View Full Version : A tale of Two Assassins (IC)

2013-09-21, 01:30 PM
Chapter 1: First steps

It has been six months since you both joined the Daggermark Assassins guild, within days of each other in fact, during which time you've both worked hard trying your best to learn the teachings and master the techniques of their unique martial art and proving yourselves to be the best of the current batch of recruits, though neither of you have really spoken to the other much yet.

At the moment however you've both been summoned to the quarters of Darzi Rahut, one of the more infamous Assassin currently assigned to teach new brothers and sisters of the guild, where you find yourselves left alone in a small bare room containing only a plain wooden table with a dimly burning oil lamp in the center and two plain chairs next to each other on one side and a single slightly more ornate chair on the other side, facing the two plain chairs.

2013-09-21, 01:35 PM
Liella enterd the room standing proud. She looked around seeing this closed up area. But she did take an deep breath. She knew she had any cause to leave if she was needing. So she slowly stepped closer the chairs and gentle slided one out. The wood scratching against wood filled the room as she walked around the chair. She gentle rested her whole body and allowed her body to fall down onto the chair. She raised her right leg to put it over her left one and resting it in an cross looking around. 'What is this place... It's scary... I-it's small too... ugh i get creeps from here!' Liella Thought too herself

2013-09-21, 02:10 PM
Sorin had been in his own chambers studying a few scrolls and maps that he had spread around on his desk before he was summoned. He would then after putting all the things in the shelves and drawers he had proceed to head over to Darzi Rahut's chambers. "Hmm... wonder what he wants with me at this hour..." Sorin thought as he walked through the corridors, pulling back his shoulder-long white hair away from his face.

He would wear a set of elegant clothing consisting of a black leather armor with a long black coat over it and some metallic plates fastened on his chest and also strapped around his forearms and shins. Tho they seemed to be more for decoration rather than protection. And with a centerpiece being a gleaming red gem placed on the chest, probably a fake one but it looked nice none the less.

Well inside the room Sorin's eyes had no trouble seeing in the dark as he looked around. "Wonder where he is..." He thought, paying almost no attention what so ever to the other person entering with him as his yellow eyes would scan the room. And after a bit he would walk up to the table and quietly sit down without saying but a word.

Rolling a perception check.


2013-09-21, 02:18 PM
As Sorin looks around the room he notices a few scratches in the surface of the table that seem to have been made by a knife, but he sees no sign of anyone other than the young woman sitting at the table.

2013-09-21, 02:24 PM
Liella sighed while she shutted her eyes. she heard the door opening and turned her head towards the male entering ''Huh... who are you supposed too be? I don't think your Darzi Rahut. Your not looking like an awesome killer'' She smiled alittle Tauting towards him Maybe i should be alittle nicer? If he's here he maybe ganna do something with me... or get another mission?

2013-09-21, 02:27 PM
Sorin would give a quick glance towards the girl speaking to him but simply ignored her like she was not even there, waiting patiently as he crossed his arms and legs, leaning back in the chair with a sigh.

2013-09-21, 02:29 PM
As she got no respond. she did the same. she satt there with her legs crossed and her hands ontop of her knees waiting paciently on the Darzi Rahut too come.

2013-09-21, 02:46 PM
As the echo of Liella's words fade into the silence the lamp light suddenly brightens "Do i girl?" asks a deep voice that shatters the silence, emerging from a plain faced and smirking swarthy man of indeterminable age drapped in a loose robe seated across from you in the no longer empty chair.

2013-09-21, 02:49 PM
''Hehe... Well yes? Why did you summon us Darzi Rahut?'' Liella asked while she leaned backwards. she did pay no attention to Sorin standing in the shadows

2013-09-21, 02:55 PM
Sorin would squint slightly as the lantern would become brighter, looking over at the chair as the deep voice echo in the chamber as he now noticed the wrapped in the dark robe. Simply remaining silent as he would gaze at the man, waiting for him to answer the girls question.

2013-09-21, 03:11 PM
The man's, who you assume to be Darzi Rahut, smirk flashes wider for a moment before disappearing as though it had never been "Well now rude little girl i'm considering something... why don't you introduce yourselves while i do so, yes?"

[roll0] Sorin roll a perception check please

2013-09-21, 03:20 PM
Liella smiled. She was closeing her eyes and then giggeling "Trying too make me afraid are you?" She was sitting there quiet. She listend carefully towards all the sounds that was heard inside the room "Anyways... I'm Leilla Vixis." She responded too him while she sighed. She payed no attention too sorin what so ever yet

2013-09-21, 03:28 PM
Sorin would give the man a questioning look, noticing that he did something but the light from the lantern disturbed his eyes so he had to close them and rub his eyelids with his fingers for a moment. "The name is Sorin... Pleasure to make your acquaintance....Darzi Rahut." He said with a smirk as he would give him a slight nod.

2013-09-21, 03:52 PM
Darzi nods his head while you introduce yourselves "A pleasure to meet you, i'm sure" as he speaks Sorin feels a gentle tug about his neck as the necklace he wears slowly and carefully begins shifting, even as he begins to reach for it however it suddenly stops and Sorin notices a flash of annoyance, with perhaps a hint of respect, flash across Darzi's face. "A fine piece, where did you acquire it?" Darzi remarks with a glance to the necklace.

2013-09-21, 03:56 PM
Liella was looking towards the neckless smileing "That's an really cute necklase you have... Hehe" She giggled and didn't knew it was sorins

2013-09-21, 04:02 PM
Sorin reaches quickly for his necklace as he feels it being tugged on as if its about to be stolen and he glares towards Rautz with a angry stare but it quickly disappears as his expression goes back to normal. "With all due respect... but that is none of your concern..." He says giving him a look as if he is saying 'better luck next time' and smirks triumphantly. "Now perhaps we could move on to why you called us here no? Or did you just call us here so you could steal our belongings?" He added after a brief pause

2013-09-21, 04:51 PM
"Is that so?" Danzi replies with raised eyebrows before nodding and stating "I have decided." he stares into both your eyes inturn before continuing "That you, though lacking in many ways, will do. So from this moment on the pair of you are now my apprentices, congratulations" he gives both of you an evil smirk.

2013-09-21, 05:12 PM
Sorin would observe him for a few moments but would then sigh a bit and closed his eyes. "I see... Well I'm sure it will be delightful to work with you sir." He said with a slightly sarcastic tone to his voice, responding to Darzi's smile with a smirk of his own as he chuckled for a moment.

2013-09-22, 12:11 AM
"Ohhh? So i have to run around call you master then i woulf guess drazi? And i already think my skills are good enough... I could show you them if you wanted too test me"

2013-09-22, 12:46 AM
Drazi simply laughs "Every new recruit thinks they're already good enough" suddenly he stares intently into Liella eyes "Less than half survive to earn their place in the guild"

Standing with a fluid grace Drazi walks to the door "Wait here while I speak with Sevan Vosgi and find a suitable mission for you to perform. Try to get along since you'll be working together from now on."

2013-09-22, 04:20 AM
''Work together? No no! I wanna show myself! I wanna prove that i don't need anyone! He will just sink me down! Prove me or anything... I promise Drazi i'm really good!'' Liella's confident didn't die out even though he said that hafe the died. she was an really confident girl

2013-09-22, 06:42 AM
Sorin would take another glance at the girl as if to judge her capabilities once Darzi left the room. "Would you please just be quiet? I really hope your not this loud all the time... He said we are going to work together and we have no choice in the matter. Overconfidence is a sign of weakness..." He said with a deep sigh, leaning back in his chair and simply waited quietly.

2013-09-22, 06:47 AM
''Excuse me. Who asked you anything!? I don't care what he said. Your not even good looking and i hate working with males! Why do you think i wanna work alone? because your not in the game!'' Liella leaned back alittle more in her chair. she was growling out of the madness and forgot that the chair was already leaned backwards. The chair dripped with her on it as she fell down hitting her back head in the ground

2013-09-22, 07:02 AM
Sorin would simply laugh at her, even more so as she toppled over and tumbled to the ground. "Hahahaha! You amuse me little girl... Tho please I hope you wont do something like that during our missions hmm?" He chuckled with an evil grin, reaching his hand out to her so he could help her up.

2013-09-22, 07:18 AM
Liella got really mad. She pullled herself up with his help and smiled ''Thank you.'' She then moved her fist and tried to slam it right in his face for laughing at her. she was hopeing to get it right in his jaw and take him down


2013-09-22, 07:49 AM
His eyes widened as he got struck by her staying frozen for a moment as he sat there before slowly turning his head towards her. "You are very lucky... You know that?... I have been taught not to hit women like yourself... But trust me when I say this... I have killed for much less than that..." He said as he glared towards her with a frightening gaze burning with killing intent "So...Lets not take things over our heads now...shall we?"

Intimidate check
Success= You will become shaken for one round. (Shaken= -2 to all of your rolls)


2013-09-22, 09:33 AM
"Oh this is going to be fun" Darzi says as he returns, catching sight of the squabbling pair "I've got the perfect target for you, it seems that yet another contract has been accepted against Wyatt Royle." he tells you whilst seating himself "Lets see if you can do better than the last three, now any questions?"

You both know that three of your fellow students have been killed trying to fulfill contracts against Wyatt Royle since his arrival in Daggermark four months ago.

2013-09-22, 09:46 AM
Leilla pushed Sorin away from her as she satt down again on her chair ''what is our equipment? and what is the pay if we sucssed? And do i really have to work with this dude? he's freaky'' She pointed towards sorin with an little weird face

2013-09-22, 09:47 AM
Sorin looks back towards Darzi as he returns before giving another angry glare towards the girl. "Tsk... Wyatt Royle you say?..." He says thoughtful as he rubs his chin lightly where he was hit earlier. "I don't think we will have much trouble... As long as this one can keep herself in check..." He said glaring at Liella. "And yes I would like to know more about this contract. And how we are advised to go on about his assassination. Also I would like to know more about the man in question if you happen to know anything personal from previous investigations."

2013-09-22, 10:49 AM
"Your equipment is what you already own, this is a test of your abilities after all. As for pay hmm let us say... oh a hundred gold each." Darzi replies lightly before becoming serious "This is a chance for both of you to learn the most valuable skill required in this guild, cooperation. The guild thrives because the vessals between work together to bring down targets too powerful for a lone assassin to defeat and to guard the guilds secrets against outsiders." then he smirks at you "Of course if you think you know better than the millenia old teachings that have let this guild thrive for centuries, feel free to try and prove it." Darzi gives the pair of you an evil grin for a moment before addressing Sorins questions "Quietly and with minimal collateral damage, as for details on the man in question" he shrugs "I don't know much, he's some merchant from one of the smaller kingdoms come to the big city for business, all i know is he's been making enemies and that he's proven difficult to kill, you'll have to find out more on your own i'm afraid"

2013-09-22, 10:54 AM
''Well i think we need an place too start. Where is he's liveing or where is he ganna stay? What town is he from soo we have somewhere too go and find out more about this man... what do you think Sorin?'' Liella actully asked Sorin about his opinion. Since they was anyways ganna work together so she had too start asking him.. she guessed

2013-09-22, 11:19 AM
Sorin would think for a moment while he listened to what Darzi had to say, nodding in agreement every now and then. "Hmm... Well unless he does not know anything we will have to find things out ourselves. But do you happen to know where he is currently located? Is he here in Daggermark?" Sorin asked, pausing for a brief moment before adding. "And if this man happen to have any bodyguards present would taking them out as well be considered as collateral damage?"

2013-09-22, 11:22 AM
"Talk to Sevan Vosgi if you want more details, I don't deal with student contracts, though yes bodyguards count as collateral damage since the best of us slip past such things and kill their target while the guards are unaware." he shrugs before adding "If you've no other questions I shall see you again if you succeed."

2013-09-22, 11:27 AM
Liella stood up nodding ''well then i guess we find this guy? He got enough information about where we might start looking atleast... and with some posion we can knock the guards out and then take out the man we're seeking?''

2013-09-22, 11:37 AM
With a sigh Sorin would stand up and brush his hands over his clothes a bit. "Right then, we shall speak to Vosgi. He should not be to hard to find no? I assume he should be here somewhere." Sorin would then give Darzi a quick bow before turning around and heading out the door.

Sorin would then proceed by walking around the hideout in search of Vosgi, perhaps asking around a bit where he could find him.

2013-09-22, 11:51 AM
Liella was thinking about Sevan but yet soo she didn't thought he had more information then Dazie. So she was starting to do Alittle searching in about Wyatt Royle too see what have been going around

Knowlede (Local) about Wyatt Royle

2013-09-22, 12:04 PM
As Sorin & Liella leave to find Sevan Vosgi Liella thinks about what she already knows about Wyatt Royle since the name seems familar to her, as the pair of you reach Sevan Liella remembers that last month she overheard some of the other students talking about the body of a student found outside a tavern in the warrens (a maze of alleys at the edge of the poorest district of the city) called "The Bloody Knife" mentioning that he'd been sent to kill Wyatt Royle.

2013-09-22, 12:11 PM
As Liella reached Sevan Vosgi She was watching him with an smile ''Good day sir. Do you mind if we borrow some of your time too talk about our contact. We are sent to kill Wyatt Royle and we need alittle bit more information then what we have gotten''

2013-09-22, 12:55 PM
Sevan Vosgi is easy to notice, since at 1.93 meters he's one of the tallest people in the guild due to his elven fathers blood, piercing blue eyes stare down at you from a scarred olive face as he gives both of you a long appraising look "So you are Darzi's new apprentices hmm" he pauses briefly before he shrugs "Well for your sakes I hope you are better than the last few, especially since you are being sent after Wyatt Royle." a look of irritation crosses his face "You know three other students have died trying to kill this man? Good promising talents sadly wasted now lets see." Sevan pauses to think before continuing "We know Wyatt conducts his business out of a Tavern called "The Bloody Knife", the owner Olag seems to be making alot of money from this so I suspect there is more to their arrangement than just that, most of his meetings are to do with two groups The Talbot merchants and the Black Spear bandits, you could also speak with Elisa Hamm since she is the one who requested this contract."

2013-09-22, 01:01 PM
''this informtion is already know by me. But i do wonder where is he's liveing. where is he's most safe. where does he not count for an attack too happen? Do you know these things?'' Liella got alittle annoyed for that the same information she heard. he told her. So she watched him quietly waiting for his answer.

2013-09-22, 01:23 PM
Sevan Vosgi raises his eyebrows at liella's annoyed tone "Oh is that so? Forgive me for not being more helpful then." he replies with a straight face "and no i don't, as far as i know none of the others who failed found out either."

2013-09-22, 01:27 PM
''So your saying. That your sending the newbies on an mission impossible? I do understand why you recruited us. If your sending the unexperienced away too die. They will die. Me and sorin will fix this. Right?'' She nudged Sorin with her left hand smileing ''I will seek out this Elisa hamm. So see ya later''

2013-09-22, 04:31 PM
Sorin simply remained quiet, listening to their conversation. Looking to be plotting already about how he would go on with this mission. "I see... Well I guess we should speak with this Elisa Hamm next... But please tell us first where we might find her and then we shall take our leave... Thank you for your help..." He said briefly before being nudged by Liella. "Yes... We will take care of this..." He said with an awkward tone, brushing his hand on where she had touched him as if he was disgusted that she did so.

With a final look towards Sevan he gave him an elegant bow before he then turned to leave. "Liella was it correct?... I am just going to head off to my chambers and prepare a bit so please wait for a moment...Unlike you I cant walk around in public as I look right now... Or at least I avoid doing so." He said to her before heading off to his own room where he would make take out his disguise kit and would start to make it so he would look more human. Making his skin less pale, putting on a wig, some fake hair on his face so it would look like he had a stubble and finally putting on some lenses to hide his black and yellow eyes.

Disguise check

2013-09-22, 05:51 PM
"One moment" Sevan turns around and pulls out a file "Here we are, Elisa Hamm owner of "The Lucky Rat" eating establishment on South market street." Sevan looks Sorin in the eye and adds "Good luck... to both of you."

You both know that South Market street is in a plain nondescript part of the city and that "The Lucky Rat" is close to but not part of the cities comman market that gives the street its name

2013-09-22, 10:34 PM
"Thank you sevan..." She smiled and took the file 'I do wonder why sorin have too change? Don't he have an normal human form? What is he anyways?'

2013-09-22, 11:20 PM
"I do not know, it is impolite to ask such things after all." Sevan looks directly into Liella's eyes and holds her gaze as he continues "The guild is not concerned with matters of race or faith, loyalty to your fellow guild members and above all to the Supreme Vessel are all that matter."

2013-09-23, 01:07 AM
"I see. Well anywayd i should be going now. I dom't want Sorin too wait. Thank you for the information your have told us" Liella smiled towards Devan before she ran off too Soirn's room too find him and hurry his ass up

2013-09-23, 04:30 AM
Unsurprisingly when she reaches Sorin's room the door appears to be locked tho she can hear that someone is inside as Sorin is still putting on his disguise. If she decides to wait [roll0] x 10 minutes a man will come out from the room. You would not have been able to see that it was Sorin if he was not wearing the same clothes as he looked completely different, looking to be just a regular good looking human. "Ah you are here. Good. Lets go to The lucky rat and find miss Hamm shall we?" He to her with a sinister smile before he headed out.

2013-09-23, 04:41 AM
"Elisa hamm. But i'm ready so let's goo." She was smileing and watching him. She did assume that this male was Sorin because he was comeing out from the locked room "And i do like your disguise" Liella nodded and stared too follow Sorin

2013-09-23, 09:34 AM
The pair of you set out and after a moderate walk reach "The Lucky Rat" a short time past noon, just as it starts to fill up with people looking for lunch.

Looking around the interior you see two long tables with benches on each side running the length of the low ceilinged room, a fire place opposite the door with a cauldron of stew bubbling away and smelling delicious while in a corner there is a bar behind which a middle aged woman is standing talking quietly to a pair of young men.

2013-09-23, 09:38 AM
Liella watched the girl and then the male. she didn't waste any time while she walked up too the girl ''Excuse me miss hamm. Do you have some time? we have some questions too ask you?'' Liella did check also what she did knew about this girl... or what she heard

Knowledge (Local)

2013-09-23, 09:56 AM
As Sorin walked inside he smelled the air as the smell of the stew was quite tempting indeed. Tho he proceeded by following Liella and walking up to the counter and grabbing hold of Liella's shoulder as if to stop her. "I'm terribly sorry my lady for my friend here... Don't you know its impolite to interrupt a conversation my dear?" He said with a slight look towards Liella before then nodding towards the two men as if to apologize. "Why don't we go and take a seat and have something to eat first hmm? He said before giving a warm smile towards the lady by the counter. "It would not be any trouble to ask for a meal I assume so we will just take our seats in the far end of the room there by the fire. You may come to us as soon as you can." He said with a nod before leading Liella with him to the table as far away from the others. "You should be a bit more careful with what you say. Lets wait until the two men over there have left..." He whispered to her quietly as he helped her to seat herself by the table by pulling out the chair for her and so forth and sitting down next to her shortly after.

2013-09-23, 02:41 PM
The woman gives you both an appraising look before nodding and turning back to her conversation with the two men who look annoyed by your interruption, one them giving you an angry look as Sorin drags Liella away to a table.

2013-09-23, 02:45 PM
"Sorin... Why did you do that? Hmmm? You could atleast putted us some tables closer soo we could hear them talk?" She was whispering alittle as she satt down at the table "This is why i dislike men... They take too long time with their makeup and is just trying too be the boss... And soo you know Never. Touch. Me. Again. Sorin"

2013-09-23, 07:51 PM
"Their conversation is nothing important... We have our mission and that is it. And I did that so you would not go around acting like a fool. Do you not realize that just randomly telling someone you want to ask some questions may seem quite suspicious? Besides the two men over there did not seem to pleased with your interruption so you'd better avoid bringing more attention to yourself. So please let me do the talking if you can't be more discrete than that." He whispered with a smile. Acting as if he had a regular friendly conversation with her while he would look over towards the two men every once and a while. Being careful to speak with his lips turned away from them just in case they could read them.

2013-09-23, 08:19 PM
After about five minutes the two men finish their conversation and walk out the door, though you notice that the woman heads them a small package before they go. During the time the pair of you have been sat waiting lots of peaple have come in for a meal, it seem "The Lucky Rat" is a popular place to eat lunch and so you're kept waiting another five minutes while orders are taken by both the middle aged woman you assume to be Elisa Haam and a younger woman who emerges from a doorway next to the bar.

Finally the middle aged woman approaches you table "What can i get you today?"

2013-09-23, 10:09 PM
"I would want your menu one please. With something extra. And i wanna drink water please" She ordered her menu smilieng while she listend too sorins advise too keep low. She was haveing an own plan boiling up inside her mind

2013-09-24, 10:14 AM
Sorin watched the two men as they left becoming slightly curious about the package they were handed when they ended their conversation. Tho he sat and waited patiently and observed every person entering and leaving the room and as the woman came up to take their order he smiled at her and said. "Ah yes I would want some of that lovely stew. It has been beckoning me since I came in here. Oh also about how long do you think you will remain open? I'm a bit curious as we might be here for a while." He asked her as Sorin had planned on perhaps wait until they were closing up so they could talk with her in private without risking people listening to them.

2013-09-24, 11:20 AM
"Two bowls of stew with bread, water for the lady" she looks to Liella before turning to face Sorin "and what would you like to drink sir?" while waiting for Sorin to reply she adds "We don't close 'til after after dark, but if you've questions for me we slow to a crawl after the lunch rush."

2013-09-24, 12:30 PM
''well... we have actully an little private question too you. that's why we're her. But please let us enjoy our meal first and then we can take this maybe in your office or behinde somewhere. Because your needed to find an bad criminal. We heard something about you seen him. Ain't that right sorin''

2013-09-24, 01:22 PM
"Oh just some water thank you." Sorin says with a smile. Then hearing Liella speak he would slowly turn to look at her, simply staring for a moment before slowly resting his elbow on the table and placing his hand over his eyes. "Actually...Give me a glass of wine instead...Please..." He said with a very bothered tone. "Way to blow our cover you moron..." He grumbled under his breath, sighing deeply. "Tho yes we would like to speak with you later if possible, Miss Hamm." He said with an annoyed tone, giving a short glare at Liella. "Oh and make that glass of wine a big one...I'll need it..."

2013-09-24, 01:44 PM
Elisa raises her eyebrows at Liella's words and then turns to give Sorin a sympathetic look "Your lady seems like she's a handful" she remarks loudly enough for the nearby tables to hear before leaving to get your order.

2013-09-24, 01:49 PM
''what.. He's.. NOt my mate...'' she was growling as she leaned backwards with her arm crossed. ''how can she think that i'm his lady... what an insult''

2013-09-24, 01:53 PM
Sorin would look at her intensively as if to tell her to stay quiet. "Oh don't be like that now my dear. We don't want to cause a scene here now do we? We can talk about things like this when we get home..." He said, continuing to stare at her before then putting on another fake smile and remaining silent.

2013-09-24, 02:04 PM
After a few minutes Elisa returns with your food "Here you go" she says while placing it on the table between you "Water for the lady and Wine for the gentleman" she adds placing your drinks infront of you before hurrying off to serve another table.

2013-09-24, 02:15 PM
She was watching the food while she then started too eat. She drank the water while she was looking towards sorin and smiled "Hun? When will we be going on that trip we talkef about? I do really wanna finish it soo we can get done with our little helptime"

2013-09-24, 02:18 PM
Sorin waits patiently until the food arrives, smiling as he takes one of the bowls and places it in front of himself. "Ah! How delightful! I hope it tastes as well as it smells." He says smiling at Elisa before he takes his cup of wine and smells it for a moment. "And the wine seems rather nice as well. Thank you." He adds before taking a small sip of the wine. "Oh, soon enough my dear just be patient." He responds to Liella's question.

Sorin spends the rest of the time eating and drinking in silence, looking around every now and then as people come and go to see if there might be someone looking at them suspiciously. Ofcourse acting casual as he smiles towards Liella every now and then as if they are having a conversation.

2013-09-24, 02:27 PM
Finally after over an hour the pair of you are the only guests left and Elisa Hamm strides over to you "What is it you want from me?" She asks while standing with her arms crossed looking annoyed.

2013-09-24, 02:40 PM
"An man was found close your Tavern for somedays. We have our guess it was someone called matt. We do hope you can help us? Because this wyatt is haunted by assasins. And we need too get information off where he is soo we can send guards too him. You know where he is?"

2013-09-24, 02:45 PM
Sorin would look over to her and smile as she came up to them. "Please sit down. We have much to discuss." He said before getting up and pulling out a chair for her for her to sit down on. Then as she did so he would sit down with a slight sight of relief. "Now that we are alone... Perhaps you could tell us a bit about the man named Wyatt Royle... And why you want him dead..." He chuckled as he would give her a rather evil grin. "Also... perhaps you could tell us how, when and where you want him to be killed... That would be most helpful~" He said with a rather sinister tone. His expression completely different from before as he had been having a warm and friendly expression earlier, but now it was dark and quite menacing to say the least.

2013-09-24, 05:26 PM
"So you're students of the guild hmm" Elisa takes a deep breath before taking a seat whilst fingering a necklace she's wearing underneath her clothes "My late husband, he's been gone almost five years now, was a priest of Hanspur and i would help him make charms, nothing fancy you understand just simple things to ease travel on the Sellen with a bit of extra fortune. Well since his passing i've still made them, selling them for a few coppers to bargemen sent my way." she takes a sip of water before continuing "I even rent out a spare room if someone needs it, though only if Matthias vouches for them. Well this Wyatt Royle" her eyes flash with suppressed rage when she says his name "Had been renting a room for a few months when I came home a week ago and found the room in a terrible state" Elisa's hands shake and her eyes fill with disgust and a hint of fear "A terrible state, blood & entrails everywhere." suddenly she shakes with rage "Even worse he desecrated my husbands shrine to Hanspur" Elisa takes a deep brenth as she gets a hold of herself "I'd been taking care of it, in my husbands mermory you understand." She stares intently into Sorins eyes "I don't know where he went after he left my home but i want him to pay for want he did, you understand? Make him pay." she declares vehemently.

2013-09-24, 05:48 PM
"Oh he will pay... With his life... I can assure you this Miss Hamm." He said with a small grin before continuing. "But so is there anything you know about him? Day to day habits, interests or anything else that might be useful? What we know is that he conducts his business from a tavern called "The bloody knife" and that he seems to have some kind of deal with the owner Olag as he is earing quite a bit of money from his presence. We also know that he has meetings with two groups: The Talbot merchants and the Black Spear bandits. Tho If there is anything you know that we can add to our knowledge that would be most helpful."

2013-09-24, 06:12 PM
"I'm afraid i don't, he kept to himself and we rarely spoke." Elisa pauses briefly before adding "You should talk to that snake Matthias Hagano, I still can't believe he sent that bastard to darken my door."

2013-09-24, 10:33 PM
"we've been sent too meet 3 peoples... When does it stop!?!" Liella sighed while she shook her head. She was starting too get tired about all these people they will meet just for one man

2013-09-25, 12:09 AM
"I see... You only mentioned this man by name during your story. Who is he and where might we find him? Also I assume he is not aware of our little... Agreement?..." Sorin asks her before then turning to Liella and scoffed at her as she complained. "If we do not know all about our prey the chances of success are slim... The more we know the easier this will be..." He said with a bothered sigh.

2013-09-25, 11:21 AM
"Matthias? He runs an import-export business in the north end of Riverside." Elisa's eyes narrow before she continues "I've only spoken to Matthias once since Wyatt left my home, I made my... displeasure, clear to him. If he knows I sent you he could probably guess why you're looking for Wyatt."

2013-09-25, 11:26 AM
''I see... well we will talk too mattihas. So then afterwards we will go after this wyatt. But yet soo i do wish too know what the pay is. How much do we get if we actully finish our job?''

2013-09-25, 03:01 PM
Elisa narrows her eyes "Its three hundred gold pieces collected by the guild after the job is done."

2013-09-26, 03:24 AM
"Three hundred in total... Sounds alittle cheap for killing an man who's been troublesome for the guild... Rather you take three hundred each atleast we get two hundred fiften each.. mean fivehundred gold? What you say Hamm?"

2013-09-26, 05:34 AM
"That is not her decition... The amount we are given is entierly up to the guild. She pays the guild directly and they give us part of that for our work. At least that is how i belive it works. We were promised a hundred gold peices by our 'master' but do not belive he was so sure on the amount. Lets worry about our pay later." He said giving a sharp glare at Liella before turning to miss Hamm again. "You have to excuse my partner here asking such unessesary questions... But about this man Matthias, if we were to speak with him to perhaps get some info on whyatt I assume you dont want us to reveal our motives? Or would it be safe to speak with him about this? In short, can he be trusted with knowing that you hired us?"

2013-09-26, 08:41 AM
"He sent Wyatt to my door and vouched for him, I only rent rooms to people on the word of a few old friends of my husbands you see. Knowing Matthias well, the mans a greedy old sot so i suspect he's making money off Wyatt in some way and won't take kindly to having that disrupted."

2013-09-26, 09:01 AM
''I guess we can take an talk... if he's greedy i guess he would love girls and money. This is an advantage for us... because.. me?'' Liella was giggeling and blushing just realising what she said ''N-Never mind that!''

2013-09-26, 10:43 AM
Sorin nods slightly at Miss Hamm listening to her quietly. "Hmm... I see... In that case I think we should be more discrete then. Don't worry ma'm I'm confident we can get the information we need without him starting to suspect something." After he said that he would rise from his chair and give a quick bow towards Hamm. "Thank you for your time Ma'm. I appreciate it."

After that he would then turn to leave, chuckling slightly with a grin on his face as he was eager for the events to follow. "So Liella... I had a plan to use my disguise and simply ask him for information about Whyatt. Ofcourse I will give him a fake motive for doing so. Does that sound reasonable to you?"

2013-09-26, 11:12 AM
''Farwell miss hamm'' Liella stood up bowing lightly towards the female before she followed him ''what idea did you had Sorin? As long we finish this quickly soo i can get home. Because it's boring being sended from man too man. But i keep my head low and follow your orders then''

2013-09-26, 11:56 AM
Sorin would smile at her for a moment tho it looked like a grin more than anything else. "That is the wisest thing you have said today. Right, just follow my lead. Oh and incase someone asks, my name is Alexander Grey and you serve me as a hired bodyguard and guide."

Sorin would then proceed back to the hideout and changing his clothes to his noble clothing before then traveling with Liella to the north riverside where they were told to find Matthias.

2013-09-26, 12:00 PM
''understood Alexander'' she was sighing. she was waiting for him too change his clothes as everything he did. so she was leaning and waiting before following him

2013-09-26, 01:20 PM
The pair of you reach the Northern end of Riverside without incident, though you do get some strange looks no one tries to bother you.

Okay i'm giving you 150xp for that last scene, you successfully followed up on a lead and found a couple more.
Also before you reach Matthias do you want to see what Liella's heard about him by rolling a knowledge local check?

2013-09-26, 02:51 PM
"Soo this is river town... Hmmm... That Mathias... I hope he talks for us because i'm sick off going around. My feets hurts... Can't we hurry this up So... Alexander?"

Knowlede Local on Mattheias

2013-09-26, 03:05 PM
Liella remembers hearing alot of rumours about this Matthias Hagano, seemingly an honest businessman there are all sorts of rumours about him being a smuggler with ties with the Daggermark black market, also that the reason he's so successful in his honest dealings is that he has deals with many of the bandit gangs across the River Kingdoms to fence their stolen goods, or so the rumours say.

2013-09-26, 03:22 PM
Liella Informed Sorin about this "We can actully take him dowm since your wearing this noble clothes?" She asked watching sorin

2013-09-26, 04:01 PM
Liella leads the pair of you to Matthias company offices and a bored looking young man seated behind a desk looks up at you "Can i help you?"

2013-09-26, 04:07 PM
"Ah yes, indeed I think you can. The name is Alexander grey and I want to request to have a meeting with Matthias regarding some business deals my house wants to establish with his company." He said with a quick bow. Giving the man a friendly smile.*

2013-09-26, 04:14 PM
Liella moved up too his side while she crossed her arms over his chest. She looked over her shoulder too make it look like she was sure no one was following them

2013-09-26, 04:27 PM
"The boss is having a lunch meeting, he should be back soon." the man looks around "You can wait in there if you like or come back later." he points to a room in the corner of the buildings ground floor.

2013-09-26, 10:32 PM
"Come Alexander. I don't like you standing in the open. This buissnes has made you am nig target. Let's get into that room and wait?"

2013-09-28, 06:43 AM
"Ah I see. Then I will remain here until he arrives. Thank you." He said with a polite nod. Hearing Liella speak to him he would turn then slightly to look at her with an offended expression. "Where are your manners, girl? You should address me as My lord or if you have to say my name it's Sir Alexander. Don't forget that." He would scoff at her before then turning around and would walk in to the room he was told to wait in.

2013-09-28, 09:36 AM
Sir Alexander leads an indignant Liella into the indicated room, which is a well furnished room with a number of soft cushioned chairs and a tray of refreshments off to the side.

2013-09-28, 09:56 AM
''I'm so sorry Sir Alexander. Please forgive me my Lord'' She bowed too him before she went into the room. well in there she satt down watching the door they came from with an causion

2013-09-28, 11:49 AM
After about 10 minutes of waiting you hear a commotion by the entrance, you can't really make out anything said beyond "Someone to see you boss."

Feel free to make Perception checks to see if you can make out more of whats said :smallsmile:

2013-09-28, 01:07 PM
Liella satt there wiggeling her feets. She didn't made out what they talked about soo she was giggeling and looking like she didn't bother since she was more intrested.in her feets

2013-09-28, 01:26 PM
Alexander hears two voices quietly arguing about a shipment to Shadewood and he catches the phrase "Royle isn't happy with the delay" before the bored receptionist cuts through the debate when he says "Someone to see you boss." After that an older man with a shark like smile enters the room "I don't know you do I? What is it you want from the best shipping merchant in Daggermark today?"

2013-09-28, 06:04 PM
Sorin has seated himself in one of the chair, leaning back a bit with a pleased sigh as he takes some of the refreshments from the tray. Then hearing some voices outside the door Sorin focuses for a moment to listen to what they said before then smiling, standing up as he claps his hands together seeing the man who he is quite sure is Matthias walk in. "Ah yes! The name is Sir Alexander of the Grey household. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I assume you are Matthias then?" He said giving him a short bow. "It just so happens that I would like to hire your company for some tasks my house needs fulfilled. I already know you are able to transport wares and this is one of the things I would want from this establishment. But there are more than just shipping wares you see. So thus I would like to know a bit more about what services your company can actually provide and in what manners you do the tasks in question. Oh and I would also like to know a bit about you as well, I like to get to know the people I am to hire you see. Helps to build up trust if you know each other a bit, but I'm sure you understand this quite well already." He said as he would go back to his seat, helping himself on a bit more of the refreshments.

2013-09-28, 06:57 PM
"The grey house? I've never heard of it before, are you new to the fine city?" Matthias asks still with his shark like smile upon his face.

2013-09-29, 06:47 AM
Liella satt up more proffesiated while she saw matthias. she watched him while she nodded towards him as she inspected her body. She was winking towards matthias teasefull

2013-09-30, 08:18 AM
"I would be surprised if you had my friend. I'm not from here you see. Traveled here all the way from Ustalav from the town Carrion Hill." Sorin responded, chuckling slightly with a smile on his face.

2013-09-30, 11:51 AM
Matthias raises his eye brows at that "From Ustalav? What would you need from me then? After all I only ship goods around the River kingdoms."

2013-09-30, 12:10 PM
Sorin would seem to be a bit disappointed with his response an he would sigh deeply. "I see... I am very sorry to hear that. But no matter, I'll find help somewhere else... Hmm, now that I think about it I did hear that there was a man with ties to the Talbot merchants I have hear about...Perhaps they could help...What was his name again...Royles, Roy, Ray... Hmm I do not really recall his name...I have it on the tip of my tounge..." He said as he would act as he was trying to remember the name.

2013-09-30, 02:24 PM
Matthias shrugs his shoulders "I'm afraid I don't know who you're talking about, well since it seems I can't help you I suppose our business is concluded." he gives you a slight bow as he adds "If you ever need goods shipped somewhere within the River Kingdoms I hope you'll come to me, until then good to you sir."

2013-09-30, 02:25 PM
Liella stood up and smiled. She was walking past sorin and giggles "We're terribel sorry for not being anywhere too help" She smiled towards him trying too charm him with her feminen Things and make him like her

2013-09-30, 03:46 PM
"Ah yes now I remember!... The person I seek is Whyatt Royle... Yes that was his name. You don't happen to know anything about him do you? Or skip that... I already know you have knowledge about this man and that you have some kind of deal with him." He would say with a sudden change of tone, giving Matthias a small smirk before nodding at Liella, signaling her to stand by the door.

Sorin would then stand up and walk up to him, putting his hands on Matthias' shoulders before speaking. "I have heard you earn quite a bit of money from this man. And I want in on it. Don't worry, I will be discrete about everything that is said here, my friend. I want to know how I can earn this mans favor... And gold of course" He said with a smirk.

Bluff check. To convince him about my motives (That are fake obviously)

2013-09-30, 03:52 PM
Liella did as asked. She sneaked and leanedntowards the door smileing while listeningntoo them

2013-09-30, 04:16 PM
Matthias gives Liella a scornful look and snorts derisively as she tries to charm him before giving Alexander a cold glare "Hardly you want far more from Royle than just gold, too bad for you that you over played your hand a little too soon." he turns his head and calls out into the main part of the building "Boys get in here and show these fine folks what happens to people who pry into others private affairs"

2013-09-30, 04:20 PM
"Soo be it" Liella moved her fist and slammed it right into Mattheias face in an attempt too knock him out

Unarmed hit [roll0]

Damadge unarmed [roll1]

2013-10-01, 01:16 PM
Liella's swing grazes along the shoulder of Matthias jacket to no effect when suddenly a large club weilding man looms in the door way grinning menacingly.

So the order is:
Goon 3
Goon 2
Goon 1

Liella's turn.

2013-10-01, 01:54 PM
Liella knew that she didn't had anyways too take the guy behinde her. She Hoped Sorin would have enough sense too goo towards the goons. So she groweld while her teehts grew alittle and an Orange tail with white tip poped out from her back. She threw her body towards matthias and tires too bite him in the shoulder / neck part too make Injured.

[roll0] Attack hit.
Damadge. [roll1]

2013-10-01, 04:50 PM
Matthias barks out a scornful laugh at Liella's attempts to injure him "Carefully lads this fey bitch bites" he calls out to his approaching men whilst darting into the middle of the room and pulling a dagger, spinning around to face both Liella and Alexander as a second man armed with a club joins the first crowding around the doorway.

So the order is:
Goon 3
Goon 2
Goon 1

Sorins turn.

2013-10-01, 05:38 PM
Sorin seems a bit surprised by Matthias reaction. "What?! This is preposterous! How dare yo-" Sorin is not able to say anything more when he sees Liella transform in to some kind of fox like creature and gasps when she suddenly attacks Matthias. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU FOOL!?" He shouts at her furiously. Sorin then grits his teeth, realizing that its now to late to get out of this one with words, due to Liella assaulting Matthias., giving him a reason to kill them. He then glares at Matthias furiously. "Kh! You vermin!" He shouts as he tries to trip him when he sees he tires to move towards his men but fails to do so. Standing and glaring at them for a moment. "Tsk... This got more troublesome than I thought it would... I guess there is no way you would let us leave here alive now... Tho now I must bid you farewell. Thank you for your...'hospitality'... " With a final grin and a short bow Sorin would would run to the window and leap out, shattering the glass in the process, trying his best not to get hurt by the it or the fall down to the ground as he landed.

As he then got up from the ground he would quickly start running away, and attempting to let the shadows hide his escape through an alley or somewhere else.

Acrobatics check.

Stealth Check

2013-10-01, 05:55 PM
After Sorin makes his dramatic exit one of the three men looming around the doorway steps forward and takes a wild swing at Liella that she easily ducks under.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

So the order is:
Goon 3
Goon 2
Goon 1

Liella's turn.

2013-10-01, 10:15 PM
"What the.... LEAVING ME ALONE JERK?!?" Liella groweld as she pushed mattheias out off the way as she followed Sorin. She jumped through the window and went too hide somewhere

[roll0] Acrobatic too lamd safe.
Stealth [roll1]

2013-10-02, 11:41 AM
As Liella dashes for the window the thug who just missed her takes another swing which strikes her on the arm with a sickening crunch.

After both Sorin and Liella disappear out the window they easily avoid notice from Matthias thugs.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-10-02, 12:03 PM
Liella grounted as she got slammed in the side by the massive force. yet soo she jumped out off the window again

Use the roll from the second time.

2013-10-03, 04:47 PM
Liella walked out from her hideing spot after some minutes passed as she thought it was safe. She traveked too the market too hear if the news off what happend had already spreaded at Matthias. She also went around asking some people about his company and his favorit placed

[roll0] Knowledge local on matthias again. But this time she's looking for intrest and places he might be at

2013-10-04, 02:17 PM
Aside from his office that you just left in somewhat of a hurry he could either be at his home in Riverside or hanging around a certain house in one of the better parts of Northgate that no one likes to talk about.