View Full Version : DM Ruling on Comic Relief Idea

2013-09-27, 08:05 AM
So last night I was watching a television series and it got me thinking. I want to build a character who would be known as the "Fisher of Men," and his primary tactic would be that of using a net to trap and a trident for primary weapon. That being said I will work on that build, but I had a strange stream of thought.

The issue for this thread is if I created this PC/NPC as a Commoner with skill in Profession: Fisherman etc but gave him the Chicken Infested Flaw, would you (the playground DMs) allow me to refluff the description to instead be the "chicken of the sea" a tuna? So that everytime I would draw a chicken I instead get a tuna fish.

Looking for your opinion or other ideas and/or applications that you have thought of or heard of. Thanks!

2013-09-27, 08:31 AM
The main problem I'd have with this is even the smallest species of tuna are more than twice the size and weight of the largest species of chickens.

That said, as a DM I'd probably let you swap out "chickens" for an equivalently sized species of fish.

2013-09-27, 08:38 AM
The main problem I'd have with this is even the smallest species of tuna are more than twice the size and weight of the largest species of chickens.

That said, as a DM I'd probably let you swap out "chickens" for an equivalently sized species of fish.

The bullet tuna generally weighs an average of 4lbs and is about 1.6' long and many chickens come in (cornish hen for one) at 3lbs. Just as a for instance but I understand what you are saying thank you. Anyone else?

2013-09-27, 08:42 AM
what is the "Chicken Infested Flaw" exactly, i have never heard of it?

2013-09-27, 08:47 AM
As a sucker for fluff and colorful characters, I say absolutely yes.

2013-09-27, 08:50 AM
what is the "Chicken Infested Flaw" exactly, i have never heard of it?

Simplified it says that whenever the person (restricted to commoner only flaw) there is a 50% chance of a chicken popping out. It was from a Dragon magazine.

And thank you for the "absolutely yes" above. Want to let me play him in your game?

2013-09-27, 08:50 AM
what is the "Chicken Infested Flaw" exactly, i have never heard of it?
It's a flaw for commoners published in an April Fools issue of Dragon magazine. You have a 50% chance to pull a chicken out instead of an item from a bag or such. Then everyone remembered that taking something out of a spell component pouch is a free action.

2013-09-27, 09:18 AM
maybe instead of a net and trident he throws harpoons, and randomly he might chuck a Tuna at you (with a huge bonus to hit cause who dosent wanna soo the bad guy smacked in the face with a fish)

2013-09-27, 10:28 AM
Don't use Chicken Infested in any form unless everyone's playing joke characters. Everyone joking is fun, one person joking while everyone else is trying to be serious is just annoying.

2013-09-27, 10:36 AM
If you go with the tuna thing, his name should be Charlie.