View Full Version : [PF] Eberron Conversion?

2013-09-20, 12:11 AM
Other than Prime32's conversion (http://pf-eberron.wikidot.com/), has anyone else found good conversions? Started wondering about it recently because I found this one (https://sites.google.com/site/eberronpathfinder/Home) recently when someone over on Myth Weavers was advertising for a PF game set in Eberron.

No offence to Prime, but I do prefer the second one since it's more of a direct conversion rather than the re-working Prime's has; while I like some of what Prime's done (like a warforged's plating being chosen at character creation rather than bought with a feat), there's a lot about it that I disagree with (like making Dragonmarks part of the Eldritch Heritage feats). Not that the other one's perfect either - there's currently no Tashalatora feat or similar under the reasoning that the concept was better served by a monk/psychic warrior prestige class - but it keeps things pretty close to their original design. Although Warforged can now wear normal armour so the "X Body" feats got toned down.

Was just curious if anyone else knew of similar conversion work for bringing Eberron to Pathfinder (that and I think that both of the above conversions could do with some more exposure). Or at least to point out any mechanical flaws/problems/etc since I'm hoping to get an Eberron game of PF going sometime (not with me GMing, though - every time I've tried that it's been a disaster; I'm just gonna use MW's Game Planning forum to see if anyone's willing to GM it).