View Full Version : Elven Generalist or Specialist for a Gish

2013-09-20, 03:24 PM

Let me preface this by saying our DM has banned focused specialist, allows specialists but the requirement is three banned schools instead of the usual two.

I'm rolling an elvish gish and was wondering with these limitations in mind would I be better going elven generalist-with access to all schools-or stick with transmutation specialist. Going elven generalist would make fueling arcane strike and arcane wrath more difficult even with the one bonus spell but having access to the necromancy school would be nice.

2013-09-20, 05:17 PM
It depends on how bent on casting you are. Because, with, say...

Elf paragon1/Wizard2/Elf paragon+2/Crusader1/Jade Phoenix Mage2/Swiftblade3/AbjChamp5/JPM+4.

[18BAB, 18CL, 13 IL, 8th level spells. Free Weapon Focus doesn't hurt. You can swap Crusader for Warblade and Aptitude it away for the weapon you're using, but the recovery mechanism will hit your action economy.]

...You don't really need the slots. What you DO have is the ability to make the most of them. This guy here can (depending on the wording of Sudden Casting though) drop a Haste and Shield on himself, then full attack in the same round. The Initiator part lets you pretty much have utility/damage/stuff without using ANY of your spell slots. '

You can get an Item Familiar to invest spell slots in it.
Although nothing says "screw me hard" louder if your DM is a sadistic one.

2013-09-20, 05:56 PM
I'd go with a generalist, especially if you would be forced into three prohibited schools. Use this variant (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#wizard) to get Power Attack or Combat Reflexes instead of Scribe Scroll.

I'd take Elf Paragon 1/ Fighter 1/ Wizard 2/ Elf Paragon 2/ Spellsword 1/ Incantatrix 4/ Abjurant Champion 5/ Eldritch Knight 4. With Persistent Wraithstrike from 9th level you don't really even need Arcane Strike. You have to ban one school for Incantatrix, I'd make it Enchantment so you can still have Persistent Fell Drain Fell Frighten Death Armor and Fire Shield twice.

Emperor Tippy
2013-09-20, 07:07 PM

Thrice Dead Cat
2013-09-20, 11:46 PM
If possible, I'd go Elven Generalist Domain wizard 6 into Swiftblade 9 before finishing with Abjurant Champion 5. Just make sure you pick a domain that grants haste as a spell.

Emperor Tippy
2013-09-20, 11:52 PM
If possible, I'd go Elven Generalist Domain wizard 6 into Swiftblade 9 before finishing with Abjurant Champion 5. Just make sure you pick a domain that grants haste as a spell.

Never, ever, go Wizard 6. Wizard 5/any full casting PrC X is always better than Wizard 6.

2013-09-20, 11:56 PM
Never, ever, go Wizard 6. Wizard 5/any full casting PrC X is always better than Wizard 6.

Tippy made a mistake. Did he forget to check the BAB requirement on Swiftblade? Or what class Swiftblade is?

2013-09-21, 12:12 AM
Tippy made a mistake. Did he forget to check the BAB requirement on Swiftblade? Or what class Swiftblade is?

Fractional BAB.

Make that 6th level a Mindbender dip, or maybe Paragnostic Apostle for Spatial Awareness.

2013-09-21, 12:19 AM
Fractional BAB.

Make that 6th level a Mindbender dip, or maybe Paragnostic Apostle for Spatial Awareness.

I searched the thread, and the word "fractional' appears only in your post prior to this one. Fractional BAB is an optional rule, and is not considered standard.

Sidenote, adding spelldancer instead of a fifth level of Abjurant Champion is pretty good for the Swiftblade.

2013-09-21, 12:19 AM
If you care about performance at early levels (and you're not going Swiftblade), I think Abrupt Jaunt is a strong argument for specialization.

If that's not available, generalist all day every day.

2013-09-21, 12:22 AM
If you care about performance at early levels (and you're not going Swiftblade), I think Abrupt Jaunt is a strong argument for specialization.

If that's not available, generalist all day every day.

Seconding this. Abrupt Jaunt is one of the few options I would consider replacing my familiar for.

2013-09-21, 12:27 AM
Elven generalist with racial substitution levels.

2013-09-21, 06:24 AM

I forgot to mention my DM isn't crazy about the paragon class either. He feels its the rich getting richer- i.e. humans with another free feat. He might allow it if it was changed to make it more balanced for non humans. Either give all races a free feat at second level or change the humans free feat for something else.

Abrupt Jaunt is off the table(-.

2013-09-21, 07:34 AM
Elven generalist with racial substitution levels.The other racial substitutions are not that great. Greater bonuses from the familiar is not strictly better than being able to deliver touch spells.
The alternate bonus feat list is much bigger if you use the variant posted earlier. Secondly this substitution only applies to level 5. If you would go to level 10 you would have the normal list again. Thirdly if you take a bonus feat at level 5 you cannot take the spontaneous divination ACF.

2013-09-21, 09:26 AM
If you're able to take Elven Generalist, do it, always, on any wizard build. It gives you most of the benefit of specializing, at no cost whatsoever. The fact that your DM is making specialization worse just makes this an even easier question.

2013-09-21, 10:30 AM
The only problem is you have to be a an anorexic treehugger with stupid ears.

No, wait you can also be an Elf-demon hybrid (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Fey'ri). Only advisable if you are strarting at higher level (9+) and LA buy-off is allowed. It does net you Outsider shenanigans (martial weapon proficiency, polymorph) though.