View Full Version : E6 and Action Point

2013-09-21, 08:33 AM
Hi Gang,

Im starting a new campaign soon and was thinking about trying E6. I was wondering how well Action Points would work within the system?

At 6th level, you roll one AP die and have 8 AP total. Would you get topped up to 8 AP every 5k xp? or would a smaller number be better? Like, every
5k xp you get +4 AP to a max of 8?

Has anyone had any experience with this? What are your thoughts?

2013-09-21, 12:49 PM
I am currently running action points as being one of the benefits of epic levels. Starting with the first epic feat you get 1 action point per epic level each time you level, so if you have 5 epic level feats you have 5 action points after getting the feat.

2013-09-21, 03:35 PM
Hi Gang,

Im starting a new campaign soon and was thinking about trying E6. I was wondering how well Action Points would work within the system?

At 6th level, you roll one AP die and have 8 AP total. Would you get topped up to 8 AP every 5k xp? or would a smaller number be better? Like, every
5k xp you get +4 AP to a max of 8?

Has anyone had any experience with this? What are your thoughts?

Since they'd normally get action points every level, but they'll be getting stronger at a less measurable rate now, perhaps a different way might work:

By the book, a party levels every 13 or so encounters, so the action point system implicitly expects the characters to get new action points every 13 encounters. Since action points are only as valuable as the abilities they modify, and those abilities are already limited in Epic 6, you might also want to use the challenge rating of the encounters the party is facing instead of 6 in place of the characters' levels when giving out points. That way you aren't double dipping on the nerf, and you automatically account for the party's actual progression.

So, say the party just completed a multiple of 13 encounters, and the latest few encounters they successfully faced were CR8. They'd each get 5+4=9 action points.