View Full Version : Level 12 Cleric Spells (PF)

Zach J.
2013-09-20, 06:33 AM
I'm working on a character for an online game of Pathfinder and have run into some trouble concerning spell selection. My character is a cloistered cleric with the knowledge domain. Until recently he was more a scholar than an adventurer, content to spend his time among the tomes and scrolls of his monastery's library. I'd like for his spell selection to focus on divinations and effects that don't cause direct damage, but keep him safe and maybe inconvenience his foes.

I've taken the Extend Spell and Quicken Spell metamagic feats and Spell Penetration.

I've never played a character beyond level 9 and have never jumped into a game with a character this high in level right off the bat. So spell selection is a little overwhelming.

What I've managed to figure out so far:
0 Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic
1 Sanctuary
2 Silence
3 Dispel Magic, Extended Magic Vestment
6 Heroes' Feast, Quickened Shatter

2013-09-20, 06:51 AM
Just a few off the top of my head...

0 - Guidance, Create Water, Stabilize
1 - Stone Shield, Bless
2 - Hold person
4 - Freedom of movement

2013-09-20, 07:00 AM
Сonsidering that you want nondamaging spells (using core PF):

You have 6/5/4/4/3/3/2 spells without domains and bonus Wis.

0 Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic, Create water,
1 Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Shield of Faith
2 Resist Energy, Owl's/Eagle's/Bear's/Bull's (at your choice), Aid
3 Dispel Magic, Extended Magic Vestment, Magic Circle Against, Wind Wall or Deep Darkness or Daylight
4 Death Ward, Divination, Freedom of movement or Restoration
5 Breath of Life, Plane Shift , Rightenous Might (For survivability)
6 Heroes' Feast, Quickened Shatter Heal or Wind walk

Zach J.
2013-09-20, 07:04 AM
Since I'm a Cloistered Cleric I cast one less spell from each spell level. Thank you for the suggestions though. Would I be better off taking another feat instead of Quicken Spell?

Zach J.
2013-09-20, 08:01 PM
Would you change the spells selected based on the fact that the priest in question is more of a divine scholar, a bit of a coward and likely to avoid direct combat when possible?

I have yet to ask the DM if it's a valid option, but the spell Grace from the Advanced Player's Guide is exactly what the sort of spell I'm looking for. Swift action for the ability to negate any attacks of opportunity caused by movement? Perfect for my scholarly gnome.

I'm trying to tailor my feats to this sort of concept too.

Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Quicken Spell

2013-09-20, 08:26 PM
I'd suggest

4: Blessing of Fervor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/blessing-of-fervor) - possibly prepared twice, it's that useful in combat
5: Wall of Stone - utility or battlefield control, Quickened Obscuring Mist - if you don't dump Quicken Spell this lets you hide and do something.

If you prepare Grace, Aid is the obvious spell to drop. Otherwise Solio's advice looks good to me.

Zach J.
2013-09-20, 08:32 PM
I was considering Quickening Obscuring Mist, but it's nice to have its validity confirmed. Thanks!

Zach J.
2013-09-21, 02:47 PM
So the character's been approved for the game.

Party includes a rogue, bard and a barbarian/druid. I guess wealth is severely under level so I shouldn't expect much gold to spend on gear. With that in mind I've decided to drop the Cloistered Cleric archetype and play a vanilla cleric with the Knowledge and Rune domains. That still fits my divine scholar idea. I'd like to get some mileage out of the various Symbol spells so I had some questions regarding their uses.

Can I cast (not scribe) a Symbol spell on a sheet of parchment and use it at a later time?

If so and assuming I have said parchment ready does that mean I can drop that sheet as a free action, move to a desirable location and still use a standard action to cast a spell?

If I cast some symbols on my quarterstaff and kept them covered until I needed them would they be activated by an enemy getting too close to me?