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2013-09-28, 07:57 PM
;) (http://www.lyrics007.com/Tv%20Theme%20Songs%20Lyrics/Monkey%20Magic%20Lyrics.html)

You awaken lying on a hard cold featureless grey floor. Every muscle in your body is stiff and feels awkward. Your memories are fuzzy at first, but slowly they are filled with knowledge and skills. Though you have no memories of ever having actually DONE anything. All you know is that you are an immortal being of immense power. You realise that you are completely naked as you begin to rise.

Nearby is the remains of a large cracked egg (OOC: colour and details can be left up to the players). Inside the egg is your personal belongings. You recognise them as your own, though you do not know where or when you gained them. Looking around the room you notice others rising, eggs nearby them also.


The room you are in is magnificent. Carved perfectly from a single seam of rock, and polished so smooth you can see your reflection in the grey stone.
the ceiling is so high it contains small clouds near the top. In the middle of the room is a large round grey stone table, part of the room as it was seemingly carved along with the rest of the room.
The grey stone table hums with life, glowing blue runes light it's edges and in the centre of the table is a magical projection of a map. You know this to be a map of the world you are in, though you do not yet know what all the symbols mean or the places it represents.
Around the table are ten chairs. All also made of stone. One of the chairs is much larger than the others and is covered in tiny runic writing. It emits a strong aura of magic.

Twelve door-ways (though lacking actual doors) lead out of this main room. to otherwise blank featureless rooms. One large doorway with a double solid stone door - also covered in glowing runes - marks what you can only assume is the exit.

2013-09-28, 08:13 PM
A pearlescent egg cracks as a beautiful angelic woman spreads her stiff, white, wings. Realizing her nakedness, she swiftly dons the white robe found in the shell's remains. Then takes up a finely wrought greatsword, albeit reluctantly, and tests its heft with several experimental swings.

Noticing the room's size, she takes flight to further stretch her wings and limbs.

2013-09-28, 08:16 PM
Kayros, the Lord of Words, walked slowly to the egg, and equipped his Robe of Words. He did not much like being naked - despite not being a "He" per se. He strapped his megaphone over his mouth, and looked at the door.

K (Religion)

He then looked at the map on the table, trying to work out what it was of or what it meant.

K (Geography)

K (The Planes)

K (History)

2013-09-28, 08:21 PM
Noticing another of her... hatchmates... up and about, Sophia sheathes her sword and lands next to him.


2013-09-28, 08:27 PM
"Greetings. friend. Any ideas about all this?" Kayros gestured with one hand at the egg and map, and with the other at the door. "It seems we have knowledge, but no memory. Do you understand any of this?"

2013-09-28, 08:30 PM

The runes are in the Celestial tongue, though even by your standards it seems archaic. Kayros realises that the double doors can only be commanded to be opened by the "King of the Realm".

Kayros peers around the room unable to glean much from it, except that it appears to have been built for purpose to serve the Gods of this world. The map on the table may very well be a map of the current world, though that would only be an educated guess.


In your brief moment of flight you breach the clouds only to find yourself above actual clouds outside above the rest of the world. When you descend again into the cloud you came from you find yourself back in the room you began in. Oddly you see yourself heading upward and out as you head back down again. Though only for a brief fraction of a second.

2013-09-28, 08:44 PM
Hmm... I'm not sure.

*Sophia considers*


Then, she seems to remember something-

Ah... I know someone who might help, alittle...

Respondeo dicendum Nahuatl evocationem meam!

Nahuatl answer my summons!

From the ether, a large, winged, rainbow scaled snake appears.

A voice sounds in observers' minds:

<<You called, my mistress?>>

Sophia smiles at the being, as if they've been dear friends for centuries if not millennia.

Ah, my companion. What do you make of our circumstances?


2013-09-28, 09:31 PM

You manage to discern roughly the same as Kayros (see his above spoiler).

2013-09-28, 09:55 PM
Sophia purses her lips before responding.

Well, I'd say we're... deities, or deity candidates. This structure is made to serve our needs. The runes seem to be in an archaic form of my mother tongue. The glowing door can only be opened by its master. I don't know if that's the most powerful of us, or the creator of this place. That is likely a map of the world we're to serve (or rule over, depending on point of view, I suppose.)

Oh, and if one flies high enough, that cloud layer can be pierced, allowing a view of the world outside and below. Though I haven't taken a proper look around, yet.

2013-09-28, 10:10 PM
A large putrescent Yellow and Green egg that had not yet hatched begins to shake violently as cracks start to appear on it. A stench of rotten eggs and decaying flesh fills the room through the cracks.
There is a brief respite and the egg bursts open. At first only green slime, broken pieces of bones, and decaying hair.. and a large beak... flow from the egg to spread out over the floor. (ooc: Anyone not immune to Nausea vomits at this point).

Slowly the decayed remains pull themselves together and coalesce into a giant humanoid bird-like creature in a very heavy state of decay. It's small eyes glow with a sickly green light as it peers around the room at the other assembled divine beings.
Slowly it turns, looking at it's egg and retrieving a large strange looking ornate greatsword of some sort. As it holds the weapon the blade glows a dull blue.
A crown of glowing blue and green energy erupts around it's head and a small purplish glowing ball of light appears over it's shoulder.
Beside the creature a pattern of energy forms, a fallen Archon of some sort rises, clearly deceased. It's body semi-translucent and glowing with a dull purple and green inner fire. The Archon's dress is tattered and torn, but she holds a large black sword in her hands.

I am R'ta'nakk'k! He announces himself as he sheathes his weapon.

2013-09-28, 10:32 PM
Sophia and Nahuatl vomit, barely managing to avoid soiling themselves in the process.

Then, noticing the desecrated remains of a being she recognizes as kindred, her formerly friendly disposition turns into a scowl.

2013-09-28, 10:51 PM

Specifically, I'm interested in knowing what sort of undead it is, how it was made, and maybe how the archon was killed.

2013-09-28, 11:04 PM

The Archon was previously an Incarnum (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=54256) Judgement Archon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14677396).

It appears to be some sort of Incarnum-based undead now. Somewhere between a death-knight and a Wraith and an Incarnum Zombie.

If you have ranks in Knowledge(Incarnum) you may learn more.

2013-09-28, 11:09 PM
Hmm... ouch.
So, would its undead state count as having its soul trapped?
Basically, I'm thinking of using my gift of life SDA to return it to its living state.

Also, I didn't realize Knowledge (Incarnum) was a thing. Do clerics get it as a class skill? (I'm guessing healers don't.)

2013-09-28, 11:25 PM
Magic of Incarnum book.
However upon reading it I now realise that there is no separate Incarnum knowledge. Arcana or Planes will cover it fine. :smallsmile:
So you know that she is some sort of custom Necrocarnum Wraith-Zombie. You surmise that she could only be made from the corpse of an Archon that has fallen from grace and been slain by another Archon before she was able to repent.

There is no trapped soul.
R'ta'nakk'k ate it.... You would need to first kill him to free the Archon and she would fight to her destruction for him (being mindless..).
Beside.. freeing her may not work out all that well.

He also has a Greater Enhanced Soulspark Familiar over his shoulder.....

Knowledge Religion also reveals that he is a Dreg Knight (http://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/Dreg_Knight_%283.5e_Class%29), though that much is immediately obvious to most of you anyway. I gave him the Decay nausea ability while in closed doors only.

2013-09-28, 11:30 PM
After mulling over the situation, Sophia relaxes... slightly.

That... creature... of yours disgusts me.

2013-09-28, 11:44 PM
Good R'ta'nakk'k replies. Saying no more. His decaying face giving away no emotion.

2013-09-29, 12:10 AM
Sophia scowls again.

<<Is now the time for this, Mistress? There will be a reckoning with this fiend, but shouldn't we orient ourselves, first?>>

She looks at Nahuatl and nods.

Then, she seems to put R'ta'nakk'k out of her mind.

Right, what should our next step be?

2013-09-29, 12:40 AM
Inautia strolls up to Sophia, already clothed in his robe, key and crown, having retrieved them from his dull copper egg. He is completely unglazed by the ghastly smell gilling the room.
I am not sure. I would imagine we do what would be expected of Gods, such as controlling the option of returning to life undead, or helping those that require it to be healed. Honestly I'm not sure. It seems that we should have more varied routines if only to keep our sanity. I believe the first course of action, regardless of what would be done with the rest of our... 'Lives' we should see what is outside this chamber He walks over to the table, sits on a chair and begins studying the map.

2013-09-29, 12:52 AM
Sophia nods.

You speak sense. I'm Sophia.

She pauses before continuing.

I saw a glimpse of the world outside, when I flew through the cloud cover.

2013-09-29, 05:59 AM
I saw a glimpse of the world outside, when I flew through the cloud cover.

"We should look again," opined Kayros. "That may be the only way out. We have a door we can't open. Doors - doorways - that go nowhere. And we can just fly out of the top."

He pauses, and considers. "I assume that the room the door leads to is enclosed on all sides, otherwise the door itself would be pointless. However, the world on the map is probably below, so it's likely that you can just fly up, along a bit, and then down."

"What think you?"

2013-09-29, 06:05 AM
I think you may be right. Though there was one peculiar thing...
When I descended from the outside clouds, I saw myself ascending.

Maybe some kind of time loop?

Regardless, if anyone unable to fly wishes to accompany me, Nahuatl should be able to carry you.

2013-09-29, 06:13 AM
"Unable to fly? There is no such thing with the Lord of Words about. Who needs to fly? They shall."

Extended Speak Unto the Masses'd Superior Seek the Sky on everyone who wants to come with us and can't fly, including me.

I'm pretty sure I don't need to roll.

2013-09-29, 07:12 AM
Sophia seems impressed.

Very well. Shall we try seeing what this world has to offer?

Sophia and Nahuatl fly through the cloud layer, letting anyone that joins them keep pace.

2013-09-29, 07:19 AM
"Friends, I name you Kryza'lo'lanith. Fly with me, gods all."

Kayros picks up speed, and proceeds to fly four times as fast as Sophia, bursting through the clouds at tremendous pace, and twirling in midair for no reason whatsoever.

That's me talking in truespeech and casting Seek the Sky on you. He's called Kayros, but hasn't said that yet.

2013-09-29, 07:31 AM
As Sophia introduces herself, Inautia replies Inautia Before watching the others fly off. He shakes his head. How impacient. He then steps onto thin air, and begins ascending, as if he was climbing an invisible spiral staircase.

2013-09-29, 08:06 AM
R'ta'nakk'k ignores the others as they fly off, walking over to the table and peering down at the map. Anyone paying attention notices he presses one of the hexes on the map. Then a second later he and his assistant vanish.

2013-09-30, 09:56 AM
Inautia spots R'ta'nakk'k, and hops down from his invisible steps. How peculiar. He inspects the map and brushes his hand over a hex with water on it.

2013-09-30, 10:06 AM
Images of the contents of the hex fills Inautia's mind, floating up like a holographic display. It only showed terrain, not any living creatures. But more than enough for a safe teleportation.

2013-09-30, 12:19 PM
Inautia waits for a while, trying to memorise the rest of the map. After a few minutes he heard a buzzing, and smiles as his familiar comes to him. Thousands of what look like flies swarm around him. Well, Old friend shall we explore this new world? He pictures the place in his mind and teleports.

2013-09-30, 11:25 PM
Those that fly up through the clouds find themselves above the cloud layer of the world. They can see below at the neatly arranged hex-pattern the world has formed in. New hex-shaped pieces of land flying in from the deep dark space at the edge of the world to collide and join with the world. The forests and plains rolling along below, small villages being erected here and there across the world.

As you all sit above the world a strange thing happens. You all start to hear a faint whispering of voices. Garbled and largely meaningless unless you concentrate. You can sense the direction of these voices and recognise them as prayers to you personally. Your names and what you represent are already know to the mortals living below you.


Which hex number did you goto?
PM it to me if you like.

2013-10-01, 01:56 AM
I'd like to arrive at Hex 108

2013-10-01, 02:23 AM

You pop into the air above a body of shallow water bordering a nice piece of coastline with rolling grass. In the distance to the south you can see the smoke from a village. To the north the water very slowly falls over the edge of a cliff into an eternal empty bottomless pit, freezing solid part of the way out.
To the west is more water, to your east is the start of gentle grassy foothills leading up into the distant mountains of the northern frostfell range.

A small camp of nomadic lizardmen has settled onto the beach nearby.

2013-10-01, 02:47 AM
Sophia and Nahuatl hover as Sophia concentrates on the prayers being sent to her. She uses her remote sensing ability to observe the senders of any particularly strong prayers sent to her. (Not all at once, if there are more than two of such.)

2013-10-01, 03:01 AM

Sophia focuses in on a man in very well made white cotton clothes and tabbard over a finely made mithral scale armor. He holds an ornate mithral shield in on arm and strapped at his side is an extremely ornate Frystaline Celestial Blade. Your God-sight detects layers of divine magical enhancements protecting and assisting the man as he kneels in prayer for guidance and help to ensure that his people are fed, protected and healthy. He asks that you watch over his troops as they prepare to scout the land to the east of them.

The area around is a small human village. It is a bustle of activity as troops in the hundreds are training hard and the villagers work tirelessly preparing them to march out. There is a general atmosphere of caring and compassion about the village.

2013-10-01, 03:41 AM
I take it, this is Roland? Do I also detect Gaheris (Belgareth's ruler)? Also, can I call outsiders? I'm not thinking of anything crazy, like gating in solars, more along the lines of lesser planar ally levels, maybe slightly stronger. For example: hound archons and avorals.

2013-10-01, 03:55 AM
It is Roland.

You also detect Gaheris praying for his spells earlier in the day. But that is it as far as I know, you would need to talk to BelGareth about that one.

You can call whatever you have the ability to call. You gain nothing just by being a God. :smallwink:

2013-10-01, 03:58 AM
I didn't think I gained anything by being a god. But I vaguely remembered you saying something about the planar mechanics of this world being... different. So, I wanted to make sure calling spells still worked. Hmm, guess I can't use any planar ally spells, since I don't have any spare XP, though. I still have Nahuatl, though. :smallwink:

Sophia concentrates, sending to each of her two identifiable worshipers. (I'll post the sendings in the relevant IC threads.)

EDIT: Also, using my block remote sensing ability to prevent detection of my sendings by other deities.

2013-10-01, 12:49 PM
Does the map have any civilisation centres on it?

2013-10-01, 12:53 PM
Kayros concentrates to find his followers, before realising he doesn't have any. Damn. He flies down towards the lone island on the ground below.

Flies at crazy-fast speed towards hex 176, and then greater teleports to it.

2013-10-01, 01:09 PM
Come Nahuatl, there is work to be done if we are to preserve this world from that foul beast and his fallen cohort.

They descend, returning to the great room. Then inspect the map, on touching it (and realizing its function):

Sophia choses a region roughly equidistant from her two worshipers. Then, Nahuatl takes the form of a Halfling and climbs on her back. Allowing Sophia to teleport them to the area (Hex 26). Once there, Nahuatl resumes her natural form.

Edit: actually, anyone in the room can see most of that. I mostly used the spoiler for the title function it offers.

2013-10-01, 03:46 PM
Inautia's drops into the water and sinks to the bottom. He thinks for a moment before looking up as he hears a prayer. Fascinating he thought. I remember nothing and seem to have been born only earlier this day, and yet I already seem worshipped. Hmm... Let me meet my followers He closes his eyes and concentrates and reaches out his mind to where his name was spoken. He takes in the landscape around him before teleporting.
I received a prayer from Eril. For now I will move to the Arnil Thread.

2013-10-01, 08:50 PM

Does the map have any civilisation centres on it?

Same map you can find in the Rulers, Champions and Recruitment thread OP.
Everything is visible - and in real time. You can see if a settlement is sacked etc.


Kayros does indeed have followers, just that his following is small and mostly peasants. There are small numbers of dedicated Adepts scattered around the world, but they are rare and low in number.

Kayros arrives at the little island. It is smooth with only a tree here and there. Long grass full of wild-flowers sway gentle in the breeze.


A small settlement of Vasharan have made their home here. A Hamlet of Vasharan, guarded by a single unit of melee infantry (Heavy, Mage-trained, Garrison, Disciplined, Brave, Medium Armor, Heavy Weapons) and led by a Vasharan mage (Wizard 5/Demonologist 2/Ultimate Magus 2).
The hamlet all worship <ShadowFireLance's God> as a whole. It has Crop Rotation and an Arcane Tower (level 1).


OOC: Really? You want to go there already? By "there" I don't mean hex 26...

Sophia and her Cohort arrive south of Jakkack. The plains here are teeming with wild bison and not much else. To the north you can see the Village of Jakkack. Using your God-sight you sense the presence of R'ta'nakk'k - he is talking to the leader who calls himself the Dark Emperor. Over a thousand undead are arrayed and ready for battle. Hundreds of V'K'kraan'ck warriors ready themselves and the township and around two thousand human slaves toil away at constructing something in the town.
R'ta'nakk'k sensing both of you turns to looks southward with his glowing green decayed eye-sockets.

2013-10-01, 09:00 PM
Nahuatl, the faithful need guidance. I will send you to them. Guide them and advise them, that they might always keep me in their hearts.

Nahuatl then takes a form reminiscent of her mistress: a white-haired avariel elf, robed in white (94 lbs) Sophia then concentrates on one of her worshipers, and teleports Nahuatl and herself one mile over his city. Then returns and begins her task: Construction of an earthly realm.

Step 1: Exploring her immediate vicinity. What's in Hex 26?


Sensing the god in turn, Sophia flees using her teleport ability. She also blocks remote sensing around herself and Nahuatl. She returns to the great room and uses the map to move to Hex 13.

Actually, I didn't notice the town so close by.

2013-10-01, 09:10 PM
R'ta'nakk'k and the Dark Emperor arrive in hex 26 to greet you (via teleportation).

What are you doing here Sophia? You should be tending to your followers.

His stance is somewhat aggressive, the dark emperor has his great-spear, made of pure void, out and at the ready. The Dark Emperor shows many of the same signs of decay as R'ta'nakk'k does, except he wears a suit of Mountain Plate armor made out of some dark writhing material that appears to be alive - so you can only make out a glimpse of his face through the visor slots.

2013-10-01, 09:15 PM
I did not realize this was your territory, I selected this place for its relative proximity to both of my primary followers. But, I shall leave.

After arriving at Hex 13, Sophia still doesn't feel safe. She returns to the great room and uses it to transport to friendly territory: Hex 7.

Looks like we're posting past each other, lol

Final edit.

I'm sending Nahuatl to Beltran, and setting up shop in Hex 7. Keeping block remote sensing active around herself and Nahuatl until I say otherwise.

2013-10-01, 09:34 PM
Hex 7

At first this appears like a very very dense old forest, but after a few moments of wandering about in it you notice flitters of movement among the profuse fungi growth. Your perception of the forest starts to shift however until you realise that you are not walking through a forest - you are walking through a CITY.
A small city of tiny and fine fey creatures!

A miniscule winged creature flitters up to you. "My name is Holly. Welcome to the fairy kingdom!" she says cheerfully.
A tiny voice from the shadows calls out "Now Holly you know you musn't speak to the big people!!".
"Sorry nanny Plum!" Holly replies with a mischievous giggle.

Small City of Fey in deep wood (24 production!!!). Guarded by 15 units of Petal Fey (See MMIII page 120) Arcane Archers. Each unit has a level 6 Petal Sorcerer Secunded. A dozen other higher level spellcasters all live here also.

2013-10-01, 09:50 PM
OOC: What a pleasant surprise!

Greetings Holly, and Mistress Plum. I am Sophia. I did not expect to find a fey kingdom here. But now that we've met, I hope we can live together in harmony. Might I have your permission to build a home nearby?

2013-10-01, 09:56 PM
Holly giggles like a 6 year old human girl. Many of the other petals do also.
"Don't be silly. You already have a home Goddess." and she points to the mountain looming above the forest.
"You must be quite tired after all your hard work Sophia." another voice interrupts. A Nymph dressed in a royal outfit with a crown on her head emerges from the trees. "Petals dear, sing the Goddess a song to help her relax a little."
"Oh yes we are such good singers!" Holly says excitedly.
The Petals start to sing a haunting lovely tune.

Roll Will save DC 11114 or fall asleep. Immunities do not apply.
Yeah seriously.. save DCs need a cap I think..

Don't worry nothing bad will happen.

2013-10-01, 09:58 PM
Will save:
Wouldn't it be funny if I rolled a 20?

Oh that's alri- *drops asleep instantly*

2013-10-01, 10:02 PM
That would have been hillarious actually.
Permanent sig-worthy.

You fall asleep and awaken the next day lying on the softest bed you can image, made entirely out of flower petals and gently glowing white moss.
You count as having prepared spells and anything else you would normally do.
You have never felt so refreshed in your short life.

Of course you are completely naked save for a garland of flowers around your neck. Any equipment you had has been perfectly cleaned and neatly piled next to your "bed".

"Hello there Sophia.". The Nymph queen startles you as she appears seemingly from nowhere.

2013-10-01, 10:27 PM
Sophia stretches as she awakens.

Greetings. Well, I have to admit, I didn't realize how tired I was. I mean, I realize it now that I'm no longer tired.

Having never encountered a group of non-divinities capable of so easily neutralizing her, and guessing this nymph is their leader, Sophia decides to treat her as an equal. Though, being a relatively humble deity, this is little hardship for her.

Then, noticing her robe, she dons it. Though she keeps the flower garland, even ensuring its easy visibility. And leaves her sword on the ground.

I do apologize for trespassing in your kingdom. I wasn't aware you were here. As I said, I'm looking to build a home somewhere. Yes, I have the mountain, but I'd like to have a base that isn't so well known and easily accessible to my peers

2013-10-01, 10:42 PM
"You are welcome to remain here for a short while. However I would rather you left this place as I do not wish to bring the quarrels of the Gods into my realm. We wish to remain hidden from the world and just live in peace.

The presence of Godly strongholds down here among the mortal realm would eventually only spell disaster."
She seems concerned at your proposition.

2013-10-01, 10:53 PM
Sophia nods.

It could be so. I shall have to consider this.

Still, I should tell you (though I suspect you're already aware) a kingdom led by one of my worshipers lies just south of here. Might you be willing to establish trade with them? Or, if you wish to remain isolated, I can encourage them to leave you alone.

Regardless, I hope your desire to be left alone wouldn't preclude friendship between us. You and your people are some of the kindest beings I've ever met.

2013-10-02, 10:46 AM
Kayros sighs, and casts Maximised Word of Rising on the island - so it will only be affected by the shockwave every 18 minutes, not 3d6 - and increases the DC by 40 so it goes 4 times as fast, taking about 24 days and 24 hours, so 25 days. He essentially takes twenty, because there's no penalty for failure.

While he's here, he may as well have some fun.

He then greater teleports away about a hundred feet.

2013-10-07, 07:42 PM
Would it be too much of a stretch to declare that Sophia always watches her herald with her remote viewing power when they're separated?

2013-10-07, 08:40 PM
OOC: Both of you are blocking the remote viewing in the hex now. The Vile God has an advantage in that he cast a spell allowing him to see and speak through his Zombie before hand. But he can only see what his zombie sees.
Unless you have a long range telepathic link with your herald you have no idea what is going on, and no new magic can be cast in that hex for a short while either.

"We would rather remain detached from the problems of this world and would prefer if you enhanced that view in King Roland, though he is a dear. When we are ready to contact him we shall do so.

You are the only God or Goddess that we are prepared to make welcome here for now."

OOC: Murdering my Vasharan? lol.

Why not try to convert them instead?

2013-10-07, 09:10 PM
I shall encourage him to leave this land alone. And I thank you for your hospitality. I shall not abuse it... though I might come back if I need a vacation! *she chuckles* Then... turns very somber.

That's... odd. Someone's blocked me from viewing my herald. This cannot be good. I apologize, but it seems I must leave more abruptly than I'd wish.
May Peace grace you and your people.

She bows politely.

She then takes her sword and teleports away.

She teleports back to the mountain, and begins preparing for the worst.

Greater Magic Weapon on greatsword (+4)
Magic vestment on robe (+4)
Owl's Wisdom
Eagle's splendor
Bear's Endurance
Shield of faith (+5)
Resist Energy Fire, Sonic
Superior Resistance
Extended Divine Favor
Extended Divine Power
Extended Righteous Might

She then teleports to her herald's last known location. (after one minute of buffing)

She knows that someone is blocking her ability to view her herald. This scares the s**t out of her. She's going in loaded for bear.

2013-10-07, 09:32 PM
Oh s*** just got real..

Erik Vale
2013-10-08, 01:32 AM
Long after all the others have, one of the last gods rises, Sid'Jax. It is distressing, awakening in his fashion, knowing so much knowledge is on the tip of his mandibles, just past his claws, buzzing around his brain like a bug, and yet only snippets reach him as he quickly and quietly puts on his armor in solitude, arming himself among the ruins of a orangy egg banded with lines of red and purple of all shades.

The surroundings interest him greatly, but less so than the map and chairs which all but glow in his eyes.

Ready to learn, he simply opens his mind to the world, with a simple thought that doesn't fully manifest he asks what is this place, however the process of a few seconds in his mind actually takes several minutes as he lets his sense of time disperse.

Legend Lore as a SLA: What is this place. As a SLA I don't need the usual components, time should be 1d4*10 minutes and if my roll would be important probably wouldn't have time to finish anyhow. No knowledge checks as he's relying on his SLA.

Also, going to claim voices while I remember them.

2013-10-08, 01:42 AM
The Legend Lore reveals nothing at all. It is as if all knowledge of this place has been wiped from all legends. You can surmise much of by looking about (and making some knowledge rolls like the others).

There is a hex marked "Holy Mountain" on the map though which a niggling current of thought from the legend lore points you toward

Erik Vale
2013-10-08, 01:50 AM
Sid'Jax frowns, such is a strange occurrence. He lets his sense of time return to normal.

Circling, he lets his own knowledge come to him, meanwhile repeating a single sentence.
"What is known of 'Holy Mountain'"

Knowledge Religion: [roll0]
Knowledge Arcarna: [roll1] for the Map.
Knowledge Arcarna: [roll2] for the chairs.
Legend Lore on the mountain. [roll3]*10 minutes. And I've got to cook, so feel free to take time to compile a infodump. Should nothing he needs to immidiately react to happen Sid'Jax will use Legend lore on 'The Map', 'The Chairs', individual chairs, 'The Eggs' and individual eggs.

2013-10-08, 04:26 AM
The Holy Mountain does not come up in your knowledge really at all. You can work out that the mountain was not crafted by mortals, it is EXTREMELY old, older than this entire world is. It also appears to have been crafted on another plane - possibly the Celestial realms going by the Runes everywhere, though some words here and there strike you as odd.

The Map is extremely Arcane in origin. Some sort of "holographic" representation of the world around you. Each hex is a "button" of sort that activates a telepathic link, flooding the users mind with data.

The chairs appear to be rather mundane, except the lead chair. It is covered in Arcane runes and runes from some other language.

OOC: If you have the Word's of Creation Feat or Dark Speech feat then you discover a set of instructions pertaining to the map. If not then you find nothing.
Words of Creation also reveal a handful of the runes on the chair as those around leadership etc. but you cannot make out anymore.

Erik Vale
2013-10-08, 04:50 AM
Sid'Jax is disgruntled to learn so little, but is glad to learn a little about the map.

After a moment's thought, Sid'Jax activates his many magic protections, moves to the biggest chair, and casts a divination on the biggest chair, the head chair.

"Advise me as to sitting upon this chair."
The words come out slowly, over the course of 10 minutes as he feels the world slow down.

Magic Weapon on my longbow.
See the Unseen [See Invisibility and Darkvision which I already beat]
Magic Vestment on my chain mail.
Fell Flight, which immediately increases speed to 200 as per divine ability rules.
True Seeing.
Retributive Invisibility [Improved Invisibility with benefits should it be disabled]
Spell Turning [[roll0] Spell Levels]
Protection From Spells

Divination on Chair with 89% chance success rate [roll1], repeating as neccessary should I fail, recasting any of the other above spells that wear of while casting Divination.

2013-10-08, 05:12 AM
The Chair is ancient - beyond all possible age - and has manificent levels of magic. If you can see magical Auras it just about blinds you - it is so bright you are sure you can hear angelic music coming from somewhere..

It contains magic from all schools, but very strongly from Divination. It also contains magic from a completely unidentified type of magic. More interesting to you however is that as you slow down time, the chair seems to speed up it's own local time to counter. As if in defiance of you. In fact as you stare at the chair it feels as if it is staring right back at you.

Erik Vale
2013-10-08, 05:27 AM
OOC: I will simplify that to my Divination telling me to not to look at at using detect magic [at least not directly], because it is magically quite potent especially with divination. Also, got times around wrong.

Sid'Jax is disgruntled at the chair prevents him from distorting his sense of time to speed things up, the chair slowing things back to normal. Had he hairs those of his back would be prickling at the moment. After a whiles thought, Sid'jax fly as a blur to the front of the chair, all but leaning against the map table.

Quickened Dectect Thoughts [SLA, Quickened through Divine Abilities]
Move action to move beside chair.
Standard action to concentrate on chair, which I will do for 3 rounds while floating around it should nothing negative occur.

Disgruntled, Sid'jax growls slightly, looking over the chairs and the map, he decides to sit on the head chair, from his divination's he doubted it would blast him, and it might help him as he looks through the map.

2013-10-08, 05:35 AM
Sorry about the Time thing.

Though the chair does not move, both your position relative to the floor and it's position relative to the floor (as your positions relate to one another) seem to remain the same as if you were standing on the floor no matter what angle you approach it from - even though you in fact are not and it in fact is..
The sensation of being stared at increases.

You are are awoken from your investigation by a small chime and one of the hexes on the map on the table glowing an angry purple. At the same time you sense something odd in the air around you, something that raises your heartbeat slightly (if you have a heart).

Erik Vale
2013-10-08, 05:48 AM
OOC: I assume a human sized insect has a heart equivalent.

IC: Sid'jax spins rapidly, noting the source of the sound before he sniffs the air, looking around to find the source of the disturbance.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]
[[OOC: Damn I am rolling poor today]]

Should he spot nothing, Sid'jax lightly taps the hex from which the sound initiated.

2013-10-08, 06:36 AM
The disturbance is coming from yourself.

Tapping the hex your mind is filled with images of the hex. You can see a small settlement of humans. Just being built. A Paladin rallies a small band of soldiers and rallies them against what appears to be thousands of zombies.
What the image highlights however is the two Gods locked in a combat of sorts. The Vile god and the Healing Goddess. A large Coatl lies dead, a wraith-like undead Archon standing over the corpse. To the east a band of horsemen and some Dwarves charge down toward another mass of zombies.
The situation seems quite dire for the defenders.

You note a small menu of conditions in the hex. The weather is abnormally hot, no rainfall expected. Yet it is raining purple. The map notes that Evil Weather has been summoned and there is a temporary suppression of magic on the hex. As your hand hovers over this data a small x symbol appears in the upper right hand tab for both the Evil Weather and the Magical Suppression.
Another two tabs that have no x over them denote that each God is suppressing God-sense on the hex itself. Though clearly this has no effect on the map.

There is enough of an image and enough data to allow you to teleport to the location if you wished.

Erik Vale
2013-10-08, 06:42 AM
OOC: Wouldn't the rain stop me from teleporting as it's a divine ability?
If it doesn't, what about the SLA's I get from my domains, would those be able to work still?

Edit: If I can use my SLA's and teleport, Sid'Jax will take note of his surroundings so as to be able to teleport back. He will then:

Standard action: Greater Teleport to battlefield, 250ft above where the gods are fighting
Swift Action: Mordikainian's Disjunction [Quickened] so as to affect the rain and only the rain.

And he will end his turn, and that'll be it until morning.

2013-10-08, 07:37 AM
Divine as in Cleric and Paladin Su powers, not Divine as in God.
Your God powers still work.

You doing that then for sure then?

2013-10-08, 10:18 AM
OOC: Murdering my Vasharan? lol.

Why not try to convert them instead?

(I'm making the island float, not sink. They'll be fine - the worst that can happen is they fail their fortitude saves and get knocked prone. To be honest, Kayros isn't going to be doing anything interesting anyway, he may as well screw around.)

Erik Vale
2013-10-08, 03:14 PM
Yes, and I'll mosey on over to the thread that you pm'd as a disturbance in the force, cause I think that's the one containing the event.

2013-10-08, 07:36 PM
No problems then. The Island now hovers in the air. Are you going to respond to the big event?

2013-10-09, 01:06 PM
No problems then. The Island now hovers in the air. Are you going to respond to the big event?

Given that it seems to involve you randomly slaughtering all the other gods? Given that if I wanted to get involved it would probably involve me turning up with about 5-6 CR 40 outsiders and utterly ruining the battle? Given that I can just drop an island on you if I really need to? I'm good.

2013-10-09, 06:05 PM
The Great doors in the hall slowly creak open in the emptiness, and an old man in white robes with a gnarled walking staff walks out and over to the map. Carefully he waves his hands over the map, selecting the purple hex, and presses the little "x"s next to the spell effects - ending them. He then resets the table and walks back out through the door, the door closing behind him and sealing itself shut with a loud magical hum.

Erik Vale
2013-10-10, 06:45 PM
Arriving first, Sid'Jax raises some last protections and chooses to sit on the head chair, deciding now being as good a time as any to determine it's powers.

2013-10-10, 06:49 PM
Sophia and Nahautl arrive soon after.

Ah. Glad I was able to bring you back in once piece. And for your information, I wasn't trying any ploy. I really have no power to force Solana to a particular course of action. I can't even send her home, as far as I know.

Erik Vale
2013-10-10, 07:03 PM
"I am thankful that you did so... However might have calling the celestial been unwise?"

2013-10-10, 07:20 PM
Honestly? I'm not sure. But doing so seemed like a good idea at the time.

2013-10-10, 07:31 PM
Sid'Jax is thrown across the room and suffers [roll0] damage for sitting on the head chair. When the others arrive they find him picking himself up with smoke coming from a char-mark on his backside.


R'ta'nakk'k arrives without fanfare or special effect in his human form. Only his Familiar accompanies him. His weapon is sheathed.

Well then! here we are once more! he says his hands gesturing to the grandiose of the room, walking about the opposite side of the table of the other two he sits down in one of the chairs.

Erik Vale
2013-10-10, 07:55 PM
Damage: What type of damage is it? Also, I heal 20 this round and the rest the next.


Sid'Jax rises quickly from his prone position, the mark on his back quickly receding. His chainmail however is once again rather damaged, having gone black.
"I shall have to spend a time familiarizing myself with this rooms quirks." Sid'Jax mutters to himself, noting the vile god was able to sit easily on one of the other chairs, he takes a different seat.

2013-10-10, 07:56 PM
Sophia wearily takes a seat, making as much allowance for her wings as she can.

2013-10-10, 08:36 PM
I think on the whole that all went rather well for me, but quite badly for poor Sophia here. It did raise the problems we can cause for our mortal followers when we intefere however. the Vile God starts.

2013-10-10, 08:44 PM
Hmm... a point.

Sophia seems very unhappy to admit that the Vile God has anything truthful to say.

So... what now?

Sophia seems about to say more, but suddenly screams in pain and anguish.

Then, she calms, seeming to focus for a few moments. You feel a burst of power, though faintly as if this is not the true center of whatever manifestation she is producing. Then, she GLARES at the vile god.

Erik Vale
2013-10-10, 08:49 PM
Sid'Jax files the name away for later, one of his mouths opens to speak beforeSophia screams.

"It truly has gone poorly... But this is definitely something we should ensure does not happen again. Whilst in individual conflict a god might best another as you and your angel did me, it would be trivial to destroy the mortals who follow us in such numbers and with such force that we may well cause the dirt of this plane to become glass and the oceans to boil."

Sid'JAx's left side 'shrugs', it's head ceasing to speak where the other begins.
"However, I do doubt that we all will be able to constantly show the restraint required to intervene with mortal conflict or affairs, but perhaps an agreement as to limiting ourselves might be best..."

Sid'Jax taps the same hex of the table he did before, seeking to see what is occurring on the battlefield, both out of 'professional interest' and to see what may have caused the scream.

2013-10-10, 09:16 PM
The changes to the hex are immediately apparent and the permanent evil effects now show up on the hex data. It also seems as if Gaheris has fallen willingly when Sophia left and became a Death Knight, which would explain the cause of the pain.

The Vile God chuckles slightly. Though restrains comment as he is aware of how tense the situation is already.

We need a leader, and clearly it cannot be either myself or Sophia here. We need a leader with a cool head and no plans for the mortals.

2013-10-10, 09:22 PM
The Cold wind blew a chill through the air, whirling around the remaining egg, black and corrupted it was.
A shard of pure blue Ice fell through the air, until it impaled the egg, shattering it.
The blizzard kicked up, until it was impossible to see beyond a foot.
Then Two glowing red eyes appeared, and then the blizzard stopped. The snow froze over, and Tyrannus revealed himself.

The massive god had two heads, both of Draconic appearance. His wings unfurled, and the blizzard resumed.

(Hex 1 Should be Frostfell by now)

2013-10-10, 09:22 PM
Sophia forces herself to stop glaring and act civilly.

Hmm, again a point.

As you say neither of us would be suitable. Though before we make such a decision, shouldn't we have all present?

I think Kayros or Inautia would be most suitable.

Kayros because he's the only one of us who had the wit to avoid joining in the battle, and Inautia because, other than joining in the foolery we all engaged in, he seems to me to be quite reasonable.

Also, Kayros because getting the crap job is what he gets for not coming to the meeting. :smalltongue:

2013-10-10, 09:28 PM
OOC: The heat effect of the Vile God and the Freezing effect of Tyrannus cancel each other out. Beside the Godly realm is immune.

I agree with either of those choices. Though as Si'Jax harbors me no grudge I am not against him holding the throne either. The only thing we can both agree on for sure is that it should be neither of us. If Kayros does not show to this meeting then any nomination for him is forfeit, we cannot afford a leader who is absent playing with toys all the time.

The Vile God stands at the newcomer's entry. Welcome to the hall of the Gods. What is your name?

Erik Vale
2013-10-10, 09:29 PM
"I agree with Sopia that all should be here for the decision as any conclusion we came to we would force upon the others. As for-" Sid'Jax suddenly stops mid-sentence.

"Another has arisen."
Sid'Jax pulls his feet out of the frozen over snow as he stands to turn and face Tyrannus.

2013-10-10, 09:32 PM
OOC: The heat effect of the Vile God and the Freezing effect of Tyrannus cancel each other out. Beside the Godly realm is immune.

I agree with either of those choices. Though is Si'Jax harbors me no grudge I am not against him holding the throne either. The only thing we can both agree on for sure is that it should be neither of us.

The Vile God stands at the newcomer's entry. Welcome to the hall of the Gods. What is your name?

OOC: ...Of course.

"Ỉ̇ͧͤ̅̏̏ͭ͂͂̔̌ͨͬ̽̀̀̚҉͚̻̞͍̺̦̗ ̶̴̴͐̌ͬ̊ͩ̌̾̃͒̃͢҉̰̥̻̙̼̫̖̬̝͔̜̰̻ą̶̶̛̰͖̤̫̳̈́͆̽̎̈ͧͯ̈̔̚͡m ̤̹̯̬͓̩̫̩̳͚̥̗̟͉̞͑͌̂̽̓ͫ̓ͩͭ͘͜͢͡ You cannot understand me, can you? It doesn't matter. I am Tyrannus Nol Gathoic, Tyrant Lord. You appear to be ugly."

Erik Vale
2013-10-10, 09:35 PM
OOC: Gods explicitly understand all languages, so unless that was darkspeech/words of creation which have mechanical effects and require feats to know a few words, we understood.

2013-10-10, 09:35 PM
Sophia bows in greeting. Still forcing herself to be civil through her lingering shock.

2013-10-10, 09:37 PM
OOC: Gods explicitly understand all languages, so unless that was darkspeech/words of creation which have mechanical effects and require feats to know a few words, we understood.

You're facing someone that you have no clue about, and is quite obviously different then others.

It's more than assumed. =p

Erik Vale
2013-10-10, 09:40 PM
You're facing someone that you have no clue about, and is quite obviously different then others.

It's more than assumed. =p

OOC: I mentioned I was bad at puzzles didn't I? All I got from that is that I should assume darkspeech/words of creation/other means of communicating uninteligably.
As for obviously quite different, your discription paints me the picture of a two headed half dragon, which isn't too different from a two headed thri-kreen. Now I'm wondering if you did it for multivioce or multiple bite attack/breath weapons /both.

2013-10-10, 09:41 PM
OOC: They can all understand you dude. The Vile god is far more alien than you are. lol.

I am indeed Ugly, disgusting and repugnant. Thank you for the compliment.

Erik Vale
2013-10-10, 09:45 PM
"I do not get why you are so... Except repungent, for you are foul of odor. I would personally take better care of my unliving."

Sid'Jax continues to stare at the god he has partially decided is the divine manifestation of arrogance.

2013-10-10, 09:45 PM
OOC: They can all understand you dude. The Vile god is far more alien than you are. lol.

I am indeed Ugly, disgusting and repugnant. Thank you for the compliment.

OOC: Is that a challenge?

"Take it as you will. It matters not now that I am awake."

2013-10-10, 09:48 PM
OOC: Don't tempt him to drop human form. Multiple heads means multiple vomiting. Also the Vile God is NOT Undead just so you guys all know. He is very much "alive"....

Anyway, we were all discussing how the divine realms should be operated. When the other two arrive back here we should start by electing a leader and setting some rules.

Erik Vale
2013-10-10, 09:58 PM
OOC: Yes I know he's alive, otherwise he couldn't be affected by negative energy. However he seems rather zombie like much of the time and I expect him to be picking up undead traits later.

Yes, a god of arrogence. Sid'Jax thinks to himself.
"Yes. And speaking of your proposal it would give me a rather good reason to learn as much as I could of these halls over the realm... I have not met the other two you have mentioned however."

2013-10-10, 10:14 PM
Still working some of it out myself. Judging by the burn mark on your backside I would guess that the throne there can only be used by the King of the Gods, which was my original guess. The map is interesting, though the door is a serious puzzle. The side rooms seem to be made for our quarters.

Erik Vale
2013-10-10, 10:21 PM
"That? Such has healed already and with some stout chains I could probably sit upon it for a extended time, depending on the protections for as long as I so desire, but I confess to similar thoughts as to the chair. However given the ending of the rain and the fact that while 6 eggs have hatched and there are 10 chairs, there may be other reasons... However I guess that is why you so quickly desired to gain the tittle of king of the gods though?"

He shakes one of his heads, the question is clearly rhetorical. He motions to the table.
"The table however seemed to have some way of turning of the rain, when I used it I knew I could shut it off, but instead of attempting to do so with the table I thought I could do so under my own power upon arrival, so my guess is that the table is beyond a strong divination device, at the very least also a focus..."

Sid'Jax stops in thought.

"I had yet to investigate the other rooms however."

2013-10-11, 12:39 AM
Inautia feel that the deaths have stopped, and looks over to Sophia moments before she screams. He watches as the new god arises. He clears his throat. A king of the gods? If I may put my Input
Sophia would be constantly arguing and battling with the darker side of the Pantheon.
Kayros is ideal, but seems to care not in our matters.
Sid'Jax seems brash but a possible contender.
From why we've seen of you, you seem to be rude ,and likely to start large conflicts.
I myself would be happy to, but I am less powerful then other gods, and I may be quite slow to react.

2013-10-11, 12:47 AM
"I believe I can take the mantle of Godlord."

The god moves himself from his awakening, stretching his wings, and feeling the cool wind.

"I am Wholly Impartial, And Care not if any of you die, or live. I care not if you succede, or fail. Any Objections?"

2013-10-11, 12:50 AM
Yes, very much so. That is not king like at all. Kauris already does that. A king should be impartial and not start arguments and try to keep the gods as a close pantheon. You sir would ignore us entirely.

2013-10-11, 01:19 AM
Yes, very much so. That is not king like at all. Kauris already does that. A king should be impartial and not start arguments and try to keep the gods as a close pantheon. You sir would ignore us entirely.

"You appear to have misunderstood me.
I wouldn't ignore you, no, you would do your best not to draw my ire. If you attract my attention, you are not being a good godling, and need to die."

2013-10-11, 01:44 AM
I wish to start no arguments, but you seem rather arrogant, as if you are more powerful than us. I do not believe this to be true

2013-10-11, 02:20 AM
I do not believe you to be more powerful either. Your arrogance is starting to put me to shame, and that says something. You would be a worse choice for leader than Sophia or I. No I say it should be either Sid'Jax or Kayros as Inautia is simply too weak. No offence Inautia, you stood bravely against me though.

2013-10-11, 02:28 AM
Oh, and where do you get that impression from. My only opponent so far has been your undead cohort. Undead and specifically incorporable undead are tough opponents for my skill set. Although I too would vote Kayros, had he taken an interest in these matters.

Erik Vale
2013-10-11, 03:04 AM
"You would claim Inautia to weak, yet with two strokes from your blade my mind was ended... But then the rain did put a vast limiter on my abilities, so perhaps you are right."

Sid'Jax shrugs.

"However, perhaps we should find this Kayros, as he seems to be one of the two people being seriously considered..."

With that said, Sid'Jax looks to the table, touching it he whispers Kayros, hoping the table might have some way to find him, and hoping he doesn't just view the nearest hex... New magic items are always finicky to manipulate.

2013-10-11, 03:07 AM
Kayros is currently making an Island float in the air for his own amusement in hex 176.

Erik Vale
2013-10-11, 03:09 AM
"He's.... Here."

Sid'Jax reaches for the relevant hex, getting up if he needs to, in order to get a better view of the area around Kayros. Were he not a insect, others would be able to see a flush of elation on his cheeks at having guessed a function correctly.

2013-10-11, 03:18 AM
OOC: Your Divine sense ability lets you find the right hex to select, the map then gives you the details.

Erik Vale
2013-10-11, 03:55 AM
OOC: Oh. Duly noted, Scrap the bit about me figuring out how it worked, I still want a closer look.

2013-10-11, 05:09 AM
Not only does Kayros seem suitable to me, I believe it is a tradition for one who fails to show up to a meeting to be given the worst job by everyone else.

And I have a feeling this job is going to be pretty bad for whoever gets it.

Sophia chuckles slightly.

Erik Vale
2013-10-11, 06:04 AM
Not only does Kayros seem suitable to me, I believe it is a tradition for one who fails to show up to a meeting to be given the worst job by everyone else.

And I have a feeling this job is going to be pretty bad for whoever gets it.

Sophia chuckles slightly.

"As amusing as you might find it, I think one would need better reason to declare a leader than such... Why is he raising islands into the air?"

Whilst no one present has the answer, he does sound truly confused.

"What a waste of energy. I'll let him know people are considering him for leadership, I should be back promptly."

Sid'Jax immediately disappears appearing approximately 15ft next to Kayros, arms folded and looking at him, appearing to be ready to wait.
[OOC: Need a thread link.]

2013-10-11, 07:16 AM
OOC: thread link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16141080&postcount=55)

2013-10-11, 08:03 AM
"As amusing as you might find it, I think one would need better reason to declare a leader than such... Why is he raising islands into the air?"

I do have a better reason for considering him suitable:

He's the only one here, save those we haven't or have just met, that hasn't fought any other deity. Obviously, as said new comers are entirely unknown quantities, they wouldn't be good candidates. But Kayros does seem sensible. And, as an unaligned power, he's unlikely to have interfering biases.

2013-10-11, 10:55 AM
Kayros looks expectantly at the suddenly apparent god.

"Welcome to my island. I trust you are here for more useful reasons than I? What passes?"

2013-10-11, 11:47 AM
I do have a better reason for considering him suitable:

He's the only one here, save those we haven't or have just met, that hasn't fought any other deity. Obviously, as said new comers are entirely unknown quantities, they wouldn't be good candidates. But Kayros does seem sensible. And, as an unaligned power, he's unlikely to have interfering biases.

He hasn't fought. An that's because he did not care enough to turn up to defend the losing side. I do not trust a detached or uncaring leader. I would prefer another.

2013-10-11, 12:47 PM
He hasn't fought. An that's because he did not care enough to turn up to defend the losing side. I do not trust a detached or uncaring leader. I would prefer another.

Then who would you recommend? You've already declared yourself inadequate. Though I don't agree with that.

But let's see... As the primary combatants, neither R'ta'nakk'k, nor myself can claim legitimacy. Tyrannus there makes R'ta'nakk'k seem humble and fluffy by comparison. You've declared yourself too weak. As for Sid... well, I suppose he might be suitable, but I'm not sure if a war god would make a good peacekeeper. So... do you see anyone else? Or think my analysis is incorrect?

2013-10-11, 01:29 PM
I do not consider myself weak, I was merely referring to the fact that R'ta'nakk is stronger, and therefore I would have difficulty reigning him in. Although from first impressions he seems the most powerful god.

2013-10-11, 04:34 PM
@Kayros's location

Sid'Jax can hear the screams and pleas of mercy from the mortal inhabitants of the Island which Kayros seems to be ignoring.

Almost would have been easier to have just bent your knee to me when you had the chance wouldn't it sophia. Inautia makes some good points. I have decided to cast my vote for Sid'Jax. We cannot have an absent and uncaring leader no more than we can have a weak or divisive leader. Sid'Jax in opposing me at least showed he is ready to take action if it is called for.

Erik Vale
2013-10-11, 04:52 PM
"More useful. Pending your idea as to why you desire a floating landmass... I'm here as messenger, to let you know your one of the two people being seriously considered to be voted into the tittle 'King of the Gods'. Basically a fancy name of maker of guidelines and resolver of disputes, we're talking at the mountain, around the table..."

With that, Sid'Jax disappears, reappearing in his chair to catch the tail end of R'ta'nakk speaking.

Before Kayros arrives he simply says.
"There is a fair bit of screaming from the landmass Kayros is raising... While to be expected the way he listens suggests negligence more than care."

2013-10-11, 07:25 PM
Kayros... did... WHAT?

Sophia seems shocked.

To R'ta'nakk'k:

Easier... definitely not. Almost easier...

*she considers*


Hmm... Well, Kayros apparently wouldn't make a good leader. Alright, Sid if you want the job, I'm willing to give you a chance to prove yourself.

Now, if you'd all excuse me, I'd like to see if I can offer any aid to those poor trapped people. I'll be back in but a matter of moments.

Sophia goes to the map, and tries to get as much information about the affected area as she can: What's going on, how many mortals are there. She also looks to neighboring hexes, trying to find one suitable as a rehoming site for the trapped mortals.

2013-10-11, 07:38 PM
AH! Sophia. No direct intefering. That includes me remember.

OOC: Most of the mortals managed to flee under the direction of Victor and the surprise naval fleet that popped out of nowhere. Some refugees attempted to flee into the mountains but mostly died in the Frostfell. Very few remained and they surrendered to the Dark Empire. Duke Gaheris seems to be treating them well for the time being. The Dark empire left a garrison and are heading south as fast as they can with a mass of forces.

2013-10-11, 07:43 PM
OOC: I meant the mortals on Kayros' flying island.

I know. I wasn't referring to the victims of our past battle, but the terrified mortals trapped on that flying island.

2013-10-11, 07:45 PM
OOC: Ahh right no worries.
The mortals on the Island are Vasharan who worship Tyranus (Shady).
Their thorpe is in ruins, but they are mostly otherwise unharmed. They are all clinging to the island for dear life however, the civilians screaming in panic.
their leader is attempting to summon Demons to try and combat the god in vain as most of the summons fail and the demons are too weak and the summoner is unable to control them. A few Demons fly off into the world cackling with laughter.

2013-10-11, 07:49 PM
Hey, Tyrannus! Are you going to save your people? If not, mind if I try?
I'll give you a few moments to decide, their efforts to save themselves seem to be making things worse for them.

Also, what about neighboring hexes, would any of them make suitable new homes?

OOC: I'll give it four hours. (till ~ 1am tomorrow my time) If Shady hasn't replied by then, I'll count that as a reply of "I don't care."

2013-10-11, 07:58 PM
OOC: and if you're wondering why in the seven heavens, the twin paradises, etc. would Sophia try to help a bunch of presumably psychotic Vasharan...
They're still innocent civilians. At least, she doesn't know of anything they did to deserve this. Besides, who knows? Maybe she'll get a convert or two out of it.

2013-10-11, 08:01 PM
OOC: The surrounding hexes are deep enough water that they cannot build any settlement in it. They also have Demons in them now too.... lol.

Erik Vale
2013-10-11, 08:03 PM
"Thankyou, and while you look at what to do with the people and you two decide, I'm going to talk with Kayros... Once we've convinced him to stop reshaping the world in areas that seem to not be filled with his worshippers, and unleashing demons if non-directly. It isn't a conflict so I see no need to refrain from assisting the mortals."

Sid'Jax disappears again, appearing next to Kayros.

"I'm going to have to ask you to stop that."

OOC: Magic doesn't interact with the speaking thing [name forgotten and I've never really looked into it besides noting it takes a lot of work to make useful] at all does it? No me dispelling what he's doing and such?

2013-10-12, 06:50 AM
"All right, but I warn you - the earthquakes and daemons are not my doing."

To demonstrate, he sets up utterances to minimise the fall before dropping the island. The earthquakes, screaming, daemons and general havoc continue.

Examination of the earthquakes and daemons shows that Kayros is telling the truth - none of it has anything to do with him. Literally all he was doing was making the island float.

2013-10-12, 07:02 AM
OOC: The quakes are from the island being raised. You said yourself there are shockwaves. I would question your motive for the island in the first place. The Demons are from one of the inhabitants attempting to summon something powerful enough to stop you. The Vile God is Lawful.

2013-10-12, 07:48 AM
OOC: The quakes are from the island being raised. You said yourself there are shockwaves. I would question your motive for the island in the first place. The Demons are from one of the inhabitants attempting to summon something powerful enough to stop you. The Vile God is Lawful.

Their thorpe is in ruins, but they are mostly otherwise unharmed.

OOC: The utterance DOES NOT DO THAT. Otherwise I wouldn't use it. They're only being affected three times an hour, and the buildings are not being damaged in the slightest.

Any building-destroying going on is strictly the work of another deity.

2013-10-12, 08:13 AM
Inautia too will teleport to Kayros.
He tells the truth, although earthquakes may just be a consequence of the movement of the islands. As far as I can tell, no deaths have occured. Although... No matter. The demons aren't his either. I know they intend to kill you Word. Should we leave with you, the demons will likely be dismissed. Panic would also stop. I suggest we leave now, if only to minimise the amount of terrified and angry villagers and warriors trying to attack you.

2013-10-12, 08:23 AM
"I believe the daemons are no longer under anyone's control but their own. It would be a good idea if at least one of us stayed to make sure they are no longer under any control at all," replies Kayros simply. "And let's see if we can undo some of the damage."

Rebuild item on anything that's been destroyed, even if it's a house or something. If I come across any daemons, I kill them by the simplest means possible. Anyone else who tries to fight me will probably just be ignored, seeing as I can fly.

2013-10-12, 08:28 AM
Agreed, I will help to dispatch the demons, although rebuilding is not my speciality

Inautia will follow Kayros, slaying any demons, and ignoring anyone else. Anyone hostile will face my fear aura and flee.

2013-10-12, 08:42 AM
Sophia will heal any of the civilians that have been injured, up to and including returning any from the dead (if she can get sufficient information to do so, and their families and loved ones don't object.) If she encounters any demons, she'll put them down.

Strange how practically every other god cares more about Tryannus' people than he does, isn't it?

2013-10-12, 08:45 AM
I think it is more that we care for life, then caring specifically for his people. I believe he sees his kin as I see my undead, mindless tools

2013-10-12, 08:45 AM
OOC: Between the two of you the Demons are easily dealt with. CR 5 and less stuff only. Only several of them in total.

The houses were being knocked down by the forces from pulling an island out of the ground and the sea and dangling it in the air. Their houses were little more than yurts.
Why you did that in the first place is totally beyond me. lol.

EDIT: The village of Chaotic Evil Demonologist worshipers of Tyranus - the god of winter, drow, scaly things and evil - are now all safe and happy with the Gods....
Yeah I think they need to convert...

2013-10-12, 08:51 AM
Well that was easy enough. Only 1 death and that was an elder suffering from a heart attack. Twas his time anyway. Shall we teleport back to the mountain. Kayros you should follow, an important meeting is happening.

2013-10-12, 09:03 AM
"All right."

Kayros follows back to the meeting.

2013-10-12, 09:05 AM
Sophia nods and returns to the meeting.

2013-10-12, 09:08 AM
Ah! The samaritans have returned!

2013-10-12, 09:19 AM
Inautia angrily walks up to Tyrannus. Those were your people. How could you let them die. It's your duty as their god to defend them. Be thankful we protected them for you.

2013-10-12, 09:22 AM
Indeed. Though I suspect you'll be paying for your negligence.

2013-10-12, 05:08 PM
Sophia's attention is drawn elsewhere for a moment. Her eyes defocus for a heartbeat, then she returns to normal.

Just answering a prayer :smallwink:

2013-10-12, 09:54 PM
Inautia, I noticed that Aril is well on its way to conquering Eliar. I've suggested to the Eliarese they take flight, and given them aid sufficient to ensure their ability to do so. However, I suggest you caution the people of Aril to avoid expanding immediately north (to hex 7) There's a people there that would give them horrible trouble, and that I would rather not see harmed. If left alone, though, I am confidant they will leave others alone.

Erik Vale
2013-10-12, 10:07 PM
"We have no responsibilities, we a not yet beholden to anyone. For now, we only have opportunities. One is allowed to guide or interact with their people as they choose, however should all stop worshiping them, that is their fault... Now then."

Both of Sid'Jax's heads turn to face Kayros.

"I believe the only thing left to do before we hear final votes, is as to whether or not you would care to be the "King of the Gods", and serve as a rulemaker. Once we are done however, I think we should all be allowed a moment to look to our own, and perhaps arrange times to gather."

Edit: Current Vote Tally is Sid'Jax 3, Tyranis 1 [Himself] others 0, however I think in the next posts I think we wait for one from everyone and everyone will have the oppertunity to finalize their votes unless majority clearly occurs.

My vote is to Abstain, I'm not going to vote for myself, and I choose not to vote for others.

2013-10-13, 01:05 AM
This should not be put down to a simple vote, it is the single most important decision we can make. It will effect the shaping of the world, the flow of time. Everything there is and will be will be affected by this decision. We should think, an come to a conclusion. We must as a whole know who would be best for the job

However I see I have no hope of winning you over and if we must vote I vote for myself, arrogant I understand but I see no better alternative.

2013-10-13, 01:19 AM
OOC: I don't think there will be anymore hatchlings now. No one else has put forward a Divine character.

Erik Vale
2013-10-13, 01:22 AM
[OOC: Well there was a 5 god cap until you let me through so I think we're set. I presume your keeping your vote as Sid'Jax though?]

2013-10-13, 02:10 AM
OOC: Yep sid'Jax.

2013-10-13, 04:00 AM
Kayros sighs heavily. "I suppose that if there must be a rulemaker, I would be the least dangerous - and most likely the least irritating. Not that I see why we can't just work together rather than having one person lording it over the others because he, she or it is The Ruler and can do what they want. If I win this dubious vote, I intend to make sure we can fix everything." He sweeps his hand over the map. "And by everything, I mean the wars that are probably already breaking out over this world as a result of you trying to kill each other."

"That said, none of you seem exactly convinced. Which is fine. I'll feel perfectly free to ignore said ruler the moment that he inevitably tries to declare war on everything, as you all seem to enjoy doing at regular intervals."

2013-10-13, 05:00 AM
Declare War? How have we done this. A single battle has been fought. So far as I'm aware no deaths have been caused by any of us, barring Healing's Herald. So Healing and Thirst vote war, And all 3 other votes are for themselves. The problem as I see it is that the only two members who did not vote for themselves were not allowed to vote for themselves anyway. Had I not I would have voted Kayros. having less than half the pantheon decide who is the 'king' is a bad idea. We must come to an agreement

2013-10-13, 07:56 AM
I agree with Death. Voting for this is pointless. However, for what it's worth, the only reason I didn't vote for you, Death, is that I was under the impression you didn't want the job.

Also, so we're calling each other by our primary areas of influence now?

2013-10-13, 08:01 AM
Thank you Life. I would not mind taking the job in honesty. But I must ask. Will we come to a logical conclusion or are we making a vote based on the last hour of knowing each other?

2013-10-13, 08:07 AM
"I still think that not having any ruler, at least for the time being, is the wisest course of action, given that I'm not entirely sure what rulings need to be made beyond 'stop killing each other,' and so forth," opines Kayros wearily. "Besides, whoever we elect there is most likely at least one person in this room who wouldn't trust them over a drugged demon."

2013-10-13, 08:12 AM
Hmm... Words has a point. Perhaps we should define what the position will entail before we try to assign it?

2013-10-13, 08:13 AM
You make a good point Language. Perhaps we could consider some of the following
No interfering in the battles of mortals
No interfering in others domains.
If two gods are in conflict they must debate front of the pantheon rather then having a judge match. The pantheon will decide on an appropriate course of action.
The king would mainly be there to reinforce them. Anyone else have any suggestions?

2013-10-13, 08:21 AM
No "direct" interfering. Answering prayers should not count. We should not fight their battles for them is all. But we should be allowed to protect our interests and sway the battles in favour of our followers. Also I'd like to see you try and nick-name me, as cute as it is.

2013-10-13, 08:22 AM
I would amend one point: No direct interference in the battles of mortals. After all, supplying our clerics with spells, or blessing our worshipers generally could have an effect on their battles... but shouldn't be forbidden.

Similarly, noninterference should apply to personal interference, or the actions of beings over whom we have direct and complete control. While we might suggest certain courses of action to our worshipers, what they do with those suggestions is ultimately up to them.

I strongly agree with the ideas of pantheon debate, and our leader serving as a mediator rather than a dictator.

2013-10-13, 08:23 AM
Sophia is shocked that she and Thirst had almost the exact same thing to say.

2013-10-13, 08:24 AM
Oh snap again Sophia. Why are we enemies again? You really should have become my Queen and we could have ended this silly talk.

2013-10-13, 08:37 AM
I agree with all that is said by both Life and Thirst. No direct interference, indirect should be allowed. Although I ask the pantheon, what is defined as direct interference. Actually slaying and raising enemies or sending a fleet of zombies?

2013-10-13, 08:55 AM
"But what is 'indirect?'? Their wars will simply become a matter of which god can empower their respective followers harder. All that you'll serve to do is make it possible for the gods to fight at their leisure, as long as they have at least one mortal - or undead, at that - to do it for them."

2013-10-13, 09:11 AM
How about the following things be allowed:

Granting followers spells and powers, as consistent with their training and abilities.

Sending allies, when those allies have been paid for and have been called by the appropriate rituals.

Blessing our followers home territories, and or their efforts when they are in territory not disputed by another Power's followers.

Aiding our followers in escaping extermination, regardless of other circumstances.

What would be explicitly not allowed:

Aiding our followers in aggressive war. i.e. sending un paid for allies to help them in wars of conquest against other Powers' followers. Shaping the battle field to disadvantage another Power's followers while they are defending their homes.

Granting spells and powers, as well as appropriately called and summoned allies would still be allowed.

Erik Vale
2013-10-13, 03:50 PM
"I find myself in agreement with all the rules that have been suggested so far."

2013-10-13, 05:59 PM
I too am in agreement. I still support the idea of a leader. There needs to be agreed rules, but sometimes rules can be a hard decision that can make others unhappy. If we were to run everything as we are now then it makes it easier for someone to break the rules or avoid a rule being made entirely. Enforcement, and even sometimes forgiveness, are also required. That would be hard to do as a group. I strongly suggest that we elect a leader, I still support Sid'Jax for the role.

2013-10-14, 10:22 AM
"How would it be harder to do as a group than with a single leader who can bend and change the rules as they please to suit themselves?"

2013-10-14, 12:01 PM
I believe a more powerful divine force is conspiring for us to have a king, as proven by the larger throne and the door. He wouldn't be able to bend the rules as I'm fairly sure the others combined would be able to defeat him.

2013-10-14, 03:06 PM
"I still struggle to see why we need a ruler at all. 'Someone wants us to' is not a great reason to, unless they're actually going to force us to - which I doubt. In any case, I doubt the magic on the throne is going to be changed by a mere election."

2013-10-14, 03:42 PM
True, but without a king we could face an impasse. Which could be catastrophic. If 3 gods are in favour of one motion and 3 in the other no action will be taken an this could prove problematic. More importantly it could cause conflict, arguments and possible war. Which is something I personally woul like to avoid

2013-10-14, 04:32 PM
"With a king we would face decisions no-one else wanted. We would face wars, we would face conflict, and I would want to have no part in it."

2013-10-14, 04:39 PM
How about, instead of a permanent king, we have a position that is rotated amongst us? And, have that position act as more an impasse breaker rather than an absolute ruler?

For example, we could give this position only the power to chose between options presented by other deities.

2013-10-14, 04:40 PM
Ahhh do what ever you all want to then. I am quite happy either way at this point. he replies, leaning back in his chair with his feet on the table.

Erik Vale
2013-10-14, 04:41 PM
"Against who would we have wars? The worst to arise is internal conflict, and with our powers we can't possibly force such against one another, at least not for a long time. You see horrors where they're are none, no one here is truly seeking to put a tyrant upon a throne, especially a throne that will in truth have little more weight than it is allowed."

He pauses in thought.

"However I agree that a rotating king may help, perhaps changing again by vote or having another vote after the king veto's or 'forces' an action, and I do use force in the loosest of terms."

War could well tell Thirst was becoming bored of Words and Inautia's bickering, and he in truth was himself.

2013-10-14, 04:42 PM
Rotated ruler? It's certainly an interesting idea, although my belief is that it wouldn't differ far from no ruler in that he wouldn't have any actual power. I personally agree with War, at lest on his first point.

2013-10-14, 04:49 PM
"Well, don't blame me when I ignore your ruler. That's all I have left to say, seeing as you seem largely to be ignoring me. If that is all...?"

2013-10-14, 04:51 PM
I'm sorry if I offended you in any way, but I was stating my beliefs just as you were stating yours. I would be happy to try either democracy or rotation, at least on a trial basis.

Erik Vale
2013-10-14, 04:54 PM
"If you wish to leave you may, we'll simply let you know if your causing problems..."

2013-10-14, 04:55 PM
Ruler rotation sounds like a doable concept to me. I quite like the idea that we just all evenly take turns and forget this voting stuff.

2013-10-14, 04:57 PM
So, is there anyone against this system. If not how long should a single god 'rule'?

2013-10-14, 04:58 PM
I say a single mortal realm season length would work.

Erik Vale
2013-10-14, 04:59 PM
"Hmmm... Perhaps a mortal season, enough for the time to be useful but not overly long. Maybe two seasons."

2013-10-14, 05:22 PM
A single season works for me.

Kayros, I suggested this system to address your concerns, to which I am not unsympathetic. Will you participate in it?

2013-10-14, 05:24 PM
"If I must. Though I do not see how it addresses my concerns my concerns in the slightest if we have a different lunatic in charge each month."

2013-10-14, 05:43 PM
First of all, my suggestion included more than that: It also included significant limitations to the ruler's power. Second of all, it would discourage excesses, because whoever they committed their excesses against would eventually have a chance to retaliate.

It seems to me, we two components of an agreement coming together:
First is a code of divine conduct. Second is provision for at least a minimal executive power.

2013-10-14, 05:50 PM
How would we make them give up the throne?

2013-10-14, 05:55 PM
If given time and permission I could prepare an Impriso. soul for the ruler at the time. Should try refuse, their soul would be temporarily imprisoned until their body had been weakened heavily. This is of course an outlandish solution, and of course doesn't bind me.

Erik Vale
2013-10-14, 05:57 PM
"I was going with the thought that the remaining gods together could overpower the king should they so choose for reasons such as one refusing to give up the throne when their time had come."

2013-10-14, 05:57 PM
How convenient for you Inautia, you would get to trap the souls of the "King of the Gods" one at a time until you control us all like puppets on a string.

2013-10-14, 06:00 PM
Hardly. I would only possess the means to trap one soul at once. After that the ritual would be broken. But you make a fair point. I said it would be outlandish.

My problem with that war is that Thirst in particular has provn more powerful than the other gods combined.

2013-10-14, 06:02 PM
"Before this can break into another fight, and since my input is no longer needed," Kayros says, before greater teleporting out of the room.

I don't really care where I end up. Perhaps the island again? Anyway, I block the other gods attempts to scry me, and go to sleep. Even though deities don't need sleep.

2013-10-14, 06:03 PM
I doubt that one verses five would last long in this place.

Erik Vale
2013-10-14, 06:06 PM
One of Sid'Jax's head's look at the spot Kayros just vacated, and then up as he notes the sense block.
"I did suggest it, however I would like to state that the only other god people wanted on the throne just vacated the premises as he disliked the turn of events, rather than even silently watching as Tyranis is... So far a 1 season rotation is prefered, might I suggest a order of Myself, R'ta'nakk'k, Sophia, Tyranis and Inautia, with Kayros last should he like to take a turn at rule when the time comes."

2013-10-14, 06:08 PM
Here is the order I would recommend: War, Language, Death, Life, Winter, Thirst. The more neutrally inclined gods would go first, while the more powerful god would be last so we are sure if this rotation is a good idea

2013-10-14, 06:17 PM
I am fine with Inautia's suggestion. Though I think that Kayros has ruled himself out of the leadership role with his recent actions and attitude. A respect for the rules and the process must be held by any wishing to become leader.
I would suggest one additional amendment. There must be an option for a King to remain in times of trouble. It would seem odd to change the king in the middle of a crisis for example.

2013-10-14, 06:20 PM
Hmm, I don't object to your suggested order, Death. Though I can't help but point out that Knowledge just left this council in apparent disgust.
(Also, I thought we were calling him Language?)

As for the problem of enforcing abdication... maybe we could pool some of our powers to make a magically binding document? With consequences if any of the signatories violate it? I'm not exactly sure how we'd do that, though. But, it would also allow a means to add additional Powers to the agreement, should any arise.

Erik Vale
2013-10-14, 06:20 PM
"... I agree, however any event that is liable to cause us to need such coordination is also liable to reduce any squabble over who happens to lead and what needs to be done I think, or is likely to be the sort of event where rulership is ignored because it is caused by our bickering."

2013-10-14, 06:27 PM
If every god signed a document and sealed it with a drop of their blood and expended 50xp each I'd call it an artifact of Law with special powers to enforce the agreement. It would need to be worded EXACTLY however.

Erik Vale
2013-10-14, 06:30 PM
If every god signed a document and sealed it with a drop of their blood and expended 50xp each I'd call it an artifact of Law with special powers to enforce the agreement. It would need to be worded EXACTLY however.

Now there is a opportunity for Kayros to pass off kingship and then create a couple of loopholes to screw us with...
Did anyone take proffesion lawyer?

2013-10-14, 07:38 PM
Sophia Sighs.

It seems our followers will not see reason. Very Well, I shall end this bloodshed by sending my people involved in this conflict elsewhere, before any more of other side are lost.

She focuses for a few moments.

It is Done.

2013-10-14, 07:46 PM
The Vile God stares over at Sophia and Inautia for a moment and grins evilly.
You feel an obvious expulsion of power, just as Sophia just did.
Hehehehe he chuckles softly.

2013-10-14, 07:55 PM

And Sophia dumps more power into... whatever it is she was doing.

She'll save everyone she can, and try to give anyone she can't save a clean, painless death. (i.e. not letting them be turned into undead or tortured, etc.)

Erik Vale
2013-10-14, 08:05 PM
"I have a feeling my followers are the most peaceful..."

Sid'Jax's claws glide over the table trying to find the cause of the disturbance.

2013-10-14, 08:08 PM
Sophia scowls at the Vile God.

That... is why we're enemies, Thirst.

To War:

Perhaps. Ironic, that.

Erik Vale
2013-10-14, 08:11 PM
"Is it though? I'm also knowledge, perhaps those that are mine just plan better and are producing either war machines or defences..."

2013-10-14, 08:15 PM
Hmm... a point. Maybe we should call you Tactics? Or Strategy?

Erik Vale
2013-10-14, 08:18 PM
Sid'Jax sighs, his claws still moving through the various hex's to determine what the trouble is.
"I would be honoured to accept the tittle, however perhaps wait on it having seen my previous battle performance. In any case, it seems all are fine with the order."
Sid'Jax's voice is absent minded as images flash through his heads.

2013-10-14, 08:21 PM
Thirst falls from his chair in fits of laughter. After a short moment he rises again, wiping tears from his human eyes. Oh well. Two champions of yours down in a few mere week Sophia. Not going well is it. Though I doubt Roland will turn like your last one did, and if he did it would be to Inautia anyway.

OOC: Sensing the hex to which the power was all spent War brings up the details of a hex near the Kingdom of Arnil. The hex is chocked full of Good and Evil magic, some having been granted by Healing, and something more subtle that is untitled that was granted by Thirst. It seems there was a battle, but all of the defending forces of King Roland's seem to have vanished, leaving the King standing alone in front of the entire Arnil force.

2013-10-14, 08:25 PM
Wouldn't it be funny if Arnil decided not to kill Roland?

He'd be the NPC that refuses to die! :smallbiggrin:

Erik Vale
2013-10-14, 08:28 PM
One of Sid'jax's heads closes it's eyes, taking in the scene whilst the other talks.
"It seems you might want to gather allies for your people Sophia. Perhaps you should retrieve your man..."
Sid'Jax returns his claws to his side, the head which bore closed eyes now turned to Sophia, a Thri-Kreen would read compassion from his body but a insect is hard for most things to read.
The other head turns to the chair, it seems he's about to have to sit on it again... He wonders if it will reject him, or if it'll do so worse than last time.

2013-10-14, 08:30 PM
I... cannot. You see the result of my attempt to do so, well... of my attempt, and Thrist's counter. As for allies, I am attempting to do so.

Sophia again scowls at Thirst.

Erik Vale
2013-10-14, 08:35 PM
"... If your counter is what I think, you chose well Thirst, but did you truly need to interfere?"
The way Sid'Jax waves his claw makes it obvious that he needs no answer.

2013-10-14, 08:59 PM
Wouldn't it be funny if Arnil decided not to kill Roland?

He'd be the NPC that refuses to die! :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-14, 09:05 PM

Hey, you could have had Mr. Vile's counter kill him outright. You left the possibility available. :smalltongue:

2013-10-15, 12:05 PM
Wouldn't it be funny if Arnil decided not to kill Roland?

He'd be the NPC that refuses to die! :smallbiggrin:

Yeah, not happening. We're choosing what undead he'll serve us as

So do we have any other agenda? For my followers are praying for my prescense.

2013-10-15, 12:28 PM
Yeah, not happening. We're choosing what undead he'll serve us as

I know. :smalltongue:

Well, we should probably codify all this in a binding document. But I'm sure that can wait for the short time you'll need to attend to your people, Death.

Sophia sighs and shakes her head ruefully.

Please tell your people that the fact that the citizens of Arnil and Eliar couldn't live peaceably together saddens me. And if Roland is brought back in a sentient form, that I'm still willing to accept him if he wishes.

Oh, also please warn them to avoid the region to the north* If they try to invade that, they'll find things very hard for them, even if I do nothing. Possibly even if you help them. But if they leave the people there alone, they will be left alone in turn.

*Hex 7.

2013-10-15, 12:55 PM
Its not that urgent. Who should write the document? The finer parts of how do you say? Legalisation are not my speciality.

2013-10-15, 01:40 PM
I could work up a first draft for review, based on our discussions so far.

But Death, even if your worshipers' need isn't "urgent" please, feel free to attend to them. They just witnessed my intervention, after all. Don't you think they'd appreciate your presence? For that matter, might I suggest we take a short recess? Maybe check out these rooms that are arranged around the main chamber here?

2013-10-15, 01:43 PM
Thank you life. I would appreciate a recess. Shall we meet again in say, 30 minutes? Or perhaps someone would like longer?
Either way I shall be back soon. With that, Inautia will stand up stretch his back and teleport away. I think it's very obvious as to where I'm teleporting.

2013-10-15, 01:52 PM
Hmm, how about an hour? That would give us all enough time to look at these rooms, which are likely to be our dwellings.

2013-10-15, 02:16 PM
And Death, please deliver my...

Sophia drops off as Death teleports away.

She rises and enters the room closest to her seat.

Erik Vale
2013-10-15, 03:20 PM
Sid'Jax nods as talk of a break comes up.
"I may have a slight headache, a rest would be good. It'll also help us come up with any additional ideas..."

Sid'Jax decides to head up into the clouds above the room. Looking down he marvels at the view of the world as his heads listen to prayers.

For those gods amongst us who need to eat, sleep [not me] and breath are we handwaving that unless it becomes important or is the god template being modified to include no need to eat/sleep/breath?

2013-10-15, 03:36 PM
Sid'Jax nods as talk of a break comes up.
"I may have a slight headache, a rest would be good. It'll also help us come up with any additional ideas..."

Sid'Jax decides to head up into the clouds above the room. Looking down he marvels at the view of the world as his heads listen to prayers.

For those gods amongst us who need to eat, sleep [not me] and breath are we handwaving that unless it becomes important or is the god template being modified to include no need to eat/sleep/breath?

Divinity removes these needs. We can only die in combat.

Erik Vale
2013-10-15, 03:40 PM
Divinity removes these needs. We can only die in combat.

Said in fluff but not crunch, which is why I decided to ask.

2013-10-15, 03:44 PM
Said in fluff but not crunch, which is why I decided to ask.

Straight from Srd
All deities (even those of rank 0) are naturally immortal and cannot die from natural causes. Deities do not age, and they do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. The only way for a deity to die is through special circumstances, usually by being slain in magical or physical combat. Deities of rank 1 or higher are not subject to death from massive damage.

Erik Vale
2013-10-15, 03:59 PM
Ahh, missed the middle line. OK then.

2013-10-15, 10:28 PM
Sophia, keeping a metaphysical eye on the happenings near Arnil (since it's only minutes after Roland's death, she can still remote sense there) also examines the bare room she's entered.

2013-10-15, 10:30 PM
The room is plane stone - though nicely crafted room. It features a small stone bed and desk and nothing else at all. No doors, no windows.
All of the rooms are exactly the same.

Thirst, after having peered about the place returns. Not much here. I think it is probably time for our 'King' to ascend the throne.

OOC: I will let everyone count as being here.

2013-10-15, 10:32 PM
A moment.

Sophia teleports away.

2013-10-15, 10:33 PM
Really? Thirst seems to sigh, moving over to the map and poking at random hexes to see what is going on in the world below.

Erik Vale
2013-10-15, 10:41 PM
Sid'Jax comes back from the clouds. There was nothing for him, there were those that prayed to him but not to him, and there were those he strongly felt but it was mostly the teeming of people asking for help.

"Yes, really. It seems strange that our we have beds, yet I need no sleep, and have a feeling I have never needed sleep, nore none of my kind ever have... Perhaps I will examine the door while she is absent."

Legend Lore on the Door, not expecting much. [roll0]*10 minutes.
If there is time afterwords, Divination on how to open the door.

2013-10-15, 10:46 PM
you manage to work out nothing new about the door (see the start of this thread).

Erik Vale
2013-10-15, 11:09 PM
Sid'Jax sighs, barring pushing the thing he knew no more.
"One would think that should one hide all the information -"
One of the heads stops, cocking to the side, almost as if in confusion before smiling as the other speaks.
"-From magical senses, they might leave a divine instruction manual... Or perhaps it's concealed within the chair... I'll be back in a moment. Don't worry I shall sit on the throne soon that we may learn what occurs, I'll just wait for the two who were happy to talk return to us."
With that, Sid'Jax takes to the air again, returning above the clouds.

Erik Vale
2013-10-15, 11:38 PM
Inform me should Thirst look into the battle at the Vale, and tell me roughly how far into said battle he looks in + what senses [I.e true seeing, forms of detect magic]

2013-10-15, 11:47 PM
No problems.

Erik Vale
2013-10-16, 08:01 PM
Sid'Jax appears in the chair room, looking around for thirst, appearing much calmer.

2013-10-17, 03:01 AM
Thirst is there, having just re-appeared several moments earlier. Still in his human form. He says nothing to War for the time being. Appearing slightly angry if anything.

Erik Vale
2013-10-17, 03:36 AM
Sid'Jax turns on the god, then pauses a moment before speaking.
"You look as if I struck a temple to you instead of preventing a more serious breach."

2013-10-17, 03:49 AM
Not only was there never any breach to begin with as none of it had anything to do with me, YOU breached our agreement before we had even finished making it by attacking the people of Vale directly. Worse is that they are not even my followers but they follow Sophia. He seems quite angry and you can feel his fury growing in the air around you. Perhaps the God of War is not fit to lead us either. First Sophia openly attacks me and my people starting a fight that almost killed her and did kill you! Now you attack a settlement that does not even pray to me, because you forgot part of our agreement that our Heralds are allowed to defend and assist our respective mortal empires? Not that it even is my Herald you encountered!! Does no one have a sense of justice or obey the law around here?
He seems genuinely upset over this, and is not a bluff at all.

Erik Vale
2013-10-17, 04:20 AM
Had Sid'Jax brows they would be furrowed.
"Calm yourself, should it not be a settlement that prays to you and not your Herald than it should not be of your concern, however the freedom for heralds was a temporary agreement on the battlefield, not the one agreed to at the table which plans to be ratified, and my only aggressive acts Began once I had removed mortals who did pray to me with the fight being purely divine, and given that your herald for I did correctly identify it had fled ment that I only caused damage to uninhabited property! Entirely within the agreement!"

Sid'Jax's left head takes a deep breath, while the other continues in a much quiter voice.
"But I sense truth in your words, so do clarrify, what was that being if not your herald, for my cursory knowledge of the creature notes it a threat, and the being was far beyond that of such creatures normally, and if it's not divinely enhanced then that means it's a free agent you summoned, and judging from your reaction to the thing at the time then we have a problem."

2013-10-17, 04:35 AM
Thirst calms for a moment. I just hold the laws of the universe in high esteem is all. I can handle all sorts of evil - in fact I encourage most sorts. But breaking an agreement is not one of them. he pauses and listens regarding the creature. You know to be honest, I am not sure if it summoned me or I summoned it. I have these memories of... another time.. I do not know how it is possible. Either way we made an agreement. It will kill 3 beings of my chosing in exchange for something. So far I have ordered it to kill none. I no longer remember what it was it took from me in exchange. I know only it's name. Saying it seems to summon it to me.

Erik Vale
2013-10-17, 05:02 AM
One of the benefits of multiple arms and hands, is the ability to perform multiple face palms at once.
Sighing, rubbing his jaws and temples, Sid'Jax uses that privilege before continuing to speak, this time in D'Vati, a language that is wonderfully expressive.
"Please tell me you have a brain that has not been firmly inserted within your rectal cavity. Even the most bumbling conjurer should- I just... I lack the words to fully inform you how mentally deficient your tale makes me perceive you."
Turning to face a wall, Sid'Jax's heads take turns thumping against it, swearing in all the languages, forming quite a colourful speech, both about stupidity in general and that of R'ta'nakk'k's stupidity as Sid'Jax perceives it.
Eventually, one head stops swearing and actually speaks to R'ta'nakk'k, the other however continues unabated.
"R'ta'nakk'k, it is obvious that though your incompetence as a conjurer is known to you, however it appears you desire to keep the creature. I suggest you figure out how to control it properly and note the two mortals it killed it may consider to have been part of the arrangement should you have ordered it to guard the area, so check in order to make sure it doesn't become uncontrolled. Call me if you need help putting it down, but for the moment, I need to make some glass."

Sid'Jax appears beside the table, having teleported. He touches a hex on the map covered with desert, and determines a isolated spot.
I will be there if you need me.
Sid'Jax promptly disapears. Should R'ta'nakk'k look at the map, he will indeed see Sid'Jax continueing to curse while turning a section of the desert floor to glass with pillars of divine fire.

2013-10-17, 02:06 PM
Congrats, you made me laugh hard enough to draw my family's attention. I just wish Sophia was there! :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-17, 07:19 PM
Eventually, Sophia returns. After some time at her desk, she presents a document for the assembled Powers to consider:

How's this as a starting point?

To Limit the Severity and Scope of Future Inter-Divine Conflicts, We the Undersigned agree to the following terms, limiting our actions, and allowing for necessary mediation.

Article 1:

This Charter applies to and constrains only the undersigned Powers. However, Powers that are not party to this agreement are also afforded no protection, for themselves or their followers, by it.

Article 2:

Specifically Allowed Activities:

All Powers are allowed to:

* Grant Spells and other abilities to those among their followers who have the ability to wield such.

* Communicate with followers

* Bless territories ruled or controlled by their followers.

* Aid their followers in purely defensive military actions. I.e. actions that are taking place within said followers’ territory.

* Aid their followers against entities not aligned with a Power party to this agreement.

* Travel within territories controlled by their followers, or not aligned with a Power party to this agreement.

*Preserve their followers from extermination by aggressive war or other attack.

The intent of this Article is to allow indirect intervention by Powers party to this agreement, and to limit direct intervention by same.

Article 3:

Specifically Disallowed Actions:

No Power Party to this Agreement Shall:

* Directly Assist His, Her, or Its followers in aggressive conflicts or attempts at conquest against followers of other Powers party to this agreement.

* Travel in territories aligned with another Power party to this agreement without that Power’s prior permission.

* Directly Attack territories aligned with other Powers party to this agreement.

*Directly Attack other Powers Party to this Agreement

* Send servants to perform any of the above prohibited acts, unless the services of those servants are paid for and solicited via the proper rituals. (e.g. Planar Allies) However, Heralds may be sent, so long as they do not engage in aggressive actions against protected parties or their followers. Responding to attacks against themselves is allowed, however. This is allowed to provide a means of advising ones followers, and communicate with the outside world. As such, each Power is allowed a single Herald. This entity must be capable of independently communicating with sapient beings. A Herald may be replaced if lost, but each Power may only maintain a single such servant at a time.

3b. Violation of these prohibitions shall trigger the consequences described in Article 5 of this document

Article 4 Provision for an Executive, and an Assembly:

The position of executive shall be rotated between the various Powers party to this agreement. The duration of each term shall extend to one season as understood by mortals of this world.

4a: Failure to abdicate power at the end of this term (until his, her, or its next turn comes up)

shall trigger the consequences described in Article 5 of this document.

4b: Powers of the Executive:

The Executive shall have the following powers:

* He, She, or It shall be granted use of the “King’s Chair.”

* The power to call and preside over assemblages of Powers, i.e. to call the Powers party to this agreement together to discuss policy and issues important to all

* The power to decide between opposing policy suggestions brought before the assembly by other members of that assembly. However, these decisions can be overruled as outlined in 4c.

* The power to arbitrate: Other Powers Party to this agreement have the right to bring grievances before the Executive. It is the executive’s duty to determine the merit of such grievances, and to assign remedies to them. However, these decisions can be overruled as outlined in 4c.

* Finally, the executive is a full member of the assembly, and has the same rights and powers assigned to members of that body.

4c. The Assembly and Powers Thereof:

All Powers party to this agreement are members of the Divine Assembly. This body has the following powers:

Individual members can bring issues to consideration before the Executive and the Assembly.

* A 2/3rds majority of the Assembly can overturn any decision by the Executive

(Enforcement of said decisions will be delayed to allow for an opportunity for appeal. However, if no appeal succeeds within three days, no further appeals may be attempted.)

* A Majority (with approval of the Executive) or a 2/3rds majority (even with executive disapproval)

can lift sanctions applied to a Power for violation of this agreement, as outlined in Article 5.

* The Assembly can act to bring new Powers into this Agreement, as outlined in Article 6.

* The Assembly can act to Amend this agreement, as outlined in Article 7.


Failure to comply with the decisions of the Executive and/or the Assembly can trigger the consequences of violation as outlined in Article 5. However, either a majority with executive approval, or a 2/3rds majority is required for this to occur.

Article 5:

Consequences of Violation of this Charter

Violation of the terms of this charter shall result in forfeiture of the bulk of the offender(s)’ divine power in the first instance, and expulsion from the Assembly. (reduction to DR 0.) The offender(s) shall remain in this state until reinstated by the remainder of the Assembly and the Executive as outlined in Article 4. However, even during this period, the protections and constraints of this charter shall apply to the offender. If an offender violates this charter a second time before being reinstated, he, she, or it shall be stripped of the remainder of their divine power, and forfeit the protections of this Charter. They will however remain constrained by this Charter, and may petition for reinstatement of its protection, along with a modicrum of their divinity (return to DR 0). If this is granted, return to full status would require another action by the Executive and Assembly. The penalty for a third violation of this charter (without prior reinstatement) is permanent forfeit of powers and position, and (at the option of the Executive and Assembly requiring either a majority with executive approval, or a 2/3rds majority) cessation of existence.

Article 6:

Procedure for Addition of Additional Parties to this Charter

Any being with the ability to grant powers to worshipers may apply for inclusion in this charter. Approval requires either a majority with executive approval, or a 2/3rds majority. The applicant must then add a drop of their blood (or equivalent fluid) and some of their spiritual essence to bind themselves to the charter.

Article 7:

Provision for Amendments to this Charter

Any Power party to this charter may offer amendments to this charter. Approval of amendments requires a 2/3rds majority and executive approval. All parties party to this charter must then rebind themselves to the amended charter. Failure to do so will trigger the consequences outlined in Article 5.

Erik Vale
2013-10-17, 07:48 PM
Sid'Jax appears not too long after Sophia, looking much calmer than when the Vile God last saw him, though Sophia will note a clenched claw as he takes his time to read over the document.
"It seems, rather reasonable. I am impressed with you."