View Full Version : Unique/Artifact longbow?

Edge of Dreams
2013-09-22, 07:30 PM
I'm trying to find examples in D&D (any edition) or PF of an extremely high-level bow, especially unique or artifact-level ones. Not very many seem to exist - swords and hammers and such seem much more popular to use as the basis for such things.

Anyone know where I can find such a weapon?

EDIT: I did find the ones in Weapons of Legacy at least. Any other good sources?

2013-09-22, 08:03 PM
Yeah, definitely slim pickins' on the fancy-longbow front.

The Book of Exalted Deeds has an intelligent longbow named Seryl (p. 117), which is a +2 merciful composite longbow made from serrenwood, which grants ghost touch.

Complete Champion has the Bow of Elvenkind (p. 137), which has a few minor benefits saved up for clerics of Corellon Larethian.

Races of the Wild has something called a swordbow (p. 171), which apparently changes between bow and sword form, evidently designed for the indecisive elf.

Complete Divine has a relic called the Bow of the Wintermoon (p. 93), which is a +4 frost composite longbow and not much else. A little ways up on the same page is a raptor arrow, which is pretty expensive for a single reusable arrow.

With the possible exception of the Bow of the Wintermoon, these are all probably pretty dinky compared to what you're hoping for. Homebrew to the rescue?

2013-09-22, 08:06 PM
Well, there's also Hank's Energy Bow, which was done on WotC's site, and is quite good for a unique bow.

I also seem to recall Arms and Equipment from 3.0 had a bow that allowed Clerics/Paladins to burn Undead Turning Attempts for extra damage dice... which isn't bad at all. I can't remember its name however... just that it looked really, really goofy.

2013-09-22, 08:13 PM
Okay, I see that now. It's the "Larethian Protector," p. 112, which allows clerics of our favorite elven boss-god to burn a turn attempt for some extra d6s.

--Hm. Actually doesn't look half-bad for a lower-level character, although it's got quite a pricetag. But then I was always a bargain shopper.


2013-09-22, 08:34 PM
Hank's Energy Bow (www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ask/20061227a)

Bow of the Black Archer (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20050701a&page=3)

Quite a while back I was rolling some random loot for a high level miniboss and got a composite longbow with four special abilities. It ended up being +4 Holy, Unholy, Bane, and Bane again. I decided to make it Good Outsider Bane and Evil Outsider Bane, considering its enhancement bonus would be increased to six versus those and overcome DR/Epic. I named it The Destroyer of Heaven and Hell, and it was one of their favorite items they'd ever found.