View Full Version : [PF]Paladin help.

2013-09-26, 04:49 AM
Class:shining knight 7
stat: Str 18(16+2), Dex 12, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 10 , Cha 18
AC : 21, Touch 11, Flat-footed 20 CMD : 22
HP : 54
fort +11, ref +8, will +10
speed 20ft ini +5
BAB +7/2; CMB +11;
spell(cl 4, dc 14+lv)
1st:Divine faver, bed of iron
2nd:Flame of entenglement
bonded mount.

1.Power Attack
1.(human)improved initiative
3.Furious focus
5.Greater mercy

ㅡmwk cold iron Great Sword
ㅡmwk silver Hammer, Lucerne
ㅡmwk lance, cold iron
ㅡlance, cold iron
ㅡcold iron Longsword
ㅡShield, heavy steel
ㅡmwk Composite Longbow, +4 Str
ㅡarrow, cold iron *20
ㅡarrow, blunt, silver *20
ㅡ+1 Full Plate Armor
ㅡ+1 Cloak of resistance
ㅡ+2 belt of giant strength
ㅡmilitary saddle (20gp)
ㅡbarding, silk (120gold)

starting ability score:32pt buy, but human +2 , and 4th level ability score is gone.
source: all pathfinder book

In current campaign, daemon and div is major enemy. and in many cases battlefield isn't good to charge(that why i didn't choose charger build)

Which feat is appropriate for next feat?

I've been looking into quickdraw, lunge, toughness, and weapon focus

ps>Litany is banned.

2013-09-26, 05:18 AM
You might want a little more con.
Other than that, maybe have a look around for feats that boost smiting? Smite is pretty good to focus on if you arent going charger in a pf pally.

Oh, and a wand of cure light or something, saves on your lay on hands for more urgent uses.

2013-09-26, 06:01 AM
If you put the +2 into intelligence, you qualify for Unsanctioned Knowledge (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/unsanctioned-knowledge). Otherwise, Lunge might be useful, as it makes enemies come at you when you're using the Lucerne hammer.

If you have ranks in intimidate, Cornugon Smash (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/cornugon-smash-combat)will get you get an immediate action intimidate check when you power attack.

The (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/step-up-combat---final) Following (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/following-step-combat) Strike (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/step-up-and-strike-combat) feat tree is pretty good as well.

2013-09-26, 09:17 AM
You have power attack, consider Pushing Assault if you plan on using a 2h weapon. Combat Reflexes combos well, particularly with a reach weapon. You said that the battlefield isn't good to charge, so this is more of a 'hold the line' kind of combo. Great for keeping things away from the party, holding choke points, and making the enemy waste their action economy just trying to reach you and hit you. Enlarge Person becomes an amazing buff.

Archetypes, can I suggest Holy Tactician? Your allies benefit from your Smite Evil, and you can bestow teamwork feats on allies, which can be pretty handy depending on party makeup.

Is there a reason why the Litany Spells are banned? It's a real shame. They're pretty awesome.

I am also going to recommend Cornugan Smash or Dreadful Carnage (Cornugan is better). You have a good charisma so intimidate should work pretty well for you. If you want to go further down the Power Attack line, maybe pick up Combat Expertise + Improved Trip + Felling Smash. Swift Action trip when you strike an opponent with Power Attack.

So you hit a guy with Power Attack. He takes damage, you trip him, you push him back 5 ft, you do a free intimdiate. Enemy is shaken and prone (-6 to AC from both effects combined), has to spend time getting back up, and has to move in closer to attack again, so unlikely to full-attack. If he gets up too quickly, you get an AoO, which is just as likely to knock him on his butt again. That isn't too shabby at all. And you can use the knockback on an AoO if you want.

2013-09-26, 09:34 AM
Is there a reason why the Litany Spells are banned? It's a real shame. They're pretty awesome.

Because they're awesome. lol.

2013-09-26, 09:39 AM
Because they're awesome. lol.
...for reals?
Please tell me your DM isn't banning the Litany spells because they are OP or some such.

Also, I edited my above post with futher info just before you replied. Just saying.

Finally, if you plan on taking Combat Expertise for anything else, consider squeezing in Improved Feint and possibly Greater Feint. Especially if you end up taking Holy Tactician as your archetype.

Please tell me archetypes aren't banned too.