View Full Version : Looking for 2 classes, or a pare with the same class that work well together.

2013-09-28, 07:40 PM
I want to make a "Team Rocket" kind of villian for my players that will show up from time to time. i would like to make them classes that play off each other. i was thinking a pair of ninja, having them ghost stepping all over the place and tripping or opening up the PCs defenses while the other attacks. it would be nice if they were the same class, i think a caster / fighter would be over played and i dont like dealing with casters personally.

2013-09-28, 07:58 PM
Well, rather than two ninjas, two rogues. They're both stealthy enough to set off ambushes, can compliment each other skill wise, with one Tinker type and one Face type, both with stealth. And of course, free flanking buddy for the DPSing.

Paladin and Druid is oddly an effective combo. Though you said you wanted to avoid Spellcaster and Beat Stick.

2013-09-28, 08:05 PM
i went with ninja to start because of their invisibility ability, i think it would cause all kinda of chaos if the players has to deal with their targets appearing, attacking, disappearing.

2013-09-28, 08:36 PM
i went with ninja to start because of their invisibility ability, i think it would cause all kinda of chaos if the players has to deal with their targets appearing, attacking, disappearing.

Rogues with wands are more effective than ninjas, who are a mechanical mess. But you can make it work in some environments.

Lord Haart
2013-09-29, 07:09 AM
Two Dragonfire Adepts (yeah, i know, DFA is my answer to everything)? Double the crowd control (if the target makes its saving throw, Slow Breath slows it for one round and, like any breath effect, it can't be used in consecutive rounds; enter taking turns), double the "Just how much do we suck?" question from your players. With levels, some nice combinations of tactically complementary invocations come online as well (stacking Fearful Presence and enabling ten minutes casting of Baleful Geas with Enthralling Voice are just two most obvious examples).

Red Fel
2013-09-29, 07:53 AM
Two ToB classes.

Abuse White Raven.

Infuriate the players.

Retire to Tahiti.

2013-09-29, 09:06 AM
I like the idea of 2 highly mobile archers moving around and taking pot shots at the PC's. Add in ranged trip, ranged sunder, and ranged pin and they don't have to do a ton of damage to turn into a big nuisance.

2013-09-29, 09:28 AM
I like the idea of 2 highly mobile archers moving around and taking pot shots at the PC's. Add in ranged trip, ranged sunder, and ranged pin and they don't have to do a ton of damage to turn into a big nuisance.

i like this idea, the only problem i see is once they gang up on one and pin him in melee.

DFA would be interesting for a lv dip, i like the idea of slowing and sickening the players.

2013-09-29, 09:41 AM
what about a fighter duo? sure, most people assume they can laugh at 2 mundanes, but what about two trippers with reach weapons and fun feat selection. or one with a net, the other with a reach weapon, super flavorful hunting party that can do things to players.

2013-09-29, 09:53 AM
what about a fighter duo? sure, most people assume they can laugh at 2 mundanes, but what about two trippers with reach weapons and fun feat selection. or one with a net, the other with a reach weapon, super flavorful hunting party that can do things to players.

that is an option, but i was hoping for more mobility. i wanna create confusion and chaos with the PCs. most PCs are used to waved of monsters running at them to be killed, swinging swords wildly. i planned on somehow giving them blindsight and covering the area in darkness spells.

2013-09-29, 10:37 AM
You could try two mounted archers, rather than two un-mounted archers. That adds some mobility and makes them harder to corner. Maybe give one of them a prestige class that grants multiple animal companions, so he would provide the mounts for both of them.

Or maybe you could do one DFA for battlefield control and a fighter using Boomerang daze and Boomerang Ricochet.

If you gave them each a one level dip in Warlock and the right invocation then they'd be able to see in magical darkness. Give one of them a wand of the Wu-Jen spell Creeping Darkness and make the other one a rogue so you can sneak attack them while they blunder around and can't communicate and have trouble casting spells. This would go well with some battlefield control, so they can't walk right out of the spell.

2013-09-29, 01:27 PM
Artificer + Binder

The Binder is a class that can be customized for any role, so your PC's would never know how they were going to attack next.

The artificer can have something ready for any situation, so them always being able to run away or at least survive the defeat would make sense.

To take the "Team Rocket" thing further, the artificer could make golems like Team Rocket made all those giant robots. (They never really explained where the money came from.)

If you want to add that last bit of flavor, have the binder using summon alien to give them a mascot of sorts.

Really, there is no limit to the ways you can mess with your PC's with this team-up.

2013-09-29, 01:34 PM
Two Swordsages. You could play 'em both focused on Shadow Hand stuff for a maximally-mechanically-powerful-ninja pairing, or maybe have one focused on Shadow Hand and one on Desert Wind, for a nice opposites-attract pairing.

2013-09-29, 01:37 PM
Maybe give one of them a prestige class that grants multiple animal companions, so he would provide the mounts for both of them.

Note that Wild Cohort is a better choice than any second animal companion class feature I can recall.

2013-09-29, 01:54 PM
Mounts wouldnt be a great idea since most encounters will be indoors. i have been playing around with a few things and this is what i think i might go with


Cloistered Cleric 1 (for travel domain)
Scout 3 (might change this if i can find a better archer class)
Ninja 2 (for the invisibility 6 times a day)

domain feat (Travel Devotion):Once per day as a swift action, you can activate this ability to move up to your speed as a swift action each round. Thus, you can move your speed and then take a full-round action, or move and take two other actions (two move actions or one move action and one standard action). This effect lasts for 1 minute.

weapon fineness: everyone knows this one.

Quick Draw: another well known one.

Srt 12
dex 18 (+2 race)
con 12
int 10
wis 18 (+2 magic)
cha 10

AC 19 = dex 4 + wis 5

Heavy x bow (1D10)
Rapier (1d6)
periapt of wisdom +2

Bolt, Mountain Chain
(DR348 p87) Crossbows – Light & Heavy
3 balls connected to the bolt by a chain. Does subdual damage and allows a
ranged Trip attempt.
The crossbow’s range is halved. Requires a Exotic Weapon Proficiency.

Bolt, Tanglefoot
(DR349 p22)
Crossbows – Light,
Heavy, & Repeating
Bolt with an alchemical glob on the end.
50% range, no damage.
Target become glued to itself & its suroundings, receiving a –2 penalty on
attacks & –4 penalty on Dexterity and must make a Reflex save vs. 15 or be
stuck to the floor & unable to move.
To break free of the floor takes a Strength check vs. DC 27 –or– 15 hp of
Slashing damage.
To scrape the goo off the target’s body, the target or an ally must do “scrapping”
damage equal to 15 hp. The target can then move a half speed.
The goo lasts 2d4 rounds.

Arrow, Smoking
(DR349 p22) Bows
Arrow with alchemical material for a head.
No damage, ½ normal range.
Must be fired within 1 round of being lit. Leaves a trail of smoke. On imact,
generates a 10’ cube of smoke (same properties as a ‘smokestick’)

Arrow, Thundering
(DR349 p22) Bows
Arrow with alchemical material for a head.
No damage.
On impact, it makes a loud bang, causing all within a 10’ radius to become Deaf
for 1 hour (FortNeg, DC 15).

Arrow, Alchemist’s
(DR349 p22)
Hollow Arrow with Alchemist’s Frost sealed inside.
Arrow damage 1d4 (for medium), critical 20/x2, x75% range
+1d4 Cold damage on the round after impact if the target does not spend a Full
Round action trying to keep the Alchemist’s Fire from igniting (RefNeg, DC
15, +2 bonus for going Prone (i.e., stop, drop, & roll), automatic success if
totally immersed in water).

i know some of the ammo are arrows but they can convert to bolts easily enough. with the special bolts they can trip, freeze, glue, deafen and blind. plus being able to pop in and out of sight should keep the players on their toes. since dropping a weapon is a free action and quick draw is a swift i can have them prepare an action to drop their bows (which will be on tethers) and draw their rapier's if they end up in melee.

2013-09-29, 02:11 PM
Why heavy xbow? Do they pack 30 of them on a bandolier or are you happy firing one bolt every other round?

Why not longbow? Cleric of elf gods can weapon focus them essentially for free.

2013-09-29, 02:17 PM
Why heavy xbow? Do they pack 30 of them on a bandolier or are you happy firing one bolt every other round?

Why not longbow? Cleric of elf gods can weapon focus them essentially for free.

more for the special ammo, a lot more can be fired from a cross bow than a bow. i could always give them a flaw and rapid reload. due to their devotion feat they have 2 move action.

2013-09-29, 02:48 PM
Factotum + Spelltheif. The Spelltheif can steal the Factotum's SP abilities, and then use them, and the Factotum doesn't lose the ability (because of how Spelltheives work with Sp abilities).

Bard + Dragonfire Inspiration Bard. Feel free to add in more... an Inspire Awe Bard can be really nasty. Just have lots of musical variants, they'd be the band of death!


2013-09-29, 03:14 PM
I always liked the idea of two characters acting evil over centuries.
Classes are somehow irrelevant as long as they're druids :smallwink:
No, seriously. Anything that can make use of reincarnation(Rogue with UMD?) could follow long term evil plans to conquer the world. Just make sure that one of them always escapes.

2013-09-29, 03:31 PM
Two Swordsages. You could play 'em both focused on Shadow Hand stuff for a maximally-mechanically-powerful-ninja pairing, or maybe have one focused on Shadow Hand and one on Desert Wind, for a nice opposites-attract pairing.

Swordsages get enough maneuvers known that they can cherry pick the best maneuvers from two or three schools. The relearning mechanic can be used to recycle old low maneuvers for new, high level ones. You can have level 9 maneuvers with only two or three maneuvers known from that school.