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Turk Mannion
2013-12-02, 09:51 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

"Action time" he thought to himself.

Finn began the trek down the path toward the bottom of the pit, feigning a friendly and confident smile, but checking carefully to make sure the others were following close behind.

"Hello, my friends! We heard of an astounding discovery here and just had to see if the legendary stories were true. And by all accounts, they are! How wonderful! Marvelous! Truly marvelous to see the bones of such a great beast as this. Our friend, Douven Stahl talked about such a find. By the gods, he would have loved to see something like this!"

Intentionally mentioning their missing quarry's name, Finn watched closely for a reaction from the gnome, hoping the others were doing the same.

[roll0] Insight check (sense motive/reaction of the gnome)

2013-12-03, 12:47 AM

"Well, I'll be smacked! He can be charming," the bard thinks to himself. He, too, slaps on his most agreeable grin and treks carefully across and down the ramp. When within clear range of the bones, he puts on a face of fear. "Gracious! Such a beast! Are you sure it's safe to be this close?" As he looks away in feigned fear, he takes a closer look at the drakes.

Move to V11
Bluff? (afraid) - [roll0]
Nature of the drakes - [roll1]

2013-12-03, 03:53 AM

Zhuge hesitated for an instant as he debated the merits of caution versus the benefits of curiosity. In the end, he compromised and crept forward a few feet at a time while staying hidden.

He is moving while keeping the same stealth check to V20 as a move action and then doing the same thing with a standard action to U18. RAW says you must make a new stealth check if you move more than two squares with one action. As I read it this means he does not need a new stealth check for these actions. Please tell me if this is inaccurate and I will adjust actions accordingly.

As he crept forward to the edge of the cliff (U18 see spoiler) he racked his brains to remember if he had heard any stories about the area, the site they are at or dragon burials in general which might justify excitement.

History check to see if he remembers anything about the aforementioned subjects.

History Check [roll0]

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-04, 04:03 PM
The Burial Site

Zhuge creeps forward and tries to keep an eye on the situation as his allies decend into the pit and near the two drakes. From his new vantage point he can see the skeleton of the dragon splayed out on the bottom of the crater and the figures that have gathered around it. He tries to recall any other stories about dragons in the area but cannot recall anything other than the odd rumor associated with missing livestock, nothing conclusive.

As Finn address the gnome and mentions and slyly Douven Stahl he keeps an eye on the gnome to judge for reactions. The dark skinned gnome nods along as the sorcerer talks, but doesnt seem to give any tale-tale reactions. From time to time he gives another small wave of the hand towards his chest to usher the group down into the pit. "You know Douven as well? Well it looks like its a small world friends, we're associates of his too!

Michaelis plays his part with ease, displaying a convincing deception of fear about the two large drakes. A few of the rabble shift uneasily their attention no longer on their work and solely focused on the new arrivals. The gnome calls out once more: "Aye, fiercesome indeed, but when you're working on a discovery as important as they you need to mindful enough to have protection!!"

2013-12-04, 06:17 PM

Zhuge decided that the enemy probably didn't intend to ambush and kill all of them so he decided it was safe enough to join his companions.

Coming out of the brush, he moved forward to stand behind and to the left of Tengar.

"I don't blame you for being cautious Mr. uh, gnome. I am sorry for not catching your name but it is good to run into another associate of Douven, was this the discovery he was hinting at?"

While he spoke he noticed that the workers seemed uneasy and were halting work. He tried to figure out what was bothering them since they would probably be easier to read than the gnome.
Insight check on the workers

"Actually, sir, that looks like some hard work digging there. Can your workers take a break and come over here while you explain your discovery. I have found that I never know who will be able to suggest something I didn't."

Diplomacy check to make the workers perceive me more favorably as per RAW.

Diplomacy [Roll]1d20+6[Roll]

2013-12-04, 06:18 PM
I am sorry about the last diplomacy check. I forgot the forward slash and don't want to edit a post with rolls in it. Here is the diplomacy check again.


2013-12-05, 03:15 AM

Keeping a dramatically cautious eye on the drakes, the bard steps carefully around the pit towards the gnome. "Oh, they look positively dreadful! Protection? I see nothing worth stealing. Just centuries old leavings of a dead body, ugh," he says peering disgustedly towards the pit. "Don't tell me someone actually collects such things!" He maintains a distracted interest in the bones while focusing on the gnome's talk of Douven. "Associate? Hmmm," he thinks.

Move to T6.

Insight - Douven associate? - [roll0]

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-06, 10:39 AM
The Burial Site

The group moves further down the ramp towards the dig site, skirting past the two large drakes that shift and follow the adventurers with their eyes. As they get closer now they begin to notice more details about the group and of the pit. The gnome has long and pointed ears, dark eyes, and grey skin. He wears dark leather armor with a silver chain around his neck, a small crossbow is slung over his right shoulder and he's leaning on a well crafted pick.

"I don't blame you for being cautious Mr. uh, gnome. I am sorry for not catching your name but it is good to run into another associate of Douven, was this the discovery he was hinting at?" "I didnt give it, but the names Agrid... and aye, Douven was most excited about the old tomb here..."

"Actually, sir, that looks like some hard work digging there. Can your workers take a break and come over here while you explain your discovery. I have found that I never know who will be able to suggest something I didn't."
"Eh?" The gnome mutters, slightly confused at request to have all the workers cease and head to the adventerers. Zhuge can see the workers are still eyeing the group with cold, emotionless stares and none of the budge to move towards the group. Finally one or two of them glance at Agrid as if expecting orders.

"Oh, they look positively dreadful! Protection? I see nothing worth stealing. Just centuries old leavings of a dead body, ugh. "Don't tell me someone actually collects such things!" Just as Michaelis finishes the statement he notices the chest. On the ground a few feet away from the dark-skinned gnome sits a small chest made of dark wood with thick iron bands. Withen the next few seconds Zhuge and Finn will also notice the box but Korran and Tengar are preoccupied with keeping eyes on the strange group and do not notice it. The hasp of the chest is open and a small lock, which is also open, dangles from the bottom portion of the hasp.

Agrid is just about to say something else when he notices the group has seen the chest, he stops mid word, then starts again. "You know you were right after all, you never know when one of the drakes might ATTACK!" he yells the final word and motions to his men. Taking his pick he unslings his small cross bow and all around him the humans take up shovels, picks, and clubs and begin to move towards the party. The two drakes snarl and eagerly move towards the nearby group.

Everyone Roll Initiative!!

2013-12-06, 12:17 PM

Dropping his fearful posture, the bard stands ready for action. His quick eye takes in the enemies' positions.

Initiative - [roll0]

Wow! Really ready.

Turk Mannion
2013-12-06, 03:09 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

Here we go again...time to get myself behind the big guys

Finn readied himself for combat.

[roll0] Initiative check

Red Moldova
2013-12-06, 05:10 PM


2013-12-06, 05:47 PM

Zhuge cursed himself for leaving cover too soon. With his wand in one hand and his dagger in the other he hoped he could react fast enough.

Initiative Check

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-06, 08:20 PM
Encounter Three : The Burial Site

The party has found the burial site, which was occupied by a strange gnome and his party of workers excavating area. He claimed to know Douven but it seems to have been a trap to lure the group closer then attack them. The group must act quickly to deal with the attackers and find what has become of their mentor.

Combat Round 1 (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao_uloSlbJErdDVNakxjQjRFTGJuclFvVUZzNGNHZ 2c#gid=0)

Turn Order
Hafling Slinger
Gnome Skulk
Human Rabble
Guard Drakes
Monster Status
Guard Drake 1:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Guard Drake 2:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Human Rabble 1:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Human Rabble 2:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Human Rabble 3:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Human Rabble 4:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Halfling Slinger 1:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Gnome Skulk:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None

Player Status
-Hit Points 26/33
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 36/36
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 27/27
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 31/31
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 39/39
-Conditions None

It is now Zhuge's turn.

2013-12-06, 09:24 PM

Zhuge reacted instantly to the threat by unleashing a burst of fire right next to the treacherous gnome.

Scorching Burst centered on M7

At Will Arcane Implement Fire
+5 vs. Reflex 1d6+4 damage

vs. Agrid Attack Roll [roll0]
vs. N6 HR Attack Roll [roll1]
vs. M8 HR Attack Roll [roll2]

Damage Roll [roll3]

I will try and take care of some of the rabble, but watch out for the guard drakes, they look nasty.

Zhuge then tried to see whether there was anything worth seeing in the chest.

Perception Check on the Chest [roll4]

Zhuge remains on the square of V8.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-06, 11:05 PM
The bolt of fire leaps from the wizards fingertips and jolts towards the trickster gnome landing on the ground near the small chest and sending a wave of fire outwards. Agrid curses and steps backwards, deftly dodging the fire blast with quick movement and a fair bit of profanity. One of the humans pats out the flames that lick his clothing, but the other was not so lucky and is completely engulfed in flames, collapsing with torched screams.

Miss on Agrid - Gnome Skulk

Miss on Human Rabble #1

Hit on Human Rabble #2 - Defeated

As Zhuge hazards a glance away from combat and check on the small chest, he finds that while the hasp is open and unlocked the lid is closed. There is no way to tell its contents, if any, without opening it.

It is now the Halfling Slinger's turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-06, 11:24 PM
The Halfling Slinger

The halfling skirts along the rim of the crater, loading a rock in the small leather sling in it's right hand. As it begins to descend the ramp at the northern edge of the crater it takes up position between a few of the rocks there and begins to unleash a volley of stones directed at the closest adventurer. In quick succession three stones whiz towards Michaelis, the first two of which strike him hard with sickening thuds. The final stone bounces harmlessly through the dead trees to the south.

Move : 6 spaces from F6 to J3.

Standard : Stone Rain against Michaelis
-Attack : 23 vs AC = Hit
-Damage : 10

-Attack : 20 vs AC = Hit
-Damage : 8

-Attack : 13 vs AC = Miss
-Damage : 0

It is now the Gnome Skulk's turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-06, 11:27 PM
The Gnome Skulk

Still wary of the flames that lick the ground near his feet, the gnome loads a bolt into his crossbow and fires it towards the group. However, the distraction of flames, the screams of his underling, and his quickness of trying to get the shot off sends the bolt whizzing wide to the north and burying itself in the cliff wall.

Move : None

Standard : Crossbow Attack against Michaelis
-Attack : 15 vs AC = Miss
-Damage : 0

It is now Michaelis's turn.

2013-12-07, 02:07 AM

Clearing his head of the spinning stars from the volley of stones, the bard gets his wits back.

"Korran, Tengar, and Finn, deal with the drakes. Zhuge, clear out the rabble. I'll try and keep the others busy." After I get my balance back, he thinks, as he gives himself a moment to steady himself.

Move Action
Shift to T7

Standard Action
Second Wind - healing surge, +2 to all defenses until start of next turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-07, 02:24 AM
Expend one healing surge and adjust the HP on your sheet accordingly.

Michaelis moves to T7.

It is now Korran's turn.

Red Moldova
2013-12-07, 03:42 AM

[B]"Korran, Tengar, and Finn, deal with the drakes.


Korran leaps into action, a chill breeze trailing in his wake. Stepping between the two drakes he unleashes a blast of cold wind.


HP: 36/36
Surges: 10/10
AC: 20
Fort: 17
Ref: 16
Will: 16

Minor Action: Form of Winter's Herald
Move Action: Shift 1 from U-9 to T-10
Free Action: Nature's Wrath (mark each adjacent enemy)
Standard Action: Form of Winter's Herald Attack

vs Guard Drake 1
To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

vs Guard Drake 2
To Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Warden Level 1 Daily: Form of Winter's Herald
Daily ♦ Cold, Polymorph, Primal
Minor Action
Effect You assume the guardian form of winter's herald until the end of the encounter. While you are in this form, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and resist 5 cold. In addition, each square within 2 squares of you, wherever you move, is difficult terrain for your enemies.
Special Once during this encounter, you can use the Form of Winter's Herald Attack power while you are in this form.

Form of Winter's Herald Attack
Encounter ♦ Cold, Polymorph, Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Close burst 1
Requirement The Form of the Winter's Herald power must be active to use this power.
Target Each enemy in the burst
Attack Strength vs. AC
Hit 1[W] + Strength modifier cold damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Miss Half damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-07, 07:48 PM
Frost begins to grip the ground around Korran as he swings and smites the first drake dealing a hefty blow. The he slams his sword into the second and it recoils in pain.

Hit on Guard Drake #1 : 12 Damage

Hit on Guard Drake #2 : 6 Damage

It is now the Human Rabble's turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-07, 08:05 PM
The Human Rabble

Weilding clubs, shovels, and picks, the human workers rush the party and begin swinging their weapons. The bard is able to easily dodge each of their blows as the clubs whoosh by ineffectually.


Human Rabble #1
Move : 6 spaces from L8 to R6.

Human Rabble #3
Move : 3 spaces from Q4 to S6.
Standard : Club Attack against Michaelis
-Attack : 9 vs AC = Miss
-Damage : 0

Human Rabble #4
Move : 3 spaces from Q6 to S7.
Standard : Club Attack against Michaelis
-Attack : 18 vs AC = Miss
-Damage : 0

It is now Finn's turn.

Turk Mannion
2013-12-07, 11:36 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

Finn's initial instinct was to take a shot at the gnome leader. However, impressed by the way that Michaelis's took control in combat and barked out instructions, Finn quickly snapped to the order. He was quickly learning to trust his new companions and their expertise.

Move Action: Stay put...he is quite happy behind the others.
Standard Action: Chaos Bolt

Target: Guard Drake 2
(1d20+5)[10] attack vs. will
(1d10+7)[12] psychic damage
(From OOC post)

Odd attack roll, so no secondary attacks.

Attack:Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d10+Charisma psychic
Wild Magic: If you roll an even number for the attack, make a second attack
Secondary Target: One creature w/in 5 squares of previous target
Secondary Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Range: 10
Hit: 1d6 psychic damage; if you rolled even number for secondary attack, repeat the secondary attack. Must be on a different creature.

"Damn....perhaps something about the drake's anatomy made it fizzle out too quickly....."

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-08, 12:08 AM
The drakes snarl as the spell fizzles around them and then they charge to attack.

Miss on Guard Drake

It is now the Guard Drake's turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-08, 12:15 AM
The Guard Drakes

The drakes bite and snap at Korran, but the ice that spreads around their feet slows them to the point that he is able to easily avoid their razor-sharp teeth as they gnash at him.


Guard Drake #1
Move : None
Standard : Bite Attack against Korran
-Attack : 14 vs AC = Miss
-Damage : 0
Save : [roll0]

Guard Drake #2
Move : None
Standard : Bite Attack against Korran
-Attack : 19 vs AC = Miss
-Damage : 0

It is now Tengar's turn.

2013-12-08, 01:01 PM
Tengar Warsgen

Tengar observe his allies trying to deal with the gnome and the other, when the battle starts he says "Talking does no help anything, only with a good battle to deal with this kind of situation..." He then get his Maul in both hands and starts rushing toward the nearby drake unleashing all his strength "UOOOOOAAAAARRRRH!!"

Move: T9 (1)
Standard: Swift Panther Rage against the Guard Drake 1
Attack vs AC [roll0]; Damage [roll1]
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You enter the rage of the swift panther. Until the rage ends, you gain a +2 bonus to speed and can shift 2 squares as a move action.
Minor: Stone’s Endurance: gain resist 5 to all damage until the end of your next turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-08, 01:50 PM
Hit on Guard Drake #1 : 25 Damage

Guard Drake #1 is now bloodied.

End of Combat Round 1.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-08, 01:58 PM
Combat Round 2 (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao_uloSlbJErdDVNakxjQjRFTGJuclFvVUZzNGNHZ 2c#gid=0)

As the adventurers leap into battle they begin dealing devastating blows against the guards. One of the workers lies charred to a crisp, the two guard drakes are wrapped in frost, and one of them bleeds heavily from several open wounds.

Turn Order
Hafling Slinger
Gnome Skulk
Human Rabble
Guard Drakes
Monster Status
Guard Drake 1:
-Damage Taken (37)
-Conditions Bloody, Immobilized
Guard Drake 2:
-Damage Taken (6)
-Conditions Immobilized
Human Rabble 1:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Human Rabble 2:
-Damage Taken (1)
-Conditions Dead
Human Rabble 3:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Human Rabble 4:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Halfling Slinger :
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Gnome Skulk:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None

Player Status
-Hit Points 16/33
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 36/36
-Conditions Form of Winter's Herald
-Hit Points 27/27
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 31/31
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 39/39
-Conditions Rage of the Swift Panther, Stone's Endurance

It is now Zhuge's turn.

2013-12-08, 03:27 PM

Zhuge was galvanized into a blur of motion by the sight of Tengar nearly pulverizing a guard drake. He gestured with his orb and another explosion of flames erupted behind the Rabble. Before he could even see what had happened, he was on the move. He swiftly moved past where the rabble were standing and plunged into the dead trees on that side. Even as he entered cover he gestured with the orb again and the wooden chest inside the clearing flew open. He saw that the Bard was bleeding and resolved he would not be taken down so easily.

Standard Action

Fiery Burst centered on R7
At-Will ✦ Arcane, Fire, Implement Standard Action
Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage.

Attack Rolls:
vs. R6 Reflex: [roll0]
vs. R7 Reflex: [roll1]
vs. S6 Reflex: [roll2]

Damage Roll

Move Action

Moves to R3 provoking an OA from S6 if he is still standing.

Minor Action

Use Mage Hand on chest in M7 to open it.

Mage Hand

At-Will ✦ Arcane, Conjuration Minor Action Ranged 5 Effect: You conjure a spectral, floating hand in an unoc- cupied square within range. The hand picks up, moves, or manipulates an adjacent object weighing 20 pounds or less and carries it up to 5 squares. If you are holding the object when you use this power, the hand can move the object into a pack, a pouch, a sheath, or a similar con- tainer and simultaneously move any one object carried or worn anywhere on your body into your hand. As a move action, you can move the hand up to 5 squares. As a free action, you can cause the hand to drop an object it is holding, and as a minor action, you can cause the hand to pick up or manipulate a different object.

No Action

If he will be hit by an attack by anyone other than rabble during the next turn, he will use Shield as an Immediate Interrupt.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Force Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You are hit by an attack
Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense until the end of your next turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-08, 04:35 PM
The flames from Zhuge's attack wash over the human workers, but once again only a single foe is hit hard enough to do any damage. The man drops to the ground to roll off the flames, but simply never stands again. As the wizard skirts around the edge of the crater towards the north, one of the remaining workers swings a shovel at him, catching him squarely in the back with it.

Miss on Human Rabble #1

Miss on Human Rabble #3

Hit on Human Rabble #4

Human Rabble #4 is defeated.

Zhuge moves to R3 and proves an AoO.

Attack of Opportunity
-Attack : 15 vs AC = Hit
-Damage : 4

From his new position, Zhuge summons a spectral hand which pulls open the lid of the chest on the ground near Agrid. At a distance of twenty-five feet, the wizard can see that there is in fact something in the box, but cannot identify it at this range.

It is now the Halfling Slinger's turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-08, 04:48 PM
The Halfling Slinger

Continuing to strike from its hiding place among the rocks on the crater's rim, the halfling fires a stone from its sling at the wizard. With a sudden crack just above his head as a stone slams into a dead tree trunk, Zhuge is barely missed by the rock. The small man curses and begins loading another rock into its sling, keeping an eye on the battle below.

Standard : Sling Attack against Zhuge
-Attack : 14-2 vs AC = Miss
-Damage : 0

It is now the Gnome Skulk's turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-08, 04:57 PM
The Gnome Skulk

As the glowing mage hand opens the chest at its feet, the gnome foreman has a look of shock cross its face. Having just finished loading another bolt into its crossbow he takes aim and fires at the wizard hiding among the trees. The bolt punches through Zhuge's shoulder sinking itself deep. "Keep your damned hands to yourself!!" Agrid cries out as he loads a third bolt into his weapon, and kicks the lid of the chest closed once more despite the Mage Hand still floating nearby.

Move : None

Standard : Crossbow Attack against Zhuge
-Attack : 17-2 vs AC = Hit
-Damage : 11

Minor : Kick chest lid closed.

It is now Michaelis's turn.

2013-12-08, 06:32 PM
Even as the bolt flies straight at the wizard, a burst of arcane force deflects it into a nearby tree. Zhuge winced as he realized that he had only managed to drop one enemy again.

First, I apologize, I did mean S7.

As per the last statement in my previous post, I use Shield as an immediate Interrupt when Agrid tries to shoot me.

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Force Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You are hit by an attack
Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense until the end of your next turn.

This brings his AC to 19 which makes the attack a miss.

2013-12-10, 01:56 AM

"Well struck, Tengar!! Keep focused, Zhuge! One is progress but three would be victory!" His words, laced with arcane energies give Zhuge added protection from harm. "Let's see if I can finish these for him," he thinks. With a quick breath, he shouts, "ABU!!!" pouring mystical energies into the sound to create thunderous force directed at the humans before him. The nearest human collapses to the ground but the second hardly seems to notice.

Free Action
Virtue of Valor
Grant Zhuge 4 THP for defeating HR 4
Virtue of Valor
Once per round, when any ally within 5 squares of you reduces an enemy to 0 hit points or bloodies an enemy, you can grant temporary hit points to that ally as a free action. The number of temporary hit points equals 1 + your Constitution modifier at 1st level,

Standard Action
Shout of Triumph
vs HR1 Fort - [roll0]
vs HR3 Fort - [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]
Encounter Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each enemy in the blast
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude (+6)
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma modifier thunder damage (1d6+4), and you push the target 1 square.(3)
Effect: You slide each ally in the blast 1 square.(3)
Virtue of Valor: The number of squares you push the target and slide the allies equals your Constitution modifier.

2013-12-10, 02:18 AM

Disappointed with his results he tries a new tactic: swordplay. Using his magical energies to give himself renewed vigor he sidles up to the second human and says, “Shall we dance? I’ll lead…with a thrust!” Lashing out with his sword, he tries to strike a blow and weaken his opponent’s chances of retribution. Missing miserably, he shifts over to prevent the ruffian from going after Zhuge.

Minor Action
Majestic Word on self - Gain 12 hp.
Slide to S6
Encounter (Special) Arcane, Healing
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: You or one ally in the burst
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. (+4) You also slide the target 1 square.
Action Point
Guiding Strike
Vs HR 1 AC – [roll0] <what a waste!>
Damage – [roll1] and -2 to Reflex until end of my next turn.

Move Action
Shift to R5

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-10, 08:45 PM
Miss on Human Rabble 1

Hit on Human Rabble #3

Human Rabble #3 is defeated.

Zhuge gains 4 Temporary Hit Points

Michaelis gains 12 Hit Points and is no longer bloody.

It is now Korran's turn.

Red Moldova
2013-12-11, 03:12 AM

Redoubling his efforts Korran presses the attack.


HP: 36/36
Surges: 10/10
AC: 20 (19 Base, +1 Winter's Herald)
Fort: 17
Ref: 16
Will: 16

Free Action: Nature's Wrath (mark each adjacent enemy)
Standard Action: Wildblood Frenzy

vs Guard Drake 1
To Hit: [roll0] vs. AC
Damage: [roll1]

vs Guard Drake 2
To Hit: [roll2] vs. AC
Damage: [roll3]

Warden Level 1 Encounter: Wildblood Frenzy
Encounter ♦ Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target One creature
Attack Strength vs. AC
Hit 1[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Wildblood The attack deals extra damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Effect Make the attack one more time against the same target or a different one.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-12, 10:36 AM
Korrans blade slices through the thick leathery skin of the first drake rending a clean cut along its side. He turns to do the same to the second drake but it had already rasied a claw in defense and swiped to deflect the blade with its large claws.

Hit on Guard Drake #1 : 9 Damage

Guard Drake #1 is bloody, but still alive.

Miss on Guard Drake #2

It is now the Human Rabble turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-12, 10:44 AM
The Human Rabble

The final human realizes how dire the situation is becoming and grasps the handle of his club solidly before swining an heft blow at Michaelis that catches the bard squarely in the side.

Human Rabble #1
Move :None
Standard : Club Attack against Michaelis
-Attack : 25 vs AC = Hit
-Damage : 4

It is now Finn's turn.

Turk Mannion
2013-12-13, 12:28 AM
Finn Bramblefoot

Seeing the bard take multiple hits, Finn yelled out, "Michaelis, get yourself clear and regroup!"

With Korran and Tengar effectively neutralizing the drakes, Finn decided to turn his attention to the gnome leader.

"I saved the best for you, my friend. You are giving us short people a bad reputation. Time to get dirty!"

Taking a few steps forward, Finn made a circle with his hands and pressed it to his chest. Colors began to swirl around him in the air until them flowed down his arms and formed a colorful orb between his hands. Finn cradled the orb in one hand before rearing back and hurling it toward the gnome. As it flew threw the air, the swirling colors coalesced into a deep blue, trailing tails of white, the air around it crackling like ice. As he finished his toss, he quickly followed it with a short thrust of his other hand, launching a green orb to follow the blue one.

Move Action: move to U6

Standard Action: Chromatic Orb (Daily)
Target: Agrid (L6)
Attack: [roll0] vs. reflex
If hit: [roll1] cold damage and target is immobilized (save ends)
If miss: [roll2] cold damage and target is immobilized (save ends)

Range: 10
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d10+Charisma. Roll a d6 to determine type of damage and effect.
1:Yellow - radiant damage and target is dazed (save ends)
2: Red - fire damage and each adjacent creature takes fire damage equal to dex modifier
3: Green - Poison damage and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends)
4: Turquoise - LIghtning damage and slide target a number of squares equal to dex modifier
5: Blue - cold damage and target is immobilized (save ends)
6: Violet - psychic damage and target takes -2 penalty to AC (save ends)

Miss: 1d10 damage and roll as above for damage type and effect.

Action Point: Acid Orb (At-will)
Target: Agrid (L6)
Attack: [roll3] vs reflex
Damage: [roll4] acid damage

Range: 20
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10+Charisma acid damage
Special: Can be used as ranged basic attack

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-13, 10:26 AM
Twin orbs of acid and frost streak out across the crater and slam into the dark-skinned gnome who hardly has a chance to let out a gargled cry of pain as he collapses. Falling in a slump near the chest, the gnome clutches towards it one last time before becoming still, acid still gnawing through his skin in places and pooling in the soil around him.

Hit on Gnome Skulk : 26 damage.

Gnome Skulk is Immobolized (Save ends)

Gnome Skulk is now Bloody.

Hit on Gnome Skulk : 12 Damage

Gnome Skulk is now Defeated

It is now the guard drake turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-14, 07:06 PM
The Guard Drakes

The two drakes lunge at Korran and snap at his legs, one of them gnashing a large wound in his leg.


Guard Drake #1
Move : None
Standard : Bite Attack against Korran
-Attack : 26 vs AC = Hit
-Damage : 19
Save : [roll0]

Guard Drake #2
Move : None
Standard : Bite Attack against Korran
-Attack : 14 vs AC = Miss
-Damage : 0

It is now Tengar's turn.

2013-12-14, 09:06 PM
Tengar Warsgen

Tengar gives two quick steps back and then use it to get speed to his next attack against the same enemy, while attacking he gives another war scream, this one similar to a wolf howl "AAAA-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWL!"

Move: Shift 2 (due to Swift Panther Rage) to V-9
Standard: Charge the Drake Guard 1 using Howling Strike
Attack vs AC [roll0] (+1 from charge); Damage [roll1] (Already with a +1d6 bonus from Howling Strike)

Also, if that was a killing blow I will use Swift Charge power that allows me to charge a diferent enemy, I will charge Drake Guard 2, using Howling Strike again. If that was not a Killing blow I will spend AP to try to finish him.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-14, 09:43 PM
Hit On Guard Drake #1 : 14 Damage

Guard Drake #1 is defeated.

It is still Tengar's turn.

2013-12-14, 09:56 PM
Tengar Warsgen

Tengar, enters in a battle frenzy attacking again, and again, and again...

Due to Rageblood Vigor I just earned 4 THP
Free: Swift Charge using Howling Strike on DG 2
Attack vs AC [roll0] (+1 from new charge); Damage [roll1]
AP -> Standard: Avalanche Strike
Attack vs AC [roll2]; Damage [roll3] (+4 damage bonus, from CON mod.)
Effect: Until the start of your next turn, any attacker gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls against you.

2013-12-14, 10:32 PM

Zhuge winced at the blow on Korran and at Tengar's strokes getting wilder as he grew tired and decided he should follow Finn's example.

"Michaelis, there is only one thug left, can you handle him? I will try to do something about that dratted slinger."

Zhuge gestured with the orb in his hand and the frost crackled around it. He then gestured and a bolt of blue air flew at the slinger.

I am posting Zhuge's standard action here with the rest of his turn following in the next post since some of it depends on whether his attack hits.

Attack Roll
[roll0] vs. Slinger's Fortitude

Damage Roll

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-14, 10:43 PM
Tengar's charge misses Guard Drake #2

Tengar uses his Action Point

Tengar's Avalance Strike misses Guard Drake #2

It is now Zhuge's turn.

2013-12-14, 10:49 PM

Sorry, Michaelis, it looks like my aim is not good enough for what I intended, let's see if I can at least do this.

Zhuge then fired a small bolt of force at the last human enemy. He quickly used the mage hand to open the chest again and dropped to the ground to shield himself from any more of the slinger's attacks.

Zhuge uses an Action Point to fire a Magic Missile at the minion, then uses a Minor Action to open the chest with Mage Hand and a move as a minor to drop prone giving him a +2 bonus to all defenses against the slinger's attacks.

Attack Roll
[roll0] vs. R6 reflex

Damage Roll

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-14, 11:03 PM
Hit on Human Rabble.

Human Rabble is defeated.

It is now the Halfling Slinger's turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-14, 11:09 PM
The Halfling Slinger

Giving up on bothering with the wizard cowardly laying among the dead trees, the slinger decides upon an easier target and unleashes a quick succession of shots towards the bard. Two of the three stones slam into him quite hard as the small halfling retreats along the edge of the crater and moves south.


Standard : Stone Rain against Michaelis
-Attack : 23 vs AC = Hit
-Damage : 7

-Attack : 11 vs AC = Miss
-Damage : 0

-Attack : 21 vs AC = Hit
-Damage : 10

Move : 6 spaces from J3 to F6.

It is now Michaelis' turn.

2013-12-15, 01:44 AM

"Goodness, I am feeling well loved with all this attention!" he cries amid the shower of stones pelting him. "Let me return the affection!" Summoning his arcane energies, he sends a sphere of acid hurtling at the half man, but it spashes wide against the hillside. "Rats! Perhaps a little closer would help." He glances back at the rest of the group, reluctant to separate the party."You've chewed him up pretty good, Korran, now one more good bite should do it." He sends Korran a mystical care package of protection and healing. "Tengar, Finn,follow up and finish those lizards. I'm going to have a few words with your kinsman." The bard dashes up towards Zhuge and plants himself in the dead trees near the wizard. "True, it gives you some good protection, lying there in the dirt, but it's awfully hard on the wardrobe, yes?" He looks himself over with a smirk. "No more so than blood I suppose. Shall we take the little peeble pusher down, hmmm?"

Standard Action
Acid OrbAt-Will * (Encounter, Dilettante) Acid, Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 20
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex (+6)
Hit: 1d10 + Charisma modifier acid damage.
vs Halfling Slinger Reflex - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Free Action
Virtue of Valor - 4 THP to Korran

Minor Action
Majestic WordEncounter (Special) Arcane, Healing
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: You or one ally in the burst
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. (+4) You also slide the target 1 square.
Korran can use a healing surge + 4 hp and no slide (unless he wants)

Move Action
Move to Q3

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-15, 02:28 PM
Miss on Hafling Slinger

Korran gains 4 THP

Korran gains 13 HP

It is now Korran's turn.

Red Moldova
2013-12-15, 06:08 PM

Rallying from the inspiring words Korran attacks with renewed vigor.


HP: 30/36 +4 Temp
Surges: 9/10
AC: 20 (19 Base, +1 Winter's Herald)
Fort: 17
Ref: 16
Will: 16

Free Action: Nature's Wrath (mark each adjacent enemy)
Standard Action: Earth Shield Strike

vs Guard Drake 2
To Hit: [roll0] vs. AC
Damage: [roll1]

Warden Level 1 At-Will: Earth Shield Strike
At-Will ♦ Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target One creature
Attack Strength vs. AC
Hit 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you gain a +1 power bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-16, 12:48 AM
Guard Drake #2 is marked.

Miss on Guard Drake #2

It is now Finn's turn.

Turk Mannion
2013-12-16, 01:42 AM
Finn Bramblefoot

"See," said Finn, ruefully shaking his head, "giving us halflings such a bad reputation...."

Finn made another casual fling of his hand toward the remaining drake and a familiar green orb flew out at the beast.

Standard Action: Acid Orb (at-will)
Hit: [roll0] vs. reflex
Damage: [roll1]

Range: 20
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10+Charisma acid damage
Special: Can be used as ranged basic attack

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-16, 12:21 PM
Hit on Guard Drake #2 : 9 Damage

It is now the Guard Drake's turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-16, 12:57 PM
The Guard Drake

Ignoring the felling of its allies the guard drake continues to skirmish with Korran and lunges at him with a might bite closing its jaws around his leg and chomping down hard.

Guard Drake #2
Move : None
Standard : Bite Attack against Korran
-Attack : 24 vs AC = Hit
-Damage : 6

It is now Tengar's turn.

2013-12-16, 01:36 PM
Tengar Warsgen

Tengar retreats two steps away from the the enemy, he then rushes toward the enemy making an attack, howling during it to summon his strength to the blow!

Move: Shift 2 (due to Swift Panther Range) to T-8
Standard: Charge using Howling Strike on the DG2 ending again on S-10
Attack vs AC [roll0] (+1 due to Charge); Damage [roll1] (already with +1d6 from Howling Strike)
Minor: Nothing

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-16, 06:03 PM
Hit on Guard Drake #1 : 18 Damage

Guard Drake #2 is now bloodied.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-16, 06:08 PM
Combat Round 4 (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao_uloSlbJErdDVNakxjQjRFTGJuclFvVUZzNGNHZ 2c#gid=0)

Only two foes remain as the adventures carve a swath of destruction through the dig site. They have felled the gnome leader and his dig team, and only need to finish off the final drake and the cowardly halfling who hides above.

Turn Order
Hafling Slinger
Guard Drakes
Monster Status
Guard Drake 1:
-Damage Taken (50+)
-Conditions Defeated
Guard Drake 2:
-Damage Taken (33)
-Conditions Bloody
Human Rabble 1:
-Damage Taken (1)
-Conditions Defeated
Human Rabble 2:
-Damage Taken (1)
-Conditions Defeated
Human Rabble 3:
-Damage Taken (1)
-Conditions Defeated
Human Rabble 4:
-Damage Taken (1)
-Conditions Defeated
Halfling Slinger :
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Gnome Skulk:
-Damage Taken (Enough)
-Conditions Defeated

Player Status
-Hit Points 11/33
-Conditions Bloody
-Hit Points 28/36
-Conditions Form of Winter's Herald
-Hit Points 23/27
-Conditions 4 THP
-Hit Points 31/31
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 39/39
-Conditions Rage of the Swift Panther, Stone's Endurance

It is now Zhuge's turn.

2013-12-16, 06:46 PM

Zhuge decided that the Halfling had to be stopped and he was running out of ways to do it. He stood up and started to taunt the enemy.

"Not only a half-wit but a half-hearted one I see. Apparently you run away from a wizard and a bard since they are more dangerous in melee than you are. I am surprised your father dared get close enough to your mother to produce you if he was anything like you. Come out and fight like a man, even those lizards you recruited for pay are braver than you."

Immediately afterwards, Zhuge launched a burst of magical energies that seemed to slow the Halfling down.

"Where are you going we already know your face and your employer is dead. If you leave here we will spread word that you are a half-hearted, half witted craven who should never be employed again since he will run away as soon as the going gets tough, even while he is practically uninjured."

Zhuge is trying to get the slinger to move closer to him and is taunting him to make him angrier and more willing to do so. I do not know what check should be used so I will roll a straight d20 and you can add whatever modifier is appropriate. He is standing up with his move action and using his Standard to cast Sleep detailed below on the Halfling.

Attack roll for Sleep vs. Will

Unmodified Taunt Roll


Sleep Wizard Attack 1
You exert your will against your foes, seeking to overwhelm them with a tide of magical weariness.
Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement, Sleep Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: The target is slowed (save ends). If the target fails its first saving throw against this power, the target becomes unconscious (save ends). Miss: The target is slowed (save ends).

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-16, 08:08 PM
Miss on Halfling Slinger.

Halfling Slinger is now Slowed. (Save Ends)

It is the Halfling Slinger's turns.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-16, 08:33 PM
The Halfling Slinger

Unaware of the insulting wizard below the halfling continues to move around the rim of the crater to the south. Suddenly despite his best efforts he feels a supernatural force slow him, willing his feet to be rooted to the ground. Struggling, he slips into a glade of trees and fires a long shot across the pit at Tengar which falls short by several feet.

Move : 2 spaces from E6 to D7.

Standard : Sling Attack against Tengar
-Attack : 15-2 vs AC = Miss
-Damage : 0

Saving Throw : [roll0]

It is now Michaelis' turn.

2013-12-17, 01:44 AM

"I cannot abide a coward. However, as I also cannot chase a runner, perhaps I can hasten this victory another way," he thinks to himself. "Zhuge take that halfling down piece by piece. Finn, can you give him a ranged hand? I'll tag in with the drake. Keep up the pressure, Tengar. It's working!" Moving in closer to the guard lizard, he clicks and grunts in a way suggesting the lizard's bite is less than satisfactory than a suckling baby mouse's gentle nuzzle.

Move Action
Move to V8

Free Action
Virtue of ValorOnce per round, when any ally within 5 squares of you reduces an enemy to 0 hit points or bloodies an enemy, you can grant temporary hit points to that ally as a free action. The number of temporary hit points equals 1 + your Constitution modifier(4) at 1st level,4 THP to Tengar

Standard Action
Vicious MockeryAt-Will Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will (+6)
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage (1d6+4), and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.vs GD2 Will - [roll0] (hmmm, too close for fluff)
Damage - [roll1] psychic damage and -2 to attacks UEoMyNT

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-18, 12:45 AM
The drakes reels in anger but can barely spare a moment between the onslaught of attack by Tengar and Korran. Finding itself pinned in a corner there is not much it can do but await the inevitable.

Hit on Guard Drake #2 : 8 Damage

Guard Drake is bloody but still alive.

It is now Korran's turn.

Red Moldova
2013-12-18, 06:45 AM

Seeing that the fight is almost at an end, Korran rallies his strength and swings at the Drake. Ethereal brambles erupt from the length of his sword and shoot towards the Drake embedding themselves in the Drake and pulling it towards Korran.


HP: 28/36 (From 30+4 temp)
Surges: 9/10
AC: 20 (19 Base, +1 Winter's Herald)
Fort: 17
Ref: 16
Will: 16

Free Action: Nature's Wrath (mark each adjacent enemy)
Move Action: Shift 1 from T-10 to U-9
Standard Action: Thorn Strike

vs Guard Drake 2
To Hit: [roll0] vs. AC (Pretty sure 25 hits, Pull 1 (Guard Drake 2) S-11 to T-10)
Damage: [roll1]

Warden Level 1 At-Will: Thorn Strike
At-Will ♦ Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee 2
Target One creature
Attack Strength vs. AC
Hit 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you pull the target 1 square.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-19, 12:50 AM
Hit on Guard Drake : 5 Damage

Guard Drake is pulled to T10.

Guard Drake is still alive, and still very very bloody.

It is now Finn's turn.

Turk Mannion
2013-12-19, 03:06 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

Finn moved toward the halfling slinger, careful to not move too close and lose sight of him.

"It is mini-mano y mini-mano time, my wayward halfling friend! Pity you got yourself mixed in with this motley group, but that is the way the sling-stone tumbles!

Finn let loose with another swirling green orb, just barely clearing the edge of the pit and trying to strike the slinger on top.

Move Action: Move from U6 to M6

Standard Action: Acid Orb (at will)
Target: Halfling Slinger (E6)
Hit: [roll0] vs. reflex
Damage: [roll1] acid damage

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-20, 01:26 PM
Hit on Halfling Slinger : 13 Damage

It is now the Guard Drake turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-20, 01:33 PM
The Guard Drake

It what could be its final attack the drake strikes out once more at Korran.

Guard Drake #2
Move : None
Standard : Bite Attack against Korran
-Attack : 20 vs AC = Hit
-Damage : 5

It is now Tengar's turn.

2013-12-21, 11:06 AM
Tengar Warsgen

Tengar give some quick steps and then unleash an strike on the back of the Drake Guard...

Standard: Pressing Strike on DG 2, as part of the attack I can shift 2 before attacking I will shift to S11 (gaining CA over the DG 2)
Attack vs AC [roll0] (already +2 from CA); Damage [roll1] (Already with +1d6 to being raging)
Effect: oh hit I will push him to U-10
Move: I will move toward the Halfing guy if the Drake guard is dead, if he is not dead I will remain there...
At-Will ✦ Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: Before the attack, you shift 2 squares. You can move through an enemy’s space during the shift, but you can’t end there.
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you push the target 1 square. If you are raging, the attack deals 1d6 extra damage.
Level 21: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.

2013-12-21, 04:56 PM

Zhuge moved along the edge of the pit as he started to chase the Halfling slinger.

"I think I can keep him close enough for you guys to take out at least." He shouted across the pit and fit the words to the actions as he fired a blue bolt of energy that seemed to frost the leaves on the trees as it flew towards the Halfling and burst overhead, leaving the Halfling standing unharmed under a tree covered in frost rimmed leaves.

Zhuge is moving to M2 and using his standard to launch Ray of Frost against the Halfling, who I believe you said was in D7.

Attack Roll: [roll0] vs Fortitude (does not include penalty for cover)

Damage Roll [roll1]

On a hit the target is slowed until EOMNT.

Ray of Frost
A blisteringly cold ray of white frost streaks to your target.
At-Will ✦ Arcane, Cold, Implement Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-21, 06:47 PM
The barbarian's powerful blow strikes the drake from behind and nearly rends the creature in twain. Its now lifeless body slams into the ground and kicks up a small tuft of dust. Bright red blood begins to wind its way through the soil in tiny rivulets.

Hit on Guard Drake : 11 Damage

Guard Drake is defeated.

End of Round Four

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-21, 06:52 PM
Combat Round 5 (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao_uloSlbJErdDVNakxjQjRFTGJuclFvVUZzNGNHZ 2c#gid=0)

Only a single foe remains, the halfling slinger, lurking in the trees above the crater and still slowed by Zhuge's magic.

Turn Order
Hafling Slinger
Monster Status
Guard Drake 1:
-Damage Taken (50+)
-Conditions Defeated
Guard Drake 2:
-Damage Taken (57)
-Conditions Defeated
Human Rabble 1:
-Damage Taken (1)
-Conditions Defeated
Human Rabble 2:
-Damage Taken (1)
-Conditions Defeated
Human Rabble 3:
-Damage Taken (1)
-Conditions Defeated
Human Rabble 4:
-Damage Taken (1)
-Conditions Defeated
Halfling Slinger :
-Damage Taken (13)
-Conditions Bloody
Gnome Skulk:
-Damage Taken (Enough)
-Conditions Defeated

Player Status
-Hit Points 11/33
-Conditions Bloody
-Hit Points 27/36
-Conditions Form of Winter's Herald
-Hit Points 23/27
-Conditions 4 THP
-Hit Points 31/31
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 39/39
-Conditions Rage of the Swift Panther, 4 THP

It is now Zhuge's turn. [ABOVE]

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-21, 07:34 PM
Miss on Halfling Slinger.

It is now the Halfling Slinger's Turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-22, 11:36 PM
The Halfling Slinger

The halfling slinger fires another deadly volley of stones towards the wizard Zhuge.


Standard : Stone Rain against Michaelis
-Attack : [roll0]-2 vs AC
-Damage : [roll1]

-Attack : [roll2]-2 vs AC CRIT
-Damage : [roll3] Max Damage : 10

-Attack : [roll4]-2 vs AC
-Damage : [roll5]

It is now Michaelis' turn.

2013-12-23, 03:47 AM

"That little bugger's tearing us apart," he grumbles to himself, "with a SLING! Gods!" Turning to his companions, he stirs them into a frenzy. "Now's the time, lads! He's running out of options. All of us at once will be his end! Let's attack that cliff and overrun him!" Lifting his sword above his head, he brings it down towards the halfling and sets off for the far side off the pit.

Move Action
Move to Q6

Minor Action
Inspire Competence - Athletics +2 bonus to all in close burst 5 (all) to next roll
Encounter Arcane
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: You and each ally in the burst
Effect: Choose a skill. Until the end of the encounter, each target gains a +2 power bonus to his or her next check using that skill.
Standard Action
Move to L7

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-23, 01:12 PM
It is now Korran's turn.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-23, 01:18 PM
As he charges towards the cliff something catches Michaelis' eye that he had noticed before; A dark brown blanket lies near the northwestern wall of the crater and is clearly covering something, perhaps boxes, but the bard swears for a second he thought he saw it move.

Red Moldova
2013-12-23, 02:10 PM

Looking over and spotting the halfling Korran sprints off after it. Climbing the hill at a murderous pace he quickly plows through the underbrush and circles around in front of the Halfling. "It'd be best if you stop now, I think we have some questions for you."


HP: 23/36 (From 28)
Surges: 9/10
AC: 20 (19 Base, +1 Winter's Herald)
Fort: 17
Ref: 16
Will: 16

Ongoing Effects
Form of Winter's Herald (End of Encounter)
Inspire Competence: Athletics (Next Roll)

Move Action: Run
U-9 ► T-8 ► S-8 ► R-8 ► Q-8 ► P-8 ► O-8 ► N-8 ► M-8

Standard Action (Downgraded to Move): Run

M-8 ► L-8 ► K-8 ► J-8 ► I-8 ► H-8 (Difficult Terrain) ► G-8 (Difficult Terrain)

Athletics Check [roll0] (Including +2 bonus from Michaelis)

Action Point
Standard Action (Downgraded to Move): Run

G-8 ► F-8 ► E-8 (Difficult Terrain) ► D-8 ► C-7

Free Action: Nature's Wrath (mark each adjacent enemy)

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-23, 06:26 PM
Korran moves to C7

Korran expends 1 Action Point.

The Halfling Slinger does not have a melee weapon at the ready and cannot make an AoO.

Halfling Slinger is Marked.

It is now Finn's turn.

Turk Mannion
2013-12-23, 07:58 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

Ah, no, not again....because that whole 'surrender and interrogate' plan worked out so well before....of, course, halflings ARE a superior intellect so there is some hope.....

Reluctantly, Finn held his action, ready to snap off another attack if the slinger even blinked crossly at Korran.

Ready Action - Standard

Acid Orb
Target: Halfing Slinger
Trigger: Any attack or attempt to move from the slinger's current space

Attack: [roll0] vs. Reflext (includes +1 for Arcane Spellfury feat)
Damage: [roll1]

Range: 20
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10+Charisma acid damage
Special: Can be used as ranged basic attack

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-30, 12:03 AM
The Halfling Slinger

The small halfling coughs a sputters, blood dripping from his mouth down to his green and yellow tunic, as he drops the the leather sling at his feet. A dagger still hangs at his belt but for now he holds still, which isnt hard as the magical tendrils still grasp as his feet trying to hold him in place.

"What...whaaaat... just do it already."

Red Moldova
2013-12-30, 12:55 AM
The Halfling Slinger

The small halfling coughs a sputters, blood dripping from his mouth down to his green and yellow tunic, as he drops the the leather sling at his feet. A dagger still hangs at his belt but for now he holds still, which isnt hard as the magical tendrils still grasp as his feet trying to hold him in place.

"What...whaaaat... just do it already."


"That shouldn't be necessary" Watching the halfling closely Korran reaches into his backpack and akwardly digs around before pulling out his well used coil of hemp rope and approaches the unarmed halfling with the obvious intention of binding him.

2013-12-30, 05:13 AM

Zhuge walked towards the Halfling and tried to help the bard with the attempt to convince the Halfling to help them, "There may not be a need to kill you. I am sure that you know many things that we could use and right now I believe that our leader wants to talk to you. Michaelis, can you help him realize that we do not kill people if we don't have to and that we can reach an agreement?"

As he did so he sheathed his dagger but kept his orb at the ready.

Unfortunately, Zhuge failed to account for the effort moving through stones took so his breathless voice was barely comprehensible 5 yards away, much less the 12 that the Halfling was away from him.

Zhuge is trying to give an Aid Another to the next Diplomacy Check Michaelis makes.

Standard: Diplomacy Aid Another [roll0]
Move: to I2
Minor: sheath my dagger

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-30, 01:47 PM
Victory : The Burial Site

As sun shines down on the large crater the group stands victorious over the felled bodies of several workers and their gnomish leader. The large frames of the two monstrous drakes bask in the sun nearby as well. Only one of them remained standing, the halfling, who had belted the party from above with a rain of stones and was retreating along the rim if not for the slowing magic of Zhuge and the quick movements of Korran. As it stands the group plans to take the halfling hostage and see what information can be gained from him.

You earned 120XP each.

Bounty Hunter
2013-12-30, 10:56 PM
The Halfling Slinger

The small halfling backs away from Korran a few steps with its hands up, not yet reaching for the dagger on its belt.

"Now now that aint necessary we can talk about this... I was just doin' me job."

Red Moldova
2014-01-01, 07:28 PM

"I'm not sure you can be trusted to answer the tough questions if you have the opportunity to flee" Korran quickly moves in and ties up the little halfling.

2014-01-02, 03:30 AM

Seeing that the crew has the halfling well in hand, the bard steps closer to the suspicious blanket. With sword at the ready, he calls to it. "Hello? Little blanket bunny? Would you like to come out or should I bring the spell-thrower over to give you an acid shower? Hmmm?"

2014-01-02, 04:53 AM

Once the halfling is tied up Zhuge takes the chance to examine the chest and then searches the nearby bodies of the spellcaster and the rabble nearby.

Zhuge is going to move to M6 and search the chest followed by the nearby bodies.

Turk Mannion
2014-01-02, 01:07 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

"Acid shower! Acid Shower!"

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-02, 04:45 PM
The hafling is bound by Korran with a fairly sturdy bit of rope trying his hands and ankles and a loop between them so that he make walk but not run. He mutters a few words under his breath though nothing too audible, save for a coment about 'an overpowered halfling mage and his clutz of a wizard student'. Meanwhile Michaelis approaches the blanket, all the while whatever is underneath continues to move back and forth and a few muffled sounds can be heard but nothing distinguishable.

ZhugeHarold? opens the small wooden box to find a small relic, most likely what the crew had been digging for, it appears to be a small silver mirror. The box is otherwise a plain wooden chest with a simple lock and no hidden compartments.

2014-01-03, 11:30 PM

Zhuge was mildly surprised that the artifact that they had been seeking was a mirror and not a weapon but knew better than to underestimate it for that reason. He took several moments to examine it closely to see if he could identify its characteristics.

Arcana Check [roll0]

After his brief examination he removed it from the chest (assuming he does not detect any strong feelings of curses or magic that he cannot identify) and turned around. "I think I found something Michaelis, you might want to look at it once you are done figuring out the blanket."

Standard Action to make Arcana Check.
Minor Action: to pick up the object only if he has identified the objext as safe
Minor Action: Stand up and turn towards Michaelis
Free Action: Speak

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-04, 12:29 AM
Zhuge examines the mirror but finds nothing that would lead him to believe it is magical in nature. He sense no curses or cantrips as work as he picks it up and examines it more closely; it appears to be an ordinary steel mirror, though is obviously quite ancient.

Turk Mannion
2014-01-05, 09:11 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

Finn called up to the top of the pit. "Hey, Korran, let me know if you need my help up there...you know...beat a bit of sense into that numbskull."

Seeing that Zhuge made no obvious reaction to the mirror in his hands, Finn assumed it was not worth much. He made his way over to Michelis, ready to cast if the object underneath posed any threat. "Come on out, Mr. Bunny, nice and slow or you get a warm little acid bath, courtesy of Finn - yes, Finn - Bramblefoot."

Two bluff checks if needed:

Halfling slinger: [roll0]

Blanket Bunny: [roll1]

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-05, 11:39 PM
The blanket continues to move back and forth slightly, but nothing emerges from underneath. Muffled sounds can be heard, but nothing determinable.


2014-01-06, 01:38 AM

Stepping closer to the blanket, he says with a wink to Finn, "Basher Brothers, stand ready to rip it to shreads! Finn and Dreadulon, blast it to kingdom come if it makes a move!" Grabbing a corner of the blanket, he quickly pulls it away.

Bluff (if you really want one, more for flavor) - [roll0]

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-06, 02:16 AM
The Burial Site

Michaelis grabs the blanket and pulls it away to to find a man bound and gagged laying on his side in the dirt. A split second later he realizes that the man is no other than Douven Stahl, the man the group had set out to locate. Hempen rope binds his hands in front of him and his ankles together, and a cloth gag is tied around his face. His clothes are disheveled and bruises can be seen on his arms and face.

2014-01-06, 05:24 AM

Zhuge looked up from the mirror in time to see Douven Stahl revealed from under the blanket. "Sir, just give me a minute and I will have you free." He moves over to where his teacher lies bound and secures the mirror at his waist before trying to cut him loose with his dagger, starting with the gag. "What happened to you sir, what had you found and what led to Agrid tying you up?"

Zhuge is going to move to I7 (I6 if he needs to be in the same square to untie Douven with his Move Action.
Minor: Stick mirror into his belt.
Standard: Cut/Untie Douven starting with the gag.

Dagger/Thievery check to untie him (both have same modifier, pick which one is more appropriate.

Turk Mannion
2014-01-07, 12:36 AM
Finn Bramblefoot

A bit impressed that the old man had survived being beaten, bound and gagged, Finn nodded to no one in particular. "So the old guy is still alive.....nice. Glad to see it all worked out. Big, bad heroes 1; embarrassingly pathetic, evil guys 0. Victory for Finn and the Bramblefeet! Er....Bramblefoots...er.....whatever."

Backing away to allow the others to reunite with their found friend, he called back up to Korran again. "Get that guy down here so we can start the interrogation! I haven't used my knife in a few hours and I am startin' to get itchy! And I think now we can start to discuss the second part of our 'I help you, you help me' arrangement."

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-07, 01:00 AM
Quest Completed : The Missing Mentor

The Party Gains 250XP Each

Michaelis recognizes Douven Staul and quickly gets to work freeing him from his bonds while Finn stands at-the-ready nearby, his spells still primed and then he realizes that the 'blanket bunny' poses no threat. The pair are quickly joined by Zhuge with the strange mirror still in hand, and blood still weeping from his wounds. Tengar, who had been busy searching the bodies, mostly to make sure they were deader than dead, assists Korran in bringing the halfing prisoner down to the bottom of the dig site with the others.

"Thank the Gods you all arrived when you did..." gasps Douven after a few breaths of fresh air after who knows how long under a stuffy blanket. "...they had just found what they were after, and I feared my end was soon to follow!" As the prisoner is brought down into the crater the mentor points a wrinkled finger at the halfling. "That one there. He wasnt the leader, but he knows what they were up to. Where is that accursed gnome anyhow...?" Climbing to his feet he limps over to the still-warm corpse of the gnome Agrid and pulls a locket from it's neck which he immediately opens. Those close enough to him can see that inside is a picture of his wife, which he spends a moment staring at as if lost in thought.

"Here..." he says, extending the amulet in one hand while clutching the picture in the other. "...a token of thanks. I'm afraid I cant offer much else, this 'hoard' turned out to mostly be a let down. But I want you to know that I thank you for saving me, and that my dear wife will surely never let you hear the end of it." He gestures to the halfling propped against the dirt wall. "Whatever you plan to do with that one, you should do it quickly, I must really be getting back to Fallcrest..."

The party gains:
70 gold peices
An Ancient Mirror
+1 Amulet of Health
Club x 4
War Pick x 1
Crossbow x 1 (Bolts x 18)
Sling x 1 (Bullets x 10)
Dagger x 1

Red Moldova
2014-01-07, 05:30 AM

"I'm not sure that it would be wise to travel these roads alone Duoven, these lands seem to swarming with kobolds." Korran sets down his charge, turns to everyone and says "Should we conclude our business and return to town then?"

2014-01-08, 06:29 AM

Zhuge turns to the newly freed Mr. Stauhl. "Please travel back with us. I have so many things I still want to ask you. Do you know what period the mirror is from and what its significance was?

Zhuge also racks his brain to remember if dragon bones can be used in any rituals.

Arcana check to know if dragon bones or powdered dragon bones can be used as ingredients for arcane rituals.
Arcane Check [roll0]

"By the way, does anyone else want the dagger? I already have a couple but can always use an extra."

Turk Mannion
2014-01-08, 01:47 PM

Zhuge turns to the newly freed Mr. Stauhl. "Please travel back with us. I have so many things I still want to ask you. Do you know what period the mirror is from and what its significance was?

Zhuge also racks his brain to remember if dragon bones can be used in any rituals.

Arcana check to know if dragon bones or powdered dragon bones can be used as ingredients for arcane rituals.
Arcane Check [roll0]

"By the way, does anyone else want the dagger? I already have a couple but can always use an extra."

Finn Bramblefoot

"Discussions of daggers and beauty items are all well and good, as is the safety of your mentor," with a nod to the old man, "but of greater immediate importance is our captive prisoner. We need to find out what he knows and then decide what to do with him. I assume you are all adverse to stuffing him in the chest and leaving him here, so our best plan would be to take him back to town and hand him over to the town's militia. But any interrogation should be done out here, to reduce any fear his story may cause with the townspeople."

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-08, 02:11 PM
The Burial Site

Douven nods in response to Korran's comments. "Yes Yes, filthy vermin really, the townsfolk have been complaining of their raiding for several weeks and I'm quite suprised I wasnt attacked myself while here at the site...perhaps they feared to trespass on the burial site of a dragon." As he speaks he attempts to tidy up his clothes and knock the dirt off them and even goes so far as to run his fingers through his hair a time or too drastically improving his dishevled appearance.

Taking a look at the mirror that Zhuge presents, he turns the object over a few times and points out the markings on the back engraved into the silver. "Ah yes....here...look here" he taps his finger on the spot and extends the artifact back towards the wizard. "Its ancient, quite ancient indeed. These are the marks of Nareth, the kingdom that ruled these lands long long ago. But its not magical in any way, it appears to just be a very old peice of a long bygone age. Still it may be worth some coin to those in Winterhaven, its part of their heritage after all. Maybe your captive might know what they wanted it for...?"

2014-01-09, 12:54 AM

Beaming brightly at the sight of his mentor, the bard can barely contain his joy, struggling to keep his control and not pick Douven up and swing him around.

He briefly loses his composure when present with the amulet. Choking back a tear, he says, "Yes, she would raise a fuss if you came home to dinner on time for once. The gift will stay in my heart, even if it may not be around my neck." He turns to Tengar. "If you are going to keep charging in, we better make sure you have little more protection. She's a bit over-protective, but I think it will do you some good." He hands the amulet to the barbarian.

"As for our bundled friend, let's get what information we can about the troubles he's caused and get on our way. Douvan is safe. That's our task down, but I believe we owe you a death cult," he says to Finn.

He turns and begins walking up the hill towards the halfling, pocketing a few dropped sling bullets on the way.

2014-01-10, 09:10 AM

Zhuge followed Michaelis as he went to interrogate the prisoner. Rather than introducing questions, he hoped to focus on determining how true whatever answers the prisoner gave to the questions that the others were about to give.

Insight Check [roll0]

Turk Mannion
2014-01-10, 03:32 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

Content to know that the others had not forgotten about his own quest, Finn moved to follow Zhuge and Michealis over to where Korran had placed the trussed-up halfing.

Staring straight at the prisonor, Finn spoke in the quick halfling language. His voice was pleasant and his face seemed relaxed, but the words were anything but. "You saw what I did to your foolish friends, right. Bit of acid, maybe make your face melt right off your skull. Imagine what I can do to scramble that little brain of yours if you don't come clean with us. Understand?"

He switched back to Common, his face remaining pleasant, as he spoke to the others. "Sorry, I was just trying to calm him down a bit and make sure he understands that he can talk to us without any worry. So," he said, turning back to the halfling on the ground, "what is your name? And just what exactly are you doing out here? Besides kidnapping an innocent old man?"

Bluff (if needed for fellow party and if they care): [roll1]

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-11, 07:41 PM
The Burial Site

The halfling glances among the party members before turning turning back to Finn. "G-Garret. Garret Tosscobble. And I aint got nothing to do with the imprisonment of no old man. The gnome pays me for security of his job and I provide it, him and his thugs the ones the wrapped up the old fella and it t'aint no business of mine. I dont get paid to go askin no questions, I dont know anything I swear." The visibly shaken halfling spouts out, his speech a hurried slur jumbled by fear in addition to his already fast speaking. "Whatever they were after they planned on taking it to the Keep up north a ways, but I dont know why...honest..."

- - - -

Insight checks will show that he is being truthful.

- - - -

Douven Stahl fidgets around a bit while the party speaks with their prisoner. It is quick obvious that he doesn't care who they were or why they were here, he only wishes to leave this place and to head back home. He seems lost in thought while he stares down at the picture of his wife once again.

Red Moldova
2014-01-11, 10:39 PM
Insight [roll0]

2014-01-12, 05:57 AM

Zhuge noted that the Halfling appeared to be telling the truth and his ears perked up at the mention of the keep to the northward. On a whim, he pulled out the amulet which bore the symbol of Orcus: "Have you ever seen anything like this before? We found it next to the road and I was wondering if it might have belonged to some of those mysterious friends of yours, did they ever wear anything like it? Also, do you happen to know what the kobolds are up to or did your group have anything to do with them?""

If necessary: another Insight Check, [roll0]

2014-01-13, 09:16 AM
Tengar Warsgen

Tengar takes the amulet and place around his neck, saying "Great! That will help me to stay alive more time on the battle field, I ensure I will make good use of it!"

Tengar then come close to the rest of the party and thinks "Talk, talk, talk...we should give a end to this coward scum..." But Tengar lets his friends end the talkative part of the mission and just stay there, listening.

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-13, 10:36 AM
The Burial Site

The halfling shakes his head. "I'm just hired security, I dont know anything about whatever they're planning to do and I dont particularlly care to." He adjusts the way he's sitting slightly, trying to sit up straighter. "And I damn sure dont have anything to do with no nasty kobolds, filthy and annoying little creatures, a plague on this land they are..." he trails off and nervously looks around at the group, primarily the threating Finn and the imposing Tengar.

Again it rather apparent the he's telling the truth and fearful for his life and being a cooperative as possible. What you decide to do with the halfling is surely up to you but you have taken his weapons and have him tied up. If the party wishes to return to Winterhaven you may choose to bring him with you as a prisoner or set him free.

Turk Mannion
2014-01-13, 12:51 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

"He seems like he is telling the truth....like he said, there is no way even any semi-intelligent halfling is going to have anything to do with the kobolds. Let's take him back to town and just turn him over to the guards. They can lock him up or do whatever they want with him," he finished with an apathetic shrug.

Finn prepared himself to return to town as soon as the others were ready, curious to see how much the old man would slow them down.

2014-01-14, 01:57 AM

Helping his mentor to regain circulation after being tied up, he readies him for travel, staying right by his side. While usually in calm control, the bard is overly doting on his old mentor, clearly concerned for his well being. He takes his time preparing for the journey, tending wounds and insuring Douven's comfort.

Satisfied that things were in order, he calls to his companions, "Let's be off. I'd rather not have another skirmish in the dark." He begins leading Douven carefully up the slope, out of the pit.

Takes the aforementioned healing surges.

Red Moldova
2014-01-14, 03:57 AM

"Let's be off. I'd rather not have another skirmish in the dark."[/B]


"Sounds like a plan, lets quickly gather up what we can and be on our way." Korran begins policing up all the random equipment and quickly hurries off to join Michaelis and Douven.

2014-01-14, 03:34 PM

I also agree. We should make it back to leave Douven safely there and then go hunting this death cult.

For the moment Zhuge secures the mirror in his pack and makes sure that all the gold is being taken, if it is not he picks up the rest for safekeeping.

Once they are on the road back,

Finn, what details did you hear about the death cult? We found a symbol of Orcus on the kobolds that could be related but I was wondering who had told you about the cult and if they had any details that would help us? Also, do you know anyone who could safely dispose of the evil symbol we had found?

I am adding the dagger and mirror to my character sheet. If anyone else wants the mirror please just ask.

Turk Mannion
2014-01-15, 02:30 PM
Finn Bramblefoot


Finn, what details did you hear about the death cult? We found a symbol of Orcus on the kobolds that could be related but I was wondering who had told you about the cult and if they had any details that would help us? Also, do you know anyone who could safely dispose of the evil symbol we had found?

"I know little more than what you do. A friend asked me to investigate a death cult operating in the area. If it had been anyone but her, I would have considered it a fool's quest and refused....but it looks as if she was right. A cult of Orcus would certainly qualify, but I am not sure what the next step would be.

Finn grew silent and he continued walking, deep in thought, before turning to Michaelis. "Didn't you mention something the guard captain said back in town about a band of kobolds that had a lair somewhere around here. And some leader named....Steeltooth....or Ironjaw...something stupid like that. Since we found the cult symbl on a kobold, perhaps investigating this kobold band might be our next step? After," he added quickly to allay any fears the others might have, "we return your friend to town."

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-15, 04:33 PM
The Town of Winterhaven

The small group of advernturers, accompanied by their mentor from Fallcrest, make their way north along the old road that skirts past the town of Winterhaven before it winds through the Cairngorm Peaks. The road is dry and dusty, just like before, and to their luck on this journey there is no sign of kobolds save for a few tracks which Korran is able to note as being at least a few days old. They are slowed slightly by the pace of Douven Stahl but the trek doesnt take much longer than their original route south. Their halfling prisoner shuffles along with the group, they keep his hands bound but have freed his legs so that he may walk at full speed. He makes no attempt to escape and only speaks if spoken to.

As the sun begins its decent towards the mountaintops to the west the group can see the rise of land and the stone walls of town in the distance. A different pair of guards stands armed with pikes at the gate and watches their approach.

Red Moldova
2014-01-16, 02:49 AM

Korran walks up and greets them, "Hello, we're heading inside, would you mind opening the gates?"

2014-01-16, 03:35 AM

Stepping away from Douven after meeting his eye to check on him, the bard speaks to the halfling. "The Captain was nonspecific about Irontooth and his lair. Duckets to doughnuts, though, it's east, along the way of those other tracks Korran found. Orcus is commonly associated with death so that's a fair jump. If you say attack the Demon Prince's chosen people, it is done. I'm indebted to you for your help in rescuing Douven." He gives a short bow with his hand on his heart towards the halfling.

He returns to take his mentor's arm and keep the conversation light with a ready smile. "None too soon," he thinks as they approach the city gates. "Douven is not the adventurer he once was."

2014-01-16, 09:07 AM

As they walk along the road, Zhuge approaches Michaelis, "I do not have any use for this mirror, unless someone else has a better idea, can you or Finn take charge of selling it? I think one of you will get the best deal.

Zhuge walks up to the gate where the guards are, "Mr. Stahl is injured and he needs some rest. We need to take him to his home and go talk to your commander, so please let us through to do so. Do you know if he is at the inn or where he can be found? We have some fairly important matters to discuss with him."

I figure that trade related matters would be diplomacy or charisma based and those two have the highest modifiers. I am removing it from my sheet but keeping the amulet to turn over to someone in the town for safekeeping/destruction.

Turk Mannion
2014-01-16, 12:27 PM
Finn Bramblefoot


Stepping away from Douven after meeting his eye to check on him, the bard speaks to the halfling. "The Captain was nonspecific about Irontooth and his lair. Duckets to doughnuts, though, it's east, along the way of those other tracks Korran found. Orcus is commonly associated with death so that's a fair jump. If you say attack the Demon Prince's chosen people, it is done. I'm indebted to you for your help in rescuing Douven." He gives a short bow with his hand on his heart towards the halfling.

"Hmmmmm," the halfling thought to himself, "he reminds me of Marta just a bit. Maybe this hero stuff isn't such a waste of talent after all."

Red Moldova
2014-01-16, 04:55 PM
City gates are open.

Captian is in the barracks. The guards there will take the halfling and such.Korran

Korran looks around as they head into Winterhaven, indicating the bound Halfling Korran asks "Does anyone have anything they'd like to ask him before we turn him over to the Guards?"

Turk Mannion
2014-01-16, 06:36 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

Finn shook his head. "No, he has told us everything he knows."

Turning to the others, he said, "If you want to get Douvan taken care of, I can take our hard earned booty and sell it....not sure if these farmers will even know which end of a sword to hold, but maybe they can turn it into a plow of some sort. I will meet you in the Inn later and we can discuss our next steps."

If everyone is ok, I will take the mirror and the other items and find buyers for them.

Couple of diplomacy rolls if needed:
[roll0] Diplomacy
[roll1] Diplomacy

2014-01-16, 07:14 PM

I don't think so Michaelis, I think I asked him everything he might now the answer to.

We are almost there Mr. Stahl, just a little further till we can rest.

Zhuge offers Douven an arm to lean on as he covers the final distance to the inn.

Please take care of this man, and give him a room for tonight and a meal, I will be coming back shortly to eat here also and check on him again.

Once Douven is settled down with a meal and a reserved room, Zhuge heads over to the barracks to talk to the Captain about Kobolds.

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-17, 01:35 AM

The group enters town to find it much the same as before, this time accompanied by their halfling prisoner and their missing mentor. The most noticeable difference is no market booths line the square today...in fact the farms outside the village walls had also seemed strangely empty. The few villagers you do see seem to be nervous, pausing to give you a furtive glance, before darting to go about their way.

- - -

Zhuge accompanies his mentor into Wrafton's Inn where he is once again greeted by Salvana. "Ah! You've made it back, and found Mr. Stalh I see. Will you be staying for the night or just wanting an ale?"

- - -

Finn meets with the smithy Thrair who was tinkering away in his shop. After a bit of haggling back and forth they settle on prices for each of the weapons and the sooty dwarf pays up in mostly silver coins. He wipes the corner of his mouth with the back of a dirty forearm and then shakes Finn's hand. "Aye, a pleasure doin' business wid'ja once again lad. I trust ya gave the owners of those weapons a good wallop?

The smith does not buy the mirror, but will direct the group to inquire with Valthrun, the scholar, in his stone tower across the dirt road leading beneath the city's inner gate.

2014-01-17, 01:17 PM
Tengar Warsgen (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=715797), Goliath Barbarian

As Tengar enters the city he notices that people look to him diferently, due to his size and his "barbarian nature", but he does not cares he just keep marching while carries the tied halfling with Zhuge toward the Inn, when Zhuge was about the enter he says "I will wait outside guarding this rat." After Zhuge gets out from the Inn Tengar will follow him to the Barracks.

Turk Mannion
2014-01-17, 06:05 PM
Finn Bramblefoot


Finn meets with the smithy Thrair who was tinkering away in his shop. After a bit of haggling back and forth they settle on prices for each of the weapons and the sooty dwarf pays up in mostly silver coins. He wipes the corner of his mouth with the back of a dirty forearm and then shakes Finn's hand. "Aye, a pleasure doin' business wid'ja once again lad. I trust ya gave the owners of those weapons a good wallop?

The smith does not buy the mirror, but will direct the group to inquire with Valthrun, the scholar, in his stone tower across the dirt road leading beneath the city's inner gate.

"Wallop! Ah, my friend, a mighty wallop it was! It all started as we were walking down the road, minding our own business...." Finn excitedly launched into a long story about the ambush and the battle at the dragon burial site. He grew more animated as it continued, even starting to draw a diagram in the dirt. And, of course, Finn's contributions played a central role in the only slightly exagerated story. "...and that was how we saved the old man and, likely, the town of Winterhaven."

Exhaling a deep breathe, he continued, "Well....time to visit this Valthrun fellow. A scholar, you say? Maybe he can tell me some more about this death cult that is operating in your back yard." He headed out, following the path as directed, until he reached the stone tower, and knocked on the door loudly.

2014-01-18, 06:57 AM

"Mr. Stahl will definitely stay the night as will I as soon as I come back from talking with a few people. Actually, do you know of any who know about religion in this town, I found a holy symbol I would like to leave with someone.

The wizard stood up to leave then quietly asked Salvana, "How much for two beds in the same room and a meal? He slipped her the coins she stated and then goes to the barracks.

When Zhuge got to the barracks, he checked to make sure that Tengar at least was with him and then went in to speak to the Captain.

"Sir, it is good to see you again. We rescued our friend and captured the Halfling you now have in custody but ran into some Kobolds along the way and one of them was carrying this holy symbol. Do you know anything about what the kobolds' organization or why they would be worshipping demons? I would like to know as much as I can before we go out there and I would like to leave this holy symbol with someone who could safeguard or destroy it, is there anyone who could do that in this town?

As soon as I find out how many coins it will be I will deduct them. Also, he shows the holy symbol to the commander as he speaks.

2014-01-19, 04:31 AM

Despite assurances that he would be fine, Michaelis refuses to leave Douven's side. First, he gets Douven to sit down for a warm meal to fill his belly. During the meal, he makes light small talk, trying to soothe and relax him. Afterwards, he walks him to his room, checks to make sure it meets his satisfaction, then tends the few minor wounds that befell his mentor. After promising to no longer "nurse-maid" Douven, the bard sits with him a while and talks of his travels since they last met. Humming a few verse of a melody to set the tale to, he notices his mentor eyes starting to fall. Convincing Douven to retire for a rest is not hard, and after he lays himself down, Michaelis cannot stop himself from singing one, soft elven lullaby. Douven cracks one eye with an expression of frustration, but allows himself to drift off along the final refrain. Michaelis stands quietly, bends to one knee in silent salute, then leaves the room quietly. Closing the door behind him, he sighs, "Good night, old man," straightens himself, then moves on into the town to find what his companions have done with themselves.

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-19, 09:18 PM

Michaelis and Zhuge see to it that Douven Stalh is met with a warm meal and comfortable bed for the night. Patrons are just begining to arrive at Wrafton's Inn for the night and the din of conversation slowly begins to grow. The old farmer Eilan is in his favorite corner and already telling old stories to anyone that will listen and Salvana busily barking away orders to the wait staff.

The pair return outside to find Tengar and Korran still guarding over the hafling prisoner just as Finn finishes conducting business and the blacksmith nearby. The group meets in the center of the road for a moment to explain what they had each learned before splitting up once more. Korran, Tengar, and Zhuge escort the prisoner to the barracks while Michaelis and Finn look to gain information from the scholar Valthrun .

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-19, 09:33 PM
Valthrun's Tower

Knock Knock Knock

The loud knocks on the door echo into the tower each time Finn's knuckles strike the old wood from which it was made. Several moments pass and nothing is heard from inside. Glancing up at the silloute of the tower in the evening sun, the pair can see the windows of the sixth (and top) floor, are open but the rest are closed up tightly. They try the door to find that it opens easily, and inside they are met by a long hallway which ends in a flight of stairs. The doors to either side are closed tight and look to have been that way for quite some time. As they continue to climb the tower they find each of the first four floors to be the same as the first, an empty hall with two doors at each side both of which are locked. Once he gets to the fifth level they can hear the noise of someone upstairs, they're moving about and seem to be talking to either an unheard person or possibly to themselves. The fifth floor is the first that shows signs of someone actually living on it, the side rooms are open and books and tomes liter the shelves within as well as various other items placed on the desks and tables. They pause a moment before ascending the final flight of steps.

The top level is lit by several lamps mounted on the walls, and an older man with grey whiskers dressed in faded green robes, he has a satchel slung around his neck and mutters to himself as he flips through a large book. Finn and Michaelis enter the room but politely stop at the door and knock on its wooden frame.

The older man looks up from his studies at the new visitor, "Come in, come in." He says, motioning them into the room but not leaving the large dusty book. "Whats this you have here then? Hmmm" He scratches his chin from a moment, once again reading the book before him for a split second before taking the mirror in hand and looking it over. "Now where did you come across this?! Its quite anciet indeed, a fragment of the old Narath empire that used to rule these lands" Valthrun flips forward a few pages in the book, and then slowly turns a page back, skimming until he finds what he was looking for. Ah yes, here it is. Narath indeed. You've not been messing around in the ruined keep for treasure now have you..?

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-19, 09:53 PM
The Barracks

The trio of adventurers, along with their prisoner, make their way through the inner gate after explaining to the guards on duty there that they wished to speak to Rond and to turn the hafling over to the Winterhaven Regulars. Once in the inner cloister of town, they head past the large stone Manor House and towards the fortified Barracks in the northeastern corner.

The guards will take the halfling into custody and disappear downstairs with him and out of sight. Meanwhile, Rond will adress the issues of the kobolds and of the necklace. “I wish we had more resources. I’d love to drive those kobolds out of the area and back to whatever foul pit spawned them. I have heard the whispered name of a marauder leader named Irontooth, but I have no idea who or what that might be. If you have reason to learn anything more, I’d appreciate you sharing your findings with me.” He scratches his chin as he looks over the necklace. "Hmmm I thought kobolds were supposed to worship dragons, there may be more at work here than just some raiders looking to make easy coin off unprepared caravans... you may want to have a word with Valthrun, the town scholar. He knows quite a bit about this sort of thing, a lot of history of the area as well."

2014-01-20, 08:08 AM

I can definitely go to talk with this scholar but I was also wondering if you as the soldier who fights them knew anything about the kobolds' numbers, organization or weapons. If not, are there any rangers in town, they might know the answer and hopefully they will not have left as the others did. What did happen to the other townsmen, did they flee or have we lost many to the kobolds? This Halfling here was aiding those who sought to imprison Dauven, you can question him to see if he knows anything.

After he listened attentively to the Captain's answers, Zhuge stood up to leave. "It appears I will need to speak to Valthrun to answer my other questions. Can you give me directions to his tower?

On the way to Valthrun's tower, Zhuge tried to remember everything he had ever heard about Kobolds especially their organization and weapons.

I will go to Valthrun's house but will miss at least several minutes of discussion.
History Check: [roll0]

Turk Mannion
2014-01-21, 06:41 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

The older man looks up from his studies at the new visitor, "Come in, come in." He says, motioning them into the room but not leaving the large dusty book. "Whats this you have here then? Hmmm" He scratches his chin from a moment, once again reading the book before him for a split second before taking the mirror in hand and looking it over. "Now where did you come across this?! Its quite anciet indeed, a fragment of the old Narath empire that used to rule these lands" Valthrun flips forward a few pages in the book, and then slowly turns a page back, skimming until he finds what he was looking for. Ah yes, here it is. Narath indeed. You've not been messing around in the ruined keep for treasure now have you..?

Finn glanced at Michaelis before answering. "No, we haven't, but this is the second time we have heard discussion of the ruined keep. We happened upon this mirror while rescuing my companion's mentor who had gotten himself in a bit of a jam. Putting that aside for the moment, we are currently on the trail of a death cult, possibly consisting of kobolds. Do you have any knowledge of a cult of Orcus operating in the area?"

2014-01-22, 03:05 AM

Taking his cue from Finn's glance, Michaelis pays close attention to the scholar. "Two mentions of this keep. 'Coincidence does not play well on the field' as Douven would say. Tomorrow I must ask him about what he knows of the mirror, Narath, and exactly what that saying means." He refocuses on the halfling and scholar, letting Finn find out what he needs.

Red Moldova
2014-01-22, 04:43 AM
The Barracks
“I wish we had more resources. I’d love to drive those kobolds out of the area and back to whatever foul pit spawned them. I have heard the whispered name of a marauder leader named Irontooth, but I have no idea who or what that might be. If you have reason to learn anything more, I’d appreciate you sharing your findings with me.” He scratches his chin as he looks over the necklace. "Hmmm I thought kobolds were supposed to worship dragons, there may be more at work here than just some raiders looking to make easy coin off unprepared caravans... you may want to have a word with Valthrun, the town scholar. He knows quite a bit about this sort of thing, a lot of history of the area as well."


Korran will stay behind after Zhuge leaves and asks the Captain a few more questions about the Kobolds. "These Kobolds, have they always been something Winterhaven has had to deal with or are they a new threat?"

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-23, 10:35 AM
Valthrun's Tower

Fetching several books with well worn spines and aged covers, Valthrun lays them out across an old wooden table near the center of the room. He flips through one until he finds a page he's looking for which he shows to the pair of adventurers. The same symbol from the mirror they had found can be seen alongside a map that detailed what they assume to be the boundries of the old kingdom of Nerath. The scholar taps a finger on a location north of where Winterhaven would be on the map, a small icon of a fortified tower marks the spot. “My books and scrolls tell me that it was built by the old empire, Nerath, as I suspected." He places the book back upon the table among the others, still open to the page of the Nareth Empire "Not to watch for marauders, though." A look of concern cross the features of the mans face. "No. It was built over the site of a rift to the Shadowfell, a place of darkness and shadows!“Not all of the Shadowfell is evil, but this rift apparently connects to an unholy sanctuary of Orcus, the demon lord of the undead. Skeletons, ghouls, and stranger, fouler creatures crawled through the opening into the light of day. The empire destroyed the undead and then sealed the rift and built a keep over the location to watch over it and contain its threat. I thought that was the end of the story. Now, I’m not so sure."

At this point the other adventurers arrive, save for Korran who remained behind to ask more questions. The scholar introdces himself politely to Zhuge and Tengar and gives a very brief summary of the previous conversation before continuing.

“You've headr rumors of a death cult in the area?This does not bode well! If servants of Orcus are active in the area, they are likely interested in nothing less than re-opening the rift! This is terrible! If death cultists unseal the rift, a tide of undead could descend on Winterhaven. Today, we have no empire to call for aid. They would overwhelm us and establish a kingdom of death in this world. Can you help eliminate this threat?”

2014-01-24, 07:44 AM

Zhuge noted that Korran remained behind and made a note to exchange information afterwards. He bowed to Valthrun and stole some glances around the room, but then reacted strongly to the wizard's words. "Opening a rift to the Shadowfell! In some places that would be beautifully dangerous, here it would be disaster if Orcus is involved."

The young wizard then listened very closely and waited until the wizard finished before pulling out the necklace. "We found this on a kobold who attacked us. Can you destroy it or seal it up? I am more than willing to help against them. I would only ask for a chance to speak with you and read some of your books if that was possible when I returned."

Perception check to spot books.

Turk Mannion
2014-01-24, 08:34 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

"Though a bit rash in speech, in this case, my spellcasting companion speaks for me. I have been charged by a friend to investigate a death cult. This I have done, but I know my friend's true hope would be that I would not simply acknowledge the cult, but do my best to eliminate the threat it poses. For her, I could do no less. I will certainly work to bring this cult to light and I welcome Zhuge's assistance."

He turned to the others in the room and looked at each in turn, no hint of laughter, smirk or bravado on his face. "I know that we had made a pact of sorts, my help in recovering your lost friend in return for your assistance with this cult. However, I fear that I may have asked for far more than I gave. Fighting kobolds in a burial pit is one thing....defeating a death cult of Orcus in a ruined keep is on a scale several magnitudes more severe. While I will accept any of your assistance gladly, I will only do so as a true volunteer, fully aware of the possible struggle we face, not as part of a tavern deal."

Halfling pride kept him from going any further in his request, but his hope for assistance was clearly evident in his fervent tone and his serious mien. His plea demonstrated not only his deep esteem for Marla, but also his unexpected respect for his new companions.

2014-01-25, 12:04 AM

Shaking his head at the halfling, "It's true. Our pact was for far less. This was not part of our agreement. As I will not be keeping my side of our agreement, I fear I must 'owe you one'." Cracking a shifty smile, "That said, there is no way I would not be joining you on this adventure. Fate of the Vale, thousands imperiled, our very world in danger? What more does a hero need? While I cannot speak for my other companions, you shall have my steel, my song, and my promise that I shall not yield, waver, or fail in my dedication to this cause. I shall follow you to the gates and beyond of this Keep of the Shadowfell!"

...and we have title!

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-26, 11:36 PM
The Barracks

Rond Kelfem explains to Korran that the kobolds have only been attacking travelers on the roads for the last few months or so, and recently have began attacking the distant farms, raiding livestock and attacking homes in the dark of the night. I believe Lord Padraig has pledged a sum of gold to any adventurers who were willing to look into these vermin and clear out their lair.

Red Moldova
2014-01-27, 01:14 AM

Korran thanks Rond and hustles to catch up with everyone else.

2014-01-27, 07:33 AM

"Is there any way to recognize an attempt to open the rift and how long does it take for them to open the rift?"

Thank you all. I look forward to fighting beside you again.

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-27, 12:42 PM
Valthrun's Tower

"My my, how many more are there of your company...?" the scholar muses as Korran makes his way into the room and rejoins his companions. "Its probably for the best though, better you have all the help you can should the rumors of the Orcus cult be true." He begins to close the various books on the table and slide them off to one side. "I'm glad that you've decided to invitigate the keep and thrawrt any dangers within... and though a dealth cult is surely a challenge for any group to challenge I fear I must tell you one other story of that cursed ruin. Do not let it waiver your courage, but I couldnt live with myself if I sent you there not knowing the history and rumor behind its fall."

A serious and grim look sways over the scholars face and he relates the following tale :

The people of Winterhaven avoid Shadowfell Keep. Some leave it alone because all ancient ruins have a disturbing feeling about them, a feeling composed of lingering memories and unknown mysteries. Some say the place is haunted. Others fear the rumors of goblinoids using the place as a lair. Whatever the reason behind its solitude, one fact is clear. Within two short decades after the collapse of the Nareth Empire, Shadowfell Keep was abandoned and left to fall apart and decay. It was on a grisly night about eighty years ago that the commander of the keep garrison, Sir Keegan, put into motion the events that led to the keep’s downfall.

Perhaps the Shadow Rift’s malign influence is too strong to resist. Maybe Sir Keegan was an insane monster driven by demons we may never understand. Whatever the case, at the stroke of midnight on that fateful day, Sir Keegan began to systematically slaughter every resident of the keep. His own wife and children were first to fall to his blade, then his trusted advisors, and finally many of the soldiers under his command. Sir Keegan was too skilled for any one soldier to defeat, yet eventually the garrison managed to respond with an organized defense. Although many brave soldiers died, they managed to drive the mad knight into the passages beneath the keep and finally dispatch him.

The keep became notorious for a time. As one of the last bastions of the fallen empire, there was no one to order it back into service. So, it was abandoned, feared for a time, and eventually, more or less forgotten. An earthquake a few years later collapsed the upper towers and walls, and turned the place into a ruin of tumbled stone. Rumors persist of great treasures buried beneath the keep, yet few have dared explore the passages over the year. Sir Keegan’s ghost is said to roam the corridors
beneath the ruins, wailing in grief over the tragedy of his life. The people of Winterhaven avoid the place, and the mere mention of Shadowfell Keep is considered bad luck by many of the farmers and villagers

Afterwards, Valthrun will thank the group for thier bravery once again and wish them luck on their mission. He bids them a good night as they leave his tower and head to Wrafton's Inn.

It is now early evening, the sun is almost completely set. The group is having a meal at the Inn and must decide on their next course of action.

Turk Mannion
2014-01-27, 04:17 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

Still thinking of the stories told by the old scholar, Finn somberly sat at the table, absentmindedly pushing his food around his plate. Tired of this, he pushed the plate away and stared into his mug.

"So.....Sir Keegan.....that's gotta suck....."

His attempt at a bit of levity and conversation seemed to do little to raise his spirits and he quickly sank back into his solitude. After several minutes, he scraped his chair back across the wooden floor and stood up.

"Here is each of your share from the sale of the kobold's equipment. I plan to leave for this Keep first thing in the morning. If you are still planning to accompany me, then I will simply say good night. If you choose to stay here and pursue the kobolds around the town, then I wish you the light of Pelor and the luck of Avandra in your travels. If there is nothing else.......?"

I assume from speaking to the scholar that we have a map or general directions to the Keep. If not, I will get those discretely from the Inn Keeper. He will then retire for the evening.

2014-01-28, 01:21 AM

"I recommend that all of us traveling tomorrow get a good night's sleep. It may be our last for a while." Strangely enough, this prospect does not seem to disturb the bard. He smiles at each at the table, excuses himself and heads for the barkeep. He asks for ink and paper and writes a short note to Jessica, Xilaere, and Camille informing them of what they found out about the kobolds should they find themselves some free time to deal with them. He hands it to Salvana with a gold piece to deliver the note should his old friends return. With a stretch and one last look around the inn, he heads off to bed.

Red Moldova
2014-01-28, 04:27 AM

"I recommend that all of us traveling tomorrow get a good night's sleep. It may be our last for a while."


"Very good, I'll see you all tomorrow." Korran will check in on Douven and make sure he's good before heading back to his room to give his gear some much deserved care. After all the blood is scrubbed clean and everything is sharpened and oiled Korran will get a good night's rest.

2014-01-28, 09:10 PM
Tengar Warsgen (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=715797), Goliath Barbarian

Tengar have been listening to all so far, without saying a word. He then decided to say what was on his mind now "Some crazy risks involved, the whole world in our hands, some good-for-nothing-cultists...Sounds like a hell lot of fun! And there is nothing down there my friend 'Brain-spreader' here, can not handle!" He then gets his Maul for a second and place it on his shoulder as saying "I'm ready, bring it on!" As the same time Tengar said that he was going "just for the fun", he was thinking "And maybe...I can repay some of the bad that me and my tribe done to the world so far..."

When Tengar realises that all his companions where about to leave, he stars marching toward the Inn, where he will eat a good quantity of meat (preferable Boar or Beef) and then sleep.

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-29, 10:29 AM
In The Shadow Of The Keep


The sun begins to to rise over the small farming city of Winterhaven to find that the group of adventurers has set of along the road north to investigate the perilous keep. They gathered in the main room of Wrafton's Inn where they had a large breakfast and set out at first light, warm beds and roaring hearth behind them, they begin the long journey north. The road to Shadowfell Keep is arduous. Since the keep’s destruction, few travelers use the road and no one bothers to maintain the path. The road is overgrown with grass, ferns, and small trees. The keep isn’t in any better shape. Evidence of its destruction can be seen as you approach the derelict ruins.

Ahead, the narrow track widens into a clearing. Great piles of shattered stone blocks and scorched timbers dominate the clearing,sprawling out from its center to the edge of the woods. No plants grow among the ruins or within the clearing. The ground is bare dirt, and although the forest has begun to reclaim the path leading here, it has not intruded into the ruins of Shadowfell Keep. Yet clearly someone has tampered with the ruins. In the center of the debris, stone blocks and timbers have been gathered into a pile. Someone has cleared a path through the rubble and pulled aside the wreckage to reveal a stone staircase. The staircase descends into darkness.

Turk Mannion
2014-01-29, 11:26 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

"OK, everyone ready? If the death cult wants deaths, then let oblige....just not with any of ours, of course. I will take rear guard and make sure no one sneaks up on us from behind."

Finn waited for the others to form up, glancing around the area for any obvious signs of what type of foes they might face.

Perception check: [roll0]

2014-01-30, 02:30 AM

"Much appreciated, Finn. Korran, step forward with me. Keep a wary eye out up close. Tengar, second in line. Watch over our shoulders to the distance. See what's coming at us. Zhuge, fold in between Finn and Tengar. Stay covered and lend support to either flank. Someone went to great trouble to clear this out. I doubt they just 'forgot' to leave a welcome mat." Peering down into the darkness with his elvish vision, a gift from his mother, he tries to make out the basics while rummaging in his pack for a sunrod.

Perception with lowlight vision - [roll0]

Just a thought to marching order. Feel free to go as you wish. Michaelis can be bossy.

Red Moldova
2014-01-30, 02:53 AM

"Much appreciated, Finn. Korran, step forward with me. Keep a wary eye out up close. Tengar, second in line. Watch over our shoulders to the distance. See what's coming at us. Thuge, fold in between Finn and Tengar. Stay covered and lend support to either flank. Someone went to great trouble to clear this out. I doubt they just 'forgot' to leave a welcome mat." Peering down into the darkness with his elvish vision, a gift from his mother, he tries to make out the basics while rummaging in his pack for a sunrod.

Perception with lowlight vision - [roll0]

Just a thought to marching order. Feel free to go as you wish. Michaelis can be bossy.


Korran draws his sword and gets into position "Sounds like as good a plan as any."

2014-01-30, 06:07 AM

"There is an easier way to get light. Just tell me if you want this somewhere else."

Zhuge waved his hand and Michaelis' right hand started glowing brightly. As he did so he tried to get a feel for any magic in this area before moving forward with the others.

Zhuge will take the middle of the group as suggested and will use a minor action to cast Light on Michaelis' right hand.

Standard Action: Arcana Check for Magic [roll0]
Minor Action: Cast Light:
At-Will ✦ Arcane Minor Action Ranged 5 Target: One object or unoccupied square Effect: You cause the target to shed bright light. The light fills the target’s square and all squares within 4 squares of it. The light lasts for 5 minutes. Putting out the light is a free action. Special: You can have only one light cantrip active at a time. If you create a new light, your previously cast light winks out.

Move Action: Move to center of party.

Prepared Spells: Chill Strike, Flaming Sphere, Mage Shield

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-30, 11:27 AM
Silence hangs over the clearing surrounding the ruin and the only sound the group can hear is that of their own steps and voices. No birds chirp or sing and no animals of the forest tred near this accursed place. Making their way along the narrow path the ruins of the keep rise up alongside them, huge grey stones lie littered about, the same stones that make up the remaider of the two guard houses, wall, and what remains of the central tower. The debris that once littered the path have been cleared and stacked to the side, Michaelis can make out humanoid footprints in the area aroud the timber and stones which lead down into the stairwell ahead.

Peering down into the stairs, the bard can discern the stairs are about ten feet wide, enough for two people to walk abreast, and they descend for quite a way into the earth. Smooth stone makes up the walls, while the floors are crafted of flagstones with mortar between them, the work is finely craft and perhaps could be the work of dwarves. Just at the edge of his vision, torchlight seems to flicker in the darkness.

Zhuge senses no significant prescense of magic in this place, not yet at least. With a wave of his hand and a small muttering of a cantrip bright light springs from Michaelis' hand.

Steeling themselves, the group decends the stairs, with each step a breeze chills them to the bone. Their eyes adjust from the sun outside to the gloom illuminated by the magical light and they move forward and down, towards the torchlight ahead, towards the unknown beyond.

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-30, 12:07 PM
The Entry Stairs

As the group nears the bottom of the stairs they can tell that a room opens up in all directions after the final step. It is lit by torchlight from multiple torches and made of the same stone walls and flagstone floors as the stairwell.

Private notes. Read yours and only yours:

You notice nothing of interest about the ruins so far, silence hangs over this place save for the noises of your group as they creep down the stairs.The smell of unwashed bodies is strong here, the grime and funk of some creature still hangs in the air.

Occasionally the sound of chattering squeaks pieces the otherwise silent ruins.The smell of unwashed bodies is strong here, the grime and funk of some creature still hangs in the air.The smell of unwashed bodies is strong here, the grime and funk of some creature still hangs in the air.

Occasionally the sound of chattering squeaks pieces the otherwise silent ruins.The smell of unwashed bodies is strong here, the grime and funk of some creature still hangs in the air.

Red Moldova
2014-01-30, 06:51 PM

Korran's gingerly proceeds down the stairs, freezing at the bottom step "Anyone else hear that squeaking?" Korran

Turk Mannion
2014-01-30, 10:31 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

Looking around, Finn says, "Squeaking? Don't think so....but something smells like the sweaty loincloth of a dead goblin with a raging case of Bane's Revenge....phew!"

2014-01-30, 11:29 PM

I can hear some kind of muttering and you are right about the smell. I wonder what that creature is that I am smelling.

Zhuge waited until Michaelis moved ahead of him and then stayed right behind him.

Perception check to find any hints of what the monster is [roll0]
Move to follow Michaelis wherever he moves

2014-01-31, 01:20 AM

The bard strains his musically trained ears but does not hear any melodious squeaks. He whispers to the warden, "I can't smell anything through this chill. My dose is cloggink up. Which ways are the animals noises, Korran? Can you tell what they are?" As they near the bottom of the stairs, closer to the lit room, he flaps his right hand in the air. "How do I get rid of this thing, Zhuge?" As it fades, he grasps the hilt of his sword, reaching the doorway.

Move silently to R8 and peer inside the room.
Stealth (to creep 5 feet?) - [roll0]
Perception (to look for non-obvious threats, traps in the room) - [roll1]

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-31, 11:18 AM
The Entry Stairs

The chattering squeaks reminds Zhuge of the noises that rats make.

The bard creeps to the bottom of the stone stairs very slowly, straining his ears to hear what the others have heard and keeping an eye out for enemies and any hidden traps. As the chamber comes into view he finds it to be a square chamber about thirty feet across with a hallway in the center of each face, each of them as wide as the stairs with enough room for two to walk abrest. The stonewalls and flagstone floor look the same as that of the stairs, and four round stone columns are situatied equidistant from the corners of the room.

On the far side of the room he notices a small grimey creature that seems to be picking under its fingernails with the tip of a short sword. He recognizes it as a golbin, presumably on guard duty, though doing a poor job of it... it seems not many people come this way after all.

You notice no traps in the room, but do see the goblin as noted above. It does not yet see you, but too much movement, or too much noise from you or your companions will surely get its attention.

Red Moldova
2014-01-31, 06:15 PM

Korran? Can you tell what they are?"


Korran attempts to identify the source of that squeaking. Nature: [roll0]

Bounty Hunter
2014-01-31, 07:16 PM
The Entry Stairs

The chattering squeaks reminds Korran of the noises that rats make.

Red Moldova
2014-01-31, 07:43 PM

"Watch your step" Korran whispers, "It sounds like rats."

2014-02-01, 08:52 AM

You just have to ask nicely. See that wasn't so hard.

Zhuge extinguished the mage light as soon as he saw the light from the room, which was about one and a half seconds after Michaelis asked.

Yup, rats. Why did you stop, did you see something, Michaelis?

Zhuge quietly moved forward to beside Michaelis and then saw the goblin on the other side of the room. He immediately ducked back a few feet and whispered to the others. "There is a goblin guard in there, can you charge him Tengar?"

Zhuge uses a minor action to extinguish the mage light then stealth moves to Q8 then uses his Standard Action as a move action to retreat to R7. He is now in R7 with Wand out.
Stealth Check: [roll0]

2014-02-03, 12:28 AM

"Entering in direct view of a sentry is not the ideal situation for a sneaky entry," Michaelis thinks to himself. With a cut throat action finishing with a finger before his mouth, he signals to the others to take the goblin down quickly and quietly. Sheathing his sword, he switches his wand from his shield hand to his wielding hand. Substituting a vulgar gesture for words, he readies himself to send a vicious blast of arcane energy at the goblin if he shows any sign of noticing them.

Minor Action
Sheath sword

Free Action
Switch hands

Standard Action
Ready an action
Vicious Mockery
At-Will Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will (+6)
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage (1d6+4), and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Trigger - He notices our presence.
vs GW Will - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Turk Mannion
2014-02-03, 07:53 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

Oh, by the Raven Queen's pink girdle, we can't stay here forever.

Finn moved quickly down the steps until he was standing just in front of the bard. "Fire in the hole!" he called out with a gleeful yell, as he fired off a familiar green orb of hissing liquid at the goblin. "Oh, sorry, were we trying to be quiet?"

Move Action: Move to R9

Standard Action: Acid Orb (AW)
Attack: [roll0] vs. Reflex
Damage: [roll]1d10+7/roll] acid damage

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-03, 09:16 PM
Encounter Four : The Goblin Guard Room

As the halfling sorcerer Finn pushes past his allies to the bottom of the stairs and shouts as he beings forming a ball of acid, the goblin guardsman nearly drops its weapon in surprise. Clambering to maintain the grip of its worn sword in its grimy green fingers, the creature shrieks out in surprise.

Now at the bottom of the stairs and able to see the goblin clearly, Finn can see that the creature is wearing dark leather armor of poor quality, wielding a short sword, and has several javelins strapped across its back. Its dark red eyes go wide in surprise at the sight of the small sorcerer.

Everyone Roll Initiative!!

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-04, 10:08 AM
Initiative Order

Goblin Warrior

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-04, 10:20 AM
The Goblin Guard Room

At the sight of the adventurerers the goblin shrieks out and nearly drop its weapon. Tightening its grip on the handle of the short sword the creature turns and begins to run down the stone corridor across the room from the stairwell and begins screaming out in alarm. "Intruders!! Intruders!! There are intruders at the gates!!" Without even making an attempt to throw one of its javelins at the halfling that had tresspassed in his domain, the creature disappears around a corner to the south, into the room that opens up roughly thrity feet down the hall. The guard seem quite set on raising the attention of others rather than fighting the group by itself...

It is now Zhuge's turn.

2014-02-04, 04:02 PM

Zhuge winced as he saw that the goblin was intending to flee and raise the alarm.

I guess it figures that he would be smart enough to be annoying, now I have to try and do my job.

Zhuge darted forward into the room until he stood next to the farther stone pillar and launched a blast of blue air at the fleeing goblin, which crackled and froze everything it touched. He then drew a dagger with his left hand to match the wand in his right and prepared for the fight he knew was coming.

Zhuge moves forward to R13 as a Move Action
Standard Action: Ray of Frost
[roll0] vs. Fortitude
Damage [roll1]
Minor Action: Draw Dagger

Ray of Frost
At-Will ✦ Arcane, Cold, Implement Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-04, 04:34 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

As Zhuge moves foward to chase after the fleeing goblin he doesnt notice that the squeaking noise from before began to get louder; the sound of the screaming goblin and even that of his own footfalls drown out the noise. Suddenly, as the wizard enters the space between the stone pillars in the center of the room the floor gives way beneath his feet and he falls into a dark pit about ten feet deep. The walls are roughly dug earth and some sort of cloth seems to be wrapped around his feet now, as he kicks it free he realizes a peice of burlap had been painted to look like the tile floor of the room above and stretched across the hole.

More imporantly, Zhuge notices the source of the squeaks that he and the others had hear prieviously; the botom of the pit is full of a large swarm of rats. Dozens of rats squeak and bite at everything within reach, climbing over each other in a seething mass of fur, teeth, and claws.

Zhuge may choose to have fallen into Q11 if he wishes.

Fall Damage : [roll0]

Zhuge expends his move action, but still has his other actions.

It is still Zhuge's turn.

2014-02-04, 06:11 PM

I almooooooo
Zhuge's statement was cut off midword as he fell into a trap. Then he saw the rats. Rats and a fake floor trap, I should have known.
You think your numbers will help? Try how well it helps against this.

He gestured and a blast of fire erupted from the far corner of the pit. Then he realized the bladt was going to reach him as well. He cringed and then snorted as his attack was so inaccurate both he an the rats easily dodged it. He then waited for the expected counterattack then he remembered that these were vermin and had short reach anyway.

If permitted: The wizard then gestures and a spectral hand removes a rope from his pack and places it in his empty left hand.

Move: Already used to end in R11
Standard: Use Scorching Burst Centered in Q12 (if possible)
Attack Roll: [roll0] vs Reflex
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Scorching Burst
At-Will ✦ Arcane, Fire, Implement Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage.
Minor: See above spoiler if this is permitted, otherwise nothing.

Mage Hand
At-Will ✦ Arcane, Conjuration Minor Action Ranged 5 Effect: You conjure a spectral, floating hand in an unoc- cupied square within range. The hand picks up, moves, or manipulates an adjacent object weighing 20 pounds or less and carries it up to 5 squares. If you are holding the object when you use this power, the hand can move the object into a pack, a pouch, a sheath, or a similar con- tainer and simultaneously move any one object carried or worn anywhere on your body into your hand. As a move action, you can move the hand up to 5 squares. As a free action, you can cause the hand to drop an object it is holding, and as a minor action, you can cause the hand to pick up or manipulate a different object. Sustain Minor: You can sustain the hand indefinitely. Special: You can create only one hand at a time.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-04, 07:52 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

With a flick of the wrist and a wave of his palm, Zhuge summons forth a spectral appendage that reaches into his pack and fetches a length of rope and places it into his awaiting hand. He then summons a burst of flame and fires it at the mob of rats that accompany him at the bottom of the pit the small vermin seize the moment that it take him to prepare the spell and gnash out at him wildly. The fur of several of the creatures is singled and smoking but otherwise they appear unharmed, the wizard however seems to have forgotten how a blast of fire would react in such a small place and a wave of heat rushes over him.

From the stairs the rest of the group can hear the wizard talking to someone or something and then the sudden sound of the burst of fire and a bright flash emanates from the pit. Warm air washes over them for a brief moment in stark contrast to the cold breeze from before.

Zhuge takes 5 damage from his own spell.

Rat Swarm
Interrupt : Attack of Opportunity on Zhuge
-Attack : [roll0]
-Damage : [roll1]

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-04, 08:02 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Rat Swarm Turn
Nearly starving, the rats quickly lash out at the meal that has more or less literally fallen into the proverbial laps. A tide of fur washes over Zhuge and the sting of several dozen bites across various parts of his body jolt through him. Several of the creatures bite down hard, their jagged teeth snagging in his armor and skin and the wizard must shake them free. The stench of the rats' filth washes over him, but its the last thing on his mind as he tries to fend off the swarm of attackers.

Rat Swarm
Standard : Swarm Of Teeth on Zhuge
-Attack : 17 vs AC : Hit
-Damage : 9
-Effect : Ongoing 3 Damage (Save Ends)
Zhuge takes 9 damage. Plus ongoing 3 damage (Save Ends)

Zhuge is now bloodied.

It is now Korran's turn.

Red Moldova
2014-02-05, 03:11 AM

Korran digs into his pack, pulling out a coil of rope before dropping his backpack on the stairs. Uncoiling it, Korran tosses one end into the pit. "Reach for the rope Zhuge."

Minor: Draw rope from pack
Move: Move 3 Squares (Q-7 [start] --> Q-8 --> R-9 --> R-10 [end])
Standard: Throw about 15 feet of slack into the pit, holding on to the other end.

2014-02-05, 03:55 AM

"Son of a goat!" the bard curses as the whole scenario falls apart. Expecting to see his barbarian and sorcerer take out the goblin silently, he is instead mortified when the wizard hurries forward into a trap the leader failed to notice while the goblin scampers off too quickly for the armored musician to follow. Peeling his palm off of his face, he steps forward to check on Zhuge and is relived to see him alive. Smoldering, but alive. "Sorry about that, chief. Fell for the old burlap over the hole trick. Well, he'll be back with more. Let's fortify while we can and get ready to deal." While Korran fishes him out, Michaelis takes a quick look down the other wings to see what other foul surprises await.

Perception - 1d20+2
Move to T11

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-05, 11:10 AM
The Goblin Guard Room

Quickly rushing into action, the warden Korran grabs his coil of rope and slings a short length down into the small pit-trap. Bracing himself and trying to anchor his feet in place he's ready for the wizard to clamber his way up. Meanwhile, Michaelis moves along the side of the room and checks down the two halls on the eastern and western sides of the room. To the west he can see the hall is illuminated by torchlight just like the room, it extends about twenty-five or thirty feet before it appears to turn north. Aside from the torches on the wall, the hall is completely empty. To the west a similar hall runs for about forty feet before coming to a large set of wooden doors which are bound by brass metal bands; they are currently closed. Three quarters of the way down the hall a passage to the south appears to open up, the same size and shape as the hallways so far; ten feet from floor to ceiling and wide enough for two people to walk abreast.

Korran's rope will allow Zhuge to climb out with a DC 5 Athletics check. Korran must meet a DC Athletics check to support Zhuge's weight as he climbs.

Zhuge must have at least one free hand to attempt to climb.

Even though his roll was broken, Michaelis can see down both halls as mentioned above.

It is now Finn's turn.

Turk Mannion
2014-02-05, 12:03 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

Ready to move forward, Finn came to an abrupt halt. "'Son of a GOAT?' Really? Who talks like that? We have got to work on your invectives, my friend."

Finn moved forward, skirting the pit trap that held the mage, and slipped down the corridor into which the goblin had disappeared, scanning for the reinforcements he was sure were on the way.

Move Action: Move to O11
Standard Action: Move to R15

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-05, 04:46 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Moving safely around the outside of the pillared guard room, the halfling sorcerer makes his way to the southern side of the room and the hall down which the guard had escaped. As he enters the passage way he catches sight of a second goblin dressed much like the first, wearing leather armor and brandishing a spear and several javelins. The two creatures grin their toothy grins and bare their crooked and broken tusks. Finn is also able to tell that the hall ends in a larger stone room, narrow on the easter side where the hall connects, but opening up wider off to the west and stretching out of line of sight.

It is now Tengar's turn.

2014-02-07, 10:28 AM
Tengar Warsgen (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=715797), Goliath Barbarian

Tengar gives a war shout turning his skin - temporary - into solid rock. He starts rushing toward the goblin warrior on the left (at least left on the map) he run around two pillars and keep running down the corridor until he reachs there, then he uses all the accumulated speed to strike a fierce blow on the goblin.

Minor: Stone Endurance
Stone Endurance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain resist 5 to all damage until the end of your
next turn.
Level 11: Resist 10 to all damage.
Level 21: Resist 15 to all damage.
Move: Combat Sprint: Move+4, also gain +4 to all defesens if my move provoke any OA. (going to Q,15 with this move)
Standard: Charge using Howling Strike on the Goblin Warrior 1 (going to Q, 20)
Howling Strike
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + 1d6 + Strength modifier damage.
Level 11: 1[W] + 2d6 + Strength modifier damage.
Level 21: 2[W] + 3d6 + Strength modifier damage.
Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack. If you are raging, you can move 2 extra squares as part of the charge.
Attack vs AC [roll0] (+1 due to charge)
Damage [roll1] (2d6 from maul +1d6 extra from this attack)
Also, if I reduce him to 0 I will use: Swift Charge
Swift Charge
Encounter ✦ Primal
Free Action Personal
Trigger: Your attack reduces an enemy to 0 hit points
Effect: You charge an enemy.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-07, 07:16 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Moving in a blur, the barbarian rounds along the outside of the room; he loops around the northwestern colum and then the southwestern before setting his sights on his foe at the end of the hall to the south. He charges with a mighty ferocity but unfortunatly catches a bit of loose flagstone and his swing goes extremely wide missing the goblin by quite some maragin. The goblin, who had been bracing for the impact blinks a few times, confused that he still stands. He grins and readies his weapon.

As Tengar regains his balance he takes notice of his new surroundings ; To the west the room opens up and there are few shoddy bunks covered in dirty hay. Two more goblins have just jumped up from the bunks where it seems they were playing a game of dice... they've just drawn their crossbows and glare at the intruder that interrupted them. A wooden door with iron brands lies in an alcove in the stone wall. To the east a wooden door is open and leading to a room that seems to be full of crates and barrels, perhaps some sort of storeroom. The second goblin warrior seems to have just run in though this door.

It is now the Goblin Sharpshooter turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-08, 04:46 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Goblin Sharpshoot Turn
The two crossbow-wielding goblins spring into action as the first jumps up onto the bed he was standing adjacent to and moves into the corner of the stone room. He aims down the iron sights of his crossbow and fires a bolt with a twang of the string; it whizzes quickly across the room and sinks into the hide armor of the barbarian intruder. Meanwhile the second scoots along the southern wall and runs to the door that leads to the storeroom. He reaches the door and turns around to fire his weapon which also strikes Tengar who finds himself quickly becoming surrounded.

Goblin Sharpshooter 1
Move : M19
Standard : Crossbow on Tengar
-Attack : 16 vs AC : Hit
-Damage : 7
Minor : Load Crossbow

Goblin Sharpshooter 2
Move : U19
Standard : Crossbow on Tengar
-Attack : 28 vs AC : Hit
-Damage : 8
Minor : Load Crossbow

End of Round 1

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-08, 05:43 PM
Combat Round 2

The group of heroes have made their way to the Shadowfell Keep which is rumored to be cursed or the den of a band of goblins; However, having learned the true nature of the structure from the scholar Valthrun and have come to destroy the rumored Cult of Orcus. Upon entering the first chamber the guard on duty roused the alarm, and in his haste to silence it Zhuge has fallen victim to a pit trap full of rats. Tengar, feeling he'd be of little help against the rats, chases after the goblin and finds himself face to face with several more goblins.

Initiative Order
Goblin Warrior
Rat Swarm
Goblin Sharpshooter

Player / Monster Status
Monster Status
Goblin Warrior 1:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Goblin Warrior 2:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Goblin Sharpshooter 1:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Goblin Sharpshooter 2:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Rat Swarm:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None

Player Status
-Hit Points 31/31
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 36/36
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 33/33
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 24/39
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 7/27
-Conditions Bloody

It is now the Goblin Warrior turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-08, 06:27 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

The Goblin Warrior Turn
The goblin from the first room swings his sword around at the barbarian Tengar but the goliath is able to dodge by the narrowest of margins. The second goblin throws a javelin, which strikes the goliath from behind, before turning to run off into the storage room and disappears from sight. Blood can seen seen leaking from between the hardened places on Tengars hide armor, the last few blows have dug quite deep.

Goblin Warrior 1
Standard : Short Sword on Tengar
-Attack : 15 vs AC
-Damage : 0

Goblin Warrior 2
Standard : Javelin Throw on Tengar
-Attack : 22 vs AC
-Damage : 7
Move : Run to ?? Last seen in W18

Tengar has taken 22 damage and is now Bloody

It is now Zhuge's turn. At the start of Zhuges turn he takes 3 damage.

2014-02-09, 01:47 AM

Zhuge groaned from the pain and the disease he could already feel sapping his life. He took a moment to try to center himself since he knew he was already at death's door and would need to use everything he had if he hoped to survive.

Korran, thank you very much for the rope but I fear that I would have to drop everything down here and there is still a good chance that you might not be able to hold me. I am afraid I don't believe that I can survive another fall.

The wizard inexplicably darted along the side of the pit as if daring the rats to attack him again. He then halted and impatiently gestured with his hand and dropped the rope he held. A spectral hand appeared again and withdrew a small pouch with a few items in it from his pack and dropped his orb into a pouch at his waist.
My instincts betrayed me, I didn't examine these walls close enough to see that they might be climbable and I do not have time to secure a rope now, this will have to do.

The wizard then tried to climb up the side of the pit using the items he held, it seemed he had retrieved a simple climber's kit.

Miraculously it seemed that the imminence of death gave his feet wings and he pulled himself up the pit sides with a piton in each hand, thrusting them deep into the earthen side of the pit, giving him far better purchase then hands could have secured. As he reached the top and stood there, his hands tightened around the spikes convulsively and he gasped for breath as he stood above the pit.

No Action: Zhuge takes 3 damage from ongoing damage
Standard Action: Zhuge uses his Second Wind (bonuses on character sheet already under temporary)
Free Action: Zhuge drops the coil of rope
Minor Action: Zhuge uses Mage Hand to retrieve a climber's kit from his pack and secure his orb at his waist.
Move Action: Zhuge moves to Q11 and then attempts to climb out to Q10 using the climber's kit as needed. Description will be refluffed as necessary.
Athletics Check: [roll0] (+2 natural +2 climber's kit)
No Action: Saving Throw against Ongoing Damage [roll1]
If Zhuge fails to climb out of the pit he will spend an action point to try again, but this will be in following post.

SECOND WIND: STANDARD ACTION SECOND WIND: STANDARD ACTION ✦ Spend a Healing Surge: Spend a healing surge to regain hit points (see “Healing,” page 293). ✦ +2 Bonus to All Defenses: You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. ✦ Once per Encounter: You can use your second wind once per encounter and can use it again after you take a short rest or an extended rest. Some powers (either yours or another character’s) allow you to spend healing surges without using your second wind.

Mage Hand Wizard Cantrip You gesture toward an object nearby, and a spectral floating hand lifts the object into the air and moves it where you wish. At-Will ✦ Arcane, Conjuration Minor Action Ranged 5 Effect: You conjure a spectral, floating hand in an unoccupied square within range. The hand picks up, moves, or manipulates an adjacent object weighing 20 pounds or less and carries it up to 5 squares. If you are holding the object when you use this power, the hand can move the object into a pack, a pouch, a sheath, or a similar con- tainer and simultaneously move any one object carried or worn anywhere on your body into your hand. As a move action, you can move the hand up to 5 squares. As a free action, you can cause the hand to drop an object it is holding, and as a minor action, you can cause the hand to pick up or manipulate a different object. Sustain Minor: You can sustain the hand indefinitely. Special: You can create only one hand at a time.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-09, 03:51 AM
The Goblin Guard Room

As the wizard moves towards the side of the pit and attempts to climb out the rats move in like a wave of water and gnash at his heels.

Zhuge expends Second Wind.

Zhuge gains 6 HP and has +2 Defenses

Rat Swarm
Interrupt : Attack of Opportunity on Zhuge
-Attack : [roll0] vs AC
-Damage : [roll1]

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-09, 11:35 AM
The Goblin Guard Room

Kicking off the rats at his heels Zhuge quickly makes it to the wall of the pit and begins to scramble his way up. Bolstered as he catches his breath he pauses at the top of the hole in the room and counts his blessings to still be alive. His coil of rope lies uselessly at the bottom of the trap and the soon is barely visible among the ever-moving waves of black fur and tails.

It is now the Rat Swarm turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-09, 11:38 AM
The Goblin Guard Room

The Rat Swarm Turn
No longer having anything in the pit with them, the rats squeak and chatter among themselves. A few of them nibble at the coil of rope that had been dropped and a few turn back to gnashing at their kin, but for now they simply wait for their next meal to drop into the trap.

It is now Korran's turn.

Red Moldova
2014-02-09, 04:31 PM

Korran sighs in exasperation as Zhuge climbs out of the pit, ignoring the rope he threw down. Seeing Tengar getting peppered with quarrels Korran drops the rope and sprints down the hall. Coming up just behind Tengar he skids to a stop as a vibrant pulse of green light emanates from his left hand, slamming his fist into the ground a field of lush greenery erupts from behind the tiles and stone.

ActionsMinor Action: Draw Longsword
Move Action: Running 8 Squares
R-10 (Start) --> S-11 --> S-12 --> R-13 --> R-14 --> Q-15 --> Q-16 --> Q-17 --> Q-18 (End)

Granting Combat Advantage to attackers and taking a -5 penalty to hit until the beginning of my next turn.

Standard Action: Nature's Abundance (Origin Square Q-18)
Warden Level 2 Utility: Nature's Abundance
Standard Action Close burst 3
Daily ♦ Primal, Zone
Effect The burst creates a zone of plants that lasts until the end of the encounter. You and your allies have cover while within the zone.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-09, 04:42 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

The warden nimbly runs between the stone pillars and the edge of the pit trap and then makes his way down the southern hall. Coming up just behind Tengar he skids to a stop as a vibrant pulse of green light emanates from Korran's left hand, slamming his fist into the ground a field of lush greenery erupts from behind the tiles and stone. The goblins blink for a moment, confused by the sudden appearance of such greenery from the barren stone of their home.

It is now Michaelis's turn.

2014-02-09, 06:58 PM

"Zhuge, compose yourself and stay out of harms way for a moment. Then move up, watch our flank, and take shots at that warrior." Skirting close to the edge of the pit, he manages to slide past the pillar on his mad dash across the room. "Dagblastin', splitting the party, nonsense!" he mumbles under his breath, as he runs from the room. Rounding the corner he sees the barbarian's wounds staining the floor. Focusing his energies, he sends a wave of healing energy towards the goliath. Raising his wand, he peers around the corner and takes a covered shot at the crossbowman in the doorway. "A crossbow? Could it be you're too short and dainty for even a short bow?" Not his best mockery, and the magic has no noticeable effect on the goblin.

Move Action
Run to R18 (S12>R13>---R18)

Minor Action
Majestic Word to Tengar
Healing Surge + 4hp and slide Tengar to Q21.

Standard Action
Vicious Mockery
At-Will Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will (+6)
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage (1d6+4), and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.vs GS2 Will - [roll0] Phooey!!!
Damage - [roll1] and -2 to attack rolls until the end of my next turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-09, 07:25 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Successfully navigating around the pit trap, the bard rushes to the aid of his teammate and beings to cast a bit of healing magic. The most serious among Tengar's woulds begin to close and mend and blood no longer freely drips from him to the floor. His offensive magic is less effective however; the goblin standing atop the bed grins and laughs Michaelis insults its companion, meanwhile the goblin the the door sneers and snarls unaffected.

Tengar gains 13 HP and is no longer bloody.

It is now Finn's turn.

Turk Mannion
2014-02-09, 10:53 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

"Hey, Mich, you have a problem with short people?" he shot back with a smile. Grateful for the cover provided by the foliage, as well as the two big people in front of him, Finn, slid forward and fired an acid orb deftly between the tall bard's legs at the goblin warrior.

Move Action: Move to R17

Standard Action: Acid Orb (AW)
Attack:[roll0] vs dex
Damage: [roll1]

Chaos Burst: If roll even number, gain +1 to AC until the start of my next turn; If roll odd, gain a saving throw. Sorry, I have used this ability sporadically and am trying to get in the habit.

Wild Soul: At the end of an extended rest, I roll a 1d10 and get damage resistance to one type of damage. I have not used this ability before, so doing so now. I will post an edit once rolled to show what damage type I gain resistance.
[roll2] = cold resistance 5

The "between the legs" is fluff; If there is a mechanical issue, which there should not be because Mich is closer to me than my target, you can disregard it.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-10, 01:33 AM
The Goblin Guard Room

Moving quickly foward, Finn takes a safe position behind his companion and slings an orb of green acid whizzing from his staff. It narrowly missings the inner thigh of Michaelis' trouser leg before swishing accross the room and slamming to the goblin warrior's side and eating away at its armor in several places. It cries out in shock and pain and curses under it's breath in it's native language.

Hit on Goblin Warrior.

It is now Tengar's turn.

2014-02-11, 02:15 PM
Tengar Warsgen (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=715797), Goliath Barbarian

Tengar gives a quick step outside of reach of the goblin warrior and then charge to the nearby sharpshooter attacking it.

Move: shift 1 square to R,20
Standard: Charge using Howling Strike on the Goblin Sharpshooter 2
Attack vs AC [roll0] (+1 from charge); Damage [roll1]

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-11, 02:58 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

In a swift motion the barbarian sweeps back away from the warrior and quickly turns and chases after the crossbow wielding sharpshooter. The wild man brings his maul to bear and slams it into the side of the goblin's torso, a fountain of dark blood erupting from the creatures mouth from the force of the impact.

Hit on Goblin Sharpshooter 2 : 16 Damage.

Goblin Sharpshooter 2 is now bloodied.

It is now the Goblin Sharpshooter turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-11, 03:12 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Goblin Sharpshoot Turn
The goblin perched atop the bed in the corner fires a bolt from its crossbow at the back of Tengar but cannot get a solid line of sight on him with the overwhelming foliage in the room. The bleeding goblin the the doorway scoots back quickly and slams the door shut in the barbarians face just as the bolt from the first sharpshooter buries itself into the old wood of the door. Cursing it's luck, the goblin in the corner begins loading another bolt into it's wooden crossbow.

Goblin Sharpshooter 1
Move : None
Standard : Crossbow on Tengar
-Attack : 14-2 vs AC : Miss
-Damage : 0
Minor : Load Crossbow

Goblin Sharpshooter 2
Move : Shift to V19
Minor : Close door.
Standard : ???

End of Round 2

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-11, 03:19 PM
Combat Round 3

The group of adventures still find themselves locked in combat with the goblin guard detachment in the Keep on the Shadowfell. Luckily, Zhuge was able to escape the pit trap full of rats with his life, but now find himself separated from the rest of his allies who are fighting the goblins in the next room. Korran has filled the goblin's bunk room with dense foliage to aid in the cover of his allies from the goblins that snipe at them with crossbows. Meanwhile Tengar has put his maul to good work in severely wounding one of the creatures while Finn and Michaelis fire shots into the room from the cover of the hallway.

Initiative Order
Goblin Warrior
Rat Swarm
Goblin Sharpshooter

Player / Monster Status
Monster Status
Goblin Warrior 1:
-Damage Taken (9)
-Conditions None
Goblin Warrior 2:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Goblin Sharpshooter 1:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None
Goblin Sharpshooter 2:
-Damage Taken (16)
-Conditions Bloody
Rat Swarm:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None

Player Status
-Hit Points 31/31
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 36/36
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 33/33
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 30/39
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 10/27
-Conditions Bloody

It is now the Goblin Warrior turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-11, 03:30 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

The Goblin Warrior Turn
The goblin from the first room charges at Tengar, who now finds himself in a corner, and slashes at him with it's sword. The strike connects with the barbarian but the small cut is nothing that the feral man cannot handle with ease. As Zhuge tries to collect himself from his near death experience he thinks he catches a glimpse of a goblin as it moves into the eastern passageway.

Goblin Warrior 1
Standard : Charge on Tengar
-Attack : 18-2 vs AC - Hit
-Damage : 6

Goblin Warrior 2
Move : 6 spaces to X11

It is now Zhuge's turn.

2014-02-12, 03:41 AM

The wizard prepared to follow the others then stopped on seeing a goblin warrior opposite him. After a brief moment of surprise he ducked outside the nearest pillar to start moving round the pit keeping some distance from the edge. It was plain that the rats had truly terrified him. The clear view over the pit gave him the chance to try to see if the door at the end of the passage where the goblin was was now open and if he could see anything through it.

I think I will take a pass on attacking that warrior, I have one back here but hope to keep him busy.

He summoned the now familiar spectral hand to replace one of his pitons with his wand and then fired a blast of cold air across the pit.

Move Action: Zhuge moves to O12 the long way around the outside of the pillars.
Minor Action: Mage Hand to replace one of his pitons with a wand.
Standard Action: Ray of Frost

Attack vs. Fortitude: [roll0]
Damage Roll[roll1]

Mage Hand
At-Will ✦ Arcane, Conjuration Minor Action Ranged 5 Effect: You conjure a spectral, floating hand in an unoc- cupied square within range. The hand picks up, moves, or manipulates an adjacent object weighing 20 pounds or less and carries it up to 5 squares. If you are holding the object when you use this power, the hand can move the object into a pack, a pouch, a sheath, or a similar con- tainer and simultaneously move any one object carried or worn anywhere on your body into your hand. As a move action, you can move the hand up to 5 squares. As a free action, you can cause the hand to drop an object it is holding, and as a minor action, you can cause the hand to pick up or manipulate a different object. Sustain Minor: You can sustain the hand indefinitely. Special: You can create only one hand at a time.

Ray of Frost
At-Will ✦ Arcane, Cold, Implement Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

2014-02-12, 03:46 AM

Even as the blue blast frosted around the legs of the goblin warrior, the wizard moved with superhuman speed and summoned a massive fiery ball in front of the goblin, blocking the passage in front of him. A blast of fire shot out of the conjured sphere and flashed against the goblin warrior. Confusingly the fire did not melt the ice so the goblin was now being burned and frozen at the same time.

Action Point: Flaming Sphere
Attack vs. Reflex: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Flaming Sphere (Conjured in W11)
Daily ✦ Arcane, Conjuration, Fire, Implement Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature adjacent to the flaming sphere Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage. Effect: You conjure a Medium flaming sphere in an unoccupied square within range, and the sphere attacks an adjacent creature. Any creature that starts its turn next to the flaming sphere takes 1d4 + Intelligence modifier fire damage. As a move action, you can move the sphere up to 6 squares. Sustain Minor: You can sustain this power until the end of the encounter. As a standard action, you can make another attack with the sphere.

End Turn

2014-02-12, 03:53 AM
Forgotten Rolls

Perception Check: [roll0]
Damage for the Goblin at the beginning of his turn from sphere: [roll1]
Ignore the perception check if the range is too great and I am sorry about the triple post here.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-12, 02:35 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Zhuge makes his way around the pit by safely sticking near the walls, once he reaches the western hall he pauses to sling a ray of frost at the goblin warrior across the pit and down the eastern passage. Just as the spell leaves his fingers he feels an impact and a sharp pain and looks down to see the shaft of a javelin that had buried itself deep into his torso. The taste of blood fills his mouth, metallic and warm, and his vision begins to tunnel. He can see the sneering guard and the closed wooden door behind it at the end of the hall. Steeling himself he musters the strength to cast another spell and summons an orb of flame in front of the wicked creature.

Goblin Warrior 2
Interrupt - Readied Action : Javelin Throw on Zhuge
-Attack : 24 vs AC - Hit
-Damage : 9

Hit on Goblin Warrior 2 : 7 Damage.

Goblin Warrior 2 is now Slowed until Zhuge's next turn.

Zhuge consumes an action point.

Hit on Goblin Warrior 2 : 11 Damage.

Goblin Warrior 2 is now bloodied.

Hit on Zhuge : 9 Damage

Zhuge is now at 1 HP!

It is now the Rat Swarm turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-12, 02:44 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

The Rat Swarm Turn
No longer having anything in the pit with them, the rats squeak and chatter among themselves. A few of them nibble at the coil of rope that had been dropped and a few turn back to gnashing at their kin, but for now they simply wait for their next meal to drop into the trap.

It is now Korran's turn.

Red Moldova
2014-02-12, 10:10 PM

Korran circles around and strikes at the Goblin Warrior from behind with a pair of vicious blows.

ActionsMove: Q-18 (Start) --> Q-19 --> Q-20 --> R-21 (End)
Free Action: Nature's Wrath (Mark Goblin Warrior 1)
Standard Action: Wildblood Frenzy
First Swing (Goblin Warrior 1): [roll0] (Combat Advantage)
Damage: [roll1]

Second Swing (Goblin Warrior 1): [roll2] (Combat Advantage)
Damage: [roll3]

Wildblood FrenzyWarden Level 1 Encounter: Wildblood Frenzy
Encounter ♦ Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target One creature
Attack Strength vs. AC
Hit 1[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Wildblood The attack deals extra damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Effect Make the attack one more time against the same target or a different one.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-12, 10:26 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

The warden moves quickly through the foliage and into position behind the goblin guard from the first room and then unleashes a pair of deadly swings. The first runs the length of the goblins back, slicing him open through the grungy leather armor but the second misses by mere inches. Blood from the length of Korran's blade slings along the stone wall and drips on the floor, pooling along the mortar between the stones.

Hit on Goblin Warrior 1 : 15 Damage.

Goblin Warrior 1 is now Bloodied.

Miss on Goblin Warrior 1.

It is now Michaelis' turn

2014-02-13, 12:42 AM

Hearing flaming chaos caused by the wizard, Michaelis hurries back to check on Zhuge only to find him nearly spent. "Take cover, man!" he shouts to the wizard, flinging a tendril of arcane energy his way. Turning towards the goblin, his takes aim from behind the pillar. "Hey, Slimey! Is that your nose, or is a giant slug hugging your face?" This seems to unnerve and enrage the goblin. Good.

Move Action
Move to R13

Minor Action
Majestic Word to Zhuge
Healing surge + 4 hp and slide to O13
Encounter (Special) Arcane, Healing
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: You or one ally in the burst
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. (+4) You also slide the target 1 square.
Standard Action
Vicious Mockery vs G2 Will - [roll0] Crit-a-mundo!
Damage - [roll1] 10 psychic damage and -2 to attack rolls until the end of my next turn.
At-Will Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will (+6)
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage (1d6+4), and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-13, 12:56 AM
The Goblin Guard Room

The healing energy cast out by Michaelis closes the most severe of the wizards wounds but it still looks as if a stiff breeze would knock him over. Heading to the bard's advice Zhuge clambers behind the southwestern pillar and tries to catch his breath. What the group hears next is the maddening shouts of the goblin from the northern tunnel screaming in anguish at the insults of the witty bard, the thing near trips and falls into the fire in its anger and it swears loudly mixing its words between common and its native tongue.

Zhuge gains 4HP and slides to O13.

Crit on Goblin Warrior 2 : 10 Damage.

Goblin Warrior 2 has -2 on attack rolls until the end of Michaelis' next turn.

It is now Finn's turn

Turk Mannion
2014-02-13, 02:21 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

Despite the cover provided by the foliage and the chuckle provided by the bard's newest insult, Finn was just a bit unnerved by the departure of his protective entourage. He took a cautious step forward to get a better angle at the besieged Goblin Warrior and flung another hissing missile at him.

Move Action: Move to Q18

Standard Action: Acid Orb (AW)
Attack:[roll0] vs Dex

Arcane Spellfury (feat): Gain +1 to attack rolls after successful attack with sorceror at-will power. Bonus lasts until the end of my next turn.

Chaos Burst: If roll even number, gain +1 to AC until the start of my next turn; If roll odd, gain a saving throw. Sorry, I have used this ability sporadically and am trying to get in the habit.

RESULT: A bad miss and a saving throw that I don't need....wonderful turn. Has Finn's luck finally turned?!?!?!?!?

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-14, 01:15 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

As Finn cautiously steps forward and fires off his spell the goblin catches glimpse of the halfling from the corner of its eye and is able to duck slightly as dodge the blast. The spell fizzles uselessly into the wall behind the goblin, Korran, and Tengar.

Miss on Goblin Warrior 1.

It is now Tengar's turn.

2014-02-17, 02:13 PM
Tengar Warsgen (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=715797), Goliath Barbarian

As tengar notice that his plan to push the door would fail he decides to change tactics and attacks the goblin warrior near him instead.

Minor: Open the door and stuff
Standard: Howling Strike vs Goblin Warrior 1
Attack vs AC [roll0] (+2 from CA); Damage [roll1]

2014-02-17, 08:56 PM
Tengar enter in a rampage and moves toward the other Goblin with his friend "Brain-spreader" on hand ready to attack again.

Charge on Goblin Sharpshooter 1
Attack vs AC using howling strike [roll0] (+1 from charge); damage [roll1]

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-18, 12:33 AM
The Goblin Guard Room

Creaking the door open, Tengar quickly turns back around and catches the goblin behind him by surprise, felling it with a mighty blow. Feeling energized by the gurgling scream from the goblin as it collapses, the barbarian rushes across the room and slams its maul into the final goblin in the room. The air rushes from the goblin's lungs as the hammer crushes into its rib cage.

Hit on Goblin Warrior 1 : 18 Damage.

Goblin Warrior 1 is now defeated.

Hit on Goblin Warrior 2

It is now the Goblin Sharpshooter turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-18, 12:31 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Goblin Sharpshoot Turn
The goblin perched atop the bed in the corner tries it's best to fend of the overbearing barbarian Tengar, it quickly stows its crossbow and then draws a iron short sword. Stabbing downward from its perch atop the bed it scores a small pierce into the barbarians side. Its companion opens the door on the other side of the chamber and fires a bolt from its crossbow at Korran but misses by quite some margin.

Goblin Sharpshooter 1
Minor : StowCrossbow
Minor : Draw Short Sword
Standard : Sword Attack on Tengar
-Attack : 20 vs AC : Hit
-Damage : 7

Goblin Sharpshooter 2
Minor : Open door.
Standard : Crossbow Attack on Korran
-Attack : 14-2 vs AC : Miss
-Damage : 0

End of Round 3

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-18, 12:35 PM
Combat Round 4

Initiative Order
Goblin Warrior
Rat Swarm
Goblin Sharpshooter

Player / Monster Status
Monster Status
Goblin Warrior 1:
-Damage Taken (42)
-Conditions Dead
Goblin Warrior 2:
-Damage Taken (28)
-Conditions Bloody, -2 Attacks until end of Mechaelis' turn.
Goblin Sharpshooter 1:
-Damage Taken (19)
-Conditions Bloody
Goblin Sharpshooter 2:
-Damage Taken (16)
-Conditions Bloody
Rat Swarm:
-Damage Taken (0)
-Conditions None

Player Status
-Hit Points 31/31
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 36/36
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 33/33
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 21/39
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 11/27
-Conditions Bloody

It is now the Goblin Warrior turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-18, 12:46 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

The Goblin Warrior Turn
The flaming sphere flares up and engulfs the goblin warrior in a gout of orange flames charring its flesh black in several places. The creature, unable to continue to withstand such punishment, falls to the ground trying to shield its face with its forearms to no avail. After a few moments of squiriming on the stone tiles the movement finally comes to a stop.

Goblin Warrior 2 takes 7 damage from Flame Sphere.

Goblin Warrior 2 is now defeated.

It is now Zhuge's turn.

2014-02-18, 04:10 PM

Zhuge sat behind the pillar shaking for a moment before he called out, "Thank you Michaelis, I am greatly in your debt. Excuse me for one moment while I kill some rats then let me know what I can do."

A slightly wild look lit Zhuge's eyes as he stood behind the pillar and gestured sharply at the ball of fire. It rolled over into the pit and hovered above the bottom where a blast of fire lanced out from it at the rats underneath. A final gesture from Zhuge seemed to restore the fires as they died down and it hovered there, waiting.

Move Action: Move Flaming Sphere to Q12 one square down (as a summoned magical object I don't believe there are limits requiring it to stay on the ground, if there are, I will move it to R13 on the ground and use my standard as a move to move to P11)
Standard Action (if first move is allowed): Repeat Attack
Minor Action: Sustain Flaming Sphere

Flaming Sphere
Daily ✦ Arcane, Conjuration, Fire, Implement Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature adjacent to the flaming sphere Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage. Effect: You conjure a Medium flaming sphere in an unoccupied square within range, and the sphere attacks an adjacent creature. Any creature that starts its turn next to the flaming sphere takes 1d4 + Intelligence modifier fire damage. As a move action, you can move the sphere up to 6 squares. Sustain Minor: You can sustain this power until the end of the encounter. As a standard action, you can make another attack with the sphere.
Attack versus Reflex: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Damage at beginning of next turn: [roll2]

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-18, 11:00 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Heat washes over the rats at the bottom of the pit as the ball of fire lowers into their enclosure. The chattering and squeaking quickens and grows louder, everyone in the room can hear the cries of the creatures as they panic...but the flames dont seem to be actually hurting any of them just yet, only driving them into a frenzy. Zhuge concentrates on sustaining his moving turret of flame as he cowers behind the stone pillar.

Miss on Rat Swarm.

Rat Swarm will take 6 damage at the start of its turn.

It is now the Rat Swarm turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-19, 12:01 AM
The Goblin Guard Room

The Rat Swarm Turn
As the wave of heat from Zhuge's sphere of flame bears down on the rodents at the bottom of the pit trap, they go into a frenzied panic even more so than before. Climbing the walls to escape the flame the exit the pit opposite of where the sphere and entered and to their delight find a wounded wizard cowering behind a pillar and licking his wounds. In a frenzy the swarm of singed and starving rats wash over Zhuge and gnash at him madly with a continuous pelting of jagged razor sharp teeth.

Rat Swarm
Standard : Swarm Of Teeth on Zhuge
-Attack : 18 vs AC : Hit
-Damage : 5
-Effect : Ongoing 3 Damage (Save Ends)

Zhuge now takes ongoing 3 damage. (Save Ends)

It is now Korran's turn.

Red Moldova
2014-02-19, 02:30 AM

Korran turns and moves to finish off the other Sharpshooter, he lowers his sword and barrels at the creature, attempting to impale it on his sword.

ActionsStandard Action: Charge R-21 (Start) --> S-21 --> T-20 --> U-19 (End)

Attack (Melee Basic)
To-Hit: [roll0] (+1 Charge)
Damage [roll1]

Free Action: Nature's Wrath (Mark Goblin Sharpshooter)

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-19, 05:12 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

As Korran charges at the filthy little creature in the doorway it side steps his blade and scoots further back into the room. Readying its crossbow for another bolt to fire at the warden. Korrancan now see into the room as he stands in the doorway, it appears to be some sort of storage room fool of half-broken crates and barrels scattered about.

Miss on Goblin Sharpshooter 2

Goblin Tactics : Shift to W19.

It is now Michaelis' turn.

2014-02-20, 01:12 AM
"Great Corellon's song!" exclaims the bard as the seething mass of rat erupts out of the pit and swarms over Zhuge. Quickly looking about the room for a better angle on the foe, he slinks carefully around two of the pillars, avoid the depths of the pit. Wincing slightly from the heat rising from the sphere of fire beneath him, he inhales deeply and, using the arcane to augment its force, shouts, "ABU!!" He follows up with, "Zhuge, get this fire ball out of here before it singes something. Finn, we may need some rat support over here!"

Move Action

Standard Action
Shout of Triumph (blast 3 Q11-O13)
Encounter Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each enemy in the blast
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude (+6)
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma modifier thunder damage (1d6+4), and you push the target 1 square.(3)
Effect: You slide each ally in the blast 1 square.(3)
Virtue of Valor: The number of squares you push the target and slide the allies equals your Constitution modifier.vs Rat swarm Fort - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] and push to M11.
Effect - Slide Zhuge 3 squares to Q15

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-20, 01:32 AM
The Goblin Guard Room

A powerful shout, augmented by an arcane blast of power, shakes the room and echoes down the hallways before an echo bounces back through a few seconds later. Remarkably Michaelis is able to drive back the horde of rodents, shaking them free of Zhuge as he is whisked to the safety of Korran's blanket of foilage. However, though the rats teeth no longer physically bite at him, several dozen gashes bleed openly along the wizards exposed skin.

Hit on Rat Swarm : 6 Damage

Rat Swarm is pushed to M11.

Zhuge is pushed to Q15

It is now Finn's turn.

Turk Mannion
2014-02-20, 04:09 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

"Great Corellon's song!" exclaims the bard as the seething mass of rat erupts out of the pit and swarms over Zhuge. Quickly looking about the room for a better angle on the foe, he slinks carefully around two of the pillars, avoid the depths of the pit. Wincing slightly from the heat rising from the sphere of fire beneath him, he inhales deeply and, using the arcane to augment its force, shouts, "ABU!!" He follows up with, "Zhuge, get this fire ball out of here before it singes something. Finn, we may need some rat support over here!"

"You want me to support the rats?! Whose team do you think I am on!?"

Finn slid forward, careful to skirt the edge of the pit, until he came into sight of the rats. Suppressing a shudder at the thought of those hairy, gnashing creatures swarming over him, he fired off an explosive blast of fire at the disgusting vermin. Aware of the proximity to the fiery ball at the bottom of the pit and Michaelis's warning shout, he concentrated for a second before nodding in the bard's direction. Instantly, the heat of the fire eased for the two of them.

Move Action: Move to S11, sliding between the pillar and the corner of the pit.

Standard Action: Explosive Pyre (Encounter)
Hit: [roll0] vs. Reflex
Damage: [roll1] fire damage

Until the start of my next turn, any creature that starts its turn adjacent to the target or enters a square adjacent to the target takes 1d6 fire damage.

Minor Action: Elemental Shift (Daily)
Chang the resistance granted by your wild soul (currently frost) to another type of damage for the rest of the encounter (fire). In addition, one ally adjacent to me gains resist 5 to that damage until the end of the encounter. So, in summary, Michaelis and I gain resistance 5 to fire damage for the rest of the encounter. So bring on the rolling fire ball!

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-20, 08:09 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

As Finn launches the smoldering pillar of flame the rats they pile over each other and scurry quickly out of the way of the poorly aimed gout of fire.

Miss on Rat Swarm.

It is now Tengar's turn.

2014-02-20, 08:17 PM
Tengar Warsgen (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=715797), Goliath Barbarian

Tengar keeps the pressure in the Sharpshooter trying to finish him.

Standard: Howling Strike vs Sharpshooter 1
Attack vs AC [roll0]; Damage [roll1]
Move: Depend if the goblin shapshooter is dead or not.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-20, 08:27 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Tengar's maul crushes the goblin and it's lifeless body slams into the wall before falling into a slump near the hear of the bed.

Hit on Goblin Sharpshooter : 21 Damage.

It still Tengar's turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-20, 08:38 PM
Tengar moves to T20.

Tengar ends his turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-20, 08:50 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Goblin Sharpshooter Turn
The sole remaining goblin aims its crossbow a bit to hastily and fires a bolt at Korran the horrible shot is nowhere near the warden and bounces somewhere off the wall on the other side of the room, clattering to the stone floor noisily. The creature turns tail and runs away, scampering over the boxes and running to the north.

Goblin Sharpshooter 2

Standard : Crossbow Attack on Tengar
-Attack : 11 vs AC : Miss
-Damage : 0
Move : 6 squares to Z14
Minor : Load Crossbow

End of Round 4

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-20, 08:56 PM
Combat Round 5

Initiative Order
Goblin Warrior
Rat Swarm
Goblin Sharpshooter

Player / Monster Status
Monster Status
Goblin Warrior 1:
-Damage Taken (42)
-Conditions Dead
Goblin Warrior 2:
-Damage Taken (35)
-Conditions Dead
Goblin Sharpshooter 1:
-Damage Taken (40)
-Conditions Dead
Goblin Sharpshooter 2:
-Damage Taken (16)
-Conditions Bloody
Rat Swarm:
-Damage Taken (6)
-Conditions None

Player Status
-Hit Points 31/31
-Conditions Resist 5 Fire
-Hit Points 36/36
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 33/33
-Conditions Resist 5 Fire
-Hit Points 21/39
-Conditions 4 THP
-Hit Points 6/27
-Conditions Bloody, Ongoing 3 Damage

It is now the Zhuge's turn.

Zhuge takes 3 damage.

2014-02-21, 10:14 AM

Zhuge moaned as the pain hit him and even whimpered as the push scraped him raw. He then dragged himself away from the rats and collapsed next to the warden. Unnoticed, the ball of fire died away.

I guess I had terminal, chronic stupidity.

He then sagged to the ground and did his best to simply manage the pain and stay awake enough to not get shot again.

Move Action: Move to T19
Standard Action: (If there is any way to use any kind of heal check on yourself to try to improve the saving throw: [roll0], if not, disregard roll and use total defense.)
Minor Action: Nothing

Ball of Fire vanishes as it is no longer sustained.

Saving Throw: [roll1]

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-22, 01:32 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Zhuge hurriedly runs to the southern chamber leaving a trail of blood in his wake. In the pit trap to the north the ball of fire flickers a few times before fading away. He stops just shy of Korran and Tengar but is unable to shake the feeling of the gnashing teeth tearing at his skin.

Zhuge fails his saving throw.

It is now the Rat Swarm turn.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-22, 01:40 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

The Rat Swarm Turn
As the wave of heat from Zhuge's sphere diminishes, and Michaelis' column of flame flickers out ineffectually the rats scamper back down the hallway towards the entry chamber. A wave of matted black fur, pink tails, and yellowed broken teeth, rush towards the bard ferociously.

Rat Swarm
Move : Move to P11
Standard : Move to Q10

It is now Korran's turn.

Red Moldova
2014-02-22, 05:41 PM

Korran turns and sees Zhuge fall to the floor, quickly he moves to his side and attempts to resuscitate him.

ActionsStandard Action: Heal Check to enable Zhuge to spend his second wind. (Heal check in OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=17054017&postcount=648))

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-22, 09:29 PM
It is now Michaelis' turn.

2014-02-23, 11:42 AM

Feeling many little legs and teeth all over his legs as the swarm washes around him, he thinks, "Ok, the wizard is safe. Now what?" Slashing ineffectively with his sword, he steps away from the vermin. "Fall back to the cover the plants! Keep chopping away at them! Zhuge, flame them from a distance! Zhuge?"

Standard Action
Guiding Strike
At-Will Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC (+8)
Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier damage, (1d8+4) and the target takes a -2 penalty to the defense of your choice until the end of your next turn.vs Rat Swarm AC - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] and the target takes -2 to REFLEX until the end of my next turn.

Move Action
Shift to S11

Action Point
Move S12>R13>>R16

2014-02-23, 03:57 PM

Zhuge gasped gratefully as Korran's treatment stopped the blood loss that threatened to make him pass out at any moment. Dizzily he looked around and called back to Michaelis: I will do my best in a minute but will need cover. I think a good poke would knock me unconscious right now. Can someone tell me if there are any goblins left? I would like to know what all to watch out for.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-23, 05:01 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Slashing at the oncoming horde of rodents, Michaelis deftly dodges the wave of fur and teeth...even stopping on a few of those that come to close...and then swipes through the swarm with his blade cutting several of the rats in half. Shifting out of the way of the rats, he makes his way to the south.

Hit on Rat Swarm : 4 Damage

Zhuge saves against ongoing damage.

It is now Finn's turn.

Turk Mannion
2014-02-23, 07:05 PM
Finn Bramblefoot

Crud, who brought these rats back this way...

Having seen the damage they wrought to the wizard, Finn was in no mood to remain anywhere close to them. He slipped back along the pit toward the plants, pausing only to fire off chaos bolt at them. He could see his attacks were less than effective, due to the rats constant movement, but it was all he had.

"Sorry, Zhuge, I lost track of the other goblins...not sure how many are left.

Movement: Move to R16

Standard: Chaos Bolt (AW)
Hit: [roll0] vs. will
Damage: [roll1] psychic damage

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-23, 07:43 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

As Finn retreats to the south he fires off a blast of magic that instantly kills several of the disease ridden vermin, but the wave of rodents keeps pressing forth. A trail of blood and the occasional deceased critter is left in their wake.

Hit on Rat Swarm : 7 Damage.

Rat Swarm is now bloody.

It is now Tengar's turn.

2014-02-23, 08:47 PM

"Well shot, Finn! I saw some of them jump on that one. Keep it up!"

Free Action
Virtue of Valor
Once per round, when any ally within 5 squares of you reduces an enemy to 0 hit points or bloodies an enemy, you can grant temporary hit points to that ally as a free action. The number of temporary hit points equals 1 + your Constitution modifier(4) at 1st level,Grant Finn 4 temporary hit points

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-24, 12:36 PM
Finn gains 4 Temporary Hit Points

It is still Tengar's turn.

2014-02-24, 09:46 PM
Tengar Warsgen (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=715797), Goliath Barbarian

Tengar rushes toward the last goblin alive, and then attacks him.

Move: 6 squares to Y,19
Standard: Charge to Y,15 using Howling Strike vs Sharpshooter 2
Attack vs AC [roll0] (+1 from Charge); Damage [roll1] Crit, so total 24 damage.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-24, 11:15 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Running out of sight from the rest of the group, Tengar rushes off down the hallway to the north of the small storage room and a shriek can be heard echoing through the keep followed by the sickening thump of the barbarian bringing his weapon to bare. The goblin is crushed against the wall and falls in a slump and now only the swarm of rats near the entrace pit trap remain.

Hit on Goblin Sharpshooter 2 : 24 Damage.

Goblin Sharpshooter 2 is defeated.

End of Round 5

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-24, 11:20 PM
Combat Round 6

Initiative Order
Goblin Warrior
Rat Swarm
Goblin Sharpshooter

Player / Monster Status
Monster Status
Goblin Warrior 1:
-Damage Taken (42)
-Conditions Dead
Goblin Warrior 2:
-Damage Taken (35)
-Conditions Dead
Goblin Sharpshooter 1:
-Damage Taken (40)
-Conditions Dead
Goblin Sharpshooter 2:
-Damage Taken (40)
-Conditions Dead
Rat Swarm:
-Damage Taken (22)
-Conditions Bloody

Player Status
-Hit Points 31/31
-Conditions Resist 5 Fire, 4 THP
-Hit Points 36/36
-Conditions None
-Hit Points 33/33
-Conditions Resist 5 Fire
-Hit Points 21/39
-Conditions 4 THP
-Hit Points 3/27
-Conditions Bloody

It is now the Zhuge's turn.

2014-02-25, 07:37 AM

Zhuge winced at the thought of moving. "Please tell me I get to kill more rats. I do, okay, that might be worth getting up for."

He dragged himself over a short distance into the passageway and gestured down the passageway, "Burn to death you biting, filthy, pushtonk, durugnal, Earellogothaur."

The wizard's voice faded to muttering as it sounded like he was trying to recall every insult and curse word he had ever read in any language to use against the rodents.

Move Action: Move to Q18
Standard Action: Fire Scorching Burst centered at Q11

Attack Roll vs. Reflex: [roll0]
Damage Roll (AOE factor not included) [roll1]

Free Action: Insult the rats
Minor Action: Keep swearing at the rats.

Scorching Burst
At-Will ✦ Arcane, Fire, Implement Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage.

Bounty Hunter
2014-02-25, 02:53 PM
The Goblin Guard Room

Zhuge's fire burst whizzes down the hallway, over the pit trap, and slams into the skittering cloud of rats at the bottom of the entryway stairs. Squeaks of pain fill the air as seveal of the creatures up front are incenerated by the blast, a few of the back however are shielded enought by their kin that they survive the blast and begin to move towards the southern hall.

Hit on Rat Swarm : 13 Damage.

Rat Swarm is still bloody, but alive.

It is now the Rat Swarm turn.

Turk Mannion
2014-02-25, 07:13 PM
"Burn to death you biting, filthy, pushtonk, durugnal, Earellogothaur."

Durugnal......that is a new one. Going to have to remember it for next time.....