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View Full Version : 3.0-3.5 FIghter

2013-09-25, 12:04 PM
Ok Folks,

So one of the groups I play with uses stuff form 3.0 and 3.5. For instance rope tricks last 8 hours and you can pick between the 3.0 and 3,5 versions of bull's strengh etc.

So my character will be using a mercurial greatsword.

They also allow use of the AEG feats book which has a lot of fun/nifty/sometimes broken feats.

We also roll our stats.

Str 18
Dex 14
Con 17
Int 18
Wis 17
Cha 15


Flaw1 EWP Mercurial Greatsword
Flaw2 Combat Expertise
Human Nobleman 1st Knowledge Devotion
F1 Weapon Focus Greatsword
F2 Patience
3rd Rope a Dope
F4 Weapon Spec Greatsword
6th Warrior General
F6 Armor Penetration
F8 Weapon Mastery
9th Imp Armor Penetration
F10 Improved Critical Greatsword
F12 Elite Weapon Mastery

Nobleman: (+350 starting gold, Ride, diplomacy, and all knowledge skills as class skills.)

Patience: for every consecutive round you use combat expertise you reduce your critical threat by 1 to a max of your BAB or Int mod whichever is lower.

Rope a Dope: You can automatically miss your first attack and then add double your int bonus to your next attack against the target

Warrior General: If your intelligence is greater than your opponents you add it to your attack roll.

Armor Penetration: if opponent is in light +1 to hit medium +2 heavy +3

Weapon Mastery: Increase the die size of your weapon by 1

Improved Armor Penetration: If you crit in opponent in light or heavier armor add +1 to the crit modifier. Natural armor 10+ counts as heavy armor.

Elite Weapon Mastery: Increase the critical modifier of your weapon focus/weapon spec by +1

So basically I am trying to pump the crit multiplier and range and "tank by being someone hard to hit and someone who when they do hits like a truck.

2013-09-25, 02:37 PM
If I swap out nobleman for Power attack I can burn some of the +8 bonus from Rope a Dope into more damage. Which is what I think I will do.

2013-09-25, 02:43 PM
Well, if nothing else, you'll have to switch around "Rope a Dope" and Knowledge Devotion, as you don't qualify for it at first level.

2013-09-25, 02:48 PM
That's not a problem. Rope a dope is more useful at 1st anyways lol

2013-09-25, 03:17 PM
Rope a dope gives me a fun idea with an elven courtblade Wizard.

Str 14
Dex 20
Con 16
Int 20
Wis 11
Cha 13

Fl1 Elven Blood, Fire Elf (bloodgift feat +1 BAB)
Fl2 Weapon Familiarity
1st Power Attack
W1 Weapon Finesse
3rd combat expertise
W5 Rope a Dope (Yes its a fighter feat)
6th Superior FInesse (dex to damage instead of strength)
9th No idea.
W10 Warrior General

All the power of a wizard with a lot of fighter feats and a hefty amount of helping form dex and int instead of strength!

Now I know this isn't a God wizard but who cares this guy would be fun!