View Full Version : Figuring Out Some Feats

2013-09-18, 11:21 AM
So I recently discovered the Hellreaver prestige class (Fiendish Codex II) and loved the flavor of it. After some browsing I saw some ideas where people would smash it together with a Crusader - which then led me to read up on using Incarnum with it too.

In no particular order (read: not figured out yet), the level spread is Azurin NG Incarnate 1/Crusader 14/Hellreaver 5. The concept, obviously, would be to use Therapeutic Mantle and Strongheart Vest to basically become a drain tank via the healing stances and the Wrathful Healing weapon enhancement in Enemies and Allies (does it apply to only the base damage or all damage dealt by the weapon such as through strikes?).

I know that Power Attack, Bonus Essentia and Extra Granted Manuever are mandatory feats for something like this, but I'm not sure what else to get. Stone Power feels a bit overkill considering how much healing this character can put out. I saw someone mention Combat Focus/Combat Vigor to get Fast Healing 2+(Essentia Invested*2) for a good chunk of combat, but I'm not sure if that's worth two feats and 13 WIS. Is there something I'm missing or am I in that lucky state where I actually get to choose whatever I want?

And yes, I know how good Thicket of Blades/AoO generation is on Crusaders - I could grab EWP Spiked Chain, Combat Reflexes and Stand Still, but I'm looking for other options too.

2013-09-18, 11:45 AM
Just a quick question, but why are you taking so many levels of Crusader and not more Hellreaver? Remember that half of your non-initiator levels count towards learning higher level maneuvers, so you could break up the levels like 5 Crusader/2 Hellreaver/1Crusader... That way you could sneak in some more Hellreaver while still keeping up on maneuvers.
Getting another level or two of Incarnate wouldn't hurt, if for no other reason than grabbing at least one of the Open Chakra abilities, to say nothing of essentia. The Improved Soulmeld Capacity feat is handy, though not needed if you don't have too much essentia.
Adapative Style is always a good feat for initiators. Sudden Recovery is useful for when you really need to use a certain maneuver again, right now.

2013-09-18, 11:54 AM
I'm going with more Crusader levels because I really like Strike of Righteous Vitality and Mountain Tombstone Strike - if I dip out more than six times I lose 9th level maneuvers pre-epic and what I have already puts them at level 20. I love Hellreaver, it's a great class and if I were concepting anything but a Martial Adept I'd go all the way in it. But I'd rather get Heal-on-a-stick than a low-caster-level, on-hit dimensional anchor that probably won't beat SR and augmented versions of the early class features.

2013-09-18, 11:59 AM
I can dig it. Alright, well aside from the aforementioned Bonus Essentia, you could look at grabbing some of the Incarnum feats that grant you extra essentia, like Cobalt Power. Open X Chakra is useful if there were certain soulmelds that you really liked.
Since you have 1 level in Incarnate, you can shape 2 soulmelds. One of those is going to be your Therapeutic Mantle, but how about Impulse Boots as your second? Having both Mettle and Evasion will make you an annoyingly difficult character to kill.

2013-09-18, 12:09 PM
I was actually thinking about Strongheart Vest so that I could refill my Divine Fury pool for free (and two free CON points into Greater Divine Surge), but evasion/mettle would be hilarious, even if my Reflex save is going to be atrocious.

2013-09-18, 12:18 PM
Yeah, I brainfarted and forgot about your plan to use the Vest earlier.

2013-09-18, 12:20 PM
Happens to all of us, not a problem. I'm still confused about Wrathful Healing - it just says that you heal for half the damage dealt. For a +3 enhancement I would hope it applies to *all* damage and not just base XdY+Z damage, but I'm not sure what the RAW is on that.

2013-09-18, 12:28 PM
Wrathful Healing doesn't seem to specify any special kind of attack or other conditions. Just 1/2 damage=Amount Healed til Full. No reprint or errata to my knowledge, so seems fine.

2013-09-18, 12:37 PM
Stuff to consider:

Incarnate 3 gives you +1 essentia capacity and 3 points of essentia (plus a chakra bind and a third soulmeld to play with). So that would push theraputic mantle up to +8 on every healing effect at ECL 6-11.

Alternatively, just playing an Azurin with Shape Soulmeld (Theraputic Mantle) would give you +4 to every healing effect without any need to take any Incarnate class levels.

You'll want a weapon with the Vampiric enchantment, and perhaps a Spell Storing enchantment as well. You could also go psionic for Claws of Vampire or Vampiric Blade. Then get lots of attacks (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7066595). For example, Incarnate 3/Totemist 2/Warmind X.