View Full Version : The Big OOTS 10th Anniversary Weekend!

Sunken Valley
2013-09-27, 05:58 PM
Ladies, Gentlemen and those of unspecified gender, this weekend is a rare and special one for us all. On the 29th September 2003, the Game Designer of the Future, Rich Burlew, produced a webcomic. He was bored with having no one visit his site and drew up a bright and colourful story, with ugly art to draw people in. This story grew longer, new characters were added, the art work got better and the Game Designer of the Future became the author of the present. Now, this webcomic has won Eagle Awards, sell out Gen-con shows, a $1,000,000 on Kickstarter and narrowly lost to an Alan Moore graphic novel for a prize. It predates the modern internet climate of twitter and facebook, evolving as the internet has ascended to true power without selling out. And this Sunday, it will be 10 years old. I speak of course, of Order of the Stick.

Rarely has a story that started as a joke-a-day comic that even flirted with not having continuity grown into an epic saga. A tale with good heroes, evil villains, shady ambiguity, a philosophical stance against mindless slaughter, a cast who are largely both genre saavy and strategic masters, funny jokes, a cliffhanger in every other final panel (which isn't a joke), a complex story that needs a chart to be understandable to the uninitiated and of course, great cleavage. And it is entirely made with stick figures.

Anyone else who wants to talk about their experiences of OOTS or otherwise celebrate the big 10, post now.

2013-09-27, 06:48 PM
Oh man. I got into the strip back in 2009, when it was in its hiatus between Don't Split The Party and the current arc, and boy am I glad I did. This comic is amazing, and it's influenced the way I look at fantasy, comedy, hell, storytelling as a whole. As a writer, it's been a big ol' eye-opener to a lot of the things one should and shouldn't do in fiction. A comic that can do all that, have compelling characters and plot and still be pretty much laugh-a-minute? Yeah. I'd vote for it.

Here's to OOTS!

2013-09-27, 06:50 PM
It's a nice coincidence that it's my birthday as well as that of OoTS.

2013-09-27, 06:51 PM
Shoot, I've been here since what, 2007? I started reading OotS as a 7th or 8th grader, and I'm now a freshman in college. I think this is the longest I've kept up on a single work of fiction (with the possible exception of the Harry Potter series).

OotS got me into writing-some of the first stories I ever wrote and shared with others were OotS fanfiction (yes, for the Crack Pairings thread, don't remind me), and I now write original fiction and poetry. I haven't been published yet (other than in school journals, which, let's be frank, don't count), but I will someday, and I owe it, in part, to Order of the Stick.

So thanks Rich, for 5-6 years of excellent writing! I've had a blast, and I can't wait to see where this story's headed! :smallsmile:

Grey Watcher
2013-09-27, 08:10 PM
Happy Tenth Year, here's too the rapidly approaching end-game!

You mean the one that he's stated is two books and years of time away? :smalltongue:

2013-09-27, 08:43 PM
I started at around 831. It's such an amazing story, and I thank Rich for it. I keep trying to introduce it to people, but I've only had one success (my sister) - everyone else doesn't want to read it because it's clearly just a silly comic, and a WEB comic at that. :smallannoyed::smallfrown::smallsigh:

2013-09-27, 09:46 PM
I remember clearly which strip was current when I started: Xykon and Redcloak were at a tower, pretending to be dictionary salesmen. Looking, that was...#368. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0368.html) In 2006. Time sure flies. Happy anniversary, and keep up the great work.

2013-09-27, 10:11 PM
And on September 29,1984, something else amazing happened: I was born! I couldn't be happier than sharing a birthday with the OotS

2013-09-28, 12:51 AM
My recommendation: On Sunday, anyone who's able should dress up like a character from the strip. Doesn't need to be flamboyant or totally nuts, but recognizable. And then? See if you run into any fellow connoisseurs in the streets...... if you don't fail your Spot check, that is.

Gift Jeraff
2013-09-28, 12:55 AM
My recommendation: On Sunday, anyone who's able should dress up like a character from the strip. Doesn't need to be flamboyant or totally nuts, but recognizable. And then? See if you run into any fellow connoisseurs in the streets...... if you don't fail your Spot check, that is.

Maybe this time people will join me when I cosplay as Invisible Elan.

2013-09-28, 01:30 AM
Maybe this time people will join me when I cosplay as Invisible Elan.

Hah! Maybe this time my roommate won't freak out when I spraypaint his cat white.

Beige Dragon
2013-09-28, 01:33 AM
Woho! I think I started reading around 2010, man, it'll be sad when the comic has to end.

2013-09-28, 02:45 AM
I started back in 2006 with power word: annoy (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0306.html) when some friends of mine posted on an email list that V's gender was finally revealed. (The wizard calls V "him" in this strip.) I were bored and figured I might as well see what this comic was now that I were there.

Of course V's gender is ambiguous as ever, specific pronoun or not, but I am glad they mailed that discussion.

Happy tenth birthday, OotS.

2013-09-28, 04:47 AM
oh man, i can barely remember when i first saw oots. it was either the end of 2004 or beginning of 2005. i remember that much because it was my first year in university. back in those days the giant posted twice a week, regularly. (he even went up to thrice a week for some time.) he sometimes got sick and once or twice, illustrated himself in bed, with his wife tending to him.

i remember reading the then-existing strips in a week or so. i've been waiting, in pain and anticipation, for the new ones to come out ever since. i sometimes wish to have been following (and posting in) the forums since then, but that's ok.

here's to oots. may its memories about the wide array of feelings it stirs, and appreciation it receives outlive us all. :smallsmile:

2013-09-28, 07:07 AM
Happy Birthday OotS! Here's to another ten years!:smallwink:

Muenster Man
2013-09-28, 07:16 AM
Sadly, I cannot say that I've been reading for (X) number of years because I only found out about this comic earlier this year when the site was down. But those few comics posted were enough to get me hooked.

The character dynamics are great, the plot turns are exciting, and the OotS world is intriguing. This is a great comic made all the more impressive by its longevity.

2013-09-28, 07:18 AM
Libra Astrology September 23 - October 22
Libra Strength Keywords:
- Diplomatic
- Graceful
- Peaceful
- Idealistic
- Hospitable
Libra Weakness Keywords:
- Superficial
- Vain
- Indecisive
- Unreliable

2013-09-28, 10:29 AM
Lots of really well-writen stuff.

Nice summary, Sunken Valley. I, for one, will be raising a glass or two tomorrow. Hope the Giant posts something here or in the News Section!

King of Nowhere
2013-09-28, 11:22 AM
seems like I will have to get drunk tomorrow. Cheers!

2013-09-28, 11:37 AM
I'll raise a glass to that. And to [however many Rich wants/needs] more years of good times.

2013-09-28, 02:39 PM
Well said, Sunken Valley! Here's to The Giant and his grand creation that is The Order of the Stick!

Ted The Bug
2013-09-28, 03:15 PM
I've moved across an ocean since I first found OOTS. Dang, it's been a long road.

Happy 10th, OOTS, and congrats to the Giant for keeping such a great story going so strong! Now get that 5th book ready so I can throw more of my money at you.

Muenster Man
2013-09-28, 06:48 PM
Would anyone happen to know the hour or even general time of day the first strip went up?

2013-09-28, 06:53 PM
Happy Birthday OOTS! :smallbiggrin:

Gift Jeraff
2013-09-28, 07:04 PM
Someone should make a :roy: cake. It'd be pretty simple.

Would anyone happen to know the hour or even general time of day the first strip went up?

3:58 PM EDT (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7333)

2013-09-28, 07:12 PM
It's a nice coincidence that it's my birthday as well as that of OoTS.

It is also my father's birthday. :smallsmile: Making a streuselkuchen for him.

2013-09-28, 07:19 PM
Damn, time flies. I've been reading since way back on #473, published in... damn, 2007. OOTS has been a fixture in my life for the last 6 years, a full third of my lifespan so far. Thanks, Giant; it's been one wild ride, and I'll see it through to the end. Hope that doesn't come too soon!

Muenster Man
2013-09-28, 07:20 PM
Someone should make a :roy: cake. It'd be pretty simple.

3:58 PM EDT (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7333)

Thanks. It's so weird reading the forum from the early days.

Sunken Valley
2013-09-28, 08:17 PM
I've prepared the biggest OOTS present! A short OOTS script. Not as good as OOTS but still.

The Order of the Stick in…The coming of Unoglurck!

(The Order are situated in a grassland area).

Roy: Ok team, we are out of the desert and in the grassy plains. Now that it’s dusk, Durkon can prepare some Wind Walk spells to take us to the north. Now I’ll guard him. The rest of you go do something else…I don’t know, something sneaky.

Elan: Ok Roy!

Haley: Sure thing.

Belkar: Whatever.

Vaarsuvius: We will engage in endeavours outside your presence, Sir Greenhilt.

(All walk away. Roy is alone with a meditating Durkon, who is a vampire. Eugene Greenhilt’s ghost appears)

Eugene: Roy! Xykon has left Azure City and is coming to the Gate! He said it was in Windy Canyon, you have to go there quick!

Roy: Oh no, I must get there immediately! Is what I would say except we’ve already been there, destroyed the gate and met Xykon.

Eugene: Did you destroy him?

Roy: Yes and no, it’s kind of complicated. What took you so long to reply?

Eugene: I just had a, er, little nap. I’m an old man, I tire easy.

Roy: You’re a ghost you don’t sleep. You were watching Iron Mage weren’t you?

Eugene: …No.

Roy: This is just like when you missed my baseball game.

Eugene: No, it’s nothing like that! That time, Suzie Finklestein was getting trashed by Aarindarius and I needed to see the smug grin wiped off her face. This time, I just watched it because it was there. It hasn’t been the same since they blew up the stadium last season.

Eugene: And besides, I got to see you wield a two-handed piece for 150 strips so I’d say I’ve more than made up for it.

(Cut to Haley, Belkar, Elan and Vaarsuvius)

Vaarsuvius: Miss Starshine, I could not help but notice you removed wands from my Drow counterparts corpse. May I perhaps identify their contents?

Haley: Ok, I think the green one is some sort of Invisibility effect and the yellow one is one of those “Eagle’s Splendour” wands but I have no idea what the red one does.

Elan: Yay, we finally have sticks to be an order of!

Belkar: Pfft, you don’t need fancy wands. All you needs is sharp objects, am I right Scruffy (strokes cat).

Blackwing: Those pompous eagles really think they have it all.

Vaarsuvius: The effect of this wand is obvious, it is a wand of Minor Image, allowing an image with small sounds to be produced.

Elan: But if we’re an order of a stick, does that mean the stick orders us around? Or maybe we are ordering the stick?

Vaarsuvius: Observe.

(V points the red wand in the air. It produces a glowing red message in the sky “The Order of the Stick was here” with firework noises).

All: Woah.

Haley: So what benefit can we use it for? I mean, Elan can do that and more several times a day.

Elan: Yeah, and my magic only works half the time.

???: Well it makes you even easier to find.

(A chimera appears before the order)

Belkar: What is that?

Elan: That’s a chimera, we fought one before remember?

Belkar: You really expect me to remember the first 50 strips! It feels like 10 years ago.

(The chimera speaks, it speaks exclusively from its lion head)

Unoglurck: We are Unoglurck. We have come to pay vengeance on the death of our mate.

Haley: What do you mean?

Unoglurck: We once had a loving mate, a chimera called Trigak. We were High-school sweethearts. We hunted game in the plains, while they were a dungeon monster for hire. Then they were killed by one Belkar Bitterleaf. That Halfling killed our true love and he and his accomplices will pay!

Elan: I knew Trigak was a playa! He just played indoors.

Belkar: So how did you find me genius?

Unoglurck: Many races consult the Oracle of the Sunken Valley. We asked where to find you and it our prayers were answered. We wish we remembered what happened though, we’re sure it was a great experience.

(Panel where all characters stand there)

Vaarsuvius: Why do we appear to be immobile?

Unoglurck: We were expecting a flashback. Wonder why it never came?

(Cut to Oracle in his chamber)

Oracle: Hello, this is a pre-recorded message. I know you’re a fanmade work and you won’t pay me, which is why I will not be appearing in your product. If you have any complaints, please suck my internal ****. PS: cool user name.

(Back to the group, all looking at the previous panel)

Unoglurck: Well that explains it.

Belkar: That orange-balled bastard.

Elan: Wait, the Oracle is a Kobold? I thought she looked like my mommy!

Unoglurck: Regardless, our joy at your deaths will be great, but we will take special glee in yours Belkar Bitterleaf!

Elan: Does this mean my mommy is secretly a Kobold?

Haley: Joke’s on you Unoglurck. V really beat up your partner and she’ll do the same again.

Elan: Go get her V!

Belkar: It’s all you dog.

Vaarsuvius: … No.

All oots members: What?!

Vaarsuvius: This chimera has lost her mate. She has every justification to want to fight you, especially the odious Halfling who enjoyed the death of Trigak at such a high qualitative level. I confess that I did so as well but I realise that was wrong. I will not take another life needlessly.

Elan: But what are we going to do without you to kill it?

Vaarsuvius: You may kill it yourselves, by all means. Certainly, you outnumber it three to one. I will alert Sir Greenhilt, but I will have no further part in this. (starts to fly away)

Belkar: Stand aside, ladies. You want to kill me? Fine, but let me tell you, in a battle of kill or be killed the Belkster always wins.

(Jumps into air)

Belkar: I’ll cut off your heads so hard it won’t be Hello Kitty so much as Goodbye…

(Belkar stops. We see what he sees, Instead of Unoglurck’s lion head, he sees Mr Scruffy’s)

Belkar: Kitty…

(Belkar halts in his charge and crashes to the ground)

Haley: Belkar! What happened?

Belkar: Guys, I don’t feel like attacking this thing today, maybe we should just go get Roy to do it?

Haley: I’ll just do it myself then, it’s a Chimera so it should only be CR7.

Unoglurck: May I suggest a counter-proposal? Sneak Attack!

(Unoglurck claws Belkar with two claws and narrowly misses Haley with a bite)

Unoglurck: Nobody expects a Chimera with class levels. Looks like I win initiative. Sneak Attack!

(Unoglurck hits Belkar again with two claws and bites Haley’s bow with one bite, breaking it and injuring Haley with a second)

Haley: I didn’t expect that first sneak attack, but I really didn’t expect that second one.

Elan: Oh no Belkar is unconscious! Mass Cure Light Wounds!

Belkar: *Groan*

Haley: Damn it, Belkar’s in no shape to fight and my bow’s kaput. Elan, you bring Belkar to Durkon while I distract the Chimera somehow.

Elan: No Haley, you go. Your bow is broken and you’re injured. I’m uninjured and I still have my rapier. You bring Belkar to Durkon, I’ll try to hold him off. Although could you give me those wands. I think I might need them.

Haley: Love you

Elan: You too

Belkar: Blurgh, can I just go, I’m dying already without feeling the need to throw up.

(Haley leaves with Belkar, Elan applies the yellow wand to himself)

Unoglurck: Our prey is escaping, time to hunt.

Elan: Nuh uh, you’ve really been getting my goat, wanting to hurt my friends. (stabs Unoglurck)

Unoglurck: Gah! You will pay first for attacking us (bites Elan)

Elan: Oh I would be Lion if I said I wasn’t going to give you a fight (stab).

Unoglurck: We will kill you for that pun alone! (misses Elan)

Elan: You can’t kill me if you can’t see me (applies green wand to himself, fades from view). I’m invisible with my clothes on!

Unoglurck: What does that even mean?

???: Unoglurck?

Unoglurck: Gasp! Trigak.

(Enter Trigak)

Trigak: (Lion head) It is so nice to see you again, (goat head) what have you been up to?

Unoglurck: We thought you were dead.

Trigak: (dragon head) Raised off-panel.

Unoglurck: Oh, well we’ve been hunting your killer, but we don’t see the point now you live.

Trigak: (dragon head) My thoughts exactly! (goat head) Now let’s go back home, I’m getting cold standing out here.

Unoglurck: Okay, sweeties...wait did you just refer to yourself in the individual? Twice? What is going on? Trigak?

(Unoglurck places her paw on Trigak’s. It flickers through his paw, which his insubstantial)

Unoglurck: Grah, a trick! We will destroy you!

Elan: Sorry for dragon your heart around! (reappears, stabbing Unoglurck). And wounding your pride! (stab) Butt I wanted to end this with no killing and was within a hair’s breath of doing so! (stab)

Haley: Elan! We’re here for you now.

(Haley has her bow fully restored and is joined by Roy, a fully healed Belkar and a floating Vaarsuvius, who is watching passively from above)

Elan: Roy, I held the monster off!

Roy: Good job Elan.

(Unoglurck takes to the air)

Unoglurck: Order of the Stick! I may be out numbered this time but I will return for reven…glurck!

(Unoglurck’s eyes becomes swirly. panel shot of Unoglurck staring at a bat. Unoglurck lands on the ground, prone. The bat lands on her lion neck and turns into Durkon).

Roy: Durkon?!

Durkon: Ah hope yeh dinnae mind, bu ahm feeling a mite peckish so ahm drinking this thing’s blood.

Belkar: You stay away from that cat’s blood, you leech!

(Durkon ignores him, starts drinking. Belkar jumps onto the neck and starts trying to pull Durkon away)

Belkar: I said stop it!

(Durkon pushes him away)


Haley: Woah, you ok Durkon.

Durkon: Och aye, ah dinnae know what came o’er me just then.

Roy: Take your time Durkon. At least a potentially recurring enemy is dead and gone for good.

Elan: Or are they? Du-

Roy: Elan, I know what you’re going to do and it’s not going to happen. We have either fought or plan to fight an Epic Lich, a Goblin High Priest, their secret weapon, a narcissism paladin, a team of evil opposites, a group of bandits lead by a sorceress, some arch-fiends V tells me are watching us and even your father.

Elan: Oh, I remember defeating him with my secret plan! Remember when I…

Roy: Elan, I know I was there. What I’m saying is, all these foes were either way more dangerous or still out there and plotting to kill us. It is highly unlikely that a chimera we just met will come back before they…

Durkon: Well ah drained tha chimera dry, time to give it a poke of me staff.

(Durkon touches Unoglurck with his staff. She comes back as a vampire)


Elan: Dun Dun Dun!

Roy (facepalm): sigh

(Cut to Redcloak, who is scrying on the order, with Xykon and Mitd in the background).

Redcloak: Xykon, Greenhilt and his Order of the Stick have procured the services of a vampire cleric, and they are heading here. It is important that we prepare for their inevitable arrival.

Xykon: Shut up and help me deal with the monsters in this dungeon Redcloak, I want that gate.

Mitd: Hold on, the monster in the next room looks just like me! I’ve found another member of my species! I’m not alone! Oh never mind, it’s just a mirror.

The End

2013-09-28, 08:35 PM
I came to Order of the Stick in 2009 and it was how I got into gaming more. Without Order of the Stcik, I wouldn't have met my husband and would not be where I am now.

Thanks Rich Burlew.

2013-09-29, 03:15 AM
Hooray! Happy Birthday, Order of the Stick! *toot*

I remember that when I finished the archives at the time, this (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0200.html) was the current comic, back in 2005. That's 8 years, give or take. Damn.

Here's to yet a plentitude of years of great entertainment!

2013-09-29, 03:23 AM
:elan: Reach, reach, reach, reach ten years of this comic!

super dark33
2013-09-29, 05:33 AM

I'm happy to live this milestone.

2013-09-29, 06:24 AM
I only discovered the comic back in the summer of 2011 (during the 794-795 lull), but it's already been a fantastic ride. Thanks, Giant, for everything.

Ron Miel
2013-09-29, 06:33 AM
-┈♥«´Happy 10th Birthday.`»♥


2013-09-29, 06:38 AM
I discovered the comic in 2008, it was a lightheart reading, because, you know, first strips were just jokes related. Then i slowly slipped into one of the best fantasy story I ever read. Now I'm addicted, I bought all the books, backed kickstarter project and sometimes stick around the forum.
Thanks Rich Burlew.

2013-09-29, 06:42 AM
Happy birthday OotS! I've been reading it since around strip 10. I don't know any more how I found it, I wasn't usually reading webcomics then, but it's been with me for almost ten years now and it has made my life a bit better. So I'm looking forward to the next at least four years :smallsmile:

Sgt Pinback
2013-09-29, 06:51 AM
Happy Birthday and three cheers for Rich!

2013-09-29, 06:53 AM
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQ3EhpEs2T1_s6AkU6jVZsrVaQnGhkP nXKtO8Qtpa-ZmO0VNaDVShwIi0

2013-09-29, 06:56 AM
Happy Anniversary everyone :)

I've started reading somewhere in the year 2005, and have ever since hardly gone a day without checking if there was a new strip. I really love the comic, and whether it takes four years or twentyfive, I'll be there F5'ing the hell out of the site until the very last comic. :smallcool:

2013-09-29, 07:10 AM
Wow, 10 years, that's a freaking long time!

I've been following the comic for maybe half that. Seems I registered my account in Jun 09, but pretty sure I was reading before that.

Does anyone know what arc was happening in Jun 09? Because I sure don't know anymore what happened when I started, have read the archive back then and since then a few more times, and it's all jumbled. I think that it was the Azure City siege arc when I joined, but I might be completely off.

Happy Birthday to Roy, Elan, Haley, Durkon, Vaarsuvius, Belkar, Redcloak, Xykon, nameless goblins and everyone else I forgot!

Lord Raziere
2013-09-29, 07:28 AM

I've read this since…it was about in the 400's. meaning so far, I've been here to see half the comic unfold before my eyes, after I read the first half in archive binge.

the comic got me into DnD in the first place, I've roleplayed before DnD, but this comic made get into more structured rpgs and to think about the issues of DnD. if it weren't for this webcomic, I wouldn't be the roleplayer I am today. maybe. its art of course, inspired me to make my own digital art, and while my current style is so divergent that it no longer resembles the stick figures it originally was, I started out by drawing stick figures of my own.

it made me think about how I should play my characters, it taught me that in many ways, every character is primarily a person, with the motivations of a person, and the flaws of a person. I don't know how differently I would've turned out without it, I don't know if I would've turned out differently at all.

But I do know that I enjoy reading it and that it has enhanced my roleplaying experience if nothing else. Happy 10th Anniversary.

2013-09-29, 07:31 AM
I found OOTS through TV Tropes. Specifically, the page about how all dwarves are alike (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0602.html). The comic was funny, but even without any context at all, the element of danger that the characters were in was compelling enough to make me start reading more strips in that arc to see what happened.

I went back to the beginning, read the whole thing in a few days, and liked it a lot. Now I've got all the books on my shelf.

2013-09-29, 07:47 AM
Happy anniversary, OOTS!


Brian P.

2013-09-29, 07:49 AM
Happy birthday OotS, you're most certainly one of the best fantasy stories I've ever read Reading a new OotS-comic is something I always look forward to and it can give even a really crappy day a happy ending. And I just love the books with the bonus strips, the commentary, the prefaces, the forewards and the introductions. Very few things are as good as sitting on the couch and reading a new OotS-book.

Sadly, I don't remember when I started reading OotS - it ws long before my registration on the forums. My brother introduced me to it...I think it was when they were still in Dorukan's dungeon but I am not sure.

Anyway, here's to OotS and its creator! I thank you very much for the mostly free entertainment you've provided me with.

2013-09-29, 07:59 AM
:smallbiggrin:Heartfelt congratulatons on the OotS's 10th anniversary!

I've been on the forum since about a year after I first discovered the webcomic, when someone linked to it on Sorcerer's Place. I've written RPG guides for games on that and other websites. It was an amazing discovery, and I remember being hooked on the storyline when I first saw it, running through the comic database like a frenzied drug addict.

Although the comic subject is niche, the audience has become broad, thanks in part to the friendly forum that Rich and staff maintain. I want to voice my admiration for the way the atmosphere on the forum is upheld: Although the comic touches on real-world topic, showing the author's views on the matter, the forum has not been allowed to get bogged down in angry disputes between opinionated board members, of which I am no exception.

During my relatively short membership, I've received warnings from moderators when I crossed the line voicing my opinions. Despite this, I have nothing but respect for their role in keeping order on the forum. The comic's subject inevitably provokes discussions, and it must be no easy task to keep them from turning into flame wars.

I've observed that the Giant and other moderators make no excuses when dealing with violations, and this is a good thing. My first impresion was that it was oppressive, but over time I've come to see the necessity of it. So, congratulations on 10 years of running a good forum too.:smallsmile:

2013-09-29, 08:05 AM
Oh boy, this is amazing. I still remember when I came here for the first time and the last strip was this one http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0536.html

Man, I can't deal with all these feelings right now. . .

Happy birthday, Order of the Stick.

2013-09-29, 08:05 AM
It's my birthday! Also, something about the OotS birthday, too, I think.

Anyway thanks Rich for starting this comic on such a great day! You could have picked anyone's birthday, but you picked mine. I'm so honored!

2013-09-29, 08:15 AM
My god, has it already been two years? I started around 804 (Where Her Loyalties Lie) because my friend had told me about it and I had finally found the site. I was caught up within a week.

Killer Angel
2013-09-29, 08:19 AM
Horray! Happy birthday!
Where's the cake? :smallsmile:

Maybe this time people will join me when I cosplay as Invisible Elan.

Tell me where and when. I don't want to risk to be there during your exibition. :smalltongue:

2013-09-29, 08:21 AM
Been following the comic since a year or so and it felt right to register an account on this day to show my support.
Congratulations OOTS and The Giant, may the story arcs run long and fingers stay safe and whole! :smalltongue:

2013-09-29, 08:32 AM
Happy birthday :)

2013-09-29, 08:37 AM
Cannot remember when I joined the OotS-verse the first time. Years ago but not ten years. Nevermind.

What is important is to congratulate Mr.Giant/The Giant/Rich Burlew for creating something that has brought countless of hours of superb and engrossing and totally bl.... brilliant fun and top-notch storytelling to us.

Would love to read OotS for another 10 years (even though you say that 'only' four years are left".

Thank you and happy anniversary and keep up the excellent work!

Kind regards from Denmark

2013-09-29, 09:12 AM
Whoa, ten years! That's almost a hundred!

I remember first reading the strip when it was at #767, over 2 years ago. And I'm glad I did find it, since it inspired me to make my webcomic, the one project I haven't given up on yet even after 2 years of drawing it. I've had a lot of fun not only reading Order of the Stick, but also being inspired by it. :smallbiggrin:

Congrats on 10 years of consecutive comic writing, Rich! I'd say let's hope for another 10 years, but that's very unlikely... so I guess let's hope -I- can get that far with mine then? :smalltongue:

2013-09-29, 09:17 AM
My recommendation: On Sunday, anyone who's able should dress up like a character from the strip. Doesn't need to be flamboyant or totally nuts, but recognizable. And then? See if you run into any fellow connoisseurs in the streets...... if you don't fail your Spot check, that is.

Wait. I think I failed my Listen check. :smalltongue:

And I can't remember for certain, but I think I started reading around the time the Empire of Blood plotline started. (And alas, my forum join date won't help because I was a lurker for a while before I got the account)

2013-09-29, 09:35 AM
Four years ago, a tvtropes binge led me to Order of the Stick during V's fights with Xykon. That October I joined the forums, and the rest is history.

This forum is one of the best places on the Internet for me. It has become a huge part of my life, and through it I've met many friends and started playing dnd as well.

As for the comic itself, I still squeal with delight every time I see an update. I wish I could be a quarter of the storyteller Rich is.

There's too much for me to say, so I'll just say this: Thank you, and I hope to see many more great years of this work!

2013-09-29, 09:36 AM
Wow. Ten years. Kinda hard to believe, isn't it?

Todd Ingram
2013-09-29, 09:40 AM
I got here when strip 789 was the most current after being directed here from the 'Pineapple Chunk' ad from some crappy forum I was only registering to for a download. Haven't regretted a single thing; it's one of the greatest works of fiction I've ever read, and I consider myself lucky-no, blessed-to be reading it even as it's unfinished.

Happy 10th, OoTS. Now, with regards to that cake...

2013-09-29, 09:47 AM
Amazing! 10 Years of the finest RPG webcomic and in my view, the best webcomic out there.

It's been about 2 years for me (subjectively). Having first learned of this from a guest strip on 8-Bit Theater, I started reading from strip #001 and never looked back.

I would like to thank Rich Burlew for the consistency in his writing, for characters that constantly evolve and stories that never cease to amaze. May Rich always be of sound health and temperament (may Mrs. Giant make you soup when that is not the case, many thanks to her as well). To the moderators of the forums and all involved in keeping this site up and running, Thank You!

Edit: spacing.

2013-09-29, 10:22 AM
Happy 10th to Rich and the whole Playground!

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got the entire score of "Meet Me in St. Louis" to sing...

2013-09-29, 10:22 AM
I've only been here since 2009 (current strip was 663), but comic has always been worth the wait. It takes longer to update than any other webcomic I know, but it is still hands down my favorite. A salute to you, Rich, and a Happy Birthday to the Order of the Stick!

2013-09-29, 10:38 AM
I popped up right when the Giant's Finger started getting better. Glad I did. ^_^

The Glyphstone
2013-09-29, 10:39 AM
I read my first comic sometime in 2004. I don't remember exactly which one, but I was bored in computer class and browsing the web for D&D-related stuff. I think I actually followed a link to the Gaming articles first and went to check out the comic after.

9 years later...

(thing that amused me: Rich locked the first Discussion thread at 15 pages because it was getting annoyingly long to load. Oh, how tech has changed to where we now have a cutoff of 50 pages.)

2013-09-29, 10:50 AM
Congrats to Rich on ten years! I look forward to each time you update. You storytelling skills are incredible.I only hope you have as much fun writing your work as I do reading it.

Here's to ten more!

2013-09-29, 10:55 AM
So Nice of you to send Rich a cake.

Edit: @Ron Miel. Thread moved.

2013-09-29, 10:56 AM
Happy Birthday!

Edit: @littlebum2002 (& OOTS). Thread Moved.

2013-09-29, 11:07 AM
So glad to hear we still have at least four more years of this wonderful strip. Congrats on 10 years!

Musta Nuoli
2013-09-29, 11:10 AM
Happy Birthday to OOTS!

Thanks to Rich Burlew for reaching a full decade of innovative, funny, dramatic, emotional and complex stick figure strips. From an occasional fun to a million-dollar Kickstarter fame, that's really something. I've been reading OOTS about 3-4 years, and I've purchased all the books. Can't wait to buy the next one whenever it comes (and when the current story arc ends). I'll certainly be here, mostly lurking in the shadows, for a next couple of years.

And of course thanks from one of us to all of us: Rich has a story to tell, but there's no storytelling without an audience. And without book purchases and Kickstarter participants it would have been difficult for Rich to make his living with OOTS instead of doing it as an occasional diversion.

Personally I'll hope that OOTS will run five years instead of four. It would be a great goal to celebrate OOTS' 15th Anniversary year with the final big bang, epilogue and the ultimate end of the story.

2013-09-29, 11:20 AM
I do not remember now when I started reading OOtS, however I can say with confidence that of all the webcomics I read, this is my favourite.

But 10 years.... wow. Well, I hope the rest of OOtS's run will be as good.
Wait, what am I saying? Of course it will be as good, if not better.

2013-09-29, 11:30 AM
Happy Birthday OOTS! I got Elan a racing car! Wait... I mean... I got Elan a present which I am TOTALLY not going to tell you what it is until you unwrap it >.>

I started reading in 2004 -2005, shortly after the introduction of Miko (we can bring her up, right?)

2013-09-29, 11:44 AM
Been reading since the comic was in double digits! Happy anniversary, Rich.

2013-09-29, 11:49 AM
And then maybe stick around for whatever’s next.

Emphasis mine. You trying to tell us something, Giant?

2013-09-29, 11:55 AM
Emphasis mine. You trying to tell us something, Giant?

? Nothing new...

Rich has been saying that he intends to start something after OOTS is done for at least five years now. What it is he hasn't said (I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't know :P)

What I want to know if how Rich thinks its easier to pat tens of thousands of backs than it is to reach back and pat your own!

2013-09-29, 11:59 AM
We can only hope when it is all over there will be another kickstarter for a hardbound color omnibus of all the strips like the calvin and hobbes one. I for one would be happy to buy it in that form. In the meantime when will we see the next softcover book? :)

2013-09-29, 12:03 PM
? Nothing new...

I mean, he may or may not be hinting at D&D Next, since he mentioned the comic has nearly outlived 2 editions. Thus the emphasis.

That's jsut me being paranoid though, carry on.

2013-09-29, 12:16 PM
I got started... I'm not sure when. I think somewhere in the current arc. It was in 2012. I read all the way up to the end at the time, and have eagerly awaited each subsequent strip. I have felt the thrill of victory and the pain of defeat. I have laughed and cried with the characters. Simple patterns of shape and color on my computer screen have made their way into my soul. If this isn't the best-written story on the internet, it's damn close.

Thanks for ten great years. I can't even imagine what it'll be like when it's over.

2013-09-29, 12:20 PM
I mean, he may or may not be hinting at D&D Next, since he mentioned the comic has nearly outlived 2 editions. Thus the emphasis.

That's jsut me being paranoid though, carry on.

He isn't hinting at D&D Next.

Not only has he not played D&D (any edition) for the last five years, but he has repeatedly commented that the most frustrating part of writing OOTS is all the pressure he gets to keep it rules-accurate.

While I doubt anyone knows specifically what Rich will write next, it is certainly going to be different, rather than OOTS 2.0

2013-09-29, 12:31 PM
My favorite part of the Giant's announcement: "four more years"!

Guy Incognito
2013-09-29, 12:40 PM
I got into the comic while looking through the Drizzt article and finding a (now-deleted) section on Drizzt knockoffs. I kept going from Strip 51 onward, all the way to the late 300s. I found 8-Bit Theater through that page as well. 'Twas a good day.

Of course, my FIRST Order of the Stick comic was the Harry Potter one. For that one, though, I just read the comic, clicked the most recent page, didn't get it, and moved on to the next HP parody. I was a fool at the age of eleven.

Anyway, yeah, happy 10th anniversary! Only comes once; let's make it count!

2013-09-29, 12:47 PM
Started sometime year before last I think, following a link from TvTropes. Took two days to read through the rest of the story then started eagerly awaiting the next update.

Happy Birthday OotS! Welcome to the double digits!

Gift Jeraff
2013-09-29, 01:01 PM
My history with OOTS:

I read Rich's guest comic (http://www.nuklearpower.com/2004/05/18/vacation-04-3-i-love-bridge-jokes/) for 8-Bit Theater sometime between September 17th~20th '05 (this (http://www.nuklearpower.com/2005/09/17/episode-600-lots-of-fantasy-settings-have-a-north/) was the latest episode when I started reading 8BT's archives, and this (http://www.nuklearpower.com/2005/09/20/episode-601-possession-is-nine-tenths-of-the-law/) was the latest when I finished). I really liked the guest comic and checked out GiantITP.com, but I don't think I bothered reading OOTS. Just bookmarked it and never got around to going back.

Almost 2 years later, someone on the Nuklear Power forums compared this 8BT strip (http://www.nuklearpower.com/2007/08/16/episode-881-you-dont-give-them-names-either/) to this OOTS strip (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0223.html). One of my first thoughts was actually, "Wait, is the elf a guy or a girl?" My first thought was male, because his/her hair made me think of James from Pokemon. Then as I read the strip I thought female, because "girl teaches guy(s) about love" is a more common scenario than the reverse. Then, for some reason, "Our wedding was the finest day of my long life" struck me as more masculine. I don't know why. Anyway, the latest strip was #481 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0481.html). I jumped around a bit--getting the destruction of Soon's Gate and Miko's death spoiled--and was intimidated by all the multi-page strips and how text-heavy the whole comic was.

A year later, I got linked to #599 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0599.html) via TV Tropes (via the Nuklear Power forums again), and again the latest strip was a double-pager and text-heavy. A few months later, I got linked to #388 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0388.html), so I read that, the next strip, and some of the then-current strips (it was around the time Elan and Durkon arrived in Greysky City; alas, Roy's death was also spoiled for me). The FF references, Thog's lines, Julio's "we wouldn't be having this scene if it didn't forward the plot" line, the suave archfiends, the drama in the Darth Vaarsuvius strips, and Leprethog all convinced me to read from the beginning.

2013-09-29, 01:10 PM
Happy Birthday, OotS!
Thanks Rich giving us 10 years of the best webcomic there is. Period.

Seeing all these comments about when people started to read OotS makes me feel as old as I suspect I am.
I started reading some time in mid 2004 when I started to idle in a PnP RPG IRC channel where people where throwing around links to webcomics, browser games and anything else one can waste huge amounts of time with.
I even think remember who I have to blame for luring me into this trap. Judgemask, if you read this: Damn you! ;)

2013-09-29, 01:22 PM
Congratulations for Rich and to us all. I found oots one evening of 2008, so I've been here from the middle of the journey so far. This webcomic declared the love of my index finger and the F5 button since then.

2013-09-29, 01:45 PM
Since we are sharing...
Funny how I got to this lovely web comic.
I bought neverwinternights 2 in 2006. (I think)
and was an active player there in a persistent world.
My Dm there told me I could start my own religion..
So I asked him like what?
He said:like this..http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0085.html
Since that akward day I am in love with this comic.
And since that day I lvld quit a bit myself..
From a guy living in a student house with a lousy job..
To a Epic lvl Chemicalist with own house and a lovely wife..

EDIT in:

And since that day Oots has been a light on a lot of dark working days.
And Rich Burlew showed me that he is a great story teller..
I rank him among my favorite writers..
And I got about 8 friends hooked aswell..

2013-09-29, 01:54 PM
I still remember the day I first started reading Order of the Stick. I was at a babysitting job and the kids had gone to bed, and I was offered free reign of the computer for the evening, so I had to burn a few hours. The most recently updated page was in the Battle for Azure City, I believe it was the one with that HUGE, multiple perspective layout and the oncoming hobgoblin (and assorted others) army marching forward. Soon after, I read the whole archive and I've been hooked ever since.

Here's to Order of the Stick, the Giant, and good storytelling. *raises glass*

2013-09-29, 01:58 PM
I started reading OoTS back in 2007, when this (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0505.html) was the newest strip. I was reluctant to read it until my brother bribed me and then started narrating the first few strips himself. By the tenth strip I was so engrossed I told him to stop reading aloud because I could read faster than he could speak.

OoTS got me into DnD, the forum which practically saved my life during some rough times, and introduced me to some of my closest friends. To the next four (and probably more)!


2013-09-29, 02:20 PM
I've only been reading for a year or so, and I wasn't very knowledgable about D&D terminology (played it before, but it was a while ago), so the first few strips were a bit confusing. I stuck with it, though, and I'm really glad I did. This is my favorite webcomic and probably one of the best stories I've read in general. Thanks for sharing your storytelling genius with us, Giant. I can't wait to read more.

2013-09-29, 02:38 PM
I was still in high school when I started reading OOTS. Now I'm in my junior year of college, and it looks like it'll finish sometime after I'm done!

2013-09-29, 02:47 PM
Thanks and Congratulations Rich!

I don't remember exactly when I first started reading, but I know I followed a link to OOTS from the DDO message board, so I'm guessing it was sometime in 2006/2007, probably in the mid-300s somewhere.

It's been a pleasure to follow the strip.


Muenster Man
2013-09-29, 02:58 PM
Strip #1 went up 10 years ago exactly...


Happy 10th birthday Order of the Stick!

*give or take a few dozen seconds

2013-09-29, 03:02 PM
Was working in London when I fell into oots linking from gpf I think. Quite early days. Didn't go to forums for years, lurked for a bit and finally registered in2008. Got the books and an unbuilt untainted miniature of Roy.

I read about comics daily and check about another 10 sporadic updators. Oots is the ONLY comic I multiple check every day including weekends. I also have a friend who sends me the "new oots" text if he spots it before me.

This is all a tribute to your writing Mr.Burlew.

I thank you.

2013-09-29, 03:13 PM
I started reading just over six years ago, in late August or early September of 2007 when I was a first year undergraduate. It was right as War & XPs ended and Don't Split the Party began, so when 484-485 were current. Now I'm in my second year of my PhD, and if Rich's timeline of four years holds I'll be dissertating when this comic comes to an end. A great piece of literature for me to be reading as I've taken my journey into higher education.

Rich, I raise a glass to you and this comic for the many years of entertainment. You can count on me to be among the first to read what comes next.

2013-09-29, 03:32 PM
Happy tenth!

Grey Watcher
2013-09-29, 04:12 PM
I started reading in late January 2004. I remember because the latest strip was #35 when I started out, and when I checked the new update after the weekend, there was a reference to the then super-topical "wardrobe malfunction" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_XXXVIII_halftime_show_controversy).

So I've known OOTS just a few months less than I've known my fiance. Wow.

2013-09-29, 04:23 PM
I started reading it when i was 13 years old , always enjoyed the comic and i will be gladly stay until the end of it !

Thanks giant and im glad at last one of my post , and everyone post , gave you happiness to keep drawing.

Happy 10th birthday Order of the Stick!

* pat other reader *

2013-09-29, 04:24 PM

Happy Birthday, Stick Comicks.

Jackson Spades
2013-09-29, 05:08 PM
I've been reading this comic for a couple of years, and finally decided to sign up to say congratulations and thank you, Mr. Burlew, for writing this amazing story. It's been wonderful watching this story unfold, and I can't wait to see where it will lead.

So, yeah. Cheers to OOTS for an awesome ten years, and may it have many more!


2013-09-29, 06:14 PM
Happy birthday, OOTS!

My first exposure to OOTS came in 2006 when I began reading Dragon magazine and saw the version of the strip it was running. I liked them, but I had no idea that the characters were from a webcomic - or even what a webcomic was - so I didn't find the site until a few years later. I don't remember exactly when I started lurking, but I know I signed up around the early 800s.

2013-09-29, 06:26 PM
Congratulations Rich! Here's to a fun and wacky future for the "Order of the Stick" webcomic!

Sir_Leorik, reading since 2006

2013-09-29, 07:19 PM
I found OotS a while back from a random link in someone's signature over on the WotC forum. I instantly fell in love with it. I sped through the archives until I was all up to date . . . at comic number 55.
To this day, I check the website at least once a day to see if a new comic is up. And that's a minimum . . . . Today, for example, I've checked about four times.
I love this comic. I love the characters and I love the story. I was probably depressed for a the entire week when Durkon got vamped (which is funny cause I was feeling awesome two days before that).

Order of the Stick is, quite possibly, my favourite piece of media of all time. Which is saying something, because I'm a huge Game of Thrones fan.
I don't come on these forums basically ever, but I had to come and drop a comment when I saw today was the tenth anniversary.

So a huge heartfelt thank you to Rich Burlew for being an awesome author and for sticking with it for all these years. I eagerly anticipate the next four-six, and hope you still keep writing when it is all over!

2013-09-29, 10:19 PM
Rich Burlew:

Congratulations on the decade of creativity.
Thank you for this wonderful story.


Dr. Gamera
2013-09-29, 10:42 PM
It's far too late where I am today, but I think I'm squeaking under the wire in the Giant's (and my home) time zone.

Happy tenth anniversary, The Giant!

2013-09-29, 11:11 PM
What a ride! Since discovering OotS I've graduated, changed jobs 3 times, even moved to a whole new city, and the comic has always been there for me :smallsmile:

I remember not even wanting to post on the forums back in the day because of the straining hardware and constant downtime messages. I also remember not being able to by War & XPs for years because it was forever out of print.

Then Kickstarter happened and solved both problems neatly :smallbiggrin:

Kudos Giant for a great and hopefully continuing run!

2013-09-29, 11:16 PM
Happy Birthday OOTS!

Let's see, I joined the forum in 2009, but I started reading the comic before that, just after the Battle for Azure City arc ended, so maybe 2007 or 2008?

I'm incredibly happy that I found this place because reading this comic and involving myself in this forum has given me the opportunity to meet some really incredible people and writing RPG stuff here has been one of my most enjoyable creative outlets over the past few years.

2013-09-30, 12:41 AM
I started reading the strip at 867. I then read the entire comic in 2 weeks. This has to be the best webcomic that I've ever read. Happy 10th birthday OOTS.

2013-09-30, 01:27 AM
Happy 10th anniversary Oots. For me you have been a great source of entertainment and laughs and maybe the odd tear for roughly 9 years 295 days. The last day of this story will be both a day of joy and sadness. Here is to hoping many years of new stick tales, after that day.

2013-09-30, 02:34 AM
Holy crap! I can't believe everything that's happened. I vividly remember the first comic I read, it was OotS#216 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0216.html). I'd just started grade 8 (!) - I had been playing a bit of D&D (probably still 3.0) with my best friend and a few other nerds we'd managed to gather up. Naturally, during my spare time, I browsed the Wizards of the Coast D&D forums (does anyone remember that old beige-yellow look?). One day I saw a thread to the tune of "Is Spring Attack as broken as people say it is?" with a link to the comic.

Since then I've graduated high school, moved cities TWICE, and am about to complete an engineering degree. My relationship with D&D has been on-and-off - I stopped for about 3 years, played for about 2, stopped and started numerous times since then... but I've always been reading OotS. It was the first webcomic I ever read and I'll never stop reading it.

Cheers, Rich. Thanks for an amazing ten years. :smallsmile:

This Wicked Day
2013-09-30, 05:50 AM
I started reading in ... 2009? Partway through the Darth V arc, introduced to it by my partner at the time.

Since then: that relationship ended (amicably enough) and I'm a year into a different one; I've passed my BA and MA, got my first proper job, just been offered my second proper job, moved house twice, run my first full-length D&D campaign as DM and am nearly two years into my second one. Very few things have remained on my daily to-check list all of that time; OOTS is one of them.

Thanks, Rich!

2013-09-30, 06:49 AM
It's a nice coincidence that it's my birthday as well as that of OoTS.

It's not a coincidence! :D


so: HAPPY B'DAY XYKON! your necromancy it's the basement of all or lulz.

2013-09-30, 09:10 AM
I first started reading as a sophomore in college, having received a recommendation from people in my D&D group. The first strip I was ever shown was the 'thog help nale nail not-nale' scene, which was and is most excellent. I was happy I was able to help with the Kickstarter and even happier that we all pulled together to help The Giant keep OOTS wonderful!

I'm not the most active forum member, but I do appreciate those who are active for having conversations that are so enjoyable to read!

Thanks, Giant, for all the hard work you have done and continue to do!

2013-09-30, 09:41 AM
Happy anniversary, and thank you, Rich! I don't even remember when I started reading OOTS, it was at some point in the low double digits. Most series grow somewhat stale over the years as the jokes grow flatter and the story winds on, but you're doing an amazing job keeping every episode just as addictive as the very first ones. I'm sure you have some amazing twists and turns up your sleeve for the next few years :smallsmile:

2013-09-30, 09:45 AM
I can't remember the exact comic that was new at the time, but I know for a fact that the first one I ever read was #34 (Durkon's math issues)

A friend who was in my D&D group at the time, emailed me the link - an amusing way of poking fun at me because I had failed (just the evening before) to keep track of all the bonuses my fighter was supposed to be getting during a combat.

Needless to say, with that connection to an enthusiastic Durkon, I became hooked. I clicked the very first strip and read through the lot of them over the course of the next couple of work days (think it was still only double digits by that point).

Have been an avid reader since and have loved the story and each of the characters. I can't say I have a real consistent favourite, as they keep switching (though the Belkster and V regularly feature in the top spot), but they are wonderful parodies of every single D&D and other RP character I have ever played, adventured with or had to contend with.

The art work has improved so, so much over the years and it amazes me to skip between the first few strips and the latest ones, just to see the incredible advances made. It truly is amazing!

So, Rich, thank you. Thank for giving me something fantastic and consistently enthralling to read (and re-read, several times) from my mid-twenties to my mid-thirties. Looking forward to the next x-years :smallsmile:

Mike Havran
2013-09-30, 09:52 AM
I remember that about two years ago, I knew squat about D&D or webcomics. I recall my sister sending me a link to The DM of the Rings and I really liked it. I knew little of the game but a lot about the LotR, so I enjoyed it immensely and started to read something about d20 as well. Under one strip, there was a link to the OotS #3 strip. I saved the bookmark and started to read in January 2012. I recall that afternoon. I binged until strip #353 and got a massive headache as a result, after which I gave it a few months pause and slower reading (which is a pity because I missed the Kickstarter). I remember finishing the binge when #848 was the most recent.

What never ceases to amaze me is that, despite lasting ten long years, the comic is still fresh, has a spark, keeps pace and delivers nailbiting cliffhangers and hilarious punchlines. Older characters grow and the new ones are complex and wonderful. If anything, I feel the quality is increasing and I have no doubt that it will remain so for whatever time we are granted the joy of reading a new strip and anticipating its follow-up.

Here's one to the Giant and his wonderful work.

2013-10-01, 08:45 AM
10 years of brilliance!

Loved this comic since I found it in 2004 sometime. Now a often read it to my kids (or they read it to themselves) and they love it too.

Very much looking forward to the next book (my kids only read the books) and will miss the order very much once the story is over, but going on past experience I think that Rich Burlew's Order of the Stick masterpiece will be the number 1 most re-visited work of fiction in my life.

Thanks Rich, and I also look forward to what you do after OOTS is done.

Adaon Nightwind
2013-10-01, 06:31 PM
I wanted to make up a thread about this, and then i thought: In This Forum? Should not be neccessary :)

10 years. I do not even remember when i started to read.

Thanks for creating something worthwhile to come back to, Sir Burlew. Thank you.

And Congratulations on making a living with something that you, so i hope, enjoy as much creating as so many people enjoy reading.


armourer eric
2013-10-02, 02:08 PM
There had been weeks of buzz about OOTS over at Armour Archive, the website where us professional armourers worldwide hang out. So I finally took the bait and the strip was at 131 at the time. I ended up spending the whole day off starting at #1 to catch up. It's been a crazy ride over the last 10 years: Renting a professional workspace for my armour shop, Leaving nowhere career jobs to make armour full time, 2 wildfires that came within 2 miles of both my shop and home. Making an armour piece of Kingdom of Heaven, making 20 armour pieces for The Tudors, making 30 armour pices for Sci-Fi channels Tin Man, a total economic crash, and a great life change afterwards for the better via a ranch hand job on a poultry ranch. Sometimes things get so crazy over a dozen weeks or so, that I mark the passage of time by how many OOTS strips have come out.

Thank you Rich for making an ever growing part of the day better for an ever increasing multitude.

Eric Joseph
James River Armoury
San Diego