View Full Version : Pathfinder Barbarian idea

2013-09-29, 12:03 AM
Hey everybody,

Wanted to throw this idea I've been mulling over for a pathfinder barbarian. After reading through the rage powers, a particular one caught my eye.

Body bludgeon.

It's always been a running joke among several of the groups that I've played with over the years, that the largest strongest characters should use other characters as weapons, well low and behold this could be a possibility!

Naturally I've been looking into boosting my strength attribute as much as possible, so I'd probably play something like and angelkin aesimar.

Some of the things I've been curious about are; If my strength gets to the ridiculous proportions I'm planning, do you think it would be feasible to use same sized creatures as improved weapons? what sort of feats would you recommend to compliment this build (asides from plain ones such as improved grapple similar grapple enhancing feats). and perhaps one of the most important ones, How would you go about pinning your opponent to allow you the full cadre of your attacks with your newly acquired man flail (assuming I've read the rules correctly).

Feel free to comment and critique as you see fit! I'd love to hear some ideas for the build or things I've missed.

2013-09-29, 01:19 AM
Rather than grappling, you'll probably want to focus on knocking enemies unconscious with nonlethal damage and then using them as weapons. If you go the grappling route, you can only attack once per round. If they're helpless, you can full attack.

2013-10-03, 11:17 PM
Throw anything. It literally lets you throw anything, which I take to mean you can also throw "anyone." Even a barbarian needs a ranged weapon sometimes.