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2013-09-24, 05:12 PM
Yoritomo Sui
Sui stepped off the deck and onto the dock, Kyuden Gotei towering before her. After years spent in Crane lands she had return, trained in the courtly arts by those who many regarded as the empire's most accomplished courtiers, she was now ready to serve and put her more than expensive education to good use for her Mantis lords.
Her first issue of her day was to make her return known to the Mantis clan champion Yoritomo Naizen, That he may assign her to where the clan may benefit the most from the skills she spent so many years to perfect.

2013-09-24, 06:45 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Kyuden Gotei
Sui had anticipated her return home for almost a year now, knowing that once her education came to an end she’d need to return and put the skills she’d learned to use - there were other reasons for her to anticipate a return home, but none were so pressing as this. She’d already proved she’d learned the skills to everyone's satisfaction, but it wasn’t enough to know them, they had to be proved useful now, they had to be proved not a waste of time. Taking in a deep breath to steady her nerves as she stared up at the imposing Kyuden Gotei, the seat of Yoritomo power, which she could only just remember from five years ago. Confidant the few other possessions she owned from her time in the Crane lands, she began the intimidating walk to meet Yoritomo Naizen.

She was dressed in an extravagant Mantis-green kimono, the mon of her clan on its back, and the mon of her family on her left while the mon of her school sat on her right - an important choice, as was the color of her kimono. Her wakizashi was tucked underneath her obi which had been tied into a fetching bow. Walking up and up she quelled the doubts that assailed her mind as best she could. That niggling feeling that, somehow, her distaste for water was unbecoming of a Yoritomo, that sensation that all these years away somehow tainted her. She pushed them down and maintained her on. And most importantly she kept walking, fearing that if she stopped she’d lose the will to walk again.

2013-09-24, 07:39 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Kyuden Gotei
Arriving at the castle itself, the door stood open and guarded by two guards in the sea-grean armor of the Mantis, each holding a yari and with a pair of kama tucked in behind their obi. The guards give Sui a look demanding the reason for her presence.

Once inside Sui follows a corridor leading into a large room. An old man with what looks like a permanent frown works at a desk, writing what seems at a glance to be a report of some kind. Seeing Sui enter he makes a point of ignoring her until he finishes up and lays down his brush a couple minutes later. "Who are you and what do you want? Naizen-dono is busy, come back tomorrow or wait" he grunts with a scrowl, then gives a nod towards the empty end of the room before returning his attention to the papers on his desk.

2013-09-24, 10:35 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Kyuden Gotei

Irritated at being dismissed without any clue who she was or without any input from her or Naizen at all Sui was forced to take a pause before following the appropriate greeting ritual. “I am Yoritomo Sui,” she began. “I have completed my education on the mainland and I’m here to inform Naizen-dono of my return so he may dispense my skills as he sees fit.” She didn't want to be rude, but unless he already knew who she was he was already being rude to dismiss her out-of-hand without consulting Naizen about her presence.

2013-09-25, 07:02 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Kyuden Gotei
Waiting patiently in the room, while maintaining a serene and graceful calm. Sui rehearsed what she intended to say and what to expect from her Clan Champion. Once all that was done and she ran out of possible scenarios to think of and nothing had happened yet. Waiting some more she stretched the limits of her patience, her thoughts buzzing around in her head with a thousand questions. Who was this man? Did she even come to the right room? Is the Champion even home? Her head still spinning when a door to her right slid open; six people in lavishly rich clothes stepped out joking and laughing, knocking Sui out of her train of thoughts. The grumpy old man stood up and walked towards the door, closing it behind him. A few seconds later he stepped back in and gave her a short bow "Yoritomo Naizen-dono will see you now."

Inside sat a strong looking man in a lavish evening kimono, waiting on her to impress him.

2013-09-26, 04:18 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Kyuden Gotei, Naizen

With an exacting precision born of nervousness Sui performs her greeting as she’d been taught it. Kneeling on the floor, her legs folded beneath her thighs and her buttocks resting on her feet, she places her wakizashi gently to her right, yet another important choice. The choice of this particular green, the location of her family mon over her heart, and the difficult to draw-from location of her sword, all of it chosen out of that same nervousness. She knew there would be questions about her after all these years away from Mantis lands, and she wanted to put them all to rest. It was a foolish wish without tangible proof, but it was her wish all the same.

“Naizen-dono,” she said quietly, conforming to the lessons she’d been taught, but unsure what, precisely, he wanted. If he wanted something wouldn’t the best thing be for him to ask? Maybe he wanted her to ask? To take the initiative here? The thoughts shot through Sui’s mind as she stared somewhat at the increasingly imposing man in front of her. “I wish to prove my time away was not wasted. Please, give me an opportunity to prove myself and my skills useful.”

2013-09-26, 07:02 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Kyuden Gotei
Smiling lightly, Naizen takes a breath while he considers his options...

"Yes, I am pleased with what I see. Though too bad... but earlier this week a ship left with my delegation for the northwestern clans. Your skills could've been of use to them. Hmm..." Crossing his arms and tapping his nose with an index finger, he takes a moment to ponder his thoughts. Slowly at first, he puts his thoughts into words "what do you have to say about Lion samurai?"

2013-09-26, 07:27 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Kyuden Gotei, Naizen

Sui allows herself a slight internal shift. With a small relaxation of her posture and a slight straightening of her back she answers: “They are a great military force among the Great Clans, they are the Right Hand of the Empress and defenders of the throne. They are warriors to be respected, but they allow their focus to blind them to other, non-military, matters. To tell them this though would be foolish, and dangerous as they are likely to see it as an insult rather than as wisdom. It is better to approach non-military matters sparsely with them, and when it is required it is best to couch it in military terms.” She tried her best to be honest, but without being insulting. Far simply it would be to say they acted like bullies, using their military might to force their way when it suited them when a more competent clan would use diplomacy. She kept that distaste to herself though.

2013-09-26, 08:21 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Kyuden Gotei
Naizen nods slowy... "Would they respect a warrior or courtier more?"

After giving her a chance to reply he before continuing "with the crane and the crab at each other's throats, both seek an alliance with the lion. While the Lion themselves are always stirring to prove their might. It is far too volatile a situation to watch from afar. Sharing borders with most of the other clans so it is quite an opportunity to see what the other clans intend to do on the subject. I sent Yoritomo Ayano to head this delegation, but that will barely leave her with enough time for her other duties... I will send you specifically to the center of this storm, Kyuden Ikoma. There you can appraise the situation and put your skills to good use working for Ayano. Unfortunately the ship that left with the delegation was the last ship I could spare for this purpose. An alternative will have to do, your instructions will be waiting for you in the morning." Sighing Naizen looks at her wondering if she caught on to everything he said.

2013-09-26, 08:34 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Kyuden Gotei, Naizen

“A warrior would be more respected, but a properly trained courtier would be more useful.” Sui replied as best she could before listening to Naizen silently.

Finally, in reply, she quoted from the Tao: “The center is everything. Find the center. All else proceeds naturally from there.”

2013-09-26, 09:01 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Kyuden Gotei
With that Naizen nods "Get some rest, and wrap up any business you have here for I doubt you will return for any time soon. You may leave."

He returns Sui's bow with a short nod, stands up and goes about his business.

2013-09-26, 09:36 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Kyuden Gotei, City and City Outskirts

Returning the bow deeper Sui leaves Naizen to go about his business. Once outside his presence she lets a tiny flutter of worry enter her face before forcing it back behind her on. There was still so much time left in the day, it seemed, but with the looming of tomorrow and the arrival of her instructions she needed to focus on what mattered: her family. She needed to visit them and make sure they knew about her assignment.

As Sui walked to the edge of the city that surrounded the Kyuden Gotei she used the time to enjoy the year-round warmth of the tropical Islands of Silk and Spice. If there was one thing she could say she didn’t miss about the mainland it was the winter. Her first winter training under the Doji she had been so amazed by snow and so miserable in the cold. Her second year wasn’t quite so novel and so she was just miserable in the cold. There were other differences, but it was the cold that stuck out the most.

At least it wasn’t as wet as the islands, she thought to herself as she left the city proper, but it will be nice to see Ran again. With that thought she reached up and held the necklace little Ran had given her. It hadn’t been the best of times for a gift, as she and her parents, and a few important relatives, had come to her dojo in the Crane lands to oversee her gempukku. Then, quite by accident, she thought of what Naizen had said about not seeing home again for a long time. “Maybe I’ll paint something to commemorate,” she said to herself as she strolled, thinking about the appropriate composition of such a commemorative painting.

Step by step she had left her on slip until she was making several odd faces as she thought about her painting. Eventually though she reached the paths that were so familiar to her that they jolted the mind. Without even realizing it had slipped off she put her on back in place and approached her home of twelve years (the past six having been spent in the Crane lands).

2013-09-30, 05:32 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Outskirts of Kyuden Gotei, Sui's Family residence.
As the small but well off estate on the outskirts of Kyuden Gotei came into view, memories from Sui's childhood surged. Some memories she was fond of, others not so much yet they came back as every stone and every tree reminded her of something from her past.

Upon arriving at the front gate Sui saw a woman leaving the house, bowing to someone inside she turned around and walked towards the gate. She gave Sui a casual bow as their paths crossed and left towards Kyuden Gotei.

Arriving at the door she saw both her parents and her youngest sister inside. As they saw their daughter their eyes lit up and a smile appeared on her mother and sister, her father contented himself with a nod and then turning around towards a servant "Iseki my daughter is home, make the necessary preparations" before waving them all to follow "we would best talk over tea".

2013-10-02, 10:35 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence

Sui, despite herself, found herself smiling. After years with a dour teacher she had almost forgotten how. If it hadn’t been for her friend, Taiko, she might have. Taking a slow, steadying breath as Sui reminded herself she didn’t have to act as though she were at court all the time she followed her father.

2013-10-02, 11:30 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence
After the family convenes in the guest room. Iseki the longtime family servant brings tea as well as small snacks. She then bows to her masters before leaving the room to finish her chores.

Everyone sips their tea quietly except her sister who is snacks on the crackers, until her father interrupts the silence. "So have you heard from your groom lately? Rumor is he's about to get promoted to captain". Her mother adds "You must be so proud! He is still so young, yet he's made it further than most bushi will in a life time".

2013-10-05, 11:33 AM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence

Sui fidgeted uncomfortably. “No, I haven’t.” She admitted to her father glumly. Captain, though? That was quite an achievement, but Sui could only wonder what that meant he thought of her less impressive accolades. Even so she put on a smile for her mother and answered her: “It’s amazing, though. It’s probably why he hasn’t written, if he’s advanced so far. I can’t imagine the dedication it takes to rise so rapidly leaves much time for letters.” For a second time Sui took a slow, steadying breath. She was upset with herself for all these gloomy thoughts when she should be happy, like her mother. “How have things been at home?”

2013-10-05, 09:46 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence
Her little sister jumps drops her half eaten cracker and exclaims joyfully "I'm going to be a priestess!" Her father glares at her "Ran, watch your manners! your sister she may be but she is a guest nonetheless".

Her mother bows in apology "Gomen nasai, she has a lively spirit and frequently requires us to remind her about manners. Surely you're not used to such rudeness, with your time as a guest of those whom practically invented polite conversation".

2013-10-07, 05:50 AM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence

“There are children everywhere, okasan.” Sui responds, smiling gently at Ran as she does. It was true enough, but where Sui was concerned Ran could get away with a little bit more than anyone else. It was strange, but despite barely knowing each other Sui and her little sister had formed a bond stronger than the sisterly connection Sui shared with her older sisters. It could be that it was just Ran’s young age and Sui’s age and special experience mingling together, or it could be the necklace little Ran had made for her. Then, turning to her mother: “Even Doji children need to learn how to behave.”

“So, a priestess?” Sui asked, quirking an eyebrow. “Not a bushi like otosan, or a courtier like okasan?” Despite herself Sui found herself wondering which school little Ran might attend. Whether she’d study at a Yoritomo school or learn with the Moshi or Kitsune, the two more spiritual families of the Mantis. Or, perhaps, whether she’d prove worth the effort to send her, like Sui herself, to study with another clan. This was, of course, assuming this wasn’t just a passing fancy of childhood that will, as time pass, die.

2013-10-07, 11:24 AM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence
"The lady you saw as you arrived was Moshi Chiroku an advisor to Lord Naisen-sama. She came to test Ran to see if she had any ability to commune with the kami, like they do with all children at her age. All she said about Ran was 'weird' and that she needed to check on something first. That in itself is different from the definite no we got for you and your sisters case or the simple yes the few lucky families have received." Even though her father attempts to mask his thoughts as he sips his tea, the way he averts eye contact hints at a sadness deep down. Sui's guesses this is due to of all his children none so far have shown any disposition towards following his own path.

2013-10-10, 11:21 AM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence

Sui too does a poor job at hiding how she felt about her father’s destitution of warrior children. It hadn’t been easy, she remembered, being the youngest with her father hoping eagerly that maybe this daughter would take up the sword. Still, Sui drank her tea in silence for a moment, thinking. “I see.” She said, finally. Not a definite no, but not a definite yes; that could be good, or it could be bad. Sui turned her head and looked at her little sister, and forced herself to be optimistic, but then, as she spoke, stumbled. “I’m sure everything will happen as it should.” She managed, not quite reaching optimistic and instead managing practical cynicism.

Sui took another sip of her tea. The pleasantries were over now, and it would be best not to keep her mother and father waiting. “I have already reported,” she began simply: “I have been ordered to the Kyuden Ikoma where I’m to make myself useful to Ayano. The last ship available had already left with her and the delegation, so I am to await further instructions that should be arriving tomorrow morning.” It was then Sui realized she was talking into her tea, and raised her head. “I’m sorry I haven’t more time. I had hoped I could get to know everyone again, but it seems like I won’t have enough time.”

2013-10-10, 11:43 AM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence
Her mother speaks up, attempting to break the aura of uneasiness hanging over them "Of course you can stay here, Iseki will bring out a futon for you and take you into consideration for the evening meal. Meanwhile, after your tea I'm sure you'd like to get to know your little sister a bit more with all the years you've spent apart?"

2013-10-14, 02:28 AM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence

“I’d like that.” Sui says, smiling. For years all Sui had ever wanted was to return home, but now, with the exception of her new little sister, she couldn’t find any of the things she’d expected to find when she returned. It was odd, but she now found herself wanting to leave and head to the Kyuden Ikoma where, she believed, she’d find the peace she couldn’t quite seem to find at home.

2013-10-17, 11:06 AM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence
As soon as Sui's tea was finished, Ran grabbed her by the sleeve and pulled her outside "Come I'll show you where I play with Iki!"

Taking Sui to the court yard behind the house where the family grows a small orchard, Sui sits on the deck watching Ran as she runs in between the trees laughing.

If you want me to speed this up I can hurry things and post everything I wanted to in this scene and we can move on. But of course you might still want to RP through this.

2013-10-22, 11:37 AM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence

“Iki?” Sui asked inquisitively as she was pulled along, but nothing could halt the youthful energy that drew them both to the court yard.

Watching Ran run between the orchard trees from the deck Sui contemplated painting this scene. A small orchard, the estate wall, and a little girl running through the trees. As before Sui began to made odd faces as she concentrated on Ran and the painting forming in her mind.

2013-10-22, 12:07 PM
Iki is my friend, Father says she doesn't exist but I think he's just jealous. With a smile runs off through the orchard, dodging between the trees as she expends the boundless energy of youth.

Time passes as Ran plays between the trees, running and laughing. For now Sui seems content to stand by and watch, thinking about her painting. The Sun is setting when Sui notices the Woman who visited her estate step onto the deck, a man with an orange and red flame colored kimono follows her, taking Sui's attention away with the new arrivals. The man wears his wakizashi proudly, it's saya a bright red with orange yellow flames as decoration seemingly flowing from the fiery bird ornate design of the tsuba. On his other side he wore a scroll case, again decorated with flames. His mon a spiral of five Kanji each representing an element. They stood by and observed Ran silently, leaving Sui to her own speculation.

2013-10-24, 06:00 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence, Courtyard

Sui smiled at Ran’s comment on her friend Iki. Her mind didn’t process that it might be somehow connected to the ‘weirdness’ that Moshi Chiroku had mentioned.

She had the composition of her painting just right when the woman she’d seen leaving the estate - presumably Moshi Chiroku - and a man she didn’t know. By the way he was dressed Sui guessed he was another priest. She further guessed that Moshi Chiroku had left to consult him or fetch him, or both. Or neither. She frowned at the neither.

Having decided to greet them Sui stood from her repose and approached them with all due respect. “Hello,” she began simply. “I am Yoritomo Sui, and,” she gracefully let her attention pass to the woman. “I presume you are Moshi Chiroku.” Sui smiled. “I apologise if I am wrong, but I heard she was the one who had come to test my sister and given that things are as they appear to be I assumed you were she.” She bows as appropriate for a woman in her particular place, as both family and therefor host and as a visitor and therefor guest. The particulars of showing these details had been a matter of study for her. “I have yet to make your acquaintance though and would very much like to rectify that,” and she now let her attention gracefully pass to the man.

2013-10-30, 09:25 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence, Courtyard
Moshi Chiroku bowed to Sui "You are correct, I have been given the task to test our clan's children for any hint of ability to converse with the kami and this man is Isawa Kazushi." Apon being introduced Kazushi turns slightly towards her "Sumimasen" then bows quickly before stepping down into the yard towards Ran.

Chiroku continues while watching him "I was intrigued when Ran mentioned her friend Iki and Isawa-sama is on hand and has offered his expertise in the matter."

The man bows to Ran "Hello there, I presume your name is Ran?"
suddenly interested with the newcommer Ran bows back quickly, a little too quickly. "Yes, mister. My friend Iki says hello too!" smiling innocently at the man. Kazushi turns slowly and bows towards where he assumes Iki would be standing "Hello Iki, please to meet you." Looking back at Ran "I have an invisible friend too. Would you like to meet him?" Ran looks at him with wide eyes and nods exitingly.

The smiles and reaches for a scroll from his scroll case...

Sumimasen = "Excuse me"

2013-11-03, 01:31 PM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence, Courtyard

Sui smiles gently at the scene, hiding a small pustule of worry growing in the back of her mind at all this.

2013-11-04, 01:48 AM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence, Courtyard
Kazushi pulls out an elaborate scroll, opening it he reads from it out loud and in a strange language. Ran smile widens and her eyes light up in excitement for a moment. As he ends his recital she faints though he catches her before she hits the ground. Kneeling he sets her onto the grass and checks for a fever as well as her pupils.

2013-11-06, 07:19 AM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence, Courtyard

“Ran!” Sui popped, her mouth forming the words perfectly as that little bursting pustule pushed her forward to Ran’s side.

2013-11-14, 12:50 AM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence, Courtyard
As Sui reaches Ran, Kazushi looks up at her "She'll be alright, she just needs some rest." He stands up and bows slightly to Sui before walking past her. Stopping a few paces past her he smiles slightly "You should know, your sister has quite the gift" then moves on to join Chiroku on the deck.

2013-11-24, 07:46 AM
Yoritomo Sui - Sui’s Family Residence, Courtyard

Sui suppresses a glare at the apparent lack of care either of them had for the young girl. Either way, Sui knew the best thing would be to move Ran to where she could safely rest, and so with that in mind she picked her up and took her inside.