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2013-09-25, 04:13 PM
Well, here we are. The Truenamer fix, in about eight and a half thousand words.

So, how did I "Fix" the truenamer? Well, I basically gave it more, better toys to play around with. Floating islands and the legions of hell (or heaven, for that matter,) are just a little more imposing than fast healing. Oh, and I fixed the utterly stupid things about it (Ignore total concealment, infinite blindsight, make someone ethereal forever...) too. And the lexicons don't work in such a silly way. And I largely got rid of the Law of Sequence. You also only need Int, because your saves come of Int.

I'm going to fix other things, like the Recitations and the fact that half the feats no longer mesh with this, but this is what I have so far. I'd be grateful if you reviewed it, but bear a few things in mind:

You will need a copy, whether physical, virtual or mental, of the Tome of Magic to have any idea what I'm going on about.
This did take me about 8-10 hours, so I'd really appreciate it if you didn't tell me that it's a terrible fix, or I should use someone else's fix, or whatever.
This is probably full of mistakes. Bear with me.

The Worldspeaker
“The World speaks the truth to me, and I speak the World to the truth.”

Truespeak is an undervalued art. Its practitioners, the Truenamers, have little power. Little do they know that they have whole worlds tucked behind their tongues. The changes they make affect people, items, or areas, while wizards control cities and countries.

Worldspeakers, however, control worlds. Stars live and die at their command, and woe betide those foolish enough to stand against them. An accomplished Worldspeaker rips entire cities asunder with an impatient word, and turns skin and bone to dust and ash with a single syllable. Some, however, use their phenomenal power to create, rather than destroy. Such Worldspeakers are highly regarded, and are often revered as heroes or even gods by those who witness their great deeds.

The Worldspeaker
LevelBABFortRefWillSpecial 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th

1st+0+0+0+2Utterances, Known Personal Truename3————————

2nd+1+0+0+3Knowledge Focus4————————

3rd+1+1+1+3Speak Unto The Masses43———————



6th+3+2+2+5Truename Research444——————

7th+3+2+2+5Knowledge Focus5443—————

8th+4+2+2+6Bonus Recitation Feat5444—————

9th+4+3+3+6See The Named55443————

10th+5+3+3+7Knowledge Focus55544————




14th+7/+2+4+4+9Knowledge Focus5555544——

15th+7/+2+5+5+9Bonus Recitation Feat55555443—





20th+10/+5+6+6+12Say My Name and I Am There555555554

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: 1d6
Starting Age: As Wizard
Starting Gold: 4d4*10 gp (100 gp)
Class Skills:
Concentration, Craft, Perform (oratory), Knowledge (all skills, takenindividually), Truespeak, Use Magic Device.
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) × 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features of the Worldspeaker:

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Worldspeaker is proficient in simple weapons, longbows, short bows and longswords as well as light armour, but no shields.

Known Personal Truename: As a speaker of the world, you know your own personal true name, and are familiar with it. As such, you gain a +4 to all truespeak checks in addition to the normal benefits.

Utterances (Sp): You have the ability to speak utterances, powerful combinations of truenames that can alter the world around you in fundamental ways. Utterances are counted as spells for the purposes of qualifying for feats, salient divine abilities and anything else which requires spellcasting as a prerequisite. Utterances exist in four lexicons: The Lexicon of the Evolving Mind, the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool, the Lexicon of the Perfected Map, and the Lexicon of the World Asunder. You begin play knowing three utterances of the 1st level. You gain access to higher levels of utterances at the levels indicated on the table above. When you gain access to higher-level utterances, you can choose an utterance from that level or from a lower level, if you wish.

When you gain utterances of the fourth level, the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool, the Lexicon of the Perfected Map and the Lexicon of the World Asunder become available to you. Choosing an utterance from a different Lexicon is no different from choosing a spell from a different school - you just do it.

Each utterance represents hundreds of truenames in your repertoire. When you gain the word of bolstering, for example, you say thanthan'ku'ul-hrasechni when you're delivering it on your elf ranger ally and yanu-shankrini'qalaasha when you're delivering it on your gnome rogue friend.

The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against your utterances is 10 + 1/2 your Worldspeaker level + your Int modifier.

Speak unto the Masses (Su): At 3rd level, you have the ability to affect a number of creatures of the same creature type with a single, powerful utterance. You can only affect creatures of the same type (humanoids, giants, or dragons, for example) with a single use of this ability, although you could use it against a different group of a different creature type each round. No two of the creatures you wish to affect with your utterance can be more than short range (25+5/2 levels feet) apart, and the base DC for your Truespeak check is equal to the most powerful (highest CR or most Hit Dice, if you are affecting PCs) creature in the group. For each creature you wish to affect with the utterance beyond the first, the DC of your Truespeak check increases by 2.
The Law of Resistance applies to utterances altered with speak unto the masses. As a result, additional uses of an utterance modified with speak unto the masses might be more difficult, even if you then want to use the utterance on a single creature later in the day.

Knowledge Focus (Ex): As a Worldspeaker, you spend a great deal of time studying the world around you in an effort to learn new truenames. At the levels indicated on Table: The Worldspeaker, you gain a permanent +3 bonus on a Knowledge skill of your choice. Each time you gain this ability, you can apply it to a different Knowledge skill, or to the same Knowledge skill, if you want to focus on a particular area of expertise.

Truename Research: At 6th level, you gain Truename Research as a bonus feat. See the feats section for details.

Bonus Recitation Feat: By repeating your own personal truename over and over with a particular inflection, you can achieve various healing effects starting at 8th level. Choose one recitation feat from those given in the feats section. You must still meet the prerequisites for the bonus feat to take it.
At 15th level, you gain a second bonus recitation feat.

See the Named (Su): Beginning at 9th level, you have the ability to see a creature from afar whose personal truename you know. This ability works as the scrying spell, but does not require a mirror or pool of water to function. Instead, you must make a Truespeak check for the creature as normal. If your check is successful, the creature does not get a save to resist the ability, but you can view the subject for only 1 round. You can use this ability exactly as though it were a fifth-level utterance of the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind, though obviously you do not need to see the target to use it.

Sending (Su): Beginning at 13th level, you can speak to creatures whose personal truenames you know from a great distance. You must make a successful Truespeak check to use this ability, as though it were a fifth-level utterance from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind save that you do not need to see the subject.. If successful, you can send a message to the subject as a sending spell (caster level equal to your Worldspeaker level).

Say My Name and I Am There (Su): At 20th level, you develop a truename—not your personal truename, but a sort of true nickname—that is invested with cosmic power such that others who speak it can conjure you forth. Whenever someone successfully says this truename, you can appear at that creature's location as if taken there by a word of recall spell. You know who is saying your truename, and you can choose not to be transported if you wish. The nickname is often one or two syllables taken from your personal truename. A creature speaking your true nickname need not make a Truespeak check to do so.

You may not say your own name to activate this ability.

Most Worldspeakers with this ability teach the truename to their friends and allies so they can be called when needed.


To speak an utterance, you must speak in a clear voice as loud as a spellcaster. Each utterance is a spell-like ability that requires a successful Truespeak check. But becausethe language of truenames requires such precision of pronunciation and timing, an utterance takes a standard action to perform and provokes attacks of opportunity from threatening enemies. Utterances are spell-like abilities with verbal components(unlike other spell-like abilities, which have no components)that require a successful Truespeak check; the DC for the check depends on which lexicon you are uttering from. Your effective caster level for your utterances is equal to your Worldspeaker level.


If you’re worried about attacks of opportunity, you can “utter defensively” by accepting a –5 penalty on your Truespeak check for each foe who could hit you. In exchange, the utterance no longer provokes attacks of opportunity.


Spell resistance applies to your utterances, so you must succeed on a caster level check to overcome the spell resistance of creatures you speak utterances on. Because your utterances are spell-like abilities, the Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration feats make those caster level checks easier, just as they do for spellcasters. When you deliver an utterance, it has an effective caster level equal to your Worldspeaker level. In addition, when speaking an utterance, you can voluntarily increase the DC of a Truespeak check by 5 to automatically overcome a target’s spell resistance.


Creatures with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher have personal truenames, which you can discover through research(described in Truename Research). Personal truenames are more complex than more general truenames, but knowing one gives you an advantage when facing that creature. If you know a creature’s personal truename, the save DC of your utterances used against that creature increase by 2, and you gain a +2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome that creature’s spell resistance with your utterances. Speaking a personal truename is more difficult, however, and the DC of a Truespeak check that incorporates a personal truename increases by 2. All Worldspeakers learn their own personal truenames as part of their education. You have an instinctive understanding of your own personal truename and a sense of how it should be pronounced. But it’s not automatic, even for you. You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Truespeak checks to affect yourself with truename magic, and do not take a penalty for attempting to speak a personal truename.


When you deliver an utterance, you’re dealing with the cosmos itself and reshaping reality. If a target changes its creature type with a spell such as polymorph, its personal truename doesn’t change, although the truename you would use in a less specific utterance might. Shapechange, wild shape, disguise, resurrection, reincarnation —none of these change a personal truename. Only the ritual of renaming (describedin the Truename Spells section of the Tome of Magic) can change a personal truename.


With the exception of utterances that use the Lexicon of the Perfected Map and the Lexicon of the World Asunder, all utterances target a single creature or object. Because the language of truenames is both exacting and specific, the same truename doesn't necessarily apply to all four orcs charging at you. You must be able to see your target (or at least perceive it in some other way that gets you as much information as sight). However, your target doesn't need to hear the truename. You aren't speaking to the target, after all. You’re using truenames to speak to the cosmos about the target.

For utterances that use the Lexicon of the Perfected Map, you must be able to see the centre of the area you’re truenaming. You can’t truename a dungeon chamber that’s on the other side of a closed door, but you can truename the room once you open the door, even if you can’t see the entire room from the outside.
The Lexicon of the World Asunder requires that you be able to see at least part of the target - if the target is a particular star, you must be able to see it. If the target is a moon, it is entirely possible to utter at it even if there is a large tree blocking the majority of it.


Because no creature needs to hear you speak the truename, a silence spell won’t automatically stop your utterances. It is more difficult to speak a truename properly when you don’t have the feedback of hearing your own voice. You take a -5 penalty on your Truespeak check when you deliver it from within the area of a silence spell.


Unless otherwise specified, utterances work at a range of 60 feet, unless they are from the Lexicon of the World Asunder, in which case they have unlimited range.


Utterances have short durations. Your use of truenames reorders the universe as you direct, to be sure, but the universe quickly re-establishes some semblance of the status quo. When you deliver an utterance, you’re remaking reality itself. Whether the “default reality” returns quickly or slowly, it does so at its own pace. Once you’ve delivered an utterance, it will run its full course; utterances aren’t dismissible.


The effective level of an utterance is equal to its utterance level for the purpose of Concentration checks, as well as interactions with other spells and abilities, such as globe of invulnerability. However, you can increase the effective spell level of an utterance, to a maximum of level 9, by increasing the DC of your Truespeak check. For every spell level you increase the utterance by, increase the DC of your Truespeak check by 4.


Any utterance may be reversed, not just those from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind. This essentially grants you a second utterance for all purposes except that of the Law of Resistance.


All utterances obey a single important universal law that governs Truespeak. In fact, this law—the Law of Resistance—is so pervasive that even uses of Truespeak not involved in speaking utterances must frequently obey it. Many Truespeak-based abilities, especially some prestige class abilities, follow the strictures of this law.


The first time you speak a particular utterance, you calculate the DC as described in the relevant Lexicon. However, the universe tends to resist being manipulated with Truespeak repeatedly in a short period of time, so each time you successfully speak the same utterance in a day, the DC of your Truespeak check for that utterance increases by 2. If you fail a Truespeak check, however, the DC does not increase on your next attempt of that utterance.


The Law of Sequence usually does not apply to the Worldspeaker - you have evolved above such nonsense, and can alter as many people, places and objects as you deem necessary. The exception, however, is the Word of Rising - such power does it require that it is simply unquestionable that he universe should for one moment consider a single individual from creating more than one simultaneously.


Utterance effects with ongoing durations can be dispelled normally using dispel magic. They can also be countered by counterspeaking, which works similarly to countering a spell.


To counterspeak an utterance, you must select an opponent as the target of the counterspeaking and ready an action to counterspeak. When your opponent begins to speak an utterance, you can attempt a Truespeak check (DC equal to the DC of the utterance being spoken) to identify it. If you also know the utterance, you can then attempt a second Truespeak check in an effort to counter the utterance. If your check result is higher than your opponent’s, you negate the utterance with no other results.


To dispel an ongoing utterance, you must successfully speak the same utterance on the same target as the original utterance. If your Truespeak check result is higher than the original truenamer’s check result, the utterance is dispelled as if its duration had expired. In cases where the Truespeak check for the original utterance is unknown, assume that it’s 11 + the truenamer’s Truespeak bonus.

You may not dispel your own utterance.

2013-09-25, 04:15 PM

Utterances from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind form the bulk of a Worldspeaker’s knowledge. These potent phrases in the language of Truespeak enable you to persuade the universe to change with respect to a single creature. Without exception, each of these utterances shares the following characteristics. These utterances can target only a single creature, unless you are of high enough level to have the Worldspeaker’s Speak Unto the Masses class feature.

The Truespeak DC for the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind is 10 + The base Utterance level + the HD of the target.


Defensive Edge:
Grant ally +1 AC, or an enemy –1 AC.
Inertia Surge:
Grant creature freedom from restricting effects, or root an enemy to the ground and prevent it from moving.
Knight’s Puissance:
Ally gains +2 on attack rolls, or enemy gains –2 on attack rolls.
Universal Aptitude:
Subject gains +5 on skill checks for 5 rounds, or enemy gains –5 on skill checks for 5 rounds.
Word of Nurturing, Minor:
Give ally fast healing 1, or deal 1d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.


Archer’s Eye:
Give ally ability to ignore concealment with ranged attacks, or protect ally from projectiles.
Hidden Truth:
Grant creature +10 bonus on a Knowledge check, or a +10 bonus on a Bluff check.
Perceive the Unseen:
Give creature the benefit of the Blind-Fight feat, or grant a creature concealment.
Silent Caster:
Ally gains benefit of Silent Spell feat, or creature is silenced.
Speed of the Zephyr:
Subject’s speed increases by 20 feet and he can run up walls, or reduce foe’s speed by 10 feet.
Strike of Might:
Target’s next weapon damage roll deals+10 damage, or target’s next weapon damage roll deals –5 damage (minimum 0).
Temporal Twist:
Ally gains one move action, or enemy is dazed for 1 round.
Word of Nurturing, Lesser:
Give ally fast healing 3, or deal 2d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.


Accelerated Attack:
Give an ally Spring Attack feat, or allow ally to move while casting a spell.
Energy Negation:
Grant an ally resistance 10 to one energy type, or deal energy damage to a foe.
Incarnation of Angels:
Creature gains the celestial template, or creature gains the fiendish template.
Seek the Sky:
Give creature ability to fly, or force a flying creature gradually to the ground.
Speed of the Zephyr, Greater:
Give ally benefit of haste spell, or enemy suffers from the effect of a slow spell.
Temporal Spiral:
Target gains one extra move or attack action, or enemy is dazed for 3 rounds.
Vision Sharpened:
Subject gains benefit of see invisibility, or subject becomes invisible.
Word of Nurturing, Moderate:
Give ally fast healing 5, or deal 4d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.


Breath of Cleansing:
Allow ally second save against ongoing effect, or nauseate an enemy.
Caster Lens:
Increase ally’s caster level by 2, or reduce enemy’s caster level by 2.
Confounding Resistance:
Grant ally ability to avoid partially harmful effects, or remove evasion from an enemy.
Magic Contraction:
Ally gains spell resistance, or grant a creature benefit of Empower Spell feat.
Morale Boost:
Remove fear from a creature, or frighten an enemy.
Word of Bolstering:
Cure 1d6 points of ability damage or drain to one ability score, or cause –1d6 penalty to one enemy’s Str, Dex, or Con.
Word of Nurturing, Potent:
Give ally fast healing 10, or deal 6d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.


Eldritch Attraction:
Move a creature 40 feet closer to you, or 40 feet farther away from you.
Energy Negation, Greater:
Ally gains immunity to one energy type, or give ally an energy shield that damages attackers.
Essence of Lifespark:
Remove one negative level from creature, or one enemy gains one negative level.
Preternatural Clarity:
Give an ally a +5 floating bonus for attacks, saves, or checks, or make an enemy confused.
Seek the Sky, Greater:
Give creature fly speed of 120 feet (perfect), or cause a flying creature to fall and take damage.
Sensory Focus:
Creature gains blindsight, or creature is blinded and deafened.
Ward of Peace:
Ally cannot be attacked, or temporarily banish target to extradimensional pocket.
Word of Nurturing, Critical:
Give ally fast healing 15, or deal 8d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.


Breath of Recovery:
Remove conditions from an ally, or paralyze an enemy.
Ether Reforged:
Creature gains the benefit of defences against incorporeal foes and can affect them normally, or creature can become ethereal.
Knight’s Puissance, Greater:
Ally gains +5 on attack and damage rolls, or enemy gains –5 on attack and damage rolls.
Mystic Rampart:
Ally gains DR 5/— and +5 on saves, or enemy incurs –5 AC and saves.
Singular Mind:
Free subject from enchantments, curses and possession, or dominate one creature.
Word of Nurturing, Greater:
Give ally fast healing 20, or deal 10d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.


Word of Nurturing, Super:
Give ally fast healing 25, or deal 12d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.
Eldritch Attraction, Super:
Move a creature 80 feet closer to you, or 80 feet farther away from you.
Word of Bolstering, Super:
Cure 2d6 points of ability damage or drain to one or two ability scores, or cause –2d6 penalty to one or two of an enemy’s Str, Dex, or Con.


Word of Nurturing, Superior:
Give ally fast healing 30, or deal 15d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.
Seek the sky, Superior:
Give creature fly speed of 240 feet (perfect), or cause a flying creature to fall instantly and take damage.
Knight’s Puissance, Superior:
Ally gains +10 on attack and damage rolls, or enemy gains –10 on attack and damage rolls.


Word of Nurturing, Superlative:
Give ally fast healing 40, or deal 20d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.
Energy Negation, Superlative:
Ally gains immunity to three energy types, or give ally an energy shield that damages attackers.
Word of Bolstering, Superlative:
Cure 3d6 points of ability damage or drain to one, two or three ability scores, or cause –3d6 penalty to one, two or three of an enemy’s Str, Dex, or Con.
Essence of Lifespark, Superlative:
Remove two negative levels from creature, or one enemy gains two negative levels.

Archer's eye:
Change “Penalties for concealment” to “Penalties for any less than total concealment.”

Ether Reforged:
The Duration should read “5 Rounds”

Hidden Truth:
The duration should read “Instantaneous.” Hidden Truth does not stack with itself.

Incarnation of Angels:
Attempting to banish a target affected by Incarnation of Angels has whatever effect it would have were it not for the spell.

Seek the Sky, Greater:
The Duration should read “5 rounds.” The target of the reversed version cannot fly for the duration.

Sensory Focus:
The Blindsight granted by the spell works to a range of 60 feet.

Spell Rebirth:
This utterance belongs to the Lexicon of the World Asunder instead of the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind. It targets a single spell, not a creature.

Temporal Twist, Temporal Spiral:
Temporal Twist grants a Move action and Temporal Spiral grants either a single attack or a move action.

Universal Aptitude:
Change “For 5 rounds,” to “For the Duration of the Utterance.”

Word of Nurturing, All:
Change “A creature” to “The target.”

New Utterances:
Word of Nurturing, All/Knight’s Puissance, Superior/Essence of Lifespark, Superlative/Eldrich Attraction, Super:
As Greater Word of Nurturing/Greater Knight’s Puissance/Essence of Lifespark/Eldrich Attraction respectively, with the altered values given in the shorthand spell description.

Energy Negation, Superlative
Reverse: You grant an ally an energy shield which acts as the energy shield from Energy Negation, except that it does 20 damage of each of three different damage types.

Seek the Sky, Superior
As Greater Seek the Sky, only the normal version of the spell grants a 240 foot fly speed, and the reversed version forces the foe to the ground before they have a chance to react. They hit the ground instantly, even if they are over 500 feet from the ground. They may not make checks to reduce the damage, nor cast Feather Fall or similar - they take the full damage from the fall (although DR and similar are still effective), and fall the full distance. Anyone or anything they fall onto is struck, but may take a reflex save for half damage.
The target, whether flying or not, immediately falls prone in their own square, and cannot stand up or fly for the duration of the spell. If they are underwater, they are dragged to the bottom and held there for the duration.

Word of Bolstering, Super:
As Word of Bolstering, only after rolling the first die, you may choose the same or another ability score, roll another die and apply its effects.

Word of Bolstering, Superlative:
As Super Word of Bolstering, but you may roll a third die.

2013-09-25, 04:17 PM

Beginning at 4th utterance level, you may learn your first utterance within the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool. All the utterances in this lexicon target objects—often the weapons and armour that you, your allies, or your enemies use. Spell resistance applies to these utterances, as it does normally to spell-like abilities. Also as normal, attended objects gain the benefit of their wielder’s spell resistance, if any.
If you target an item wielded or carried by a creature with spell resistance, the item gains the benefit of that ability. However, any item targeted by one of these utterances—wielded or not—does not get to save to avoid the effects.
The Utterance DC for the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool is 10 + Base Utterance Level + Item’s Caster level (if any)


Fortify Armour:
Make a creature’s armour able to negate critical hits and sneak attacks, or make it more susceptible to them.
Keen Weapon:
Improve or reduce the threat range of a weapon.


Agitate Metal:
Cause a creature’s metal equipment to radiate painful heat or cold.
Analyze Item:
Discern or obscure the properties of a magic item.


Rebuild Item:
Restore an item destroyed within the last round to perfect form and functionality, including any magic properties it had, or destroy an item.
Suppress Weapon:
Suppress the energy property of a weapon, or increase it.


Suppress Item:
Suppress the properties of a magic item, or increase them.
Transmute Weapon:
Change a weapon or armour’s special material.


Metamagic Catalyst:
Give a potion or scroll the benefit of a metamagic feat, or reduce its effect.
Seize Item:
Bring an object within range instantly to your hand, or force it away from you at perilous speed.
Weapon of Eternity:
Weapon is always or never loaded and ready to fire.


Word of Disjunction:
Acts as Mage’s Disjunction, or returns magical properties and stops items losing them.

Amend level as above.

Agitate Metal:
The use of Chill Metal functions as the reverse variant of the Utterance.

Analyse item:
The duration should read “Normal: Instantaneous, Reverse: 5 minutes.”
Reverse: The touched object and its wearer gain a +10 bonus to saves against divination spells.

Fortify armour:
Reverse: You expose weaknesses in a suit of armour. Sneak attacks deal one and a half times as much precision damage as normal, while critical hits are multiplied by 1.5 as well as the normal critical modifier.

Keen weapon:
Reverse: You reduce the threat range of a weapon by one. Weapons with a base threat range of 20 can no longer make a critical threat, though coups de grace and similar are unaffected.

Metamagic Catalyst:
The range should read “Normal: touch, Reverse: 30 ft” and the Duration should read “Normal: 1 round, Reverse: 5 rounds.”
Reverse: The target potion or scroll instead receives the reversed effect of the chosen metamagic - you may halve all variable numeric components of the spell, reduce the effective level by up to 2 (to a minimum of 0), halve the range or halve the area of effect. You may also minimise the spell, but doing so increases the truespeak DC by 10.

Rebuild Item:
The normal version of the utterance is ineffective on items whose effects are activated by breaking them.
Reverse: You destroy the touched item. You cannot, however, destroy an artefact in this manner.

Seize Item:
Reverse: You throw the item, or force it back, at threatening speed. The item is thrown up to 60 feet in any direction if you hold it, or directly away from you if you do not. As with the normal version of the spell, you must disarm the wielder if they are not you.
Any person in the path of the flying object, including its ex-holder, may be hit on a ranged touch attack, using your intelligence in place of your dexterity, but you . Anyone struck by the item takes damage as though it had fallen the distance it flew to reach them, plus damage as though you had struck them with it, using your intelligence in place of your strength.
The item then continues on its way, and finally comes to rest. If it ends its journey in midair, in water, etcetera, it falls as normal - for it, the utterance is over. If the item hits an impassable solid object, it deals damage as it would to anyone else, but also takes damage as though it had fallen twice the distance it has travelled.

Suppress item:
Reverse: The item’s properties are doubled for the duration of the utterance: an enhancement bonus grants twice the bonus to attack and damage rolls; extra damage is doubled; Keen weapons have triple the threat range instead of double, and so forth. For properties where this makes no sense (such as vorpal) the utterance is ineffective.

Suppress weapon:
Reverse: The reverse utterance works exactly as the normal version, save that the effect is instead doubled.

Transmute weapon:
Target should read “Normal: One weapon, Reverse: One piece of armour or shield”
Whenever a weapon (or armour, see reverse) returns to its normal form, any direct effects of that special material end - for example, a Thinaun weapon would release the soul within it once the duration expired, but until it did so, the soul within it would remain trapped and foil any attempt to resurrect its owner. However, damage and non-magical fire, for example, caused by special material would remain.
A shield or piece of armour targeted with this utterance can be changed into a special material (DMG 283) of your choice. You can make it, adamantine, mithral, or whatever other special material you wish. The item is treated as if made of that substance, and its hardness, hit points, and the damage it deals through spikes and shield bashes might be affected depending on your choice.

New utterances:

Weapon of Eternity:
Level: 8
Range: 30 feet
Target: Normal: One ranged weapon or siege engine requiring ammunition, which was loaded at some point in the last round. Reverse: One ranged weapon or siege engine.
Duration: 5 rounds
Normal: Calling upon the universe to return the target weapon to its loaded state whenever it is not so, you cause a weapon to be constantly loaded and ready to fire. You choose a type of ammunition that was in the weapon in the last round, and the weapon is always loaded with it and ready to fire. If a piece of ammunition is fired, a new one appears in its place and the old one is invariably broken by the impact. If the ammunition is removed or ruined, it automatically returns to its old location and condition, leaving the thief or saboteur empty-handed. At the end of the duration, the weapon is still loaded.
Reverse: You bring about a change in the target weapon whereby it always returns to its unloaded state no matter how hard anyone tries to load it. The weapon expels arrows or bolts, powder and shot, undamaged in its own square (or as close as possible to the central rear square if it occupies more than one), usually to the quiver, barrel or box in which they were held. Any preparation towards firing the weapon is inevitably wasted, and not even a bow can be loaded properly.

Word of Disjunction:
Level: 9
Range: 30 ft
Target: All magic items in range
Duration: 5 rounds
The DC to utter Word of Disjunction uses the highest CL among all the items it affects.
Normal: Word of Disjunction acts exactly as Mage’s Disjunction except as stated above.
Reverse: Word of Disjunction returns the magic properties of unbroken items which have had them suppressed or used up, and prevents them from losing them, for the duration of the utterance.

2013-09-25, 04:18 PM

Utterances from the Lexicon of the Perfected Map allow you to reshape the landscape that surrounds you, making it deadly to your enemies or otherwise advantageous to you. Unless stated otherwise, all the utterances from this lexicon affect a 20-foot-radius spread area and have a range of 100 feet.
An utterance from the Lexicon of the Perfected Map has a DC of (10 + 3*Utterance level).


Fog from the Void:
Create a cloud of fog that obscures sight and might make movement difficult, or clear mists obscuring vision.
Shield of the Landscape:
Alter the land to temporarily negate or provide cover.
A violent pulse of energy knocks creatures from their feet, or jolts them back to a standing position.


Circle of Regeneration:
Create Circle of Positive or Negative Energy.
Circle of Defence:
Increase saves of those in an area.


Energy Vortex:
Fill the area with energy that damages your foes, or make it provide allies with resistance.
Speak Rock to Mud:
Turn solid rock into cloying mud, or vice versa.
Transform the Landscape:
Add or remove difficult terrain in the area.


Lore of the World:
The world gives you information you request, or makes an area impossible to perform knowledge checks in.
Master of the Four Winds:
Bend the winds to your will, or halt them entirely.
Thwart the Traveller:
Prevent extra-dimensional travel in the area, or force creatures into another plane.


Energy Vortex, Superior:
Fill an area with energy which deals more damage to your foes, or make it provide allies with more resistance.
Circle of Regeneration, Superior:
Create powerful circle of Positive or Negative Energy.
Planar Circle:
Replicate or suppress Planar effect in an area.
Abyssal hole:
Create temporary Portable Hole or replicate the effects of placing one within a Bag of Holding.


Anger the Sleeping Earth:
Shake the earth, as the earthquake spell, or stabilise the area.
Conjunctive Gate:
Create a portal between two planes, or close Gates.
Deny Passage:
Prevent creatures from entering or leaving an area, or force them into or out of it.


Amend level as above.

Anger the Sleeping Earth:
The duration should read “Normal: 1 round, Reverse: 5 rounds”.
Reverse: You stabilise the target area, causing it to become open ground and leaving those within utterly unperturbed by anything from violent weather to underfoot lava. Even Control Weather and Earthquake have no place in this area, as it diverts them utterly.

Conjunctive Gate:
The duration should read “Normal: 1 Minute, Reverse: instantaneous or one minute”
Reverse: You close one Gate or other method of long-distance magical transportation (such as a Teleportation Circle or another Conjunctive Gate). If it is permanent (for reasons of a Permanency spell, for example) it reappears after one minute.

Deny Passage:
The duration should read “Normal: 1 Minute, Reverse: Instantaneous”
Reverse: You either force creatures towards or away from the centre of the utterance. If you choose away, all creatures in the area move in a straight line directly away from the centre until they reach the boundary of the utterance. If you choose towards, all creatures in the area are dragged towards the centre, landing five feet from it, unless they were closer than that already.
Either way, any creature impeded on its journey takes and inflicts damage as though it had fallen twice the distance it has moved, and moves past the obstruction if it is possible to move through its square. If not, the creature is pressed flat against the obstruction - tantamount to falling prone if they are against the floor.
Then, the utterance fades and creatures fall as normal.

Energy Vortex:
Reverse: You fill the area with a shield against a particular type of energy - acid, cold, electricity or fire. All creatures in the area have resistance 10 to that type of energy.

Fog from the Void:
The duration should read “Normal: 1 minute, Reverse: 1 Round”
Reverse: You call forth a strong wind in the area. By adding 10 to the DC, you may instead cause a severe wind in the area.

Lore of the World:
The area is only for the normal version. The reversed version affects the usual area.
Reverse: You shield knowledge from those in the area, and shield those in the area from knowledge. All knowledge checks made by or about anyone or anything in the area fail for the duration.

Master The Four Winds:
Reverse: You halt all wind within one mile of your own location for the duration. The area moves with you.

Shield of the Landscape:
The effect which removes cover is treated as the reverse effect.

Duration should read “instantaneous”.
Save should read “Normal: Fortitude negates, Reverse: none.”
Reverse: You conjure a more directional shockwave that pushes creatures straight up. Any creature in the area who is prone may get up. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity, as their foes are too busy being several feet in the air.

Speak Rock to Mud:
Reverse: You change the fundamental nature of thick mud in the affected area, turning it into solid stone. This utterance functions as a transmute mud to rock spell with a caster level equal to your truenamer level, except as noted here.

Thwart the Traveller:
Reverse: Will negates. You force all occupants of the area into a plane of your choice, where they remain for the duration. Once the duration expires, they return to their original location, or as close as possible, even if they are dead. If they are unable to undergo planar travel when the duration expires, they remain in the plane to which they were sent.

Transform the Landscape:
Removing terrain now functions as the reverse effect of the utterance.

New Utterances:

Abyssal Hole:
Level: 8
Duration: Normal: 1 minute/permanent, Reverse: Instantaneous
Normal: You create a Portable Hole on a surface. It lasts for one minute, and cannot be damaged or picked up. If it is dispelled or its duration expires, it retains all its contents for the next casting.
Reverse: The utterance replicates the effects of placing a Portable Hole within a Bag of Holding. If there is a Bag of Holding within range, this may be the Bag of Holding in question, otherwise both are hypothetical as they would be destroyed anyway.

Circle of Defence:
Level: 5
Duration: 1 minute
Normal: You create a protective circle, increasing all saves of the occupants by 5 for the duration.
Reverse: You curse an area, decreasing all saves of those inside by 5 for the duration.

Circle of Regeneration:
Level: 5
Duration: 1 minute
Normal: You create a circle of Positive Energy, dealing 10 positive energy damage (healing) to all creatures in the area, and 5 more per round.
Reverse: You instead create a circle of Negative Energy which deals 10 negative energy damage to all creatures in the area, and 5 more each round.

Circle of regeneration, Superior:
Level: 8
As Circle of Regeneration, only the damage is doubled in all cases.

Energy Vortex, Superior:
Level: 8
As energy vortex, only the effects are doubled.

Planar Circle:
Duration: 1 minute
Normal: Choose a plane of existence. The planar effects of that plane are replicated in the target area - for example the plane’s alignment, gravity effects or the healing effect of the Plane of Positive Energy - while any remaining effects are provided by the plane on which you are.
Reverse: The Planar effects of the plane which the area is in are revoked, and replaced with those of the Material Plane, within the area. If you are on the Ethereal plane, occupants of the target area can still see the material plane as normal.

2013-09-25, 04:19 PM

The Lexcion of the World Asunder is the most powerful of the lexicons. Unless stated otherwise, all utterances from the Lexicon of the World Asunder have an infinite range. The target and the area of effect are usually one and the same, and in other cases it is given in the description.
When not given in the description, the utterances of the Lexicon of the World Asunder have the following DCs:
Affects a creature: As Lexicon of the Evolving Mind
Affects an item or spell: As Lexicon of the Crafted Tool
Affects an area or similar: As Lexicon of the Perfected Map


Move you to someone or something you can see, or vice versa.
Spell Rebirth:
Restore a dispelled or dismissed spell, or dispel one spell.

Rend the World:

Create a massive fissure, or fix a natural hazard.


Word of the Planes:
Send a creature to another plane, or force creatures onto this one.
Voice of Command:
Take control of the target, or free it from magical control.
Second Word:
Set an utterance to start under certain conditions, or cast an utterance which will end under certain conditions.


Word of Unrelenting Force:
You shout so hard that all nearby creatures are thrown back, or throw yourself forwards out of harm’s way.


Word of Rising:
Create a floating island, or sink one into the sea.
Walk between Worlds:
You can travel between planes at will, or prevent a target from travelling between planes.


Gate of Worlds:
Create a massive gate which can fit cities in, or summon an army of weak extraplanar creatures.

Spell Rebirth:
This utterance belongs to the Lexicon of the World Asunder instead of the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind. It targets a single spell, not a creature.

New Utterances:

Gate of Worlds:
Level: 9
Target: Area visible of up to 50 mile radius
Duration: concentration up to 2 rounds.
Normal: You create a Gate, as the spell, only large enough that it can potentially fit a city through it. You cannot, however, use the gate for summoning purposes. If the Gate of Worlds would close while it is blocked by a substantial object (at least colossal) it stays open for up to one more round. If it does close while something is part way through, they are cut in two as one might expect.
Reverse: You create a large gate which pours legions of relatively weak creatures through it. The gate produces either 2d6 CR 8 creatures 3d6 CR 7 creatures, 5d6 CR 6 creatures, 7d6 CR 5 creatures, 10d6 CR 4 creatures, 13d6 CR 3 creatures, 16d6 CR 2 creatures or 20d6 CR 1 creatures each round, determined by the caster. You must determine which creatures you are summoning when you use the utterance, but they can be different creatures - even creatures of different CR - each round, though it must be possible to find them on the same plane. This version of the utterance cannot otherwise be used for planar travel.

Level: 4
Target: Normal: Location visible, Reverse: Creature or object visible weighing no more than 250 lbs.
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Normal: None, Reverse: Will partial
Normal: You teleport to the target location with perfect accuracy.
Reverse: The target goes to a location of your choosing within 10 feet of you. If the target is an object that will fit in your hand, you may cause it to go there and may use it normally. While you choose where the target ends up, you cannot place them in a solid object.
A target who passes their will save is instead teleported five feet towards you, unless that would cause them to end up in a solid object, in which case they are unaffected.

Rend The World:
Level: 5
Target: Normal: A line no longer than 60 feet, at least half of which you can see, on the ground or floor, Reverse: A natural hazard eg. a volcano or a normal Rend the World.
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: See text.
Normal: You attempt to cause a 5 foot wide fissure up to 100 foot deep along the line. In a building or similar, the utterance does 100d6 damage to the floor, and if the floor survives no fissure is created. The fissure will break through anything in or attached to the floor, and anyone atop the fissure must take a Reflex save or fall into the fissure - success allows them to leap to an adjacent square.
Reverse: You remove the danger posed by the natural hazard, by closing or otherwise deactivating it.

Second Word:
Level: 6
Target: 1 Utterance you can cast, see text.
Duration: One day, or until discharged.
General: Second Word’s truespeak DC is the same as the DC to utter the target utterance +10.
Normal: Second word acts in a similar manner to Contingency, save that it allows you to set a single utterance of a level up to a third of your Worldspeaker level to be activated under a certain condition, and not necessarily upon yourself.
Reverse: You use another Utterance, of any level you know, at the same time as Second Word. This comes into effect immediately, but under certain conditions will end.

Voice of Command:
Level: 6
Target: Creature or intelligent magic item you can see.
Duration: Normal: Six hours, Reverse: Instantaneous
Save: Will negates
Normal: The target creature obeys you utterly until the duration expires. If not commanded, it will attempt to protect both you and itself to the best of its ability, prioritising the former.
Reverse: The creature is freed from any effect preventing it from acting of its own free will, except for Gate, Geas/Quest, Limited Wish, Miracle, and Wish. If the caster can see the target, he is entitled to a will save, otherwise there is no save.
You may voluntarily increase the truespeak DC by 20 to affect Geas/Quest or Limited Wish, or by 30 to affect Gate, Miracle or Wish.

Walk Between Worlds:
Level: 8
Target: Normal: You, Reverse: Creature visible
Duration: Normal: 1 minute, Reverse: 1 hour
Save: Normal: None Reverse: Will negates
Normal: While the utterance is in effect, you may enter another plane of existence once per round during your movement. This is inaccurate at best; you invariably end up in a random habitable location on the plane.
Reverse: If the target fails their save, they cannot travel between planes by any means - if they walk through a Gate, they will literally walk directly to the other side of the gate unless it leads to the same plane.

Word of Rising:
CAUTION: While it lacks many practical applications, Word of Rising is easily the most powerful utterance available to a Worldspeaker, and more easily still the most complex. DMs should be wary of allowing a Worldspeaker to wield such power.
Level: 8
Target: Island (or similar object) of no more than 500 square miles visible.
Duration: Forever
General: The truespeak DC is as normal plus the highest HD of all creatures on the island, if any, apart from yourself. You may make the effect take half as long by increasing the DC by 20. You may thus quarter the time by increasing the DC by 40.
The law of Sequence applies solely to this utterance, forbidding you from using it while you have another Word of Rising active.
Normal: The target island begins to rise slowly into the air. This is a lengthy process, comprised of three stages.
The first stage lasts one day per square mile of the island - if the island is a fraction of a square mile, it rises faster proportionally. The entire island begins to lift itself out of the water. Every 3d6 minutes, everyone on the island must make a fortitude save or fall prone and take 1d4 nonlethal damage (the roll is made after the previous time this occurs). The entire island only rises about 50 feet from its original position during this time, but there is often a noticeable change in sea level.
The second stage takes 1 hour per square mile of the island. The entire island floats into the air, until it is about 600 feet above sea level at its lowest point. During this time, it is relatively stable.
The third stage lasts forever, and the island now floats proudly above its original location.
If the spell is dispelled, the island falls and falling damage is distributed as normal, much to the chagrin of those beneath it. If dispelled in the second or third stage, the island also creates a massive tidal wave which is 1 metre tall for each square mile of the island and travels the same distance as the island fell, the exact implications of which are left to the DM. Otherwise, the island lands with an ineffectual splash.
Reverse: The island is pushed underwater. This likewise comprises three stages.
The first stage lasts 1 day per square mile of the island - islands smaller than 1 square mile take proportionately less time - during which the island starts to submerge. It takes the entire time before the majority of the top surface is about 5 feet below the water, but after three quarters of the time the island is mainly below sea level. In any case, as it sinks beneath the waves the entire island acts as though subjected to the Earthquake spell every 3d6 minutes.
The second phase lasts 1 week per square mile of the island. The island drops down until it hits a solid object. Every 3d6 rounds, the entire island acts as though subjected to the Earthquake spell.
The third phase lasts forever, as the island lies at peace at the bottom of the world.
If the spell is dispelled in the first phase, the island invariably rises to the surface in the same time for which the spell was active, but to a maximum of only five minutes. If it is dispelled during the second or third, it rises as it fell only at sevenfold speed. It is not the subject of any more earthquakes. It then rises dramatically from the depths over five minutes. When the island rises, boats have a tendency to be unharmed if they can support themselves on dry land (i.e. are flat-bottomed) but otherwise the hull is usually ruined, or the ship topples over.

Word of the Planes:
Level: 6
Target: Creature visible
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Will Negates (Harmless)
Normal: The target creature travels to a plane of your choice as per the Plane Shift spell. If you Speak Unto the Masses, all creatures who fail or eschew their will saves arrive in the same position relative to one another in which they currently are.
Reverse: A target on a different plane is dragged onto this one, generally between the Ethereal and Material planes. The target takes a -5 penalty on the will save due to their proximity.

Word of Unrelenting Force:
Level: 7
Target: Normal: 20 foot cone, Reverse: Location visible.
Cast time: Normal: Standard action, Reverse: Immediate action.
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: See text.
Normal: You shout so loudly that the force of your voice sends creatures flying back. Creatures in the area take 3d6 sonic damage, and, unless prone, must take a fortitude save or be hurled backwards. Creatures gain a +2 bonus to the fortitude save for each size category they are above medium, and a -2 penalty for each size category below. They pass automatically if they are further than 10 feet back.
Creatures passing the save must then take a reflex save or fall prone in their own square. Creatures who fail the initial save are launched backwards 5 feet and upwards 5 feet for each point they failed the save by, and take falling damage as normal.
Reverse: Your shouting carries you 50 feet from your current location, without falling. You move past obstructing creatures and do not provoke attacks of opportunity from moving. This will allow you to dodge attacks, spells, or even entire full attack actions.

2013-09-25, 04:20 PM
The Epic Worldspeaker


Knowledge Focus



Recitation of Ultimate Power

Knowledge Focus



Recitation of Diplomatic Immunity

Knowledge Focus





Recitation of the Epic Destiny, Knowledge Focus

Epic Utterances
The worldspeaker continues to gain utterances beyond 21st character and 9th utterance level, as shown on table: the epic worldspeaker. He chooses these from the Lexicon of the Undying Legion, the Lexicon of the Epic Artifact, the Lexicon of the Ultimate Zone and the Lexicon of the Ages Torn, which are the epic equivalents of the four normal lexicons.

Recitation of Ultimate Power
From 23rd level, the worldspeaker may make a Recitation of Ultimate Power, allowing him to increase the caster level of the next utterance he makes by 1. He may benefit from this recitation a number of times in a row equal to his level, and may keep making the recitation to keep its effect; if he does anything but make further Recitations of Ultimate Power, take five-foot steps or other free actions, or make the utterance, the benefit is wasted.

Recitation of Diplomatic Immunity
From 26th level, the worldspeaker may make a Recitation of Diplomatic Immunity. Until the start of the worldspeaker's next turn, he is immune to everything. No spells can target nor affect him, he cannot lose hit points, he cannot gain unwanted conditions, he does not age (which usually only matters if he keeps making the recitation for several months to a year).

The worldspeaker's items are likewise affected, though if they are capable of taking actions beyond talking, doing so causes them to stop being subject to the effect. Also, female worldspeakers who are pregnant and continually use the recitation do not further develop their child, though the child is perfectly safe.

Recitation of the Epic Destiny
At 30th level, the worldspeaker may make a Recitation of Epic Destiny, but only once per day. The worldspeaker makes a single truespeak check, and may, at some point in the next hour, add it to a single attack roll, a single damage roll, a single check for each skill (including truespeak) and one instance of each of his three saves.

The Lexicon of the Undying Legion

10th-level utterances
Word of Nurturing, Epic: Give ally fast healing 50, or deal 25d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.
Word of Bolstering, Epic: Cure 4d6 points of ability damage or drain to one or more ability scores, or cause –4d6 penalty to one or more of an enemy’s Str, Dex, or Con.
Essence of Lifespark, Epic: Remove three negative levels from creature, or one enemy gains three negative levels.
Caster Lens, Epic: Increase ally’s caster level by 5, or reduce enemy’s caster level by 5.
Mystic Rampart, Epic: Ally gains DR 10/— and +10 on saves, or enemy incurs –10 AC and saves.
Death Mission: Ally becomes a god of war, or enemy takes massive attack penalties.

11th-level utterances
Word of Nurturing, Mythic: Give ally fast healing 60, or deal 30d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.
Word of Bolstering, Mythic: Cure 5d6 points of ability damage or drain to one or more ability scores, or cause –5d6 penalty to one or more of an enemy’s Str, Dex, or Con.
Essence of Lifespark, Mythic: Remove four negative levels from creature, or one enemy gains four negative levels.
Caster Lens, Mythic: Increase ally’s caster level by 7, or reduce enemy’s caster level by 7.
Mystic Rampart, Mythic: Ally gains DR 12/— and +12 on saves, or enemy incurs –12 AC and saves.
Immortal's Wrath: Ally gains divine rank of zero or god loses divine resistances and immunities.

12th-level utterances
Word of Nurturing, Legendary: Give ally fast healing 80, or deal 40d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.
Word of Bolstering, Legendary: Cure 6d6 points of ability damage or drain to one or more ability scores, or cause –6d6 penalty to one or more of an enemy’s Str, Dex, or Con.
Essence of Lifespark, Legendary: Remove five negative levels from creature, or one enemy gains five negative levels.
Caster Lens, Legendary: Increase ally’s caster level by 10, or reduce enemy’s caster level by 10.
Mystic Rampart, Legendary: Ally gains DR 15/— and +15 on saves, or enemy incurs –15 AC and saves.
Unname: Target ceases to be or is restored to life.

13th-level utterances
Word of Nurturing, Dreaded: Give ally fast healing 100, or deal 50d6 damage each round for 2 rounds.
Word of Bolstering, Dreaded: Cure 8d6 points of ability damage or drain to one or more ability scores, or cause –8d6 penalty to one or more of an enemy’s Str, Dex, or Con.
Essence of Lifespark, Dreaded: Remove seven negative levels from creature, or one enemy gains five negative levels.
Caster Lens, Dreaded: Increase ally’s caster level by 15, or reduce enemy’s caster level by 15.
Mystic Rampart, Dreaded: Ally gains DR 20/— and +20 on saves, or enemy incurs –20 AC and saves.
Death Mission, Dreaded: Ally becomes a killing machine or enemy becomes a lot easier to kill.

Upgraded utterances from the lexicon of the Evolving Mind
To determine the exact effect of these utterances, consult the text of the original utterance and replace numerical values with those in the short description above.

Death Mission
Save: Normal: None, Reverse: Will negates
Normal: You turn an ally into a frenzied killing machine. The ally gains +10 to his strength, dexterity, all saves (including his newly improved reflex save), attack rolls, damage rolls, and his armour class, +100 feet to all modes of transport, DR 20/-, resistance to everything 20 and 100 temporary hit points, but cannot use spells, powers or spell-like or psi-like abilities for the duration.
Reverse: You make an enemy vulnerable. Any attack made against them is considered a sneak attack, if applicable, and a critical hit. They take a -10 penalty on attack and damage rolls, and to their strength and dexterity.

Death Mission, Dreaded
As Death Mission, but all values are doubled.

Immortal's Wrath:
Save: Normal: None, Reverse: Will negates
Normal: The target is considered to have a Divine Rank of 0 for the duration, unless she already had a higher divine rank.
Reverse: The target does not benefit from the immunities, resistances, spell resistance and other defensive abilities normally conferred upon deities for the duration.

Save: Normal: Will Negates, Reverse: None
Normal: The target is slain on a failed save: utterly erased from existence. Bringing the target back to reality requires a reversed unname, a miracle or a wish. The target's body requires either another wish or miracle, in which case a third spell is needed to resurrect the target, or a true resurrection, in which case the target is resurrected normally by the spell's power.
Reverse: By thinking of a target who was Unnamed, the worldspeaker returns them to existence. Alternatively, the worldspeaker may replicate the effect of a True Resurrection spell.

The Lexicon of the Epic Artifact

10th-level utterances
Epic Metamagic Catalyst: Give a potion or scroll the benefit of a better metamagic feat, or reduce its effect more.
Epic Weapon: Give a weapon or armour a huge enhancement bonus.

11th-level utterances
Weapon of the Gods: Give a weapon or armour a massive enhancement bonus.
Automated Object: Object can fly, and activate itself, or deal heavy damage and disable a construct.

12th-level utterances
Legendary Metamagic Catalyst: Give a potion or scroll the benefit of a better metamagic feat, or reduce its effect more.
Legendary Epic Weapon: Give a weapon or armour a colossal enhancement bonus.
Blade of the Immortal: Weapon kills deities or armour protects against their at-will domain spells and salient divine abilities.

13th-level utterances
Fell Blade: Give a weapon or armour a colossal enhancement bonus, and other benefits.
Repeated Armament: Create hundreds of copies of an item for an army's use, or destroy any object, even an artifact, with impunity.

Automated Object
Save: Normal: None, Reverse: Fortitude half/partial.
Normal: The target object flies up, and starts acting of its own accord. It can activate itself, make attacks with itself (with a +10 strength or dexterity bonus to attack and, if applicable, damage rolls and a Base Attack bonus equal to your caster level) and fly with a speed of 60 feet and perfect maneuverability.
Reverse: The target object or construct (in the latter case, use the Lexicon of the Undying Legion's rules for the truespeak DC) takes 2d6 damage per caster level and cannot be used or take actions for five rounds. A successful fortitude save halves the damage and negates the inability to use the item.

Blade of the Immortal
Normal: The target weapon ignores the natural armour bonus to AC, deflection bonus to AC, saving throw bonuses, bonuses on concentration or tumble checks (or similar checks taken to avoid some negative effect of the weapon), resistances, immunities, immortality special ability, damage reduction or any other way of reducing or avoiding the weapon due to being a deity.
Reverse: Anyone who wears the target armour is immune to the negative effects of Salient Divine Abilities and Divina Auras, as well as spells or Spell-like abilities granted from being a deity, and the deity's Godly Realm.

Epic Weapon
Normal: The target weapon gets a +10 enhancement bonus. This may be exchanged for weapon special abilities as normal.
Reverse: The target armour or shield gets a +10 enhancement bonus. This may be exchanged for armour or shield special abilities as normal.

Fell Blade
Normal: The target weapon gets a +16 enhancement bonus. This may be exchanged for weapon special abilities as normal. Anyone struck by the blade must take a fortitude save or die.
Reverse: The target armour or shield gets a +16 enhancement bonus. This may be exchanged for armour or shield special abilities as normal. Anyone who attacks the wearer must take a fortitude save or die.

Legendary Epic Weapon
Normal: The target weapon gets a +16 enhancement bonus. This may be exchanged for weapon special abilities as normal.
Reverse: The target armour or shield gets a +16 enhancement bonus. This may be exchanged for armour or shield special abilities as normal.

Metamagic Catalyst, Epic
As Metamagic Catalyst, but you may choose any nonepic Metamagic feat, or a combination thereof, with a level modifier of less than or equal to +6.

Metamagic Catalyst, Legendary
As Metamagic Catalyst, but you may choose any Metamagic feat, or a combination thereof, with a level modifier of less than or equal to +10.

Repeated Armament
Save: Normal: None, Reverse: Will negates (Object)
Normal: The target object is replicated up to one hundred times (causing there to be 101 of the object). The extra hundred copies may be placed anywhere within long range (400 ft + 40 ft/level), which may cause the objects to end up in midair, but the utterance is designed to equip people rather than drop things on them, so all such objects are treated as being under the effect of a feather fall spell.

In any case, the extra versions of the object last only for the duration, after which time they disappear, leaving only the original object. Until this time, they may be used for whatever purpose they could normally be used for, unless an attempt is made to cause them to cure hit point damage, in which case the objects are strangely inert.

The Worldspeaker may increase the DC of the truespeak check by any number to create that many more of the item in question than 100. The DM's discretion should be used when deciding what is a suitable object - a cannon is an object, Boccob's Blessed Book is an object, houses are not objects.

Reverse: The target object ceases to be. Its effects end.

Weapon of the gods
Normal: The target weapon gets a +13 enhancement bonus. This may be exchanged for weapon special abilities as normal.
Reverse: The target armour or shield gets a +13 enhancement bonus. This may be exchanged for armour or shield special abilities as normal.

The Lexicon of the Ultimate Zone

10th-level utterances
Destruction's Embrace: You destroy everything in a small area, or create anything that can fit in that area
Voice of God: You deal massive damage to a sizable area, or repair damaged structures there.

11th-level utterances
Magedeath Sphere: Sphere stops spells and is enclosed by force sphere, or spells cast there are intensified.
Voice of a Hundred Gods: You deal devastating damage to a great area, or repair damaged structures there.

12th-level utterances
Storm of Worlds: You create a storm which affects a vast area, making communication and spellcasting nearly impossible, or you make calm weather there.
Voice of a Thousand gods: You deal calamitous damage to an enormous area, or repair damaged structures there.

13th-level utterances
Voice of Ten Thousand gods: You deal cataclysmic damage to a tremendous area, or repair damaged structures there.
Word of Unmaking: A small area ceases to be, or you create a portal to your own plane there

Destruction's Embrace
Save: Normal: Reflex partial, Reverse: None
Normal: Everything in the target area ceases to be. A successful reflex save allows a creature in the area to leap out of the area by the nearest route.
Reverse: You create any non-magical item or structure that can fit in the area. While perfectly functional, it looks "Off" somehow - it might be bright yellow or appear to be made of wood - and therefore cannot be sold to conventional dealers.

Magedeath sphere
Save: None
Duration: 5 rounds.
Normal: You create a sphere in which, or into which, spells cannot, by any means, be cast. It is enclosed by a force sphere which cannot be broken by any means.
Reverse: Any spells or spell-like abilities cast in the area are considered to be under the effect of the Intensify Spell metamagic.

Storm of Worlds
Target: 1000-mile radius burst, centered around location visible.
Duration: 1 hour/level
Normal: The area is beset by a heavy storm. Casting a spell or spell-like ability therein requires a DC 50 concentration check. A listen check must always be made to hear anything in the area beyond the storm itself, and the DC of that check is increased by 30
Reverse: The area's weather becomes calm. Not even magical attempts to change the weather are effective. If the area of Storm of Worlds and Reversed Storm of Worlds overlaps, the two cancel each other out and the weather becomes normal.

Voice of God/A Hundred Gods/A Thousand Gods/Ten Thousand Gods
Target: An area of radius (10/25/50/100) miles
Normal: The utterance deals (10/25/50/100)d6 damage to every creature and object in the area. A deafening shout is audible throughout the area.
Reverse: The utterance heals all creatures and repairs all objects, restoring (10/25/50/100)d6 hit points to them, and potentially physically moving pieces of objects back into place. Destroyed objects can be repaired like this, but dead creatures are not returned to life, although their bodies are restored to impeccable condition.

Word of Unmaking
Duration: Normal: Instantaneous, Reverse: 1 day/level.
Save: Reflex partial.
Normal: Everything in the area is destroyed, as is the area itself. The entire plane now has a gaping hole in it. Anything which enters the area ceases to be. A successful reflex save when the spell is cast allows a creature to jump out of the area by the closest route.
Reverse: You open a gate to a new plane of your creation. The plane itself is up to 100 miles in diameter, and has whatever planar traits you desire.

The Lexicon of the Ages Torn

10th-level utterances

11th-level utterances

12th-level utterances

13th-level utterances

2013-09-25, 04:21 PM
Reserved for other things which probably also need fixing.

2013-09-25, 04:22 PM
Reserved as a precaution: while I doubt I'll need three, this is the ToM...

So, post away!

The Pit is open!

2013-09-26, 06:45 PM
Ok, after reading the Tome of Magic Truenamer, and then this Worldspeaker. I can already tell you this class is WAY better.

Keep in mind that my answers are opinion based. I may get a few facts wrong so feel free to correct me.

First let me say that there is a lot of material and reading for this class, (as is expected of a class wit ha unique spell list). With that being said, if I don't comment on something, it's probably because I liked it as is, or couldn't find anything wrong with it.

So you won't see me quoting a bunch of stuff and saying "Good job/ I like it", because frankly, I already told you I like your fix. So I'll just summarize, what I liked.

1) When I read the Truenamer in ToM, I was all like "cool! what an over glorified support class", I'm glad you increased the combat potency of the class (If you didn't it seems like you did :smalltongue:)

Lexicon of the World Asunder
These were the abilities I was expecting a Truenamer to have, but alas! They didn't. Glad you added these.

3) I like how you specify the Truespeak DC for each separate Lexicon. As supposed to the original, which kinda jumbled them altogether, with a nigh impossible D/C which made truespeaking almost worthless.

Next, let me move on to issues I think need to be addressed.

First off, re-read and fix typos, there's a few. Which is expected after writing all of this. In particular though:

When you gain utterances of the fourth level, the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool, the Lexicon of the Perfected Map and the Lexicon of the World Asunder become available to you.

Beginning at 3rd utterance level, you may learn your first utterance within the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool.

either the wording is confusing me or it's just a simple typo

See the Named (Su): Beginning at 9th level, you have the ability to see a creature from afar whose personal truename you know. This ability works as the scrying spell, but does not require a mirror or pool of water to function. Instead, you must make a Truespeak check for the creature as normal. If your check is successful, the creature does not get a save to resist the ability, but you can view the subject for only 1 round. You can use this ability exactly as though it were a fourth-level utterance of the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind, though obviously you do not need to see the target to use it.
Okay, this is the ability I have an issue with, it's from the original Truenamer so I see why you kept it here, but it could be a LOT better, or least not as bad.
1) It involves you doing research on your target's True Name (which I imagine is a little time consuming) But once you know it, great! You can scry the guy whenever you want! Which can be very useful if you want to spy on a villain. However ...
2) 1 round only? that's 6 seconds! Assuming you were LUCKY enough to scry him at the time of said villains plotting, you wouldn't get the whole story. Granted ...
3) You could 'channel' the effect, but since it acts like a lexicon of fourth level, I'm assuming Laws of resistance apply each time you re-use this ability.

My main points are, i like the fact you can scry using truenames, but this ability needs to be on par with the scrying spell. Otherwise this ability is pretty worthless.
9th level wizard cast Scry, lasts 9 minutes, Will negates
9th level Worldspeaker uses scry, truespeak check = (10+4+HD of the target, +2 for every consecutive use that day), lasts 6 seconds.
Take that with a grain of salt

Sending (Su): Beginning at 13th level, you can speak to creatures whose personal truenames you know from a great distance. You must make a successful Truespeak check to use this ability, as though it were a fourth-level utterance from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind save that you do not need to see the subject.. If successful, you can send a message to the subject as a sending spell (caster level equal to your Worldspeaker level).

Honestly, I feel as though this is better than the normal Sending spell, if only because the casting time isn't 10 minutes. Although I would make it a simple truespeak DC, instead of it scaling with HD like other utterances, for no reason other than I don't think it would be THAT game breaking. Because it's only 25 words, and the DC increases by two every time you use it, so its not like you have UNLIMITED uses of this ability.

Also, I'm wondering why the Worldspeaker gets the ability to Scry someone before he has the ability to send a mere 25 words to them.

other than that, if you want me to start critiquing individual utterances let me know which ones you homebrewed.

I like the class, you did a good job

2013-09-27, 11:18 AM
Ok, after reading the Tome of Magic Truenamer, and then this Worldspeaker. I can already tell you this class is WAY better.

Keep in mind that my answers are opinion based. I may get a few facts wrong so feel free to correct me.

First let me say that there is a lot of material and reading for this class, (as is expected of a class wit ha unique spell list). With that being said, if I don't comment on something, it's probably because I liked it as is, or couldn't find anything wrong with it.

So you won't see me quoting a bunch of stuff and saying "Good job/ I like it", because frankly, I already told you I like your fix. So I'll just summarize, what I liked.

1) When I read the Truenamer in ToM, I was all like "cool! what an over glorified support class", I'm glad you increased the combat potency of the class (If you didn't it seems like you did :smalltongue:)

These were the abilities I was expecting a Truenamer to have, but alas! They didn't. Glad you added these.

3) I like how you specify the Truespeak DC for each separate Lexicon. As supposed to the original, which kinda jumbled them altogether, with a nigh impossible D/C which made truespeaking almost worthless.
Thanks. Now, on to the other bits.

Next, let me move on to issues I think need to be addressed.

First off, re-read and fix typos, there's a few. Which is expected after writing all of this. In particular though:


either the wording is confusing me or it's just a simple typo
The first one is "When you have fourth level utterances, Lexicons X, Y, and Z become available." I'm not sure what is confusing about that.

The second one should read 4th level (which I fixed), but says "When you have 4th level utterances, you can learn them from the LCT." I don't see how that's confusing either.

Okay, this is the ability I have an issue with, it's from the original Truenamer so I see why you kept it here, but it could be a LOT better, or least not as bad.
1) It involves you doing research on your target's True Name (which I imagine is a little time consuming) But once you know it, great! You can scry the guy whenever you want! Which can be very useful if you want to spy on a villain. However ...
2) 1 round only? that's 6 seconds! Assuming you were LUCKY enough to scry him at the time of said villains plotting, you wouldn't get the whole story. Granted ...
3) You could 'channel' the effect, but since it acts like a lexicon of fourth level, I'm assuming Laws of resistance apply each time you re-use this ability.
Okay, first off the entire truename research bit is being scrapped. All characters of over 6th level will have an awareness of their own true names anyway (yes, including your allies) and I'm writing up a new way of finding out people's truenames.

Second, it's only lasting one round because for something with no save, it's pretty good to have even one round of vision.

3) LoR does indeed work on it, to stop you from doing it forever with a high enough Truespeak rank.

My main points are, i like the fact you can scry using truenames, but this ability needs to be on par with the scrying spell. Otherwise this ability is pretty worthless.
9th level wizard cast Scry, lasts 9 minutes, Will negates
9th level Worldspeaker uses scry, truespeak check = (10+4+HD of the target, +2 for every consecutive use that day), lasts 6 seconds.
Take that with a grain of salt

9th level wizard uses spell slot. 9th level Worldspeaker takes LoR once.

Honestly, I feel as though this is better than the normal Sending spell, if only because the casting time isn't 10 minutes. Although I would make it a simple truespeak DC, instead of it scaling with HD like other utterances, for no reason other than I don't think it would be THAT game breaking. Because it's only 25 words, and the DC increases by two every time you use it, so its not like you have UNLIMITED uses of this ability.
If you set it to DC 10 then a level 13 WS could use it about... 20 times? Even at 20 then you could use it 15 times, and if you calculate it as a LPM utterance you get 22, which allows you to use it about 14 times.

Also, I'm wondering why the Worldspeaker gets the ability to Scry someone before he has the ability to send a mere 25 words to them.
25 words can contain a lot more information than 6 seconds, especially since the WS is choosing the words he sends and the person scried isn't choosing what's around them.

other than that, if you want me to start critiquing individual utterances let me know which ones you homebrewed.

I like the class, you did a good job

The ones I brewed up are all those not listed under Amendments, and instead listed under New Utterances.

More powerful versions of low-level utterances are:

Eldrich Attraction, Super/Essence of Lifespark, Superlative/Knight’s Puissance, Superior/Seek the Sky, Superior/Word of Bolstering, Super/Word of Bolstering, Superlative/Word of Nurturing, Super/Word of Nurturing, Superior/Word of Nurturing, Superlative

(All from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind)

New Utterances are:

Weapon of Eternity/Word of Disjunction

(From the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool)

Abyssal Hole/Circle of Defence/Circle of Regeneration/Circle of regeneration, Superior/Energy Vortex, Superior/Planar Circle

(From the Lexicon of the Perfected Map)

And everything except spell rebirth from the Lexicon of the World Asunder.

Thanks for your review, I know it's quite a lot to read. :p

2013-10-01, 12:37 PM
Going to review/critique as I go. Note I will mainly point out problems or things that bug me when reading, and even if I go over everything with an angry face/red pen, read the final summary of my opinion before you take things to harshly.

First glance at the table shows me you've done one major step to fix the truenamer, you've given them powers that scale at the same rate as spells instead of the awkward progression with 3 different sets of abilities each with different levels, with their main abilities (Evolved Mind) scaling at a strangely distorted bard rate. So far so good.

I also notice you dropped their BAB, I assume this means you're focusing more on casting. Also you made Speak unto the Masses much lower level (thank goodness) though I'll have to see how that works with the new utterances, limitless target abilities are strong at 3rd, and I might actually use a scaling target max based upon your level (2 at 3rd, 3 at 5th, 4 at 7th, 5 at 9th, any at 11th) but then again it does raise the DC by 2 per target so you'll usually be limited to 2 or 3 at low levels without a serious risk of failure. I'm probably actually wrong about this, though.

Other than that I note the not change to Knowledge Focus (don't particularly like the stacking of a massive bonus to a skill it ends up inelegant most of the time) but that's WotC and not you.

Beyond that you say you're removing Truename Research as a whole but they still gain the bonus feat, and you've also got a table-text discrepancy with Bonus Recitation Feats.

I notice the change to See the Named and I like it, it's an ability with a lot of potential, because while it is spammable it's short duration prevents it from breaking.

Now to the meat of the matter. The Utterances. Truenamer's chassis wasn't that bad, but the level scaling of utterances grew awkward as you leveled, and the DC grew 2 a level despite the fact that most PCs gain skill bonuses at somewhere between 1 and 1.5. So let's see what you did there.

So you set the DC for Evolved Mind based upon the target's Hit Dice. This ends up somewhat awkward with creatures of the same CR requiring vastly different checks to affect. The examples (wall of text) are spoilered below
For example Pit Fiend 28 + utterance level; assuming Skill Focus, max ranks, and a +10 Int you succeed on a 2 for a 9th level power, throw in the Greater Amulet of the Silver Tongue (custom items I'd probably disallow as a DM for Truespeak because it will unbalance things if the ability is worth using in the first place) and you succeed on a -8, -3 to ignore their SR; now compare a wyrm black dragon (also CR 20) the DC is 44 + utterance level and you need an 18 or an 8 with the item (you will have the item) to affect the dragon. I didn't even get into high HD targets of the CR such as the Tarrasque (DC is 58 even with the amulet you will fail), or a personal favorite of mine advanced elemental monoliths (DC 58 at CR 20, 46 if they are vanilla CR 17 versions which is notably an impossible DC at Lv 17 without the Amulet and even then will be a hard check), a colossal scorpion (CR 12) requires a 14 before modifiers with the amulet even at Lv 20. This is Lv 20 so it's an extreme example, so let's turn to Lv 10 instead. We'll assume a +6 Int (either 18 + 2 from level +2 item or 16 + 2 from level +4 item). You'll still have a Greater Amulet of the Silver Tongue and Skill Focus. This gives you a +32 modifier. You need a 31 to affect a juvenile red dragon with a 5th level utterance, or 33 to affect an adult white. Looking at other creatures a huge (CR 9) elemental requires a 36, while a CR 20 pit fiend only needs a 33 (and a CR 11 barbed deviil a 27). So you unfortunately still have the problem that it actually becomes harder to affect things as you level because you can easily obtain the amulet at relatively low levels (9th level it is <1/3 of your wealth). Looking at 5th level you'd only have +5 Int, Skill Focus, and the lesser Amulet (for a +21). A chain devil (CR 6) would require a DC 21 to affect with your strongest ability, while a young black dragon would need a DC 23 (a 4), and a CR 5 zombie would be DC 29 (needing an 8). In between 5 and 10 the DC scaling gets wonky for a bit because this is the time when elementals shoot up 8 HD in 2 CR (from 8 HD at CR 5 to 16 at CR 7), as do giant vermin, and you start fighting dinosaurs (18 HD at CR 7 on a t-rex).

So in short the DC scaling still has problems, the existence of items such as Greater Amulet of the Silver Tongue while useful for dabblers again causes problems for balancing it for dedicated practitioners. I'd actually advice either removing items such as the Amulet and stating that magic items (and possibly even spells) cannot directly raise a Truespeak check and lowering the DC across the board, or limiting the bonus from the Amulet to 1/2 character level and granting a Worldspeaker a bonus of the same type (non-stacking) equal to half their level in classes which grant utterances so the amulet would be useful for multiclass characters but you could normalize for setting Truespeak DCs.

That said Hit Dice just varies a little too much for the DC for my taste, and I'd advice 10 + CR + Utterance level. This mostly avoids the problem of it scaling faster than your bonus does (your highest level utterances might slightly, but less than they currently do) but mitigates things like the disparity in HD between Outsiders and Elementals (where one quickly outstrips your bonus while the other becomes progressively easier and easier to affect). You might find that the DC is too low in this case if you keep the Amulet in existence, in which case well I'll try and think of other options. HD was an interesting try, using an in-game means of determining a creature's power, but unfortunately it is not the means the game actually uses and is prone to vast disparities at most levels. The big problem with the old one was that the multiplier pushed it too high (and that especially late games the effects weren't worthwhile).

Moving on to the actual effects:
1st Level: Ok, you kept these the same. I liked these effects then, and as relatively spammable effects I like them now. I'd like to see some more utterances so that you don't just get all of them automatically, but it's still good (in fact me caring enough to say I'd like to see more is a good thing). At first level you could have a +11 and would need a 12 or 13 to affect things on your first try which works pretty well and with your 3 different utterances at 1st level you have some variety (the effects are below warlock grade) while remaining fairly spammable (you can use each utterance 3 times before things get iffy and 5 times before they're less reliable than an attack).

2nd: Still the same and gained at the same level. This is when you get AoE capabilities and the check needed is about the same for affecting your allies. The fact that you begin knowing 3 of these helps immensely. More and more I think this might be able to compare to a warlock, filling a buffing role for games that don't allow normal full-casters. Enemies are now a little more likely to resist (dire wolves have 6 HD meaning and you have a +13 so you'd need a 5 to affect them) but you've still got a good chance against most enemies even without items and you can buff allies. Temporal Twist is powerful with AoE but shouldn't be broken by any means and the boost/nerf to its buffing is actually rather sad at Lv 3 and I'd have left it at may immediately make an attack, and just made Temporal Spiral move or attack.

3rd: At this point you're able to fall back on your lower level utterances for some useful offensive effects (Temporal Twist) and simultaneously you can get the Amulet of the Silver Tongue and go to town on level appropriate targets with your +21 bonus. Even the hardest enemy just requires an 8 (zombies needed a 9 at 3rd level) and many require a 0 allowing you to use AoE at least once a day on enemies. This is the level where your power actually is really meaningful as you can AoE affect enemies with no save Slow (crippling them, Slow being one of wizard's better Lv 3 spells), and 3 round Daze (Will negates); Word of Nurturing's damage is also nothing to sneeze at right now (28 damage over 2 rounds) but rarely a battle winner (the other two are).

4th: At this point you can't afford the Greater Amulet and HD have spiked for many creatures which at Lv 5 you could affect on a 2 and now you need an 8 assuming your Int has increased. You'll likely fall back on Greater Speed of the Zephyr and Temporal Spiral for offense, using your new powers to target your allies (you need a negative number to do so). You also get access to the vastly easier to use Crafted Tool powers now and their new offensive uses (will get to those later). Your powers are still scaling with level properly (unlike a truenamer's).

5th: This is where I think the utterances start needing some work but by granting them these at vastly earlier level you've done a good bit and it'd need playtesting before I could hazard more. This is also when you've just got a Greater Amulet and you have your best chance of affecting creatures so most battles will involve you no save slowing the entire opposing party or using Confusion on at least a few targets (if you're facing multiple opponents the DC will typically be about 2 less for each additional opponent at this point so you'll be able to AoE with impunity if there's any reason to).

6th: Here you get to where the abilities are actually really strong for your current level because you moved them down 7 levels. Breath allows you to Coup de Grace an enemy if you have an ally set up for it, making it almost a death effect that you can use pretty much willy nilly, Ether Reforged is an at-will 7th level spell, even Mystic Rampart has problems (Mystic Rampart is a 1-2 kill with a caster, and defensively a little too good). Singular Mind is a 9th level spell with a shortened duration. You ought to actually make some new Utterances to fill this level and spread the utterances that were at it out over the higher levels as they are appropriate (Breath as a 7th, Ether Reforged and Singular Mind as 8th would be my suggestions). Even Greater Knight's Puissance might be too much at Lv 11 and better suited to 7th level.

7th: We are finally in new territory and we have... an improved Word of Nurturing, giving you a relevant (24d6 damage no save even if over 2 rounds is relevant at 13th level) damage option and enough in combat healing to be relevant as well. And Super Word of Bolstering deals enough Con penalty to be relevant. Unfortunately they're weaker than some of the offensive 6th level ones but as stated already that's more of a problem with the 6th level Utterances (Singular Mind I'm looking at you).

8th: These look fine, though I'll note that Knight's Puissance might be a little too much this point (the accuracy boost is actually about a +50% damage if you don't PA). It's definitely much better at damage than the Word of Nurturing and better at healing by preventing far more damage.

9th: How much damage does Superlative Energy Negation deal? Superlative Word of Bolstering with it's no save 5 x level damage (average) and -5 to attacks and AC is significantly stronger than Superlative Essence of Lifespark. Some of these (Superlative Essence of Lifespark) would do better as a Lv 8 or even 6 or 7 utterance, possibly allowing you to push up some of the lower level ones that should have been higher.

Moving on to the Crafted Tool:
The DC: It is typically much lower than offensive uses for Evolved Mind, making these effectively at-will.

I like giving these reversed versions, but some have problems.

Fortify Armor: I'd have made the reverse negate or reduce their armor bonus to AC, as is it makes armored targets easier to sneak attack than usual and because the DC is so much lower than for Evolved Mind it is actually a really powerful offense at high levels if you have a rogue in your party; or useless if you don't.

Analyze Item: The duration of the reverse is actually too short, when dealing with divination spells it's hard to know when you'll need to save against one and I'd advice making it so the duration is 10 minutes instead of 10 rounds.

All in all though most of these are nothing to write home about offensively and really rather niche. Weapon of Eternity is nice for siege engines and helps if you have a crossbow build ally who didn't cover the problems with that already.

Word of Disjunction: Do the magic items still get saves as they normally do against Disjunction? Also how do you determine the truespeak DC since this inherently has multiple targets? If it allows the save it's a neat ability, powerful, but not broken, and enough weaker than a 9th level spell that the fact that you can use it (apparently) 6 times in a day before having a significant chance of failure is acceptable. If it does not allow a save it's probably too powerful in the circumstances it is useful. In general, though, this is an ability that hurts PCs more than enemies and while powerful PvP is mostly an evil tool in a DM's hands.

Now to Perfected Map.

Okay, I like the DC though I'd suggest making it 15 + 3 x the level because of effects like Speak Rock to Mud and:

Fog From the Void still stands out as significantly better and I'd probably up the DC for its improved effect by 5 as you reduced the DC for the effect by 8 already and Solid Fog is possibly the strongest 4th level wizard spell and you can perform it on a 6 at Lv 7 and effectively at will by Lv 9. That said DFAs get it at-will at 11th, but I'd still say up the DC by 5 because it represents a significantly lesser investment.

Circle of Defense might grant a little too much of a save bonus, and definitely too much of a save penalty (-5 to saves is better offensively for a PC than +5 to saves is defensively... or more a PC has a better ability to take advantage of a save penalty than a save bonus).

Lore of the World's reverse is a neat effect, but probably not powerful enough (I'd have it suppress divination spells in the area as well is my first reaction), still thematic and cool.

Thwart the Traveler's reverse is an AoE save or massive damage and removal from combat for 1 minute, with a non-scaling DC 31 check which is not all that difficult at 13th level. It needs to at-least grant a save.

Your new 8th level ones are cool, but I will note that you might want to switch Thwart the Traveler and Planar Circle's levels as the latter is significantly stronger than the former (except in settings with Fast Time planes which break Planar Circle wide open).

For the level 9: I love Awake the Angry Earth's reverse, while Deny Passage's reverse is probably too weak but that might be alright due to the powerful nature of its base effect.

A vast improvement over the official true namer. While there are some problems (Lv 6 Evolving Mind, DC based on HD), it actually looks fairly well balanced. It needs some fine-tuning and play-testing but most homebrew does, and it really is a good job. I've tried Kyuudo's Truenamer fix and... after realizing how easily the 3rd level truenamer was duplicating 4th level spells at will with improvements vowed never again. So yeah good job, keep it up. It did most of the things I see as required by a truenamer fix, and it's at the point where sure you can do the math, but to find if it is really balanced requires actual playtesting.

It's one of the few fixes that I've read that I actually wanted to use (Kyuudo's truenaming fix was actually one of the few others, but I didn't go over it as thoroughly beforehand).

If I was in the mood to offer letter grades I'd say an A- at least (being bad at this I think I average giving a C+ which makes things all kind of skewed). Playable, but with some potential kinks to be smoothed but which I can't see a clear and easy way to do so.

2013-10-01, 04:08 PM
Going to review/critique as I go. Note I will mainly point out problems or things that bug me when reading, and even if I go over everything with an angry face/red pen, read the final summary of my opinion before you take things to harshly.

First glance at the table shows me you've done one major step to fix the truenamer, you've given them powers that scale at the same rate as spells instead of the awkward progression with 3 different sets of abilities each with different levels, with their main abilities (Evolved Mind) scaling at a strangely distorted bard rate. So far so good.

I also notice you dropped their BAB, I assume this means you're focusing more on casting. Also you made Speak unto the Masses much lower level (thank goodness) though I'll have to see how that works with the new utterances, limitless target abilities are strong at 3rd, and I might actually use a scaling target max based upon your level (2 at 3rd, 3 at 5th, 4 at 7th, 5 at 9th, any at 11th) but then again it does raise the DC by 2 per target so you'll usually be limited to 2 or 3 at low levels without a serious risk of failure. I'm probably actually wrong about this, though.
Yeah, a level 2 truenamer probably gets about 16 basic truespeak (5 points, 5 int, 3 skill focus and 3 Mwk tool) If they want to affect 4 people, they start failing an unacceptable amount of the time - as much as ASF from AC 3-4 armour - and because of the LoR it's harder to utter it next time.

Other than that I note the not change to Knowledge Focus (don't particularly like the stacking of a massive bonus to a skill it ends up inelegant most of the time) but that's WotC and not you.

I kept knowledge focus because it was flavourful and not gamebreaking.

Beyond that you say you're removing Truename Research as a whole but they still gain the bonus feat, and you've also got a table-text discrepancy with Bonus Recitation Feats.

I'm scrapping Truename Research as it stands. Sweet catch on the Recitation feat though.

I notice the change to See the Named and I like it, it's an ability with a lot of potential, because while it is spammable it's short duration prevents it from breaking.
Yeah, that's what I was hoping for.

Now to the meat of the matter. The Utterances. Truenamer's chassis wasn't that bad, but the level scaling of utterances grew awkward as you leveled, and the DC grew 2 a level despite the fact that most PCs gain skill bonuses at somewhere between 1 and 1.5. So let's see what you did there.

So you set the DC for Evolved Mind based upon the target's Hit Dice. This ends up somewhat awkward with creatures of the same CR requiring vastly different checks to affect. The examples (wall of text) are spoilered below
For example Pit Fiend 28 + utterance level; assuming Skill Focus, max ranks, and a +10 Int you succeed on a 2 for a 9th level power, throw in the Greater Amulet of the Silver Tongue (custom items I'd probably disallow as a DM for Truespeak because it will unbalance things if the ability is worth using in the first place) and you succeed on a -8, -3 to ignore their SR; now compare a wyrm black dragon (also CR 20) the DC is 44 + utterance level and you need an 18 or an 8 with the item (you will have the item) to affect the dragon. I didn't even get into high HD targets of the CR such as the Tarrasque (DC is 58 even with the amulet you will fail), or a personal favorite of mine advanced elemental monoliths (DC 58 at CR 20, 46 if they are vanilla CR 17 versions which is notably an impossible DC at Lv 17 without the Amulet and even then will be a hard check), a colossal scorpion (CR 12) requires a 14 before modifiers with the amulet even at Lv 20. This is Lv 20 so it's an extreme example, so let's turn to Lv 10 instead. We'll assume a +6 Int (either 18 + 2 from level +2 item or 16 + 2 from level +4 item). You'll still have a Greater Amulet of the Silver Tongue and Skill Focus. This gives you a +32 modifier. You need a 31 to affect a juvenile red dragon with a 5th level utterance, or 33 to affect an adult white. Looking at other creatures a huge (CR 9) elemental requires a 36, while a CR 20 pit fiend only needs a 33 (and a CR 11 barbed deviil a 27). So you unfortunately still have the problem that it actually becomes harder to affect things as you level because you can easily obtain the amulet at relatively low levels (9th level it is <1/3 of your wealth). Looking at 5th level you'd only have +5 Int, Skill Focus, and the lesser Amulet (for a +21). A chain devil (CR 6) would require a DC 21 to affect with your strongest ability, while a young black dragon would need a DC 23 (a 4), and a CR 5 zombie would be DC 29 (needing an 8). In between 5 and 10 the DC scaling gets wonky for a bit because this is the time when elementals shoot up 8 HD in 2 CR (from 8 HD at CR 5 to 16 at CR 7), as do giant vermin, and you start fighting dinosaurs (18 HD at CR 7 on a t-rex).
The thing I don't like about CR is that it's basically invented. A monster's hit dice is a definite number - the number of class levels plus RHD it has - where as CR is an arbitrary measure of "If I set one of these on a party, what level should they be to treat it as a routine but challenging encounter." It's a bit wishy-washy. And you can have things with half a CR, which DCs don't really like the look of. And yet, HD doesn't seem like the way forth.

Hmm. What would you suggest?

So in short the DC scaling still has problems, the existence of items such as Greater Amulet of the Silver Tongue while useful for dabblers again causes problems for balancing it for dedicated practitioners. I'd actually advice either removing items such as the Amulet and stating that magic items (and possibly even spells) cannot directly raise a Truespeak check and lowering the DC across the board, or limiting the bonus from the Amulet to 1/2 character level and granting a Worldspeaker a bonus of the same type (non-stacking) equal to half their level in classes which grant utterances so the amulet would be useful for multiclass characters but you could normalize for setting Truespeak DCs.
The AotST and GAotST are actually a couple of the things about truespeak I didn't find fault in. They make it so that you can utter several more times per day , but you actually have to spend money in the same manner as the wizard who spends money for more spells/day.

That said Hit Dice just varies a little too much for the DC for my taste, and I'd advice 10 + CR + Utterance level. This mostly avoids the problem of it scaling faster than your bonus does (your highest level utterances might slightly, but less than they currently do) but mitigates things like the disparity in HD between Outsiders and Elementals (where one quickly outstrips your bonus while the other becomes progressively easier and easier to affect). You might find that the DC is too low in this case if you keep the Amulet in existence, in which case well I'll try and think of other options. HD was an interesting try, using an in-game means of determining a creature's power, but unfortunately it is not the means the game actually uses and is prone to vast disparities at most levels. The big problem with the old one was that the multiplier pushed it too high (and that especially late games the effects weren't worthwhile). Lots of effects use HD. Necromancy spells have limits on the HD of undead you can make, for instance. Geas has an HD limit. Colour spray and daze, even.

Moving on to the actual effects:
1st Level: Ok, you kept these the same. I liked these effects then, and as relatively spammable effects I like them now. I'd like to see some more utterances so that you don't just get all of them automatically, but it's still good (in fact me caring enough to say I'd like to see more is a good thing). At first level you could have a +11 and would need a 12 or 13 to affect things on your first try which works pretty well and with your 3 different utterances at 1st level you have some variety (the effects are below warlock grade) while remaining fairly spammable (you can use each utterance 3 times before things get iffy and 5 times before they're less reliable than an attack).
Yeah, I was thinking I could make more utterances for low levels, but I like the idea of having a "base" of reliable 1st-level utterances for those moments when you just need a bit of healing, or a bit of a bonus to this or that.

2nd: Still the same and gained at the same level. This is when you get AoE capabilities and the check needed is about the same for affecting your allies. The fact that you begin knowing 3 of these helps immensely. More and more I think this might be able to compare to a warlock, filling a buffing role for games that don't allow normal full-casters. Enemies are now a little more likely to resist (dire wolves have 6 HD meaning and you have a +13 so you'd need a 5 to affect them) but you've still got a good chance against most enemies even without items and you can buff allies. Temporal Twist is powerful with AoE but shouldn't be broken by any means and the boost/nerf to its buffing is actually rather sad at Lv 3 and I'd have left it at may immediately make an attack, and just made Temporal Spiral move or attack.
Temporal twist and spiral were swapped because the higher level one let you make a move action and the smaller one a standard, which didn't really make much sense.

3rd: At this point you're able to fall back on your lower level utterances for some useful offensive effects (Temporal Twist) and simultaneously you can get the Amulet of the Silver Tongue and go to town on level appropriate targets with your +21 bonus. Even the hardest enemy just requires an 8 (zombies needed a 9 at 3rd level) and many require a 0 allowing you to use AoE at least once a day on enemies. This is the level where your power actually is really meaningful as you can AoE affect enemies with no save Slow (crippling them, Slow being one of wizard's better Lv 3 spells), and 3 round Daze (Will negates); Word of Nurturing's damage is also nothing to sneeze at right now (28 damage over 2 rounds) but rarely a battle winner (the other two are).
Fighters fight creatures, wizards fight encounters, worldspeakers fight battles. Speak Unto The Masses is supposed to enable you to shove no-save-just-suck abilities at enemies.

4th: At this point you can't afford the Greater Amulet and HD have spiked for many creatures which at Lv 5 you could affect on a 2 and now you need an 8 assuming your Int has increased. You'll likely fall back on Greater Speed of the Zephyr and Temporal Spiral for offense, using your new powers to target your allies (you need a negative number to do so). You also get access to the vastly easier to use Crafted Tool powers now and their new offensive uses (will get to those later). Your powers are still scaling with level properly (unlike a truenamer's).
Hang on. By seventh level you have 5 from int, 5 from amulet, 11 from ranks, 11 from item familiar feat, 3 from skill focus feat and 3 from Mwk tool. What are you fighting that has over triple your hit dice?

5th: This is where I think the utterances start needing some work but by granting them these at vastly earlier level you've done a good bit and it'd need playtesting before I could hazard more. This is also when you've just got a Greater Amulet and you have your best chance of affecting creatures so most battles will involve you no save slowing the entire opposing party or using Confusion on at least a few targets (if you're facing multiple opponents the DC will typically be about 2 less for each additional opponent at this point so you'll be able to AoE with impunity if there's any reason to).No save slowing is going to annoy people, but wizards can do similarly horrible things by this point.

6th: Here you get to where the abilities are actually really strong for your current level because you moved them down 7 levels. Breath allows you to Coup de Grace an enemy if you have an ally set up for it, making it almost a death effect that you can use pretty much willy nilly, Ether Reforged is an at-will 7th level spell, even Mystic Rampart has problems (Mystic Rampart is a 1-2 kill with a caster, and defensively a little too good). Singular Mind is a 9th level spell with a shortened duration. You ought to actually make some new Utterances to fill this level and spread the utterances that were at it out over the higher levels as they are appropriate (Breath as a 7th, Ether Reforged and Singular Mind as 8th would be my suggestions). Even Greater Knight's Puissance might be too much at Lv 11 and better suited to 7th level.

Breath is like hold person, only fortitude and it only lasts one round. I don't see why that's bad.
Ether Reforged... lasts a lot less time than Jaunt, which is annoying if you end up having to cast it twice in one combat. That said, I guess it should be bumped up to Jaunt's level.
Mystic Rampart... yeah, it synergises with death spells. Of course. Synergy happens. But most of the time, they'd be better with a re-roll (i.e a second caster casting the same spell) than taking away the target's saves.
Singular mind requires that you stop uttering in order to direct the person. Not quite as powerful as you might think. Nonetheless, it should probably be kicked up to seventh.

7th: We are finally in new territory and we have... an improved Word of Nurturing, giving you a relevant (24d6 damage no save even if over 2 rounds is relevant at 13th level) damage option and enough in combat healing to be relevant as well. And Super Word of Bolstering deals enough Con penalty to be relevant. Unfortunately they're weaker than some of the offensive 6th level ones but as stated already that's more of a problem with the 6th level Utterances (Singular Mind I'm looking at you).
Yeah, a little messing around with levels is needed.

8th: These look fine, though I'll note that Knight's Puissance might be a little too much this point (the accuracy boost is actually about a +50% damage if you don't PA). It's definitely much better at damage than the Word of Nurturing and better at healing by preventing far more damage.
Those fighters need all the help they can get if they're still running around being T4-5 at 15th level.

9th: How much damage does Superlative Energy Negation deal? Superlative Word of Bolstering with it's no save 5 x level damage (average) and -5 to attacks and AC is significantly stronger than Superlative Essence of Lifespark. Some of these (Superlative Essence of Lifespark) would do better as a Lv 8 or even 6 or 7 utterance, possibly allowing you to push up some of the lower level ones that should have been higher.
Superlative Energy Negation is being fixed - nice catch.

How is SlWoB doing 10 damage to strength, and to con, and to dex? It does three dice, divided as you wish between them, as written between the descriptions of SuWoB and SlWoB. SlEoL is dealing negative levels to people.

Moving on to the Crafted Tool:
The DC: It is typically much lower than offensive uses for Evolved Mind, making these effectively at-will.

I like giving these reversed versions, but some have problems.

Fortify Armor: I'd have made the reverse negate or reduce their armor bonus to AC, as is it makes armored targets easier to sneak attack than usual and because the DC is so much lower than for Evolved Mind it is actually a really powerful offense at high levels if you have a rogue in your party; or useless if you don't.

The idea is that you're cursing the armour so that it actually has a negative effect for the wearer. Also, it affects criticals too, so a guy running about with a rapier is happy.

Analyze Item: The duration of the reverse is actually too short, when dealing with divination spells it's hard to know when you'll need to save against one and I'd advice making it so the duration is 10 minutes instead of 10 rounds.
Made it 5 minutes - utterances typically have shot durations, and it's pretty easy to double them up anyway.

All in all though most of these are nothing to write home about offensively and really rather niche. Weapon of Eternity is nice for siege engines and helps if you have a crossbow build ally who didn't cover the problems with that already.You mean to say that we should actually be building our characters in conjunction with what they want to do? Blasphemy. :p

Word of Disjunction: Do the magic items still get saves as they normally do against Disjunction? Also how do you determine the truespeak DC since this inherently has multiple targets? If it allows the save it's a neat ability, powerful, but not broken, and enough weaker than a 9th level spell that the fact that you can use it (apparently) 6 times in a day before having a significant chance of failure is acceptable. If it does not allow a save it's probably too powerful in the circumstances it is useful. In general, though, this is an ability that hurts PCs more than enemies and while powerful PvP is mostly an evil tool in a DM's hands.

I should add a thing about the uttering DC, but it allows saves because it is treated as Mage's Disjunction in all respects except where noted.

Now to Perfected Map.

Okay, I like the DC though I'd suggest making it 15 + 3 x the level because of effects like Speak Rock to Mud and:

Fog From the Void still stands out as significantly better and I'd probably up the DC for its improved effect by 5 as you reduced the DC for the effect by 8 already and Solid Fog is possibly the strongest 4th level wizard spell and you can perform it on a 6 at Lv 7 and effectively at will by Lv 9. That said DFAs get it at-will at 11th, but I'd still say up the DC by 5 because it represents a significantly lesser investment. Yeah, good idea.

Circle of Defense might grant a little too much of a save bonus, and definitely too much of a save penalty (-5 to saves is better offensively for a PC than +5 to saves is defensively... or more a PC has a better ability to take advantage of a save penalty than a save bonus).
Remember you can walk out of a reversed circle of defence, or have to leave a non-reversed one.

Lore of the World's reverse is a neat effect, but probably not powerful enough (I'd have it suppress divination spells in the area as well is my first reaction), still thematic and cool.
Neat idea.

Thwart the Traveler's reverse is an AoE save or massive damage and removal from combat for 1 minute, with a non-scaling DC 31 check which is not all that difficult at 13th level. It needs to at-least grant a save.
Will is meant to negate.

Your new 8th level ones are cool, but I will note that you might want to switch Thwart the Traveler and Planar Circle's levels as the latter is significantly stronger than the former (except in settings with Fast Time planes which break Planar Circle wide open).
Quite possibly, though opening a portable hole below someone's feet and closing it again is pretty funny.

For the level 9: I love Awake the Angry Earth's reverse, while Deny Passage's reverse is probably too weak but that might be alright due to the powerful nature of its base effect.
Deny passage's reverse effect is very useful if you want to chuck people off a bridge. You can also throw people at each other as though they'd fallen a fairly large distance.

A vast improvement over the official true namer. While there are some problems (Lv 6 Evolving Mind, DC based on HD), it actually looks fairly well balanced. It needs some fine-tuning and play-testing but most homebrew does, and it really is a good job. I've tried Kyuudo's Truenamer fix and... after realizing how easily the 3rd level truenamer was duplicating 4th level spells at will with improvements vowed never again. So yeah good job, keep it up. It did most of the things I see as required by a truenamer fix, and it's at the point where sure you can do the math, but to find if it is really balanced requires actual playtesting.

It's one of the few fixes that I've read that I actually wanted to use (Kyuudo's truenaming fix was actually one of the few others, but I didn't go over it as thoroughly beforehand).

If I was in the mood to offer letter grades I'd say an A- at least (being bad at this I think I average giving a C+ which makes things all kind of skewed). Playable, but with some potential kinks to be smoothed but which I can't see a clear and easy way to do so.

Thanks. I'm probably not going to switch levels around now, given that I have two Worldspeaker characters wandering around who will be very confused if I swap their utterance levels about. good job picking up on the things I screwed up, though.

2013-10-04, 09:52 AM
Ok, I was not including Mw Items (which is only a +2 bonus not a +3) and assuming a lower optimization level (rarely do I end up with +Int races, mostly because I find Tier 1/2 casters problematic enough without them, and I have never seen Item Familiar allowed) and comparison to Beguiler/warlock as opposed to wizard (I've learned to compare things to Tier 3-4 unless otherwise noted partially because that's what I usually see played in RL games I run... PbPs I end up having to look over at least a few homebrew classes which are harder to judge).

With Word of Bolstering the short description confused me, sorry about that.

At CR 7 I was assuming a no on Item Familiar partially because my basic belief is that a Truenamer fix should no longer require you to take an Item Familiar (especially as I've never seen them allowed). As for what has triple your hit dice... CR 7 elementals have more than double (16 HD), and CR 6 zombies have 20 HD but nothing should quite have triple.

Looking at it in a tier 2 framework most things look much better, it just wasn't the framework I look at things naturally.