View Full Version : -[DM]- We have the technology, I need two constructs for an epic battle.

2013-09-21, 11:40 PM
To Roselena, Thorin, Dar, Sgnoz, Isaiah, Bo, and Hercules, STAY OUT.


Some of you may have read and posted in the thread I had about the crazy teleportation rune maze, well the next set of rooms leads my party to a semi epic battle in a room. It's large and tall enough to house two colossal sized constructs. I'm a big miniatures person and I try to keep it on par with what they see.

I have these statues I snagged, and they are scaled as such, they git exactly in the colossal sized grid (6x6), and are about 2 feet tall. Next to normal medium miniatures they are rather imposing.

The room is big enough that the characters can move around freely, but the constructs will have reach to anywhere in the room easily.

Here is the party make up:

Thorin: Level 7 Dwarf Cleric of Moradin
Roselena: Silvestrani Elf Wizard
Dar: Halfing Level 7 Rogue, Level 1 invisiblade
Isiah: Half-Orc Level 7 Barbarian Level 1 Warhulk
Bo: Centaur Level 4 Fighter (ranged, uses energy bow/spitting)
Herclues: Minotaur of Krynn Level 8 Fighter (melee)
Sgons: Human Level 2 Ranger, Level 6 Scout, Level 1 Cloistered Cleric (travel devotion feat)

Here are our twin constructs.


This party, is going to be able to rest before they get here, upto this point the dungeon has been more of a mind **** than anything else. So expect them at full power, but with no knowledge of what is to come. Once they enter this room, all exits are blocked and they MUST fight.

So playground, with those images in mind, what do you think best works? I use all sources, even homebrew, as long as it is based on RAW.

2013-09-21, 11:53 PM
Colossal Animated Objects (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/animatedObject.htm)? Given that the party is level 7 & 8, but nearly double-sized, so that'd be about right on the CR scale for a big boss encounter at full resources (they'd be CR 10, individually, so you're looking at an encounter level of 12).

Maybe have them crafted as Intelligent Magic Items (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/intelligentItems.htm) which (because it gives them an Int score) lets them get 11 feats to play with (as well as a lot of skill points, although everything is cross-class). That'd let the statues take any appropriate exotic weapon proficiency, or even armour proficiencies, as well as pick up some useful feats.

Oh yes, and don't forget intelligent magic item powers! Core RAW, lets you do some crazy things.

2013-09-22, 12:17 AM
Colossal Animated Objects (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/animatedObject.htm)? Given that the party is level 7 & 8, but nearly double-sized, so that'd be about right on the CR scale for a big boss encounter at full resources (they'd be CR 10, individually, so you're looking at an encounter level of 12).

Maybe have them crafted as Intelligent Magic Items (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/intelligentItems.htm) which (because it gives them an Int score) lets them get 11 feats to play with (as well as a lot of skill points, although everything is cross-class). That'd let the statues take any appropriate exotic weapon proficiency, or even armour proficiencies, as well as pick up some useful feats.

Oh yes, and don't forget intelligent magic item powers! Core RAW, lets you do some crazy things.

Hmm I may do that, because I want this to be challenging, I always think I have the right balance, and they get around my stuff haha. And I don't mean by the skin of their teeth.

I don't want a TPK but I do want them to be sweating bullets by the end of the fight.

2013-09-22, 12:26 AM
Elder Eidolon giants of some sort? They have a nice little aura and can fast heal. I always roll MAdnESS

2013-09-22, 04:23 AM
Instead of blocking ALL the entrances, you could add a way out, just in case bad luck shows up at your table and the constructs get close to a TPK.
Of course the way out should be difficult to reach and sort-of well-guarded by the constructs.

2013-09-22, 09:55 AM
Off chance, is there any way to make a titan a constuct but keep all it's cool stuff? *wishful thinking* i'm sure lol.

2013-09-22, 10:00 AM
Off chance, is there any way to make a titan a constuct but keep all it's cool stuff? *wishful thinking* i'm sure lol.

Like a titanic creature?

Animal -> Titanic -> Effigy or Elder Eidolon.

2013-09-22, 11:44 AM
Like a titanic creature?

Animal -> Titanic -> Effigy or Elder Eidolon.

I will look into that, but


these guys

But i just realized those don't go to colossal. :smallsigh::smallsigh:

2013-09-22, 01:18 PM
Off chance, is there any way to make a titan a constuct but keep all it's cool stuff? *wishful thinking* i'm sure lol.

Yes, but if you keep all of it's cool stuff, it's still about CR 21 or better... and you've got a party level of maybe nine or ten.

You probably want to give the party a fighting chance (and if you don't, oh well), so you probably do want to keep the CR reasonable.

So Colossal Animated Objects, made of Adamantine (and thus hardness-20), enchanted as Intelligent Items (and thus with feats). Give them, say...

1) Weapon Proficiency(Two-handed weapon of choice)
3) Martial Study (Moment of Perfect Mind) (Tome of Battle: Book of 9 Swords)
6) Power Attack
9) Cleave
12) Mage Slayer (Complete Arcane)
15) Improved Trip
18) Great Cleave
21) Martial Study (Action Before Thought) (Tome of Battle: Book of 9 Swords)
24) Martial Study (Mind over Body) (Tome of Battle: Book of 9 Swords)
27) Martial Stance (Hearing the Air) (Tome of Battle: Book of 9 Swords)
30) Blind-Fight

If you're really mean, you also enchant the various things they have. Those Colossal two-handed weapons they're holding? Yeah, they happen to be bane (pick one of the party's race), flaming, and frost.

Maybe also give them some enchanted studded leather armor (masterwork, so no ACP to get in the way of their attacks, and thus no proficiency needed) with some useful enchantments.

Good luck finding a buyer for the loot, though...