View Full Version : Help on a cleric build (3.5)

2013-09-26, 11:19 AM
I.ve been reading these forums for over a year and actually is not really help but advise what i came here looking for.

Im on a campaign that takes us from level 1 to over 20 (age of worms) and i.ve found myself in a crossroad right now.

I.ve been playing a cleric from 1 to 18 where I.m right now

so here.s a summary of my build

cleric 1-6
1 .- exotic weapon prof (bastard sword)
greater fortitude
3 .- extra turning
6 .- extend spell
doomguide 6-16
9 .- persistent spell; extra turning (class additional feat)
12.- divine metamagic: persistent spell; extra turning (class additional feat)
15.- power attack
16.- extra turning (class additional feat)
cleric 7

so yes, as a cleric, i went for dmm persist cheese with doomguide so i could get a little more cheese and keep full caster levels (actually i dont know why this class isn.t present at any cleric handbook i.ve seen so far because is great for clerics focusing dmm and to get info on dead enemies...)

so i leveled up to 18 and i.ve to get a new feat and not sure what to pick

i.ve been thinking on 2 level dip in to fighter, getting the practiced spellcaster (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-arcane--55/practiced-spellcaster--2231/) feat so i wont loose caster levels and improved trip for battlefield control and on the 2 level, leap attack
a 1 level dip into contemplative to get time domain with craft contigent spell (revivify if i die, heal if i get revivify casted on me) then hierophant for divine reach

so those are the 2 options i.ve in mind, to help up with the tips an advises, here.s the rest or the party
barbarian 10 / frenzied berserk 8 (charger build)
wizard 18 / archmage 1 (evoker, not really good player, poor spell selection + poor decision making)
rogue 5 / assassin 10 /spellthief 3 (might be a little different but that.s the main idea behind the character, also highly optimized)

we lack a lot of battlefield control but we cover it up with up front damage and myself saving the party.s a** sometimes me dying in the process.

any help appreciated and sorry for my english (as not my natural language)

2013-09-26, 11:42 AM
First, two questions. What is "doomguid"? And did you mean 2 levels in Fighter rather than Warrior? Warrior is an NPC class.

In response to the rest of your questions: dipping Contemplative is usually okay, and I'm personally a fan of Heirophant for the Divine Reach even if it's sub-optimal. Using touch attacks on single targets means that you're either forcing your opponents to save against you, or you're casting spells on one ally at a time in battle. Neither is very efficient.

It seems like your build is based on you making melee attacks rather than save-or-dies, so the Heirophant choice is definitely a bit confusing. What did you plan to use it for?

What sort of books do you have available for spells? Clerics definitely have a few decent battlefield control spells, so your group shouldn't be lacking those.

2013-09-26, 11:54 AM
doomguide is a prestige class from faiths & pantheons, also yes, i ment fighter rather than warrior :)

the divine reach is actually for those times i.ve to go and heal de frenzied berserk with a touch attack to make the heal so he wont die, and getting close to that guy is scary...
also to fight undeads via ranged heal...

also, some more cheese but i should check with my gm to see if it can be done, get inside a persisted amf, throw in some Extraordinary Spell Aim so the amf doesnt affect me and heal via divine reach, but thats something im still not sure...
oh and dont forget ranged Shivering Touch (http://dndtools.eu/spells/frostburn--68/shivering-touch--1291/) for max fun vs large creatures

on the books thing, pretty much every single book but setting specific books, also, no dungeon mag

2013-09-26, 03:06 PM
Even if English isn't your native language, could you please use capitalization and full stops? It's difficult to read without them.

Doomguide is pretty decent, but it's probably not mentioned because it's FR material. Most setting-specific stuff isn't included in handbooks, and that's doubly true for 3.0 material. Also, handbooks are intended for those who aren't as familiar with how a class works, so there's no need for them to be exhaustive or to list every trick.

If you're allowing 3.0/FR material, there are many "light of x" and other spells that are ranged and that make short work of undead. You're probably already aware that healing in combat is usually not as good as killing enemies, so buffing up the berserker before combat so that he won't need healing will make life much easier on you.

Also, you're level 18 so there's no reason to not throw out a Mass Heal/Mass Cure X if you really need to heal during combat. All of the mass versions have range. The better option might be to use even low-level spells like Shield Other on the berserker so that he isn't the one who needs healing. There are many other options as well.

It seems like you already know what PrCs you want to pick up. What sort of advice are you looking for specifically?