View Full Version : [3.5] Complimentary Cohort

2013-09-18, 08:29 PM
Hello, playground, here is scenario: I'm part of a two man party in a Savage Tide campaign (some of you might heard of this character before). This party consists of me (a Bard) and my friend (a Warlock). We just reached 6th level (well 7th level, as we double leveled up), and I've decided to take the Leadership feat. I was wondering what, in this case, the best cohort for my character to take might be. By best, I specifically mean a cohort that would best compliment the abilities of myself (a skillful, buff/utility focused bard) and my companion (range focused, beefy artillery). However, I also realize that this cohort will be invariably less capable of filling any given role than either of us, as it will be under leveled, and therefore I've been shying away from considering a combat focused one (especially because outfitting a combat focused cohort can be a pain). I've been considering a rogue, an archivist, another bard (ranged, more healing focused), or (maybe, just maybe) an artificer. I would, however, very much like to know what the good people of the Playground thing on this matter, so I've come seeking advice on this topic. Any advice would be much appreciated, as I'm not terribly experienced in cohort creation, and as such said advice will help in the almost certain event that I am looking to grab Leadership again in a different campaign.
On a final note, I am not opposed to seeking a monstrous cohort, if there are any that would work for my purposes. The current HD cap on the cohort is 5, but I would be willing to wait until 9 to take Leadership if it meant getting a nice monstrous cohort.

2013-09-18, 09:24 PM
A Cleric of a group-compatible deity could fit thematically. Clerics make for good cohorts in general, as well.

They tend to be able to fend for themselves, even at a level disadvantage; due to such a solid chassis, (Good Fort/Will, decent HP, armor proficiency) and good buffing and healing spells.

The spells also have good relevance for group buffing/healing, even if a spell level behind. So a cleric will rarely be sitting there, useless. Clerics are also easily adaptable to whatever specific needs you haven't thought of mentioning.

Tim Proctor
2013-09-18, 09:34 PM
Cleric/Wizard summoner type, let him make the cannon fodder.

2013-09-18, 10:44 PM
Yes, I had considered a Cleric a bit, and indeed I had considered a summoning based character, but I'm a bit worried about the DM having an...adverse reaction so such a cohort.

Of interest in this case, I should ask, if I am going the summoning route, what would the relative advantages of having a cleric verses archivist in this summoning role?

2013-09-18, 11:44 PM
I had a Artificer for a cohort once. It worked out very well. I would recommend that direction.

John Longarrow
2013-09-18, 11:47 PM
I won't comment on Cleric VS archivist, but if you build a cohort as Cleric 4 then Crusader 1 you will have a good healer who also works very well as a body guard. Taking crusader for the cohorts 5th level will allow all for nice +2d6 & ignore DR maneuvers with a good supply of healing.

If you want something that is just fun. Pixie SwordSage 1 with the shadowhand feat (dex to damage with specific weapons). Lvl 2 would be fighter (proficiency with spiked chain) then Combat Reflexes at 3rd. Again, a body guard that deals a lot of damage close up.

I'd recommend against a summoner. You don't want your cohort to begin overshadowing the PCs. Keep the cohort to a specific role and you will be happy.

2013-09-18, 11:59 PM
I think bards would make the best complimentary cohorts, due to the way they will talk about your adventures to NPCs and "big" you up in their stories. However, given your party consists of a buffer and a blaster, you might want to consider a crusader cohort to act as a tank. That would make a good complementary cohort.

2013-09-19, 12:58 AM
I think bards would make the best complimentary cohorts, due to the way they will talk about your adventures to NPCs and "big" you up in their stories. However, given your party consists of a buffer and a blaster, you might want to consider a crusader cohort to act as a tank. That would make a good complementary cohort.

While this is certainly an option, I would worry that any "Tank" I try to make with said cohort will suffer in this role from being two levels under the rest of the party. I also worry that, in the all too likely event that said tank is near death, I would be unable to extract them from combat, and therefore am risking the -2 Leadership per Cohort killed by making my cohort a frontline fighter.

2013-09-19, 02:09 AM
While this is certainly an option, I would worry that any "Tank" I try to make with said cohort will suffer in this role from being two levels under the rest of the party. I also worry that, in the all too likely event that said tank is near death, I would be unable to extract them from combat, and therefore am risking the -2 Leadership per Cohort killed by making my cohort a frontline fighter.

Crusader steely resolve ability means that they have an extra round's grace to pull out of a dangerous situation, which is enough time to administer emergency healing. Any damage that would overcome that would more easily overcome your own character's hp had you been the guy in front. And your hp are far more valuable than your cohort's. At the level you're playing at, it's basically like he has 10 extra hp, on top of a d10 hit die and what should be a high Constitution score.

2013-09-19, 02:55 AM
Cleric/Wizard summoner type, let him make the cannon fodder.

Sorcerer > Wizard for any form of battlefield control.
You don't need too many spells, but atleast the right ones, add to that more spell uses and CHA will make a much better cohort. Also saves you the time of preparing, which will become a chore and a disappointment if you haven't prepared the right spells.

2013-09-19, 02:59 AM
If you buff your crusader, as you should, you can make up for the level gap. In any case a meatshield would fit well with this party.

2013-09-19, 03:10 AM
Crusader steely resolve ability means that they have an extra round's grace to pull out of a dangerous situation, which is enough time to administer emergency healing. Any damage that would overcome that would more easily overcome your own character's hp had you been the guy in front. And your hp are far more valuable than your cohort's. At the level you're playing at, it's basically like he has 10 extra hp, on top of a d10 hit die and what should be a high Constitution score.

Funny story actually, on average a 5th level's Crusader's HP (with Con 18) will only end up being 7 higher than my Bard's hp (I have a good Con, and have been rolling quite well). At 5th level, Steely Resolve only delays 10 damage, and only for one round, so HP wise a given threat will only be a bit less threatening to said Crusader than myself. Even so, if I do choose to grab a Cleric as my cohort, I will be seriously considering crossing it with a bit of Crusader, because the Crusader does still gives some pretty kickass tanking abilities.

2013-09-19, 03:33 AM
Thing is, the crusader under the effect of haste and inspire courage, should be able to dispatch foes rather quickly. And you may want to add some stone dragon maneuvers to increase durability (stone bones for example).

2013-09-19, 07:07 AM
I think bards would make the best complimentary cohorts, due to the way they will talk about your adventures to NPCs and "big" you up in their stories. However, given your party consists of a buffer and a blaster, you might want to consider a crusader cohort to act as a tank. That would make a good complementary cohort.

You stole my joke!