View Full Version : Trog's Tavern CXXXI

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2006-12-29, 02:57 PM
She comes in quickly and looks around

2006-12-29, 02:59 PM
Hmm, near empty. Good for us, I suppose.
Maal leads her to a quiet booth.

2006-12-29, 03:01 PM
She follows him over to a booth and sits opposite him, waving the waitress over she orders a funky llama.

2006-12-29, 03:01 PM
After getting fired from his job, Silas' player returns to his computer and logs back on. He wakes Silas up, and Silas looks around.

"I see you two are back." He says as he orders another drink.

2006-12-29, 03:04 PM
((Ouch. My sympathies))

Maal nods to Silas.
We are indeed.

2006-12-29, 03:06 PM
((let me just say...last time I "Dr. Cox" a customer...at least for now))

Silas' left hand melts, reforming into what seems like a piece of pipe. He aims down at his drink and two ice cubes pop out. His hand reforms back to normal.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-29, 03:09 PM
((Could he turn that arm into a toliet plunger if he had to? How about a spoon?))

2006-12-29, 03:11 PM
((Go go gadget toilet plunger! :smallbiggrin:))
Maal turns back to Cassandra, smiling a little.

2006-12-29, 03:12 PM
Do you want anything, Maal?

2006-12-29, 03:13 PM
Oh no, I believe I'll be fine. Thank you for the thought, though.

2006-12-29, 03:15 PM
The waitress goes to get Cassandra a glass of wine.

Cassandra turns back to Maal, That was rather fun.

2006-12-29, 03:16 PM
I have to agree; I don't get that kind of opportunity very often.

2006-12-29, 03:16 PM
Hanna and Kirbyla enter the tavern. The pseudodragon flies up into the rafters, and her companion approaches the bar. "Long Island Iced Tea, please." Hanna says to Cosmo.

2006-12-29, 03:18 PM
The waitress brings her wine, Cassandra takes a sip.

No, not very often, but enjoyable every time.

2006-12-29, 03:20 PM
Sasic wanders into the tavern. She takes an empty table and orders a steak, some wine, and a brownie for desert.

2006-12-29, 03:20 PM
Shea wanders into Trog's. He takes a seat at the bar rubbing his temples.

2006-12-29, 03:21 PM
Maal lets his gaze wander around the tavern, noticing that it was getting busier.

2006-12-29, 03:23 PM
Silas pulls a small black box out of his pocket and begins to look at it. He opens it and a small glow seems to come off it.

2006-12-29, 03:24 PM
Yes, I noticed as well, as soon as we come back, more people arrive.

2006-12-29, 03:26 PM
Hm. Maybe somewhere else then?

2006-12-29, 03:28 PM
Yes, I think so. Cassandra stands and picks up her glass of wine.

2006-12-29, 03:28 PM
Hanna, recieving her drink, holds her right arm out. Kirbyla reluctantly drifts down onto it. We really ought to be making more friends here. Calpurnia probably hasn't made that many, and- I know! Kirbyla, I... I know. I know...

2006-12-29, 03:29 PM
Where to then? Back upstairs?
Maal stands as well.

2006-12-29, 03:31 PM
That'll be fine, as she heads upstairs.

2006-12-29, 03:32 PM
Maal follows Cassandra, smiling a little.

2006-12-29, 03:33 PM
Silas watches Cassandra head upstairs, then seems to input something into his device.

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-29, 03:33 PM
Gaheris came out of the restroom dragging a body.

"The murder rate in this town is getting ridiculous," he grumbled. "A little help here, anyone?"

2006-12-29, 03:34 PM
Shea waves over to Kirbyla and Hanna.

2006-12-29, 03:35 PM
Sasic, feeling rather bored, starts to hum 'A Little Help From My Friends' under her breath. Then she laughs bitterly. "Who am I kidding? I don't have any friends!"

2006-12-29, 03:35 PM
Hanna trots over to Gaheris and grabs whatever end he isn't already dragging to help. "Who is this?" Kirbyla leaps off Hanna's arm and flaps over to Shea. Oh, hello. How are you?

2006-12-29, 03:40 PM
Sasic leaves.

2006-12-29, 03:41 PM
Caihana wakes up and looks around grogily before ordering a llamanade.

2006-12-29, 03:42 PM
Silas looks around at all the people he doesn't know, the turns back to the device in his hands.

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-29, 03:44 PM
Hanna trots over to Gaheris and grabs whatever end he isn't already dragging to help. "Who is this?"
"I have no idea. He was in here last night, wearing a great big cloak, and then I went into the bathroom and found him dead on the floor, cloak gone and that great hole in the back of his head," the paladin said in a grim tone before doing a double take at the person helping him.

"It may seem a bad time, but I don't think I've ever met a winged centaur before," he said almost conversationally as he hoisted the corpse up by the armpits. "We just need to get him outside; I have someone waiting there who can take him the rest of the way easily."

2006-12-29, 03:47 PM
Hanna hisses angrily, and her wings rustle with indignation. "Murder? Blast. And here I thought a town full of nigh-omnipotent beings would have better things to do with their time." She grins at Gaheris' description of her. "The term is pegataur, actually." she says, tucking the dead person's feet under one arm easily.

2006-12-29, 03:51 PM
Shea spins on his stool.
((Calpurnia check the edit Gaheris made.))

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-29, 03:58 PM
"You would think so," Gaheris responded drily. "Some of them almost seem to engage in it as a hobby, though."

2006-12-29, 04:05 PM
Hanna sighs and begins manuvering the dead man out of the tavern.

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-29, 04:07 PM
Gaheris reached the door and emerged onto the Streets.

[Since I had the last post in the Streets (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29268&page=49), I just edited in our arrival.]

2006-12-29, 04:40 PM
Hanna returns, and Kirbyla glides onto her arm. The two leave through the back door.

2006-12-29, 05:06 PM
Shea gets up and heads through the mirror to Inari's.

2006-12-29, 05:33 PM
Caihana sighs and orders a Black Shadow

2006-12-29, 06:46 PM
Cathrindir appears with a flash of blue light. He looks around, yawns, and heads over to the bar. "I'll have a White Russian, Cosmo. Water on the side." He takes the drink and looks around the Tavern.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-29, 07:15 PM
SASO enters the tavern, takes a seat, and orders a drink.

2006-12-29, 07:33 PM
The small figure of Ms E steps out of the mirror. She begins to dust off her tunic as a second figure, much larger than the first, steps out of the mirror as well. He towers over her in comparision. He appears to be a large suit of armor, and his steps cause slight vibrations through the floor.

"Evander, this is Trog's!" Ms E waves her hand out enthusiastically. Evander eyes the place catiously, his deep indigo eyes glowing from underneath his chainmail hood. "Come on, let's sit." She grabs one of his gauntlet hands and leads him to the bar. "Oh wait, I don't think these chairs will hold you..."

"I do not need a chair." Evander says as he pulls a chair out of the way and stands in it's place.

"Umm... well, if you're sure," she starts to pull herself up on a stool, as it is much taller than she is. Evander takes careful hold of the back neck of her tunic and lifts her up to the seat. "Ah, thanks." He nods in acknowledgement. "So, anyway, you should watch the people here for awhile. It'll help you figure out what normal interactions are like, what the difference is between a play fight and a real one, all that good stuff. There are so many people that come in and out of here that you're bound to learn a good deal." Evander turns and watches the patrons while Ms E begins to order some hot chocolate.

2006-12-29, 07:39 PM
Cathrindir takes a sip of his wine and looks over at Evander. "Good evening."

2006-12-29, 07:43 PM
Evander doesn't move his head, but his eyes quickly look over at Ms E. She nods with an encourging smile and gestures that he should feel free to engage in conversation. "Greetings." His voice is rather deep and mature sounding. It doesn't quite sound like a human voice, but that is probably due to the fact that it reverberates throughout the armor.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-29, 07:47 PM
SASO examines the big guy with interest and curiosity, then returns to his drink.

2006-12-29, 07:49 PM
"I don't believe I've seen you around the Town before. Are you new around here?"

2006-12-29, 07:56 PM
"Yes." Evander doesn't say anything else.

Ms E snickers into her drink. After wiping the excess chocolate milk off of her mouth, she smiles at Cathrindir, "Yes, he's new. And right now he's not much of a conversationalist. Heh... If you want anything specific, generally you have to be very specific. I suppose he'll get a sense for it in time, but he's still really new to all this. That's why I brought him here. I want him to figure out how normal people live and talk and stuff."

Lord Magtok
2006-12-29, 07:59 PM
((Normal people? You brought him to this Town to learn about normal people?))

2006-12-29, 08:02 PM
Cathrindir looks over at Ms E and nods. "Ah. He recently came into being, then?" He chuckles. "Though if you want to know how normal people behave, you might not want to bring him here."

2006-12-29, 08:07 PM
Ms E lets out a little sigh. "Well, he's going to have to learn how the weird people act too. I'm trying to teach him how to tell when he needs to protect me or not. I'm fairly certain he would have bashed someone's head in if they had just given me a friendly slap on the back. I think we are past that point though. And yes, his creation was just finished about an hour ago." Evander nods.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-29, 08:10 PM
SASO turns to face Ms. E
I don't mean to butt in, ma'am, but did you really walk out of a mirror, or am I delusional?

2006-12-29, 08:10 PM
Cathrindir takes a sip of his wine. "He's your bodyguard, then?"

2006-12-29, 08:19 PM
Ms E nods at Cathrindir. "Yep, more or less. I mean, he doesn't have to be if he doesn't want to, but so far I think he likes it. I did give him free will after all." She thens notices the SASO and smiles. "Evander, would you mind telling him that he is not delusional and explain it to him? Please." She hopes that he won't just answer "No, I would not mind" and leave it at that.

Evander turns and faces the SASO. "You are not delusional. The mirror is enchanted. My lady and I came from another place with pillars and walls."

"Oh! I should have told him the name of where we were. The Temple of Inari." She says this to both the SASO and Evander.

2006-12-29, 08:20 PM
Regiji strides into the tavern looking happier than normal, which is saying quite a bit. He spots Omega and makes his way over to the officer.

"Evening Super Secret Agent Man, how goes the battle against evil?"

Lord Magtok
2006-12-29, 08:22 PM
SASO mutters to himself.
All the magic in this town is insane.
Its suprising this entire world hasn't exploded with that much energy.

He spots Regiji.

Hey there. I'm still waiting for a plot line to resume.
Things have been quiet. To the point that it annoys me.
Anything new happening?

2006-12-29, 08:25 PM
"Hmm." He turns to SASO. "No, the mirror is enchanted to send those who walk into it into the Temple of Inari." He looks back at Ms E. "Are you new to the Town, yourself?"

2006-12-29, 08:29 PM
Regiji is about to respond to Omega when the man utters the Q-word, triggering the Q-ward.

Huge, black tentacles burst through the doors, windows, out from under tables, and just about everywhere else, and begin attacking everyone in the tavern.

"You just had to say the Q-word, didn't you?"

Regiji hauls back and slams his fist into one of the appendages, which bursts as if it had just been hit by a train.

2006-12-29, 08:29 PM
"Exactly." Ms E nods at Cathrindir. "Yes, I've been here a few weeks, but mainly I've been working on Evander back in the Temple of Inari."
"What is Inari?" Evander is curious.
Ms E lightly smacks her forehead. Evander now appears concerned but does not say anything. She notes his concern and laughs a little. "Ah, that. Don't worry, I didn't hurt myself. Sheesh. It is what we do sometimes when I are a little miffed at ourselves. I should have told you a lot of stuff beforehand. And I'll have Fenric," she notices Evander looking at her with a question again and quickly adds, "the fox priest of Inari, tell you all about it."

2006-12-29, 08:29 PM
Gwen, Rain and Aramir walk into the Tavern. Gwen smiles and waves at everyone before sitting at the bar. Rain and Aramir lie down by her feet. She orders a hot chocolate from the bartender.

Rain breathes lightning bolts at any tentacles that come close.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-29, 08:30 PM
SASO takes out his E-Razor energy blades, and eviscerates as many tentacles as he can.

2006-12-29, 08:34 PM
Cathrindir sighs and quickly knocks a tentacle reeling to the floor. "These things are getting to be annoying."

2006-12-29, 08:36 PM
Regiji ducks under a swinging tentacle and slashes his arm up over his head as he does. The opalescent sphere around his fist flattens into a broad blade and proceeds to gouge a sizable slash into the flailing boredom deterrent that had attacked him.

"Just some advise, never say Q-U-I-T-E in here," Regiji attempts to explain to Omega. "Someone created a ward that summons these tentacles every time it's said."

He leaps over a second attack, slashing at the appendage as he sails through the air and lands on the bar.

"So I met Magtok the other night."

Lord Magtok
2006-12-29, 08:37 PM
While slashing tentacles SASO turns to Regiji.
You did what?

2006-12-29, 08:39 PM
Evander notices a tentacle creeping towards Ms E. Much quicker than one would think a huge suit of armor could move, Evander takes the tentacle in both hands and twists it what would appear to be gently enough and the tentacle splits into two. The living side recoils and the dying side thrashes about until Evander takes his large boot and grinds it into the ground. Ms E raises her eyebrows. "Wow."
"Was I right in destroying the hostile creature?"
"Um... yeah, actually, you did a good job." She smiles encouragingly at him.

2006-12-29, 08:43 PM
"I met Magtok," Regiji responds matter of factly. He jumps off the bar and alights in mid air while upside down. "I don't know why he came in here. I ran a number of suspicions past him, which he denied for the most part. I had the feeling that he was lying though."

Regiji drops out of the air, slashing at another appendage as it reaches for him.

"I figure I must have been pretty close to the truth since he tried to ka-jedi me," Regiji waves one hand in front of Omega and mimics Magtok's voice as best he can. "'You will forget everything from the past several minutes.'"

2006-12-29, 08:43 PM
Gwen's hot chocolate comes and she stirs in her chocolate chips with a mini-tornado and sips it. Rain continues to breath lightning on any tentacles that come close. She zaps quite a few.

2006-12-29, 08:43 PM
Cathrindir ducks as a tentacle lunges over his head. Reaching back upwards, he grabs it and his hand briefly glows blue. The entire tentacle slowly begins to stiffen, until a thick sheet of ice forms over it. He drops it back onto the ground, and it shatters into several icy pieces. Downing the rest of his wine, he sits back down in his chair.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-29, 08:48 PM
SASO slashes at any remaining tentacles.
He used to use that move to handle rebellions and the like.
Fortunately, I had some sort of resistance to it.
I think he may actually have consumed power from the Star Wars universe before.
Its also possible he's a demon of some kind.

2006-12-29, 08:50 PM
Boru heads into the tavern and bounds over to Regiji.

2006-12-29, 08:53 PM
When all the tentacles are gone, Rain settles down next to Aramir and watches everyone.

Gwen sits quietly enjoying her hot chocolate.

2006-12-29, 08:54 PM
"It probably would have went better if I had just played along, but instead I said the first thing that came to mind," Regiji then does an excellent Obi-wan Kenobi impression. "'These aren't the droids you're looking for.' Needless to say he got pretty cheesed off. He drenched me in beer then set me on fire."

Regiji cleaves one of the last tentacles in two.

"That was the fourth tunic I've had set on fire since I got here," Regiji sighs. "So I did some of my usual combat banter and kicked him in the head. Knocked his hood off. Turns out he's got some pretty heavy cybernetic augmentation."

Regiji glances over his shoulder as the wolf hound enters the tavern.

Hello Boru, how are you feeling?

Lord Magtok
2006-12-29, 08:57 PM
Cybernetic augmentations? No.
Those were to replace parts of himself damaged in brutal encounters I've had with him before. He was supposed to be dead then. Just as he should be dead now.
I've killed him three times already, and he still manages to be brought back.

2006-12-29, 08:58 PM
{canine} Good, your place is nice and warm.

2006-12-29, 09:06 PM
"Back from the dead, huh?" Regiji muses, the glow around his hands dissipating once the tentacles are gone. "It seems like all the most annoying villains do that, unfortunately. I must admit though, I was pretty unimpressed with his villain dialog. It was as if the guy were a cliché of a cliché."

Regiji shrugs and takes a seat.

"I'm pretty certain he's in league with the nut jobs up in that floating fortress as well as that lanky psionic critter that attacked the station last night."

I'm glad you like it there, Boru. It may become your new home. Do you like your collar?

2006-12-29, 09:07 PM
{canine}Yeah it's odd. Feels weird. But nice.

2006-12-29, 09:31 PM
Gwen looks around and sips her hot chocolate.

2006-12-29, 09:31 PM
Regiji raises an eyebrow at Boru.

What makes it feel weird?

((The Int boosting effect would work more or less like Awaken Animal. So Boru would be able to understand and perhaps even speak some common, though his Int would certainly limit how much.))

2006-12-29, 09:35 PM
((Well he only has an Int of 5. Besides he likes speaking in canine.))

{canine} I don't know. I feel different. I think different?

2006-12-29, 09:43 PM
Aramir licks Rain's cheek.

2006-12-29, 09:44 PM
((He's your character. He can respond to it how ever you like ^_^))

Regiji smiles and procures a steak out of thin air. He offers the warm, freshly prepared meat to the hound. Doubtless Boru is hungry.

That's an excellent way to describe it, I would imagine. The collar was made for you and blessed by my Master. It has made you stronger and better able to understand. Tell me, can you comprehend any of the people talk of the others here?

2006-12-29, 09:46 PM
Rain smiles and licks him back. Gwen tucks her feet under Rain.

2006-12-29, 09:46 PM
{canine} I... sort of. Not really but kind of. I sense what they say. Yeah that's it not the words though. But the meaning, kind of. He seems confused but he spots the steak and bites into it eating.

2006-12-29, 10:05 PM
Evander gazes down at her. "The mirror feels like your goggles."
"What do you mean?" Ms E tries to understand what he is trying to tell her. She ponders this for awhile. "You mean they feel enchanted? The goggles and the mirror are both enchanted. Perhaps you can feel enchantments. That's rather nifty."
Evander nods, "Perhaps so."
Ms E smiles to herself. Evander is starting to sound like a real person.

2006-12-29, 10:10 PM
((The Collar is mundane, as are its effects. Further, no aura would be detectable around the hound as he's in a permanent personal anti-magic field >.>))

Regiji smiles and leans back in his chair, having decided he likes his new friend.

2006-12-29, 10:11 PM
The hound finishes off the steak and looks around the tavern. Then up to Regiji. {canine} Can I get something to drink?

2006-12-29, 10:18 PM
Ms E sips her drink. "Evander, would you like something? I don't know if you're interested, but I just feel odd drinking without you getting anything."
"I do not want anything." The way he says it confuses Ms E slightly. She thinks to herself. Maybe someday you will.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-29, 10:26 PM
...It was as if the guy were a cliché of a cliché.

All villains seem like cliche's, Regiji. Have you ever met one who didn't fall into one cliche' or another?
By the way, when I said he was brought back to life, it was only in the sense that what was left of him was healed, and the missing parts were replaced.
He once had vast armies numbering in the thousands. I hope they can't come back like he has.
Imagine the town overflowing with metal for a second. That's about the size of 10 divisions of his armies. About a tenth of his old total, before they were destroyed back at my dimension.

2006-12-29, 10:36 PM
Gwen leaves with Rain and Aramir.

2006-12-29, 10:49 PM
(('Twas makin' a thread. Sorry about the wait. And just because something is blessed doesn't mean it's is magical. The blessing might not have any physical effect at all.))

Sure thing Boru.

"Could I get some water for my dog here?"

Cosmo scowls at Regiji. Several minutes later he returns with a soup bowl filled with water. Regiji hands off a gold piece, which causes the gnome to lighten slightly.

He then flicks a tablet into the water to suppress the Fort: 40 or fall unconscious effect.

"Huh... sounds like your standard evil overlord," he thinks for a moment. "Though to be honest, if he really tried to invade with an army here I can't help but imagine that he would get his ass stomped."

2006-12-29, 10:52 PM
Boru drinks the water.

2006-12-29, 11:12 PM
"I'm tired. Let's head back to the temple." Evander nods and they both return through the mirror.

(g'night everyone!)

Lord Magtok
2006-12-29, 11:22 PM
I agree.
However, he's not the type to just send in swarms of androids in randomly.
He plans out every move he makes, even tries to mess with his enemies consciences and morals by questioning their actions, and claiming that he killed that friend of yours because you wouldn't cooperate. He still would've killed the guy if I'd given in...

2006-12-29, 11:25 PM
Regiji begins scratching Boru behind the ear. As he does, the probe pokes out of his pack.

"How come no one ever pets me?" it moans.

"Because you're a hard chitinious ball; people pet things that are soft and fuzzy."

"No one loves me!" the probe wails. "Waaaaaaaaah!"

It goes bouncing off through the air, settling on the table of the nearest tavern patron and begins sniffling and feeling sorry for itself in general.

Regiji rolls his eyes, then turns his attention to Omega.

"What a jerk. See, now I'm glad I got to kick him in the side of the head," he pauses, then thinks for a moment. "Is the police force planning on doing something about that Cornerstone place?"

2006-12-29, 11:26 PM
The hound's tail wags as he is scratched.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-29, 11:33 PM
Well Regiji, there's this omnipresent deity called Plot.
When Plot is active, time flows quickly in any given world.
When he chooses the slow things down, they slow down and people seem to go into comas for long periods of time, or mysteriously disappear.
Plot seems to have a stronger influence in this world than in mine.
I'm afraid making any arrests there would be impossible at the time.

2006-12-29, 11:40 PM
Regiji pounds his table with one first.

"So that's who controls all those weird non-linear time effects here!" Regiji exclaims. "I was wondering about that stuff."

He leans back in the chair, looking to calm down a bit.

"Is this 'Plot' your deity then?"

2006-12-29, 11:42 PM
The hound finishes the water and lays down next to Regiji. He eventually goes to sleep. ((Feel free to transport back to your place I'm calling it a night.))

Lord Magtok
2006-12-29, 11:53 PM
Yes and no. I believe in his existence, and his influence on worlds and multiverses. I also believe that he has gone out of his way to make my existence difficult.

2006-12-30, 12:04 AM
A man peeks his head into the tavern. His long black hair is messy, dirty, and matted, and he looks a bit disheveled.

"Does this place have a dumpster round back?"

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 12:06 AM
If you're that poor and starving, I'll buy you some bamhacon
so you don't have to go digging through trash, sir.

2006-12-30, 12:07 AM
"I didn't ask for petty assumptions, I asked for a dumpster."

2006-12-30, 12:08 AM

"Huh..." Regiji places both hands behind his head and leans back. "That's kind of... different. Why would a deity go out of his way to annoy you?"

Regiji gives the newcomer an odd look.

"Eerr... I don't think they even have dumpsters here. More like... refuse heaps."

2006-12-30, 12:11 AM
"Screw it, I'll go find another place." He leaves, muttering under his breath.

2006-12-30, 12:14 AM
Regiji watches the greasy fellow leave.

"I'm surprised to say that I never would have expected something like that to happen here," Regiji shakes his head. "Just when you begin to think you know a realm..."

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 12:20 AM
He seems suspicious. I'm going to watch him for any funny business.
SASO leaves inhumanly quietly, and with a slow, deliberate pace.

2006-12-30, 12:26 AM
Graklok bursts through the tavern doors.

Ewwo' evybody! he shouts. Lagar Cosmo!

2006-12-30, 12:27 AM
"I'll go too!" the probe bubbles, then zips out the door behind Omega.

"Wait! Don't-" Regiji lifts one hand in protest, then drops it back to his side. "I have the feeling this won't end well..."

2006-12-30, 12:28 AM
Earin melts out of the shadows, tossing a dagger to himself. He waves to Regiji with his free hand.
"Hey there."
He goes over to the bar and gets a llamanade.

2006-12-30, 12:30 AM
Regiji rubs his temples, looking somewhat annoyed.

"Evening, Earin. Who goes the training?"

2006-12-30, 12:31 AM
Dave, Kenyon's player, steps into Trog's, with complete disregard for the Fourth Wall. He steps up to the bar, and gets himself an Archon Ale.

After taking a few sips, he looks around the denizens of the tavern.

"Hey, any Gufipolice around right now?"

2006-12-30, 12:33 AM
Stephen looks up from his laptop in the corner. Huh. Wonder when he got there...
I think Iames is here, and Hawk got a badge, and SASO's online. Might not be the best time.

"Fairly well, Regiji."

2006-12-30, 12:36 AM
Graklok flips Cosmo a goldpiece for the beer, then slams it in one gulp. Cosmo gives him a suspicious look, as Graklok normally doesn't have much in the line of currency on him.

How'd you come by this Graklok? Cosmo asks.

Graklok piwate now, get paid guud muney.

Oh, I see. Somebody finally found a good job for ya. Well, okay then. Want another?

Shure, Graklok have nudder lagar.

Cosmo pours Graklok another beer, Graklok takes it and looks around at the patrons of the tavern.

2006-12-30, 12:37 AM
"Have you tried focusing the effects of the Incarnum gear you create? You know, aimed for the attributes of a particular type of soul?" he pauses, then seems to remember something. "And how's the book helping? I hope it's written clearly enough."

2006-12-30, 12:38 AM
Dave sighs. "Dammit, and I finally had time to bring him back here, too..." He finishes off his beer.

2006-12-30, 12:41 AM
"Oh its helpful enough, for a book. Unlike Elya, however, I think experiencing and experimenting first hand is a far better way to figure things out."

Stephen shrugs and continues his mad plotting avatar making.

2006-12-30, 12:47 AM
"I agree with you there," Regiji says with a slight nod. "Knowledge is useful, but it doesn't really cement until you actually get a chance to utilize it. Especially with stuff like Incarnum. I understand it works slightly differently with each individual. Has something to do with the nature of each person's soul."

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 12:48 AM
Magtok's player walks in, and mercilessly shoots poor Fourth wall in the head about a dozen times. Suprisingly, he look exactly like LM with the hood down.

When is Destro going to log in? I've been waiting days to continue with the OOE plotline. I got so bored I sent out Magtok and got him into a tavern brawl! We really need to get going before I do something really insane!

2006-12-30, 12:48 AM
"I don't know, but it seems rather natural to me. I've probably been using it without even realizing it..."
Earin tosses a couple of cobalt blue dice in his hand.

Stephen glances up at Magtok's player.
Hey, why do you think I got the Masters killed off? Thats part of the reason. I could tell that that plot was going to go slowly.

2006-12-30, 12:49 AM
Several NPCs sit at a table, speaking in hushed tones. Every now and then they look up at Graklok, or point at him.

2006-12-30, 12:50 AM
Hawk enters the tavern and takes a seat.

"Finally, I can feel like I'm doing something worthwhile again." He says happily, ordering some ale.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 12:54 AM
Well I'm not giving up on this plot. We just need...hmmmm...what if Magtok slayed the Nine in their sleep, and took the Cornerstone for himself?

2006-12-30, 12:56 AM
Godmodding, unless Destro was online, which would defeat the point.
Stephen gets reabsorbed into avatar making.

2006-12-30, 12:58 AM
Dave grunts, and tosses the empty beer bottle away. "Y'know what? Screw it." He snaps his fingers, and Kenyon pops into existence at the bar stool next to him.

"Gah! What th'hell?"

"Welcome back, buddy."

"What, 'm I done with the whole Ravenloft quest?"

"Nah, I'm just taking others' advice, and calling it an out of Town time event, so I can get your plotline back on track. Technically, you're both here and there."

"How does that work?"

"It's probably best not to ask, it'd hurt your brain."

"Am I still a fugitive here?"

"Hard to say. I'm hoping the Gufis do me a kindness and don't call my hand again tonight, now that I've brought you back, but considering the fact that you DID open fire on Iames' ladies, odds are good you're still pretty high on his hit list."

Kenyon sighs, and orders himself an Archon Ale. "So, what now?"

"Well, that's up to you. Or me. Whatever. The Marshals are still in town, waiting for you to pop up, so odds are they'll hear about this pretty soon. I'd probably go find Jackie and Darryl, and see if the three of you can find yourselves some assistance."

Kenyon gives Dave a confused glance. "Assistance? Why?"

Dave chuckles, and grabs himself one last beer for the road. "Oh, no reason. Best of luck, buddy." He snaps his fingers, and suddenly disappears into a nearby plot hole.

Before completely disappearing, though, Dave pokes his head back out, and looks at Magtok. "He's probably busy with the holidays, like most of the others around here, man. That'll probably pick up once Destro can get himself back on schedule." He then disappears again.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 12:58 AM
Yeah you're right, Steve... What if I...er...Magtok convinced MindHunter and possibly the Marshalls to leave the Nine, and form a new order, the Order Of Darkness, or something. Then, we'd...ummm....have any ideas?

2006-12-30, 01:00 AM
Regiji's player's head suddenly pops out of Regiji's back pack and glances around the tavern.

"Where is Destro, anyway? He was on pretty consistently then just sort of went poof."

"The hell?" Regiji pulls off his pack and shoves his player back inside.


"Anyway, I'm glad to hear it's coming so easy for you. I figure since you must be used to meditation and stuff like that it must be second nature."

2006-12-30, 01:01 AM
Lord, Kenyon, I thought you'd been around long enough to know how plots go. Just hope Dave doesn't take a leaf out of my book, or you'll need to hire a few gods.
Stephen waves goodbye to Dave.
Just wait for Destro. He'll be back eventually, its probably just Christmas stuff.

Earin nods.
"I know alot already. I do wish Elya were here though."

2006-12-30, 01:02 AM
Silas finally wakes up, and looks around.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 01:04 AM
Ok, fine then.
He turns his attention to Regiji the character, not the player.
So what do you think of Magtok and SASO so far?

2006-12-30, 01:04 AM
Kenyon shakes his head.

"Man, I am SO confused..."

He thinks for a moment.

"Wait, where'd Soulstriker run off to? Does it still have that damn bar attached to it?"

Dave pops back into existence. "Man, you're just a nosy little bastard tonight, aren't you? I guess we did forget to take care of that, though. Stupid holiday work schedule. Hang on..."

He reaches through the Fourth Wall, apparently fishing around for something. After a while, he pulls out Kenyon's rifle, with the Kender's magical stick thingie still attached to it. "That's still on there? Crap." With a quick tug, the stick snaps clean off, and the rifle is handed back to Kenyon. "There you go, one rifle. Anything else for you, Needy Nancy?"

Kenyon glares at his creator. "No, Boss. That oughta do it."

Dave nods. "Great. Let's try this again, then." He pops out of existence again.

2006-12-30, 01:06 AM
Stephen shrugs.
So it goes.
He vanishes along with his laptop.
((Cookie anyone?))

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 01:06 AM
LM's player turns his attention to Kenyon.

Just run away before the cops or the Marshalls get you.

LM's player turns to Stephen.
I'll take a cookie!

2006-12-30, 01:10 AM
Silas orders a beer.

2006-12-30, 01:10 AM
Graklok heads over to a corner and falls asleep.

((Sorry Kyrian, normally I'd always be game for some more NPC antics, but alas sleep calls for me. G'night all))

2006-12-30, 01:11 AM
((No worries Grakoof...I'm heading that way myself.))

2006-12-30, 01:13 AM
Regiji nods.

"Well, it's just another day or two, right?"

He blinks as he finds himself addressed by the strange being whom had just plowed headlong through the fourth wall.

"Eeerr... Well, Magtok is your stereotypical evil overlord archetype. But because of that I would normally expect him to send minions to do most of his dirty work. The problem here is that he apparently only has one minion at the moment," Regiji nods sagely. "That just won't do for a mastermind type guy. He needs more. Maybe he could buy a bunch of war-forged or something."

Regiji places both hands behind his head, then leans back in his chair.

"As for Omega, I like his personality. The secret agent who saves the world bit is pretty overdone, but I think he pulls it off well."

2006-12-30, 01:14 AM
"Yeah, should be."
Earin mutters something about his diabolical player.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 01:18 AM
There was also a big prophecy and stuff back in New Stick City. SAS was destined to slowly go from an agent with a gun to a jedi/bounty hunter/superhero thing.
Magtok kinda assassinated people to come into power, and because of that sneakiness, he thinks he's smarter than he is. He also was fascinated with classic villain characters from movies as a kid. I hope he isn't causing too much trouble for you.

2006-12-30, 01:22 AM
"I'm sure she'll be back soon," Regiji says reassuringly.

"Well, I don't have too much of a problem with clichéd characters," Regiji explains. "Clichéd characters can be hilarious when played properly."

2006-12-30, 01:24 AM
*Stephen cackles in the background*
Earin nods and sips his llamanade.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 01:24 AM
Speaking of cliches, have you spoken with...no wait... nevermind. You'll find out yourself.
The agent doesn't save the world alone actually, he's just part of a diverse group of freedom fighters. By the end of the war, they number in the hundreds.

2006-12-30, 01:38 AM
"Ominous foreshadowings, on the other hand, are so clichéd even I won't touch them." Regiji says as he stands up. Boru is likewise lifted off the ground as though he's supported on a floating disk or something. "Kind of like vampires. So clichéd now that you can't make them cool no matter what you try. Seriously, they used to be alright, but after so many awful movie and television incarnations and angsty table top games they're now little more than a throbbing mass of lame."

Regiji heads toward the door with the wolfhound in tow. He waves over his shoulder as he leaves.

"I'll see everyone tomorrow. And by everyone I mean the other Townspeople, not you jokers from the other side of the monitor."

2006-12-30, 01:41 AM
Earin waves goodbye.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 01:42 AM
Well, guess I'll go mend that fourth wall now.

LM's player disappears.

2006-12-30, 01:44 AM
Hawk has been traumatized as his whole world shattered.

2006-12-30, 01:44 AM
Earin idly tosses a dagger to himself, wondering if anything interesting will happen.
((Yeah, we tend to be a bit... overzealous... when shattering the fourth wall))

2006-12-30, 01:54 AM
((Quick Earin! Use Psychic Chirurgery to fix Hawk's poor shattered mind!))

2006-12-30, 01:55 AM
((Nope, sorry. Earin can only use up to level 6 psionic powers, and only Temporal Acceleration at that level. Elya could, but she is in a bit of a bad spot...))

2006-12-30, 01:59 AM
Alena walks in, holding her wings back from the door frame as she comes inside. She looks downcast and sad. She sits on a barstool when she notices a lack of chairs made for angels to sit on.

2006-12-30, 02:00 AM
Kenyon decides to leave the tavern before Dave decides to jump-start his plotline again. Little does he know that Dave is busy yelling at whiny 13-year-olds on Xbox Live.

((G'night, everyone))

2006-12-30, 02:02 AM
((Lol, nice call Dave. Night))
Earin glances over at Alena curiously, then pays more attention as he notes her current mood. He gives her a small wave and smile.

2006-12-30, 02:03 AM
She waves politely back and looks around disinterestedly

2006-12-30, 02:04 AM
Earin sighs a little and sips his llamanade.

2006-12-30, 02:06 AM
(You guys are giving poor Hawk multiple aneurysms, over here)

2006-12-30, 02:07 AM
She watches him drink for a moment, Does that taste good?

2006-12-30, 02:09 AM
Earin considers the drink in front of him.
"I actually prefer the wine, but I am trying to avoid that for the moment."

Commander Ac'tar comes down the stairs, holding a small amulet in his left hand as he moves to the bar.

2006-12-30, 02:12 AM
she turns to the waitress, I'll try what he's drinking, as she goes to get the llamanade, Alena sighs and idly runs her finger around on the bar.

2006-12-30, 02:17 AM
Out of force of habit Earin flicks his eyes over to the man who came down the stairs, then his gaze diverts to the amulet in the man's hand. His eyes widen a moment, and one can almost see the the thoughts clicking and calculating in his mind.
In a sheer, fragmented instant, Earin leaps out of his chair and vanishes, reappearing and slamming into Ac'tar, shoving the commander towards the nearest wall. Earin then appears behind him, slipping an arm tightly around his throat. His eyes are blazing blue, and shining bracers have formed on his arms.
Ac'tar seems too stunned to react.

2006-12-30, 02:20 AM
Alena watches, wondering what could have caused him to do that. Her wings ruffle nervously as she watches where they're going. The waitress brings her drink.

2006-12-30, 02:27 AM
What the hell did you do to her?!
Commandar Ac'tar snarls and tries to get Earin off of him, but the determined Defender of Inari tightens his grip around the man's neck. Ac'tar tries to speak, but it looks like he might have a bit of difficulty now...

2006-12-30, 02:29 AM
Alena watches and decides she wants to move to the other side of the room. She picks up her drink and moves to a stool farther away from the ruckus.

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-30, 02:35 AM
Gaheris walked into the bar to the sight of Earin strangling somebody. "Damn it," he snarled, his legs already propelling him towards the melee.

"DAMN IT TO THE HELLS, can't I come in here just one time without something like this happening," he roared as he grabbed Earin by the shoulder. "What in the names of the gods do you think you're doing, man?"

2006-12-30, 02:35 AM
The Commander drops the amulet from his left hand and claws at the arm around his neck, and Earin lets him go and teleports in front of him, slamming him into the wall with a forceful push. The apparently enraged psion kicks Ac'tar in the face, and something snaps as the commander slides down the wall.
Earin kneels down and picks up the amulet, his eyes blazing. He seems to be ignoring Gaheris's question, entirely focused on something else.

2006-12-30, 02:36 AM
Alena watches, glad she moved to the other side of the room. She sips her llamanade as she watches them carefully.

2006-12-30, 02:53 AM
Earin decides that Gaheris can have a knife through the throat if he tries to interrupt again, whether he is a paladin or not.
He stands slowly, tightning his grasp around the amulet in his hand, then looks back at Ac'tar, who is no longer trying to get up an away, but focusing on his broken nose and jaw.

2006-12-30, 02:57 AM
The man from before goes up to the tavern, but does not enter. Instead, he rounds out to the back.

"This town sucks." He mumbles, tossing the sack he had been carrying over his shoulder onto a pile of garbage that had been spawned through much public littering. He walks back round to the front.

2006-12-30, 03:01 AM
Alena sips her llamanade and decides she likes the flavor.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 03:02 AM
While the man does that, SASO stealthily flies over to the back, lands, and quietly opens up the sack.
((What does he find?))

2006-12-30, 03:02 AM
Earin walks menacingly towards Ac'tar.
What did you do?
He holds up the amulet, and it is shown to be a holy symbol... Elya's holy symbol, in fact.

Ac'tar concentrates and his hands glow for a moment as he heals his face and stands.

2006-12-30, 03:08 AM
Alena continues to watch them

2006-12-30, 03:11 AM
She is well and-
Earin teleports next to him again and slams a dagger into his gut.
Don't you dare lie to me.

2006-12-30, 03:15 AM
Alena flinches as the dagger slams home. She casts Steel Shadows about herself in case he comes over her way.

2006-12-30, 03:18 AM
Ac'tar grits his teeth, then slashes his arm spines at Earin's face.
Earin leaps out of the way and throws another dagger at him, striking Ac'tar in the shoulder.
Yl'ecta rn'ar!
Three portals open up around Ac'tar, and three men step out, looking around warily, swords and shields up.

2006-12-30, 03:20 AM
Alena backs up on her stool as more men arrive. She wonders what it's all about.

2006-12-30, 03:23 AM
Earin steps back, eyeing the new combatants warily.
Vol'gatha gt'vald!
Two of the men move fowards a little, while the third helps Ac'tar through one of the portals. Earin snarls as he goes, but realizes that he can't stop him with the other three here. He moves towards them, only to have them retreat through the portals before he can get to them.
The portals close behind them, and Earin glares as they close and throws his dagger down to the ground.

2006-12-30, 03:24 AM
The man enters the tavern, satisfied with finally fulfilling his deed just as Hawk ((finally recovering from his trauma!)) leaves. They pass by but make no notice of each other.

2006-12-30, 03:26 AM
Alena sighs in relief as most of them leave. She watches Earin, wary of him now.

2006-12-30, 03:28 AM
Earin snaps his fingers and his dagger reappears in his hand. His eyes still blazing a vivid blue, he sits down at his table and stares at the holy symbol in front of him in disbelief.

2006-12-30, 03:31 AM
She ruffles her wings and finishes her llamanade as he sits back down.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 03:34 AM
Inside the sack SASO finds a dead deer. The back of it's skull and it's brain are missing.

What the heck!? What would steal a deer's brain? Hell with this. I'll just leave it here to show Iames later.

He closes the bag, and heads to the police station.

2006-12-30, 03:35 AM
Earin seems to have gotten over his intense rage, now that there is no one to target it at, and has progressed to being stunned.

2006-12-30, 03:38 AM
The man doesn't feel right. A paranoia, biting at him. It must be the bag.

He stands up and exits, going round to hide it better.

"What the..." He says, looking at sack. He knows it was not tied like that. Someone must have looked inside.

Secret Agent Stick...

"Damn!" He says, hastily burying the sack under a pile of garbage. He leaves the tavern to go see if he can track whatever this Agent is down.

2006-12-30, 03:56 AM
Alena finds a menu and starts looking through it.

2006-12-30, 03:57 AM
Earin closes his eyes, but the cobalt light seeps out of them anyways. He reaches out for Elya, but can't find her.
I never should have let her go alone...

2006-12-30, 04:00 AM
She watches him out of the corner of her eye as she starts to get curious about what just happened.

2006-12-30, 04:02 AM
Earin's eyes are quite distressed when he reopens them. He looks down at the holy symbol, wondering what happened.

2006-12-30, 04:14 AM
May I ask what happened?

2006-12-30, 04:18 AM
"I- well... apparently some men have been looking for me since I can use this strange substance known as Incarnum.
"Now this wouldn't bother me at all, except for the fact that I only knew what I was using after they showed up. And as odd as that is, I still would have been okay, but..."
Earin holds up the holy symbol.
"I now know how they learned about my ability."

2006-12-30, 04:21 AM
with a bit of uncertainty, I've never heard of incarnum. How did the holy symbol let them know?

2006-12-30, 04:23 AM
"It didn't."
Earin's voice is choked.
"Its my wife's. She doesn't give it to anyone, even to me..."

2006-12-30, 04:28 AM
Alena's face softens in concern, They took your wife? I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do?

2006-12-30, 04:30 AM
"Well, I'm going to need to search the area I knew she was last in... I never should have let her go alone. Never..."

2006-12-30, 04:31 AM
Where was she? Do you know if she's still alive?

2006-12-30, 04:34 AM
"The beaches of Katani, at my suggestion."
Earin looks like he is feeling very guilty about this.
"I think I would know if she had died, but my telepathic contact with her has apparently been disrupted somehow... no wonder she didn't respond."

2006-12-30, 04:36 AM
I'm very sorry to hear that they took your wife, I hope she's all right.

2006-12-30, 04:37 AM
"So do I, but..."
Earin looks at the holy symbol sadly.

2006-12-30, 04:40 AM
But, and Alena looks down sadly, they took her holy symbol, something she never lets anyone take.

2006-12-30, 04:41 AM
Earin nods.
"I need to get searching. I'm not going to be able to rest until I find her anyways."
He stands up.

2006-12-30, 04:46 AM
Alena looks up, Do you need help?

2006-12-30, 04:48 AM
"If you would like, I'd be glad for it."
((I plan on having him teleporting off and not coming back until tommorow))

2006-12-30, 04:51 AM
((give her a bit of excitement))

I do have quite a few abilities that might help? Alena looks at Earin hopefully until she suddenly looks down bashful, I almost forgot, I'm Alena. Her wings ruffle behind her as she walks over and puts a hand out.

2006-12-30, 04:53 AM
"I'm Earin Goldshadow. Glad to have your help."
Earin takes her hand and teleports them away.
((G'night all!))

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-30, 05:23 AM
Gaheris stared at the spot where the two had been standing in something resembling stunned disbelief.

"I swear, Beshaba has laid claim to this tavern," he grumbled under his breath.

[Sorry about that, had to restart my comp and forgot I had walked into this.]

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 05:35 AM
SASO is sent flying backwards past the tavern door which is flung open, and crashes into a table.
He seems somewhat dazed.
That.. delusional guy is... going to... die now!

2006-12-30, 05:38 AM
The man hurdles over the hole SASO created with his impact. His hands were both acting as beacons for as much psionic power as the man could muster.

"Even when I'm eradicating you, you cause me problems. It's very vexing, you know!" He shoots another concussive blast at the agent.

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-30, 05:44 AM
Gaheris' head whipped around as SASO came flying through the door, followed by another man he hadn't seen before... or had he? The face seemed familiar somehow. No matter; he was sick and tired of this.

"That is IT," he roared, pulling out his iron bands and flinging them in one fluid motion towards the officer's attacker. The small iron sphere expanded outward into the familiar whirling mass of iron hoops, reaching out to entangle the stranger.

Except that no one ever gets hit by them because everyone else in the Town seems to have some form of stupidly awesome dodging powers or something.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 05:46 AM
SASO tosses a chair in the way of the blast, and rolls behind a table and knocks it over for cover.
From here, he aims another twenty bullets at the man's head, and telekinetically tries to sneak attack the back of the man's head with a nearby bottle of wine.
Eat this, deer brain-stealer!

2006-12-30, 05:46 AM
((I'll throw you a bone, Paladin))

"What in all hells?!" The man said as the hoops encircled him. He quickly put up a shell of protective energy and forced outwards, but he was too startled to concentrate hard enough. Before long, his shield shattered. The hopps bound his arms to his sides.

"Dammit! Foul play, you meatbag!"

Suddenly he sees SASO back on his feet and levelling his gun at the man's head. He makes another barricade of energy between him and the bullets.

2006-12-30, 05:48 AM
Gwen, Rain and Aramir walk into the Tavern. She eyes the combatants and sits at the other end of the bar. Rain and Aramir lie down on the floor next to her. Gwen orders her usual hot chocolate.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 05:49 AM
He makes another barricade of energy between him and the bullets.

((What about the bottle aimed to swing for the back of your head?))

2006-12-30, 05:50 AM
((And the bottle aimed to swing for the back of your head?))

((Oops, missed that part))

The man, not being as attentive as a man locked in a death battle should, let's slip the bottle. It smashes over his head

"Auugh! That hurt, you bastard!" he screeched.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 05:52 AM
SASO turns to the paladin. Think the bands will hold him long enough to get him to an anti-magic, anti-psionics cell?

While speaking, he casually aims another bottle at the man which should hit by the post after the following post.

2006-12-30, 05:54 AM
Can't get captured! WON'T GET CAPTURED!!

A sphere of force erupted from the man's body, forcing itself outward, throwing all manner of chair, table, and inattentive bar patrons backwards violently in an attempt to break the bonds.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 05:57 AM
SASO takes out his blades, and cuts apart or dodges any incoming chair, table, potted plant, etc.(With the exception of bar patrons)

2006-12-30, 05:58 AM
Gwen casts Storm Rage, which causes all flying projectiles to miss herself and both cats.

2006-12-30, 05:59 AM
The man takes the opportunity of confusion and tries to float out of the hole in the wall before anyone can reach him.

2006-12-30, 06:01 AM
((there can be no holes in the wall at Trog's, the building is indestructible))

Gwen turns to watch as she stirs in her chocolate chips.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 06:02 AM
((He made the door fly open. I'll check to see if I need to edit that. Yep I did have to.))
SASO attempts to telekinetically slam the man against the rafters above.

2006-12-30, 06:04 AM
((there can be no holes in the wall at Trog's, the building is indestructible))

Gwen turns to watch as she stirs in her chocolate chips.
((Ah, I see. I thought SASO punched a hole through the wall from an attack, I didn't realize that he flew through the door))

The man - by this time too weak to retaliate quickly, is sent up into the air, slamming with a crack against the rafters above.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 06:06 AM
SASO then tries to telekinetically slam him headfirst into the floor.

2006-12-30, 06:09 AM
Damn the meatbag, I can't concentrate enough to retalia- His thoughts were cut off as he travelled headlong for the floor.

"Sh-shield!!!" He croaks out. A haphazard barrier appears, connecting with the floor and slowing his descent enough not to break his bones. The barrier is destroyed on contact, however.

"Damn damn damn damn damn!" The man shouts along with other colorful expletives. He tries to shoot another Mind Blast at SASO

2006-12-30, 06:09 AM
Gwen sips her hot chocolate as she watches the fight.

((the furniture however is not indestructible))

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 06:13 AM
Seeing another mind blast coming, and understanding what it can do, SASO takes no chances, and rolls out of the way and behind a overturned table, while shooting at the man.
He turns momentarily to Gwen I'm sorry if this madman is distrubing your evening ma'am. He'll be in a cell in no time.
That... or the mortuary.

2006-12-30, 06:17 AM
The fusillade of bullets rained down upon the man. Some are harmlessly deflected off the iron hoops that bind him; Others slice into his flesh like projectile knives. He falls onto his back, staring up at the ceiling.

"The well is empty..." He whispers, unable to muster up any more fire nor force. He lay there, bleeding, using the last ounce of his strength to try and rend his cuffs, to no avail. "Damn, it is over..."

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-30, 06:19 AM
"It should hold him," Gaheris said doubtfully as he dodged a flying chair. He withdrew his blackjack from it's place at his belt and tried to move into position to render the man unconscious.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 06:21 AM
This guy had a dead deer with him before.
Back of the head and brain was missing. You seen him before?

2006-12-30, 06:21 AM

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-30, 06:23 AM
"No, I haven't, but the back of the head and brain were missing? That matches the body I brought in this morning; found it over in the restroom here, collapsed on the floor looking for all the world like a mind flayer ate him."

2006-12-30, 06:24 AM
The man closes his eyes, the world slowing, dissolving. He wasn't listening anymore.

So this is it, eh? Captured by a meatbag. Imprisoned with meatbags. The life of a cow sent to slaughter. Just perfect.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 06:24 AM
I'm going to painlessly stop his heart just to speed things up a little. Iames can ressurect him later. Another body? You don't suppose this guy's being controlled by some kind of parsite? It would sorta explain his meatbag comments.

SASO raises a hand, and tries to telekinetically force the man's heart to a stop.

2006-12-30, 06:26 AM
The man's heart is beating normally, progressing at a fine pace. Suddenly, as if a fist had suddenly clenched itself around it, it began slowing, gasping for air, begging for reprieve. It slowed, the man could feel it dying. It slowed. It stopped. The man's breath stilled.

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-30, 06:27 AM
"Well that's a little blasé, don't you think? He's already captured."

2006-12-30, 06:27 AM
Oh, that's nice, a casual disregard for death, he's already down and tied up and you kill him? I believe that's called Murder.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 06:28 AM
Better than risking him escaping.

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-30, 06:31 AM
"He wasn't going to escape that," Gaheris replied coldly. He moved to release the bands and examine the body.

2006-12-30, 06:32 AM
He didn't look to escaping to me. Gwen sits back and watches him. Murder is a crime in this Town.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 06:32 AM
If you insist, then...
He raises his hand over the body and tries to restart the heart.

2006-12-30, 06:33 AM
The body lies motionless, belly-up. Multiple stab and bullet wounds were strewn about it as if it had been the setting of some horrific war. Blood flowed out and onto the ground, seeping through the floor, feeding the soil.

2006-12-30, 06:34 AM
Gwen watches him with distaste.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 06:35 AM
((Give him a second. That was just a simu-post.))

2006-12-30, 06:36 AM
The heart makes an effort - it tries to start beating again, to feed the body. But without avail. It was too late - just as a flower wilted and dead from untimely shadows will never bloom, his body was dead. His spirit was dead. He was dead.

((Death puts you in a poetic mood))

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-30, 06:36 AM
"I don't think that's going to work, not with those wounds," Gaheris said. He tried to heal over the injuries by laying on of hands, but the dead were beyond the reach of his power. If there was but a spark of life left, though, the wounds would seal.

Of course, if it was undead, the effect on it would be horrific.

[I'm not sure how the brain-slug thing works.]

2006-12-30, 06:36 AM
((you already killed him, that action is completed. From my point of view, I could easily see you in a courtroom))

Gwen sips her hot chocolate and waits. I think Lord Iames needs to have a talk with you.

2006-12-30, 06:37 AM
"I don't think that's going to work, not with those wounds," Gaheris said. He tried to heal over the injuries by laying on of hands, but the dead were beyond the reach of his power. If there was but a spark of life left, though, the wounds would seal.

Of course, if it was undead, the effect on it would be horrific.

[I'm not sure how the brain-slug thing works.]
((The body's dead, there's nothing to be done now.))

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-30, 06:39 AM
Gaheris sighed. "Too late. Iames will just have to raise him, but for the love of all the gods, man, don't assume that it's okay to kill suspects for ease of arrest just because he can do that." Gaheris muttered the deactivation command word and the bands flew off of the body, contracted, and returned to his hand. He then examined the corpse.

Lord Magtok
2006-12-30, 06:42 AM
Sorry... I guess I let emotions get the better of me...Guess I'll haul this body over to the mortuary then...

What have I done? Killing someone merely because they could be revived? That's the kind of thing...
The kind of thing only I would do, agent? It seems you're weakening again.
Get out of my head! Stop killing people!
Admit it, you killed the man. Without my help.
You'll pay for this, Magtok!
Pay? All I've done is guide you on the path to power. Nothing to hurt you.
You should thank me for my influence. I'm like a father to you, agent, and you're like a son to me...
Get out of my head! Leave me alone!

While this conversation happens in his head, SASO seems to go into a temporary trance.

2006-12-30, 06:43 AM
Gwen turns back around to the bar. Rain licks Aramir's cheek.

2006-12-30, 06:44 AM
Aramir rolls over and playfully bats at Rain with a paw.