View Full Version : Lloth-Touched character

Yuric the Bold
2013-09-18, 04:56 PM
So I am asking for feedback from the Playground with regards to your take on the LT template.

It requires you to be Chaotic Evil in alignment when taking the template. My Draconic Wood Elf Fighter/Barbarian/Frenzied Berserker Charger build melds VERY nicely with the bonuses from this template.

I enter into FrB at 8th level because I wanted Shock Trooper before I entered into the PrC. Don't argue. LOL

What I wanted to know from players and DMs alike has anyone in your campaign had this template and then changed alignments? My current DM wants all the party members to be non-evil of alignment and I've read some of the threads elsewhere where some say you lose all the bonuses of the template entirely and some argue the changes are permanent; including alignment (I won't start rambling about how stupid that is).

Your thoughts?

Just to feed your curiousity.
Male Draconic Wood Elf Barbarian 3/Fighter 4/FrBers 1 (for 8th level) total level will be 15th. Technically after gaining enough experience (9th level) I acquire the Lloth-Touched template from the matron mother who bought me from a slaver; as her personal bodyguard and gladiator to earn more reputation and gold of course. Plus the added fact that I am a surface elf to further degrade my character and show her power. The party eventually frees itself from the life of slavery and gladiatorial carnage and returns to the civilized world.

STR 22 DEX 16 CON 16 INT 16 WIS 12 CHA 15 @ 8th level
No magic items purchased or equipped as of yet.

2013-09-18, 07:22 PM
The rules don't go into that specific scenario, but I'll relate the logic my DM used:

Changing alignment to Chaotic Evil is a template benefit, just as the stat boosts and skill bonuses are; CE alignment is not an entry requirement. You get the whole package, or you don't get the package. Lolth giveth, and Lolth taketh away.

Yuric the Bold
2013-09-20, 03:06 AM
I would argue against that. More than likely there is a hefty ceremonial spell a Matron Mother from a house in standing has to cast to provide this benefit to a 'worthy' recipient.
The physical changes to the character or monster are exceptionally large. Beyond just the alignment shift.

My barbarian draconic wood elf who was sold as a slave on the surface to fight in the gladiatorial pits; was eventually procured by the Matron mother of a drow city. She decided to 'break' me to further demonstrate her power and influence as well as why her house stood amongst the forefront of the city.
I was thrown into a Otyugh Hole to break my will (implication only) and emerged with Iron Will. Then she had me transformed into a Lloth-Touched to better serve as her bodyguard and her pet in the arenas. My alignment shifted to Chaotic Evil as I was distraught with being a puppet to a drow of all things!
Eventually my entire party was saved on the surface and repelled the incursion of a large raiding party. During the melee I was able to fight my way to the Matron Mother and kill her.
I began my atonement from that day forward and have since changed to Chaotic Good in alignment.
My DM ruled that I lost the Immunity to Fear and fear-based effects due to the alignment shift. As well as the bonuses to Hide and Move Silently. I am also a huge target for any drow seeking to elevate themselves in the eyes of their patron god Lloth. Can you say TARGET!?

It is ultimately the decision of your DM I guess. But I was curious what others thought.

2013-09-20, 04:43 AM
I believe the Lolth Touched template is only given to those Lolth deems worthy of her blessings, so for the most part it would be female drow (priestesses and matron mothers), with the occasional male drow (cleric), and a select few minions/servitors such as spiders and various other arachnids, an orc who's spying for a greater cities leading house, etc. and acquiring the CE alignment through the template is part of her blessing - if you change in alignment, I believe it would be taken away.
Lolth isn't known for her kindness, if her blessing is just taken away you should consider yourself lucky.