View Full Version : RHoD stuff up - Heeelp :(

Red Rubber Band
2013-09-19, 01:00 AM
So I started my first campaign the other night. We're running through RHoD.
Now either due to not going over the content thoroughly enough, or nerves, or forgetting, I managed to mess up and didn't realise it until it was way way way too late.

I've named two places Drellin's Ferry :smallcool:
I would like some help in sorting out how this (in game) came to be. I don't need a critique on how I messed up, thank you in advance :smallredface: (Also best not to question some of the things I made up as I was drinking at the time... just go with it :smalltongue:)

The group met up at "Drellin's Ferry" (actually nothing like the one from the book). They all had various assignments and what not and end up traveling together. As you do.
They met with the goblin's then trudged on to... the actual Drellin's Ferry. *sigh* This was where I went $#@& and made up some stuff. The facts, as happened in game, are below.

One of them met up with Soranna in the first Drellin's Ferry.
The first, fake Drellin's Ferry was a small town, mostly farm on the East bank, with a tavern and some merchants on the West bank. The river was huge; the barge was extremely large and very slow, and was able to carry a couple of laden wagons and horses.
Once they reached the second, actual Drellin's Ferry they encountered old mate, the guard, who questioned them. When they mentioned they had come from Drellin's Ferry, he snorted and called it by a different name and then claimed that they had reached the "real" Drellin's Ferry.

My first thoughts were to have a rivalry between the two towns. The original Drellin's Ferry (the second one) would be the older settlement and be exactly like the book. The newer township could be something that's cropped up recently, a decade or so ago, after a row split the village in half.
Or maybe there was a natural disaster which obviated the need for the first ("fake") Drellin's Ferry. An earthquake opened up a chasm in the valley and the river shifted underground after a few miles South of where the PCs met up. However, the first township doesn't want their trade to dry up so they tell no one about it. There, again, would be a rivalry between the two townships.

I'll also have to alter some of the NPC's (ie Soranna and such) to reflect this. So any other random plot hooks that could be explored would be helpful. I'm not sure whether we'll continue on after the horde is broken, but it doesn't hurt to have contingencies.

2013-09-19, 04:50 AM
This is one of the more original problems I've seen. ;)

You could make it that Drellin's a legendary lothario in the Casanova vein. The original Drellin's Ferry is where his wife lived; the fake Drellin's Ferry is where his lover lived. He was a great philanthropist (as well as philanderist) to both towns, and when he died there was an awful legal dispute over his will. To sort it out, the local cleric of your setting's god of justice made a Solomonic decision: the fake Drellin's Ferry got the name, the real Drellin's Ferry got the goods.

EDIT: You could make it a bit of a running gag. Drellin is a philanderer, and being a mage, he had a familiar - a cat. It's said his ghost is still haunting the woods of his home town, and it is often quipped that Drellin is a hundred years dead, but still looking for (THIS PART UNSUITABLE FOR PUBLICATION)

Also, check my sig (plug plug plug)

Red Rubber Band
2013-09-19, 06:58 PM
This is one of the more original problems I've seen. ;)

You could make it that Drellin's a legendary lothario in the Casanova vein. The original Drellin's Ferry is where his wife lived; the fake Drellin's Ferry is where his lover lived. He was a great philanthropist (as well as philanderist) to both towns, and when he died there was an awful legal dispute over his will. To sort it out, the local cleric of your setting's god of justice made a Solomonic decision: the fake Drellin's Ferry got the name, the real Drellin's Ferry got the goods.

EDIT: You could make it a bit of a running gag. Drellin is a philanderer, and being a mage, he had a familiar - a cat. It's said his ghost is still haunting the woods of his home town, and it is often quipped that Drellin is a hundred years dead, but still looking for (THIS PART UNSUITABLE FOR PUBLICATION)

Also, check my sig (plug plug plug)

Ooooh. That's pretty cool. I'll see how I can... flesh that part out :smallwink:
Our group is... amusing to say the least so I'm sure they will get the option to delve into the background. I'll get around to creating a journal for it too.

And it's too late, Saint, I've long since fallen for your RHoD Handbook's charms :smalltongue:
I just haven't used it yet as I'm still assessing the groups power.

The wizard and psychic warrior 1-shot the mooks in the first encounter. The druid and his army of bears nearly did the same thing. Rogue was ineffective. However the warrior fell into the single digits. He takes a lot of damage. Or can. If there's anything left alive. Seriously there were organs and body pieces flying around everywhere.
Probably will look ways at shore up the mook's defenses (HP as opposed to AC) and adding some more damage. At least until the rogue manages to hit something.