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View Full Version : Emerald Immolation and such

2013-09-24, 04:59 PM
Hey guys, I'm playing a Jade Pheonix Mage in a new campaign, and I'm curious as to why the description for the Emerald Immolation Ability says "this ability is the equivalent of a 9th level spell". Some other supernatural abilities say this and I'm wondering why?

Dusk Eclipse
2013-09-24, 05:08 PM
There are some rules interaction that depends on spell levels, spell turning (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/spellTurning.htm) for example. Depending on the wording it may also imply that the save DC against it would be 19+Int/cha modifier (though I'm guessing it is stated somewhere along the description, I am AFB so I can't check).

2013-09-25, 01:10 AM
There are some rules interaction that depends on spell levels, spell turning (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/spellTurning.htm) for example. Depending on the wording it may also imply that the save DC against it would be 19+Int/cha modifier (though I'm guessing it is stated somewhere along the description, I am AFB so I can't check).

Are such abilities subject to dispel magic? I know an anti magic field would suppress it.

2013-09-25, 01:14 AM
If its a Su or Sp ability it can be effected by Dispel Magic, or Anti Magic Field iirc

2013-09-25, 03:42 AM
If its a Su or Sp ability it can be effected by Dispel Magic, or Anti Magic Field iirc

Sus are subject to AMFs, but not dispelling.

In this case, it's probably a combination of save DC, spell interactions (such as globe of invulnerability), and just generally covering the bases.

2013-09-25, 09:04 AM
Dispel would need to be used as a counterspell and would need to be heightened to 9th level

2013-09-25, 09:28 AM
Dispel would need to be used as a counterspell and would need to be heightened to 9th level

You cannot counter Su or SLAs at all.

2013-09-25, 01:01 PM
Emerald Immolation is Sp though, so Dispel would work as a counterspell.

but yeah, Dispel doesnt work against Su or SLA (which is Su), though AMF would stop it, my mistake.

2013-09-25, 02:04 PM
Emerald Immolation is Sp though, so Dispel would work as a counterspell.

As I just said - you cannot counter SLAs.

Spell-like abilities cannot be used to counterspell, nor can they be counterspelled.

You can dispel them, but it's not really clear whether EI can be dispelled, or what would happen if you did.

2013-09-25, 02:33 PM
you probably wouldn't be able to dispel it since once the standard action is taken, you just instantly explode, giving no time to cast the dispel, and then there's nothing to target for 1d6 rounds since the ability is targeted on you, and you don't exists for those rounds.

if you could target the SLA during the rounds the person is gone, i guess you just instantly kill them?