View Full Version : BBEG Magic Item - How bad would it be in the hands of players?

John Longarrow
2013-09-21, 08:09 PM
OK, I've got an idea for a fairly nasty BBEG. One of his tricks is to use a Gem that has a permanent Magic Jar spell on it (Caster 9th, level 5, continuous x2000 = 90,000 gp item) to take over people. At this point, I'm assuming the BBEG's original body has died, but since the spell is still running when the body he uses dies he just goes back into the Jar (if close enough) and works on getting a new body.

My biggest concern is that he players will figure out what's going on. If they succeed in getting the gem THEN killing him when he's more than 90' from the gem, they could kill him. With a mostly good party, what do you think would be the biggest danger from this hanging around?

As an extra, any idea how to get the DC for Magic Jar boosted on this item? I'm looking for ways the maker could have upped the DC without breaking the bank by using making it higher level.

2013-09-21, 08:24 PM
DMG page 282 sidebar, Other Considerations: Make the item require a specific class+deity worshipped and alignment to use. Applying a 30% discount twice gets you a 51% total discount (reduce it to 70%, then reduce that result to 70%, total 49%). Increase the item's caster level to 18, effectively doubling its price, but then reduced to 49% it should have a value of only 88,200 gp. If the PCs want to use it, they would need to have the same class+deity worshipped combination, plus the same exact alignment, as the item's original owner.

They could get someone with Craft Wondrous Item, Magic Jar, and a caster level of 18 to remove those restrictions, but it they would have to pay the value difference of 91,800 gp, as the end result would have a value of 180,000 gp. If they instead decide to sell the item, such specialized restrictions would severely limit buyers so they would probably only get a third to a fourth of its value.

Edit: Another alternative would be to make it the BBEG's Item Familiar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/itemFamiliars.htm), which would basically make it impossible for them to use it themselves and still severely limit its sell value.

2013-09-21, 08:34 PM
Are you saying that the PCs will be able to benefit from the Magic Jar effect themselves if they retain the gem after the villain is dead?

2013-09-21, 10:59 PM
DMG page 282 sidebar, Other Considerations: Make the item require a specific class+deity worshipped and alignment to use. Applying a 30% discount twice gets you a 51% total discount (reduce it to 70%, then reduce that result to 70%, total 49%). Increase the item's caster level to 18, effectively doubling its price, but then reduced to 49% it should have a value of only 88,200 gp. If the PCs want to use it, they would need to have the same class+deity worshipped combination, plus the same exact alignment, as the item's original owner.

They could get someone with Craft Wondrous Item, Magic Jar, and a caster level of 18 to remove those restrictions, but it they would have to pay the value difference of 91,800 gp, as the end result would have a value of 180,000 gp. If they instead decide to sell the item, such specialized restrictions would severely limit buyers so they would probably only get a third to a fourth of its value.

Or they could just make a Use Magic Device check (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/useMagicDevice.htm). Which they will most certainly be able to succeed at given the right low level spells.

2013-09-22, 02:10 AM
Or they could just make a Use Magic Device check (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/useMagicDevice.htm). Which they will most certainly be able to succeed at given the right low level spells.

UMD is limited to emulating only one race. So add an extra race as a requirement!

For example, if the BBEG is a goblin, make it required to be both a goblin and a succubus (at the same time) to use the gem. Since the BBEG is already a goblin, they could use UMD to emulate being a succubus, hence meeting both requirements at the same time. The players on the other hand, unless they have a goblin or a succubus in the group, can't use it.

Also make it require two separate classes, and two separate dieties of worship for extra paranoia levels.

2013-09-22, 03:54 AM
The players on the other hand, unless they have a goblin or a succubus in the group, can't use it.

This is brilliant.

John Longarrow
2013-09-22, 04:02 AM
BBEG who's going to have this is a Sword Sage/Rogue. He's been given it by a more powerful BBEG.

I could do the restrictions on deity and alignment, but race would be kinda out of the question.

2013-09-22, 04:08 AM
Why not have the BBEG have a familiar (such as a imp or quasit) who can be invisible all the time hold onto the gem. Thus ensuring that it keeps within 90' of the BBEG. Additionally if the BBEG, he could have some final command to his familiar to destroy the gem before leaving. Thus insuring they never get their hands on the item.

2013-09-22, 04:22 AM
Hmm... I'll suggest something different. Instead of trying to find a way to destroy it, or prevent it's use by players... why not Curse it?

This might explain why the greater BBEG gave it to the lesser Rogue/Swordsage. It might even explain the Rogue/Swordsage's Evil Guy Status, depending on what sort of background you have for it.

This can go from the classical "helm of opposite alignment" sort of thing, where anyone who uses it has their alignment reversed (Which is generally mild enough that it won't forbid use but potentially upsetting enough most players I know wouldn't do it lightly) to something potentially more crippling like... every time you use it, it inflicts X burn to a stat, permanent damage that cannot be recovered by any means (Thus the Rogue/Swordsage may have used it a few times, had his wisdom burned away leaving him a bit insane). Or using Taint for the crippling madness, frailty, and insanity.

Or even something more insidious like the gem carrying some fragment of the ultimate BBEG's psyche that will try to possess anyone who uses it in a subtle influence. The more they use it, the stronger the possession?

2013-09-22, 04:30 AM
I like that way...

Each time you use it you get closer to CE and have a chance to be afected by some kind of madness...

Or even more, make it an inteligent item :nale:

2013-09-22, 06:38 AM

Or even something more insidious like the gem carrying some fragment of the ultimate BBEG's psyche that will try to possess anyone who uses it in a subtle influence. The more they use it, the stronger the possession?


2013-09-22, 06:56 AM
I was actually thinking that-as soon as they touch it, they're hit with a Geas effect that forces them to obey the BBEG.

Don't let them say this aloud. Just pass them a note, and if they try resisting...well, Geas can get pretty nasty if you refuse the quest. This also has the handy side effect of explaining why the Swordsage never tried to turn on the BBEG when he has effective immortality. (You know, assuming that he doesn't care about innocent corpses that he inhabits.)