View Full Version : Your fluffiest fluff character?

2013-09-26, 09:24 PM
We've done favourite classes for fluff, favourite races for fluff (which still seems to be ongoing), now I want to know your favourite combination! As usual, completely ignore mechanics, just a type of character who's race and class (and anything else) just feels right and cool to you.

At the moment I'm all for a (PF) suli daggerspell mage, focusing on fire spells with spontaneous casting.

Fax Celestis
2013-09-26, 09:42 PM
I played an earth dwarf earth domain Druid with the rootwalker ACF. I took Stone Form and exclusively used my wild shape on it. Also took levels n. Stonespeaker Guardian and Earth Dreamer, got some earth elemental grafts, as basically slowly transformed into an earth elemental.

Praxiteles Pankratios was known as the Volcano, and cast predominantly earth descriptor spells, with a smattering of fire refluffed as magma.

John Longarrow
2013-09-26, 10:41 PM

She is a ... well... Sivri. Flighty at time, more interested in experiences and fun than boring stuff, and started out as being on a mission for her dad (Spirit of the Ivolg river) to find out who was dumping waste into the rivers tributaries. Very "Earthy" and "Non-material" to begin with, then met up with some very dower dwarves and decided to become a much more fun person. She also started hanging out with a nature priestess who seemed to bring out the innate magic in her, mostly throwing cold area of effect spells and changing into stuff.

Then she met the old master perform. Sivri has a thing for music, and she's really good at performing. Most people think she's some kind of bard since she is really good at playing woodwinds and can use magic.

She's also becoming less just a river spirit folk and more an elemental based being.

Game mechanics? Ranger (2) then sorcerer (6) followed by elemental savant (Water) on a river spirit folk. For RP we home brewed that spirit folk can turn into/out of their native element 1/day per class level. Unlimited duration, so at first level you can become that element or revert from it, but not both.

Very fun character! Once dragged the party out on a quest for spider silk, then to find a spinner and a dressmaker before hunting for the perfect hat!

2013-09-26, 10:51 PM
Currently I really like my Arcane Swordsage Lesser Aasimar. He's kind of going the route of Asmodeus, using fire to purify enemies of law and slowly succumbing to evil, eventually getting hellfire(storm) and being awesome thematically and decent combat wise.

2013-09-26, 11:00 PM
Tiefling witch and human factotum are probably the most appropriate combinations I've played.

Generally I try to go with maximally unusual combinations, though. Gnome barbarian, orc bard (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdXQJS3Yv0Y), half-ogre paladin.

2013-09-27, 12:30 AM
I played a druid who was a (anthropomorphic) bat. He rode a bat and summoned bats.

Red Rubber Band
2013-09-27, 12:42 AM
I've always been keen to try out a Tortle (? humanoid turtle) Druid that summons turtles. Could dip into an elemental class like Wu Jen or that prestige one... (mind block) for the added water flavour.

Or a Nezumi that summons turtles :P

My first character was a darkness oriented cleric. Every level I made sure I took thematically appropriate spells. Moonbolt, Darkness, etc. Then went on to demonic looking spells like that one that gives you flight and lightning bolts out of your eyes. Managed to cover the tracks of our actual demonic collaborator and keep his reputation crystal clear.

Brain is not working today :(

2013-09-27, 12:55 AM
Spiritfolk Godless Cleric: He wasn't devoted to a deity, but to a system of beliefs which centered around the veneration of legendary heroes. His own "blessed" blood, as being part of the Spirit World and with a connection to Animist faiths were always an odd, interesting clash for him. Not one that tore him to pieces and made him an emo git. But people came to him expecting him to intercede to the spirits on their behalf. And being a good sort, he'd try for them. But his heart was never into it, and he tried to guide people away from what he saw as "impersonal, alien beings who care little for men", towards the great figures he worshiped, who cared and knew what being a man in the world meant and were to be revered and followed.

Just exploring that split between someone who is obviously spiritual by birth in one regard, but holds faith in something else entirely made for an interesting character to me.

Half-Ogre Druid: He was a druid, and an apex predator in his own way. No one would mistake him for a hippie. Nor was he a spell-slinger (As other druids my group and I had run into were at the time). Dark, violent, caring little for "preserving" anything. He tapped into the savage nature of... well... nature. Embracing predator and prey, relishing the hunt, and preferring to snap bones with his own hands and teeth rather than transform into a bear, shoot bears, or call down a storm. And despite his "non-druid like" behavior... no one in our group really questioned that he was a druid (Or should be a druid) once they saw him in action. Just that right mix of brute force and savage nature with natural instincts and divine power.