View Full Version : Evil Cleric

2013-09-25, 09:09 AM
Working on a character build for new game. I need some help and suggestions for polishing this build. Break down below

LE Whisper Gnome

5 Cloister Cleric / 5 Ordained Champion / 10 Contemplative

Current Base Stats

Str: 10
Dex: 10
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 23 (18 + 5 Levels)
Cha: 10

Planned on Persisted Buffs

Divine Power
Righteous Might
Greater Visage of the Deity

Spell Adjusted Stats

Str: 24
Dex: 14
Con: 18
Int: 16
Wis: 23
Cha: 12

Domain: Law, War, Knowledge
Bonus Domain: Competition, Domination, Tyranny, Celerity (possibly Travel instead)

(1) Extend Spell
(F) Persist Spell
(F) Extra Turning
(3) Divine Metamagic: Persist
(6) Extra Turning
(9) Planar Touchstone
(12) Open
(15) Open
(18) Open

Trying to maintain the ability to cast 9th level spells before 20th level. Ideally even before 19th level.

Primarily wanting a strong melee cleric build with very good debuffing capability, with the occasion need for in combat healing.

Note: Any prestige class recommendations I get I have to take all levels the DM won't allow PrC dipping.

2013-09-25, 10:33 AM
Contemplative is good at 1 and 6, so you're wasting 9 levels just for a few immunities that are easy to get elsewhere. If you want more domains, grab the Sovereign Speaker.

For melee, I would look at Bone Knight, and Ruby Knight Windicator is always popular.

Will add more suggestions once I'm done with class.

2013-09-25, 11:11 AM
I would like to dip out of Contemplative but as I said the DM won't allow PrC dipping. IE if you take a prestige class you have to take all the levels of the prestige class.

I contemplated RKV but could not worship Hextor and be one. I would have to be a worshipper of Wee Jas. Different character feel.

I have looked at the Cleric 4/Crusader 1/RKV 10/Contemplative 5 build I would just have to wait until level 20 to get 9th level spells. Which will reduce the stats since I could not persist Greater Visage.

We are starting at level 15. So want to make sure I can get visage ASAP.

I may roll around the RKV in my mind some more.

Bone Knight is currently off the table. Been playing a lot of Eberron PrC and was asked not to look at Eberron material for this new character.

Red Fel
2013-09-25, 12:04 PM
I contemplated RKV but could not worship Hextor and be one. I would have to be a worshipper of Wee Jas. Different character feel.

I may roll around the RKV in my mind some more.

The Wee Jas-flavor of RKV is (or should be) negotiable at the table. If you feel the armored stealth aspect is similarly inappropriate, there is a thread listing alternative Vindicator builds for different deities (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=139711), subbing out that class feature for others. That said, the balance to those abilities varies; it may be easiest just to keep the armored stealth and replace the Wee Jas fluff with Hextor.

2013-09-25, 12:58 PM
Yes, I noticed that you are required to take the full levels of any PrC. If you're not allowed to take Sovereign Speaker, then you're probably best dropping Contemplative entirely. Its only worthwhile class features are the domains. Immunities are nice to have, but the ones it gives are the most common, and are also easily replaced with spells or items.

Cleric PrCs in general are a matter of taste and acquiring new abilities that your spells don't cover, or saving spell slots. RSoP and RKV are the only straight upgrades.

Here's a few interesting ones, no Eberron stuff:

Demonwrecker EttDWP 168 (DR bypassing)
Divine Disciple PGtF 51 (+domain, become outsider for polymorph cheese)
Eye of Horus-Re PGtF 55 (+domain, true seeing, will need refluff)
Mage-Killer MoF 32 (+saves, +CL, augment summons)
Soulguard FCII 96 (true seeing, destroy outsiders, immunities, dimensional lock)
Walker in the Waste Ss 89 (undead immunities, make constructs/undead)
Lion of Talsid BoED 65 (wild shape, pounce, scent)
Mythic Exemplar CC 86 (all sorts of stuff)
Skypledged RotW 126 (+ref save, spellpool, wind abilities)
Talontar Blightlord UE 34 (+domain, immunities, hivemind, icy burst, wounding, will need refluff)
True Necromancer LM 52 (buff undead)
Wavekeeper Sw 76 (+domain, turn into water elemental, don't suck at water things)

2013-09-25, 01:31 PM
Nice list was looking for something like that. Could only find a small list and none of those were on it. Something interesting I peered through a couple of those you suggested.

I am liking this new build information that is forming.

Cleric 6/Demonwrecker 5/Divine Disciple 5/Ordained Champion 4

I would not mind dropping Ordained Champion with something else as a capstone or find a way to flip the build so I could have something as Cleric 5/PrC 5/PrC 5/PrC 5

2013-09-26, 06:15 PM
Is there a better prestige class to round out the build then Ordained Champion?

I really like the flavor that Demonwrecker and Divine Discipline bring to the mix would like to find something that could top off the build.

2013-09-26, 08:50 PM
Please try not to double post. You can always edit your old posts to add new info if you need to.

Like I said before, PrCs are a matter of taste for clerics. Ordained Champion can be useful to some builds. Mythic Exemplar and RKV are the most similar to it if you're looking at different options. Lion of Talsid is compelling if you can get the pre-reqs.