View Full Version : Qualifying for Dweomerkeeper without a dip

2013-09-23, 11:35 AM
Another player has a Sorcerer and would like to qualify for Dweomerkeeper, but doesn't want to give up a level for a cleric (or other divine casting PrC).

Is there some feat he could take that lets him cast a divine spell so he can get Dweomerkeeper?

(and yes, the DM has given this character all sorts of insane shenanigans to help a Sorcerer be useful in a party with a Wiz and a Cleric already, so another shenanigan will probably be accepted. the campaign probably won't last until he gets to the point of casting XP-free Wish as the Dweomerkeeper's ability)

Any feat (or probably even an item) that lets him cast a divine spell even though he's a Sorcerer so he can qualify for Dweomerkeeper.

Fax Celestis
2013-09-23, 11:45 AM
Runestaff with cleric spells on it? Arcane Disciple feat? Domain Access ACF from CCham?

EDIT: Two levels in Arcane Devotee (FRCS) would do it too.

2013-09-23, 11:51 AM
The Southern Magician feat from Races of Faerun is the usual answer to this, I believe.

2013-09-23, 11:53 AM
Runestaff with cleric spells on it? Arcane Disciple feat? Domain Access ACF from CCham?

Personally, I would take Arcane Disciple to still be casting Arcane spells. "Add the chosen domain's spells to your class list of arcane spells." However, I'll bring it up.

The Runestaves are a good idea. That might serve too.

It seems there are a bunch of feats that allow divine casters to cast arcane spells, but not the other way around.

2013-09-23, 12:02 PM
It seems there are a bunch of feats that allow divine casters to cast arcane spells, but not the other way around.
Southern Magician works in both directions.

2013-09-23, 12:23 PM
Southern Magician works in both directions.

So many dual meanings... so far fetched humor

2013-09-23, 12:35 PM
Hadn't ever heard of Southern Magician, but that sounds good to me.

He was the latecomer to the party, joining about two sessions in, and decided that he still wanted to play a sorcerer. He has some creature/template combo that was +2 LA and gave +6 Cha, grabbed a Cloak of Charisma +6 and declared he would be the "Save or Die Master". I think he bumped his DCs with an item/feat or two.

He has great Cha, something like a +10 modifier, total. He's decent against the lesser encounters, getting his SoDs through half the time, but against the bigger enemies, he doesn't do much. And his spell selection is almost entirely SoDs, so he's almost useless outside a fight except for skill checks that use Cha.

Anything that might help him out is awesome.

2013-09-23, 12:50 PM
Southern Magician works in both directions.

It also allows you to cast divine as arcane! Not as divine!

2013-09-23, 01:03 PM
Anything to help out with the Magic Domain requirement?

Melcar, I think the other way is what they're talking about - cast the Sorcerer's arcane spells as divine.

Still, how about gaining the Magic Domain? Is there a feat out there that just lets a non-divine magic user use a domain?

2013-09-23, 01:08 PM
There are some non-divine-specific PrCs out there that give you access to some domains. (Rainbow Servant, for example). You might be able to modify one of those.

2013-09-23, 01:22 PM
Anything to help out with the Magic Domain requirement?


Sorry, Fax Celestes, I somehow missed your Domain Access ACF.

I think that works. We're past level 5, but I'm sure the DM will let him take that ACF during his next level. That takes care of both the Divine and Magic Domain requirements all in one shot.

He'll be thrilled!