View Full Version : would love an opinion on my theorized bbeg

2013-09-28, 03:17 PM
I had a thought for an end bad guy for a level 22 campaign in a world im building. I went ahead and statted him out because I was bored. So i would love to see what the playgound thinks. A bit of backstory:
His name is Lukell, an evil wizard who took magical power from the gods. To punish him, they turned him into a creature of the night who must feed on the living to survive. He took this curse and turned it into a boon through a ritual that was originally supposed to expel this curse from him. He botched the ritual and further dug the curse into his flesh. However, he found that the daylight did not have as much power over him as before. He could walk in the daylight. He could cross running water. all of the normal vampire's wekanesses did not affect him. He was all powerful. It took several hundred years to finally find a way to destroy him. Now the ashes of his head have been uncovered...
So please let me know what you think. Any helpful suggestions are appreciated as well. Thanks!Lukell, the First Vampire
Male Human Vampire Lord Master Vampire 3/ Monk 1/ Mystic Theurge 7/ Ur Priest 3/ Wizard 8 CR 27
LE Undead (Augmented Humanoid)
INIT +14; SENSES Listen +22, Spot +22, Darkvision 60ft., Permanancied True Seeing
AC 62, touch 40, flat-footed 54 (+8 armor, +5 deflection, +10 dexterity, +12 natural, +4 shield, +15 miscellaneous)
HP 431(22d12 +252); DR 20/ good and silver, fast healing 8
SAVES Fort +23(+29), Ref +31(+37), Will +59(+65)
DEFENSIVE ABILITIES Turn Resistance +8, resist cold 10 and electric 10, Immunity to all mind-affecting spells and abilities (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects, Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects, Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless),
SPEED 30ft., fly 50ft (perfect)
SPACE 5ft.; REACH 5ft.
Alternate Form (Su): Lukell can assume the form of any animal, as the druid ability wild shape used by a 12th-level druid. The vampire lord can use this power at will as a move-equivalent action. The vampire lord can change from one animal shape to another without having to revert to its humanoid form.
Blood Drain (Su): If pinning an opponent, Lukell's blood drain inflicts 1d4+2 points of Constitution drain & Lukell gains 5 temporary hp each round each round the pin is maintained .
Children of the Night (Su): Once per day, Lukell can call forth 1d6+1 Rat Swarms, 1d4+1 Bat Swarms, or 3d6 Wolves. Calling the creatures is a Standard Action, they arrive in 2d6 rounds, and
serve Lukell until released. Further, Lukell can sense through the senses of any such commanded creatures, and communicate empathically with them, to a range of 10 miles.
Create Spawn (Su): Any foe slain by Lukell’s Blood Drain or Energy Drain abilities rises 1d4 days after burial as a Vampire. Lukell can control 33 vampires. Any excess or those release become “free willed
Control Weather (Sp): Lukell can cast either control weather or fog cloud as a 12th-level sorcerer at will.
Domination (Su): Lukell can do this as either by gaze or voice as a standard action. It does not require line of sight to the target, but the target must be able to hear the vampire lord's voice when it speaks at a normal volume level. The target must be within 30’ and meet the vampire’s gaze. A Will Save at DC 33 negates, the DC is Charisma-based.
Energy Drain (Su): a living creature hit by Lukell''s slam attack takes 3 negative levels and Lukell gains 5 temporary HP. The DC to Remove the negative levels is 31 and it is Charisma based.
Enhanced Spawn (Su): Any vampire created by Lukell gains a +2 enhancement bonus to its Strength and Dexterity scores. If Lukell is destroyed or releases the spawn from service, the spawn loses this bonus.
Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, Lukell can assume gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but he can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fl y speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.
Master’s Chosen (Su): Lukell can designate a single vampire that he created with his create spawn ability as his chosen. Doing this requires a 1-hour ritual during which the chosen must consume a small portion
of Lukell’s flesh. The chosen gains a +6 enhancement bonus to its Strength and Dexterity scores. Lukell can remove this designation as a standard action. If Lukell is destroyed or releases the chosen from service, the chosen loses this bonus.
More Spawn (Su): Lukell adds his Charisma modifier to its Hit Dice to determine how many spawn he can have enslaved.
Rebuke Undead: As 3rd level cleric, 22 times/day (Currently 4).
Spider Climb (Ex): Lukell can climb sheer surfaces as though with a spider climb spell.
Telekinesis (Su): Lukell can use telekinesis (caster level 12th) at will.
Turn Resistance (Ex): Lukell’s turn resistance is increased by 1 for each of its spawn within 60 feet.
MELEE: 2 slams + 36 (1d6 +15 plus 1d6+1d8 vs living, +2d6 vs good, plus energy drain) or grapple + 36 touch plus grapple or spell +36 touch
RANGED: spell +21 ranged touch
WIZARD SPELLS PREPARED CL 21 4/7/7/7/7/6/6/5/4/2 *=already cast, +2 DC for enchantment spells
0- Caltrops x2, Detect Magic x2
1-Magic Missle x2, Ray of Clumsiness, Ray of Enfeeblement x2, Wall of Smoke
2-Glitterdust, Scorching Ray x2, Ray of Stupidity x2, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Web
3-, Slow, Sound Lance x 3, Rust Ray x 3
4-Dimension Door, Evard's Black Tentacles, Force Missles x 4, Orb of Force x 4, Ray Deflection
5-Baleful Polymorph, Cone of Cold, Feeblemind, Greater Fireburst x2, Wall of Force
6-Antimagic Field, Disentigrate, Eyebite, Greater Dispel Magic x2, Superior Resistance*,
7-Antimagic Ray, Finger of Death, Silent Greater Dispel Magic, Persisted Shield*, Spell Turning*
8-Moment of Prescience*, Quickened Mind Fog, Superior Invisibility*, Wall of Greater Dispel Magic*
9-Imprisonment, Mordenkainen's Disjunction
CLERIC SPELLS CL 20 6/8/8/7/7/6/6/5/4/2
0-Detect Magic x 3, Read Magic x3
1-Bane, Bless, Blessed Aim, Comprehend Languages, Doom, Ebon Eyes, Entropic Shield, Guiding Light
2-Curse of Ill Fortune, Darkness, Desecrate*, Resist Energy x 2, Silence, Veil of Shadow, Wave of Grief
3-Dispel Magic x2, Mass Aid, Prayer, Protection from Energy x 2, Wind Wall
4-Assay Spell Resistance, Persisted (DMM)Life Ward, Negative Energy Aura, Persisted (DMM) Divine Power, Spell Vulnerability
5-Flame Strike x3, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, Slay Living x2
6-Blade Barrier, Greater Dispel Magic x 2, Opalescent Glare, Silent Slay Living, Still Slay Living
7-Blasphemy, Bestow Greater Curse, Destruction, Persisted Shield of Faith*, Silent Greater Dispel Magic
8-Earthquake, Firestorm, Greater Spell Immunity*, Wall of Greater Dispel Magic
9-Implosion, Quickened Spell Resistance
** Lukell has an XP pool of 282,500 to draw from for any spell that requires an XP component
CONTINGENCY EFFECT: Activate Harm when brought to 1/3 HP
BATTLE EQUIPMENT: 500 gp Diamond for Stoneskin, Focus for Contingency, Salve for True Seeing, Wand of Inflict Critical Wounds (50 charges)
ABILITIES Str 36 , Dex 30, Con -, Int 34, Wis 34, Cha 32; Base Atk +21; Grapple + 35
FEATS Alertness (b), Combat Reflexes (b), Dodge (b), Improved Grapple (b), Improved Initiative (b), Improved Unarmed Strike (b), Iron Will (b), Leadership (b), Lightning Reflexes (b), Scribe Scroll (b), Silent Spell (b), Extra Turning , Death's Grace, Divine Metamagic (Persist Spell), Extend Spell, Persist Spell, Still Spell, Practised Spellcaster, Maximise Spell, Quicken Spell
SKILLS Bluff +27, Concentration +30, Diplomacy +23, Hide +20, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (arcana) +30, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +20, Knowledge (history) +20, Knowledge (local) +20, Knowledge (nature) +20, Knowledge (the planes) +30, Knowledge (religion) +30, Listen +22, Move Silently +20, Search +20, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +30, Spot +22
LANGUAGES Telepathy 100 ft., Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Ignan, Infernal, Orc, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon
GEAR Boots of Speed, Bracers of Armor +8, Cloak of Charisma +6, Gloves of Dexterity +6, Headband of Intellect +6, Periapt of Wisdom + 6 (also functions as a Necklace of Natural Weapons that grants the Consumptive (MIC 40), Profane (MIC 31), and Unhoy weapon abilities), Ring of Freedom of Movement, Ring of Wizardry IV, Tunic of Steady Spellcasting (MIC 144), Veil of Allure (MIC 145)
Lukell Also has used several Wish spells to grant a +5 inherent bonus to all his ability scores except constitution. He also has a +5 Greater Magic Fang Permanancied on his fists.
TREASURE (Quadruple Standard): 2300 pp, 67000gp, 80 pieces of art, 23 gems, +3 Heavy Steel shield, Ring of Minor Spell Storing, Rod of Cancellation, Potion of Haste, +3 Throwing Axe, Ring of Protection +2, Scroll with Remove Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic, & Summon Nature's Ally VII, Iron Golem Manual, Staff of Defense ( 20 charges), Ring of Major Acid Resistance, Ring of Protection +4, +5 Chain Shirt of Cold Resistance, Staff of the Woodlands (14 charges), Scroll with Hold Monster, Break Enchantment, Mass Cat's Grace, & Bigby's Crushing Hand, Staff of Life (16 charges), Staff of Swarming Insects (17 charges), Ring of Spell Storing, Staff of Abjuration (18 charges), +3 Adamantine Breastplate of Greater Sonic Resistance, Improved Electricity Resistance, and Improved Cold Resistance, Ring of Blinking, Ring Gates
WEAKNESSES: Vampire lords have far fewer weaknesses than normal vampires, a benefit of their quest for power. Vampire lords cannot be repelled by garlic or holy symbols, though they can be turned. Mere presentation of a holy symbol has no effect. They have no fear of mirrors, and they cast reflections as living beings do. Vampire lords can cross over or through running water with no impediments. They are not harmed in any way by immersion in running water. A vampire lord is not as vulnerable to sunlight as a normal vampire, and can go about in broad daylight if it desires. Under sunlight, it takes a -4 penalty to all ability scores and on all attacks, saves, and skill checks. Also, a vampire lord in sunlight cannot use any of its supernatural powers. Victims of its domination power are not freed of the vampire lord's control during daylight hours; the vampire lord can verbally command any creature in its thrall even in direct sunlight. Spells that produce sunlight effects cannot harm a vampire lord; only direct light from the sun can weaken it. If the vampire lord is destroyed while exposed to direct sunlight, it seems to die, but unless the body is disposed of as described below, it assumes gaseous form as soon as the sun sets and attempts to return to its coffin. A vampire lord is not killed outright by a wooden stake driven through its heart, though the stake does cause normal damage if it can bypass the creature's damage reduction. The only way to make sure that a vampire lord does not return is to cut its head from its body, burn the body and the head separately, scatter the ashes from the body over running water, immerse the ashes from the head in holy water, and bury the immersed ashes in consecrated ground. However, if the head ashes are ever unearthed and somehow separated from the holy water, dried thoroughly, and then subjected to an unhallow spell, the vampire lord can regenerate in a week if the ashes are placed inside one of its places of rest.

2013-09-28, 04:02 PM
Sounds like a good time to me. I'm going to assume your party will at least have access to the procedure required to re-kill the BBEG, if not have it thrust upon them via Clue Bat.

Personally I like having the solutions to problems easily available but not served on a silver platter. Makes it all the more of a face-palm moment when they miss it. Literally handed a sheet of paper to each member of my party once with the solution to the puzzle room written at the top in no uncertain terms and they were all too distracted by the rest of the fluff to notice. Only escaped the trap by dumb luck.

So, yes, I recommend having that solution at hand just not shouted at them. Let them kick themselves when they have to fight him again the next day. Or at least some time later. I'd at least have someone Clue Bat them their mistake after the first resurrection so he doesn't become Cobra Commander and just keep popping back up.

2013-09-28, 04:07 PM
I think it would be a fun BBEG, I would make sure to keep his moves secret by only making it seem as if he has either arcane or divine spellcasting when first encountered by the party, then the party wouldn't see it coming when he starts casting the other.

2013-09-29, 12:15 AM
I guess it's fine so long as you are familiar with how to run him to the best of his abilities.

Not very impressed by the master vampire prc either. Simply makes your minions stronger, and saddling me with more stats that I need to keep track of in-game (like an ever-changing boost to turn resistance).

I find that one problem I have with statting high-lv npcs is making their stat-block so convoluted that it gives me more things to keep track of, as well as making him too complex to run, especially since many factors simply won't matter within that 5-round combat.

In the greater scheme of things, I would prefer to just make him a single-classed npc, then tack on the template of choice. If you want a dual-classed spellcaster, maybe something more straightforward like wiz3/cleric3/true-necromancer14/mystic theurgeX.

I am personally a fan of gishes though, and would prefer a fighter/mage version.