View Full Version : Items that increase Profession skill

Tim Proctor
2013-09-19, 10:28 AM
Beside the proverbial MW Tool, anyone know of any?

John Longarrow
2013-09-19, 10:33 AM
Magic items. +1 to a skill is 100gp. +2 400gp and +3 900gp. Talk to your DM about these though. When I run a game, I like having a lot of these minor items about because they give a lot of bang for their buck at low levels.

For mundane items, IIRC masterwork (ITEM) generally gives a +2. This covers tools and instraments. Kits (healers, disguise, climbers) also give +2, and I believe there is a camoflage outfit that gives +2 to hide.

What are you looking to improve?

Tim Proctor
2013-09-19, 12:08 PM
What are you looking to improve?

Duke of Urrel
2013-09-19, 12:27 PM
Profession skill, like Craft, Knowledge, or Perform skill, is actually a group of separate skills. Without knowing which kind of Profession you want to develop, it's hard to say what kind of tool will help you, whether it is magical or mundane.

2013-09-19, 12:41 PM
It should not be too hard to get a ring or some other magic item with a bonus of +5 competance to a skill, or +10 to a skill. Just base them of of the rings oif jumping, climbing, swimming, with the same costs. 2500gp and 10000gp.

Cost is bonus squared x 100


Just make sure the slot requested fits the skill for RP reasons, or come close to the affinities.


2013-09-19, 12:49 PM
Magic items. +1 to a skill is 100gp. +2 400gp and +3 900gp. Talk to your DM about these though. When I run a game, I like having a lot of these minor items about because they give a lot of bang for their buck at low levels.

For mundane items, IIRC masterwork (ITEM) generally gives a +2. This covers tools and instraments. Kits (healers, disguise, climbers) also give +2, and I believe there is a camoflage outfit that gives +2 to hide.

What are you looking to improve?
The prices you listed are for slotted items (gloves, rings, etc) to be a slot-less item you have to double the price. Tools are generally slot-less items (thieves tools, magnifying glass, etc). Masterwork Enchanted +2 Thieves Tools would be +2 circumstance and +2 competence bonus to both Open Lock and Disable Device should be 100 gp (base MW thieves tools) + (400 (+2 competence to open lock) + 300 (+2 competence bonus to disable device, 75% cost due to multiple similar abilities)) x2.
Or 1500 gp for effectively +4 to both Open Lock and Disable Device.

I personally had this item commissioned Masterwork Assassin's Kit +4Masterwork Thieves Tools +2 circumstance bonus to Open Lock, Disable Device: 100 GP.
+4 competence bonus to Open Lock: 1600 (4x4 x100)
+4 competence bonus to Disable Device: 1200 (4x4 x100 x0.75)
+4 competence bonus to Craft(Poison): 800 (4x4 x100 x0.50)
+4 competence bonus to Use Magic Device: 800 (4x4 x100 x0.50)
Usable by Assassin's Only: Reduce cost by 30% (assumed not to decrease the cost of the base tools themselves)
Non-slot item: Increase cost by x2 (assumed not to increase the cost of the base tools themselves)

Final cost: 6260 gp. For +6 to Disable Device/Open Lock, +4 to Craft(Poison)/Use Magic Device.

Raising Craft(Poison) and Use Magic Device up to +6 (for an even +6s all around) would increase the cost to 11160 gp. Though you would probably be better off getting a separate set of Masterwork Artisan tools for Craft(Poison) for the circumstance bonus and simply raising the Use Magic Device up to +6, for 9060 + 55 gp. And a total weight of 7 lbs unless you make some of it out of mithril

2013-09-19, 01:08 PM
Profession skill, like Craft, Knowledge, or Perform skill, is actually a group of separate skills. Without knowing which kind of Profession you want to develop, it's hard to say what kind of tool will help you, whether it is magical or mundane.

Just as an example of this, the Rod of the Legendary Mariner (from Stormwrack) grants a bonus on Profession (Sailor) checks, but wouldn't do any good if you needed help on a Profession (miner), (siege engineer), or (lawyer) check.

(Personally I'd allow it to count for Profession (baseball player), too, but that's another story).

Tim Proctor
2013-09-19, 04:02 PM
Thanks everyone, I'm just using the:

Skill bonus (competence) / Bonus squared × 100 / cloak of elvenkind

part from the SRD.