View Full Version : Breaking the Stronghold Builders Guidebook

2013-09-24, 06:25 AM
In a campaign I'm running, one of my players has asked if they can pick up the landlord feat from Stronghold Builders Guidebook. It makes sense where the players are in game, and they have some spare cash floating around above WBL that I'd prefer for them to put into a goldsink rather than coming up with stupidly broken custom magic items.

They currently have around 70K GP (so, with landlord, effectively 140K) to spend on it all told as a party (but they don't all necessarily want to put all of their share into their mansion)., but I'm wondering exactly where they'd be able to spend that amount of money in breaking things.

I also like the idea of the players coming up with an encounter zone that I as a DM can attempt to run (making them the DM's, for once), perhaps they have a particularly pretty bauble that some of the campaign antagonists want; so rather than the typical returning to the scene of a ransacked house and learn it was stolen, actually having the PCs at home when they're attacked.

Only limitations is that I won't allow moving or invisible strongholds - but it's not an exhaustive banlist.

Builders, go!

Piggy Knowles
2013-09-24, 07:01 AM
Look up the Cube, by sofawall. It's a commoner with the Landlord feat, using WBL to ride around in a magically hardened cube made of obdurium and walls of force, with spell clocks set to refresh prismatic walls on all sides. I'll try to dig up a link when I'm not posting from my phone.

2013-09-24, 09:43 AM
Wondrous Architecture is basically half price Custom Magic Items because they're not supposed to be movable but some of the examples are very movable with high strength or portable Holes and such.

The price for Wondrous Architecture is only beaten by Magic trap prices in the DMG. Beware the resetting Magic Traps and disallow Spell Clocks and you should be fine.