. Mal's rage grows. None's power is strained to its limit just trying to keep Mal's fury contained.

2013-09-30, 07:44 AM
But... the negaspark is in the Home Star...

Awesome. Planar/space adventure module.

2013-09-30, 07:59 AM
Well that gives me an expectation of how high level this module will go. Mmight need to make several parts:-) oh, and I'm the first on page three this time;-)

2013-09-30, 08:52 AM
Can you help ,e refresh my memories... When was the Negaspark brought to the Homestar... I'd look it up, but I have no Idea were to look... (BTW what is the Homestar... that spaceship Vyxauntralus created?)

2013-09-30, 04:23 PM
The star the planets orbit is the Home Star. When Grognir, the last god of death, madness, fire, etc. died, the sparks went there. It seems as though the uncaptured sparks of the gods are being fed into this star...

You guys made it when Vyx destroyed the first sun, in the Second Age (or ages, because about five ages came and went in thread two).

2013-10-02, 08:50 AM
Because None will be tied up for a while, I'll make a New god.

Nathal Eshariant (mostly called Nathal), Goddess of Nature, the Sea and Storms.

As I said a few threads ago, the people on the Archipellago start to worship Nature itself, and "Nature" gained so mutch divine energy it spawned itself a Divine Spark!

As Nathal Emerges from the soil of one of the small islands that litter The New World, she is Saddened by the near absense of land. She wants more material to work with. She start to dance across The Archipellago and sings new landmasses into existance. But she doesn't want to replace the sea, she loves the ocean as well, so she places them in the sky and creates the soon to be famous Flying Isles of Nathal. Her Masterpiece is the grand continent she places above an empty batch of water (from now on called the Shadow Sea). the mortlas start to call this continent The High Ground. Nathal lands on the High grounds and sings plants and animals to live, and quickly fills up the whole continent. The other flying she leaves bare, so nature itself can fill them

2013-10-02, 11:29 AM
Okay, Vyx will take too long to get here at this rate, as he's busy ravaging/conquering working on ravaging/conquering the other two worlds off-scene while the gods have their back turned, and, mor currently, trying to wake Old Migorid to destroy the Worlds like it was prophesied (yes, I'm making up a prophecy or two for the necessity of it again), so he'll be awhile.

|*Cough, cough*|

So... how about that game on Sunday?


2013-10-02, 11:33 AM
Okay, Vyx will take too long to get here at this rate, as he's busy ravaging/conquering the other two worlds off-scene while the gods have their back turned, and, mor currently, trying to wake Old Migorid to destroy the Worlds like it was prophesied (yes, I'm making up a prophecy or two for the necessity of it again), so he'll be awhile.

|*Cough, cough*|

So... how about that game on Sunday?


I'm sorry, what? Except if you are talking about two world who haven't been discovered yet, no "Off-scene" exists. All the gods have followers on all the worlds, so if something happens on one of them, they will know. If Vyx does something, post it.

eehm, what game on Sunday? Did I miss something?

BTW I love your new picture, though I find it a bit confusing, since it looks like Lukelyot (scythe and lantern) and your god is Vyxauntralus

2013-10-02, 11:42 AM
Sorry, working on ravaging/conquering, not conquering. The ships are still getting there. Part of my post must have gotten removed.

The "game on Sunday" thing was an attempt at a subject change. Vyx has no need of meddling gods (although Thunderfist doesn't care).

Also, my avatar is a scarecrow, a la MTG. I used them as a race for Fading Echo (WIP, in World-Building). I was going top have a dragon-esque avatar, but the project was abandoned (apparently).

2013-10-02, 12:03 PM
aah okey, I was confused... "huh, since when is Vyx conquering worlds...)
But No, Vyx will take a while,so do you want to make another god for the meantime?

2013-10-04, 11:13 AM
this is the way the High Grounds is filled

The Highlands: A great mountainous area in the north of the continent. It has great pockets of minerals locked deep within the stone, but the area has a lot of vulcanic activity (this works because magic) and is very stormy. She gives the souvereinity over these lands to Fire, Storm and Earth Elementals.
The Wald: starting at the slopes of the Highlands in the north, and reaching the Cracked Isles in the far south, the Wald covers the entire east of the High Grounds. In the north it's a pine forrest, but in the south other trees have rooted aswell. Nathal gave the government of the Wald to the Seely Fey and awakend animals and a Druidic sect dedicated to her.
The Flats: a long strech of sunswept field rnage from the middle of the continent to the whole southern edge. the largest part is a grand savana, but some of it is a dessert. These area's she gift's to her followers, but with some conditions. They will share their lands with Spirits, who they have to honour, and they shouldn't ask to much of nature
The Inner Sea: at the centre of the High Grounds lies the Inner sea. It's actually a lake, since the water isn't salty, but because of it's vastness it is called a sea. At it's bottem, their is a Eternal Fond, so the sea will never dry out, and several rivers flow from the Inner sea. It belongs to the domain of the Water and Air elementals, and the Merfolk, who she has just created.
The Wetlands: The western edge of the Inner sea isn't one clear shore. It slowly gets more shallow untill patches of reed startand some temporary, muddy isles appear. These are the Wetlands, some of it swamps, other places just thick undergrowth. She Grants these alnds to the ghosts and the other undead. In Nathal vision of the world, The Undead form as much a part of the natural order of live as anything else. (actually, she does not see a circle of live, but a sort of looping spiral.)

2013-10-05, 11:05 PM
Meadus / Old God
From a crack in the skin of the universe a small iron sphere emerges. It flies fast and straight, landing softly on High Ground in a glen. For now it is silent. Motionless. Able to be pushed with great effort but very slowly, as if pushing back to remain stationary. It is large, about fifteen feet in diameter but otherwise nondescript. The sphere is a dull iron-colour with almost rusty red-orange tinge. While it can be shifted or rotated, it cannot be harmed by even the most powerful magical spells and weapons bouncing off the side with a echoing thud.

The cult of the Old God, as he is now solely known, expands throughout the third world and over the centuries to the second and first worlds as well. To each temple a new lantern is forged using a technique that only the grandmaster knows, the one who holds the original lantern given by the Old God. Each lantern retains the ability to guide souls to the Afterlife.

Meadus, in the Afterlife, realizes his duality of afterlife is unnecessary. He reforms it with a flick of his hand. The two planes dissolve and a single plane remains. An infinite plane - growing as new souls arrive. He travels to the center and pulls at his pearl - at Citadel - and raises it along with the land around it. Far above the clouds he raises it, pulls and pulls until the peak can no longer be seen. He tells his exemplars to instruct the souls that arrive to climb the mountain when they are no longer contented with their afterlife as it. Any who do find a greater challenge and enlightenment as they advance higher - always with the ability to descend if they miss the companionship of those lower. However, those who reach to the top (7 slopes) do not descend - for they have no reason to. They then enter Meadus' home at the top and are given a choice; ascend or return. Those who ascend are transformed into light, and are not seen again - magic meant to communicate with them or even visit them fail. Those who return are similarly lost, as they are reborn as new mortals in the plane of the present.

In the present world, the Old God further creates magic designed to communicate with the bodies of the dead (Speak with Dead), to pull them back from the Afterlife (Raise Dead, True Resurrection), and even magic to come and visit the dead in the Afterlife, briefly and in person (Gate, Planeshift to Afterlife for a time). The Old God explains how water is the conduit through which people can achieve these feats, especially the last category of spells, with powerful casters often submerging the body of the deceased in order to heal them or revive them. Or submerging themselves in order to planeshift. Initially this magic is known only to the cult of the Old God, but over time his clerics teach this magic and doctrine to all.

OOC: I'm confused about how High Ground works, is it a floating island above the sea? But it is marshy?

Also, I'm back obviously, but I really need to remain very low key and relatively inactive so.. minor contributions only. I'm still recovering and honestly thought I'd be better by now and so I was more active when this third thread started.

Admiral Squish
2013-10-05, 11:38 PM
OOC: I am sorely tempted to get into it with this lady. Presumptuous enough to create an entire continent without even so much as a nod in the direction of the god of earth.

2013-10-06, 01:46 AM
Whilst Mal is busy, Aurixveargith becomes more prevalent in the world.
She begins to take all the gold,silver, and ice dragons under her wing; teaching her ways of nonviolence and protection. She picks up where Amal left off before his fall. She gains enough followers beyond the dragons. Humans, elves, gnomes, dwarves, halflings, and others seek her protection and guidance. She accepts them with open arms.

2013-10-06, 05:51 AM
OOC: whoops, sorry Admiral Squish. She was suppost to be just a god of the landscape and things that live on the earth. But then I remembered that this world doesn't have alot of land, so I created some, going behind Rono's back :o)

IC: as Nathal wanders through the High Ground, she hears the rocks and the earth whisper of Rono's anger and she is surprised. She had not realised other gods existed, but becomes very curious about them. She dives from the floating continent and into the ocean, where her songs attract great schools of fish and aquatic mammals, and she searches for the entrance to Rono's realm. (you must have a residence somewhere, right? It used to be in Rono's Throne, but I do not know where it is on this world, so I improvised) When she finds it, she enters, alone, and in awe by it's collosal dimensions and mineral beauty

2013-10-06, 08:43 AM
Aurixveargith starts a traveling troupe of paladins and clerics that go from island to island sending aid and protection to all that need it. Money to the poor, food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless. The troupe becomes known as The Open Hand of Aurixveargith, or The Open Hand for short. The word of the good priests and templars spread all over the world. The last remaining red and black dragons, still in hiding from the day of Mal's Folly, hear of this as well. They are not happy, but don't have the numbers to act. Yet.

Admiral Squish
2013-10-06, 01:32 PM
Rono's home island does not look like his former residences. A towering volcano site at the center of a lush tropical isle. A rich, vibrant coral reef surrounds it on all sides, but for a few gaps for ships to pass through. There are green lagoons inhabited by Taklobo communities, jungles of palm trees, and cut into the side of the volcano, a steep set of stairs. The stairs lead up to a plateau on the side of the volcano, high above the trees, where the Pelemana train in a monastery to defend the balance of the world. Taking the stairs higher, one comes to the caldera, where liquid stone roils to the surface. A narrow stone bridge crosses from the lip to a broad, central platform raised from the magma on a spire of rock. Rono, a colossal humanoid figure, sits before it, seated on a throne of polished obsidian and gemstones. Veins of molten stone are visible beneath a skin of cooled, black stone plates that shift and crack as he moves.

As Nathal approaches on the platform, Rono speaks, his voice rumbling out of his stony like the sound of a rockslide. "You have intruded upon my domain, little one, in more ways than one." He said, his brow cracking as it furrowed. "But you are young, and your creation is remarkable, and thus it shall be spared my fury. But know, in the future, that should you wish to do such works of earth, I would appreciate notice."

2013-10-07, 01:09 PM
To Meadus stuff: Isn't the afterlive a bit of a presumptious name, since the followers of different gods go to different afterlives? IDK, but it kind of sounds like everyone goes to The Afterlive.

This reminds me, Nathal has to create something for her followers after death as well. hmmm...

The High Ground isn;t marshy, exept in quarter called the Wetlands.

2013-10-08, 08:39 AM
'Oh Earthfather, oh Master of Stone! On your back all mortal lands lie, and from your body all living plants sprout! You have fought agaist so many of th'worlds enemies. You are of an ancientness which I can't even phatom! You enbody the vast layers of rock below each planet, where I am merely allowed to shape it's surface. Please, Primordial One, allow me to use your medium to create works of art in your honour! Let me show the mortals the beauty of your element the way I see it!

2013-10-08, 01:33 PM
a voice chuckles. "such playing, though the base creator has returned. be serious, or your works shall fall to your own failures as I did." the chuckle has an unnerving and unnatural buzz in it.

the four also walk towards Mal repeating the same thing. "why?" continuously, dodging each attack as best as they can circling...

2013-10-16, 03:49 PM
IC: there is a sudden lurch, the sound of gears beyond space time shifting, unexpectedly time between gods and mortals changes, what was once a day to gods and a millennium to mortals becomes only a century to mortal but still a day to gods. what ever caused this does not reveal itself.

OOC: I refuse to let this thread die forever!

2013-10-16, 04:48 PM
OOC: Sorry, but I think I need a recap of what happened the last few days/whatever. It all got a bit long and wibbly and wobbly and timey and wimey.

IC: After spending a few years (Human time) like this, Scileanna gets bored and starts making music in his free time. All humans can hear the music he makes. (He might be a god of bards, but that doesn't mean he's good at making music.)

2013-10-17, 11:48 AM
Nathal has spend the years around the Time Shift with creating five exotic landscapes on her favorite canvas: The Archipellago.
The Stone Gardens: Nathal keeps her promise to Rono, and tries to show of his magnificience. On an floating isle at the southern edge of The Highground she balances boulders on top of eachother, hundreds of them, thousends of them. She creates an entire forrest of perilously stacked rocks. The most amazing thing is she didn't use any magic. She merely spend a deccenium balancing the rocks, sometimes as high as 30 feet into the air. This island is completely still, to represent the immutability of Rono. Pilgrims go to the island to pray to Rono. (will be changed, probably)
The Living City: At the border between the Flats and the Wald, Nathal witnessed a druidic tribe of the forrest destroying a city in her name. She was abhorred. The Flatlanders were as much her children as the Sylvanians. She decided to prove to the Druidic Extremists that city and nature can collaborate. She stands at the centre of the ruined city and starts to sing. and As her words fill the air, the trees of the forest move and start to grow toward the ruins. The Remaining stone walls start to float and meet the moving forest halfway. As nathal dances towards this new site of the city, the wood and the stone start to merge. The remaining peaces of the city are embedded within the large oaks and elms. The forest grows untill it has completely adopted the town. Now Nathal sings of the strife that has cassed the fall of this grand city, and how all should try to harmonize with one another. The tree-city hears this sad tale and weaps, and it's tears are come to live as walking cristals, who strive to create unity and harmony.

(more to come!)
The Shifting Maze:
The Fond of Souls:
The Hellcap bog:

2013-10-17, 02:18 PM
across the archipelago humans elves and dwarfs begin to report to their masters about a ship or ships, though each individual tale differs the single fact that doesn't change is the vessels hull is painted a bright blood red.

some reports have it as a 6 masted warship, others report no masts but white structures on top of the vessel. none have seen any signs of crew. when approached the vessel vanishes.